
How to open a wine cork without. If there are no tools at hand

There are times when you need to uncork a bottle of drink, but there is no corkscrew. You can run to a nearby store, go to your neighbors or come up with a method of opening.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew for a girl

The simplest option, it can suit any girl. Often girls do not know how to open bottles of wine, usually men come to the rescue. And if a bachelorette party, and there is no corkscrew in the house, then in such cases this option is the most reliable and simple.

Read also: What is the difference a sparkling wine from champagne in this

Make sure that the base of the neck does not narrow, otherwise you will not be able to push the cork into the bottle. Then you need to find a blunt object and press hard on it. Sometimes, it is possible to squeeze out with a finger, for this you should press hard and serve glasses.

Dull Suitable Items:
shoe stud;
any blunt objects.

If you can't push through a stubborn plug, use a hammer. Place a blunt object on the cork and lightly tap it. Be careful not to overdo it so as not to break the bottle.

knock out the cork

If you can't push through the plug, try knocking it out. It works especially well with those bottles that have a concave bottom. We lower the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees and knock out the cork with a light tap. In order not to break the bottle, you need to use a towel wrapped around the bottom of the bottle. Putting in a man's shoe, and then knock on the bottom.

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Most convenient way- Pour water into a plastic bottle, up to the very top. And then with a soft container knock on the base of the glass. After simple manipulations, the cork will slowly come out. Do not wait until it pops out completely, otherwise the wine will spill. It is better to knock it out to the middle, and then pick it up with your fingers and pull it out.

If it doesn’t work with your hands, then use any object that may be at hand. In such a case, the main thing is not to rush, otherwise you can ruin everything.

Open with a knife

This dangerous way opening, they can be used by real men. Women should not resort to this option. You need to take a knife with a thin blade, stick it into the cork at an angle of 45 degrees and start turning the knife. After the blade goes deep into the cork, it should be pulled out sharply along with the knife.

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Before you take up the knife, you should secure the hand in which the bottle is located. It must be rewound with a kitchen towel, or a handkerchief. This is done so as not to injure the hand.
After this method, pieces of the fallen off cork may remain in the bottle, but when poured into glasses, they are easily removed from there.

This method is perfect for nature if you left for a picnic and forgot the corkscrew at home. This method is also used at home, when during a feast, it turns out that there is no corkscrew, and expensive wine requires tasting.

Paper clip and wire

You can get to the drink with paper clips or wire. For example, we take a piece of wire, make a hook at the end, and then push it between the cork and the glass neck. As soon as the wire has passed, we catch the cork and pull it to the exit.

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The second way is to pull out with two paper clips. If there are paper clips, they need to be straightened, and on both sides of the cork push into the bottle at an angle of 90 degrees until the hooks are under the cork. Connect the top ends of the paper clip together, thread a fork or ballpoint pen through them and pull up. If there is no object at hand that needs to be pulled through the connected paper clips, then it is worth sticking your finger. This is an absolutely safe way.

This opening option is suitable for those who holidays delayed at work. In any office there will always be a paper clip or wire that will come in handy at such a moment.

magic lace

For this method, you will need a shoelace, or any twine. And you will also need a sharp object, a knitting needle, an awl or a flat screwdriver. A large knot is made on the lace, and with the help of a sharp object it is pushed through the cork. When the knot is under the cork, you need to pull the rope, and the cork will pop out of the bottle.

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If the knot pops back out of the hole in the cork, then a larger knot should be tied.

Another option, take leather lace, or from a sneaker, is bent in half, and a sharp object is pushed between the cork and the glass neck. It is necessary to insert it so that the rope is in the center of the cork, and both ends are in the hands. Now, having wound the tails from the cord around your finger, feel free to pull it out.

This way of opening a bottle is perfect for those who went fishing or relaxing in nature. Such a trifle as a lace can always be found in any company.

Bottle in a pot

Once in nature with a bowler hat, tripod and matches, and the corkscrew was forgotten at home, this method of opening is just right. Water is poured into the container, a bottle is placed and a fire is lit. When the water boils, the cork will come out of the glass. It is necessary to pull out the container and wait until it cools down, then remove the cork.

If you do not like hot wine, this option is not suitable.
But you can go the other way. Lower the neck into hot water, holding the bottle in your hand. After heating, the glass will expand and the cork will come out easily.

But here important point, if the container is kept in boiling water, then the wine may end up in the pot. Therefore, do not keep it in water for too long. It is necessary to wait until the cork comes out halfway, and then pry with an object and pull it out.

If the wine turned out to be warm, then put it in a cold river for 30 minutes. Cool, pour into glasses.

Open with lighter

If there is no boiling water, use two lighters. With their help, heat the edge of the bottle, and wait until the cork comes out half way. Then pull it out with your hands, or pick it up with a sharp object.
If there is no lighter, you should use a fire. You need to pull out a burning branch, a log and attach it to the bottle. Or hold the edge of the neck over a burning barbecue, and by the time the barbecue is served, the bottle is open.

In nature recreation, in addition to fire, a skewer is used, stick it into the cork and, according to the corkscrew principle, turn it several times in the cork. After, pull it out along with the cork, and if it crumbles, then pull out the pieces. Don't worry about the cork particles getting into the glass, while pouring, the cork will float to the bottom of the bottle. She can only be in the last glass when the wine starts to run out. In this case, do not drink wine.

Open with a syringe

An unusual way to open a bottle, but if nothing turned out, use this option.
A syringe needle is taken and air is pumped into the container using a bicycle pump. When pressure builds up, the plug will pop out.
You need to be careful, traffic jams are so stubborn that the glass will crack faster than it will jump out of there. Therefore, with problematic blockages, this method is not suitable.

There is also a positive side, the cork will remain intact, and will not bother with crumbs, unlike a sharp object.

This method is great for lovers of bicycle paths that stretch along mountain ranges. Having reached the top of the mountain, you should not miss the happy moment. Celebrate the victory with an expensive bottle of wine, this day will be remembered for a long time. And the pleasant moments you will remember until the next trip.

Hammer and nails

There are many ways to get a cork out of a bottle. You can use nails and a hammer. It is necessary to take long and thin nails, about five pieces and hammer into the cork. It is necessary to stick so that they are closer to each other, but do not touch the hats.
When a small gap remains between the cork and nails, then at this moment it is necessary to pull them out together with the cork. Do this carefully, pulling the nails one at a time, otherwise they will pop out without pulling out the cork.

For easy pulling, you should use a nail puller, pliers, or any object that allows you to catch on the hats.
Do not use short and thick nails, because nothing will work, it is better to use a thin screw. Using a screwdriver, twist it deeper, and then pull it out in any way. This method is often used at home.

Dzhigits way

The opening method is ideal for champagne bottles. If you have a saber and you are a master in this matter, then feel free to show the guests a performance.

You will need to cool the champagne, remove the foil and wire from the neck. Then take it in your left hand, and with your right hand, sharply wave and cut off the edge with a saber. You should check the point of the saber, otherwise the bottle will fall apart, ruining the wine. To be on the safe side, stay away from all guests.

If the champagne is chilled, then one hundred grams is poured out of the bottle, and if it is warm, then it may even leave the container.

It is not recommended to open other wines in this way, as they do not have gases, as in champagne. When cutting off the glass, small particles are pushed out due to the fountain, without remaining in the bottle. At ordinary wine option may be dangerous for drinking the drink.

Video how to open wine without a corkscrew

To the delight of wine lovers who do not know how to use a corkscrew, even reputable and eminent producers of this drink have become instead wooden corks use screw. But while this trend is not supported by everyone trade marks and the question of how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew still arises in the life of every person. Surprisingly, there are a lot of ways. Some amaze with their ingenious simplicity, others require improvised tools. We hope that among the above tips everyone will be able to find a suitable life hack.

Push the plug in

It is not known who first came up with this idea. It turns out that the cork can not only be pulled out, but also pushed in. Left without an opener, you can use as a handy tool:

  • own finger: remarkable strength is required;
  • marker;
  • lipstick;
  • stick;
  • thin heel (hairpin) of women's shoes;
  • any other cylindrical object.

This method has several features. The diameter of the selected tool should be slightly narrower than the neck of the bottle. Before pushing, make sure that the neck of the bottle has the same thickness along the entire length. If it narrows at the bottom, the cork will get stuck even more.

knock out the cork

This spectacular way of opening a bottle is based on the laws of physics. And it attracts with the practical complete absence necessary tools so it can be used in the field. There are several modifications to this method:

  • clamp the bottle between your knees with the neck down and pat the bottom with your hand or tap with a plastic bottle of water or lemonade;
  • wrap the bottom of the bottle with a cloth (towel, T-shirt) and tap the bottom on the floor or wall;
  • put the bottle in a boot with a heel and align the bottom with the center of the heel. We tap the boot on the floor with the heel, tightly holding the bottle.

In all three ways you need to carefully monitor the impact force. Light clapping will not help, and too sharp blows can break the bottle. The bottle must be tapped until the cork appears halfway. Then twist by hand. Of the minuses: the method is long. It will take 5 to 10 minutes to open one bottle.

Screw in a screw

The method can be applied at home with some tools. Required:

  • screwdriver;
  • a screw or self-tapping screw, not shorter than a cork;
  • pliers or tongs.

We screw the screw to the middle of the cork or slightly lower so as not to break it. We grab the head of the screw with pliers and pull out the screw along with the cork. Before applying this tip, pay attention to the material and structure of the cork. It must be dense and strong. From a soft, loose material, the screw will simply pop out.

Uncork with a knife

A knife can also be used instead of a corkscrew. Insert the blade of a knife into the center of the cork. Pressing on the knife, swing left - right, up - down. Having immersed the knife as deep as possible, pull it out. Apply rotations and circular motions. The same can be done with a fork. With a knife or fork, you can easily open a bottle with a plastic stopper.

If the cork is soft and not very long, you can try to cut it with a knife inside the neck into several parts. A serious minus is the cork crumbs in the wine. The wine will have to be filtered or allowed to stand and drained from the sediment.

With nails and a hammer

This is another construction version of the screw method. Instead of a screw, we hammer in one or a row of several nails. We leave a couple of centimeters between the caps and the cork. We pull out the nails together with the cork with a nail puller or a tool intended for this reverse side hammer.

Staples and wire

This method of opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew is fantastic. Experienced wine lovers tell how to open wine in the office without a bottle opener, only with the help of stationery. two large paper clips we straighten and put them between the cork and the bottle. We drive the paper clips along the entire length of the cork. The remaining ends of the paper clips are twisted together. Now we hook the resulting arc with a pencil or pen and pull it out.

Lace or rope

You will need to take a string or rope and tie a tight knot at one end. With an awl or a screwdriver, we make a hole in the cork, at the same time pushing the lace inside. When the lace passes through it, pull it. The wine will also have to be filtered from crumbs that have got inside. This option is suitable for a tightly seated cork. The softer one will push inward even when picking with an awl, as described in the first method.

hot water

The method is based on physical property expansion of bodies when heated. IN this case we heat the neck of the bottle hot water, it becomes wider and the cork comes out. There are 2 heating options used at home:

  • we put the bottle in the sink at an angle and direct the jet to the neck as much as possible hot water. This heating can be used preparatory stage to another method of uncorking. By expanding the neck, it is easier to push the cork inward or apply torsion with a knife;
  • drop the bottle into a saucepan cold water so that the neck is in the water. We put the pan on the fire and wait for the cork to move. The main thing is not to miss it.

The big disadvantage of using hot water is heating the wine itself. In winter, this wine can be used to make mulled wine. And in the summer it will have to be additionally cooled.

Beat off the neck

Fearless hussars opened champagne in this way - they beat off the neck with a sharp blow of a saber. IN normal conditions it happens like this:

  • wrap the neck of the bottle with a towel so that the fragments do not fly far, and hit this throat on a hard surface (table, wall, tree);
  • take the knife with the blade towards you and with its back side, move away from you, hit the throat of the bottle.

There are no benefits to this opening. Solid cons. The result is completely unpredictable and not very safe. To get a chance to win in the fight for wine, you can first go through the neck of the bottle with a glass cutter. Only after that beat off. But this is on condition that instead of a corkscrew you accidentally grabbed a glass cutter.

With a lighter

An ordinary lighter will help you open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. This method according to the principle of operation does not differ from the method with hot water. And you can use it not only at home. With a lighter, and preferably two, we heat the neck of the bottle from above. When the glass is hot enough, the cork will start to crawl up.

Unlike the option with hot water, the entire bottle and the wine in it do not heat up completely. The downside is the long wait. Yes, and it is physically inconvenient to hold a burning lighter for a very long time. Craftsmen to optimize this idea and offered to replace the lighter with a gas burner.

Syringe or hand pump

A way for experimenters and big originals. The bottom line is to force air into the bottle. The cork must be pierced through with a thick needle. Use a syringe or pump (for a ball) to pump air into the bottle. Having filled the free space, the air will squeeze the cork out. Everything must be done very slowly and carefully so as not to blow up the bottle.


A wrench with a narrow thin end will do. We stick the key into the center of the cork at an angle of 40-50 ° more than half. When the key is firmly seated in the cork, we begin to scroll the cork with the key until it can be pulled out. The advantage of this method is its versatility. Wherever you need to open a bottle of wine, you can easily do without a corkscrew. Everyone has the keys with them on the street, outside the city, in the forest.

Electric drill

This method is from a series of complex ones. Requires jewelry proficiency in the instrument. The principle is similar to the screw version. First, we screw a self-tapping screw into the center of the cork with a drill, then unscrew it together with the cork in reverse. It takes two people to perform this trick: holding the drill and bottle, caution and skill.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many have come across a situation where you need to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew without spilling the contents. Knowing a few simple ways, this task can be solved in a couple of minutes almost anywhere: at home, during a picnic or just on the street. And there are tricks available even to girls.

1. Push the plug. Remove the protective foil from the bottle, put a coin on the cork and push it inside the bottle with your finger. Disadvantage: only physically strong people can do this.

IN alternative tap water pressure is used. The neck is brought to the tap and the water is opened, the cork begins to slowly move down. In these few seconds, it is very important not to miss the moment when it is time to turn off the tap, otherwise you will have to drink wine diluted with water.

2. Hitting the bottom of the bottle. plastic bottle fill with water, then with its middle part apply rhythmic blows to the bottom of the bottle of wine. The cork will slowly come out. In this way, even girls easily open wine.

You can also attach a thick book to the wall (to soften the blow) and knock the bottom of this book. Bottles with a concave bottom open quickly, the cork begins to move immediately after several gentle blows.

The French are used to opening wine without a corkscrew. in a graceful way shown in the video. All you need is shoes without heels. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the bottle, it must be clean and not smell.

When hitting the bottom, carefully watch the cork, if it flies out completely, the wine will spill. It is better to knock out the cork to the middle, and then remove it with your hands. Too hard hit hard object may damage the glass of the bottle.

3. Screwdriver, screw, pliers. A favorite method of home craftsmen who never part with their tool. First, a screw or self-tapping screw is screwed into the cork with a screwdriver to the middle, then the cork is pulled out with pincers (pliers) for the screwed screw. A homemade corkscrew is very effective, however, during a feast the right tools is not always there.

Builders Method

4. Beat off the neck. old way which I do not recommend using. Even if glass is not visually visible in wine, this does not mean that it is not there. Microscopic pieces invisible to the eye can get into the glass and injure at the first sip oral cavity and esophagus.

Nice but unsafe

5. Order a corkscrew from taxi drivers. Now you can buy almost everything through a taxi. Call any service and place an order, after a few minutes the problem with opening the bottle will be solved. You don't have to be smart or invent anything.

Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew is not a big problem, as there are several easy ways to do it. For example, you can pull out the cork with a household item, push it inside the bottle, and even use your own shoe for this task. Therefore, here are some simple and effective methods which will show you how to open wine without a corkscrew at home.

If the corkscrew is still found, you need to know how to use it. Follow the steps below if you want to open a bottle of wine using the one provided for this purpose. tool - corkscrew:

In some cases, it is very difficult to pull out the corkscrew, and it is necessary to apply great physical force, thereby increasing the risk of breaking the corkscrew. To understand how to open wine with a corkscrew, a girl needs to follow correct technique: applying small efforts, shake the plug left-right, up-down, while holding the bottle tightly with the other hand by the neck.

Opening a bottle without a corkscrew

To the most simple methods opening a bottle of wine in the absence of a corkscrew includes pushing the stopper inward, using a knife or shoe.

Pushing the cork in

Place the bottle vertically on the floor or on a hard surface, such as a table with the neck down. It can also be applied to a vertical hard surface and pressed firmly in a horizontal position. If you press on the bottom of the bottle, the cork will easily start to go inside. To prevent the object from slipping out of your hands during this action, hold it by the neck and bottom. Make sure the vertical surface is hard enough to support your pressure on it, a brick wall will do just fine, for example.

Now find something with a blunt end that should be narrower than the diameter of the plug and that shouldn't cut, pierce or crush it. For example, regular marker may be suitable for such a task, a thick stick, lip moisturizer or a cylindrical container should also help.

When you have aligned the height of the plug with the edges of the neck of the bottle, use your cylindrical object. Keep the bottle away from people as the wine may squirt out when you open the bottle. Place a cylindrical object on the plug. Hold the bottle with one hand, the other object and press it from above until the stopper falls into the wine. Be prepared for a sharp ejection of wine the moment you open the hole.

This method of opening wine without a corkscrew works well, however, residues from the plug material can get into the wine. Also keep in mind that at the time of opening the wine may spill, so your clothes and surrounding objects will have to be washed and washed. Do not try to open wine this way when you are wearing an expensive suit or the bottle is on the carpet. In the process of squeezing, grasp the neck using a napkin.

Use of a knife

When working with a knife, always be careful not to injure yourself. This tool can be used in two ways to open wine:

Remove the protective coating from the cork, making sure you remove all the plastic and aluminum that covers it. There are two ways to remove this coating: either by pressing it with your finger upwards, or using a knife and cutting a circle inside the neck.

Put the bottle in your shoe. Moreover, it can be not only a boot, but also any other flat-soled shoes (excluding shoes with high heels and sandals) into which a bottle is placed. To keep it in the boot, hold the bottle with one hand and the shoe with the other.

The bottle in this process must be in a horizontal position., and you need to hit only with the part of the sole that is under the bottom of the bottle. Thus, the boot protects the container so that it does not break. You don't have to hit hard, just hit a few times. As a result of pressure on the bottle, the cork itself will gradually begin to come out. As soon as it comes out three centimeters from the neck, you can pull it out with your hand.

If you are in the woods on a picnic, then instead of a wall, you can use any suitable tree. It is only necessary to make sure that the blows are sure and reliable about such a tree. Knowing that the function of the boot is only to mechanically protect the bottle, another object can be used instead of the boot, for example, you can hold a book while hitting it, or wrap the bottom of the bottle in a thick towel.

Use of other improvised means

These methods of opening wine without a corkscrew require more skill and time to implement.

Screw and pliers

Take pliers and a screw, and with what more step screw threads, the better. Make sure that all things that will come into contact with the plug are clean.

Take a screw with pliers, place it in the center of the cork and twist it clockwise until 1-2 cm of the screw remains on the outside. If you have strong enough fingers, then you can tighten the screw without using pliers. Perform the tightening process carefully so as not to break the plug. The screw must be positioned vertically with respect to the plug.

Now pull the screw up with pliers, the cork should come out with it. Instead of pliers, you can use any other object that can hold a screw, such as a fork. Pull gently in a direction at an angle to your body so you don't hit your stomach with your elbow when the cork comes out. If you do not have pliers handy, then wrap the screw with a rope several times and pull on it.

wire hook

This is another tool that can be used to open wine when a corkscrew is not available. To understand how to open wine with a wire crochet, do the following:

Two paperclips and a pencil

Take two paper clips and straighten them so that the ends remain in a "U" shape. Insert a paperclip with one of the U-shaped ends between the neck and cork so that the entire "U" is under the surface of the cork. Do the same with the other paper clip, inserting it on the opposite side of the cork. With the paper clips at one end between the cork and neck, connect the other two ends together so that they are together when you pull the stopper out.

After connecting the ends of the paper clips, slide a pencil or pen under them. Take the pencil by its ends with your index and middle fingers from below. Gradually pull the cork out of the bottle as you pull the pencil up.

Use of scissors

Take two scissors, it is better if they are children's scissors. Take them by the handles and open them to the maximum possible angle. Be careful not to cut yourself on their blades. Then, using slight pressure, insert the blades of the scissors into the cork until it reaches the middle. Be careful not to knock the cork into the bottle and break it.

Hold the bottle of wine firmly with one hand, and with the other hand rotate the cork with scissors, at the same time applying force to pull it out. In this case, you use the blades of the scissors as leverage. Once the cork is high enough over the neck, pull it out by hand.

Hammer and nails

Take a couple of nails that are about the same length as the cork. Drive the nails carefully into the center of the cork with a hammer. Nails must be hammered vertically, placing them next to each other. Do not hammer hard, as you can break the cork into pieces.

Take the back of the hammer (nail puller) by the heads of the nails. Now you can use two ways to get the cork out of the bottle:

If you were not able to pull out the cork completely the first time, then pull out the nails and hammer them again so that they form a line perpendicular to the previous one. Using a hammer, complete the cork pulling process.

Now you already know how to open wine if the cork won't come out without using a corkscrew. Following recommendations help you do it more efficiently and safely:

  • All of these methods require some time and effort to implement, so it is better to buy a regular corkscrew if possible.
  • To facilitate the removal of the cork, you can slightly warm the neck of the bottle. In this case, you do not need to heat it strongly, as it may burst.
  • Be careful with sharp tools such as scissors and knives. Do not use them if you are intoxicated.
  • Do not use your teeth to open the bottle as this may damage them.
  • Don't put too much effort into any of these methods as you risk breaking the bottle.
  • Point the neck of the bottle away from you so you don't get splashed with wine when you open the bottle.
  • Depending on the storage conditions of wine in wine cellar, the cork can dry out completely, and any manipulation with it will lead to its destruction into small pieces.

These tips should help anyone who forgot to take a corkscrew when they were about to drink wine. Happy holiday to you!

Attention, only TODAY!

Wine - delicious, and often healthy drink if you choose proven brands that have already gained credibility in the market. We do not advise to abuse even the most quality drinks: follow moderate amount and take care of your health. And in this publication, we will share seven simple life hacks that will help you open wine if you forgot your corkscrew or it broke. Simple but effective ways which have been verified multiple times.

Nail puller and nails

Take two thick long nails and slowly drive them into the cork - take your time, otherwise you can push the cork deeper. Leave such pieces of nails up to the head to pick up the element with a nail puller. And then carefully pull the product out of the bottle. If the cork is tight, try twisting at the same time - this will help speed up the process. Moreover, this is done easily with a nail puller.

Threaded hook and rope

Such hooks are often used as fasteners, they are common in the field of cargo transportation. If you have such an element, it will be easy to open a bottle. Screw the hook in like you would a regular corkscrew (but this requires more effort), tie a string to the hook, and pull out the whole structure. If you have strong hands and fingers, you can not use the rope - the hook is completely pulled out just by hand. But it is more convenient if the hook is bent completely. If it is only half-curved, you can damage the skin with a sharp movement - then still choose the option with a rope.


Chinese chopsticks, a spoon with a strong handle, a blunt rounded butter knife with the same handle - all this is suitable for opening a bottle. You need to rest against the cork with a blunt tight end (handle) and push down hard. The goal is to move the cork into the bottle, not pull it out. In order not to injure your hands, wrap the upper part of the device on which you will press with a thick towel. Put the bottle on the floor, and act from above, so the pressure will be strong and the bottle will succumb faster.


In the same way as with cutlery, use any object that pushes the cork in. The object should be dense, strong, slightly smaller in area than the cork itself, but comfortable for pressing. Whiteboard marker works great. A tube of women's mascara will do the job well - usually this cosmetics has a suitable shape. Comb handles can also be suitable for such purposes. If you look around, you will find a lot of things that match our description.

Women's shoe heel

An original way for those who find themselves in a hopeless situation, and next to them there is only a pretty girl in high-heeled shoes. If the diameter of the heel is suitable for pushing the cork, use this method. But don't forget about hygiene precautions: shoes collect all the dirt on the street, so wipe or wash the heel first, and then wrap it with something clean that will not contaminate the wine if it gets into the bottle. And one more thing: use this method as a last resort. If the bottle is opened by a man with decent strength, he will not calculate his capabilities and will easily break his heel. It is unlikely that such sacrifices are worth a couple of glasses of wine.

Towel and wall

Instead of a towel, use a blanket, blanket, rolled-up sweater - any soft material that will protect the bottle. Wrap the wine in a cloth and then tap the bottom of the cloth against the wall. Do not make sudden movements so that the glass does not break. With patience, after a while you will notice that the cork begins to come out. This happens under the pressure that is formed inside the container during tapping. Make sure that the cork does not suddenly pop out - then the wine runs the risk of spilling and all efforts will be in vain.

Screw, screwdriver, pliers

A method somewhat similar to the first, but requiring a different set of tools. Using a screwdriver, screw the screw into the cork, even a fragile girl can handle it. Then take the pliers, grab the hat and pull out the product. There is no need to tighten anything, since the screw already sits tightly in the material, preventing it from slipping.

When opening wine, always remember about safety: do not do it in light-colored clothes that do not wash well, think about hygiene and safety glass containers. In no case do not use the old method, in which the neck of the bottle is sharply cut off with a thick sharp knife. In this case, small fragments of glass get inside, with which you damage the mucous membranes and the esophagus.
