
How many degrees are in the dessert table. Two affordable ways to determine the strength of homemade wine

When it comes to alcoholic beverages, vodka, whiskey, cognac, and various liquors immediately come to mind. However, wine in our country is not so popular, especially fortified. And in vain: it is much more useful than strong representatives of the alcoholic fraternity. The content of sugar and alcohol in fortified wines can vary, but there are certain standards.


Even historians in the gastronomic field will not be able to name the exact date of the appearance of this drink. Since antiquity, wines have been made based on the natural fermentation of various fruits and berries (grapes, apples, plums). Then, to increase the strength of the drink, alcohol was added to it. As a result, the fortress increased by several degrees.

According to one version, fortified wines are the same age as the first taverns. Their owners came up with the idea to dilute with alcohol natural drink, which for many had the desired effect. It is believed that fortified wines appeared in the Middle Ages. During transportation, the drink often deteriorated, and alcohol was added to its composition to preserve it.

Some fortified wines owe their name to their geographical location. An example is Madeira, Port wine in its various varieties. For the production of beverages are used different varieties grapes, and the method of fermentation of berries is significantly different.

You can choose wine according to its shade. Fortified drink can be:

  • red;
  • white;
  • pink

There are also canteens and vintage wines. The main difference between them is the variety of grapes used and the aging period.

Interesting! Herbal tinctures are also added to wines. Everyone knows different types vermouth. They are used as an aperitif. In addition, vermouth can be one of the ingredients for many cocktails.

Wines are also classified based on the material used in them. In addition to grapes, you can find apple, plum, raspberry drinks, tinctures from other berries. Mixed options are sometimes prepared at home.

IN industrial scale there is a classification of fortified wines. For example, there are strong and dessert wines. The difference between them is in the level of sugar. The stronger the wine "by degree", the less natural sugar it contains.


How many degrees in fortified wine depends on the type of drink - usually from 12 to 22 revolutions. In some countries, fortified wines have a standard of 20% ABV.

The strength may also depend on the color. It often happens that white wines tend to be "tougher" than reds.

Wine made using home technologies can have a strength of more than 22 revolutions. You can check your alcohol level with special devices. If we are talking about sweet wines, alcohol in them is kept at the level of 15-17%. As a raw material, as a rule, overripe grapes are used.

It turns out that you can talk about fortified wine when the alcohol content in it exceeds 12%. There are also liqueur wines that distinguish high content Sahara. Alcohol in them is in the range from 12 to 17 revolutions. The same percentage is typical for dessert drinks.

Important! If you buy a bottle in a store, then on the label you can find information not only about the strength of the drink, but also about the sugar content in it. When wine is ordered in restaurants, the waiter can tell you about its properties. He also has the right to give advice on the choice.


Sherry, which the Spaniards consider one of their national treasures, is drunk both by itself and as part of many cocktails. Depending on the grape variety and the aging period, the alcohol content in the drink is at the level of 15-20%.

Port is considered a Portuguese wine. It is made with equal success from both white and red grape varieties. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the fortress is within 19-20 degrees.

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

In Portugal, besides Port wine, Madera (otherwise called Madeira) is considered insanely respected. The drink is aged in barrels for a long time. The standard term is 1.5 years. However, the age of exclusive parties can reach up to two decades. As for the fortress, it is in the range of 18-22 degrees.

Among fortified wines, many Italians prefer Marsala, which is produced in Sicily. The standard alcohol content is 17%. However, in some varieties of wine, this figure is a degree higher.

Hungary is famous for Tokyo wines in their various variations. Depending on the variety of grapes used, the strength of the wine ranges from 11 to 14 degrees.

Vermouth is produced in France and Italy. The dessert variety of the drink has a strength of 16 revolutions. The alcohol content in strong Vermouth is 18%.

How to choose

It is impossible to provide universal recipes. The main factors include gastronomic preferences and personal budget. After all, there are wines that cost more than one thousand rubles in the store. The choice of drink is influenced by the culinary preferences of family members. Therefore, you can buy several bottles of different wines for a holiday or other suitable occasion.

Some make purchases based on recommendations from friends and advice on the Internet. Then the risk of making a mistake increases. After all, tastes in the choice of spirits and wine, in particular, have an individual character.

Culture of consumption

Like any alcoholic drink, it is advisable to drink fortified wine according to certain rules. They may include a choice of food, dishes. The temperature is also important.

Much depends on the type of drink. Red wines are usually consumed with meat (beef is ideal). At the same time, it is desirable to keep room temperature for wine. In addition, red sweet wine with a strength of 12-15 degrees can replace dessert. Everything depends on the menu.

Interesting! In winter, fortified wines are often used to make warming mulled wine. However, use it expensive varieties it is not recommended, because all the flavor disappears very quickly during heat treatment.

Many people drink white wines with fish, poultry, fruits. At the same time, the taste of wine is better felt if it is pre-cooled. Many do not recommend drinking white wine with dishes containing sauces (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise) or spices. In this case, it will be difficult to catch real taste drink.

Many people prefer to use fortified wine as an aperitif to increase their appetite before the upcoming meal. At the same time, it is pre-cooled. Optimum temperature wine is considered 10-15 degrees Celsius.

Sometimes fortified wines use specially shaped glassware. You can find both specially made glasses and glasses. However, some in the old fashioned way prefer to use grape drink from a glass.

Useful video: types of drink

Simple classification:


Fortified wine comes in different types and flavors. The standard for alcohol content in it is in the range from 12 to 22%. You should choose a drink based on personal preferences and the proposed menu.

There are foods that fortified wine is not quite suitable for. But in fairness it should be noted that the considered drink is still universal. Depending on the situation and the occasion, different types of wines can be combined. Some alternate natural wine with fortified wine, and vice versa. The main thing is to show a sense of proportion in everything.

What percentage of alcohol should be in good wine? Does this affect the true quality of the wine and its perception? What is better to choose: rich and strong or light and refreshing wines?

The alcohol level in wine can vary from 4.5% to 20%. Here we will not talk about fortified wines, in which the amount of alcohol is raised artificially. Consider only those wines, the alcohol content of which is achieved naturally.

Today it is quite difficult to find table wine with a strength of less than 13%. Warm, sunny regions consistently produce wines of over 14% ABV, with individual specimens reaching up to 17%. The explanation is easy to find - it depends on the weather, dry and hot year obviously predetermines the high alcohol content of wines.

The art of pruning can also affect fruit ripeness. vine and leaves, which reduces or increases the amount supplied to bunches of grapes sunlight. Influenced fashion and Robert Parker, along with the magazine Wine Spectator. According to experts, high-alcohol wines have advantages during blind tastings.

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Wine is a drink with a very complex chemical composition which has not yet been fully explored. On his taste characteristics many factors influence, and the level of ethanol plays an important role in this.

The range of alcohol content of wines varies from a minimum of 4.5 °, as in the Italian Moscato d’Asti, and up to 20 ° in fortified drinks, such as —porto—. Why does the degree level depend? What is the percentage of alcohol in different types of wine?

Each wine gourmet has his own preferences in choosing an ancient noble drink. Of course, this choice partly depends on the number of revolutions in the alcohol itself. But few people know what affects the difference in the level of ethanol of a particular wine variety.

What determines the wine fortress

Drinks made from juicy ripe fruits are usually quite strong, as their sugar content is high. For example, Muscat grape varieties have a wide range of its capacity - 25-65%, so the wine can be both light and quite rich in natural alcohol.

Did you know? Over the past few years, there has been a worldwide trend for consumers to switch to wine with a low level of strength, but with complex flavor and aroma characteristics. To date, three categories of wine products are strengthening their positions: non-alcoholic, low alcohol wine with an alcohol content of not more than 8-10% and moderately strong - 11-13%. The main reason for this transition is the effect of alcoholic beverages on the body and human health.

natural varieties

They are prepared only on the basis of grapes. The addition of alcohol and sugar is prohibited. How many degrees are there in white or red, dry or semi-sweet wine? Despite the fact that semi-sweet, like semi-dry, alcohol is obtained by stopping the fermentation of the wort in order to partially preserve the sugar content, its alcohol content is the same as that of the dry one. In table wines, the strength varies almost in the same range.

  • Dry - 8-15 °, sugar content - 4 g / l.
  • Semi-dry - 8-15 °, sugar content - 4-18 g / l.
  • Semi-sweet - 8-15 °, sugar content - 18-45 g / l.
  • Sweet - 8-15 °, sugar content - 45 g / l and more

Fortified varieties

Fortification of wines occurs by adding alcohol or alcohol-containing products. It is produced not so much to raise the degree, but to stop the fermentation process and preserve the unfermented sugar in the drink.

  • Strong - 17-21 °, sugar content - 30-120 g / l.
  • Sweet - 14-20 °, sugar content - 150 g / l.
  • Semi-dessert - 14-16 °, sugar content - 50-120 g / l.
  • Dessert - 15-17 °, sugar content - 160-200 g / l.
  • Liquor - 12-16 °, sugar content - 210-300 g / l.
  • Flavored - 16-18 °, sugar content - 6-16 g / l.

Sparkling varieties

This separate class wines sparkling drinks saturated with carbon dioxide during secondary fermentation. by the most famous wine of this class is a French spirit from the province of Champagne -.

  • Brut cuvée - 9-13 °, 0 grams of sugar.
  • Extra brew - 9-13 °, sugar - 3-6 g / l.
  • Brut - 9-13 °, sugar - no more than 15 g / l.

How many degrees in homemade wine

Homemade wine, made at home, has a strength of 10 to 12 ° due to the addition of sugar during the fermentation process. It is almost impossible to increase the degree of such a drink only by fermenting the wort. This requires an increase in the amount of alcohol in the feedstock. Ethanol is added to the wort during the fermentation process. The drink in this case may have a strength of 14 degrees or more.

Did you know? The maximum degree among natural dry red wines has an extraordinary brand Bafarela 17 Grande Reserva. Its strength is 17°. The taste is saturated with dark fruits - blackberries, plums, black cherries, and you can also feel the tones of chocolate and bitter coffee. It has a powerful, voluminous and velvety texture. Gourmets from all over the world are “writing in line” in advance to purchase this extraordinary alcohol, since its production volumes are quite small, only 9,000 bottles.

Table with the strength of various wine brands

Acquainted with the fortress different types wine products, attention should be paid to individual brands. This will help you better navigate when choosing alcohol for the table.

ViewNameFortress in degreesGrape sort
natural 13 , mtsvane
Domaine Benoit Ente, Bourgogne AOC,12
« » 11 , saperavi, merlot
Teliani Valley "Akhasheni"12,5
Baron Philippe de Rothschild "Blanc"12 Semillon,
di Montalcino "Poggiocaro"14,5 Sangiovese grosso
cantina di11,5 Cortese, gargonega, trebbiano
« » 12 Saperavi

Let's dwell on science, and then move on to our tastes and wishes.

we will add.

how much sugar to put in homemade wine

For example:


Let the juice contain 15% sugar. 26% - 15% = 11%. So, for every liter of juice we


- 50 rubles per hour of work.

Wine from Isabella grapes

Homemade wine from Isabella grapes is a real find for those who know a lot about alcoholic beverages. It is not difficult to make it, and you will forget about the “charms” of a hangover forever. After all, the alcohol content in such a drink can be varied independently.

The best recipe for homemade wine from Isabella grapes

Even those who previously had no idea how to do delicious wine from Isabella grapes, you can easily cope with this task using the following recipe.


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g per liter of juice.


This is the easiest recipe. house wine from Isabella grapes, accessible even to beginners from cooking. First, select rotten and dried berries. It is unacceptable to wash the grapes, because there are some varieties on its surface. wild yeast. Therefore, the berries can only be wiped with a dry towel.

Now you need to completely crush the berries. To do this, use a press or pusher. To obtain juice, strain the resulting mixture using a sieve or cheesecloth.

How many degrees in house wine?

Thoroughly wash the container in which the wine from Isabella grapes will be stored. It is best to take large glass containers, the volume of which reaches 5-10 liters.

Pour into them grape juice about two-thirds of the volume to leave room for fermentation, and leave it to infuse for about 2-3 days. Then carefully drain the juice from all the bottles into one large container so that the sediment remains in place. Add sugar to the future wine, and carefully clean the containers in which it was poured from the sediment. Mix the grape juice with sugar well and pour into the same bottles that should be moved to a warmer place. After a month, the wine can be bottled and transferred to the refrigerator, tightly closed with a cork.

Isabella grape wine with water

If the grapes grew in a not very good ecological environment, water must be added during its preparation. However, this recipe for making elite homemade wine from Isabella grapes is no worse than others: the drink turns out to be no less tasty and sweet.


  • water - 50-500 ml per liter of juice;
  • sugar - 100-200 g per liter of juice;
  • grapes - 15 kg.


Select rotten, green and moldy berries. If the grapes look very dirty, they can be gently rubbed with a dry cloth. Carefully crush the berries with a press or a regular crush, but try not to damage the seeds to avoid a bitter aftertaste. Leave the grape mixture (pulp) to infuse and after 3-4 hours strain the juice through cheesecloth or a large sieve.

If the juice is too sour and stings your tongue a little, pour water into it. Then pour the juice into large glass bottles pre-washed and dried. Juice is poured to approximately 0.75 volume so as not to interfere with fermentation, and the bottle is closed with a water seal. In this recipe classic wine from Isabella grapes, it is permissible to make it from a rubber glove, one finger on which is pierced and then put on a bottle.

Transfer the containers to a dark room where the temperature rises no higher than 16-22 degrees. Before that, add 50% of the estimated volume of sugar under the water seal. After 4-5 days, add another 25% of the amount granulated sugar. To do this, drain half a liter of juice per 1 kg of added sugar from each container, dissolve the sugar, pour the syrup back into the container and reinstall the water seal. This procedure is repeated again after 5 days.

When the glove deflated, i.e. gas has stopped emitting (it takes from 35 to 70 days), carefully drain the wine from the sediment into another container and leave to ferment for another 3-4 months. Approximately once every 10-15 days, continue to drain the drink from the sediment. After the expiration date, pour the wine into bottles.

How much sugar to put in homemade wine?

There is no definite answer to this question. Each amateur winemaker comes from his own experience and taste. We must clearly understand what we want to get in the end, and only then decide how much sugar to put in homemade wine.

How to check degrees in wine

Let's dwell on science, and then move on to our tastes and wishes.

According to science, every 10% sugar in the original wort, when fully fermented, should give 6% alcohol. But with an increase in the alcohol content, the vital activity of bacteria, which ensure the fermentation process, is inhibited. And when the alcohol concentration reaches 16% -17%, the fermentation process stops altogether. Therefore, natural wine with a strength above 16% -17% cannot be prepared. And this is at ideal conditions(temperature, sterility, high-quality raw materials ...), which cannot be at home in principle. Therefore, we will consider the maximum possible strength of homemade wine as 15% -16% alcohol.

To ensure this strength, the original wort should contain 25% -27% sugar.
This is 250-270 grams of sugar per liter of liquid. What happens if there is more sugar?
For example, 30%. Then 25% will ferment, and 5% will remain. We will end up with a wine with a strength of 15% alcohol and a sweetness of 5%. If the resulting wine does not contain sugar, it is dry (the sugar has fermented to dryness). To do this, the original wort should contain no more than 25% -27% sugar.

Let's do the calculation. The concentration of sugar is made up of the sugar that is contained
in grape juice (depending on the grape variety and its maturity), + the sugar that
we will add.

How to find out the sugar content in juice? For this there is the simplest device- hydrometer.
It measures the density of a liquid. The more sugar in the liquid, the greater its density. We find the dependence of concentration on density from the table, and then we consider, how much sugar to put in homemade wine, depending on what we want to get.

For example:

I want a sweet dessert wine with 7%-8% sugar. 25% -27% sugar we have
will ferment completely and we want 7%-8% sugar left. So we need to have
the concentration of sugar in the original wort 26% + 8% = 34%. If our juice contains 15% sugar, then 34% - 15% = 19%. This means that for every liter of juice we must add 190 grams of sugar.

I want dry strong wine. This requires 25% -27% of sugar, which we ferment
fully. Let the juice contain 15% sugar. 26% - 15% = 11%. So, for every liter of juice we
must add 110 grams of sugar.

I want a dry weak wine with 10% alcohol. Hence, concentration is required.
sugar in the original wort 10: 6 = 17%. Let the juice contain 15% sugar. 17% - 15% = 2%.
So, for every liter of juice, we must add 20 grams of sugar.

It's all science. How to simplify? If we do wine from the varieties Isabella, Lydia,
, then their juice contains 17% -18% (as annual density measurements showed, these figures hardly change). Based on this, we make a calculation.

Is it possible to make wine without adding sugar (such wine is called dry table wine)? Yes, of course you can. Sugar content in grape juice varieties Isabella, Lydia, Seneca allows you to get the alcohol content in finished wine to 10%. But with a low concentration of alcohol, the wine is prone to disease and sourness, which requires strict adherence to sterility and temperature during preparation and storage.
For lovers of sweets to the question: " How much sugar to pour into homemade wine?" we will answer that a very high concentration of sugar in homemade wine inhibits the fermentation process, and a sugar concentration above 40% stops it altogether.

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Homemade wine from Isabella grapes - a simple recipe

Many gardeners grow grapes in their dachas and household plots, and many grow the Isabella variety. From it will come beautiful blanks, and you can also make wonderful homemade wine from it. How to make homemade wine from Isabella grapes, we will tell you in this article.

Homemade wine from Isabella grapes - the best simple recipe



We sort through Isabella grapes, removing damaged berries. IN this case grapes do not need to be washed, or rather, it is not even possible, because on its surface there are bacteria and fungi, without which fermentation will not take place. If the product is very dirty, the maximum that can be done is simply to wipe the berries with a damp cloth. We crush grapes with any convenient way- Our task is to obtain juice. It is important that the bones are not crushed, otherwise the wine will be bitter.

So, we leave the grape mass for 4 hours, and then squeeze the resulting pulp (cake) with a sieve or gauze. We taste the juice that turned out - if it is very sour, which already reduces the cheekbones or pinches the tongue, then we dilute it with boiled chilled water. It will take from 20 to 100 ml per liter of juice. Too much water should not be poured, so that the taste of the wine does not deteriorate. Pour in water and taste the juice.

Grape juice is poured into clean glass bottles of 5 or 10 liters. At the same time, they need to be filled no more than 2/3 of the volume, in order to have room for further fermentation. We put a water seal on the neck of the container. If there is none, we put on an ordinary medical glove, piercing a hole on one of the fingers with a needle.

Place the juice in a dark place or cover the bottle. The temperature of the medium surrounding the bottle should range from 16 to 22 degrees. If the ambient temperature is higher, fermentation is also acceptable, but then the containers should be filled no more than half the volume. If you fill more, then the container may not withstand the pressure generated during active fermentation and explode.

The amount of sugar will depend on the type of wine. We divide it into 3 parts. Before installing the water seal, add half of the entire norm to the juice. After 5 days, pour another quarter. To do this, remove the water seal, pour 500 ml of fermenting juice into a jar through a tube and dilute sugar in it. And then pour it back into the wort. After 5 days, repeat the procedure, adding the remaining sugar.

grape fermentation process of this variety lasts an average of 35 to 70 days. When the water seal stops emitting gas or the glove deflates, and the wine becomes lighter, and a layer of sediment appears on the bottom, then fermentation is over.

Pour young wine into clean, dry containers and seal tightly. We transfer the containers to a cold place and leave at least 3 months for aging. As sediment appears, pour the wine through a straw into another container. After the specified time, homemade wine from Isabella grapes is poured into prepared bottles, corked well and put away for storage in the cold.

Homemade wine from Isabella grapes - recipe


  • Isabella grapes - 8 kg;
  • purified water - 10 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


We prepare a syrup from purified water and sugar, and then completely cool it. When the syrup has cooled, pour it over the previously crushed grapes. It is most convenient to do this in a large glass container. We close it with a water seal and put it in a warm place. When the wine is completely fermented, drain it from the resulting sediment and set to ferment a second time. When fermentation is finally over and air bubbles stop forming, pour the wine into clean bottles. We store dry homemade wine from Isabella grapes in the cold. Happy winemaking everyone!

Homemade wine: manufacturing technology

A drink obtained by fermenting grape or fruit juices is called wine. The process of making wine is described by the ancient Romans and Greeks, a drink made from grapes was called "vineri", which means "giving strength". Many peoples have been preparing wines from berries and fruits for thousands of years, but the essence of the chemical and biological process of fermentation was revealed only in the 19th century.

It has been established that the fermentation of sugar-containing liquids occurs as a result of the multiplication of microorganisms in them - yeast fungi. Yeast spores, getting into any foods and liquids, cause them to sour and ferment. In order to prevent the process of reproduction of yeast fungi, apply heat treatment, freezing or using various preservatives.

If the purpose of fruit processing is to obtain wine, the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of yeast fungi are created: heat and oxygen at enough protein (nitrogenous), mineral and sugary substances.

Wine contains organic acids, mineral salts, phosphorus, nitrogenous, pectin substances, sugar. Enzymes that act on sugar and other carbohydrates and produce alcoholic fermentation are called alcoholase.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12, PP, C, pantothenic and folic acid in a small amount, grape wine vitamin P is present in a sufficiently large amount.

Wine, especially red grape wine, has radioactive and bioenergetic properties, in addition, wine has bactericidal properties.

Any wine contains 2–5% of various substances that, in homeopathic doses, have a positive effect on the human body. Moderate consumption of wine supplements human nutrition, strengthens his health and increases the body's resistance to certain diseases.

Wines are classified according to their sugar and alcohol content:

  • canteens - 9–14 ° without sugar;
  • dessert semi-sweet - 9–15 ° with a sugar content of 3–10%;
  • dessert strong - 17–20 ° with a sugar content of 3–13%;
  • dessert sweets and liqueurs - 13–16 ° with a sugar content of 16–32%;
  • sparkling (effervescent - artificially carbonated).

Vintage wines, unlike table wines, guarantee high quality and aged from 2 to 6 years, over 6 years - collection wines.

The production of fruit and berry wines is divided into several stages.

Preparation of containers and equipment

The best wine-making containers are oak barrels, glass bottles and enameled containers (pots, buckets). The barrels are soaked, steamed. If necessary, new kegs are leached. Empty kegs are fumigated with sulfur before storage.

For crushing berries and fruits, crushers, meat grinders with special nozzles are used, for large fruits (apples, quinces, pears) - shredders.

The juice from the pulp is extracted both with special presses and with electric juicers. The metal parts of the press must be made of of stainless steel.

A small amount of pulp can be squeezed out without tools by placing it in a bag of rare canvas.

Preparation of berries and fruits for processing

For the preparation of wine using only ripe fruits and berries.

Soft berries (raspberries, strawberries) are washed on a sieve or sieve, immersed in water, allowed to drain and crushed with a crush to obtain pulp. Hard fruits after washing are cut, pitted and crushed using crushers, stainless steel meat grinders or juicers.

Getting juices

Grape pulp juice is poured into cylinders (enamelled containers), covered with gauze and left to ferment for 2–3 days at a temperature of 25–28 ° C.

Plums, gooseberries, cherries, black currants after crushing add boiled water(15–20% of the weight of the pulp) and heat to 60–70 ° C, hold for about half an hour with stirring.

The separation of juice from the pulp can be done with any available device: a press, a juicer, or manually through a sieve or colander using linen bag. The pulp obtained during the first pressing is used again. To do this, the pulp is poured warm water in a ratio of 1: 5, stand for 2-3 hours, squeeze and filter.

In some cases, to improve the separation of juice, pulp fermentation is used by adding sugar to the pulp (100 g per 1 kg of pulp). The mixture is kept for 3–4 days at temperatures up to 20 ° C. After that, the pulp is squeezed out, the pulp is diluted with water and squeezed again after 3 days.

Wort preparation

The taste of wine is mainly determined by the ratio of sugar and acid contained in the fruit. Optimal for alcoholic fermentation is the ratio of acid to sugar in grapes, so more than 80% of the world's grapes are used to make wine. But at the same time, fine wine can be made from raspberries, strawberries, currants, cherries, plums, apples, quinces, apricots, mountain ash, etc. At home, it is difficult to determine the percentage of sugar and acids in fruit and berry raw materials, therefore, when making must you can use the indicative figures given in table 1 for grapes and table 2 for berries and fruits.

Table 1

table 2

For the formation of alcohol, the optimal sugar content in the wort is 25%, therefore, to improve palatability wine and reaching a certain fortress berry juice dilute with water to reduce acidity and add sugar.

Each category of wine corresponds to a certain content of alcohol, sugar and acids. So, in 100 g of oral table wine contains 8–11 vol. % alcohol, 1–1.5 g sugar, 0.7–0.8 g acid; for dessert wine, these figures are 15, respectively; 15–20 and 1, 2; for liquor - 16; 40 and 1, 5. When adding sugar, remember:

  • 20 g of sugar per 1 liter of must increases the strength of the wine by 1 degree;
  • excess sugar inhibits the fermentation process;
  • each kilogram of sugar, when dissolved, increases the volume by 0.6 liters;
  • in the manufacture of dry wines, sugar is dissolved in water and introduced immediately at one time; in dessert wines, sugar is introduced fractionally on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th day, dissolving it in a small amount of fermenting wine.

Below are the volume and weight ratios of wort syrups.

Table 3

After adding sugar and water, the must is placed in containers (glass bottles, kegs), filling them to ¾ of the volume, after which berry ferment is added at the rate of 20 g / l of must for table wine and 30 g per 1 liter for dessert.

Preparation of sourdough (wiring)

Sourdough - wine yeast- Prepared by fermenting raisins or grapes. 150–200 g of raisins or ripe grapes and 50–60 g of sugar are placed in a bottle, topped up with boiled water by ¾ of the volume and put on fermentation for 3–4 days.

You can make a starter from raspberries or strawberries: 2 cups of mashed berries and 100 g of sugar are poured into a glass of water and shaken well. The sourdough is ready in 3-4 days.

beer and bread yeast should not be used, because they impair the taste of the wine and, in addition, they die as alcohol accumulates (at 13% ABV).


Bottles or kegs with wort are placed in a darkened room with a temperature of 18–20 ° C, the fermentation process is activated by sourdough and ammonia(0.2–0.4 g per 1 liter of must).

A label must be attached to each bottle, keg indicating the date, the amount of sugar added, leaving a place for marking subsequent operations (sugar addition, transfusion, clarification). Distinguish between violent and quiet fermentation: violent fermentation passes in the first 1-2 weeks and is accompanied by foaming with rapid release carbon dioxide; quiet fermentation takes from three weeks to three months, depending on the fermentation conditions and the feedstock.

To isolate the fermenting wort from the ambient air, a water seal or a fermentation tongue is installed on the container. The water seal consists of a tube, one end of which is inserted into the cork of the bottle, and the other end into a jar of water. Placed in the figure Various types fermentation gates.

The simplest and effective way isolating the wort from the atmosphere is a common plastic bag or a rubber glove, which is placed on the neck of the bottle and tied with an elastic band. In this case, excess carbon dioxide is etched under the gum. During the fermentation process, it is necessary to periodically shake the container so that the yeast that has settled to the bottom is included in the fermentation process.

To activate the fermentation process, the wort container is opened 2-3 times for 1 hour for air access, while the wort is poured into another container or air is artificially forced into the wort container.

The optimum fermentation temperature is 18–20°C; when the temperature rises above 23–25°C, the container with the wort must be cooled.

After graduation quiet fermentation wine is tasted. The absence of sweetness, the sediment of yeast at the bottom of the bottle, the transparency of the wine above the layer of yeast indicate the end of the fermentation process.

Transfusion and fermentation of wine

Transfusion is carried out by a siphon (rubber tube) or decantation (overflowing), while trying not to touch the sediment. The tube is lowered not reaching 3 cm to yeast sediment, and only clear wine is poured. The remaining sediment is poured into a smaller bottle, allowed to settle, drained again, and the thick filtered through a cloth filter.

The wine removed from the sediment is filled with clean cylinders to the neck, corked with corks or rubber caps and placed in a cool room (10-12 ° C) to settle for 1 month, after which the removal from the sediment is repeated. The resulting wine material is brought to the condition with sugar, dissolving it in a small amount of wine when heated.

The amount of sugar: for semi-sweet wines - 50 g / l, for dessert - 100-160 g / l, for liqueur - 200 g / l.

Dry wine, as well as dessert wine, should not remain on the sediment; after the end of quiet fermentation, it is removed from the sediment, poured into bottles up to half the neck and corked with steamed cork stopper, then filled with tar. Store in a supine position at 2–15 ° C, because at a higher level, it may deteriorate.

Wine aging can be carried out from half a year to 2~4 years or more, thus forming a bouquet of wine, which improves over the years.

Before bottling for storage, it is necessary to filter and clarify the wine. Filtration is carried out through a canvas bag or through filter paper (paper napkins).

Some fruits (plums, pears) give cloudy wine, in which case it is necessary to clarify or glue the wine with gelatin, tannin, fish glue or protein chicken egg. In this case, it is necessary to make trial clarifications and choose The best way that does not change the taste and color of the wine.

For 10 liters of wine, 0.1-0.2 g of gelatin or glue is taken, which are pre-soaked in cold water, water during the day is changed 2-3 times.

Homemade wine from grapes: the secrets of making a delicious drink

The swollen and squeezed gelatin (glue) is dissolved in a small amount of heated wine, then the solution is poured into a vessel with wine, mixed and left to stand for 2-3 weeks. After that, the removal from the sediment, bottling and plugging are carried out.

For clarification egg white carefully separate the protein from the yolk, add a little water and beat into a strong foam. The protein is mixed with a small amount of wine, poured into a vessel with wine, everything is mixed again and clarified for 2-3 weeks. For 10 liters of wine, 1/3 of the protein is required.

Tannin clarifies wine with low acidity, without astringency (taste). Tannin (pharmacy) is dissolved in distilled or boiled water, approximately 1.5 g per glass, settled, filtered. The required amount is determined empirically. Wine is poured into 3-4 transparent (white glass) bottles and 1, 2, 3, 4 teaspoons of tannin solution are added, after a week they look which bottle is better clarified and, having calculated required amount tannin, pour it into the bottle, after 7-10 days the wine is ready to be removed from the sediment. After that, the wine is kept for another month, drained, bottled and corked.

Now you have general idea about the technology of making wines at home. Our website contains recipes for cooking wine and various berries and fruits according to proven methods. Your task is to choose and try them.

Fermentation shutter for bottles: 1 - fermenting wine; 2 - a cap of pulp; 3 - rubber stopper; 4 - glass tube; 5 - rubber tube; 6 - glass with distilled water
Fermentation tongue installed in the tongue of the barrel: 1 - wooden barrel; 2 - tongue (shutter)


No one can unequivocally say which wine is better and which is worse. It all depends on the time, place, mood, personal preferences and characteristics of the situation. Someone dearer sour wines, at some point, red may be preferable to white or pink, burning - flat, somewhere more appropriate fortified, somewhere - champagne. So, it's up to your personal choice. But when choosing a wine, you should know at least a little about it.

According to the alcohol content, wines are:
Table (natural) wines - obtained by full or partial alcohol fermentation bunches of grapes, pulp or must. Contain ethyl alcohol (8.5-14% vol.), obtained as a result of natural fermentation.
Fortified (special) wines (strong and dessert) - produced by incomplete fermentation of grapes, pulp or must with further addition ethyl alcohol, as well as from wine materials using special technological methods that impart specific organoleptic properties. Fortified wines contain more alcohol (17-20% vol.) and less sugar (up to 14 g / 100 ml), and dessert, on the contrary, less alcohol (12-17% vol.), and more sugar (up to 35 g / 100 ml) .

Table wines are produced without the addition of alcohol. According to the presence of sugar, table wines are divided into:
dry - sugar - 0.3%, alcohol - up to 14%;
semi-dry - sugar - 1-2%, alcohol - up to 14%;
semi-sweet - sugar - 3-8%, alcohol - up to 14%.

According to the chemical composition appearance, organoleptic indicators, as well as according to the method of preparation, dry wines are divided into white and red. The best dry wines are varietal, that is, obtained from one grape variety with a slight admixture of other varieties.

White dry wines.
White wines are those whose color ranges from pale green to deep golden. An example of a dry white wine is Chardonnay.

Red dry wines.
Red dry wines differ significantly from white ones in color, chemical composition, taste and bouquet. These wines have specific qualities, as well as significant healing properties. Red dry wines - Merlot, Cabernet, Isabella, Isabella pearl.

Table semi-dry, semi-sweet wines. They become such because the fermentation process is artificially interrupted by a sharp cooling of the fermenting wort. At the same time, 11-13% alcohol accumulates in it and 2-8% sugar remains.

natural wine

Fortified (special) wines. Alcohol is added to the fermenting must. In this case, fermentation stops, and only as much unfermented sugar as necessary remains in the wort. Fortified wines are divided into strong, dessert and flavored.

Fortified wines. Strong wines include port, Madeira, sherry, marsala.

Port wine contains, as a rule, 17-20% alcohol and 7-14% sugar. About 10% of alcohol is natural nabrod, the rest is alcohol introduced during fortification. For the first time this drink was obtained in Portugal, near the city of Porto. Feature wines - tones of dried fruits in the aroma. This is achieved through long-term aging of wine in barrels, in rooms (heat chambers) with high temperature(up to 40 degrees), or on the street (on sunny sites) during the hot summer period. Duration of exposure is 1-2 years.
Madeira. It was first obtained on the island of Madera (Portugal). The peculiarity of the wine is in the aroma of a specific tone of red-hot nuts. Wine is prepared in the same way as port wine, the difference is in grape varieties and in the duration of aging, which is 3-4 years. After exposure, the content of sugar and alcohol is adjusted to the desired condition. In Portuguese Madeira, 18-19% alcohol, in English - about 32% alcohol and up to 2% sugar.
Jerez (named after the city of Jerez de la Frontera in Spain). Alcohol - up to 20%, sugar - up to 3%. During production, already fermented and alcoholized wine material is aged in incomplete barrels under a film of special yeast cells, which, absorbing ethyl alcohol and oxygen, release acetaldehyde into the wine, which gives the drink a characteristic mushroom flavor or the smell of a roasted nut.
Marsala - was first obtained on the island of Sicily, in the city of Marsala. To obtain it, after fermentation, ethyl alcohol is added to the wine material and boiled down on open fire grape juice, which gives the wine a peculiar taste of ship tar and caramel. Perhaps for this reason, wine was very popular among sailors of the sailing fleet (in particular, among pirates). Conditions: alcohol - 18-20% vol., sugar - 15-70 g / dm.

Dessert wines. Fortified dessert wines are divided into semi-sweet, sweet and liqueur. In sweet wines, up to 20% sugar, and in liqueurs - up to 32%. Main types dessert wines- Cahors, Muscat, Tokay and Malaga. The intense color of Cahors is obtained by heating the pulp to 60 degrees. Malaga - Spanish liqueur wine, sugar - 20-30%.

Flavored wines (vermouth) are also strong and dessert. Strong vermouths are prepared with the addition of ethyl alcohol - up to 16-18% vol., sugar - up to 6-10 g / 100 ml and infusions various plants; dessert - in the same way, but with other conditions: alcohol - 16% vol. and sugar - 16 g / 100 ml.

Special wines

How to correctly determine the taste of wine? First of all, you need to take it in your mouth a small amount of wine and, as it were, rinse the mouth, and after a sip, exhale through the nose. The next step is to bring the wine into contact with the entire surface of the taster's tongue. At the same time, be sure to open your mouth a little, inhale the air, which enhances the aromas and contributes to a better functioning of the olfactory system. As a result, a lot of odors can be felt in the mouth, because. wine in interaction with air becomes active. Wine, as opposed to strong alcoholic beverages, you should never drink in one gulp.

Connoisseurs and tasters say that in this way you can feel all the taste richness of wine, which happens:
fresh (has a pleasant refreshing taste; usually fragile);
harmonious (all taste sensations balanced and none of them is felt separately);
rough (the taste of tannins is sharply felt);
soft (tender, not tart and not sour);
velvety (sweet and buttery);
empty (has a watery taste with a low alcohol content);
hard (tart, setting teeth on edge);
flat (low-alcohol and fresh);
subtle (harmonious, with a characteristic, highly developed bouquet);
hot or fiery (quickly warms the tongue and larynx);
burning (leaves a slight burn sensation on the tongue and palate, similar to that caused by pepper).
