
Light diet soups for every day. weekly easy diet

If you are on a diet for weight loss, recipes for first courses are of undoubted interest to you. Along with salads, vegetable soups, cabbage soup, broths, cremated and pureed first courses without frying must be present in your diet. A distinctive feature of recipes for dietary first courses is the absence of any ready-made potatoes in the composition.

Recipes for vegetable soups for weight loss at home

To your attention - recipes for first courses for weight loss with photos that are easy to cook at home.

Vegetable soup for weight loss

  • Turnip - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • green onions - 20 g;
  • fresh white cabbage - 150 g;
  • vegetable broth - 200 g;
  • herbs, spices to taste.


Fried finely chopped turnips, carrots and green onions are poured with broth. Put the chopped cabbage and cook until the vegetables are soft. The diet soup for weight loss prepared according to this recipe is seasoned with herbs when served.

Slovak vegetable soup

  • Leek stalks - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • turnip - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • vegetable broth - 2 l.


Cut carrots, parsley and leeks into small strips, and turnips into large strips. Boil everything together in a strained vegetable or meat broth.

Sorrel soup with onions

  • Sorrel - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • spices to taste.


Fry the onion until golden brown. Throw washed and coarsely chopped sorrel into boiling water, pour oil and onion into it. According to the recipe, this slimming soup needs to be boiled for 10 minutes.

Rustic sorrel soup

  • Sorrel - 600 g;
  • dried mushrooms - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1-2 onions;
  • greens - to taste;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare this dietary first course according to this recipe, you need to cook a broth from roots, onions, a bunch of greens and dried mushrooms. Sort out the young sorrel, wash, squeeze, finely chop, transfer to a saucepan, put a spoonful of vegetable oil, stew in its own juice. Cool and pass through a sieve if desired. 15 minutes before serving, dilute with strained broth, do not cover, let it boil. For a change, you can put tomatoes in such cabbage soup, after stewing them in oil.

Bean and nettle soup

  • Young nettle leaves - 200 g;
  • beans - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


Sort the beans, rinse, soak and boil. Add the remaining water, spices, chopped onions and nettle leaves, vegetable oil to the beans. Bring the mixture to a boil. Serve soup with chopped dill.

These photos illustrate recipes for diet soups for weight loss - light and low-calorie:

Cooking diet first courses: soup recipes for weight loss

Here you can find recipes for slimming cabbage soup made from sour, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage.

Shchi sour with mushrooms

  • Sour cabbage - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • mushrooms (dried) - 30 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens, spices (including cumin) - to taste.


Boil cabbage until almost done. Cut the prepared mushrooms into strips and stew with onions, adding a little olive oil. Then add the mushrooms to the soup. According to the recipe, this low-calorie first course needs to be seasoned with spices. Serve with chopped green onions.

Shchi sour with beans

  • Beans - 1/2 cup;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sauerkraut - 1 cup;
  • tomato puree - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley (root) - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


Soak beans for 2-3 hours in cold water and boil. Put oil, tomato puree into sauerkraut, pour in a little hot water and simmer until soft. Shortly before readiness, put the fried carrots, parsley, onions and mix everything. After that, combine the cabbage with beans and its broth, season with spices and boil. The dietary first course for weight loss prepared according to this recipe is served with chopped herbs.

Shchi from fresh cabbage with tomatoes

  • Water - 3 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • tomato - 2-3 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


Boil water, throw in thinly sliced ​​cabbage, carrots, parsley root. While the vegetables are cooking, sauté the onion in oil and add to the pot. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, throw in sliced ​​​​tomatoes. Shortly before the end, add spices. Cook for 40 minutes in total. Serve with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Look at the photo of dietary first courses according to the recipes suggested above:

Simple recipes for light mushroom soups for weight loss

Another selection of recipes for diet soups for weight loss, which are sure to fall in love not only with those who follow a diet, but also with all household members.

Shechamada mushroom

  • Mushrooms - 500 g;
  • onions - 2-3 small onions;
  • garlic, herbs, capsicum, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


To prepare soup for weight loss at home according to this recipe, you need to wash the mushrooms in running water, put in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. Strain the decoction. Cut boiled mushrooms into strips.

Blanch finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, combine with mushrooms and pour mushroom broth. Once the soup boils, let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Then put finely chopped greens (cilantro, parsley, dill), crushed garlic, capsicum and spices into a pot with soup. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.

Serve a light soup prepared according to this recipe for weight loss, seasoned with finely chopped dill.

Zucchini soup with mushrooms

  • Fresh mushrooms (white, boletus) - 500 g;
  • zucchini - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley and celery root - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 onions;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • herbs, spices, vegetable oil - to taste.


Chop parsley, carrots, onions into strips and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, add green onions before the end of frying. Cut the washed mushrooms into small pieces, put in boiling water and cook for about 30 minutes. Add sliced ​​zucchini, fried vegetables to the broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add spices to taste. When serving, season the soup with herbs.

Here you can see photos of recipes for weight loss soups made from mushrooms:

Fresh tubular mushroom soup

  • Fresh mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms) - 400 g;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


To prepare this simple soup recipe for weight loss, mushrooms need to be sorted out, cut off the coarsened parts, washed, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add onions, pour water and cook for about an hour. Then fill with oil. Before serving, place chopped parsley and dill in bowls.

Dried Mushroom Soup with Seaweed and Soy Sauce

  • Mushrooms (dried) - 50 g;
  • seaweed - 30 g;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • soy sauce (Sen Soi Classic Garlic) - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.


Cleanly chopped mushrooms and seaweed, previously soaked in water, finely chopped, fried until half cooked, season with soy sauce (Sen Soi Classic Garlic). Put fried mushrooms and seaweed into the water filtered through gauze from under the soaked mushrooms and seaweed, boil thoroughly. If the soup is cooked with meat, then the meat must first be fried together with mushrooms, soaked in spices.

Mushroom soup with red wine

  • Mushrooms - 225 g;
  • dry red wine - 50 g;
  • broth (vegetable, mushroom - to choose from) - 150 ml;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • nutmeg - 5 g;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


Mushrooms clean, wash and cut into strips. Heat oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms and fry for a few minutes over low heat. Pour in the wine and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Add mushroom or vegetable broth and cook until boiling. Remove from fire. Heat water, pour into soup. Salt and pepper. Finely chop the garlic and add to the soup. Add nutmeg, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, stir and serve immediately.

Pay attention to the photo - the vegetable soup for weight loss prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant pinkish color:

Recipes for low-calorie vegetable puree soups for weight loss

Below are recipes with photos of vegetable puree soups for weight loss, which are easy to cook on your own.

Bean soup with green bean garnish

  • Dry bean puree - 800 g;
  • green bean puree - 800 g;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • beans for garnish - 50 g.


To prepare soup-puree for weight loss according to this recipe, beans, sorted and washed, you need to pour water, salt and cook until tender, then rub through a sieve along with the broth. Also make green bean puree. Combine dry white bean puree with green bean puree, dilute the mixture with bean broth. Season the soup with oil. For garnish, place small white bean seeds and diced green bean pods on plates. Serve the soup hot.

Bean and vegetable soup

  • Bean puree - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • any vegetables (carrots, celery, leeks, green beans) -250 g;
  • cream - half a glass;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


Soak the beans overnight, cook until tender, drain the water, and puree until puree. Dilute the resulting puree with a decoction in which beans or vegetables were boiled, bring to a boil, salt, season with oil. Vegetables boiled in water or broth and cut into small cubes can serve as a side dish.

Tuscan bean soup

  • Beans (dry, soaked overnight) - 220 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic (crushed) - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable or chicken broth;
  • oregano (chopped fresh) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.


A thick and creamy soup based on a classic Tuscan recipe. If you are using dried beans for this weight loss vegetable soup recipe, it will take longer to cook.

Dried beans that have been soaked overnight should be thoroughly drained and rinsed. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add the beans and cook for 10 minutes. Cover the pot and cook for another 30 minutes until soft. Drain, reserving the liquid in which the beans were boiled. If you are using canned beans, simply drain and save the liquid.

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add the beans and 400 ml of the reserved liquid to the pot, stirring.

You may need some water if there is not enough liquid. Add broth. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat.

Place the bean mixture in a food processor and puree until smooth. If you don't have a food processor, mash the beans with a potato masher. Season with spices to taste and mix.

Pour the soup back into the saucepan and heat slowly until almost boiling (but not boiling). Stir in oregano and serve.

Bean soup with celery

  • Beans - 800 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • leek - 2 stalks;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • celery root - 1-2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable broth - 0.5 l;
  • spices, herbs - to taste.


Beans, sorted and washed, pour 2 liters of water, add leeks, carrots, celery, salt and cook until tender, then rub through a sieve along with the broth. Dilute the resulting puree with broth, add oil. Serve the soup-puree of vegetables prepared according to this recipe for weight loss should be hot.

Hot first courses should be present in the diet of every person, even those who are losing weight or suffering from diseases of the digestive system. The only thing in such situations is to figure out how to create soups that will not overload the digestive tract and will not be saturated with fats. What recipes are worth learning?

How to cook diet soup for weight loss

First of all, attention should be paid to the interpretation of the word “diet” - depending on what it is, a menu is formed. Main nuances:

  • If dietary nutrition is caused by gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc., spices, meat ingredients, and some vegetables are excluded.
  • If you need to lose weight at a natural pace (through proper nutrition), calorie content and fat content are mainly reduced.
  • If a menu is being compiled for a child, you need to figure out how to prepare a light soup that does not overload the digestive tract and does not contain allergens (for the smallest).

fat burning

For such a dietary dish, the key focus is not only on calorie content, but also on a special selection of ingredients that will have the following properties:

  • diuretic;
  • accelerating metabolism;
  • laxative;
  • regulating lipid metabolism.

The recipe for a dietary fat-burning dish may involve the use of hot spices: they facilitate the absorption of fats and have a positive effect on the figure. Cayenne pepper, ginger, curry are the most popular and often used for dietary dishes. However, you can even take a simple mixture of ground peppers: black, pink, white - this will also give an effect, albeit less pronounced. Useful and garlic with onions. With increased acidity of the stomach and excessive bile secretion, they are prohibited.

Successful options for fat-burning soups that can be low-calorie at the same time:

  • Bonn. Prepared on the basis of white cabbage, onions (4-5 pieces per fork), celery stalks and parsley. Boiled without salt, but using curry. With the exception of celery, the proportion of parsley increases.
  • Onion. Empty, cooked on browned finely chopped onions, with the addition of dill.

low calorie

Such dishes, in their composition, are very sparing with respect to digestion, therefore they are well suited for baby food, and for diseases of the stomach, liver, and gallbladder. However, prescriptions still need to be chosen, focusing on medical indications. Reduced calorie diet soups exclude fats and do not allow the combination of protein with heavy carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, potatoes). Mostly look like lean.

You can cook low-calorie soup only on such broths:

  • vegetable;
  • fish;
  • chicken (the skin is removed, the bones are eliminated).

Hearty but low-calorie first meal ideas:

  • Pumpkin. Often prepared as a cream soup, but without cream: only pumpkin pulp, grated carrots, a couple of onions. After cooking, the ingredients can be ground into a puree.
  • Bean. Classic vegetable soup based on onion broth, boiled red beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, a little brown rice.
  • Kefir. It is used for a fasting day, it is not boiled: grated fresh cucumbers with chopped herbs are poured with low-fat (1-1.5%) kefir, the soup is infused for half an hour. Used cold.


Nutritionists note that weight loss food is characterized by an interesting feature - it does not need to be prepared for a long time and is difficult. From this perspective, recipes for light soups are not only algorithms for creating low-calorie dishes, but also ideas for a quick lunch that does not require extra effort. Record the time it takes you to cook any of the recipes listed below and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result of this test. According to the culinary photos, it is impossible to say that all these dishes were created in haste.

From zucchini

If you remember the most useful and light vegetables, which at the same time are highly nutritious, then zucchini comes to mind first. With them, you can make any low-calorie dish, including the first. How to cook diet vegetable puree soup based on zucchini? Choose young vegetables - you don’t have to cut out the seeds from them, and the soup after chopping the food will turn out to be especially tender. For greater softness of the consistency, you can add a potato or a couple of tablespoons of any starch.


  • celery stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • young squash;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • spices;
  • water - 1.9 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop all vegetables into small cubes.
  2. When the water boils, pour them in. Cook until potatoes are soft under a lid over medium heat.
  3. Remove from stove, cool slightly.
  4. Grind with a blender, season.
  5. Bring to a boil again and serve.


The fastest way to prepare such a dish is to use a ready-made frozen mixture of vegetables, boil it with enough water and seasonings. If potatoes are not taken, you can even throw a little cereal or vermicelli here - it will turn out satisfying, but low in calories. Diet vegetable soup can be cooked with anything, but the most famous is spinach with celery.


  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • celery stalks - 2 pcs.;
  • spinach - 180 g;
  • green onion;
  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly grease the pan with oil, fry the chopped celery with green onions.
  2. Pour this mass into a pot of boiling water, add chopped spinach.
  3. Scald the tomatoes, grate, add to the broth.
  4. Cook for 10-12 minutes after a new boil.
  5. Add lemon juice, turn off the stove, leave the first under the lid for infusion.


This healthy tasty dish will fit well into any menu, including children's. The classic chicken breast soup involves cutting the meat into strips or cubes, but this recipe is a little more interesting, as the photos prove - you will need to wind the minced meat and make meatballs. You can use a turkey the same way. Choose natural tomato paste, without salt, oil and artificial additives, or just rub the flesh of a fresh tomato.


  • chicken breast;
  • onion - 1/2 pc.;
  • paprika, salt;
  • carrot;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1.8 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Twist the skinless and boneless breast twice with a meat grinder. Salt minced meat, add a pinch of paprika. Make small meatballs.
  2. Throw chopped onions, circles of carrots into boiling water.
  3. After 4-5 minutes, add there.
  4. Cook for about a quarter of an hour, then put the tomato paste there.
  5. Stir, simmer for another 2-3 minutes, serve.

Sweet, fragrant, soft, with such a sunny color that uplifts the mood - pumpkin is worthy of being present even on the table of a person who is losing weight. You should not use it for food every day, but you can make dietary pumpkin soup a couple of times a week. Choose round varieties - their flesh holds its shape better, but due to its friability, it becomes completely homogeneous when mashed. Too obvious sweetness, like nutmeg varieties, they are deprived.


  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1/2 pc.
  • milk - half a glass;
  • Sweet pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes. Spread out on a baking sheet, cover with foil. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 170 degrees.
  2. Grind the pumpkin with a blender.
  3. Combine the resulting puree with grated carrots, chopped peppers and onions.
  4. Bring to a boil, cook for 6-7 minutes.
  5. Again use the blender.
  6. Add milk, stir, cook the soup for another 3-4 minutes.

Fatty meat is not recommended for those who want to lose weight, but animal protein is still used for dietary broths - for this purpose they take chicken or turkey. If you cook soup without the bird itself, but only on the water where it was cooked, you get a very light but nutritious dish. Dietary vegetable soup in chicken broth is allowed to be made even with cereals or noodles - it is better if it is buckwheat, rice, and not wheat.


  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • green beans - 200 g;
  • buckwheat noodles (soba) - 50 g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Throw onion halves into boiling water.
  2. After 10 minutes (the broth should continue to boil), add the washed fillet, and eliminate the onion.
  3. Boil 45 minutes. Take out the meat, remove.
  4. Pour green beans, grated carrots.
  5. After another 4-5 minutes, add broken noodles. Cook for 20-22 minutes, pepper before turning off the stove.

from broccoli

Light, with a pleasant creamy texture and appetizing green color, with a sweet aftertaste - this almost French soup will make you reconsider your views on cabbage. The recipe is great for both a diet for weight loss and nutrition for restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. In the photo, dietary broccoli puree is in no way inferior to the classic fatty versions.


  • beef - 100 g;
  • bulb;
  • broccoli - 500 g;
  • Bay leaf;
  • processed cheese - 50 g;
  • ground white pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the beef with water, after boiling, remove and transfer to a new pan.
  2. Top up with fresh water again. Boil for half an hour, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Add pepper, bay leaf, onion chopped in half rings.
  4. After half an hour, take out the meat, chop with a knife, lower it back.
  5. Add broccoli florets, cook until softened.
  6. Before serving, puree with a blender, mix in the grated processed cheese.


Delicious, tender, starchy, nutritious, not at all dangerous in terms of calories - all this perfectly characterizes dietary pea soup. It is cooked in vegetable broth, does not have heavy components, so it will not harm weight loss. With problems with the intestines, it is better to refuse such a dish. If you do not count calories, it can be served with rye crackers, but they are excluded with a strict diet.


  • split peas - 2/3 cup;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • fresh greens;
  • clove of garlic;
  • ground black pepper;
  • celery root - 1/2 pc.;
  • rye bread with bran - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak peas in the evening, rinse several times in the morning.
  2. Cut the celery root into cubes, chop the onion finely. Fry in a dry frying pan.
  3. Grate carrots and garlic, mix. Let stand.
  4. Pour peas into cold water, after boiling, cook for 30-35 minutes.
  5. Add celery with onions. After 10-12 minutes - carrot-garlic mass. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Season with pepper, fresh herbs.
  7. Bread cut into cubes, dry in a pan. Sprinkle them over the finished dish when serving.


Most dishes of this type involve the use of only light vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, peppers, etc. Mushrooms for diet soups are rarely taken, as they are difficult to digest. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they are unacceptable, and when losing weight, they are not combined with meat. A diet soup with mushrooms may mean cereals, but in a very small volume.


  • champignons - 240 g;
  • buckwheat - half a glass;
  • bulb;
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms, cut into slices.
  2. Deprive the pepper of seeds, chop into strips.
  3. Boil water (1.7-2 l), throw half an onion there. Boil for 10-12 minutes, remove it, discard.
  4. Pour champignons, cook for a quarter of an hour, removing the foam - the broth will be cleaner.
  5. Add washed buckwheat. After 20 minutes, add the chopped half of the onion, pepper.
  6. When the cereal is boiled, season with chopped herbs and serve.

Even children like this dish, since the key product has a pleasant sweetness that makes the soup look like a healthy dessert. If you additionally add a little tomato paste or fresh tomatoes here, and use a blender after cooking, you get a delicious dietary cauliflower puree soup. Fans of dense crispy pieces in hot dishes can omit the chopping stage.


  • cauliflower - 400 g;
  • clove of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • ground pepper;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a dry frying pan, fry the chopped garlic with nutmeg on it.
  2. Fill a small pot (1.5-1.7 l) with water. When it boils, throw in the cabbage divided into inflorescences.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, add grated carrots, fried garlic. Cook for 15-17 minutes covered.
  4. Pepper, add torn parsley.
  5. Grind the contents of the pan with a blender and bring to a boil again. If there is too much liquid, cook for another 10-15 minutes at a strong burner power.

In a slow cooker

With the help of this kitchen technique, you can make the same appetizing, tasty, hot soup as on the stove, without even changing the recipe. All of the dishes listed above can be adapted, or a new one can be chosen. Lentil diet soup in a slow cooker is a good way to try this way of working and a recipe not yet reviewed. If desired, you can similarly cook beans or peas.


  • lentils - a glass;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carrot.

cooking method:

  1. Pour chopped onions and grated carrots into a multicooker bowl, add half a glass of water. Cook for "stewing" 10-12 minutes.
  2. Add potato cubes, washed several times lentils.
  3. Pour the remaining water, throw the bay leaf.
  4. Cook on the "soup" mode for about an hour, let stand for another 15 minutes, leaving the lid closed.

Secrets of cooking from chefs

The general nuances of the selection of recipes and the combination of components for such dishes were disclosed above. However, there are a few other things to consider that affect the outcome. Professionals tell how to prepare the right diet meals for weight loss:

  • Try to reach the maximum reduction in the amount of salt, if you can not completely refuse.
  • Don't overcook. If more than necessary was cooked, it is worth freezing immediately, but do not let the dish live in the refrigerator for a week.
  • If you had to use non-dietary meat, change the water three times during cooking - the calorie content will drop significantly.
  • Try to use beets, corn, potatoes less often for a dietary dish: they are very useful, but when cooked, their glycemic index rises.
  • For satiety, vegetable soup can be supplemented with a boiled egg, but without the yolk.
  • For those who are trying a dish with celery for the first time, it is recommended to make a small portion for testing - this is a very specific dietary product.
  • Any soup where potatoes are present can be cooked without it by introducing Jerusalem artichoke root - such diet recipes are popular with diabetics.


A dietary lunch is a difficult task for any person who watches his figure. This meal should be hearty and dense, at the same time useful for digestion and not too high in calories, and this is quite difficult. Dietary lunch cannot be complete without a good light soup, which is the basis of proper nutrition.

Soups can be low-calorie, but very nutritious, and high-calorie, high in fat, so when preparing a diet recipe with recipes, you should be very careful. diet soup recipe, like all diet meals, should be based on the right choice of ingredients.

Experiment with a variety of herbs and dry seasonings, replacing salt and pepper with them (some diets simply need to reduce the intake of these spices). The simplest one is:

How to make quick chicken soup

You will need:

  • half a chicken breast, already skinned
  • half a glass of any cereal
  • one carrot
  • two potatoes
  • one bulb
  • lots of herbs and spices


  1. First, the chicken broth is boiled, then the meat is removed and the potatoes are boiled with chopped onions. If you don't like onions, just put the whole onion in and then take it out: the taste will remain, and there will be no onions in the soup.
  2. After fifteen minutes of low boiling, add cereals, millet or buckwheat is better, and not rice beloved by many (it has bonding properties, which is contraindicated in certain diseases, and even if you are losing weight, it is better not to risk it).
  3. After another fifteen minutes, send the grated carrots to the pan. This healthy vegetable soup recipe you can diversify by replacing potatoes with any cabbage or celery, adding a wide variety of herbs. It is prepared quite simply, but it turns out tasty and very satisfying.
    Another of the most popular is the recipe for a dietary vegetable soup with mushrooms. Mushrooms are very useful, they are an indispensable source of proteins, which is important for a healthy diet and regular exercise.

How to make chicken and mushroom diet soup

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of any mushrooms (one type or mixture)
  • a couple of shallots
  • a quarter cup of flour
  • glass of dry white wine
  • variety of spices and herbs


  1. As a base in this soup - a liter of chicken broth and a glass of milk, preferably skimmed. The first stage of preparation is stewing mushrooms in oil with seasonings and pepper. Carcasses directly in the pan for fifteen minutes, until the mushrooms turn golden.
  2. Here, add flour and white wine at the same time, mix everything thoroughly for a couple of minutes, and then add the remaining ingredients and cook for another fifteen minutes.
  3. The soup can be served in a traditional way or you can prepare a diet puree soup, garnish with a small amount of grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Recipe for pumpkin soup with chicken broth

Diet puree soup- this is a great solution for everyone who loves unusual recipes, but at the same time keeps an eye on their figure. Very useful for digestion, for example, pumpkin diet puree soup.

To prepare it, take:

  • five hundred grams of pumpkin
  • a little of any vegetables: carrots, celery, bell peppers, onions
  • as spices, use a mixture of cumin, coriander, turmeric, ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg


  1. No broth is required here, just pure water is enough, however, you can use low-fat chicken broth, which is low in fat and high in nutrients. The main process is roasting the pumpkin.
  2. Cut it into large cubes, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of about two hundred degrees. All vegetables with half the spices are first fried in olive oil, then water or broth prepared in advance is added to them, half of the total.
  3. The mixture is boiled over low heat for fifteen minutes, then pumpkin is added to it and everything is crushed with a blender to a smooth puree. Add the remaining amount of water or broth and the remaining seasonings, cook over low heat for another twenty minutes. Even salt is not required in this soup, it turns out to be very fragrant and with a bright taste.

Pumpkin is not only a low-calorie product, but also extremely beneficial for digestion. A large variety of seasonings makes the soup an ideal healthy breakfast or lunch. Seasonings make the body digest food faster and speed up metabolism.

To make any soup tastier and decorate it, they often use a variety of seeds, croutons and grated cheese. It is better not to get carried away with such additives, so as not to add diet soup a couple of hundred calories, and also do not forget that fried croutons should not be used with a therapeutic diet.

Even airy white bread croutons, Maasdam cheese and pumpkin seeds are very rich in calories and will make any soup not at all dietary. The ideal decoration for the first course is chopped greens or red pepper flakes.

Milk soup with apple and pumpkin

Milk soups are great for weight loss. Due to the presence of animal proteins in milk, such a dish is easily digested. To reduce the calorie content of the soup, it is recommended to take low-fat milk and dilute it with water.

The recipe for this soup is very simple. For half a liter of milk you need to take:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 200 grams.
  • Apples - 1 medium piece.
  • One yolk.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Potato starch - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Water - half a liter


  1. Finely chop the pulp of pumpkin and apple and stew, adding a little water and a spoonful of sugar, until tender.
  2. Mix the yolk with starch.
  3. Boil milk with water, add a mixture of yolk and starch, let it boil a little, filter, cool and add a pumpkin with an apple.
  4. Serve milk soup, sprinkled with cinnamon if desired.

Light fish soup with pumpkin

For a liter of water take:

  • White sea fish (cod, haddock, hake, saithe) - 400 grams.
  • Pumpkin pulp (unsweetened) - 400 grams.
  • Potato - 2 tubers.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Leek - half a stalk.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Ground black pepper, herbs.


  1. We cook the fish in water for about a quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam. Salt the broth, you can put black peppercorns and lavrushka in it. We take out the fish from the broth, filter the broth.
  2. We cut all vegetables, except for leeks, into medium cubes, cut half a leek into rings. Boil potatoes in fish broth until soft. Fry green onions and onions in oil, add a little water so that the vegetables sweat, and pumpkin with garlic. After a couple of minutes, put the tomatoes in the pan and let them stew a little.
  3. We shift the vegetables from the pan to the pan with boiled potatoes and cook the pumpkin until soft. Add the fish disassembled into pieces, pepper, sprinkle with herbs.

Italian diet soup Minestrone

This light soup can be given even to babies, and those who are losing weight can eat as much as they like, but only without bread.

It will take one and a half liters of water:

  • White cabbage - a quarter of a head.
  • Fresh green peas - 50 grams.
  • Quarter of zucchini.
  • Young potatoes - 2 small root crops.
  • Carrots - half a piece.
  • Green onions - 2 stalks.
  • Olive (can be sunflower) oil - a tablespoon.
  • Greenery.


  1. Boil diced potatoes, peeled peas, chopped zucchini and cabbage in salted water until soft. Fry onion slices, chopped carrots, and garlic in oil.
  2. Add this overcooking to the pot of soup a few minutes before cooking. Salt, add spices, sprinkle with herbs. That's it, the soup is ready!

Light soup is not only a low-calorie first course for losing weight, but also a storehouse of nutrients, minerals and vitamins! It is not difficult to cook it and you can experiment with new recipes daily. Losing weight without hunger is easy - treat yourself to a light diet soup!


Dietary chicken soup is very satisfying and has a low glycemic index, since protein slows down digestion and helps maintain blood glucose. In addition, protein is important for muscle development.

The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns at rest. To make 4 servings of chicken soup, you need:

  • 1.5 kg of chicken carcass or 1 kg of fillet;
  • 6 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 arrows of celery;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 8 glasses of water;
  • 1 tsp black peppercorns.


  1. Place the chicken in a large saucepan. Coarsely chop half the carrots and celery.
  2. Divide the onion into 4 parts. Add vegetables to pot with chicken and cover with water.
  3. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the temperature and cook, removing the foam periodically, for about half an hour, until the chicken is cooked.
  4. Strain the broth and remove the boiled vegetables.
  5. Chop the remaining carrots and celery, add them to the broth and simmer until tender, 10 minutes.
  6. If desired, you can add peppercorns, garlic and bay leaf.
  7. Divide the cooled chicken into fibers and add to the finished broth.

One serving of diet soup contains 245 calories, 42 g of protein, 6 g of fat, 4 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber.


A diet vegetable soup recipe should include spices such as ginger, garlic, cinnamon, or hot peppers. They give a piquant taste to vegetables and regulate metabolism.

Try this lentil soup with ginger, garlic and cinnamon. Lentils are packed with plant-based protein and compounds that control appetite.

Ginger supports a high metabolic rate, garlic lowers cholesterol, and cinnamon stabilizes blood glucose levels. For 6 servings of soup you need:

  • chop 1 onion;
  • cut 2 carrots;
  • chop 2 cloves of garlic;
  • rinse 2 cups of lentils;
  • 5 cups of water or vegetable broth (you can dilute the bouillon cube);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 st. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • half a spoonful of coriander and cinnamon;
  • pepper and salt;
  • a spoonful of sour cream for decoration, if desired.


  1. Fry the onion and carrot for 5-7 minutes in olive oil.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, tomato paste, spices.
  3. Fry for another minute until fragrant.
  4. Add lentils, tomatoes, pour broth, salt and pepper.
  5. Bring the mass to a boil and reduce the temperature.
  6. Simmer for 45 minutes over low heat until the lentils are tender.

One serving of this soup contains 200 calories, 29 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of protein, 5 g of fat, 9 g of fiber.


Vegetables are low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Therefore, dietary vegetable soup is one of the popular soups for weight loss.

Eating a bowl of vegetable soup before your main course will help you feel full faster and avoid unhealthy afternoon snacks. Try to cook according to the recipe dietary vegetable puree soup.

Pureed soups have been proven to keep you full longer than regular soups.

For 6 servings of soup you will need:

  • cut into cubes 3-4 potatoes;
  • chop 1 carrot;
  • disassemble into inflorescences 1 head of cauliflower;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.


  1. Pour potatoes with water and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then cover with cold water and remove the skin.
  3. Grate the tomatoes. Fry onions and carrots in oil for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Add tomatoes and flour and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Transfer the roast to a pot with potatoes. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Pulse the vegetables in the soup with an immersion blender until pureed.

One serving of diet puree soup contains 160 calories, 4 g of protein, 24 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fat.


Pumpkin soup is one of the healthiest vegetable soups. Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamin A. In addition, it contains vitamin T, which regulates the digestive tract. The high content of fiber and iron also has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

For 4 servings of Diet Pumpkin Puree Soup, the recipe requires:

  • 1 small pumpkin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • grate 2 tbsp. l. ginger;
  • 4 cups chicken broth;
  • finely chop 1 green apple;
  • pepper and salt;
  • greens and a spoonful of sour cream for decoration.


  1. Cut the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Drizzle the pumpkin flesh with olive oil, pepper and salt.
  2. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, bake the pumpkin for 40 minutes to make the pulp tender. Cool the pumpkin.
  3. Fry onion and ginger for 3 minutes in a pan. Add apple and fry for 3 more minutes.
  4. Remove the pulp from the cooled pumpkin into a large saucepan, transfer the contents of the pan and pour the broth.
  5. Puree the vegetables with an immersion blender until smooth.
  6. Bring the finished mass to a boil and check the taste of salt and pepper.

One serving of puree soup contains 150 calories, 7.5 g of protein, 16 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fat.


Adding hot peppers to your diet soup recipe for weight loss will help boost your metabolism. The savory taste can be enhanced with apple cider vinegar, which will keep blood sugar at a stable level after eating. In addition, provide the body with fiber from cabbage and protein from chicken.

For 4 servings of soup you need:

  • cut 1 carrot;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • chop half a head of medium-sized cabbage;
  • finely chop 1-2 hot red peppers, you can add seeds for spiciness;
  • cut into pieces 2-3 tomatoes;
  • minced 2 cups cooked chicken breast (boiled or grilled)
  • 4 cups water or broth (you can dilute the bouillon cube);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 3 art. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • pepper and salt.


  1. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion, carrot, cabbage and hot pepper for 5-7 minutes in olive oil.
  2. Add tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, black pepper and chicken breasts.
  3. Pour in the broth and mix well.
  4. Simmer the soup over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

INone serving of soup contains 270 calories, 32 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of protein, 8 g of fiber, 9 g of fat.

Japanese diet soup


  • water - 1.5 l.
  • any sea low-fat fish (pollock is suitable) - 1 pc.
  • rice - 1/3 tbsp.
  • sea ​​kale - about 150 gr. fresh or 1 can canned;
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • Japanese Toko soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons; (or any of your favorite sauces)
  • spices.


  1. Finely chop the onion and marinate in soy sauce (preferably Japanese Toko) with spices.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked, add the fish fillet, cook until the rice and fish are cooked.
  3. Add chopped seaweed (you can use "Seaweed salad, but be sure to drain the liquid from it and squeeze) and then pickled onions (do not add the marinade itself).
  4. Whisk the egg and pour into the soup in a thin stream.
  5. Remove from the stove immediately, the onion should be crunchy! Soup can be eaten both cold and hot. Read more:


  • 1 can canned beans
  • 250 gr marinated champignons
  • 100 gr pickled cucumbers
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic spices and seasonings (oregano, mushroom bouillon cube, pepper)


  1. Finely chop the onion and carefully place it in a preheated pan, but do not add oil.
  2. We quickly settle it for 2-3 minutes, while we ourselves are engaged in slicing cucumbers and mushrooms.
  3. We spread them to the onion and close the pan with a lid.
  4. After 10, we throw beans to the vegetables along with the sauce with which it was in a jar and again move away from the stove for 15 minutes, make the fire weaker. Meanwhile, put a pot of water on the fire.
  5. When the water boils, pour the contents of the pan into the pan.
  6. Add seasonings and spices to the soup.
  7. After 20 minutes, the fragrant and at the same time dietary soup is ready.

Dietary first courses are given special preference when organizing a healthy diet. Liquid food is better absorbed and saturates the body faster, filling the entire volume of the stomach. There are a lot of recipes for first courses for a diet - you can cook both hot, warming soups and cold ones, which are so refreshing in the hot season and do not contain extra calories.

Give preference to vegetable vegetarian soups, borscht. If you want to prepare the first dish for a meat broth diet, place the meat in cold water, bring to a boil and drain the broth. Fill with water again, prepare a new broth, you can cook soup on it.

Recipes for dietary hot dishes

Below are recipes for dietary first courses with a photo and a step-by-step description.

Vegetable soup "Slimness".


  • 2 potatoes
  • 250 g cauliflower,
  • 250 g white cabbage,
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 sweet pepper
  • 100 g canned peas,
  • half a bunch of parsley and dill,
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil,
  • salt - to taste.

According to the recipe for preparing this dietary first course, potatoes and carrots need to be peeled, cut into cubes, onions and peppers should be peeled, cut into small pieces. Dip all these vegetables into boiling water. Disassemble the cauliflower into small inflorescences, chop the white cabbage. Wash greens, cut. 5 minutes before the soup is ready, add cabbage and peas. At the end, put greens and add other ingredients, salt. Let it brew. When serving this dietary hot dish, low-fat sour cream can be put on the plates.

Homemade chicken soup with vermicelli.


  • a quarter of a homemade chicken
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • a handful of thin gossamer vermicelli,
  • parsley,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking. Wash a quarter of a chicken carcass. Pour cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. If there is foam, remove. Please note that homemade chicken takes longer to cook. When the meat is soft, remove the chicken, let cool, cut into boneless pieces. Wash and clean vegetables. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes. Cut potatoes into cubes. Put the vegetables in the broth, cook until the potatoes are ready. Throw a handful of vermicelli, cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle soup with chopped parsley.
Let the soup brew. Add pieces of meat to portioned plates.

Buckwheat soup with egg flakes and cheese.


  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 100 g buckwheat,
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 150 g hard cheese,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • dill,
  • 4 peas of black and allspice,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking. Peel vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Spasserovat onions with carrots in vegetable oil. Put potatoes in water, when it boils - salt, add washed buckwheat. After 10-15 minutes, add the passerovka. At the end of cooking, add the garlic passed through the press, peppercorns, bay leaf, pour beaten eggs into the pan in a thin stream, stirring the soup. When the eggs are curdled, the soup is ready. Let him insist. When serving, sprinkle soup in bowls with grated cheese and chopped dill.

Spinach puree soup.

You can use either fresh or frozen spinach to make this diet hot recipe.


  • 1 bunch fresh spinach (can be frozen)
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking. Peel potatoes and onions. Finely chop the onion, cut the potatoes into small cubes. Sauté the onion in vegetable oil in a saucepan. Add potatoes, 0.5 l of water, simmer until potatoes are ready. Add spinach, simmer 10 minutes. Salt the mixture, let it cool slightly and beat in a blender. If the soup is too thick, thin with a little water or milk.

Recipes for cold diet soups

Cold spanish gazpacho soup.


  • 6 ripe fleshy tomatoes,
  • 2 celery stalks,
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 red bell pepper,
  • 1 small onion
  • green onion,
  • basil,
  • crackers,
  • red and black ground pepper, salt - to taste,
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara,
  • 1.5 st. l. olive oil,
  • 0.5 st. l. lemon juice.

Cooking. Wash vegetables and herbs. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin from them. Cut all the vegetables, grind until smooth in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar, lemon juice, olive oil, spices, mix. Place the soup in the refrigerator to chill. This cold diet soup in serving bowls can be sprinkled with finely chopped green onions and basil, add homemade croutons.

Okroshka on whey.


  • 1.5 l of serum,
  • 0.5 l of kefir,
  • 200 g boiled veal,
  • 5 boiled eggs
  • 3 fresh cucumbers
  • 4 boiled potatoes,
  • a bunch of green onions
  • dill bunch,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking. Finely chop meat, potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, onions, dill. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, mix, pour cold whey and kefir.
Mix, let it brew a little.



  • 0.5 l of kefir or unsweetened yogurt,
  • 4 cucumbers,
  • 12 walnuts,
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • thin slices of lemon
  • dill,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking. Remove kernels from walnuts, grind well in a blender. Wash cucumbers, cut into small cubes. Finely chop the dill. Put nuts, cucumbers, dill in a tureen, pour vegetable oil, mix. Pour in kefir or yogurt. Place lemon wedges in serving bowls or add lemon juice.

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Diet soup perfectly satisfies hunger, contains a minimum of calories and helps to lose weight. For you - 22 recipes for fat burning soups, choose the ones that you like and easily get rid of extra pounds!

In the post-Soviet space, it is customary to consider soup an indispensable part of any dinner. It is certainly served in kindergartens, schools, canteens, and a woman will never be called a good housewife if she does not know how to cook delicious and fragrant first courses.

Nevertheless, there is a lot of discussion about the benefits and harms of soups today.

Some say that they are useful, as they maintain the water balance in the body, contain many nutritious and useful elements that are not destroyed during the heat treatment of products. It is even customary to feed the sick with non-greasy broths so that they recover sooner.

Others remind that fatty soups, contrary to popular belief, are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as they provoke an increase in acidity in the stomach. However, both sides agree that light vegetable first courses should still be included in the weekly menu.

In recent years, it has become especially popular to cook soups for weight loss. They contain almost no calories, but they saturate well, block the feeling of hunger and often help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Usually they are prepared from products that can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Vegetables that promote rapid satiety and block the feeling of hunger: beans, beans, celery, carrots.
  2. Foods that require more energy to digest than they carry: spinach, soybeans, leeks, broccoli, lentils.
  3. Low-calorie vegetables: tomatoes, cabbage, better Beijing, radishes, zucchini.
  4. Products that lower insulin levels, thereby eliminating the obsessive desire to eat sweets: pumpkin, avocado.

But to lose weight with fat-burning first courses, it’s not enough just to find a couple of recipes and cook soups from time to time.

Soup diet and its principles

Diet is a scary word that causes melancholy in most women. It is associated primarily with severe food restrictions, while in fact it only means a certain, properly built nutrition system.

To lose weight on fat-burning soups, it is not necessary to start eating only them.

There are different types of soup diets.

Strict diet

You can adhere to it no more than 10 days a month, for which it is realistic to lose about 5-7 kilograms. To do this, you need to eat about a liter of soup per day in 4-6 doses. In addition to the "first" you can only drink water and unsweetened green tea.

weekly easy diet

Its essence lies in the fact that you need to eat soup daily: 2-3 servings, as well as other, light foods, in small quantities. This allows the body to get all the substances it needs and at the same time lose weight.

There are many programs of such diets, but the following system is considered one of the most effective:

  • soup every day, and in addition to it on some days of the week, other products;
  • Thursday - a glass of milk, kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. You can replace it with 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Friday - 2 bananas or a handful of nuts;
  • Saturday - 100 grams of baked potatoes;
  • Sunday - 200 grams of any fresh light fruit.

Unloading diet

It lies in the fact that once or twice a week you eat only fat-burning soup during the day. It is desirable that three servings are enough for you, but if you feel a strong attack of hunger, eat an extra portion so as not to break loose.

You can stick to a soup diet in different ways: it all depends on the type of food you choose. The main thing is that you cook all the dishes at home from fresh and high-quality products, without allowing yourself excesses, such as:

  • bakery and flour products;
  • sweet in any form;
  • fried or heavy food, fast food;
  • alcoholic drinks.

But fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, lean boiled meat and fish, still mineral water and green tea will perfectly complement a non-strict diet.

What are fat burning soups for weight loss

The invention of first courses, in which about 50% is liquid, is attributed to French chefs. However, in fact, various types of stews have been present in the cuisine of various peoples of the world for many centuries. And they differ in many factors: serving temperature, consistency, main components.

Like ordinary first courses, low-calorie soups can be of different types, so today everyone can find recipes to their liking.

At the same time, it should be noted that low-calorie soups are already a subspecies of ordinary first courses, as they are prepared according to a special recipe. Light vegetable, chicken broths or fermented milk products are used as the basis. Usually the recipe uses a lot of greens and low-calorie vegetables.

All fat-burning first courses can also be divided into groups. Particularly distinguished:

  1. Hot soups. They are usually served at a temperature of about 70 degrees, so as not to burn yourself. Such soups are prepared on the basis of broths, with dietary meat and various vegetables.
  2. Cold soups. They are popular not only in Russia, such as okroshka and holodnik, but also in Europe, where they are prepared from vegetables and fruits, based on decoctions from them or various herbs. Such dishes are usually served at a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees. Some recipes recommend adding crushed ice.
  3. Soup puree. It is prepared by grinding all the ingredients of the dish through a sieve or grinding them with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. The culinary specialist can choose the degree of liquid at his discretion.
  4. Cream soup. It is a kind of puree soup, but is made from lighter ingredients and most often from fruits and berries. After grinding and adding liquid, the mass of such a dish is additionally beaten with a whisk or mixer until foam forms.

A variety of fat-burning dishes allows, even adhering to a strict diet, to pamper yourself with your favorite flavors and their combinations. And the very possibility of eating different-looking food is very helpful for those who find it difficult to follow a monotonous food system.

Diet soup for weight loss

Many people who are trying to lose weight through dietary changes misunderstand the principle of dietary nutrition. Because of this, they either begin to starve themselves, refusing the necessary meals, or cut the set of products to a completely irrational minimum.

In fact, the diet menu should be varied and may include many products.

The same is true with the preparation of dietary soups - they should not consist of only 2-3 vegetables, be bland and tasteless. On the contrary, such first courses are very varied and tasty, and they can be prepared from any food rich in useful trace elements, but containing almost no calories.


The benefits of kefir for losing weight are undeniable!

  1. It contains beneficial bacteria that improve bowel function and help the absorption of any food.
  2. Due to the structure of fermented milk products, they satisfy hunger well and give a feeling of fullness, which lasts for a long time.
  3. One glass of low-calorie kefir contains only 50-70 calories.
  4. Kefir has a low glycemic index. This means that the body spends more energy on its absorption than it receives, which means that it has to burn reserves.

Preparing first courses based on low-fat or low-calorie kefir is best in summer, when you really want to eat something light and cold.

However, at other times of the year it can be perfectly entered into the diet. For example, as a light, quick breakfast, a snack at work or as a dinner.


There are many recipes for first courses based on kefir.


Boil about 300 grams of chicken breast without salt. Let it cool and cut into small cubes. Grate 3-4 small cucumbers or also cut them.

Chop a bunch of green onions and dill with a knife, and then mix in a large bowl with cucumbers and rub with a pestle or spoon. Add meat there and fill it all with a liter of kefir.


Peel sweet pepper, cut into small cubes or grate. Do the same with 2 medium sized cucumbers. Cut 3-5 radishes into slices.

Chop green onion, dill and garlic clove, combine with other vegetables. Pour everything with 1 liter of kefir.

with eggs

Boil 3 chicken eggs and peel them. Grate 3-4 small cucumbers and 4-5 radishes.

Chop a bunch of green onions and the same amount of dill with a knife, add a tablespoon of fat-free yogurt to them and grind them together. Combine the mixture with vegetables and coarsely chopped eggs. Add a liter of kefir.


Cooking first courses from green foods is the right way to lose weight. This is due to many factors:

  1. Green vegetables and herbs are low in calories.
  2. Purely psychologically, green does not excite our appetite, and therefore green foods are easier to eat in moderation.
  3. Most green foods contain a special acid that slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fat, due to which adipose tissue does not form, even if you ate too much.

The choice of green vegetables is quite diverse. These are cucumbers, zucchini, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and Beijing sprouts, kohlrabi, broccoli, peas, celery, spinach, bell peppers, lettuce and other all kinds of greens.

They are easy to combine with each other when preparing soups to get great flavor combinations.


cabbage soup

Take a pound of broccoli, a few celery stalks, 3 white onions, 1 green bell pepper, a bunch of parsley and dill. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized cubes, onions into half rings, and tear the greens with your hands.

Place all vegetables in a saucepan and cover with water. Put the dishes on a small fire and cook until tender. A couple of minutes before removing the dish from the heat, add greens.

with spinach

Cut a large onion into half rings and sauté it in olive oil. Add 2 minced garlic cloves.

Peel and cut one medium-sized zucchini. Grind 250 grams of green beans, 150 grams of celery root and a pound of spinach.

Put the dressing and vegetables in a deep saucepan and cover with water. Cook over low heat until all ingredients are cooked. At the end, add spices to taste.


Fragrant chicken broth is indicated for people undergoing treatment for viral diseases, as well as during rehabilitation after surgery. It is rich in many useful trace elements, contains a lot of protein and at the same time almost does not include calories.

It is necessary to cook chicken soup properly so that it is light.

As a soup base, it is best to use chicken breast, cutting off the skin, film and fat from it. So you get a completely dietary dish.


With eggs and herbs

Take one chicken breast and boil the broth out of it. At the same time, boil 2 eggs separately.

2 potatoes, peeled and finely chopped for faster cooking Put them in boiling broth and cook until half cooked.

Cool the eggs and peel. Ideally, chop and add only the proteins to the soup, as the yolks are more nutritious. Finely chop a bunch of green onions and a little parsley and add to the dish just before it is ready. Add some salt and pepper.

cream soup

Boil the broth from 250 grams of chicken breast. During this time, cut into approximately equal cubes 300-350 grams of fresh or pickled champignons, 2 sweet onions, 1 carrot and about 200 grams of celery root.

Add vegetables to the boiling broth and cook them for about 5 minutes. After that, add 100 grams of instant oatmeal to the pan and cook it all for another quarter of an hour.

Let the soup cool down a little and mix its components in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add some salt, pepper and herbs to taste. When serving, you can use fat-free yogurt or sour cream.

from rhubarb

Rhubarb is a vegetable that, for all its unsightly appearance, has a pleasant sour taste and contains many trace elements useful for humans. At the same time, 100 g of this product contains less than 20 calories, which makes it an ideal component of dietary dishes.

Only the stems of rhubarb are edible, and its leaves and rhizome are poisonous.

Usually, compotes and other drinks are prepared from rhubarb, and they are also used in baking - as a filling for sweet pies and buns. However, you can also cook salads, hot main courses and even soups with it.


simple dessert soup

Take about half a kilo of rhubarb and 5-6 sweet apples. Peel them off and cut into small cubes. Prepare 3-5 sprigs of mint. Separate the leaves from the stems.

Put the cleanings in a saucepan, pour 1-1.5 liters of water and cook after boiling for about 15 minutes. After that, strain the broth, and discard the cleaning.

Pour the broth back into the pan and add all the other ingredients there. Cook the soup after boiling for another 15 minutes, then grind it with a blender so that some pieces remain intact and return to the fire.

Combine 1 tablespoon of starch with 2 measures of cold water. Pour the mixture into the boiling soup and stir it for a couple of minutes. After that, you can serve the dish hot or cold, according to your taste.

a fish dish

First of all, prepare the base. To do this, take 250 - 350 grams of rhubarb stalks, peel them and cut into small pieces. Boil water in a saucepan and add rhubarb to it. Boil for about 3 minutes, then cover the dishes with a lid and let stand for 2-3 hours.

Peel a pound of pike-perch fillet from the bones, cut into pieces and boil in lightly salted water. At the same time, cook 3-4 potatoes in their skins and 2 eggs until cooked. After cooking, cool them and chop them.

Grate 2 cucumbers. Chop the greens: it will be enough to take a bunch of green onions and the same amount of dill.

Put a piece of fish and a vegetable mixture on a plate. Pour all this with a decoction of rhubarb and add sour cream or yogurt to taste.

from lentils

Lentils are not very popular in Russia, although their taste is in no way inferior to other types of legumes. Moreover, it is in many ways more useful than many of its “brothers” and, for a number of reasons, is more suitable for dietary nutrition.

There are only 119 calories in 100 grams of cooked lentils, which makes them great for weight loss recipes.

Lentils have a low glycemic index, which helps them to lose weight. It also contains fiber, thanks to which it quickly gives a feeling of fullness, and protein, which allows a person to lose weight without losing muscle mass.

It is best to cook dishes from red lentils, since it does not have a shell, and the content of useful trace elements is higher than that of other species. However, the combination of grains of different colors is encouraged in the diet, as it helps to create some variety.


Cream soup with vegetables and chicken

Take one carrot, 2-3 small potatoes, a celery stalk and one onion, chop them and place them in a saucepan. Pour the vegetables with water so that it covers them quite a bit, and cook until tender. Boil one chicken breast separately.

Strain the vegetable broth. Grind vegetables with a blender, gradually adding broth to the mixture. Serve with a little sliced ​​meat on each plate.

Meat with apple

Boil half a liter of broth from onions, celery or other vegetables. In parallel with this, boil half a cup of lentils until tender.

Take 100 grams of chicken fillet, finely chop and put it in a boiling broth. Boil until almost cooked, and then add the chopped apple and after 5 minutes - the lentils. Cook the soup for about 10 more minutes.

From buckwheat

Buckwheat is a popular, cheap dietary product. Porridge from it is known and loved in many Russian families, but it is usually cooked with salt and butter, which significantly changes the principle of the effect of this dish on the body.

To prepare a dietary dish of buckwheat, you need to abandon high-calorie ingredients and minimize the use of salt.

Buckwheat not only contains very few calories, but also provokes a natural cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins, which only helps the process of losing weight. It also has a high content of acids, which are necessary for the breakdown of fat. In addition, it contains many useful trace elements, vitamins, minerals, and is especially rich in easily digestible protein.



Take one medium-sized carrot, 2 tomatoes and 2 onions. Peel and grind them, and then sauté in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Pour water into a large saucepan and let it boil. At this time, peel and chop 1 bell pepper, separate a few cauliflower inflorescences. Put them in boiling water along with the hot mixture of vegetables and add 200 g of buckwheat.

Cook the dish until done. A couple of minutes before removing the pan from the heat, add salt and herbs to taste.

With Chiken

Clean 1 chicken fillet from fat and films, cut into small pieces and cook broth from it for 20-25 minutes. At this time, rinse about half a glass of buckwheat and heat it in a hot frying pan. Add cereal to broth.

Take 1 onion and 1 carrot. Peel them, grate the carrots, and cut the onion into half rings. Add vegetables to soup. After that, cut a small zucchini into cubes, and bell pepper into half rings and put them in a saucepan. Next, cut 2 tomatoes into slices and add them to the dish.

Cook the soup for another 10 minutes, then add salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes before serving.


Tomato soup for weight loss is a type of gazpacho and contains only 100 calories.



Boil a liter of light vegetable broth without salt.

While it is cooking, scald a kilogram of tomato with boiling water and free it from the peel, and then cut into slices. Peel about 400 grams of bell pepper from seeds, and also cut into slices. Chop 2-3 garlic cloves. Saute vegetables in a little olive oil, salt.

Transfer the mixture from the pan to the prepared boiling broth and stir. Simmer the soup for another 5-10 minutes. Finally, add a pinch of dried basil.


Peel a kilo of tomatoes from the skin and chop their pulp with a blender. Grate one carrot. Chop a bunch of fresh onions and a bunch of basil with a knife. Connect all components together. If necessary, add some salt and low-fat yogurt before serving.

Recipes of vegetable soups for weight loss

Any child hears from childhood that soup must be eaten in order to grow up healthy and strong. However, we usually prepare rather fatty first courses using a lot of potatoes, white rice and pork as a base. Such soups satisfy hunger well, but almost always bring a feeling of heaviness and do not benefit the body.

Another thing is the first vegetable dishes, the recipe of which can be easily changed to your liking. They contain many useful trace elements and carry few calories, which contributes to the health and harmony of the body.

Diet recipes for vegetable soups are very diverse: you can cook a cold or hot dish, and even mashed vegetable soup. In addition, in the composition of ready-made dishes, many products muffle or even change their taste, which allows some vegetables to be consumed even by people who do not really like them.

A great example of this is the recipe for celery soup, where this vegetable is required quite a lot, but its taste is almost not felt in the finished dish.

with celery

Getting rid of excess weight with the help of a properly organized nutrition system is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is very important in this business - to choose the right products. So, losing weight is easy and pleasant with the help of celery.

100 grams of this vegetable contains only 20 calories, while it is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and acids of various effects.

Celery has several properties that have a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight:

  1. It contains fiber, which for a long time eliminates the feeling of hunger.
  2. The acids contained in it give a detoxifying effect, due to which the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.
  3. It has a slight diuretic effect, which contributes to the normalization of water balance and the removal of salts.

But the point is not only to choose celery as the basis of dietary dishes - it also needs to be able to cook properly.

Celery soup is most often prepared from the root - it is more suitable for broths and contains more nutrients.

How to make the perfect and delicious celery soup?

Take 1 onion and 1 carrot and cook a liter of vegetable broth from them. At this time, cut 3-5 stalks of celery and 250 - 350 grams of broccoli into approximately equal pieces. When the broth is ready, add vegetables to it and cook them until tender.

Grind the cooked dish in a blender until smooth, add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil and heat the soup over the fire again.


"Borscht" from greenery

Put a pot with 3-4 liters of water on the fire. At the same time, put 5 chicken eggs to boil separately.

Take 4 stalks of celery, 1 onion and half a glass of brown rice. Chop the vegetables and place them together with the cereal in boiling water.

Take a bunch of green onions, spinach, parsley and sorrel. Chop up the greens. After cooking, cool the eggs, rub on a grater. Remove the celery from the broth, add greens and eggs. Boil for a couple of minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and add a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into it.

Serve hot with sour cream or yogurt.

Romanian soup with celery

Boil vegetable or chicken broth. Pre-boil corn or take canned.

Peel and finely chop 2 potatoes and place them in the pot with the broth - cook until half cooked.

At this time, chop 1 onion, 1 carrot, celery root and parsley. Add them to the soup along with the corn and cook until tender.


For weight loss on celery soup, nutritionists recommend two main diet plans:

  1. Strict diet. He suggests that you need to eat about 1.5 liters of soup daily and eat allowed foods. The first 4 days vegetables and fruits are added, 5-6 days - 300-400 grams of meat, 7 days - any low-calorie food. Sit on a strict diet for a week.
  2. Moderate diet, in which you can eat any light meals, and replace 1-2 meals a day with soup.

In any case, the body will be cleansed of harmful toxins and will receive all the nutrients it needs with a minimum number of calories. But to make it easier to stick to the diet, you can cook other meals as well. For example, from a book about 1000 recipes for celery soup or those that we offer you.


For weight loss, green cabbage soup of various types is excellent: white, Beijing, Brussels, Savoy, kohlrabi, broccoli and others. It can be used as the main course of a mono diet or cooked as part of a soup food system. In any case, this will give excellent results, as the dishes are tasty, nutritious and low in calories.

If you eat only cabbage soup for a long time, then there is a possibility of side effects: the appearance of flatulence and nausea.


With mushrooms

200 grams of champignons cut into plates. Chop half an onion and sauté it with the mushrooms in a saucepan in a little olive oil.

At this time, cut into thin strips about 300 grams of white cabbage. Grate carrots. Add them to the dishes and fill with water so that it covers all the components a little.

Add salt to taste and simmer the soup for about 5 minutes. After that, put 100-150 grams of green beans in the soup and keep the dish on the fire for another 5 minutes.

With savoy cabbage

Cut a small head of savoy cabbage into strips and drizzle with a little balsamic or wine vinegar. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.

Chop a third of a celery root, 1 medium-sized carrot, 1 onion and 2-3 parsley roots with a knife and put in a saucepan. Add water to cover all the vegetables, and cook the broth until all ingredients are cooked.

Add the cabbage to the soup and cook it for about 10 more minutes. Serve hot or cold with a dollop of yogurt.

Cream soup with broccoli

Chop 100 grams of champignons and half of the onion, and sauté in a saucepan. Add chopped Chinese cabbage and broccoli to them: 200 grams each. Cover vegetables with water and cook until tender.

Grind the soup in a blender, after adding salt and spices to it. Serve hot or cold with a dash of yoghurt, topped with chopped herbs of your choice.


Onions are one of the most accessible and cheap vegetables that we are used to adding to a wide variety of dishes. However, even if we use it all the time, many of us don't know how useful it is! The onion contains almost all the vitamins necessary for a person, as well as trace elements and acids.

Onion is an ideal product for weight loss, as it contains almost no calories, and also cleanses the intestines and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

The onion soup diet is a tough diet, but it can be made easier by changing the recipe from day to day: replacing one of the components of the diet with another daily. But it is best to cook this dish as part of a soup diet, as it is more varied and has no side effects.

Classic recipe

To prepare this dish, peel and cut into small cubes 5 large heads of white sweet onions and 1-2 medium carrots. Also chop the bell pepper, 5-7 medium-sized tomatoes and about 100 grams of stalk celery.

Put all the vegetables in a large saucepan, fill with water so that it covers them at least half of the palm of your hand. After the soup boils, boil it a little more over high heat. After that, reduce the flame and cook until tender.

Finally, add bay leaf and spices to taste.


The problem of obesity is acute in many countries, but it is in the United States that its treatment is given the most attention. And the efforts of American nutritionists were not in vain - they were able to come up with a recipe for the first course, which allows you to get rid of 5-10 kilograms in a week. This magical remedy is called Bonn Soup or, as it is sometimes called, Boston Soup.

The Bonn soup diet has many benefits:

  1. It is quite varied and includes not only the first course, but also other products in moderation.
  2. On it you will not have to suffer from hunger, as the amount of soup per day is limited only by common sense.
  3. The process of cleansing the body and getting rid of extra pounds occurs naturally and easily, and the lost volumes do not return.

True, she also has some drawbacks - on the 3-4th day of eating soup, flatulence and increased gas formation may appear.

But these problems are also easy to deal with: just use slimming soup in combination with other first courses.

Step by step recipe

  1. Heat up a pan with a little olive oil.
  2. In parallel with this, take 1 large onion, peel it and cut into half rings. Mince 1-2 garlic cloves.
  3. Sauté the onion. When it is browned, add garlic, half a teaspoon of curry powder and 1-2 pinches of cumin to it. Simmer vegetables over low heat.
  4. At this time, peel and cut a third of a small head of cabbage: white or Beijing, 1-2 bell peppers, 2-3 tomatoes, 1 medium-sized carrot and a stalk of celery.
  5. Transfer the roast and all vegetables to a large saucepan and cover with water so that it covers them.
  6. Simmer the soup over low heat until all the vegetables are soft. At the end of cooking, you can add your favorite spices in moderation.
