
How to skin a squid. But how to properly clean squid? How to quickly clean squid from the film

Amazing seafood, rich in protein, with a delicate taste, infrequent guests on the table. This is because there is a common belief about the difficulty of preparing them for cooking. Actually the options , how to clean squid easily , enough. Having mastered them, you can more often pamper yourself with a tasty and healthy product.

Purchase Requirements

If ease of cleaning squid is a priority, then freshly caught squid is needed. It is easier to clean it - took off the film, like a stocking, and you're done. Only now it is sold more often in frozen form. Therefore, before cleaning, it is wisely chosen for purchase. If the squid was frozen, thawed and frozen again, then it is better not to take it, because there will be problems with cleaning. Therefore, when choosing a product, the main thing is to analyze the following:

Mediterraneans believe that unpeeled squid is more beneficial. Then why is it necessary to clean the squid from the film? Freeing them from transparent and colored skins, they retain the volume of carcasses, because otherwise they will significantly decrease during cooking, and besides, they will become tougher. Many novice cooks doubt that it is easy to clean squid. However, there are some effective tricks that can save time and make the process easier.

Cold cleaning

This method is good for fresh or properly stored frozen squid.

  • We take a carcass without a head in our hands, hook it with a fingernail and begin to gently clean it from a thin skin, pulling it together like a stocking.
  • After removing the film, then clean it from the insides and the chord (spine).

Tip: to remove the chord plates, you need to turn the seafood inside out and manually remove all hard parts from the surface.

The technique is hotter

If there is suspicion that the product has been repeatedly frozen, then a short-term thermal effect should be applied:

    1. First you need to naturally thaw the mollusk at room temperature.
  • After that, take the squid by the body with one hand, by the head with the other, then pull, removing the head and entrails at the same time.
  • If the tentacles aren't cooked, they won't need to be cleaned. They are cut almost at the level of the clam's eyes. If they are planned to be boiled, then the beak located among them, which cannot be eaten, is necessarily removed. After removal, it is important to check if there are any hard fragments left.
  • A chitinous spine is cut out, resembling transparent plastic.
  • Carcasses prepared for removal of films are thoroughly washed with running water. After washing, excess moisture is removed with paper towels.
  • Steep boiling water is poured into the container. Piece by piece, squid is laid in it for 2 minutes. This time is enough to separate the skin so as not to cook the meat. A thin film due to boiling water instantly curls up, so it is easy to clean.
  • The carcass is taken out of boiling water and placed under a stream of cold water, removing pieces of the burst film from the outside and inside.

Tip: squids are placed for defrosting from the freezer on the shelf of the refrigerator, later they are taken out of there and placed in a bowl of cold water. Do not fill with warm, and even more hot liquid. It is not advisable to defrost in the microwave. It is better to get the squid to thaw in advance before cleaning.

Cleaning with a contrast shower

Quick Option: How to Clean Frozen Seafood.

    • You will need 2 deep pans. In one - very cold water, in the other - prepared gutted carcasses.
  • Ready boiling water is poured over squids and immediately transferred to ice water. Then definitely the most tender meat will not be cooked. The skins will peel off on their own, and the remaining ones will be easy to clean.

Tip: it is better to remove the skin by following from the wide part to the narrow one using the back of the knife.

Cleansing with mini-cooking

This method is suitable if, in hot summer weather, frozen food was brought into the house already thawed. Then water is boiled in a saucepan with the addition of spices, salt, bay leaves, etc. The mollusk is cut along to extract what is not suitable for food. Its meat is washed under running water. Squids are immersed in boiling water and boiled for no more than 3 minutes, then quickly pulled out. The film, as a rule, separates itself and remains in the water.

Tip: if under the influence of boiling water the skin bursts, forming balls, then a soft kitchen brush will help out. Wiping the surface of the squid with it, you can quickly free them from the remnants of the skin and get a cleaned fillet.

How to clean boiled seafood

Some novice cooks are in doubt: what to do first - boil or clean? Sometimes without cleaning, you can do this:

  1. Rinse before cooking with running water.
  2. Boil seafood and refrigerate.
  3. Remove, like a stocking, the detached peel.

Tip: unpeeled squid is cooked only whole. It is usually used for salad.

At the culinary forum, one of the hostesses shared her experience. “Initially, I cooked squid , and then cleaned. Did not like. Now I clean them before I cook them. I just pry off the skin with a knife, put my fingers under it and tighten it.

How to properly clean squid? It is worth choosing for yourself the best of the proposed methods. Then a dietary and exotic dish will become an honorary attribute of the feast.

Seafood in general and squid in particular are extremely healthy. But how to choose a really healthy seafood? How to clean squid and boil? Let's try to understand the review.

If you want to buy a "not troublesome" product - buy peeled squid. But if you need tasty and healthy seafood, choose only unpeeled carcasses.

There are about ten types of squid on the Russian seafood market, but only a few of them deserve attention. One of the best is the Commander squid. Appearance: unpeeled carcass. Length: 35 cm. Skin color: gray with purple, uneven. Supplier: Russia.

The Patagonian squid is also highly valued. Appearance: unpeeled carcass 2-23 cm long. Skin color: red-brown, brown, uneven. Supplier: Spain.

In general, the color of squid depends on the type of cephalopod and can be grayish white (but not gray), pink, blue, purple.

How to choose chilled and frozen squids?

Important: the younger the squid, the more tender its meat. Choose small carcasses.

What to look for when choosing chilled squids:

  • The carcass is dense and elastic.
  • Squids must have a chitinous chord (spine).
  • Smell: fresh fish. A slight smell of ammonia may be present.

What to look for when choosing frozen squid:

  • The amount of ice on the carcass is 8% of the total weight of the cephalopod.
  • Frozen carcasses are easily separated from each other.
  • The color of the meat under the skin is only white!
  • The skin is intact, without obvious damage.

Do I need to clean squid before cooking?

Answer: yes. During cooking, unpeeled skin can add bitterness to squid meat.

How to easily and quickly clean fresh and thawed squid at home?

Procedure for cleaning fresh/chilled squid:

  • Lay the squid on a work surface.
  • Grab the clam's head just behind the eyes (where it joins the mantle). Pull your head forward, tearing the ligaments. The insides should slide out. Be careful not to damage the ink bag (sepia).

  • Feel for the chitin chord inside the mantle and remove it.

  • Remove the top film by carefully prying it off with a knife.

  • Rinse, if necessary, divide into portions.

  • Cut off the clam's tentacles and fold them separately. Remove the squid's beak between the tentacles. Pour boiling water over the tentacles and transfer to ice water. Rinse, rubbing thoroughly with your fingers to remove thin skins.

The procedure for cleaning thawed squids:

Important: frozen squid should be thawed by placing them in cold water.

  • Pour the carcasses of a few melted squids with boiling water. Leave for 30-60 s.
  • Remove squid from boiling water and place in ice water. From a sharp temperature drop, the skin peels off by itself.

Rinse the squids under running water, washing away any remaining skin.

Correctly and quickly clean the squid carcass?

This was discussed in detail in the previous part of the review.

Correctly and quickly clean the squid tentacles?

See the previous part of the review.

How to properly clean frozen squid from the film?

The test above is the most common way to clean frozen squid.

At the end of the article, you can watch a video with a master class on cleaning squid from chef Ilya Lazerson.

How to clean squid after cooking?

It is better to clean squids before cooking, because the unpeeled film gives a bitter taste to boiled squid meat.

How to store peeled squid?

Squids are perishable products.

Peeled raw squids can be stored in the refrigerator compartment at a temperature of 0 to +4⁰С for about 48 hours.

The shelf life of boiled squid should not exceed 12 hours. They should be stored in hermetically sealed packaging.

How to cook peeled squid in water after boiling for a salad and how much?

  • Squids are boiled in one or two carcasses to prevent the digestion of seafood.
  • Spices and seasonings that are used in the preparation of squid: salt, peppercorns, dill. You can also add basil or parsley if you like.
  • Pour 1.5-2 liters of water into the pan, add spices and salt, bring to a boil.
  • Place the peeled squid carcasses in boiling water. Cooking time: 2 min.
  • Take the seafood out of the water and put in the next batch. Ready seafood should be cooled immediately.

Important: if you cook a lot of shellfish, add water, salt and spices from time to time.

Chef Ilya Lazerson offers an interesting way to clean and cook squid. A detailed master class can be viewed in the video at the end of the article.

Video: Squid salad in two ways. Lazerson

Various methods that contain recommendations on how to clean squid are aimed at quickly removing all innards and films from seafood that are inedible. If you clean the squid correctly, its meat will be very tender, tasty, soft. We recommend preparing stuffed, smoked, marinated squids, salads and other favorite dishes only from such seafood.

Often in the store you can find frozen seafood, the cleaning technology of which is slightly different. Keep in mind that if the squid is not cleaned properly, they will be tough and unpleasant in taste. Many do not like this product due to the fact that they do not know how to cook it.

Squids are a source of useful substances. It is not for nothing that this type of seafood is classified as a delicacy. Every housewife should be able to properly clean squid and cook wonderful, healthy, delicious dishes from them that will decorate any holiday table.

Squids belong to the class of cephalopods. They are predatory animals. Such mollusks can reach 20 meters in length. The average size of such individuals ranges from 25 to 50 centimeters. It is noteworthy that squids can change color, which depends on electrical discharges.

Many invertebrates, including squids, are the object of industrial fishing. Their meat has been used as food for many years and is considered dietary.

It contains very little fat and carbohydrates. But 100 grams of squid meat includes 16 grams of proteins that any person needs to consume daily.

It is no secret that proteins perform a building function in our body. Such food can quickly saturate the body. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins that properly cooked squid contain, the following can be distinguished: C, A, E, vitamins of group B.

You can also highlight the vital minerals that are contained in this product:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

The calorie content of this type of invertebrate is only 86 kilocalories per 100 grams. Due to this property, squids are used for dietary nutrition. For cooking various dishes, they take a carcass, but tentacles can also be used. All parts must be properly cleaned. Edible squids are harvested off the coast of the Falkland Islands, Peru, Japan, China, Vietnam, Russia and off the Patagonian shelf.

First you need to properly clean these seafood, after which they can be fried, stewed, pickled, canned, boiled. Salads, soups, risotto, paella, pasta or grilled squid tentacles are very popular. In the store you can find fresh or frozen seafood. Some of them are already sold without a head, tentacles and entrails, and some need to be completely cleaned.

We recommend buying carcasses, as this greatly simplifies the cooking process. If such invertebrates are not harvested within a few hours drive from your home, then it is unlikely that you will be able to purchase them fresh. In any case, frozen foods retain most of the nutrients and have good taste. It remains only to clean them and cook.

Cleaning whole squid

To clean whole squids, you need to find where their head is. Tentacles extend from the head of an invertebrate. The first step is to take the seafood with one hand by the body, in the second - by the head, and pull. This method will allow you to quickly remove the head along with the insides. If you do not plan to use the tentacles for cooking, there is no need to clean them.

The second action involves the removal of the chitinous plate. It is very easy to feel on the carcass because it is tough. This part can be cut with a knife. The chitin plate is not edible, so do not forget to get rid of it so that the next dish is tender and tasty. If you plan to stuff the squid, be sure to leave a convenient form for this process. Do not cut the carcass into several pieces.

After that, carefully remove all films. It is they who make the meat tough during heat treatment. Remember that if you have tried hard seafood, it means that they were cleaned with technology violations. All films, both colored and transparent, should be cleaned. The latter are the main cause of tough meat and the acquisition of an unaesthetic appearance during the cooking of the carcass. This process is performed both from the outside and from the inside of the squid. As you can see, cleaning such seafood is not so difficult.

Clean gutted seafood

When buying gutted carcasses, they will most likely not have a head and entrails. Cleaning them is much faster and easier. The film from a fresh carcass is removed in one motion, but more effort will have to be applied to clean a frozen one. Gutted squids are mostly sold frozen.

First of all, the carcasses should be thawed. But in any case, do not carry out this process in the oven or microwave. Seafood should be thawed at room temperature.

Then you will need two containers. Pour water into one of them and put ice cubes. Place the carcasses in a second container. Then they should be doused with boiling water, and then quickly transferred to a bowl of ice water. After that, all films are easily removed.

The second method allows you to instantly clean frozen seafood. To do this, simply put them in a container and pour boiling water over them. But remember that you can not keep carcasses in boiling water for a long time, otherwise they will become tough and tasteless. After this procedure, you can remove the films and continue cooking. Remember that it is forbidden to keep squid in boiling water for more than 2 minutes.

Cleaning squid is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to know a few simple tricks that will help prepare seafood for further use in your favorite dishes. Such a product is a source of useful substances, including proteins, vitamins, minerals. Many people appreciate seafood due to its dietary properties. In addition, such food is tasty and healthy for the body.

Squids are marine inhabitants that belong to the group of cephalopods and contain a large amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements. This product has a universal purpose and is used for making soups, salads and second courses.

In order for cooked food to be not only healthy, but also tasty, you need to know the rules for choosing and preparing seafood. Novice cooks should definitely consult with experienced craftsmen who will reveal all the intricacies of cooking and butchering squid.

Clean before cooking or after?

For cooking, you need to choose only high-quality freshly caught seafood, which is easy to clean and has a pleasant and delicate taste.

Fresh product is difficult to find in ordinary grocery stores, most of the goods are presented in frozen form.

  • raw squid with skin and entrails, but without head and tentacles
  • peeled and processed shellfish

A product that the manufacturer has fully prepared for the buyer is, of course, more attractive and has a lot of advantages, But experts recommend paying attention to the shortcomings:

  • rubber and rigid structure of meat;
  • altered taste indicators;
  • lack of a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

A product that has been frozen several times is of poor quality, and the cooked dish is sure to disappoint with its taste characteristics.

Signs of low-quality squid:

  • sticky carcasses;
  • meat color - red or purple;
  • big size;
  • unnatural colors;
  • specific smell.

Cooking such a product will give a bitter taste to the dish, the meat will be hard and dry. Experts do not recommend eating squid, which have a stale appearance and an unpleasant odor.

Frozen seafood of high quality should be easy to separate from each other, have white meat, be small in size and have a pleasant smell. Long-term storage of peeled squid leads to a change in taste and loss of valuable nutrients.

Removing the transparent film before cooking will preserve the volume of the carcass and avoid the formation of a rubbery structure in the meat. Unpeeled squids during the cooking process significantly reduce their size and become hard. Tough and hard meat is sure to spoil the quality of the cooked dish and disappoint invited guests and family members.

How to clean?

Proper processing of the product is the key to obtaining a tasty, healthy and fragrant dish. The complexity of processing squid at home lies in the ignorance of the housewives of the main subtleties of this procedure. After consulting with professional chefs and watching video tutorials with step-by-step instructions, many novice cooks regret ignoring this seafood for a long time. This procedure requires a minimum number of kitchen appliances:

  • cold and hot water
  • pot
  • carving knife

The method of quick cleaning of the film depends on the state of the mollusk - fresh or frozen.


Cleaning fresh squid and removing the skin has the least technical complexity and takes a short period of time. The skin removal process consists of the following steps:

  • removal of the upper film by pulling it together like a stocking;
  • cleaning seafood from internal organs and spine.

In order to remove the plates of the chord, it is necessary to turn the squid inside out and pull out all parts of the spine with your hands


In order to remove the skin from frozen seafood, you need to do this work, observing the following sequence:

  • defrost clams at room temperature;
  • separate the head from the main part of the body;
  • remove tentacles;
  • if tentacles are to be used, then the beak and all its parts must be removed;
  • cut out a transparent spine;
  • rinse the prepared parts under running clean water and dry them;
  • place the squids in a container with boiling water for a few minutes;
  • peel the scalded pieces from the skin under running cold water.

It is strictly forbidden to use hot water or a microwave oven to defrost squid. The best option is to place the product on regular refrigerator shelves or in cold water.

If you need to quickly clean frozen clams, you need to pour boiling water into one bowl, and very cold water into another bowl and place them alternately from one bowl to another. After a while, the skin itself will begin to move away, and the meat will not turn out boiled.

To process an already melted product, boil water, adding the necessary spices and salt. Cook squids for no more than five minutes, removing all unnecessary insides before that. Most of the skin will remain in the pan, and a small amount can be easily removed with the blunt side of a knife.


For the preparation of salads, heat treatment of products with skin is allowed. The main condition for cooking unpeeled squid is to preserve the integrity of the mollusk. Pre-cutting into portioned pieces is strictly prohibited. Stages of work:

  • rinse under running water
  • cook the product
  • cool down
  • remove the skin

Boiling unpeeled squid and removing the skin from the finished product is a simple matter that does not require much effort and skill. The meat of such a squid will not be as soft and tender as that of a peeled mollusk. This method is used by large food companies that prepare a huge number of dishes every day. For home use, it is recommended to remove the skin from an unboiled product.

How to split?

In order to properly cut the delicacy, it is necessary to know the internal and external structure of the mollusk, as well as to study the sequence and technique for performing this work.

The main stages of the process of butchering mollusks

  • product placement on a wooden cutting board
  • pulling the entrails from the main body, taking the head with the left hand and the tentacles with the right hand
  • extraction of internal organs from the cavity of the squid
  • seafood mantle cleaning
  • removal of transparent chitinous plate
  • removing thin skin from the surface of the body with the blunt side of the knife
  • performing a vertical incision of the body of a squid
  • removal of the inner skin
  • smoothing the outer edges and removing all irregularities
  • removing the skin by pulling it off the surface of the body

If the recipe for the dish involves the use of tentacles, then you need to remove the outer part from them and beat them off with a kitchen hammer.

The clam liver is also suitable for eating and creating various culinary masterpieces.

The squid head is never used in cooking and must be discarded.

Squids are a tasty and healthy delicacy, dishes from which will decorate any holiday. This product is not popular and traditional, but modern housewives are increasingly giving preference to it when compiling a festive menu. Dishes made from squid will surprise guests only if the product is properly selected, cleaned and cooked.

Each hostess decides for herself what product she needs, but fresh seafood, which is very rare on grocery store shelves, has the best taste and a large amount of useful substances. The process of cleaning and cutting the product will not take much time and effort, but the dishes will delight you with excellent taste characteristics.

For more information on how to clean squid, see the video below.

Let's talk about squid. This is a wonderful tasty delicacy. It is rich in vitamins and proteins, minerals, trace elements. In addition, it has a low calorie content, but is very nutritious, which has made it popular with dieters. However, not all dishes with this ingredient are tasty. Why? Because not everyone knows how to cook them. and cook them - we will discuss in detail later), if I may say so, are very demanding in terms of processing, and not every housewife, especially beginners, will cope with the task by thinking of treating the family with a tasty and healthy dish. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure. We will share with you the main secrets.

Oh that squid...

Many people know how to clean and cook these representatives of the marine fauna. Theoretically... But as soon as it comes to practice, problems begin. Cooking gurus naturally have their secrets. We do not belong to those, but, as they say, we will help in any way we can.

It is believed that these clams are difficult to cook, but this is not so. We want to debunk this myth. There is nothing complicated in technology, you just need to have certain information. In principle, it all comes down to one question: "How to cook and clean?" Squids are very picky. If you overexpose seafood in hot water, it will become rubbery, and the dish itself will become tasteless. When properly cooked, they are delicious and nutritious.

So, let's start with the fact that we will understand: are squids first cleaned or boiled? How to do it right? In general, unpeeled ones are considered more useful and of higher quality. After all, in factories they are subjected to heat treatment, due to which they become more rigid. However, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries know a lot about their preparation. So, they advise doing this: first defrost the seafood to room temperature, and then dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes (the skin should curl up), drain the unnecessary liquid and send the carcass now into cold water. Believe me, after these manipulations, the curled skin can be very easily removed. Then the insides are removed. And now our squid is almost ready. The hardest part is already done. This method, in our opinion, is the best, it allows you to preserve the softness, juiciness and tenderness of the product.

Time matters

We have already figured out how to clean squid. How much remains to be seen. And this is how it is done. Peppers, salt and, of course, bay leaves are put in the water. Next, you need to wait until the liquid boils, then you need to lower the carcass into it for literally ten seconds and quickly remove it. So you need to do with each piece.

Difficult? Not at all. However, that's not all. It would seem that what else should the hostess do to prepare these seafood, except to clean and cook? Squids, especially properly cooked, are a delicious delicacy. But in order to feed relatives with it, and not with "rubber", it is advisable to practice. Here you need skill. Try at least a couple of times to cook the clam in the way that we described above. And it is not necessary to spoil the whole carcass, it is enough to cut off a couple of pieces. And remember: prolonged heat treatment (over 3 minutes) is contraindicated! It completely deprives the seafood of any taste, and there is no need to talk about nutrition. Tender meat turns into a piece of the sole that cannot be chewed.

Here he is so capricious - a squid. How to clean and cook these cephalopods, probably, is already clear. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection, which means that we will continue to get acquainted with the tricks of culinary skills. So...

Another cooking method

There are actually many ways to cook squid. However, to be honest, they are not all good. We want to offer you another option worthy of your attention. We need to bring water to a boil with spices and salt, and then put our clams there. Immediately remove the pot from the heat. And let them stand in boiling water for about ten minutes.

Speaking about what a wonderful squid product, how to clean and cook it correctly, it is impossible not to mention one more way to cook it - without the defrosting process. To do this, you just need to dip the carcass in boiling water for literally one minute, then turn off the fire and hold for another two to three minutes in the water.

We not only cook, but also fry

Squid is the universal product from which you can make a lot of delicious dishes. All of them are very diverse and not so difficult to prepare. And now you will be convinced of it.

So, you have a squid on your table. We figured out how to clean and boil it, now let's find out how to fry it properly.

You may be surprised, but before frying, the clams should be boiled. To do this, use one of the above methods. Next, cut them into rings or in the form of straws. Dip each piece in a sauce of beaten eggs with salt, sour cream and spices, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil, but not more than five minutes.

Squids baked in the oven or on a wire rack are wonderful. But for this cooking option, they must first be marinated for several hours. As a marinade, you can use lemon juice, garlic, pepper and paprika. Then the clams are placed on a grill and baked, pouring over the remaining liquid.

As a rule, inexperienced cooks are interested in how to properly clean squid: before cooking or after it? Of course, before, just pre-dousing them with boiling water. Knowing this simple secret, you can easily cope with the preparation of any clam dish.

Stuffed squid

First, the squids are cleaned, and then each carcass is beaten off. Then you need to half fill the carcass with minced meat. As a filling, you can take eggs with mushrooms, rice with vegetables, cheese and shrimp, apples and cottage cheese. The edges of the squid can be fastened with toothpicks, and then stew them in the oven in a small amount of liquid. A couple of minutes before they are ready, they can be sprinkled with cheese and sent back to the oven to form a tanned crust. When ready, the dish can be poured with wine, cream, sour cream, walnut or tomato sauce.

Do not be surprised that in many recipes you will find something unusual. For example, squid with crab sticks and corn, with minced meat, sprat and bread, dried fruits and nuts.

Any national cuisine has a lot of its own secrets of cooking shellfish. But you should always remember one rule. Do not overload such dishes with spices. The main ingredient has the ability to actively absorb all the surrounding odors. Therefore, your culinary masterpiece may turn out to be too rich.

By itself, cooked seafood is far from everything; you need to choose the right side dish for it. For example, vegetables, rice, pasta. Then decorate the finished dish with herbs and lemon, olives. Then the dish will turn out to be harmonious and unique.

How to choose when buying fresh squid?

To prepare a good dish, you must first purchase a sufficiently fresh product. Squid meat is usually sold frozen. Carcasses are sometimes even with tentacles. Any frozen product should not be frozen and thawed several times. Improper storage conditions can negate all taste qualities. Therefore, it is not surprising that an unpleasant smell of fish and a bitter taste appear. When cooking, such a mollusk spreads in the hands and foams heavily when cooked. A dish from such a squid will not turn out tasty, and it’s not your fault, and it’s not about the recipe. Therefore, carefully inspect the product when choosing it in the supermarket.

The carcass of the mollusk should have a dense texture. The top film that you will be removing is a brownish-pink tint, and the meat itself inside is white.

Never buy peeled carcasses. Of course it's convenient. But it is the squid film that is the part by which you can definitely determine its freshness. How? Yes, very simple. Look: if the skin has a yellowish color, and the meat inside is not white, then it is better not to buy such a product. It must have been on display for a long time.

little trick

Imagine a situation when you still accidentally overcooked squid, and the meat became tough. Dont be upset. Not everything is so bad. Do not immediately throw away the product. There is a little trick that will make the carcass softer. For this squid, you need to boil for about an hour. Yes yes exactly! Of course, the mollusk will greatly decrease in size and lose almost all of its useful properties, but you will improve the situation. Yes, and gain your own experience in the preparation of these inhabitants of the deep sea.

What delicious can be cooked from squid?

Most often, squid meat is used to make salads, but they can also be served as an independent dish.

Naturally, seafood salads are not prepared in large quantities. This is a delicious and nutritious product with a specific taste, because the main ingredient is the squid itself. He must prevail. The remaining components should be put much less.

Recipe with rice

How to cook and clean squid for salad, we have already figured it out. Let's now look at a few recipes.

For cooking, take:

  1. Rice - 100 g.
  2. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  3. Squids (better than their fillet) - 250 g.
  4. Green peas (canned) - ½ can.
  5. Dill greens - one bunch.
  6. Salt and pepper is added to your taste.
  7. Sour cream with mayonnaise.

For cooking, boil the rice. We clean the squid and boil it in one of the above ways. Then we cut them in the form of rings. Cut boiled eggs and mix with squid and peas. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise for dressing, add salt and pepper, and chopped greens. Mix all the ingredients, seasoning with sauce. Here is the salad ready.

Calamari with potatoes and onions

Let's take the following set of products:

  1. Potato - 0.5 kg.
  2. Squid (fillet) - 0.4-0.5 kg.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Onion - 100 g.
  5. Green onion.
  6. Ground pepper.
  7. Table vinegar.

To prepare a salad, boiled squid carcasses must be cut into strips. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, then peel and cut into cubes. Onion cut into rings. Gently combine all the ingredients, adding ground pepper. You can also sprinkle a little vinegar. The salad itself is dressed with vegetable oil.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, seafood recipes are not at all complicated. The main thing is to properly pre-clean and cook the clams. And further preparation will not be difficult. Use our tips and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result. Bon appetit!
