
How to behave decently at the table in different situations. Dialogue and table manners


Rules good manners at the table we are instilled from early childhood. Knowing how to behave during a meal gives us self-confidence and the opportunity to show our best in society.

Norms and prohibitions in behavior while eating

  1. Most importantly, never talk with your mouth full. Not only does this look unaesthetic, but it also prevents you from expressing your opinion clearly.
  2. No need to try to bite as much as possible at a time. With a mouthful of food, you will not only look ugly, but also make you look like an ill-mannered person.
  3. It is also better to forget about the habit of biting bread. Bakery products need to break off in small portions and put in your mouth.
  4. It is also important to remember that a meat dish does not need to be cut all at once. Only after eating one piece, you can cut off the next one.
  5. You can use your hands for poultry dishes if you hold a knife and fork with them.
  6. Fish bones also need to be pulled out with a fork. In rare cases, you can do it by hand. After that, they need to be wiped with a napkin, and not licked, as ill-mannered people do.
  7. Garnishes can be pricked on a fork, helping yourself with a piece of bread.
  8. If the dish is made from minced meat and they can be broken with a fork, then a knife can not be used.
  9. Eating with a knife is not only dangerous (you can get hurt), but also extremely indecent.
  10. Let us remind you once again of this important nuance like a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right. Even if you are so uncomfortable, it is worth practicing at home in advance. Confidence comes with practice.
  11. Do not use a spoon if the dish can be eaten with a fork.
  12. If you were served compote, then spitting bones from fruit directly into a plate is not the most best idea. To begin, bring the spoon close to your mouth to spit out the bone before placing it on your plate.
  13. Do not show your greed and take the most big chunks. From a common plate, you should always take the piece that lies closest to you.
  14. In order not to embarrass your table neighbors, do not move dirty dishes to them.
  15. It is not customary to stretch across the entire table to the dish you like. Ask for it to be served to you.
  16. Bad habits like smearing leftover sauce or drinking it off the plate are also off limits.
  17. Always eat with your mouth closed to avoid making unpleasant sounds.
  18. Dirty cutlery should not be placed on the tablecloth. Leave them on the plate.
  19. Also, be careful not to send a tablespoon completely into your mouth.
  20. In no case, at the end of the meal, you can not lick the spoon, and even more so the plate.
  21. After you have stirred the sugar in the tea, the spoon should be removed from the cup.
  22. When serving a dish, do not pick at it, trying to see what it consists of, do not sniff or look closely at it.
  23. Even if you don't like the food at all, don't say it directly. It's best to refrain from commenting.
  24. In order not to show disrespect to the rest of the people sitting at the table, sit up straight, do not cross your legs.

Rules for using napkins at the table

  • If the napkin is made of fabric, then its purpose is solely to protect clothing from contamination. I do not need to wipe the dishes with such a napkin, wipe my massive lips or hands.
  • There are paper napkins on the table to clean hands and lips.
  • After eating, a cloth napkin is left on the side near the plate. Paper put on a plate rolled up.

It should be borne in mind that you can sit down at the table only after the invitation of the hostess. The duty of men is to help all women by pulling back a chair for each. You also need to make sure that your back is always straight. Do not stretch your legs under the table, do not put your elbows on the table - all this will not have the best effect on your reputation.

How to use cutlery

The ability to use cutlery is an integral part of the correct behavior at the table.

  1. If you still can’t remember the purpose of each of the devices, then use them in the order in which they are decomposed. Starting from the edges to the center.
  2. In order to put yourself something from a common plate, you need to use those devices that lie near this dish.
  3. When there is a change of dishes and a pause in the meal, the fork and knife are placed crosswise.
  4. At the end of the meal, the cutlery is placed on the plate in parallel.

Proper table manners includes much more than the above points. It is important to know not only table etiquette and be able to use the devices, but also to monitor their manners, behavior and ability to maintain a conversation.

Rules of behavior at the table for children

tell friends

Agree, there has been a situation in everyone's life when you feel awkward at the table. This may be due to a certain society where you ended up, the situation, a huge number of appliances on the table. You just don't know where to start, how to sit, what is appropriate or inappropriate to say, how to get out of awkward situations. Remember the episode from the movie "Titanic", a simple guy Jack falls into a refined society, not knowing which fork to start with, he feels a little embarrassed. He asks the question - "Is all this for me?"

So, the correct behavior at the table speaks of the general cultural level of a person. Someone culture of behavior at the table and in society is instilled from childhood, someone simply does not know everything. Let's figure out together the rules of etiquette at the table, as well as how not to get confused in all this.

Rules of etiquette exist to ensure that everyone present feels comfortable. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to your attitude to what is happening - be polite, include "magic words" in your speech - "thank you", "please", "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry", etc.

And if you try to follow the simple rules of behavior at the table at home, then this will definitely become a habit, and when you come to a restaurant, you will easily behave “as you should” without hesitation.

There are several basic rules of table etiquette:

  • You need to sit straight, do not stoop your back, do not bend over the plate, try to look at ease. It is not recommended to sit too far from the edge of the table or too close and rest your elbows on the table. By doing this, you can embarrass your neighbor. It is not supposed to reach across the table - the waiter can put the dish on the plate.
  • Always say the words "please" and "thank you."
  • When you sit down at the table, put a napkin on your knees.
  • Women are invited to the table first, men sit next.
  • If this is a festive event, being late is considered a manifestation of disrespect and your bad manners.
  • While eating, you can not put your elbows on the table - only the hands should lie on the table.
  • If food was brought to you earlier than others, wait until everyone has plates - only then can you start eating. You can start eating earlier than others only if the owners do not mind.
  • While eating, the fork must be held in the left hand, and the knife in the right, but if you ordered a dish that is eaten only with a fork, then hold it in your right hand. Do not take a fork, knife or spoon too close to the base.
    You cannot take with a spoon what you can take with a fork.
    You can take on a fork as much as it fits on it without falling off.
  • Pasta and others pasta eat, twisting with a fork and help with a spoon.
  • Dough products and bread must be carefully broken off and there are broken pieces, you can not cut bread or bite off.
  • If you suddenly drop any device, ask the waiter to bring you a new one, if you are at home, take or offer a clean device to the guest
  • Food should be chewed with the mouth closed. In no case do not slurp, even if it tastes sooo delicious to you.
  • Do not eat with a knife - this is a sign of bad taste.
  • If you pour yourself a drink from a common container, offer it to your interlocutors first, and then pour yourself.
  • If serving food from a common plate, bring your own plate and put as much as you can eat, don't forget about the guests, offer them a dish too.
  • You can tilt the bowl with the leftovers of the soup, but only away from you, but it is better to leave the soup a little undereaten.
  • It is necessary to cut off such a piece of food so that you can eat it at a time.
  • There are several taboos at the table: do not speak with a full mouth and do not drink drinks.
  • If a piece of food is accidentally stuck in your mouth, it is taken out with a fork and placed on a plate (it is desirable that no one sees).
  • During a conversation, you can’t hold a fork or a spoon with food on weight, especially swing it - eat it or put it on a plate.
  • Do not lean too far towards the plate, bring food to your mouth, if you drink tea or coffee, it is also necessary to bring the cup to your lips.
  • During or after a meal, cutlery should never be placed on the table - put them on a plate.
  • Cutlery is used in a certain order - starting from the extreme, moving closer to the plate.
  • If you are expecting a change of dishes and have stopped eating yet, cutlery must be placed crosswise (so that the sharp part of the knife looks to the left, and the fork with the convex side up).
  • When you have finished, cutlery must be placed on a plate parallel to each other.
  • In no case should you lean over another person, you cannot reach out - ask to be given this or that dish.
  • If you need to go out while eating, apologize to your interlocutor.

When should you apologize?

  • If you need to blow your nose at the table.
  • If you need to clear your throat at the table.
  • If you need to get out.
  • If you have a piece of food stuck in your tooth and need to use a toothpick or floss.
  • If you suddenly started to hiccup.
  • If you feel that you have become ill.
  • If you have problems with the intestines or digestion at the table.

How to use a napkin correctly?

  • Just sitting down at the table, you need to put a napkin on your lap.
  • If the napkin is large, fold it in half before placing it on your lap.
  • If the napkin is small, it must be fully unfolded.
  • If you need to go out, put the napkin on the table to the right of the plate, hiding the soiled spots on it. Do not put a napkin on a chair - you can accidentally sit on it and get dirty.
  • Place your napkin to the left of your plate if you have already eaten.
  • For small children, the napkin is tucked into the collar.

How to behave at the table?

  • Do not bite off large pieces, the pieces should be of such a size that you can easily carry on a conversation at the table.
  • Can't blow on hot food. Let the dish cool while you wash your hands or start a conversation.
  • Salt and pepper must be passed together, even if you were asked to pass only the salt.
  • If you are asked to pass something at the table, do not pass it directly into your hands, but put it on the table next to the interlocutor. If your interlocutor is sitting far from you, you do not need to reach across the entire table, ask the person sitting next to you to pass the dish further.
  • At the table, moderate your gestures so as not to inadvertently hurt your interlocutor or knock over food.
  • Put your phone or other gadget in your pocket before starting a meal - it is undesirable to put it on the table.
  • The waiter needs to leave a tip in the amount of 10-15% of the amount of your order (unless, of course, they are not included in the price of the dishes and this is how it is accepted in one place or another).

Remembering these simple rules table etiquette, you can easily and comfortably feel anywhere and in any company. Enjoy your meal!

Today we will tell you something more serious than things from the series “don't put your elbows on the table” and “chew with your mouth closed”. Of course, without this, too, will not do: it's a classic. But I promise you, the set of rules will be divided and severe.

Why table manners matter

I remember I had etiquette classes at school. We learned to sit at the table, arrange the plates and everything. I don't know why we were taught this. Whomever I asked, everyone said that they did not have such a subject. But now I am pleased to participate in various official meals.

I understand that following a dinner protocol allows you to simultaneously relax, do everything right, not paying attention to your actions, and have fun. When you know the rules, you don't feel awkward and biased at the table, you don't have to ask stupid questions like "What to do about it?" series. You can just enjoy your meal.

Why you need to follow etiquette

When I began to periodically have the need to eat in public places, I noticed that many people do not have the slightest idea about the rules of behavior at the table. It surprised me so much that I don't even know how to express it. The rules of conduct at the table have been a given for me since my school days. We still eat three meals a day, and we need to do this in a way that does not make others depressed.

At least follow these four rules:

follow the owner of the house

If you do everything exactly like him, it will help you avoid embarrassment 95% of the time. It is not so difficult - to start eating when everyone starts, to use the same cutlery - this is already a guarantee of success. However, constantly staring at others is not the most pleasant option. So you can not relax and enjoy dinner.

Chew with your mouth closed and don't talk with your mouth full

Yes, this problem still exists. Some types chew without closing their mouth and showing its contents to others. If you need to say something, swallow what is in your mouth first. To always be ready for a conversation, do not stuff your mouth, let there be very little food in it - literally one bite. Gone are the days when people stuffed their mouths in order to quickly get enough. Your food won't run away from you

Bring food to your mouth, not your mouth to food

Do not lean towards the fork, and even more so towards the plate, scooping food into your mouth, almost like a scoop. Carrying food to your mouth is a distance of no more than 20 cm, it is easy to overcome it. Sit up straight, do not scoop too much food into a spoon or fork, and bring cutlery directly to your mouth. And never drink from a soup cup.

Say "thank you", "please" and "sorry"

These little words are truly magical and should be used freely.

The first rule of etiquette is to know who you are dining with and the seating of the guests.

You need to be prepared. If you were invited to an official reception, you need to find out how many people will be there and in general what to expect. Dress appropriately, decently, if it's a work meeting, it's important to look professional. This shows respect for the owner of the house, besides the impression made can be very important.

If you go to someone's house, bring some small present: flowers or a bottle of wine. If you're going out to dinner with a close friend, it's worth finding out how you can help. Maybe he will ask you to buy a cake for dessert or something like that. Arrive on time, but not earlier than ten minutes before the appointed time: final preparations are being made.

informal lunch

This means that there is no specific time when a group of people should sit down at the table and start sharing food. For example, picnics and barbecues: people come, eat and leave at any time. Here the rules of conduct at the table are much more relaxed, but there are a few points that you should pay attention to.

1. Get yourself a medium serving.

It is unpleasant to find that you are able to eat only half of the food that lies in front of you on a plate, and someone because of your zeal did not get some dish. You can take a supplement at any time: just in bulk, besides, it is always a compliment to the person who prepared everything.

2. Do not dip a piece twice in a common sauce

If you like it so much, put the sauce on your plate so you don't spread your germs.

3. Do not cut all the meat at once

If you have fried something really big, cut off pieces for yourself and everyone around you only once, then cut them off again. Otherwise, the meat will be dry.

4. Clean up after yourself

Any reasons needed?

Informal meeting at the table

You sit at the table, eat and communicate at the same time. Business meetings, Easter and Christmas dinners and things like that. There are already places for everyone. The main indication is this: all the pieces are arranged and laid out around the plate: forks on the left, spoons and knives on the right. They begin to use cutlery from the outside in: first you take the last cutlery, then the one next, and so on. A glass of water is usually larger than a glass of wine.

formal lunch

When you come to a formal dinner, you are required to wear a suit and, in many cases, a black tie. I will not go into too much detail: you can find this information on other sites. I'll just tell you, don't worry if you're invited. You can learn all the basics in practice in just half an hour. The picture is attached.


The napkin is placed on the lap within the first minute after sitting down at the table to have lunch. No need to cling it to the corner of the shirt collar or tuck it into the belt. Just straighten it on your knees (you can only open half, usually this is enough). This will protect your trousers from splashes and different crumbs, and with this napkin you can wipe your mouth. When you have eaten or have to leave, place it neatly to the left of your plate.

When to start eating?

The safest and easiest answer is when others start. It is often not clear whether it is possible to eat: the hostess and her assistant are still in the kitchen, a couple of guests have gone away somewhere, and they cannot be called. In this case, if the hot meal has already been served and at least two people are left at the table, you can proceed. If the food was brought and everyone is sitting, and three or four people have already been served, you can also start (unless, of course, there are more than four of you. If less, wait until everyone is served). The main thing is never to eat alone, but hot food should be eaten while it is still hot.

If there is a tradition in the house to pray before eating, the owner of the house should read the prayer, and anyone can offer the initiative. The main thing is to declare this desire even before everything is served on the table and laid out on plates. Toasts can be made at any time the glasses are refilled and, with the exception of formal dinners, they can be made by anyone. Often guests make a toast to the host's hospitality.

Elbows, distant plates and table troubles

Elbows on the table, as you know, are best not to put, but there is nothing special if you put them on the table, communicating with someone during a meal break or over tea or coffee. Stretching is prohibited. If you can’t get a certain plate easily (you have to get up and reach for the dish) or it is in someone’s personal space, ask the nearest person to pass it to you. If something spills, first make sure that it stops pouring, and then ask the hostess to help you wipe it up. Then forget about the incident and enjoy your lunch.

What if you don't want something

If you just don't want to try it. You haven't tried a dish, how can you know if you'll like it? Always try a little of all the dishes on offer. Sometimes even the little piece enough, let the rest remain on the plate - but the hostess will not be offended.

You are on a diet. Depending on the severity of the diet, you can warn the hostess in advance so that she can cook something for you personally. You can eat something before this dinner, so as not to be hungry and try a little of what you can.

You do not drink. Until recently, I didn't drink at all and had trouble at some dinners where I was still expected to drink alcohol. You can be persuaded and even almost forced. How to be? I will offer you a compromise: make a toast, take a sip, and then barely touch the liquid with your lips. This usually works. When people know that you basically don’t drink, after a while they stop pestering you with this question. Just be persistent, do not give in to persuasion, and everyone will fall behind.

How to say you're done

The best way- put the fork and knife across the plate, as if the hands of the clock show 4:20. The fork lies closer to you with the teeth up, the knife blade to the fork. This is the most convenient cutlery position for the waiter to remove the plate from the table without dropping anything.


Before leaving, thank all the owners of the house. If it was a big event (more than 30 people) and you urgently need to leave, and the hosts are talking to other guests somewhere in the thick of the crowd, you can leave in English and not say goodbye. In this case, it is better to ask a friend to say goodbye for you. However, within 24 hours, be sure to call the owners of the house and explain the reason for your hasty departure.

1. Have fun and have a couple of drinks, if you so desire, but do not get carried away too much, do not ruin the evening for the hosts. Often there is a dude at the party who went over and started arguing loudly with his girlfriend or making ambiguous jokes.

2. Connect with people. Listen to them, understand what they say, be careful. If during the last ten minutes you are the only one who spoke, then this is no longer a conversation, but a presentation.

3. Turn off your phone and enjoy the moment. Do not put it on silent mode: this way you will check it every five minutes and let others know that you have more important things to do. You can live one evening without twitter and instagram.

4. The best way to acquire good manners is through practice. Make them your habit. Teach them to your children and you will never fail.

Today it is very important to know the rules of conduct at the table. This is one of the necessary branches of knowledge that helps us behave correctly in any situation, because eating is our daily procedure.

The extent to which a person knows the rules of conduct at the table (etiquette) shows the level of his upbringing and can say a lot about him. With this knowledge, we make ourselves pleasant to communicate and show the possession good manners. This can be as a dinner in a close family circle, where often the rules of etiquette are not particularly observed, or a meal with colleagues or on a date.

A modern person must follow a few standard rules. It's about about ordinary technical points, observing which we show ourselves in the best light. Here are some of those rules.


An important part of etiquette is conversation. There are also rules of conduct at the table during a conversation, and we are usually familiar with them from childhood.

  1. When someone addresses you at the table with a toast, it will be correct to lift the glass from the table and keep it hanging until the toast finishes. This is usually followed by "choking" glasses, and all the diners drink from the glasses. By the way, while doing this, you need to look at the person to whose glass you bring yours, directly in the eyes. In some countries, such as Germany, looking away is considered rude.
  2. Don't stuff your mouth when you want to address someone or when someone is talking to you. In no case do not chew when chewing.


It is important to know how to sit at the table, how to behave during a social event or an informal meeting. In principle, it can be noted that the rules of conduct at the table (etiquette) in both cases do not differ. Just some of them informal meetings not so strict in execution.

  1. Do not slouch at the table, and do not put your elbows on it. It will be correct to lean only with your wrists on the table or even put your hands on your knees, while pressing your elbows to yourself. Nevertheless, it is permissible for a woman to lean on the table with one elbow for a short time. The legs should be straight, stretching them is also considered ugly.
  2. At events where there are many guests, dishes must be passed through those sitting next to them. And this is done counterclockwise. That is, getting up across the table for the desired salad, for example, is not worth it. Just ask other guests to pass it to you.
  3. The host of the evening or dinner begins to eat first.


Exist separate rules behavior at the table regarding napkins.

These are simple actions that will demonstrate your knowledge of etiquette.

  1. The napkin should be on your lap. The host of the event takes his napkin first. At the same time, do not make unnecessary sudden movements - shaking and swinging, calmly and silently unfold your napkin.
  2. Do not tuck the napkin into the collar, belt, do not try to fit it somewhere above the knees.
  3. It is customary to wipe your lips with a napkin before drinking from a glass, as there may be traces of lipstick or greasy food on it.
  4. If you must leave the table, leave your napkin in your chair.
  5. When the meal is over, it is customary to put a napkin to the left of the plate. A napkin that has fallen on the floor should be replaced with a new one by asking the waiter about it.

Cutlery and other items on the table

Of course, an important part of etiquette is the rules of conduct at the table regarding cutlery.

  1. We hold the fork in the right hand, and the knife in the left. Golden Rule. For a left-hander, the opposite is true. When interrupting for a conversation, place your cutlery on the plate so that they are completely placed on it.
  2. If you are just interrupting your meal, lay your cutlery on a plate crosswise, if you are done with this dish, lay the cutlery in a horizontal position, parallel to each other so that the handles look diagonally at 10 o'clock (compared to the clock face).
  3. If there are a lot of different cutlery on the table, and you don’t understand, for example, it’s a dessert spoon or a soup spoon, then there is one hint: the cutlery always lies in the order in which the dishes will be served. That is, the first device from the plate is used first, and so on - to the last.

Rules of conduct at the table: how to eat?

  1. Do not finish the dish completely, leaving no trace of it. Leave decorations on the plate.
  2. All meals served in restaurants are eaten with cutlery. special, exotic dishes that you may have eaten with your hands at home, you must also eat with cutlery that will be served especially for them.
  3. Before asking for a salt or pepper shaker, you must try the dish. Even if you know for sure that it will be undersalted. The demonstration of such "predictions" also indicates a lack of taste and an attempt to upset the hostess, doubting her skill.
  4. Bread must be broken off by hand, without biting. Dipping slices of bread in a sauce or a hot dish is also not worth it.
  5. The rules of behavior at the table say the following: if bread and butter are served with the dish, it is necessary to break the bread into small pieces so that you can eat it in one or two bites, and only then spread butter on each piece.
  6. Bones, cartilage or other inedible elements It is customary to take food out of your mouth with a fork: bring it to your mouth and help yourself with your lips and tongue, then put it on the edge of your plate. Of course, it would be better to do this as discreetly as possible. It can be a bone from an olive or fish.
  7. The sauce for the dish is usually served with a special spoon. It is necessary to take such a spoon and put the sauce on the edge of the plate. Do not try to dip food directly into a common gravy bowl or pour gravy all over your dish. Sometimes a gravy boat can be served with a spout and without a spoon. In this case, look at the consistency of the sauce, if it is liquid and served with meat, then pour over the meat. If normal density, put on the edge of the plate.

It is also important to explain the rules of behavior at the table to children from a young age, at least the basics: do not slurp, eat carefully and slowly, sit evenly.


  1. Do not blow on a hot drink. It is best to wait until it cools down to the temperature you need.
  2. Be sure to hold the cup by the handle. Don't grab it with both hands.
  3. If it so happened that the drink spilled on the saucer, you do not need to wipe it with a napkin. In this case, you just need to ask the waiter to replace the saucer. Of course, do not dip cookies, cakes or other sweets into your cup of hot drink.

If you want to attract attention to yourself, and you are not at all worried about your reputation, then comic rules of behavior at the table will help you. In this case, you can do everything exactly the opposite. Just make sure that it is absolutely safe for you and will not affect your future life in any way. This can be done in an informal setting, for example, you went to visit friends and, in order to show how satisfied you are with this visit, nobly “smack” at the table, arguing how delicious it was for you to eat treats.


In our article, we told you the rules of conduct at the table briefly, but there are more extended versions. But it is important to understand that strict adherence to all these rules is not always appropriate. And if you use all of them in an informal setting, it can become too pompous. Good things should always be in moderation.

The etiquette includes great amount all sorts of rules and subtleties that are very difficult to remember. However, it is essential to know the rules of conduct for those situations in which a person finds himself most often. So, it is worth learning how to behave at the table.

How to sit correctly

You have to sit nicely at the table. You can not fall apart on a chair, as if it were your home chair. Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and legs straight. No need to move very close to the table and even more so to lean on it with your chest. You should sit in such a way that it is comfortable for you to eat, and at the same time not feel any constraint in movement. In accordance with generally accepted standards, a distance equal to the palm of your hand should remain between the table and the person. The plate should be placed on the table at a distance of two fingers from its edge.

Basic rules of table etiquette

The rules of table etiquette strictly forbid putting your elbows on the table. You can put your hands on it. Between meals, hands should be folded on your knees or on the armrests of the chair. Sitting at the table, you need to unfold the cloth napkin located next to your plate and place it on your lap. It is worth noting that the main purpose of this napkin is to protect clothes and prevent them from getting dirty. Hands should be wiped only with paper napkins. They also need to blot the mouth, do not wipe, namely blot, gently touching the lips.


The rules that describe how to behave at the table state that the knife and spoon must be held in the right hand, and the fork in the left. It will be useful to know that the cutlery folded crosswise on the plate means that you have decided to take a break. If you want the waiter to remove the cutlery or replace the dish, you should place a fork and knife diagonally parallel to each other. Their handles should look in the lower right corner. Cutlery stacked on a plate indicates your desire to pause. It should be noted that after the first dish is eaten, it is necessary to leave the spoon in the plate. Meat, poultry and fish should be eaten with a knife and fork. The bones should be removed from the mouth not with your fingers, but with a fork, carefully setting them aside.

Eat carefully

You do not need to bite off too large pieces of food, you should chew with your mouth closed. While eating, you can not talk, slurp, sip and blow on hot food. In addition, it is indecent to discuss treats and choose the most appetizing piece on a common plate. In the event that you cannot take a dish, you should politely ask the person sitting next to you to pass it. When thinking about how to properly behave at the table, do not forget about the polite attitude towards your companions. While at the table, you can not laugh out loud and talk with your mouth full. You need to respect your companions: do not smoke in front of them, do not talk on the phone, and do not gesticulate.

Refusal of a meal

  • If you want to refuse some food that you do not like or that may cause you an allergy, then it is worth politely refusing: "No, thank you." But still, the rules of good manners recommend that you take at least small piece from the dish and place it on the plate in such a way that it is not noticeable that you have not touched it.
  • Undoubtedly, any hostess will be upset if she notices that you have not tried any dish. In this case, you do not need to loudly explain what the reason is. It is necessary, without attracting the attention of the rest of those sitting at the table, in a low voice to explain to her why you refused to eat: you are on a diet, you are allergic to certain types of products, your doctor does not recommend them to you.
  • If you refuse a dish that the waiter offers, you just need to shake your head or say in a low voice: "No, thanks." In the case when you are present at an "a la buffet" dinner, where several dishes are offered at once, you can put on your plate just what you like best. However, if at such a dinner waiters are standing at the table with appetizers, then you need to point them to the dish you like, stretch your plate forward, smile and kindly ask them to put the dish you have chosen. If you notice that you were about to put something that you didn’t ask for, you should say: “No, thanks” and repeat your previous request.

Now you know how to behave at the table to create a good impression of yourself. Remember that by following the elementary rules of etiquette, you can attract attention to yourself and achieve the location of others. Try it and see for yourself!
