
Boiled chicken calorie breast. What is the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts

Chicken is considered dietary meat. Of course, if it is boiled, and not fried or smoked. In almost every diet, you can find a recommendation for eating, and we mean chicken fillet. Why so, what is special and how many calories are in chicken breast? Let's figure it out.

It is known that for an athlete or a losing weight person there is nothing better than white meat. It, as you can understand, is white when cooked (compare with any other meat or look at the same poultry drumsticks), is better absorbed by the body and contains less myoglobin. It is included in the list of the most fat-free meat along with rabbit, turkey (also breast), and some types of fish.

Suitable for athletes gaining mass due to protein (you probably heard about the "champion breakfast" - chicken breast with rice), losing weight, pregnant women (the breast is almost tasteless, so it rarely causes rejection).

Boiled breast is the safest part of chicken for those who are afraid of getting fat. Take a look at its location if you have a whole carcass or part of it in front of your eyes. Breast - two pieces of fillet on the chest of a bird, completely defatted, there are no veins, bones or cartilage in it, it is just pure meat. From one species alone, it can be understood that there is a minimum of fat here.

Almost all meat contains vitamins, this is absolutely normal for muscle tissue, but B vitamins predominate in chicken. It is difficult to say who specifically will benefit from B-vitamins, it is easier to simply list their effects on the body:

  • Participation in the growth and development of cells;
  • Prevent stress, depression, disorders of the nervous system;
  • Strengthen muscles;
  • Promote the rapid breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, the absorption of proteins;
  • Support the cardiovascular system;
  • Help maintain immunity;
  • Good effect on the condition of the skin.

As you can see, the list of useful properties is such that chicken fillet can be considered a medicine. Partly because of this and because of the price (the cost of raw chicken is lower than, say, beef), it makes up a large part of the meat diet in kindergartens, hospitals, schools and rehabilitation centers. Thanks to this diet, patients can maintain the balance of essential substances in the body without getting excess fat.


A small number of calories and nutrition in one attract all those who want to lose weight and not start. Even a completely clean chicken fillet is not a problem for an adult to eat, not to mention dietary dishes that can be prepared from it.

100 grams of raw skinless chicken contains 110 calories.. This is very little, no matter what category of people you look at. Unless for a small child with his tiny calorie intake per day, chicken can make up a decent part of the diet.

For a losing weight woman, whose approximate norm per day is 1200 calories, this is also an insignificant amount, you can safely cook chicken even in the most strict diets.

But with a nutritional norm (female and even more male), where from 2500 to 4000 calories, the body will not even notice such an amount. It is also worth highlighting a special category - men who are engaged in hard physical labor (workers and military). Such men are supposed to have 4500-5000 calories per day, so there is no chicken in their diet - it will only take up space and time for cooking.

Calorie boiled chicken fillet will be only 170 calories, and fried or smoked 210 and 184 calories, respectively, despite their very nutritious appearance. Little, right? So, the energy value of baked chicken fillet is only 101 calories. This is due to the fact that during the roasting process, the meat loses its protein content.

Do not forget that only the calorie content of the meat itself is taken into account - if you fry the chicken in oil, you are unlikely to get a healthy product, it is better to use a grill.

If you look closely at the list of substances in chicken fillet, you will notice that it contains no carbohydrates at all. Carbohydrates are very necessary for the body, like all substances equally, but their excess most often leads to excess weight. If for some reason you decide to temporarily limit the intake of carbohydrates into the body, then chicken is the best thing you can eat.

For 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, there are 25 grams of pure protein. No wonder athletes noticed the chicken, almost forever prescribing it in any sports diet. Along with cottage cheese, chicken is incredibly effective for gaining mass, plus protein doesn't go along with fat. Fat content - 7.5 grams per 100 grams, for meat this is very little.

As a result, we can see that the chicken contains nothing but protein and fat necessary for the body in small quantities, which makes its breast one of the most useful and affordable dietary products.

healthy meals

There are only 15 calories per 100 grams of chicken broth, it is incredibly nutritious and warming - it is not surprising that many even take chicken broth in thermoses with them, because on a cold winter day it can be the perfect lunch.

Making fillet broth is incredibly simple - put the meat in water for just half an hour, then remove the chicken and strain the liquid.

Chicken doesn't have to be eaten separately from all foods to get the most benefit. An excellent option would be to bake the fillet in the oven and add it to a side dish (it is better to choose some kind of porridge, because the combination of chicken and potatoes, for example, is harder for the body to digest) or to vegetables. Chicken with vegetables is a whole complex lunch that will be much healthier than simple meat. Moreover, with the help of vegetables, the dish will be absorbed faster and after eating there will be no heaviness in the stomach, even if you have eaten a hearty meal.

Recently, steamed chicken cutlets made from fillets have become very popular. Of course, frying them until crispy in oil will not work then the whole point is lost, but the benefits of this dish are beyond doubt. Instead of bread, we recommend adding potatoes to them, and you can cook diet cutlets in a regular saucepan. In such cutlets there will be a lot of meat that will not harm your health and digestion, and you can get enough of them for a long time.

The main thing that you should remember when cooking chicken fillet is the taboo on butter. If you want the meat to retain all its beneficial properties, not to absorb excess fat and not cease to be called dietary, it should be steamed or in the oven.

If you really want fried chicken, use the grill - there are many miniature, kitchen models. It will be sad to spoil such healthy meat with cooking, especially since it can easily be made tasty without fat, oil and roasts, as opposed to the stereotype, thereby eliminating its harm.

In the end, the athletes turned out to be infinitely right - chicken is affordable, dietary, protein-rich meat, and its breast combines all these properties to the maximum. Whether you are losing weight or gaining mass along with hard training in the gym, chicken breast will be the perfect nutritional option for you.

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Dietary properties of chicken breast:

According to leading nutritionists, chicken meat is the most important component of dietary nutrition, especially when it comes to the meat of laying hens. With its low calorie content and very low fat content, chicken is the basis of many diets.

Chicken meat is an excellent source of protein: in terms of protein content, chicken meat is superior to beef and lean pork. Proteins are the most important substances for the human body, since our cells, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes are composed of them.

Special protein compounds present in chicken meat can act as an increased dose of vitamins, which explains the recommendation to use chicken broth for colds.

These substances help fight viruses and infections, increase the protective functions of the body.

The great advantage of chicken meat is also its biological value, which is explained by the usefulness of its proteins: chicken meat protein by 92% consists of amino acids necessary for humans, which are in the optimal quantity and ratio.

Poultry meat, unlike the meat of other farm animals, is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for humans - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic, which account for 22% of the mass of all fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids have a broad and deep effect on various body systems: they are necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells; help remove cholesterol from the body; ensure the stability of the heart and blood vessels; normalize blood pressure.

Chicken is a recognized leader among other types of meat in terms of protein digestibility, which is determined by its low content of connective tissue fibers containing collagen. Therefore, chicken meat is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it has been proven that with a large amount of adipose tissue in any meat, the relative content of proteins decreases, and their digestibility also decreases. Therefore, the meat of laying hens is the most optimal nutritional option for such diseases.

Poultry meat contains vitamins: A, groups B, E, K (phylloquinone), nicotinic acid, as well as magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium - a whole complex of substances necessary for the harmonious functioning of the body.

Chicken meat contains histamines, which in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to be careful about eating chicken.

Speaking about the benefits or harms of chicken meat, it is necessary to take into account the fact that chicken is different from chicken. Alas, today store shelves are littered with huge broilers, the meat of which often has a pronounced chemical taste and certainly cannot be useful!

If the chicken was raised in normal natural conditions, ate ordinary food without any chemical additives, nibbled on grass, then its meat will be much tastier and healthier.

And the broiler, which has never seen the sun in its short life, spends it in a very limited space and in conditions of constant stress. And besides, from early childhood, he is literally stuffed with antibiotics and hormones in order to get the maximum body weight. It is precisely these “chicken jocks” that we have to buy ... It is quite natural that such chickens will not give anything but harm to our health!

Chicken meat is loved and cooked regularly by many of us. It becomes the basis of a mass of different dishes, and a useful addition to the daily menu. But the most useful is boiled chicken breast, often included in the diet of athletes and just people who want to keep their figure and health in order.

How many calories are in chicken breast?

The calorie content of chicken breast largely depends on the method of its preparation. Take a look at this table:

Chicken breast calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of chicken breast cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of chicken breast (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What can be cooked with chicken breast? Here are some recipes:

Chicken breast baked with potatoes and yogurt:


Chicken breast, 200 ml natural unsweetened yogurt, 30 g butter, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 4–5 potato tubers, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 20 g melted butter, 1 bunch parsley and dill, 2 bay leaves, 5– 6 black peppercorns, salt.

Cooking method:

Wash parsley and dill, finely chop. Peel carrots and onions, wash and chop finely. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into cubes, put in a pan with onions and carrots, add ghee and fry for 5 minutes.

Rinse the chicken breast, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces, put in a pot, add butter, yogurt mixed with flour, bay leaf, peppercorns and bake in a microwave at 70% power until done. Then add the fried vegetables, salt and cook for another 5 minutes at the same power.

When serving, pour over the sauce formed during baking, decorate with parsley sprigs.

Greek salad with chicken breast:

  • ¼ cup coarsely chopped parsley
  • 3 art. l. coarsely chopped green dill
  • 1 st. l. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce leaves
  • 3 cups chopped tomatoes
  • 1 cup thinly sliced ​​red onion
  • ½ crumbled fat-free feta

1 cucumber, peeled, cut lengthwise into 4 pieces and cut into thick slices
6 grilled chicken breasts (85 g each)

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a large bowl and stir with a whisk. Add lettuce and next 6 ingredients (from lettuce to chicken breast); shake well. Serve with pita.

Nutritional value for 1 serving:

Calorie content - 215 kcal

Fats - 3.8 g.

Proteins - 45.7 g.

Product Calculator

Not all foods contain a complete set of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is important to eat a variety of foods to replenish your body's nutrient needs. The calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of the product and help you create a diet that will be completely balanced.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Chicken breast (fillet)".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible part.

Energy value Chicken breast (fillet) is 113 kcal.

Calorie content and chemical composition of other products:

Product calorie analysis

Energy (caloric content) of food accumulates in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat gives 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. The energy balance chart shows the ratio of these substances in the product based on their contribution to the calorie content of this product. Why do you need this information? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever way you choose, our chart will show you how different foods fit your goal.

Chicken breast (fillet), calories 113 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, what is useful Chicken breast (fillet), calories, nutrients, useful properties Chicken breast (fillet).

  • Nutritional analysis - how useful is the product!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.

Home - Composition of products - Composition of meat, poultry and meat products - poultry - Chemical composition "Chicken breast (fillet)"

What is useful Chicken breast (fillet)

Chicken breast (fillet) rich the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin B3 - 16 %, vitamin B6 - 25 %, vitamin B12 - 20 %, vitamin H - 20 %, vitamin PP - 53,6 %, choline - 15,2 %, magnesium - 21,5 %, phosphorus - 21,4 %, gray - 18,6 %, zinc - 17,1 %, chromium - 18 %, cobalt - 120 %.

Where% is the percentage of satisfaction of the daily norm per 100 gr.

You can find a complete guide to the healthiest foods in the My Healthy Diet app.

Useful properties Chicken breast (fillet)


Energy value or calories is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie, which is used to measure the energy content of food, is also known as the "food calorie", so the prefix kilo is often omitted when referring to calories in (kilo)calories. You can see detailed tables of energy value for Russian products here.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of a food product- a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic substances needed in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

How much energy will boiled chicken bring you?

Boiled chicken is a favorite product of all nutritionists. Experts advise using it for children, adults and the elderly. Any proper diet includes this type of bird. How many calories are in boiled chicken? This indicator depends on the part of the carcass.

Cooking chicken by boiling is the best way. So it retains all the useful substances and does not acquire excess energy value. As close as possible to the boiled dish, chicken skewers marinated in vinegar are approaching. Other types of processing only increase the calorie content.

How much energy does boiled chicken give?

Boiled breast - dietary product number 1. It will be a gentle addition to many dishes - salads, rolls, soups, pates and minced meats.

One hundred grams of cooked meat without skin contains 95 kilocalories, while a raw fillet without a bone is estimated at 113 kcal, and with a bone - at 137 kcal. If you boil the breast together with the skin, then with 100 grams of the dish, 164 kcal will enter the body.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators make it easy to calculate the daily amount of products to meet the protein norm. When losing weight and maintaining normal muscle mass, it is recommended to use 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

The calorie content of boiled chicken, as you can see, can vary markedly.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled drumstick without skin - 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin - 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin - 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin - 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin - 170 kcal per 100 g;
  • boiled wings - 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken offal, their energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs give only 94 kilocalories, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

Valuable composition and benefits

Chicken contains a large number of important substances for the body. These are vitamins (A, groups B, E, F, K, PP and H), minerals (selenium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, cobalt, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, zinc and others), important amino acids. Carbohydrates and fats are practically absent, which makes it possible to include poultry in many diets.

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcer, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart disease.

Older people should especially focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of young individuals is most beneficial, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to use homemade chicken, since the store-bought product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken dishes are healthy food and give the body energy. Meat-based broth helps to cure a recent cold or to restore defenses after surgery. A rich broth will relieve the effects of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is a great food for pregnant women.

How to cook Diet Chicken Breasts

  1. Remove skin from chicken breasts, rinse and pat dry.
  2. Cut into small pieces and transfer to a deep bowl.
  3. Rinse parsley, dry.
  4. Peel the garlic, chop in a garlic press.
  5. Transfer the garlic to the breast, add salt, pour in kefir, mix and leave for an hour.
  6. Transfer the breast with the marinade to a dry frying pan, simmer until ready.
  7. Serve with parsley.
Bon appetit! Recipe author: Eleonora

Ingredients for Diet Chicken Breast Recipe:

  • Kefir 1% - 100 gr.
  • Chicken breast - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 2 gr.
  • Parsley - 10 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.

Nutritional value of the dish "Dietary chicken breasts" (per 100 grams):

Calories: 76.9 kcal.

Proteins: 12.4 gr.

Fats: 1.4 gr.

Carbohydrates: 3.4 gr.

Servings: 2

Components and calorie content of the recipe "Diet chicken breasts"

Product Measure Weight, gr Bel, gr Fat, gr Ang, gr Cal, kcal
kefir 1% 100 gr 100 2.8 1 4 40
chicken breast 100 gr 100 23.6 1.9 0.4 113
salt 2 gr 2 0 0 0 0
parsley 10 gr 10 0.37 0.04 0.76 4.7
garlic 2 cous 8 0.52 0.04 2.39 11.44
Total 220 27.3 3 7.6 169.1
1 portion 110 13.6 1.5 3.8 84.6
100g 100 12.4 1.4 3.4 76.9

How to cook Chicken Spaghetti

  1. Boil spaghetti for 7-8 minutes, drain.
  2. Finely chop the chicken breast and onion and add to the spaghetti.
  3. Add spices to taste.
Bon appetit! Recipe author: Aleksandra Vyso

Chicken Spaghetti Recipe Ingredients:

  • Spaghetti - 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken breast - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 80 gr.
  • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • Black pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish "Spaghetti with chicken breast" (per 100 grams):

Calories: 170.8 kcal.

Proteins: 18.6 gr.

Fats: 1.2 gr.

Carbohydrates: 21.2 gr.

Servings: 2

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe "Spaghetti with chicken breast"

(the calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding uvarki and uzharki)

Product Measure Weight, gr Bel, gr Fat, gr Ang, gr Cal, kcal
spaghetti 100 gr 100 10.4 1.1 71.5 344
boiled chicken breast 200 gr 200 59.6 3.6 1 274
bulb onions 80 gr 80 1.12 0 8.32 32.8
salt 2 gr 2 0 0 0 0
ground black pepper 2 gr 2 0.21 0.07 0.77 5.02
Total 384 71.3 4.8 81.6 655.8
1 portion 192 35.7 2.4 40.8 327.9
100g 100 18.6 1.2 21.2 170.8

How many calories in 100 grams of boiled chicken breast


How many calories are in chicken breast?

“Chicken breast” white chicken meat is an indispensable product in terms of the amount of proteins and nutrients. No diet is complete without it. It is also interesting that in terms of the amount of phosphorus, it is second only to seafood. Best of all - you need to use it without the skin, which contains a lot of fat. Undoubtedly, chicken breast lovers are interested in the question, how many calories are in chicken breast?

Chicken breasts are a universal product in its own way. It is convenient to store it in the freezer, get it if necessary and cook it very quickly, and there are a lot of ways to cook chicken breast. If you want a crispy crust, then buy chicken breasts with skin, but keep in mind that this crust is fatty and high in calories, so if you do not want to gain excess weight, then it is recommended to remove it before eating.

So how many calories are in chicken breast? 100 grams of the product contains 113 calories if it is with a skin. How many calories are in skinless chicken breast? Its calorie content is 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.
We remind you that how many calories in chicken breast depends on how you will use it with or without skin.

Olga Lobanova


Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)


Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Chicken breast is considered a dietary and very healthy product, an easily accessible and democratic source of not only benefits, but also a pleasant taste. Breast (sometimes called brisket, which is not entirely true) - this is a part located on both sides of the sternum, ending in a triangular cartilage, similar to a stylized heart (calorizator). The color of the chicken breast meat differs from the rest of the fragments, it is light pink, and when cooked it is almost white, therefore chicken breast is often called white meat.

chicken breast calories

The calorie content of chicken breast is 113 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Chicken breast is the champion among other types of meat in terms of the percentage of proteins and fats, 24% of easily digestible protein accounts for less than 2% of fats, which makes the breast an ideal food for bodybuilders who need to increase muscle mass (due to protein intake), without adding fat.

Chicken breast contains: vitamins, vitamins and are especially important, which are necessary during pregnancy and lactation, because they ensure the normal development of the fetus. Vitamins, and regulate the activity of the adrenal glands and are involved in cleansing the liver, stimulate hematopoiesis, have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Minerals represent, and, and, and. Such a "rich" mineral complex ensures the normal operation of the heart muscle, helps to increase the body's defenses and speeds up rehabilitation after illnesses and surgical interventions. skinless breast is often the first and only food of convalescents.

Damage to chicken breast

Chicken breast, like whole chicken, is the cause of allergic reactions. To avoid allergies, you need to cook chicken breast without skin.

Chicken breast and weight loss

Chicken breast is the main component of sports nutrition, there is a special diet in which the body receives such an amount of protein that it is more than enough to maintain body functions, plus muscle mass builds up. will help to stay in the same weight for a long time, naturally, in the presence of physical exertion. And.

For more about the benefits of chicken breast, see the video clip by Zina Rudenko "On the dangers and benefits of chicken breasts."

Especially for
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Nutritionists in many countries recommend people who monitor their weight to make chicken breast the basis of their diet. This meat has a high protein content and a minimum amount of fat, the most for people who want to be slim and healthy.

True, for beauties who not only follow their menu, but also control the energy value of the foods eaten, it is important to know what the calorie content of chicken breast is. Only with such information, women can easily and pleasantly lose weight, controlling all the necessary indicators. It is worth noting that the energy value of meat will vary depending on the method of preparation. All these nuances are worth considering in detail.

Boiled chicken breast, what is the calorie content

The best way to cook chicken for those who want to lose weight is boiling.

True, you can cook the breast in different ways: some housewives cook it directly with the skin, others peel the skin, removing excess fat, such manipulations reduce the calorie content of the chicken.

If you cooked chicken breast with skin, then its calorie content will be 165 kcal per 100 grams. If you cook a clean fillet without bones and skins, then the calorie content of boiled skinless chicken breast per 100 grams will be no more than 100 kcal. These are just perfect numbers for those who follow the figure.

Meat saturates quickly and for a long time, goes well with various vegetables, and in general, it is useful for many categories of citizens.

Let's talk about the calorie content of fried chicken breast

Many people just love fried meat, however, cooking chicken breast in this way is not the best. The fact is that after frying, the chicken turns out to be too dry, and the energy value of such a dish is high.

100 grams of fried chicken contains about 150 kcal, the numbers may vary depending on how much cooking oil will be used. Such meat will not reflect very well on the figure, especially if you eat it all the time. For those who really want fried chicken, it is recommended to make it in the oven on the "Grill" mode.

You can use the following recipe, for cooking, take:

  • skinless chicken breast - 300 g;
  • dill and parsley (fresh) 5 g each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sunflower oil - 20 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g.

When all the ingredients are bought, you can start creating:

  • take a convenient baking dish and flavor it with vegetable oil;
  • wash the chicken, dry a little with a paper towel and put on a baking sheet;
  • wash the greens and chop as finely as possible;
  • chop the garlic and mix with the prepared herbs, add salt and pepper, rub the breast with the resulting composition;
  • send the dish to bake in the oven in the "Grill" mode for 20 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished chicken breast per 100 grams will be about 160 kcal. Certainly a lot. For those who have just started to lose weight, it is better to feast on boiled chicken, experienced losing weight can occasionally indulge themselves with dishes with high energy value.

Calorie baked and stewed breast

No less useful can be called chicken, which is baked by many housewives in foil in the oven. Such a dish will add variety to the diet, the main thing is to follow the ingredients with which you will cook the meat.

If the chicken is baked without the skin and bones, as well as the addition of oil and a large amount of seasonings, then there will be no more than 115 kcal in 100 grams of the dish. True, few people bake a breast without seasonings and other ingredients. Therefore, when cooking, you need to be more careful, vegetable oil, honey and seasonings can increase the energy value of food up to 150 kcal per 100 grams.

For those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to bake white meat with vegetables, such as tomatoes and onions. In such a dish there will be a minimum of calories and a maximum of benefits, and due to vegetables, the chicken will turn out juicy. Look for the right food combinations, and then it will be easy to lose weight. By the way, if desired, the meat can be baked with chicken proteins. They are used as fills for chicken so that it does not become tough.

Stewed white meat is a very tasty and healthy dish. It is traditionally prepared without oil, using water and various vegetables. To make the food truly dietary, it is recommended to choose the gifts of nature with a minimum energy value.

With this approach, the calorie content of 100 grams of the finished dish will not exceed 100 kcal, and this is a very pleasant indicator, given the fact that additional components for meat can be constantly changed. As a result, you will get a varied menu.

It is worth saying that the most harmful product for people seeking to gain a slender figure is smoked chicken breast. Its energy value can reach 180 kcal per 100 grams. Experts do not recommend eating such meat during a diet.

Chicken breast can and should be eaten by those who are on a diet and want to lose weight without harm to health.

Meat is best cooked by boiling, roasting and stewing. By varying the ingredients with which the chicken is cooked, you can create new culinary masterpieces every day, most importantly, do not forget about the energy value of the finished dish.

Do not starve yourself, lose weight deliciously, this is the only way to succeed. Good luck!

Chicken breast is deservedly considered dietary meat. The high protein content (almost 25 grams out of a hundred) and low energy value make it possible to include this product in any diet. The calorie content of raw chicken breast is only 113 kcal. The same indicator for the finished dish depends, by and large, on the method of heat treatment.

Chicken fillet is a tasty and nutritious product. It is eaten with pleasure by small children, athletes, people engaged in hard physical labor, and simply admirers of healthy food. The breast can be cooked with a minimum amount of fat, but it will be so juicy and tender that it will replace the harmful things that are familiar to many.

This part of the carcass is the most valuable due to the lack of fat.

Chicken fillet contains such useful minerals and vitamins:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid.

Such a rich composition allows us to recommend this product to people with ulcers and gastritis. Chicken meat fibers absorb excess acid and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. It is also useful to use chicken fillet to prevent heart disease (stroke, heart attack).

Energy value and methods of preparation

The calorie content of chicken breast itself is low, but after heat treatment it can change due to food additives: oils, spices, vegetables.

boiled product

The energy value of boiled breast is a little more than 90 kcal, since the broth takes some of the calories. In this case, we mean the product without the skin.

If you bought a fillet with a skin, then it is better to remove it before cooking, otherwise the nutritional value of such a dish will increase by about 25 kcal. But even in this form, boiled breast is rightfully considered the lowest-calorie meat dish.

Fillet in the oven

Another great way to cook breast is to bake it in foil. It allows you to do without oil, which means you do not have to add extra calories. The foil helps to keep the juiciness of the meat, so the dish will fly off the table instantly, but will not harm the figure. An important role in this case is given to seasonings, they create an extravaganza of taste.

To make the meat tender, you can pre-marinate it in mustard or lemon juice. These products will have little effect on the overall calorie content of the finished product.

Baked white chicken meat has from 113 to 150 kcal per hundred grams of the finished dish. The indicator depends on what you add to the fillet.

Grilled meat

Many people still prefer fried breast. But you must immediately take into account that this type of cooking is not for those who are on a diet. Most of the calories come from the oil that the fillet absorbs when cooked. But even here you can cheat by using a non-stick frying pan and a minimum amount of fat.

Very often, hostesses use a variety of spices and marinades, for example, mayonnaise or purchased seasonings. This allows you to improve the taste of the finished dish, but negatively affects the calorie content. In addition, such a product has a negative effect on the pancreas. The energy value of 100 grams of fried brisket averages 200 kcal.

Braised chicken breast

A similar method with hot, but less harmful - stewing.

To do this, you will need a small amount of water, the most common spices or herbs and no fat. One hundred grams of such a chicken contains about 100 kcal. True, it will not have such an appetizing crust.

Smoked fillet

Many praise smoked breast, justifying this with allegedly low calorie content and excellent taste. But, firstly, such a fillet will contain 184 kcal per 100 grams. Secondly, if you buy a finished product in the market, you risk getting stale meat, drowned out by flavorings. If you have already decided on smoking, it is better to do it at home.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the best chicken diet dish is boiled breast. It will saturate and not “give” extra kilocalories, and enrich the body with the right amount of protein.

Boiled chicken will be a great lunch or dinner. No one forbids eating fillets cooked differently, but then you should reduce the portion or burn extra calories with exercise.

Recently, people have begun to talk more and more about healthy eating. In this regard, poultry meat has become an object of close attention. Basically, on the shelves of our stores you can find chicken, so it was she who underwent a thorough examination. Everything was interesting here: the chemical composition of meat from different parts of the carcass, as well as the calorie content of chicken breasts compared to red thigh meat.

Essential Feature

Conducting the necessary research, experts drew attention to the fact that the composition of chicken meat is not the same. For example, the legs contain more fat and various vitamins, and the breast, in turn, has the richest composition of minerals. For example, there is even more phosphorus in it than in seafood, and 100 grams of chicken fillet can satisfy the daily need of the human body for cobalt. It is clear that although the calorie content of chicken breasts is lower, this does not make them less useful. Everyone knows about the special properties of the famous chicken broth. Doctors advise using it for colds, as well as during the recovery period after severe and prolonged illnesses. But for the preparation of such a “medicine” it is the fillet that is needed. After all, when boiling chicken legs, a fairly large amount of harmful substances, as a rule, gets into the broth. In addition, the skin also contains a lot of fat and is of no benefit when boiled. But the low calorie content of chicken breasts allows you not to oversaturate the body with harmful cholesterol, but gives a rich set of micro and macro elements in its pure form.

Chicken and slim figure

There is an opinion among the people that it is impossible to get better from chicken meat. It is worth noting that this statement does not apply to the entire carcass. It is clear that the presence of fat in the legs and thighs cannot contribute to weight loss. But dietary white meat is quite suitable for this. The calorie content of chicken breasts is so low that it cannot affect the body's desire to store fat reserves for the future. The energy contained in a piece of fillet is unable to replace the powerful power pantry of adipose tissue. It is this fact that guides specialists in the preparation of diets for weight loss. By itself, meat provides nutrition, but it is not enough to get the right amount of energy. As a result, the body is forced to resort to the breakdown of already existing fats in order to obtain the necessary strength for its vital functions. This is the secret of the diet. A person eats, is saturated, but the body still continues to use hidden fat reserves.

Detailed composition of the fillet

To begin with, it is worth noting that the calorie content of chicken breast (pure meat without skin and bones) is only 113 kilocalories. Including 100 grams of regular fillet contains:

But the relatively low calorie content of chicken breast is not its only advantage. Tender fillet contains a huge amount of useful amino acids, as well as vitamins A, C, PP, H, B 3, B 6 and B 12. And elements such as chromium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, choline and cobalt make it a real life battery. The consumption of such meat makes it possible for sick people to forget about problems with vision, blood vessels, nervous and circulatory systems. In addition, the miraculous fillet allows you to strengthen the immune system and forget about being overweight for a long time.

Features of meat processing

Any product after cooking changes its properties. This fully applies to poultry fillets. After different heat treatment, the product changes noticeably. For example, the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts is much lower than fresh ones, and is only 95 kilocalories per 100 grams of pure product. And frying or smoking leads to the opposite result. In this case, the calorie content increases by one and a half to two times and can reach 197 kilocalories.

This makes the product more energy intensive and ultimately less useful. There are reasons for that. First, there is the possibility of deposition of fat reserves. Secondly, cholesterol and harmful carcinogens accumulate in the body. Thirdly, the use of liquid smoke during smoking leads to a number of dangerous diseases. But despite this, most people choose these dangerous methods. They believe that the calorie content of boiled, fried or smoked chicken breasts is not the main indicator. But life eventually proves the fallacy of such reasoning.

The use of boiled meat

What is good boiled chicken breast? Its calorie content is much reduced, but the beneficial properties in the process of such heat treatment do not disappear anywhere. This dietary meat can be easily included in the diet of young children, athletes and the elderly. Each of them will find its benefit in chicken fillet. This product is capable of:

  • improve memory;
  • strengthen teeth and bones;
  • prevent a heart attack or stroke;
  • improve skin condition;
  • heal wounds faster;
  • lose extra, unnecessary kilograms.

These are just the main positive results that eating boiled white chicken meat brings. In addition, boiled breast has a positive effect on metabolism. It can be used in unlimited quantities by diabetics, as well as people with diseases of the liver and stomach. This meat is not addictive. It can be consumed often and a lot, which is especially important for those who want to be healthy, but cannot do without this product for a long time.

Cooking methods

Chicken meat has been very popular lately. This is especially true for chicken breast. Experts have found so much usefulness in it that it is simply criminal not to use such a valuable product for food. It is known that the low calorie content of boiled chicken breast makes it an ideal product for various diets. This doesn't just apply to weight loss. The diet of any hospital necessarily contains white chicken meat. Everything is taken into account here: a huge amount of healthy protein, and a rich mineral composition of the product. Steamed meat is sometimes used as an alternative, but it is the fillet that is cooked in the form of a fillet that has the same properties that were mentioned above. A piece of boiled chicken can be consumed in its natural form, along with a side dish of vegetables and cereals. Sometimes such meat is used to prepare salads, pates, stews and minced meats. In any case, a positive result will be guaranteed.

In the Middle Ages, weak children and the elderly, as well as the sick and wounded, were given to drink as a tonic. White poultry meat, mainly breasts, was given to eat. With a rather low level of medicine, our ancestors intuitively realized that this particular product contains a lot of proteins needed by the body and little indigestible fats. Therefore, this part of the bird carcass can be confidently called a dietary product. The calorie content of boiled chicken breasts is quite low, and the health benefits are incomparably higher. First, protein. It contains about 30 g in 100 g of the product. Therefore, not only losing weight, but also bodybuilders eat white meat "ripples" with pleasure: after all, protein is involved in the "building" of muscles. Fats and carbohydrates in the breast of a bird are negligible. However, when calculating the calorie content of boiled, several factors must be taken into account: with or without bones, meat, whether there is skin, how long the product was cooked. Indeed, in its raw form, pure fillet has 115 kcal, meat with bones - 137. The largest amount of fat is in the skin. Meat with it, but without bones, has a nutritional value of 165 kcal per 100 g.

The cooking method is also important. Naturally, when we fry something, we add oil to the pan - the product itself is very nutritious. After frying, the chicken is covered with such an appetizing golden brown crust ... But, alas, its calorie content increases to 200 kcal. But when cooking, the reverse process occurs: boiling water “takes away” calories, making the meat even leaner. After this heat treatment, the broth contains 20% of the nutritional value of raw meat. And the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts drops to 95 kcal. Of course, this indicator is applicable for skinless fillets.

Now consider the so-called After all, white poultry meat is a real storehouse of useful minerals (zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium), as well as vitamins (B2, B3, K, E, PP). These substances will raise the overall tone of the body, and the low calorie content of boiled chicken breasts will help you get rid of five unwanted kilograms in 10 days. A sufficient amount of protein obtained with such a diet does not cause hunger at all, strengthens the muscles and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

With this diet, it is permissible to eat no more than 400 g of boiled breast without skin per day. It is advisable not to salt food, also to exclude sugar from the diet. Raw or boiled vegetables, unpolished rice can be additional components for meat. It is permissible to drink coffee and green tea without sugar, fruit juices. Based on the fact that the calorie content of boiled chicken breast in a daily dose is about 400 kcal, you can eat and drink everything else for another 900 units. At the end of the diet, you can treat yourself to dried fruits and nuts in the morning.

If the taste of boiled meat seems bland to you, you should think about other culinary methods for processing the product. You can first boil the chicken, and then lightly smoke it in a special smoky apparatus. Such a simple technique will give the meat an appetizing smack of smoke. The breast also has a small calorie content - 160 kcal. But the most successful way of processing is barbecue. However, the meat should be marinated in vinegar, and the heat from the coals will melt the excess fat. Thus, the nutritional value of the finished product will be 116 kcal.

If you look at the list of foods that nutritionists recommend for overweight people, you will notice that they have great respect for chicken breast. And how many calories are in it? Does the cooking method affect the energy value of this product? And do you really have to eat only boiled meat every day?

Number one for losing weight

Chicken meat is a universal dietary product. Such a verdict has long been given to this meat by experts in healthy eating. And it's not just about how many calories are in chicken breast. This dish has excellent taste, it has a minimum of fat and a lot of useful elements. This will allow not only to lose unnecessary kilos, without experiencing a painful feeling of hunger, but also to improve your body.

The basis of chicken meat is protein. Its amount is 84% ​​- it is a building material for cells. At the same time, white meat contains a minimum supply of fat - 15%, and carbohydrates in it no more than 1%. So it is an ideal choice for those who want to acquire harmony. But still, how many calories will a chicken fillet dish share with you?

Calorie content of chicken meat with different cooking methods

A real favorite of various weight loss programs and therapeutic diets is boiled chicken breast. How many calories are in it? If you boil the fillet (without bones), then it will contain only 113 kcal per 100 g. This is the most lean and dietary part of the chicken carcass. It has even fewer calories than eggs.

For those who prefer bone-in boiled chicken breast, it doesn't hurt to know how many extra calories such a product will acquire. Their number will increase by 24 kcal and reach 137 kcal, which is also quite a bit.

And here are how many calories are in a 100-gram serving of chicken fillet cooked in a variety of ways:

  • boiled skin - 164-170 kcal;
  • without skin - 110 kcal;
  • fried with skin - 197-200 kcal, without skin - 165-100 kcal;
  • smoked - 117-119 kcal;
  • broth with meat - 130 kcal;
  • baked - 148.5 kcal;
  • steamed - 117 kcal;
  • in cream sauce - 135 kcal;
  • grilled chicken (breast) - 158 kcal;
  • in mint marinade - 87 kcal.

Equally important is how many calories are in chicken breast broth, because this dish is also often recommended for those who are struggling with weight. It contains about 17-20 kcal, but this is if you remove the high-calorie skin from the fillet. If you cook meat without removing the skin, then there will be about 57 kcal in the broth. And one more useful tip: it is better to drain the first water from the broth, because quite a lot of fat and a lot of harmful substances get into it (including the medicines that the chicken was fed with).

Cooking secret: how to cook a breast so that it has even fewer calories?

White meat is the basis of numerous programs aimed at normalizing weight. But if you're counting every calorie, you need to know how to prepare it so that it retains its culinary value and dietary potential.

Chicken meat has an unusually delicate taste. The only drawback is that it cannot be digested, otherwise it will become dry and tasteless. Boiled fillet is a real find for losing weight: it is hearty, tasty, and low-calorie. And it is recommended to cook it like this:

  • breast on the bone - 30 min.;
  • fillet without skin and bones - from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • meat, cut into small pieces - 10 minutes.

It is better to boil the chicken over low heat, with the addition of seasonings. Meat should be put in boiling water so that valuable trace elements are preserved in it.

Of course, if the task is to put the weight in order, then when preparing dishes, it is necessary to take the calorie content of the product as a guideline. But not everyone likes boiled or stewed meat, although their energy supply does not exceed 123 kcal per 100 g. To diversify your menu, cook smoked chicken. "But what about calories?" - you ask. It turns out that even smoked poultry can be made low-calorie if you cook it like this: take a thick-walled pan, install a grate in it. At the bottom of the dishes put the foil, folded several times. Pour cinnamon, rice, sugar, tea leaves on it. Coat the chicken with olive oil, cover everything with foil. Smoke 30 min. Only 117 kcal will remain in such a dish, and it will not contain harmful additives that are used in factory smoking.

If you love baked chicken breast, but the number of calories in it stops you, then use this trick - marinate it in sauce. Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and soy sauce, add salt and spices. Coat the fillet with this composition, rub it with mustard, leave for 15 minutes. Wrap the meat in foil and send it to the oven for a quarter of an hour. In 15 minutes, you will have a fragrant, appetizing dish on your table that will give you only 140 kcal.

Reducing the calorie content of fried chicken is also not difficult. To do this, it is enough to free it from the greasy skin and marinate in olive oil with spices. Then take a pan with a non-stick coating and fry the fillet pieces without adding oil.

Bonus chicken breast

Chicken meat firmly holds the title of a dietary product, because 113 calories is a mere trifle. And how much good boiled breast or chicken broth will bring! They contain vitamin B6, protein, glutamine necessary for the work of the heart. These dishes are useful for gout, diabetes, polyarthritis, ulcers. They help prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels, protect against heart attack, stroke and hypertension. Chicken broth is an excellent way to restore strength and strengthen the body. These foods have a positive effect on the brain and bone strength.
