
What is the name of the strong broth. Strong meat broth

What is the name of the strong broth? In different countries in their own way. However, traditionally it is offered the name consommé. It is prepared according to completely different recipes, you can also use traditional types of meat, such as beef, chicken, as well as more exotic ones. These include dishes from hazel grouse, other game. Real broth can be supplemented with various ingredients to prepare a rich first course. It is also served separately.

What kind of broths can be distinguished?

As you know, broth is a French word. But it is difficult to imagine your life without soups, rich or lean. That's what broths are for. Soups can be divided into two types:

  • filling stations;
  • transparent.

The first include cabbage soup, borscht, mashed soups. It is a strong broth that is important here, not necessarily transparent. In the second option, as the name implies, it is the beautiful base that is valued. Often used for noodles or on its own. Also broths can be divided into white, yellow and red. It depends on the type of meat and cooking.

White broth. What are they brewed from?

The thigh, shoulder blade, neck, brisket are excellent as meat. This base is used for rich dressing soups. It is better to cook the broth for a large portion, since a strong broth comes out of a decent-sized piece of meat. A distinctive feature of this type of broth is that no roots are used in cooking. It should have a pure meat taste, everything else is added during dressing.

To prepare such a strong broth, you need to take:

  • 2.7 liters of water;
  • some salt;
  • 1.5 kilograms of fillet.

It is also worth choosing a pan with thick walls.

Cooking broth: recipe description

First of all, you need to remember that a strong broth from meat or game is prepared by pouring cold water over the meat. No need to lower the main ingredient into boiling water. The meat is thoroughly washed, trying not to leave bone fragments. Put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. They put it on the stove. The lid is left ajar. This is also a kind of secret to making a strong broth. When the lid is closed, the taste quality deteriorates significantly.

First, bring the broth to a boil, keeping it on high heat. Remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for another 2.5 hours. Salt about thirty minutes before the end of cooking.

Yellow broth: what to choose

This version of the broth is cooked from a part of the carcass with a marrow bone. It acquires color and aroma through the use of roots.

For cooking take:

  • 2.7 liters of water;
  • 1.5 kilograms of meat on the bone;
  • 400 grams of various roots;
  • head of onion;
  • salt.

Carrots, celery root, parsley root or leek are taken as roots. You can take them in different proportions, according to taste.

Broth preparation

To begin with, clean all the vegetables. The onion is cut into two halves, the remaining roots are cut into large circles. To enhance the taste, you can fry all the ingredients in a dry frying pan until a crust forms. The meat is placed in a saucepan, poured with water. Boil. After removing the foam from the surface. Lay the rest of the ingredients and cook the broth further until the meat is ready. Salt is added towards the end of cooking. When the broth is ready, remove excess fat from the surface with a spoon, and filter the liquid itself twice through wet gauze.

red broth

This variety has one significant drawback - the broth turns cloudy. However, to taste this version of a strong broth is more saturated, bright. For cooking, you need to take the same ingredients as for the yellow broth. However, they prepare it a little differently.

The meat and roots are washed, put in a frying pan and a couple of tablespoons of oil are added. Fry the ingredients for about five to ten minutes. Then everything is transferred to the necessary pan and poured with water. This broth is prepared for about 2.5 hours. The foam is also removed after boiling.

Delicious chicken broth

For rich, strong chicken broth, you need to take:

  • kilogram of chicken;
  • two liters of water;
  • onion head;
  • three sprigs of celery;
  • two small carrots;
  • two bay leaves;
  • parsley root;
  • salt and pepper.

The chicken is thoroughly washed, cut into large pieces and put in a saucepan. Fill with water. Bring everything to a boil. Take off the foam. Boil for about an hour. After the chicken is taken out of the broth, the meat is removed from the bones. Then the bones are returned back to be cooked.

All vegetables are peeled, cut into large pieces. Put in a saucepan and cook over low heat for about an hour. Strain the finished broth. It is good in that it can be frozen in portions, later used in soups and sauces.

Hunter's Strong Broth: A Delicious Campfire Dish

For this hiking recipe you need to take:

  • three hazel grouse;
  • onion head;
  • one carrot;
  • parsley root;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • some fresh dill;
  • a little oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper.

This amount of ingredients is designed for a three-liter pot.

The hazel grouses are washed, the feathers and skin are removed from them, and the giblets are also taken out. They are also added to the soup later on. Vegetables are peeled and cut into large pieces. In a pot in vegetable oil, vegetables are fried for five minutes, grouse is added, stirring, everything is fried. Pour the ingredients with water, cook over medium heat for about twenty minutes. After that, all the vegetables are taken out, and a strong grouse broth is boiled for another fifteen minutes. Coarsely chopped greens, spices fall asleep. You can put noodles in such a broth and get a delicious soup.

Royal broth: for the company

This version of the broth is good because the result is two dishes at once: the liquid ingredient itself and the finished meat products. They are often used as an appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks.

For cooking you need to take:

  • 800 grams of beef tongue;
  • 400 grams of beef tenderloin;
  • two chicken legs;
  • onion head;
  • three leeks;
  • four carrots;
  • three bay leaves;
  • a handful of peppercorns;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • four liters of water.

If desired, you can take any part of the chicken, but then you should calculate how much to cook it. You can also remove the skin from it, since the broth turns out to be rich anyway.

To begin with, clean the tongue. This is easy to do with boiling water. The raw product is dipped in boiling water for four minutes. Take out and quickly scrape off the skin. If something else is left, then repeat the procedure. The cleaned tongue is dipped in cold water and placed on the stove. Hold until boiling, remove the resulting foam.

Put salt, a whole head of onion without skin and bay leaves. Add peppercorns. Keep the tongue for about an hour on low heat, partially covered with a lid. After put the washed beef. An hour later add chicken legs.

The vegetables begin to cook. All ingredients are cleaned. Carrots are cut lengthwise into halves. A bunch of parsley is tied with a thread, a leek is cut in half. Everything is sent to the pan and boiled for another thirty minutes. Then remove the product from the stove. Immediately remove a bunch of parsley, throw it away.

Vegetables are taken out and served on a separate plate, while onions are thrown away. The meat and tongue are cut into small pieces, better like sausage. The broth is served separately, garnished with pepper, fresh herbs, such as dill or parsley. Before serving, take out bay leaves, peppercorns. Such a dish can be safely served to guests, especially with strong drinks.

Rich broths are not only the basis for first courses. They can also be used in their pure form, adding pies. For such purposes, the so-called yellow broth is excellent, which is boiled with roots, carefully filtered. Red and yellow broths are considered more rich. They are often used for dressing soups such as shchi or borscht. Also, delicious broths are obtained in nature from various game.

Such Tospicy meat broth can be used as a basis for cooking various, or you can eat it just like that, with croutons and herbs.

We start cooking 8 hours before serving.


Recipe for strong beef broth:

  1. Grease half the bones of the shank, 1 carrot and 1 onion with oil, put in a large baking dish and put under a preheated grill. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Turn once during baking.
  2. Cut the flesh of the beef shoulder or brisket into cubes with a side of 2-3 cm. We stick a clove into the remaining onion. Raw meat and bones are placed in a large saucepan, pour 3.5 liters. cold water and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Add the fried bones to the pan, put on low heat, bring to a boil, not letting it boil violently. Remove the foam, cook on a minimum heat for 4 hours.
  4. Add salt, spices and vegetables to the pan, cook for another 1.5 hours. Add thyme and marjoram, cook for another 30 minutes. Strain, cool as quickly as possible. Refrigerate for 1 hour, remove fat. use for any soups or warm up and serve just like that.

To make the broth more fragrant, along with marjoram and thyme, you can add dill, parsley and cilantro stalks mashed with your fingers.

Composition per 3.5 liters of water:

  • lean beef shoulder or brisket - 400 gr.
  • the lower part of the back beef shank chopped into small pieces - 1.5 kg.
  • celery - 2 - 3 stalks
  • medium carrot - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil
  • large shallot - 2 pcs.
  • cloves - 5 buds
  • thyme - 3 sprigs
  • marjoram - 3 sprigs
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - ½ tsp

Strong meat broth from the bones

This strong broth, which is used in almost all dishes, can last up to a week if kept in the refrigerator and brought to a boil every other day.
Ingredients To make a strong beef broth:
To get 3 liters of broth
Beef from the drumstick or back leg - 1 kg.
Veal shank - 1 kg.
Chicken meat: backs, necks, legs and tips of wings - 1 kg.
Water - 5 liters.
Aromatic bouquet with leek and celery - 1 pc.
Head of garlic, unpeeled - 1 pc.
Bulbs of medium size, stuffed with cloves - 2 pcs.
Carrots - 4 pcs.

Cooking method strong meat broth
1. Place a round base on the bottom of a large saucepan so that the ingredients of the broth do not stick to the bottom. Put all the oil, bones and parts of the chicken in a saucepan and add water to cover the meat by about 5 cm. Bring to a boil over low heat and remove the foam from the surface. Leave the broth to simmer, adding a glass of cold water from time to time until the foam stops forming.
2. Add aromatic bouquet, garlic, onion, carrots and salt and bring the broth to a boil again, skimming off the foam. Reduce heat to very low. Cover the pan with a loose lid and cook for 5-8 hours. If the meat will then be eaten, after an hour and a half, take out the veal, and after 3 hours the beef.
3. Pour the broth into a colander placed over a large bowl with damp cheesecloth at the bottom. Leave the strained broth to cool, then remove the remaining fat from the surface. If the broth has been refrigerated, the fat will turn into a crust.

Veal broth: do not use beef, beef bones and chicken meat, replace them with 2 kg. trimmings of veal meat (neck, shank, ends of ribs). To make the broth thicker, with more gelatin content, you can use a veal leg, peeled, cut into pieces and blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water.

Beef broth: replace veal shank and chicken pieces with 2 kg. tails, shins, lower shoulder blades. Boil the broth for about 5 hours. If you want more gelatin in the broth, you can add veal shank or leg to it.

Chicken broth: if you cook the broth from old chickens and roosters, then it will be more rich. Use approximately 2.5 kg. bones of the skeleton, necks, legs, wings, navels and hearts. Simmer the broth for 2 to 4 hours.

Lamb or lamb broth: use about 3 kg. bones of a ram or lamb, including the drumstick and neck or edge of the neck, as well as veal knuckle. Boil for 5 to 8 hours.

Enjoy your meal.
