
What does canteen mean. What is the difference between table wine and regular wine?

Everyone who is at least a little interested in the topic of winemaking knows well what table wine means. Unlike dessert, it is served not at the end of the meal, but with the main courses. In many countries, inexpensive wines for everyday use are called canteens.

Speaking about what table wine is, it is necessary to understand what the category of wines is in general. This is the compliance of raw materials and technology with industry standards of a country or a particular region. The standards regulate permitted grape varieties, cultivation methods, vine yield, aging time and many other factors.

Methods for the production of table wine are practically not regulated. The bottle rarely indicates the grape variety and vintage (harvest year). However, this does not mean that the wine is bad, just that its quality lies solely on the conscience of the winemaker.

The situation is different with local geographical wines. They have in strict order on the label indicate the grape variety, appellation and year of harvest.

Here are examples of how to recognize table wine on the labels of manufacturers from different countries.

  • Vin de Table - France. This category includes most of the French wines, and they can be made from wine material collected outside the country. Wines undergo only simple laboratory testing for safety.
  • Vino da Tavola - Italy. The blend can include any grape varieties, their number is not regulated.
  • Vino de Mesa - Spain. These wines also do not have requirements for appellation, vine cultivation methods and vinification technology.
  • Tafelwein - Germany.

What does this or that marking on a bottle of wine mean?

Thus, the state guarantees a certain minimum of consumer properties. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the world's wine classification system was imperfect, and falsification of drinks was common. Any winemaker in France could write "Bordeaux" on a bottle to pass off his wine as an exquisite drink from the famous region.

In the 30s of the XX century, France issued a series of laws regulating winemaking, and introduced a system of protection of wines by geographical name. Other countries have adapted the classification for themselves, and the world of winemaking has become more orderly. Now we can be sure that dry table wine from France, Italy or Spain, labeled with the appropriate sign, will be completely safe to drink. Taste and aroma will also be expected and will not bring unpleasant surprises.

As a rule, dry red and white wines are chosen as table wines. They are more versatile in combinations with products. Until now, the rule "red to meat, white to fish" works fine, although there are a huge number of private exceptions.

Table wines are served at a temperature of 14 to 18 degrees Celsius. Too cold wine becomes sour, and too warm - unpleasantly sluggish. Remember that it is always better to overcool the wine than overheat it. Table wine poured into glasses quickly reaches room temperature, and it is almost impossible to correct warm wine.

When choosing alcohol for family gatherings or a romantic evening, it is easy to get confused. What kind of designations you will not see on the label!

Producers offer a whole range of different wines:

  • canteen;
  • dry;
  • fortified;
  • dessert;
  • semi-sweet;
  • geographical.

And that is not all! Moreover, dessert may well be, for example, geographical. And what does table wine mean - is it possible to buy a bottle of semi-sweet table wine if the price looks very tempting? Or “canteen” is one classification, and “semi-sweet” is already “from another opera”?

Table wines have a number of common features:

  • produced by complete (or incomplete) fermentation of the wort;
  • can be made in any country;
  • exempt from any requirements for sugar content, grade and type of raw materials used, production technology.

These are natural drinks containing no more than 14% alcohol by volume.

These wines are divided into:

  • semi-dry;
  • semi-sweet.

How is it different from usual?

There is no ordinary wine as such. Any alcoholic beverage is subject to classification.

You may catch the eye of a bottle of dessert,. It is possible that you will give preference to vintage - it is able to decorate a festive table.

But if you see a "table" addition, be aware that the manufacturer had the right to make a drink according to his own recipe, so its taste may differ from what is expected. Wines with the same name, one of which is table wine, can be completely different.

Dining and geographical - what's the difference?

Geographical wine appeared in the international classification just a few years ago. Such an inscription on the label means: alcohol is produced in a certain country using certain grape varieties.

The dining room, on the other hand, is a “box with a surprise”: winemakers have every right not to indicate in which state the grapes for the drink were harvested.

What is the difference from sweet?

Can table wine be sweet? Most likely, if you read such an inscription on the bottle, it is a fake: after all, these wines have a different production technology.

If the must for table must ferment completely (or almost completely), then for the preparation of a sweet process is interrupted in the early stages and alcohol is added.

What are the differences between dry and sweet wines?

Dry is obtained after fermentation is completed naturally. This is a rather weak alcohol, its maximum strength is 11 revolutions. It has a small percentage of sugar content, not more than 1.

Sweet wines are prepared with the addition of alcohol, they are slightly stronger than dry ones, and the proportion of sugar in them rises to 8% or more.

Dry ones do not last long, especially when opened. Sweet can be drunk little by little, stretching one bottle for several weeks.

Collectible and vintage

The wine can be ordinary - that is, aged less than a year, but more than 3 months, made from inexpensive grape varieties.

Collectible will definitely be more expensive, because it exposure is at least one and a half years. Only a certain grape variety is used to make a particular vintage wine. A producer who claims that his wine is vintage, thereby provides a guarantee of compliance with manufacturing technology.

The most expensive wines collectible. 6 years is the minimum age for such a drink. The number of bottles is usually limited, so this wine can cost a lot of money.

How to drink dessert table wines?

If we adhere to the classification of wines adopted by international standards, then table wine can hardly be a dessert wine - they are prepared using different technologies. Therefore, the rules for the use of these wines are different.

Table wines are often dry and semi-dry. Canteens - that is, they are served at the table, and therefore should not interrupt the taste of the main dishes. Their task is aid digestion, stimulate appetite. These wines are warmed up before serving. They drink this wine with hot dishes: fish, meat, and sometimes soups.

Desserts are usually served with something sweet. Ice cream or cake will go great with a drink. Just make sure that the taste of wine is brighter than the taste of dessert. You can pour wine into glasses after it has cooled slightly.

If, picking up a bottle of wine, you learn from the accompanying inscription that it is table wine, this is not at all a reason to put the bottle back and look at other alcohol. Yes, this wine does not have strict standards. Yes, it is not known on what land the grapes were harvested.

But your chances of acquiring a truly tasty and even healthy drink are high if you come to buy from a large trusted store. Such stores do not work with unscrupulous suppliers selling dubious products. Therefore, luck may well be on your side and for little money you can taste a great drink.

Do you like table wines? Please tell us about those of them that you think are worthy of attention. We will gladly taste!

Few consumers understand what table wine means. In stores, this alcoholic drink is presented in a wide range. It is often difficult to make the right choice. Some consumers may confuse table and dessert, and after all, the drink should be selected not only for a specific occasion, but also for a specific dish served on the table.

Important! Before you go shopping, you need to know in advance what you will cook. You can buy white. The sales assistant, if necessary, will tell you whether you need a sweet or semi-sweet drink.

Definition of table wine

Table wine in the international wine classification system is the lowest. This does not mean that it is bad or not tasty. It just has its own distinctive features:

  1. Grapes and place of wine production may vary. Berries can be grown in one country and wine made from them in another.
  2. Table wine does not carry taste value as a separate drink, and has a rather simple bouquet. It is consumed with food and served at the table.
  3. The table type does not meet the requirements by which branded drinks are evaluated.

Table wine is not low-grade or low-quality wine. Often it is very good and worthwhile, but the information on the label does not tell about its contents.

Many consumers tend to wonder: “Why is table wine called that way?” It's easy enough to explain. This is due to the following - the drink is consumed during a meal, it is quite light, has a small percentage of strength, since sugar is added to a minimum during the production of wine.

As a rule, most producers supply table red and white wines, divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. A distinctive feature is the fact that there is practically no control over the grapes used for production. Thus, for the preparation of this wine, absolutely any berries are used and it is not necessary to indicate on the label information about where it grew. It is also worth noting that the production date is not indicated.

Producers themselves monitor which grapes to use for dessert and table wines, independently control the taste, and accordingly set their own price per bottle of the drink.

Important! It is not enough to know what table wine is, you need to understand how and with what to serve it to the table for guests.

What are the varieties

Different grape varieties are used to produce different wines. White, red, pink grapes are suitable for table wine. A distinctive feature is the fact that there are no unnecessary ingredients in the composition, and the ripening process takes place as quickly as possible. Wine cannot be classified as fortified, it contains practically no sugar.

  1. Wine mateus (mateush) - white semi-dry.
  2. Saperavi is red wine.
  3. Italian wine Decordi.
  4. Georgian wine.
  5. Classic Kuban traditional wines.

What is the difference between table and dessert drinks

It is not so difficult to understand how table wine differs from dessert wine, the main difference is already noticeable by name. Table wine is consumed during a meal, dessert wine is served with desserts, for example, fruits, cakes, ice cream. The only condition is that desserts should not contain more sugar than wine.

Due to the production technology used, dessert wines contain more alcohol. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the level of sweetness, the alcohol content in the drink also increases.

Table brands have a more delicate and pleasant taste. If you want to feel the whole flavor bouquet, it is recommended to heat to room temperature. The grape varieties used for the dessert wine are identical.

It does not matter at all in which country it was made - it is not necessary to indicate the date of production. Vintage wines are an exception.

The difference between a table drink and a geographical name

Table wine differs from a geographical denomination in that the label on the bottle contains information about where production was concentrated, in some cases the year of manufacture and vintage is found. These drinks are often called local.

For the production of a geographical drink, one type of grape is used, several varieties are not mixed as for the preparation of table wine. It is grapes that have a huge impact on taste.

Not so long ago, winemakers began to use a new production technology called sepazhny. The drink does not lose its taste, but it is worth noting that real gourmets prefer brands made from one grape variety.

The main thing that distinguishes table wine of geographical origin is the duration of storage of the drink, years of aging contribute to the discovery of new tastes and aromas. It is for this reason that locals are more often vintage and collectible. This is due to the fact that, unlike dry table wines, unique author's technologies are used for making, which so attract many collectors.

How is it different from sweet?

If we consider what is the difference between geographical and sweet, then it should be borne in mind that drinks that have the inscription “sweet” on the bottle will be fake in most cases. This is due to the fact that different production technologies are used for the preparation of sweet and geographical wines. To get a table, the wort must ferment completely, but for sweet options, fermentation is interrupted and alcohol is added.

How to drink table wine

After the basic acquaintance with the classification of table wines has taken place, you can proceed to the next stage. Table wine is usually If fish and poultry are served on the table, then it is best to choose a canteen. For meat, red is chosen, which has a rich bouquet of aromas. It is also worth noting that classic varieties can be used not only at home, you can take them on a picnic.

Before you buy a wine drink, you should remember that you can feel the taste qualities brightly enough only if the main course and glasses are chosen correctly. Real gourmets do not allow the use of high quality wines if it is not possible to feel the whole bouquet of aromas.

The "Table" itself already implies that this wine is served at the table as a light drink that will go well with food. Its difference is that sugar is not added to it, because of this it has a small content of about 12-14%. This wine has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Red and rosé table wines differ in color. Often, the area where the grapes were grown is not even indicated, it is simply indicated, which is, as it were, a trademark. The thing is that in the manufacture of these wines, mass production technologies are used, and grapes and other raw materials are not sorted in the same way as is done with fine wines.

Table wines are most often divided into:
- dry,
- semi-dry,
- semi-sweet, in which a small amount of sugar is added.

In many countries, such wines are served at the table, since a small use of them does not harm, but only helps the body absorb food and relieve nervous tension. There are even sanatoriums that have a wine procedure, where you can try different types of life-giving drink without harming your own health.

Knowing the classification of table wines, you can choose the type that is close to your taste: most often women like semi-sweet varieties, while men like dry ones.

local wines

Local wines are a type of wine, but they are made from selected grape varieties that grow in a particular area. Moreover, the possibility of even mixing different batches of berries is often excluded, so that there is no violation of the integrity of the taste of the future drink. Naturally, with this approach, the label must indicate the geographical region, the area where this wine was made.

Local wine labels are allowed to indicate the year of the grape harvest, unlike table wine, which does not indicate the year or region of production.

Local wines should have a natural strength of approximately 10-12%. However, due to the mass production of wine and high commercial demand, local wines that have names in the form of geo-referencing are gradually losing their uniqueness. Today you can meet, which are commonly called sepazhny. Such wines have a bright taste and a rich bouquet, they are certainly tasty, but gourmets do not consider them “clean”, because they are made from several grape varieties.

By the way, local wines have a very long shelf life, during which they can change their taste and develop new notes. This is what makes them special. In general, local wine can be called copyright, because it is produced in exceptional places, often using unique methods, it is often collectible, vintage.

The technology for making a refreshing and invigorating drink by fermenting grape or fruit juices was known in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. The Romans called him "vineri" - "giving strength." The modern name of this drink is wine, it is produced in many countries of the world, including in the southern regions of Russia.

The secret of making wine and its benefits

Grape juice contains a lot of sugar, so if you leave it to stand in an open container, microorganisms, in particular yeast fungus, get into it and begin to actively multiply. Its spores cause the fermentation process, and due to the fact that the fungus feeds on sugar, the juice turns sour. When making wine, it is necessary to create the most favorable atmosphere for the fungus for its intensive reproduction and to provide for this a sufficient supply of oxygen and heat. In the process of fermentation, wine is obtained, and its types are the result of the use of various technologies - fortification, aging, adding sugar, etc.

Wines contain many vitamins, in particular B1, B6, B12, PP, P and C, as well as folic (B9) and pantothenic (B5) acids, they contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. It contains: phosphorus, nitrogenous, pectin substances, sugar, as well as mineral salts of iron, copper, zinc, etc. Wine, especially red wine, has a complex effect on, has bioenergetic and bactericidal properties, the ability to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances.

For the manufacture of port or Madeira, ordinary or vintage, up to 15 grape varieties can be used.

Wine classification

Each country traditionally engaged in winemaking: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Russia, etc., uses its own wines. Russian wines are divided into effervescent and still, the former contain carbon dioxide, while the latter lack it. In addition, there is a division of wines according to sugar content and:
- canteens, in which sugar is not added, their strength is 9-14 °;
- dessert semi-sweet, containing 3-10% sugar, strength 9-15°;
- dessert strong, containing 3-13% sugar, with a strength of 17-20 °;
- sweet and liqueur desserts, containing 16-32% sugar, with a strength of 13-16 °;
- effervescent, naturally and artificially carbonated.
Varietal wines are made only from grapes of one particular variety, blended wines and grapes of several varieties.

There are wines, etc., the lowest for ordinary wines, the highest for vintage and collection wines. Ordinary wines differ from vintage and collection wines in terms of aging. Ordinary, white and wines include young unaged wines - bottled 3-12 months after processing the grapes for juice. As a rule, these are cheap wines, for which imported raw materials or mixed varieties can be used.

Vintage wines must be aged - at least 1.5 years, fortified and dessert - at least 2 years. They are made using special technologies and only a certain variety used for the production of a particular brand of wine. Vintage wines have characteristic taste qualities. Collection wines include vintage wines of especially high quality, they are additionally aged in barrels for at least 3 years.

Winemaking is the oldest branch of the food industry; over the centuries, masters have developed tens of thousands of recipes for making wines. To assist collectors, a classification of wines has been developed in compiling wine catalogs. Thanks to her, it was possible to systematize recipes. Anyone can figure out the difference between table and dessert wines. Homemade wines from the factory. Young sparkling wines from old "still" wines.


Scientists have long proved that winemaking originated in ancient times. The main contribution to the development of production was made by the inhabitants of the southern regions, who are still considered the best winemakers today. In ancient times, the Romans and the Greeks were the first to "ennoble" wild thousand-year-old wine. From that moment began a new history of winemaking, which slowly developed until the middle of the 20th century. Perhaps things would move faster if people knew how wines were fermented. And that yeast bacteria play an important role in this process. Only in the middle of the 20th century did scientists make this discovery.

If in ancient and Middle Ages winemakers set up production from their own experience, as their fathers and grandfathers taught. Modern winemakers rely entirely on scientific achievements.

  • For example, today grapes are harvested not only by hand, but also by machines.
  • Improved old cars.
  • Methods for filtering the semi-finished product are being improved.
  • Masters were able to unravel, many are hidden, for example, how to protect wines from aging.
  • That for the preparation of sweet wines, the berries need to be slightly dried, thereby increasing the sweetness of the drink.

Classification of table and dessert wines. "what's on the label"?

Here you can get complete information about the contents of the bottle, for example, depending on the quality and aging time of the wine. Professionals divide them into young, vintage and collectible.

Young - a wine that is immediately put up for sale without aging Vintage - high-quality grape varieties are used for preparation. Specially grown for the preparation of specific vintage wines. Here the cooking technology is calculated in minutes.

  • Each wine has its own wine-growing region (neighborhood).
  • Your holding period.

Collection vintage wines. For the preparation, selection varieties of the highest quality are used, the minimum aging period in a barrel is six years. And in bottles for at least three years.

Fortress and sugar content on the label. Wines are divided into two large groups.

By amount of sugar:

  • Dry.
  • Semi-sweet.

Fortified wine, and fragrant dessert. By amount of sugar:

  • Semi-sweet.
  • Sweet.
  • Liquor.

Unlike sweet wines, table wines are obtained by complete fermentation of natural juice. In sweet wines, fermentation depends on the amount of sugar. Thus, fermentation is interrupted. As a result of "incomplete" fermentation, sweet wine acquires a sweet and sour taste. Ethyl alcohol is added to dessert wines to preserve the fragrant bouquet and shade.

What is the difference between table wine and sweet wine?

Dessert and table wines differ in taste, strength and purpose. Dessert wines contain a large amount of sugar. In contrast to strong table wine, which goes well with hidalgo, meat and fish. Sweet wine is served with dessert (hence the name - dessert wines).

For the preparation of table wine, natural juice "without additives" is used. Unlike sweet wine, which has sugar added to it. The strength of the drink will depend only on the natural sugar contained in the berries.

To prepare dessert wine, juice and pulp are used, sugar is added. Fermentation is often stopped by alcoholization.

For the preparation of table wines, certain grape varieties are used. Dessert wines are mainly made from mixed varieties:

  • Muscat.
  • Tokay.
  • Cahors.
  • Malaga.

Professionals advise cooling dessert wine. Often at tastings, chilled drinks, fruits or cookies are served.

What is the difference between dry wine and sweet wine

  • Dry wine is served with main courses.
  • In the process of preparing dry wines, alcohol is not added.
  • The fortress of dry wine does not exceed 11 revolutions.
  • The minimum amount of sugar is one percent in dry wine. In table semi-sweet from three to eight percent.

Unlike sweet wine, dry wine cannot be stored for a long time. If sweet wines get better with age. That dry wine is gaining momentum, turns into vinegar essence.

Taste qualities

Unlike strong table wines, delicate sweet wine needs to be savored. Table wine has a pleasant refreshing taste. For example, light white wines in summer save you from thirst. Dessert wine is a harmony of flavors. Only a professional can describe a wine bouquet from the first sip. All elements are chosen so that none of them is felt separately.

Table wine is coarse and harsh. From the first sip it is dominated by tannins. Dessert wine has a mild taste. In contrast to table dry wines, which have a sour-tart taste in the foreground. Dessert wine is sweet and thick. Table wine is watery and clear.
