
How to reheat frozen pancakes in a pan. Preparing food for freezing

How to cook pancake recipe for freezing - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Yeast pancakes / Pancakes with cheese / Spring rolls frozen / 20 toppings

2 eggs
500 gr. flour
600 ml. milk
250 ml. water
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tsp salt
7 gr. yeast (dry)
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Cooking method
1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a tablespoon of sugar. Pour 200 grams of flour, mix.
2. Close the lid or tighten with foil and leave for 15 minutes to rise.
3. When the dough rises, mix and leave to rise again.
4. When the dough comes up for the second time, add eggs, salt, sugar, the remaining flour to it and mix. Gradually pour in the milk and stir until the dough is desired consistency. It must be uniform.
5. Close the cup and put in a warm place.
6. When the dough rises, pour vegetable oil into it and add more warm milk, if needed. Mix until smooth.
7. Heat the pan well, grease it vegetable oil and fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
8. Grease the finished pancakes with melted butter and stack them in a pile.
9. Serve with sour cream or caviar, you can also with jam or honey!

2 eggs
600 ml. milk
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
500 gr. flour
1 tsp baking powder
150 gr. cheese
50 ml. vegetable oil

Cooking method
1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar until white. Pour in 200 ml of milk, mix well. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt. Gently fold the egg whites into the yolks with milk.
2. Sift flour with baking powder. Add it to the egg and milk mixture. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Add remaining milk and vegetable oil, mix well.
3. Warm up cast iron pan on the fire and bake pancakes, frying them on both sides. Stir occasionally pancake dough a ladle so that it is filled with air, so the pancakes will be more airy. Stack pancakes on top of each other, brushing with melted butter.
4. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220 C. Grate the cheese. Put it in the middle of each pancake and fold it into an envelope.
5. Put the pancakes with cheese on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 10 minutes.
6. Remove from the oven and serve. You can also add finely chopped greens with cheese, if you like.
7.Bon appetit!

Freezing spring rolls

We put the finished pancakes with filling in a container. The main thing is that the products are well cooled after cooking. It is better to freeze each portion separately. If you chose a large container, then shift the pancakes with a film, so they can be easily taken out one by one. Ready-made cheesecakes and pies are perfect for freezing.
It is convenient to defrost pancakes in the microwave if you need to quickly serve for breakfast.
But you can also get it out of the freezer for 20-30 minutes beforehand and fry it in a pan or heat it in the oven.

For quick breakfast It is convenient to wrap several pancakes in a film.

It is useful to put a date on the container and if you have pancakes with different fillings then write and with what exactly in this container.
According to GOST, the shelf life of frozen pancakes:

minus 10 0С - no more than one month,

minus 18 0C - no more than three months.

20 toppings for pancakes!

1 Pancakes stuffed with eggs

2 curd filling in pancakes

We take cottage cheese, add one yolk, sugar to it, grind everything with cottage cheese. Add raisins to the resulting mass. Pre-soaked in boiling water.

3 Chicken: pancakes with chicken

4 Mushroom stuffing in pancakes

5 Sausage "Varenki"

7 Pancakes with meat. The most common meat filling for pancakes

8 Pancakes with cheese and ham

10 Stuffing for pancakes from boiled beef

Red fish fillet (slightly salted or smoked trout or salmon are suitable)
finely chop, mix with melted cheese.
Add greens if desired.

13 With powdered sugar

Compound: Powdered sugar.
Sprinkle with powder, you can also cut a heart out of paper and shake it on top. It will turn out on top of the pancake powder in the form of a heart or two.

Finely chop the onion. Fry minced meat on grows. oil (while evaporating all the juice). Add the onion to the fried minced meat and continue to fry together, for small fire until minced meat and onions are ready. But the onion should not change color much. IN ready minced meat add with onion boiled rice, salt, pepper
and mix thoroughly.

4 tablespoons of sugar are placed on the bottom of the pan, 0.5 gr. vanilla, 0.5 tablespoon of water and melt sugar, boil it until light brown. And pour pancakes on it.

16 With apple-nut filling

2 sweet and sour apples,
1 tbsp walnuts,
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of cinnamon.
Grate apples, mix with chopped nuts, adding sugar and cinnamon.

It includes solid spicy cheese, garlic, carrots, sour cream (mayonnaise).
Grate carrots on a fine grater, and cheese on a coarse grater. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic. Mix everything with sour cream or mayonnaise. (For 250 grams of cheese, 1 small carrot is added).

18 With prunes and cream

Ingredients: 200 gr. prunes, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 gr. cinnamon, 50 gr. cream.
Pour boiling water over prunes. After 10 minutes, finely chop it, add sugar, cinnamon, cream. Mix everything thoroughly.

Ingredients: 3 bananas, 50 gr. cream.
3 bananas and 3 tablespoons of cream, chop and beat in a blender until smooth.

Ingredients: 200 gr. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 200 gr. blueberries.
200 gr. cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 200 gr. blueberries, grind everything in a blender until smooth.

1. Divide the milk into two parts. We heat one part over a fire so that the milk is warm, but not hot. Remove from heat, gradually add sugar, salt, flour, stirring vigorously with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is reached.

2. Add eggs to the resulting mixture of milk and flour, mix thoroughly.

3. Add the remaining milk and a little vegetable oil to the resulting mixture so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan during the frying process.

4. Let's start baking pancakes. As a rule, it is not necessary to grease the pan with vegetable oil. We collect pancake mass in a ladle (my ladle is about 50 ml), take a frying pan in the other hand and pour the contents of the ladle into the center of the pan batter, rotating the pan, distributing the dough over it. When the edges of the pancakes are browned, it's time to turn the pancake over. To do this, take the edges of the pancake with your hands and quickly turn it over so as not to burn yourself, and fry for another 20-30 seconds.

5. Bake all pancakes in this way. Put a piece of butter in the center of each pancake, wrap it in a tube. Do this with all pancakes. Put the resulting pancakes in the microwave for 40-50 seconds at medium power. The pancakes are very tasty.

Pancakes "Flawless". Get it even for beginners!

boiling water - 1.5 cups;
milk - 1.5 cups;
eggs - 2 pieces;
flour - 1.5 cups (the dough should be less than for pancakes);
butter- 1.5 tablespoons;
granulated sugar- 1.5 tablespoons;
salt - 0.5 teaspoon;

Beat eggs with sugar, add salt and vanilla.
Next, while whisking the mixture, add milk and gradually add flour.
Without ceasing to beat, pour in the melted butter, and then boiling water in a thin stream.
Set the dough aside for half an hour so that all the ingredients are harmoniously mixed.

And then we start baking.
Pour the dough into a preheated pan with a thin layer, wait 1-2 minutes (moisture leaves the surface of the pancake), and then turn it over.
By the way, if the pan is not special, then you should pour a little vegetable oil on it before baking, which, using a piece of cotton wool or paper towel should be spread in a thin layer over the entire surface.
If you like pancakes with filling, choose traditional ones (cottage cheese, mushroom, berry, etc.) or come up with your own.

RECIPE (250 ml glass):

2 tbsp. kefir,
1 st. boiling water,
2 tbsp. flour (no slide),
2 eggs,
6 tbsp vegetable oil (in the dough),
1/2 tsp salt,
1 tsp sugar (for sweet pancakes 1 tablespoon),
1/2 tsp soda.

1) Sift flour with baking soda.
2) Lightly beat the eggs with salt, sugar and kefir with a hand whisk.
3) Immediately add all the flour and mix well. Here, do not try to thoroughly interfere for a long time. If there are lumps, do not worry, they will disperse by the time of baking.
4) Pour boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
5) Add oil. And now my favorite trick! We scoop up the dough with a ladle, raise it above the bowl and pour it into the main mass from a height. You will see how myriads of tiny bubbles are immediately formed. This oil breaks into droplets. In addition, the dough is additionally saturated with air. Magical! :)) This trick allows you to achieve perforation of pancakes even on dough made from milk without baking powder and yeast.
6) Now we heat the pan and immediately bake. Let's not wait for the reverse merging of oil droplets. The frying pan must be well heated, this is important. Let the first pancake burn rather than stick. it will take longer to wash the pan if it sticks. Before the first pancake, grease the pan with vegetable oil or a piece of lard. Further, at your discretion.
How tastier to eat it is necessary to tell?))

P.S. have a recipe custard pancakes on milk. In this case, we increase the number of eggs by one, but a little less flour may be needed. And extinguish the soda with boiling water. To do this, put soda in a ladle and pour boiling water into it, and do not add soda to boiling water. You will get a head of foam and the whole soda will be repaid. That's what my grandmother always did. And if we use kefir, it makes no sense to extinguish the soda with boiling water. kefir will make it better

Delicate pancakes on kefir with boiling water

flour 1 tbsp.
kefir 1 tbsp.
boiling water 1 tbsp.
egg 2 pcs.
sugar 1.5-2 tbsp.
soda 0.5 tsp
vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
salt 0.5 tsp

Whisk eggs with salt
Add boiling water without stopping beating
Pour in kefir
Mix the sifted flour with soda. Add to our liquid, put sugar, vegetable oil. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
Leave the dough for 10 minutes.
We bake in a frying pan greased with oil until golden brown.

The pancakes are very tender, which at first turned over badly for me. But then I got used to it and it worked.
Bon appetit!

Custard pancakes on kefir

1 glass of kefir
150 gr flour
1 egg
1/3 tsp soda
1 tbsp vegetable oil
0.5 cups of boiling water
1 tbsp Sahara
1/3 tsp salt

Kefir. eggs. sugar. mix salt and flour well.
Add soda to boiling water. mix quickly and pour into the dough.
Mix everything well and let stand for 5 minutes.
Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix.
Bake on an oiled skillet.

Pancakes with stuffing in breadcrumbs.

Here are these pancakes with filling in breadcrumbs you can quickly and easily cook for your family. Great variety will be on the table. This regular pancakes but how prepared. Tasty! Try it!

15 most delicious toppings for pancakes.

1. Pancakes stuffed with eggs
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 50 gr. green onions, 5-10 gr. dill, salt.
Boil 4 eggs. Grate boiled eggs. fry green onion 50 gr. Dill 5-10 gr. Salt to taste.

2. Curd filling in pancakes
Ingredients: Cottage cheese 500 gr. 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 50 gr. raisins.
We take cottage cheese, add one yolk, sugar to it, grind everything with cottage cheese.
Add raisins to the resulting mass. pre-soaked in
boiling water.

3. Chicken: chicken pancakes
Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 10 gr. dill, 2 boiled eggs, salt, pepper.
boil chicken breast. Twist it in a meat grinder. Dill 10 gr. finely chopped. Grate 2 boiled eggs on a coarse grater, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Mushroom filling in pancakes
Ingredients: 500 gr. mushrooms, 2 pcs. onion, salt pepper.
Fry mushrooms 500 gr. fry onion 2 pcs. medium, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Sausage "Varenki"
Ingredients: 200 gr. sausages "Varenki", 0.5 tablespoons of mustard, 50 gr. sour cream, 100 gr. cheese.
Boiled sausage 200 gr. pass it through a meat grinder, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, and 50 gr. sour cream. Mix everything, the filling is ready.

6. Hepatic
Ingredients: 500 gr. liver (pork or beef), 2 onions, 1 carrot, 3 eggs, salt. pepper.
500 gr. liver fry with 2 medium-sized onions and 1 carrot. 3 boiled eggs grated coarse grater, salt and pepper to taste.

7. Pancakes with meat. The most common meat filling for pancakes
Ingredients: 500 gr. fresh minced meat, 1 onion, salt, pepper.
Chopped meat(500 gr.) Fried with onions (1 pc.), Add salt and pepper to taste.

8. Pancakes with cheese and ham
Ingredients: 300 gr. ham, 150 gr. cheese, 2-3 boiled eggs, salt.
We take ham 300 gr. 150 gr. cheese and 2-3 boiled eggs. We cut the ham into strips, and rub the cheese and eggs on a coarse grater. Salt to taste.

9. With dried apricots
Ingredients: 300 gr. cottage cheese, 100 gr. dried apricots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.
We take 300 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. finely chopped dried apricots, mix everything and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, then mix everything well again.

10. Stuffing for pancakes from boiled beef
Ingredients: 500 gr. beef, 1 onion, butter 20 gr, salt.
500 gr. Boil beef for 1.5 hours, twist in a meat grinder. We take 1 onion, cut into cubes, fry in butter, add the resulting minced meat, add some salt to taste.

11. With condensed milk
Ingredients: liquid condensed milk or boiled condensed milk.
Sweet pancakes can be topped with condensed milk.

12. With red fish
Come in handy soft processed cheese(like “Viola”) and slightly salted red fish.
Fillet of red fish (slightly salted or smoked trout or salmon is suitable), finely chop, mix with melted cheese.
Add greens if desired.

13. With powdered sugar
Ingredients: Powdered sugar.
Sprinkle with powder, you can also cut a heart out of paper and shake it on top.
It will turn out on top of the pancake powder in the form of a heart or two.

14. With minced meat and rice
Finely chop the onion. Fry minced meat on grows. oil (while evaporating all the juice). Add the onion to the fried minced meat and continue to fry together over low heat until the minced meat and onions are cooked. But the onion should not change color much. Add boiled rice to the prepared minced meat with onions, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

15. With caramel
Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 water and 0.5 gr. vanilla.
4 tablespoons of sugar are placed on the bottom of the pan, 0.5 gr. vanilla, 0.5 tablespoon
tablespoons of water and melt sugar, boil it until light brown. AND
pour pancakes on it.

Flour-2 tbsp;
Kefir-2 tbsp;
Soda-1.5 tsp;
Sugar-2 tbsp;
Vegetable oil-3 tbsp;
Boiling water-1 tbsp;
Egg-2 pcs;

Mix eggs, flour, yogurt, salt, sugar. Mix well and beat a little.
Add soda to a glass of boiling water, stir quickly and pour into the kefir mass. Mix.
Wait 5 minutes, and add a little vegetable. Stir.
The first time the pan is anointed with vegetable oil, then it is not necessary.

Preparing food for freezing

Famous chefs are often advised to regularly make preparations for the future. So, for example, the legendary Spaniard Ferran Adria recommends always keeping freezer fish, chicken, beef broths, tomato sauce, bolognese and pesto sauces, peas, spinach. We decided not to limit ourselves to this set and made for you a selection of 10 dishes that perfectly tolerate freezing.

Chops are great for gala dinner, but you can treat yourself to them at any time. True, it is impossible to freeze them, but you can safely save them for three days in the refrigerator. Preparing this dish is very simple - just 3 steps.

You will need:
● 1 kg tenderloin or neck (pork, veal, lamb)
● culinary hammer

For marinade:
● 1 l of water
● 1 tsp. salt
● 1/2 tsp. Sahara
● 1 tbsp. l. dry white wine or weak vinegar solution
● 2-3 cloves
● 3 allspice peas

Cooking method:
1) Prepare the marinade: add all the ingredients to boiling water, remove from heat and cool.
2) Cut the meat into portioned pieces and beat well on both sides.
3) Put the meat in a deep container and pour the marinade.

The rolls look like you've been working on them for three hours. Don't tell anyone it only took 20 minutes to make! And they are stored frozen for at least a month.

● 1.5 kg tenderloin or neck (pork, veal, lamb)
● salt, pepper
● any filling (mushrooms with onions, cheese, boiled egg and greens, thin strips of fried bacon with walnuts and garlic)

Cooking method:
1) We cook the meat like chops, only we beat it a little stronger.
2) Salt and pepper the pieces.
3) Cooking the filling: fry the mushrooms, three cheese, crush the garlic (we use imagination).
4) We put the filling on the meat and twist it into a roll. Then the rolls can be fried and stewed, or you can send them to the freezer.

Goulash is good because it goes perfectly with any side dishes. You can store it in the freezer for more than a month. And for cooking you need only meat and pepper.

● 1 kg meat
● pepper

Cooking method:
1) Cut the meat into 3 × 3 cm pieces and pepper generously.
2) Fry and cool down put in a container.
3) Before serving, just warm up and salt.

Making broth is a long process. A pressure cooker will speed it up a little. But the frozen broth can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months, defrosting in portions and adding vegetables to taste.

● 1 chicken carcass
● 1 tsp. black peppercorns
● 1 Bay leaf
● 2 stalks of celery
● 1 large head of onion
● 2 carrots
● 3 sprigs of thyme
● 1 tsp. coarse salt
● 3 liters of water

Cooking method:
1) Put everything in large saucepan, bring to a boil.
2) Remove the foam and cook on low heat for 1.5 hours.
By the way, boiled mushrooms for soup can also be frozen separately.

For a full dinner for this sauce, you only need to boil the pasta. In the book " Family dinner. Cooking at home with Ferran Adria, the chef claims that the sauce prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 5 days in the refrigerator or 6 months in the freezer.

Ingredients for 2.5 kg of sauce:
● 225 g butter
● 1.2 kg minced beef
● 350 g minced pork
● 500 g onion
● 150 g celery
● 400 g carrots
● 150 ml olive oil extra virgin
● 1.6 kg chopped tomatoes per own juice
● 2 g sugar
● 12 g tomato paste

Cooking method:
1) Put a large saucepan on the fire and melt the butter.
2) Add beef and fry until it changes color.
3) Add pork.
4) After a few minutes - salt and pepper, stirring often until the minced meat becomes golden brown.
5) In the meantime, finely chop the onion, celery and carrots.

6) We put another pan on slow fire and pour in olive oil.
7) Lightly fry the vegetables until they are soft (12 minutes).
8) Add meat, chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, mix.
9) Sprinkle with salt, pepper and sugar.
10) Cook on low heat for 1.5 hours.
After these procedures, the sauce can be cooled and frozen.

Stuffed pepperuniversal dish: easy to prepare, looks beautiful, and variety possible fillings allows you to eat this dish at least every day. Peppers can be stored in the freezer at a temperature of minus 18 for 3 months.

● 20-25 large bell peppers no visible defects
● 1 kg of minced meat
● mushrooms, rice, spices, zucchini, tomatoes, couscous (optional)

Cooking method:
1) Thoroughly wash the peppers, cut off the caps with stalks, carefully clean the seeds and inner membranes.
2) Rice for the filling is boiled in advance, the rest of the filling is put raw.
3) Gently fill the peppers with stuffing and freeze.
4) To serve - send for 40 minutes to stew in sour cream and tomato sauce.

Cutlets are the first thing that comes to mind when you think about semi-finished products. It is very convenient to cook them for the future, and they can be stored in the freezer for 2 months.

● 1 kg of minced meat
● 1 egg
● half a loaf of bread
● 2 bulbs
● spices

Cooking method:
1) Mix minced meat, chopped bread, finely chopped onion and spices.
2) We sculpt blanks - neat washers.
3) So that the cutlets do not stick together when frozen, lay them out on the board cling film, on top - cutlets and leave in this form in the freezer for half an hour so that the cutlets grab. After that, they can be transferred to a bag and left in the freezer.

lazy cabbage rolls differ from classic themes that they have cabbage inside, not outside. However, both of them can be stored in the freezer for 3 months.

● 300 g cabbage
● 1 bulb
● 1 kg of minced meat
● salt, pepper
● breadcrumbs

Cooking method:
1) Cabbage and onion cut into cubes of 3-5 mm.
2) Mix with minced meat, salt, pepper.
3) We form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and freeze in this form.
4) After defrosting, they can be stewed in water or broth for 40 minutes.

For these meat dishes, you can also freeze some vegetables for garnish: mushrooms, tomatoes, peeled and diced carrots, Bell pepper, eggplant. Before freezing, it is advisable to lower the vegetables for a few seconds in salted boiling water, and then cool under running water. cold water, dry and pack for single use.

Do not freeze potatoes: they can lose their taste qualities. Recommended shelf life: soup sets- 6-7 months, individual vegetables - 10-12 months.

Oddly enough, you can freeze and dessert. Cheesecakes perfectly tolerate freezing and are perfectly stored in the freezer for a whole month. Preparing to freeze them is very simple.

● 500 g cottage cheese
● 200 g sugar
● 1 egg
● flour (as needed until the dough thickens)

Cooking method:
1) Mix cottage cheese, sugar, eggs and flour into a homogeneous mass.
2) We roll the balls, roll them in flour or semolina and flatten them slightly.
3) We freeze according to the “cutlet” method: first we lay it out on a board covered with cling film, separately, and when it freezes, we put it in a bag.

Now in the morning you can prepare an excellent homemade breakfast in just 5 minutes.

Cooking pancakes will probably take the most time, but how nice it will be to get a treat from the freezer at any time and just warm it up in the microwave! Depending on the filling, the pancake can be stored in the freezer from one to three months: cottage cheese is stored less, meat - longer.

● 1 liter of milk
● 6 eggs
● 2 cups flour
● 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
● 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
● toppings of your choice: cottage cheese with raisins, cheese with ham, minced meat, mushrooms with onions and carrots

Cooking method:
1) Beat the eggs, gradually adding all the other ingredients.
2) Stir until the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass.
3) Fry in a hot pan.
4) Prepare your favorite toppings and wrap them in neat pancake envelopes.
5) Lay out on cling film, freeze, transfer to a bag.

Do not forget to sign which package contains which filling in order to avoid surprises in the form of a meat pancake warmed up for dessert.

Also, do not forget that even frozen foods have an expiration date. Meat dishes home cooking it is not recommended to store in the freezer for longer than 3 months, and industrial - for longer than six months.

How to freeze pancakes with filling?

Of course you can, for example, they do it in our country, they cook more pancakes with minced meat at once in order to cook them at once for several meals, in this case a lot of time is saved than if you cook small portions of pancakes with filling several times separately. Some of the ready-made pancakes are eaten, and most of the cooked pancakes are frozen, a lot is cooked just with the calculation most to freeze. All the same, cooked at home is tastier and always fresher, you just put it in the freezer and they always lie there, unlike store-bought ones, it’s not clear who cooked them and how many times they are thawed until the moment of purchase.

Freezing pancakes at home is a wonderful thing! Then you can release almost ready-made pancakes from the freezer and just fry them until golden brown again in a pan or pour sauce and stew in the oven, heat in microwave oven.

Can be frozen like pancakes sweet stuffing, as with minced meat, potatoes and mushrooms, also make with sweet fillings, for example, cottage cheese pancakes with berries, raisins, candied fruits.

Pancakes are prepared regular prescription, as they always do: first you need to prepare pancake dough, you also need to make meat (mushroom, liver, etc.) minced meat with onions, or you can make minced rice with mushrooms, then pancakes are fried, the filling is wrapped in them, tightly wrapped wrapped around each other and let cool. Can be folded into a tube or an envelope. as you like and like.

The cooled pancakes are laid out in bags in the freezer and frozen. In order not to “stick together”, you can put it in portions in a pallet in one or two rows, freezing in parts. Transfer the “frozen” pancakes into bags and send them to the freezer for storage. You can freeze each pancake in its own film.

And then we take it out and warm it up, serve it to the table with sour cream or sauce, and if sweet pancakes, then with honey, jam.

Freezing pancakes will save a lot of time, as you can cook a large batch of pancakes at a time, and then only reheat them. So, in order to freeze spring rolls. it is necessary to cook pancakes according to your favorite recipe from the beginning, and then wrap the filling in them, which can be varied, for example, minced meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, potatoes, berries, etc.

Then ready-made pancakes put on a baking sheet and freeze, already frozen pancakes put in a bag or container. You can also pre-pack the pancakes in portions and defrost them in the microwave individually, and not the whole amount, because re-freezing is not recommended, it will significantly worsen the taste and appearance.

It is better not to store frozen pancakes for a long time, but to eat them within a month; they can be stored longer only with industrial freezing.

Many people do not trust store-bought food or consider it not tasty enough, preferring to eat semi-finished products made by themselves. Spring rolls are just one of them. You can freeze them, this will save a lot of time on cooking. It is much more convenient to spend time preparing pancakes, and then just take them out of the freezer and reheat.

Frozen pancakes keep their shape perfectly and do not lose their taste. You can defrost them in a pan or in the microwave. Any pancakes with all kinds of fillings are subject to freezing: minced meat, potatoes, cabbage, jam, mushrooms, etc. The main thing is to prevent pancakes from sticking together during freezing.

Undoubtedly, at home, you can make blanks or a finished product and freeze them for good. And then you just take out the pancakes and heat them in the microwave, or fry the frozen ones in a pan.

And this is not difficult to do, for starters, you will bake a lot of pancakes, then stuff them with various fillers. It can be cottage cheese, meat, liver with rice, rice with egg, stewed cabbage, or a sweet filling. After that, you sort them by type, each stuffing in an individual container or package.

And after everything has cooled down, put it in the freezer and, as needed, take it out and warm it up.

Cooking pancakes takes a very long time, freezing a large batch of pancakes prepared in advance will save time. Pancakes freeze well. Pancakes can be frozen with any filling: cottage cheese, minced meat, jam, etc. Add up stuffed pancakes in a container for freezing, and write the date on the container in order not to forget about the expiration date. Take out of the freezer and defrost in the microwave as needed. Pancakes do not tolerate re-freezing, so you need to fold them in advance so that you get the right amount.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Many of us love delicious homemade pancakes cooked with love! Ever since the formation of Rus', this is beautiful Slavic dish always present in the diet of our people. However, today's frantic pace of life deprives a person of free time, including the preparation of their favorite dishes. More and more, the market is flooded with semi-finished products, among which, however, one can find quite worthy and delicious food like frozen pancakes.

Thanks to a special freezing technique, pancakes retain all their useful and valuable nutritional properties. And one of the main advantages of a semi-finished product is its quite long term storage. However, not everyone knows how to properly cook and reheat pancakes, what is best used for defrosting: microwave, oven or slow cooker, and some other cooking nuances. All this - read below in this article.
To date, there are the following types frozen pancakes:

  • With meat
  • With berries or fruits
  • With cottage cheese
  • With mushrooms
  • With vegetables
  • With condensed milk

How to reheat frozen pancakes

  1. One easy way to make pancakes is as follows:
  2. Taking the semi-finished product out of the refrigerator, make sure that they are not very frozen. If this happens, just place the pancakes on a plate in the microwave and set the defrost mode.
  3. After that, lightly fry the pancakes in a pan previously greased with vegetable or butter, and you can serve the dish on the table. On average, frying pancakes in a pan goes like this: fry for 5 minutes over low heat on one side and the same amount of time on the other. And then add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and fry for 5 minutes as well.

Frozen pancakes - in the microwave

We offer you a proven method of heating and cooking dishes in the microwave:
To cook stuffed pancakes in a microwave oven, you need to put them in the form of a star, 5-6 pieces on a wide plate and put in the microwave for 5-5.5 minutes. Laid out rolls in this way will warm up much better and more evenly.

Frozen pancakes - in a slow cooker

You can use any slow cooker to make pancakes. Fry in it for about 6-8 minutes on each side. "Baking" mode, the lid must be removed during frying.

According to numerous reviews on the web, best recipe frying frozen pancakes is to cook them in a pan with butter or vegetable oil, while you can defrost semi-finished products in a microwave oven.

11.02.2014 30.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

It turns out that pancakes can also be cooked in the microwave. If Shrovetide is coming soon, then this is more than a good reason to try the proposed recipes. I think you absolutely do not like the prospect of once again spending half the holiday at the stove. Do you want to celebrate the birthday of the New Spring with everyone? Then super fast way cooking pancakes without fussing with a frying pan, kitchen spatulas and subsequent washing of greasy dishes.

Everything you need in this case: products for making pancakes, a bowl and a microwave. Yes, it's that simple!

Three recipes for everyone:

Ingredients for regular pancakes:

  • 1 large egg
  • 300 milliliters of milk
  • butter or vegetable oil,
  • 100 grams of flour.


Whisk the egg and half of the milk in a bowl. Then gradually add flour until a thick mass is obtained. Beat thoroughly to prevent lumps from forming in the resulting dough. Pour in the rest of the milk. It is very important that the dough turns out thick consistency, then it will not "run away" anywhere.

Get a microwave safe plate. Brush it evenly with oil so that the pancakes don't stick to the surface while cooking.

Pour on a plate a small portion prepared dough and put in the microwave. Heat for a minute until you get a pancake. If the dough is still damp, continue heating, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will simply burn.

Unfortunately, if your oven does not have an electric grill, then the pancakes will not be as browned as your grandmother's, but no less tasty.

Bake all pancakes.

Serve pancakes with jam, honey, sour cream or chocolate paste.

P.S. You can change the recipe by adding sugar or other additives to the dough.

An interesting alternative to cooking can be pancakes in the microwave in a mug. They can be made both regular and gluten-free. These are exactly what I propose.


  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter (you can use both butter and vegetable),
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons gluten-free oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. gluten-free spoons all-purpose flour,
  • ¼ st. spoons of baking soda
  • 3 art. spoons of jam or syrup,
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 art. spoons of milk.


If you still took the butter, then you need to melt it. Put in a large mug suitable for heating in a microwave oven, put in a microwave oven at the maximum level for 20-30 seconds. Take out and let cool slightly.

Add oat flour, all-purpose gluten-free flour and baking soda. Mix thoroughly.

Put the jam or syrup, egg and pour in the milk, continuing to mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Put the mug with the resulting pancake blank in the microwave and cook at maximum for 3 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, let the mug stand in the microwave for another minute or two until fully prepared.

Pour over the resulting pancakes with the rest of the jam or syrup and you can eat.

Since we are indulging in buns with pancakes here, here is another recipe that is suitable for vegetarians: pancakes in the microwave from wholemeal flour.


  • 100 g whole grain flour,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of unrefined sugar,
  • 1 s. a spoonful of powdered sugar
  • 100 ml vanilla soy milk,
  • ½ st. tablespoons of olive oil
  • coconut oil for lubrication.


Mix all dry ingredients.

Gradually add the liquids, stirring constantly, until the dough thickens. It should have a viscous consistency.

Grease a microwave-safe dish with coconut oil.

I usually put four cakes on one plate, but no matter how you put the dough and whichever plate you choose, the distance between the cakes should be at least a centimeter, as they will rise when heated. Very good plates with recesses in the middle: if this middle is completely filled with dough, you can get one large perfectly round pancake.

Heat the dough in the microwave for about two minutes at maximum, until the pancakes are dense and fluffy. The dough begins to heat up from the edges to the middle. The pancake is done when it doesn't stick to your hand when touched.

I advise you to serve pancakes hot, with jam, chocolate syrup, sour cream, as well as your favorite sweets.

by the most in a simple way to please yourself with pancakes is to warm up ready-made frozen pancakes in the microwave, and they can be both homemade and store-bought (which, of course, is less preferable).

How much does frozen pancakes cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Modern food manufacturers by all accessible ways trying to attract everyone to their products large quantity potential buyers. It can be said that the 21st century has become the era of the Renaissance of some national dishes. The most interesting thing is that the dishes managed not only to regain popularity, but also transformed into frozen ones and almost completely finished products nutrition, the so-called by-products.

Over the past half century, the frozen food market has been actively replenished with a wide variety of types of ready-made culinary products for the full readiness of which, one has only to subject the offal to one of the types of culinary heat treatment. Dumplings, mixtures of vegetables or dumplings are boiled, and frozen pancakes or fish burgers fry, etc. Frozen pancakes are an offal, which is culinary product prepared from liquid dough by frying in a pan.

On sale, stuffed frozen pancakes are most often found. You just need to fry this food product in a pan and you will get a full-fledged culinary product. Frozen pancakes can be stuffed with both sweet and meat, vegetable or fish filling. In addition, frozen pancakes “naval style” are in special demand, i.e. stuffed with minced meat prepared on the basis of minced meat.

Pancakes differ from all of us familiar national Russian pancakes in composition original ingredients that are used in the cooking process. It is worth noting that pancakes are a thinner type of pancakes, which are made from milk, to which a yeast-free sourdough is added. It is also worth noting that pancakes can only be fried on one side, then stuffed and re-fried on all sides.

Frozen pancakes are quite easy, and most importantly, quick to cook. This is the main plus of frozen food, including pancakes. Taste like nutritional characteristics frozen pancakes vary depending on the composition of the product. However, average calorie content frozen pancake is 233 kcal per 100 grams of offal.

However, it is worth emphasizing that the caloric content of frozen pancakes increases significantly with heat treatment an offal, in which vegetable or butter is usually used. Among the most popular and common types of frozen pancakes that can be freely purchased in domestic grocery stores are: pancakes stuffed with meat or minced fish, caviar, s vegetable stuffing, also cottage cheese, mushroom, cheese and egg, fruit or fruit and berry, as well as honey, chocolate, with condensed milk and caramel.

Calorie content of frozen pancakes 233 kcal

The energy value of frozen pancakes (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

All types of pancakes and pancakes are suitable for freezing and subsequent heating.

So, prepare the desired amount of pancakes or pancakes according to your favorite recipe.

Be sure to cook the pancakes well on both sides. A Ziplock bag is ideal for storage. On the package, be sure to indicate the date of freezing. This will help you not keep the pancakes too long. Do not store pancakes in the freezer for more than 1-2 months.

Arrange the cooked, cooled pancakes on a board or baking sheet so that they do not touch each other. Put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. After that, you can put them in a bag.

To stack pancakes in a bag, line them with parchment or wax paper.

There are several ways to reheat pancakes.

1. In the microwave

Arrange 1-5 pancakes on a microwavable plate. Heat one pancake for about 20 seconds. Five pancakes will take about 60 seconds. Exact time depends on the power of the microwave. It makes no sense to cover pancakes when reheating. Pancakes will remain soft and fluffy.

2. In the oven

This method is ideal if you need to reheat a lot of pancakes at once. Preheat the oven to 175-180 degrees Celsius. Place the frozen pancakes in a foil bag or place on a baking sheet and cover with a thin layer of foil. Cover with foil to keep pancakes from getting too dry. Bake the pancakes in the oven for about 10 minutes. There is no need to pre-lubricate the pancakes with oil.

3. In the toaster

Pancakes can be warmed up in a toaster. But this method limits you in the number of pancakes you can reheat at a time - 1 pancake per 1 toaster slot. Keep a close eye on the pancakes so that they do not become hard and crispy.

For all these methods, it makes no sense to defrost pancakes in advance before reheating. They will defrost during the cooking process.

Whichever way you choose, I hope this will add delicious breakfasts into your life! Enjoy your meal!
