
Recipe of bakery products for the bakery. Production recipes for individual types of bread

Despite the simplicity of the composition and ease of preparation, this bread will delight you with its excellent taste and aroma, becoming an integral part of every family meal.

For 10 servings, 100 g contains 255 kcal

List of required products

In order to bake classic white bread, you will need the following set of products:

  • Wheat flour (highest or first grade of flour is preferred) - 400 g;
  • Water - 240-250 ml;
  • Dry yeast - about 6 g;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - about 20 g;
  • Sunflower oil (or other refined vegetable oil to taste) - 40 ml.

This recipe starts with the preparation of the dough. To do this, take 120 g of wheat flour and combine with warm boiled water in a deep bowl. Add baker's yeast to the mixture. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Cover the dish with the resulting sponge film and leave it warm for 15-20 minutes to ferment the yeast.

After 20 minutes, the dough will increase significantly in volume. Now is the time to add butter, salt and sugar to it, as well as the remaining flour. Then you need to knead the dough well so that it becomes soft and elastic, then transfer it to a bowl, smeared with oil. The dough should be covered with a towel or film and left in a warm place for an hour.

After 1 hour, the dough will rise and it can be prepared for baking. The dough should be kneaded, formed into a loaf and laid out in a mold pre-greased with oil or lined with parchment paper. Next, the future bread should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes in warmth. After half an hour, you will notice that the dough has increased in volume.

Now is the time to plant the form with the dough in the oven, heated to 200 ° C. At this temperature, the bread is baked for 15 minutes, after which the heat in the oven is reduced to 180 ° C and baked for another 20-30 minutes.

After this time period, our bread can be considered ready. Take it out of the oven and let it cool down a bit. Then we take out the bread and place it on a special wooden grate, on which the bread will cool completely.

Now you can cut the bread and enjoy its divine taste!


Very simple and very tasty bread that can be baked in the form of a flute, a loaf or a round loaf.

As a basis, I took an old recipe intended for a bread machine, added ground flaxseed and zaatar to the dough.

You can choose the most convenient option for yourself.
Do you want to bake in a bread machine? Please. Lay all the ingredients in the order indicated by the instructions, and turn on the French mode.

If you decide to bake a flute, you will not need a mixer: this dough does not stick to your hands, it is pleasant and easy to work with.
No desire to mess with the flute? Form a loaf or even two and bake!

2 cups wheat flour
1 cup rye flour
2 tsp ground flaxseed
1 tsp zaatara
2 tsp dry yeast
1 -1 1/2 st. l. Sahara
1 1/2 tsp salt
about 280 ml of water
flour for work
Cup capacity - 250 ml

Mix wheat and rye flour, sift into a bowl.

Add ground flaxseed and za'atar (optional), yeast and stir.

Make a funnel in the center, pour salt and sugar around the edges. Pour warm water into the funnel and knead by hand into a smooth, soft dough. (If it is dry, add some water.)

Transfer to a floured surface and knead vigorously for about 7-10 minutes until smooth.

This is how the ball turned out.

Place the dough in a bowl lightly greased with vegetable oil and roll until the surface of the ball becomes oily. Cover with cling film and let rise in a warm place.

Punch down the risen dough, knead lightly and divide into two parts (also not necessary - you can form one loaf).

If you want your bread to look like a flute, arm yourself with scissors, but first, see what and how to do.

This is what happens after you play with scissors:

So, the flute is already on the opposite side. And from the remaining dough, I formed a sort of long loaf.

Both breads should rise again in a warm place for 30-45 minutes, and then remain
send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, and bake until cooked.

Freshly baked bread will delight you with a crispy crust and excellent finely porous crumb. He will be fine on the second day.

What is the difference between making bread in a bakery and baking sourdough bread at home? In general, the difference is obvious: professionals work there, use professional equipment and bake a large amount of bread. We bake on average from one to 6-7 loaves per week, based on our own family, for kneading the dough we use both our own hands and home-made dough mixers-bread machines-mixers, for baking we use ordinary gas and electric ovens, molds, caps, bowls, dances with tambourines. We can have an endless arsenal of all kinds of near-bread bells and whistles, but in most bakeries this is strict: unsightly factory forms, at best - baskets, ugly large dough mixers, hot ovens, bread racks and ... endless wonderful aroma of fresh pastries!

In general, the equipment is what the bakery starts with, without a dough mixer, boring cabinets, ovens with automatic steam supply, it would not be realistic to produce large volumes of bread. Not everyone gets the opportunity to look into a real bakery and see how everything works there, for example, I have been interested in this for a long time, therefore, having gone to explore with professionals, I am happy to share their secrets with you.


The first thing you should pay attention to is volumes. Sourdough in bakeries is not stored in jars, as we do, but in pots and can weigh up to several kilograms, and if a bakery produces both rye and wheat bread, then there are usually both rye and wheat sourdough.

Note that in the recipes for wheat bread we always meet either rye or wheat sourdough, and among us, amateur bakers, there are those who prefer to work only with wheat or only with rye sourdough, explaining their choice by certain features of sourdough life, or keep both starters. I belong to connoisseurs of rye and bake both wheat and rye bread and even muffins on it. It's convenient: one jar of sourdough, a minimum of fuss (as far as possible when storing sourdough in heat), from one jar the starter goes to both rye and wheat dough.

For myself personally, I explained the issue of preferences with naive “likes” and “dislikes”, however, there is another, more logical explanation, and it is much more pragmatic.

Where do legs grow from? Most recipes come to us from books, various collections of recipes, in a word, from professionals who have vast experience and special education behind them. How is everything arranged in bakeries and how is it with us? If the bakery bakes both wheat and rye sourdough bread, then both wheat and rye sourdough are constantly in work. For a bakery, this is not a matter of choice, but a matter of necessity and efficiency, because it is these criteria that determine the technology. The kneading begins with the fact that all the sourdough is sent to the bowl of a massive dough mixer, and such an amount of water and flour is added there so that it is enough for a dough to knead the daily norm of baking bread.

Sometimes at the same stage, all or almost all flour and water are added to the bowl, designed for baking bread, then a certain amount “due” to the sourdough is selected, and salt, sugar, butter and some additives are added to the rest of the dough. . But this option is acceptable only when the bakery bakes only one type of wheat bread, diversifying it with additives if desired, otherwise the composition and moisture content of the sourdough will constantly change, and this is not useful for it.

Geoffrey Hamelman in his book "Bread" writes that he prefers to feed the sourdough gradually, in at least two stages, first adding part of the water and flour, letting it ripen, and only then adding the rest of the flour. “After all, we humans would have survived if we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner right away in the morning and did not eat anything else until the next day, but, most likely, we hardly felt good from such a diet. So it is not very useful for our culture (sourdough) to bombard it with such an abundance of nutrients.. But do not forget that we are talking about several kilograms (or liters) of sourdough!

Having visualized the process, it becomes clear why wheat sourdough is used for wheat bread: because if rye is used as a dough, the bread will turn out to be wheat-rye, or you will have to lengthen the process and put the dough separately, collect leftovers, somehow use them additionally , and this will make the technology less efficient. Again, at home we can afford it, but in the bakery we have to choose: either contain two starters, or complicate the process of making leavened bread.


For kneading, bakeries use massive dough mixers designed for 20 liters or more of dough, many of which have both a spiral hook and a rotating bowl, like Ankarsrum Original. In the bakery where I shot, it was just like that.

At home, as you know, I use an Ankarsrum mixer with a rotating bowl and, as it seems to me, kneading in it is much more efficient. Of course volumes matter, but Ankarsrum's fixed hook and roller work much better than the spiral one found on most spiral mixers and planetary mixers. By repeating the lines of the bowl, he simultaneously grinds and stretches the dough, and this is the most successful variant of kneading the dough.


For good, after kneading the dough, it needs to be allowed to approach, increase in volume, and then mold and melt. In the bakery, this process can take place directly in the dough mixer or in the proofer. In a professional proofer, you can adjust the temperature and even create the necessary humidity so that the dough rises faster, exactly on schedule. In my fold-out proofer Brod&Taylor these conditions are easy to ensure by setting the desired temperature and placing a cup of boiling water next to the dough.

And after this locker can be folded, it will be so compact:

In the bakery, where I managed to shoot the work of bakers, they simplify the process: they knead, immediately divide - and part according to the forms.

If this approach is not critical for panned wheat bread, it is not suitable for hearth bread. The blank formed immediately after kneading has a number of disadvantages: it has a weaker gluten framework, because the dough is devoid of folding during the fermentation process, and the carbon dioxide accumulated in the dough, which we usually squeeze out during the folding and molding process, further weakens the already relaxed gluten. Paradoxically, its content in the dough eventually turns out to be less than in pre-fermented blanks, because by folding or punching the dough, we give it the opportunity to partially “release” the gas and continue fermentation, increasing in volume even more. Therefore, blanks that are not fermented before molding, before starting to grow in the oven, first spread out and, in general, are obtained in a smaller volume than those that were fermented before molding. At home, in general, we can do this and that, no one bothers to try and see from our own experience how best, in any case, there will be an experience.

Cutting, shaping.

Cutting and shaping the dough takes place in much the same way as at home, that is, manually: the dough is weighed, the resulting number is divided by the number of blanks to determine the weight of each. When cutting, scrapers are used, which can be freely bought, for example, from us J Pay attention to the all-metal matfer scraper, it has a large canvas and it is convenient for them to divide both ordinary dough of medium consistency and work with very wet dough.

Most bakeries use factory-made aluminum molds for proofing and less often baskets, because brick-shaped pan bread is much easier to bake than hearth bread, you don’t even need a stone for this. At home, even if the oven is molded, there are a lot of options to diversify the type and shape of bread, to influence the crust, choosing which will give a moderate delicate crust, non-stick pullman or even rectangular black steel to get bread with a bright crispy crust.


The only thing that causes undisguised envy in me is professional ovens with automatic steam supply. Steam can be turned on for different times and at different intensities and you don’t have to worry at all whether the crust gets moistened - it gets moistened, it won’t go anywhere!

On the other hand, we are well positioned to ensure that the workpiece is perfectly moistened at the beginning of baking and that the hearth is well preheated in order to obtain the highest quality bread. fireclay stones, ceramic domed forms (Emile Henry), forms with a special groove for water ( Bread&Cake Denk) - all this makes it possible to bake homemade bread, equal or even superior in quality to bread made by professionals in the bakery.

True, when there is a lot of freshly baked bread in front of you and it is so ruddy, beautiful, it is a delightful sight. But they won't eat that much at home!

On the one hand, bakeries in production have a stable result, but at the same time there is much less freedom to try something new or change technology, because a well-honed process is the key to efficiency. And many ideas remain unrealized, therefore they require either new equipment, or serious changes in the schedule and additional labor costs, which not every bakery can afford. We, free birds, can do whatever we like, even knead the dough while standing on our heads :) But the most important thing for me is that this miracle is not lost at home and sourdough bread still remains something meditative, beautiful even poetic. Each time, you can bring something new into the process by observing and allowing yourself to make mistakes, among other things. And when baking turns into a race for efficiency, this feeling disappears.

Inspiration to you and delicious bread!

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  6. Cooking method- describe in your own words what and how you did step by step. Be sure to specify cooking time in a multi-baker. In the description of the recipe, do not forget to mention that the recipe was prepared with the "multi-baker" from "Redmond" (or "Redmond"). Also indicate the panel numbers that are used.
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How many people live in the world, so much they bake bread. And it is simply impossible to imagine our table without this product. Probably, there is nothing tastier than fragrant fresh bread. And in a house where it smells of fresh bread, you always want to return so much. That is why home-baking of bread is becoming more and more popular today, and housewives are so eager to master this art.

Of course, today bread is practically no longer baked in ovens, as it used to be. The easiest way for a modern person to bake bread in a bread machine, the very name of this unit speaks of its purpose. But, even those who do not have a bread machine can easily bake bread in an ordinary oven, because today there are many recipes for homemade bread: white, rye, yeast dough, yeast-free, and everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to your liking.

Bread in the oven - food preparation

Of course, the quality of the flour is of the utmost importance for making good bread. Flour should be taken dry, without lumps, fresh. In order to get an idea of ​​the suitability of flour, you need to take a pinch and moisten it with water or saliva. If the color of the flour remains light, then it is fresh; if the flour has darkened, then it is stale. If it seems to you that the flour is damp, then it should be dried.

A prerequisite for successful bread baking is flour sifting. This will allow it to be saturated with oxygen and eventually turn into soft and fluffy bread, fragrant and unusually tasty, which is how a homemade loaf should be.

Bread in the oven - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rye Oven Bread

This is a fairly simple recipe for rye bread, which even a novice hostess can master. Its disadvantage, perhaps, lies in the duration of preparation. However, using this recipe, you will prepare traditional homemade bread, fragrant and tasty, which will not go stale for a long time.


800 gr. rye flour;
400 gr. water;
10 gr. yeast (dry);
2 tsp salt;
grows. oil.

Cooking method:

1. After sifting the flour, add water with yeast and salt to it. We knead the dough, however, not to a homogeneous mass, but so that there is enough air left in it to make the pastries porous. Then, covering the bowl with the dough with a film, put it in the refrigerator for 16 hours.

2. After the specified time has elapsed, we take the dough out of the refrigerator and, having sprinkled the table with flour, put it there. We leave the dough for a few minutes so that it itself "stretches" on the surface of the table. After we crush it lightly, put it on a clean towel and leave it to "rest" for another 3 hours, covering it with the free ends of the towel.

3. To bake bread, heat the oven to 250°C. We grease the form or pan in which we will bake the bread with vegetable oil, and put it in the oven for 5 minutes to warm up. Then, taking the pan out of the oven, carefully transfer the dough there and cover it with a lid. We bake the bread for about 40 minutes, then remove the lid and continue baking for about 15 minutes until cooked.

Recipe 2: Oven wheat bread

According to this recipe, you will get a wonderful bread, with a crispy crust and a fluffy crumb.


1.5 kg of wheat flour;
25 g fresh yeast;
50 gr. rast. oils;
1 st. l. salt and sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Stir the yeast in 1 liter. warm water, then pour the resulting dough into a saucepan and add flour with vegetable oil, sugar and salt to it (leave a glass of flour). We knead the dough. Having formed a ball out of it, knead for about 10 minutes. Then we grease the pan with vegetable oil, transfer the dough into it and, having covered it with a lid, leave it to rise.

2. After increasing the dough in volume, we crush it and knead it for several minutes.

3. We prepare forms for baking bread by lubricating them with vegetable oil. We shift the dough into them. You can put the dough on a baking sheet, giving it a round shape, then we will get one large round loaf. Cover the dough with clingfilm and leave to rise in a warm place for about an hour. Then, preheating the oven to 200 ° C, bake the bread for about half an hour. Cool the finished loaves on a wire rack.

Recipe 3: Kefir Oven Bread

This bread is a real find for those who do not like yeast dough. Although the recipe is very simple, the bread turns out to be very tasty, fragrant, it retains a fresh look and taste for a long time.


600 ml of kefir;
6 glasses of flour;
1 tsp sugar, salt, and soda;
2 tsp cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Having mixed kefir with flour, salt, sugar, soda, salt and cumin in a bowl, knead the dough (you can first mix with a spoon). Having received a thick but soft dough, on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, we form a loaf out of it. For better baking of the dough, we make cuts on top, and to form a crispy crust, sprinkle flour on top.

2. Having warmed up the oven well, we place our baking sheet with the dough there. We bake for about 40 minutes.

If you are making bread using the sourdough method, do not allow the sourdough to cool. This can cause the bread to be too thick and difficult to digest.

The readiness of the dough is not at all difficult to determine. This will become clear when it doubles in volume and becomes covered with bubbles. You can talk about the readiness of the test when it stops sticking to your hands. The color of the crust and the sound that we hear by tapping on the bottom crust of the loaf will tell about the readiness of the bread - if it is distinct, then the bread is ready. Also, the readiness of bread can be checked by sticking a wooden toothpick into it. If it comes out dry and clean, then our bread is ready; if traces of dough are visible on it, then the bread still needs to be baked.

If you do not want to get a sticky crumb, rubbery crust and other defects, freshly baked bread must be taken out of the oven very carefully. The cooling of hot bread should be slow and natural. In this case, it is necessary to provide air access to the bottom of the loaf, that is, a sieve, grate, etc. can be a suitable place for this.
