
What to give in case of alcohol poisoning. What to do with severe vomiting

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, there are three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning and how to remove alcohol intoxication at home? What medicines can be used to relieve a hangover syndrome? What can not be done in case of poisoning, and in what cases should you consult a doctor without wasting time on self-treatment? Let's look at these questions, but first, let's define what alcohol poisoning is.

What is alcohol intoxication

The term alcohol intoxication itself means the poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol. Normally, a small amount of ethanol is neutralized in the liver without consequences for the body. But when using the amount of alcohol that exceeds the detoxification capacity of the liver, the poison enters the brain and causes disturbances in higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this is manifested by a feeling of euphoria, clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, and stunning occurs. In the extreme stage, cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing, deep coma are possible. Such consequences occur when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 3% or more. The lethal dose of alcohol is about 300 grams in terms of pure alcohol. If we consider the average lethal dose in terms of body weight, then it is 8 grams of ethanol per kg.

In everyday life, alcohol poisoning refers to any changes accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to drinking alcohol. They can appear immediately after taking a large dose (vomiting, loss of consciousness) or visit you the next morning - a hangover. In general, these conditions are treated in the same way, but there are some nuances. In the phase of acute poisoning, the effect of ethanol on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain is of great importance, and a hangover is largely provoked by the products of the partial decomposition of ethyl alcohol, in particular, acetaldehyde.

Alcohol poisoning

Separately, it must be said about poisoning with alcohol surrogates. According to statistics, this type of poisoning occupies a leading position in the list of all intoxications. At the same time, more than 90% of the victims die even before the moment of hospitalization.

Substitutes for alcohol are:

In case of poisoning with such products, intoxication is mild or does not occur at all, visual disturbances, convulsions, salivation, sweating, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are often observed.

Intoxication with surrogates cannot be removed at home - it is imperative to immediately seek qualified medical help. Delay can cost lives. As first aid measures, they induce vomiting, take an enterosorbent and any enveloping agent. Further, hospitalization is required.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do with alcohol poisoning at home? To do this, a number of measures are taken to rid the body of ethyl alcohol and neutralize the products of its decay.

First aid for alcohol poisoning includes the following steps.

  1. Remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach. To do this, they induce vomiting, then they wash the stomach - they drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, again provoke vomiting, and so on until almost pure water comes out of the stomach.
  2. In case of loss of consciousness, it is impossible to provoke vomiting. Call an ambulance. In anticipation of her arrival, lay the victim on his side, loosen clothing, check the pulse and breathing. Turn your head, make sure that the tongue does not sink, and the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. To bring the victim to his senses, let him smell ammonia, rub his ears.

If alcohol poisoning does not pose a threat to life, then intoxication is removed independently at home.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication at home

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home consists of the following actions:

Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by bouts of vomiting. If you vomited once or twice, this is a natural reaction of the body to poison and there will be no harm from it, but only benefit, given the current state. But if the urge to vomit does not go away after emptying the stomach, then you need to take action.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

  1. Rinse your head with cold water or briefly apply ice to the back of your head.
  2. Drink some water or restorative solutions like Regidron.
  3. Do not eat or drink anything else until the stomach calms down.

If the measures taken do not give a result, then antiemetic drugs will help. Indomitable vomiting, the presence of bile in the vomit or blood impurities are grounds for immediate hospitalization.

Let us dwell in more detail on the drugs with which alcohol poisoning is treated at home.


After emptying the stomach from the contents, you need to take enterosorbents. These drugs act in the intestines, capturing toxins and decay products on their surface, and removing them with feces. The following drugs have proven themselves well.

It must be remembered that all enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, otherwise the latter will lose their effectiveness. Between their receptions it is necessary to observe a gap of at least one hour, and preferably two hours.

Restoration of water balance

Vomiting dehydrates the body and leaches mineral salts from it. In addition, alcohol is a strong diuretic. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral or acidified with lemon juice. Drugs belonging to the group of rehydrating agents help to cope with the imbalance that has arisen. They contain a balanced set of sodium, potassium, chlorides, sometimes carbohydrates and help the body cope with intoxication.

"Regidron" with alcohol intoxication can be taken orally in the amount of 10-17 ml of the finished solution per kg of weight. One packet of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

The analogues of Regidron are the preparations Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan. Also, a similar solution can be prepared independently: take 1/2 tsp for one liter of water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a dropper is needed. Its composition is something like this:

  • saline, or "Disol", or "Hemodez";
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

If necessary, include vitamins (nicotinic acid, pyridoxine), magnesia, potassium chloride, panangin, heart remedies. The volume of the dropper is usually 400-500 ml. A medical worker should put it, as well as determine the composition of the solution for infusion - inept handling can be harmful to health.

Complete cleansing of the body from alcohol, possibly in the case of its excretion by the kidneys. For this, diuretics (diuretics) are used, the best and safest of which is ordinary water. You can also use the recipes of traditional medicine - drink decoctions of herbs. They not only restore vitamin losses, but also supply the body with the antioxidants it needs.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Alcohol and its decay products kill beneficial intestinal microflora. After alcohol intoxication, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is often disturbed, constipation or diarrhea develops. Beneficial bacteria need to be restored. You can do this by eating sour-milk and fermented foods or by taking probiotics:

Facilitates the course of a hangover emptying the intestines. If constipation is noted after drinking alcohol, then an enema can be given - this will remove toxic products from the large intestine.

What not to do with alcohol poisoning

  1. In no case should you combine the intake of alcohol and the diuretic "Furosemide", as this negatively affects the condition of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Aspirin is also taken with caution. It can be drunk only in a state of hangover, but if intoxication has not yet passed, then this medicine can cause various complications.
  3. Do not use any sleeping pills, as they exacerbate the depression of the central nervous system caused by alcohol.
  4. The recommendation to go to the bathhouse and thereby get rid of a hangover is only suitable for people with Siberian health.

What to do with a hangover

How to treat a hangover the next morning after heavy drinking? The following measures are effective:

You should not experiment with drugs, it is better to resort to the help of special tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • "Biotredin";
  • "Limonar";
  • "Metadoxil";
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies for a hangover

If there were no pills at hand, then you can use folk remedies used for alcohol poisoning. In addition to the hangover pickles already mentioned, the following remedies help:

A contrast shower helps with a hangover. Start with hot water, then switch to pleasantly cold, alternating for 30-60 seconds several times, gradually increasing the temperature difference. Such a contrast will allow the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, we note that it is much easier and more pleasant to prevent a hangover than to treat it. To do this, do not abuse the amount of alcohol, have a good snack on foods containing starch and pectins (potatoes, bananas), and before the feast, take one of the recommended enterosorbents for preventive purposes.

Good day, dear readers!

I suppose that if you start reading this article, then perhaps the time of day is not very good. But still, if after alcohol poisoning you read these lines, then everything is not so bad. You just need to adjust your health a little, and I hope you will find the rules for this adjustment for yourself - first aid for alcohol poisoning in this article.

Without delaying you any longer, let's take a look at the symptoms, causes, and first aid for alcohol poisoning.

In the beginning, it is worth saying that alcohol intoxication is different from alcohol poisoning. Of course, in fact, intoxication is also an intoxication of the body, since the symptoms of intoxication are not the norm for its work, but nevertheless, we will distinguish between these concepts.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • lethargy of consciousness, concentration is disturbed;
  • eyes become shiny;
  • speech disorders - the voice becomes loud, speech is slurred, fuzzy;
  • emancipation, a person becomes over confident in his abilities, and often overestimates them;
  • the borders and the measure of the drunk alcohol disappear.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • abdominal pain, ;
  • dizziness, ;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • increased sweating, tearing and salivation;
  • red eyes due to burst vessels on the eye proteins;
  • , sickly looking.

Severe alcohol poisoning - symptoms

If alcohol enters the body after severe alcohol intoxication, severe intoxication of the body develops, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart, the pulse becomes weak;
  • lips and skin begin to turn blue;
  • the respiratory system is depressed, asthma attacks may develop;
  • consciousness is disturbed, severe dizziness appears.

At this stage, if you do not stop the further intake of alcohol into the body, do not provide first aid and do not deliver the victim to a medical facility, a coma sets in, which can be fatal.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Among the most common causes of alcohol poisoning are:

- the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages, the so-called "alcohol surrogate", a small dose of which can seriously harm health;

- the use of drinks based on ethyl alcohol (ethanol): medical alcohol diluted with water, colognes, lotions, tinctures.

- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;

- Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach

- the use of liquids based on butyl, amyl, methyl, propyl and other types of alcohol.

What to do if you are poisoned by alcohol? First aid for alcohol poisoning or severe alcohol intoxication includes the following recommendations:

1. Call an ambulance or try to transport the victim to a medical facility yourself. The sooner this is done, the sooner doctors can begin the procedure for removing alcohol from the human body, and, if necessary, begin the resuscitation procedure.

2. Gastric lavage. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to start washing the stomach until the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and completely absorbed by the body.

For gastric lavage, it is desirable to call. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of warm boiled water and press 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. If the patient does not have an ulcer, a little soda can be added to the water, this will improve the overall effect. If possible, vomiting should be induced until the vomit becomes watery.

Important! With mild alcohol poisoning, flushing with vomiting can be missed. In this case, you can take drugs to remove alcohol from the body, as well as general drugs for alcohol poisoning (point 6), which will do their job perfectly.

3. Lay the victim down. The less the victim moves, the slower the alcohol will spread throughout the body. Just lay the patient in such a way that, when vomiting, he can freely turn his head to his side, otherwise there is a risk of vomit entering the respiratory tract. Remove tight clothing from the patient, provide free access to air. When , cover the person with a warm but light blanket.

4. Detoxification of the body. After gastric lavage, it is necessary to remove the remains of toxins or alcohol (a product of poisoning) from the body.

To cleanse the body of the product of poisoning, you need to take an adsorbing agent: "Activated carbon" (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), "Atoxil", "Smecta", "Enterosgel", "Enterosorb".

Important! It is impossible to give a person drugs in case of poisoning, if he is in an unconscious or inadequate state, so that he does not choke on them.

5. Drink. For a strengthening and cleansing effect on the body, after the above procedures, you can give the patient to drink sweet tea with coffee or milk.

6. To relieve symptoms hangover or alcohol poisoning, you can take the following remedies: Biotredin, Limontar, Metadoxil, Alka-Seltzer.

7. With loss of consciousness. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to give him a sniff of ammonia and make sure that the tongue does not sink into the respiratory tract. In the absence of ammonia, you can rub the auricles, which will provoke blood flow to the head and help awaken the patient.

8. When the heart stops. In case of cardiac arrest, begin resuscitation - and . In this case, every second is worth its weight in gold.

Important! If the victim has lost consciousness or his pulse is weak, or his heart has stopped, immediately call an ambulance!

The most effective way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages, unless prescribed by a doctor. Other prevention methods include:

- do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, eat before drinking and have a good snack;
- know your dose, and do not drink more of it;
- do not purchase alcoholic beverages in dubious places, so to speak "from under the counter";
- if you see a familiar drink in the store with a super discount, think a few times, perhaps this is a pallet that they want to get rid of faster;
- do not drink alcohol with soda;
- when drinking alcohol, do not lower the degree (strength) of drinks;
Do not combine alcohol with smoking.

Who shouldn't drink at all?

Tragic consequences can be if a person consumes alcohol in the following cases:

- pregnancy, as well as 90 days before pregnancy planning;
- when taking medications;
- in rehabilitation after treatment for alcohol dependence;
- allergy sufferers;
- children, as well as persons under 21 years old, tk. at this time, the formation of the body is still taking place.

And remember, food poisoning, which ends in death, accounts for more than 50% of cases.

And how did you, dear readers, manage to overcome alcohol poisoning?

Tags: alcohol poisoning symptoms, alcohol poisoning causes, what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, first aid for alcohol poisoning, remedies for alcohol poisoning, drinking for poisoning

Elementary ignorance of the rules and sequence of actions to provide emergency care in case of toxic effects of ethyl alcohol on the body leads to death in 37% of cases of strong alcohol abuse. Every year more than 10 thousand people die from surrogates. In most cases, the reason for this number of deaths is the lack of information on what to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home, and the untimely appeal to medical workers. Even an increase in the cost of excises and an anti-alcohol state company are not able to free the shelves of shops and supermarkets from low-quality fakes and counterfeits. And they are on sale about 60%. The fight against the deliberate use of substitutes containing alcohol is also ineffective. You should know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning and its poisonous counterparts in order to avoid the danger of general intoxication and prevent serious irreparable consequences.

Signs of acute alcohol poisoning

Slowly destroys the body every glass of strong drink or a glass with a low percentage of alcohol alcoholic beverage. The feeling of euphoria and relaxation that occurs in a state of mild intoxication is replaced by a severe, terrible hangover and withdrawal symptoms. Acute alcohol poisoning occurs:

  1. migraine, dizziness, pulsation in the temporal and occipital region;
  2. vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence;
  3. watery or loose stools;
  4. impaired coordination of movements;
  5. a sharp change in blood pressure and fever;
  6. palpitations, lack of oxygen;
  7. difficulty passing urine;
  8. pain in the right hypochondrium.

A person who drinks daily is at greater risk. Important vital systems cease to perform their natural functions, the processes of digestion, respiration, blood circulation, hormone production are disrupted, and mental disorders occur. A weakened body is not able to remove severe alcohol poisoning, a coma occurs:

  • superficial. The person is conscious, but the pupils react poorly to light, vision deteriorates. There is reddening of the face, lack of logical thinking. Strong vomiting opens. In the blood no more than 3 ppm of alcohol;
  • medium degree. Breathing is difficult, wheezing appears. Spontaneous defecation and excretion of urine. Periodic loss of consciousness, lack of motor and visual reflexes. Alcohol indicators - 6.5 ppm;
  • coma. Convulsions, critical temperature, 35°C, and pressure, weak pulse, unconsciousness.

Severe chronic alcohol poisoning is difficult to remove on your own, no matter what you just try to do at home. Only experienced narcologists will be able to rid the victim of toxins and poisons.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Among cases of intoxication with pure ethyl alcohol, few examples are known. They are mainly associated with chronic poisoning in the process of regular uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages. A stronger effect is exerted by surrogates of higher alcohols, which are deadly for the human body.

When purchasing another bottle of strong alcohol, you need to prepare for the fact that after the first 100 grams drunk, the first characteristic signs of methyl alcohol poisoning are detected. It has the same taste and smell as the traditional ethyl counterpart. It is his unscrupulous underground producers that are mixed with ethanol to obtain a large amount of the drink. Formic acid and formaldehyde, the decomposition products of methanol, are the poisons that cause severe vomiting, dizziness, low body temperature and death. As little as 5-10 grams cause vision loss and blindness.

Based on ethylene glycol, antifreezes, brake fluids and antifreeze are produced, which are used instead of vodka by people who drink for a long time. The oxalic acid formed during splitting completely destroys the kidneys and liver function. In case of ethylene glycol poisoning, nausea, thirst, renal colic, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are observed. The pupils dilate, the skin acquires a bluish tint, shortness of breath appears and blood pressure drops sharply. Lethal outcome occurs in the first day. The reason is paralysis of the respiratory system. The lethal dose is 100-150 grams.

The most unpredictable among the surrogates is dichloroethane solvent, which may not show itself for several days. Cause a general poisoning of the body 20 grams of an alcohol-containing substance.

Drinking dangerous substitutes for ethyl alcohol usually occurs on the street or in a garage, non-residential premises, so the only thing that needs to be done in case of alcohol poisoning with poisonous alcohols at home is to call an ambulance immediately. Although doctors rarely have time to help a poisoned person.

First aid at home for alcohol poisoning

Measures to remove toxins from the body depend on how bad a person feels after drinking a strong alcoholic drink. First aid for acute alcohol poisoning provides for the independent implementation of all necessary procedures by the victim.

Cleansing of the stomach. It is necessary to drink at least 1 liter of salted water or with the addition of a few grains of potassium permanganate. This amount will be enough to induce vomiting. Take activated charcoal at the rate of 4 tablets for every 10 kg of weight.

Restoration of water balance. The excretion of potassium, magnesium and sodium salts in the urine can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys. You will need plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink mineral water, cucumber pickle.

When the symptoms of poisoning are weakened, the patient needs to be warmed. Use mustard plasters, a warm blanket, a heating pad, sweet hot tea. Even if the victim feels hungry, it is not recommended to eat. Food will cause a new attack of vomiting and diarrhea, worsen the condition. It is better not to take risks before being examined by ambulance doctors.

If alcohol poisoning provoked a loss of consciousness, then the first thing to do is to bring the patient to his senses, do artificial respiration and heart massage, turn him on his side. So he will not be able to choke on vomit and will breathe. The poisoned person woke up - take the above measures to remove ethyl alcohol and its residues from the body.

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes: emergency care

It is very difficult for a person without a medical education and in conditions of danger to the life of the victim to concentrate and decide how to treat poisoning with surrogate alcohol, and what to do, first of all, at home. The most important thing is to find out the source and name of the toxic substance, and immediately contact a medical facility. And only after that, follow the rules for providing emergency care until the arrival of doctors in case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates.

If an ethylene glycol-based liquid has entered the body. Be sure to carry out the procedure of gastric lavage, ensure plenty of fluids. A solution of 200 ml of warm water, 3-5 grams of baking soda or 30 grams of magnesium sulfate powder. 30-50 grams of vodka will serve as an antidote. Before the doctors arrive, you can give the victim kefir, milk or 2-3 raw egg whites.

A poisoned person with methyl alcohol is also treated with ethanol. It is enough to drink no more than 50 grams. Induce the patient to vomit. To do this, dilute 2 teaspoons of soda in 1.5 - 2 liters of warm water. After easing the condition, give strong tea and 2 tablets of activated charcoal, make a cold compress on the head. It is recommended to dilute 20 drops of ammonia or mint alcohol in a glass of water and drink in small sips.

What medicines to take for alcohol poisoning

An external improvement in a person's condition after exposure to toxic toxic substances does not yet indicate a complete cleansing of the body. To cope with internal organ damage, only medications that are recommended to be taken with alcohol intoxication at home will help.

To restore the water-electrolyte balance and reduce the level of dehydration can powder for oral administration - "Regidron". It is dissolved in a liter of warm water and drunk in small sips. You can replace it with Hydrovit, Citraglucosolan or Trihydron.

Reception of enterosorbents promotes the absorption of toxins and the protection of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The herbal preparation "Filtrum-STI" prevents diarrhea, binds toxins and protects the gastrointestinal tract. Dosage per day should not exceed 12-16 tablets. Use analogues: "Neosmectin" and "Polysorb MP".

Helps with severe vomiting, flatulence and disruption of the biliary tract tablet "Metoclopramide". They relieve nausea and hiccups, accelerate metabolism in the intestines, and do not cause diarrhea. Dosage - 10 mg 3 times a day. Use the same "Cerucal", "Gastrosil", "Perinorm".

Essliver Forte. It is very important to restore and protect the liver in case of alcohol poisoning, which contributes to the rapid breakdown and removal of residual toxins from the body. The daily norm is 2 capsules 3 times. The tablets "Glutargin", "Essentiale forte N" will act no less intensively.

To normalize digestion and restore intestinal microflora, Linex should be taken. It is suitable for diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence. Beneficial bacteria in the composition of the drug have an immunostimulating effect, participate in the synthesis of potassium and vitamins of group B. Drink 2 capsules after meals 3 times a day. Similar in action to drugs, like Acipol and Bifidumbacterin.

How to recover

An important role after intensive drug treatment of intoxication is occupied by proper nutrition, which will provide the body with the missing vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements. The first 5-7 days after the removal of toxic substances, you will have to limit yourself to heavy, poorly digestible food, and observe a sparing regimen. What to drink and eat after alcohol poisoning:

  1. boiled meat. Light chicken breast, lean beef;
  2. vegetable soup with herbs;
  3. porridge. Eat buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  4. yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese;
  5. green tea;
  6. bananas.

Smoked meats, sausages and confectionery, flour products, pasta are strictly prohibited. It is also necessary to refuse legumes, like peas, beans. And, of course, if a person is poisoned by alcohol, alcohol-containing drugs and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

Which is contained in alcohol, for example, in vodka. Other elements that provoke intoxication in the products of alcohol decay: butylene, methylene and isopropyl. But they rarely get inside. The most frequent poisoning occurs when drinking strong alcoholic beverages in large doses, as well as low-quality alcohol.

It happens that intoxication occurs in the case of drinking low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks, but due to the absence of alcohol or its low level, poisoning can be caused by foreign toxic substances. Their set includes: methylene, acetone. It is low-alcohol drinks that account for a large percentage of the disease. First of all, everyone needs to know what to take in case of poisoning.

Common symptoms

Ethyl alcohol in the blood directly affects the poisoning, and the more it is, the more intense the disease. Symptoms begin to appear gradually, increasing their effect on the body. At vodka poisoning three features are characteristic. According to them, the severity of intoxication and future treatment are determined.

The first sign of alcohol poisoning

The variability of a person's appearance and behavior is the first sign. If a person began to drink a large amount of vodka or other drinks containing alcohol, then this can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

Even in the case of drinking alcohol in a small dose, symptoms can manifest themselves. You should not worry too much with primary symptoms, it is enough to stop drinking, but in case of secondary symptoms, serious measures should be taken.

The second sign of alcohol poisoning

When alcohol enters the body, it enters the stomach and then is absorbed into the blood through its walls. At the very first stage central nervous system suffers. The brain affected by alcohol loses its orientation, which, in turn, affects the loss of normal body movement and spoken language.

The functionality of the brain goes to the level of instinct. It affects the lowering of the intellectual level, there is increased sexual excitability and aggression. Simply put, a person behaves inappropriately.

Severe symptom of alcohol poisoning

Severe poisoning occurs in a severe stage, the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are affected. In severe form, a drunk person almost completely loses control over movements, indifferent to all sources of irritation, hearing goes down and speech is lost. After prolonged use of alcohol, poisoning can go into a severe phase - an alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol surrogates

The most common poisoning happens on a household basis - people can drink various types of surrogate harmful drinks. This category includes non-food additives, highly toxic alcohols and ethyl alcohol.

There are such types of vodka substitutes that you can not drink:

These products are manufactured industrially and should not be consumed under any circumstances. In addition to these industrial liquids, there is also “singed vodka”, which is made at home. There is no quality in this product, because it is produced without observing technology standards.

Often you can find burnt vodka on store shelves, which is sold under the guise of famous brands. Unlike ordinary, normal, vodka, the degree fusel oils significantly more therefore, the risk of poisoning with such an alcoholic drink increases significantly.

The next homemade product is considered moonshine, it also causes severe intoxication of the body. In its manufacture, moonshiners do not focus on quality, but on a high alcohol content.

The main attention should be given alcohol tinctures they are intended for medical purposes. They are made both in the industrial sector and in the home. If you drink such a liquid, then severe poisoning simply cannot be avoided.

Important! In case of severe poisoning, an ambulance should be called.

What to do with alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning poses a great threat to health, especially if intoxication has passed into a severe stage. In the event of such a misfortune, it is necessary to understand what can and cannot be done, what medicines to take and know their types and purpose.

What can be done if poisoning occurs at home?

First aid at home is to bring the patient to his senses. Definitely needed cleanse the body of toxins. This will help only when the intoxicated person is still conscious, but drowsiness and fatigue appear.

To return the patient to consciousness, use ammonia. This method helps both in stationary and at home. To help, you need to find matter, any cotton wool, even a tampon will do. Next, the material is soaked in a solution and held at a short distance near the nostrils. A poisoned person will definitely feel the specific smell of ammonia.

To achieve such a goal you can use sobering drinks which are available in pharmacies. Cleansing the body of toxins occurs due to the elimination of alcohol that is not absorbed into the blood, which is in the digestive tract. What remedies can be taken for alcohol poisoning:

  • baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • Activated carbon.


For manufacturing, you will need to apply this recipe: a teaspoon soda per 1 liter pure water. A person subject to poisoning should drink the solution in small sips to the end. The purpose of this method is to induce vomiting. This is done as follows: after drinking the soda solution, a spoon is taken, pressed on the base of the tongue and the desired happens. The remaining alcohol comes out with soda.


For manufacturing you will need: 1 liter water and potassium permanganate, not more than a few grams. After diluting the product, the water becomes light pink in color. The procedure is identical with soda. You need to drink liquid to the bottom. The main goal is to induce vomiting.

Activated carbon

These pills are really considered effective in the fight against poisoning of a different nature. Everyone should have the tool. Charcoal dosage calculated based on body weight. There is one tablet per 10 kg. A large amount of activated carbon taken will not harm, therefore, if intoxication has an elevated level, at least 20 pieces must be taken. Each tablet should be chewed and washed down with water.

The tool is quite effective and helps to cope with poisoning, but in the case when a drunk person can control his condition. Do not give the patient the above assistance when the patient is in a state of severe alcohol intoxication and lies without any action. You just need to be with the patient and wait for the arrival of the doctors. You should not try to give a drunk such a vomiting provoking drug when he is in such a state.

The task of the person next to you is to control breathing, prevent swallowing of the tongue and prevent the possible penetration of vomit inside. Ethyl alcohol that has entered the body blocks the natural release of bodily heat, so the intoxicated person must be covered with a blanket. It is not recommended to leave the patient, you always need to be with him.

When is an ambulance needed?

It is difficult to assess the situation when you need to call an ambulance for alcohol poisoning. If a person’s condition changes for the worse, then this is a clear signal for the intervention of medical workers. There are a fairly large number of signs, but if at least a few of the above are present, qualified physicians should be immediately involved.

Common signs of deterioration:

Why do you need to call an ambulance?

Severe alcohol intoxication of the body is not considered a joke. If you do not react in time, then for the patient the situation can turn into a fatal outcome due to hypothermia, cardiac and respiratory arrest. That's why should be treated promptly.

The likelihood of dire consequences is very high if you do not seek immediate medical attention. Do not hesitate, because the complications will become even more catastrophic. In this case, you should show maximum responsibility and seriousness to the situation that has occurred.

Complications of intoxication

Complications affect important body functions and consciousness. After losing control of my mind next step could be coma. But if proper assistance is provided in a timely manner, such consequences will not happen.

Other complications of alcohol poisoning are classified as tongue retraction, impaired breathing, trismus of the jaw muscles, bronchorrhea and hypersalivation. Prolonged intoxication of the body harms the kidneys, from which kidney failure can occur, turning into an acute form.

Coma and alcohol

Coma can occur after loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning. In total, there are three degrees of such a condition, which are characterized by different severity: light, medium and deep coma phases. How they appear:

Next steps after alcohol poisoning

For a complete recovery after severe intoxication, it is prescribed full rehabilitation course. Only after that the patient acquires normal health, proper physical abilities and memory.

There are four stages in the treatment:

The patient for further treatment can go to the toxicology department or an outpatient clinic, it all depends on the severity of the poisoning of the body. In case of poisoning of a person who rarely drinks alcohol, it is enough to procedure for cleaning the body of harmful components- ethyl alcohol and other products of chemical decomposition. In order not to be poisoned, the patient is obliged not to take alcohol-containing drinks for at least several weeks. It is very easy to treat this stage.

For severe cases hospital is used for treatment, which is engaged in the elimination of toxins with the help of intravenous saline preparations, which, in turn, restores the level of metabolism. The necessary nutrition based on useful microelements and vitamins is provided - this is what you can eat after alcohol poisoning. The liver is resuscitated with phospholepids. In order not to get poisoned again, the patient should never take alcohol, even in the smallest doses.

Attention, only TODAY!

Alcohol poisoning home treatment is a problem that worries everyone who drinks alcohol at least occasionally. No one is immune from a severe hangover syndrome. After all, even a small dose of alcohol sometimes leads to alcohol intoxication.

What is alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is called poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its decay products. If you drink a small amount of alcohol, the liver easily processes harmful substances without consequences for the body. Minimum doses of alcoholic beverages are safe for health - 60 ml of vodka, 250 ml of wine or 650 ml of beer. However, few people stop at such marks, absorbing a much larger amount of alcohol. This leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Experience a special burden with alcohol intoxication circulatory and nervous system.

The heart has to work harder. Brain activity suffers. There is clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination of movement. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%, such severe deviations as cardiac arrest and deep coma are possible.

Poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages

In some cases, even minimal doses of alcohol lead to intoxication. This happens due to the use of alcohol surrogates. Unscrupulous manufacturers, seeking to save on raw materials for alcoholic beverages, replace relatively safe ethanol with methyl, butyl, hydrolytic and sulfite alcohol. And some desperate lovers of strong drinks, in pursuit of a good mood, use cologne and paint industry products.

Even minimal doses of such drinks lead in some cases to fatal outcomes. If home treatment is quite possible for ordinary alcohol poisoning, then intoxication due to the use of low-quality drinks requires immediate hospitalization.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Signs of intoxication may appear some time after drinking strong drinks or on the morning after the banquet. Before deciding what to do with alcohol poisoning, you should decide whether this is really a condition.

Headache and nausea do not indicate severe intoxication. These are signs of a mild hangover syndrome. In case of poisoning, more serious symptoms are observed:

  • persistent severe vomiting;
  • increased emotional activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements and speech;
  • inability to focus on one point;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • interruptions in the rhythm of the heart;
  • drop in body temperature and blood pressure;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • persistent smell of ethanol on exhalation.

The presence of such signs suggests that a person has been poisoned by alcohol and needs help.

First aid for alcohol intoxication

It is not always possible to remove intoxication at home. To avoid irreversible consequences, you will have to call an ambulance. However, before the arrival of the brigade, it is necessary to provide first aid in case of poisoning. To do this, you need to know how to remove alcohol intoxication.

First of all, the stomach should be freed from the remnants of ethanol. The victim should be induced to vomit. To do this, he is given to drink several glasses of slightly salted or acidified liquid at room temperature. If it was not possible to wash the stomach in this way, it is necessary to press with two fingers at the base of the tongue. This procedure is repeated several times with short breaks.

If the poisoned person is unconscious, gastric lavage will not work. Loosen all straps and fasteners on the victim's clothing and lay him on his side, putting something under his head. It is important to ensure that the patient does not choke on vomit, does not overheat or become cold.

Ammonia will help to bring to life and not prevent loss of consciousness when intoxicated. The composition is moistened with a piece of cotton wool and allowed to smell to the victim. If the condition of the poisoned person worsens, emergency measures must be taken - artificial respiration and heart massage.

Video - Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

How to treat alcohol poisoning

In most cases, gastric lavage greatly alleviates the symptoms of intoxication. But after that, you should continue the treatment of alcohol poisoning. Some people think that the best remedy is a hangover. However, it should be remembered: getting rid of intoxication with vodka is dangerous.

Treatment of alcoholic toxicosis includes the following activities:

  • Normalization of water-salt balance. Gastric lavage has a positive effect on the condition of the victim of alcohol poisoning. However, persistent vomiting, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea, causes dehydration. Therefore, in case of intoxication, it is important to restore the water-salt balance.
  • Removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body. After washing the stomach, harmful substances still remain in the body, acting as a poison on the internal organs of a person. Enterosorbents will help to remove them, the simplest and most affordable of which is activated carbon. It should be drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora. Together with toxic substances, beneficial bacteria are removed from the intestines, which positively affect the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, a number of measures to eliminate the consequences of alcohol intoxication include the use of agents that restore microflora. These include Linex, Bifiform, Enterol and other drugs.
  • symptomatic treatment. The consequences of intoxication can be different: tremor, headache, heaviness in the chest and disruption of the heart. Depending on the symptoms, appropriate drugs are prescribed. The general condition of the victim will be facilitated by anti-hangover drugs - Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, effervescent tablets Alkaprim, Antipokhmelin and many others.

What to do with severe vomiting

With intoxication, the body is especially threatened with dehydration. When a person vomits, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. To restore it, you should drink plenty of fluids. It can be mineral water or water with the addition of lemon juice. Vitamin C also has a positive effect on the patient's condition with alcohol poisoning.

It is useful to drink Regidron. It is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a liter of plain water and drunk in small sips. You can prepare such a tool yourself. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Salt, alkali and glucose contribute to the restoration of normal body functions.

In some cases, you may need. If the nausea does not stop and it is not possible to alleviate the condition, you can not do without a dropper. It can be put at home, but only a specialist does it.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication with folk remedies

After removing the first symptoms of intoxication, folk remedies are used to treat alcohol poisoning. Decoctions of herbs help well, but they are chosen with caution, since many plants contain poisons that can aggravate the situation.

Mint, horsetail, lemon balm, tansy and chamomile contribute to the removal of alcohol intoxication. Decoctions are prepared from them or simply pour dried plants with boiling water and insist for several minutes.

Help with poisoning honey water. Fructose, which is part of its composition, restores strength and improves tone. Preparing such a drug is simple. Honey is dissolved in half a liter of water. The more bee products in the liquid, the better. Chopped ginger root is also added to the composition. It is useful for hangovers.

In alcohol poisoning, potato starch is useful. One spoonful of the product is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small portions. Starch draws out poison and toxins from the body. It has long been known that after a banquet brine relieves a hangover, cabbage is best. It restores the water-salt balance and contains a large amount of vitamin C.

What is prohibited in case of alcohol poisoning

In order not to worsen the condition of a person poisoned by ethanol, it is not recommended:

  • Move actively- The victim must be kept calm.
  • Lay the patient on his back– he can lose consciousness and choke on vomit
  • Take laxatives- it promotes dehydration.
  • Eat fatty foods- for some time after poisoning, it is necessary to adhere to a diet so as not to burden the liver and stomach.
  • Self-medicate when the condition worsens- in some cases, without the help of doctors can not do. Only hospitalization will help to fully recover.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a serious illness that sometimes even leads to death. It is better to avoid such a condition, since it is very difficult to cope with it and restore the functioning of the body.

Poisoning can be prevented by taking a few tablets of activated charcoal or another pharmaceutical product provided for this before the banquet. You can not drink strong drinks on an empty stomach. Eat them with rich fatty foods.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks. For these purposes, use fruit drinks, compote juice or plain water. Smoking during the banquet is best avoided altogether.

And most importantly - you should control the quality of alcohol consumed and its quantity. Only this guarantees protection against intoxication. The minimum doses of high-quality alcohol will improve your mood and will not incapacitate your body.
