
We make our own wine cellar. Features of a wine storage room, an independent arrangement of a home wine cellar in a private house or in the country

Task set: it is necessary to design and create a wine cellar for 2500 bottles with a tasting table and lighting.

Solution: Ball developed and approved a design project for a future wine cellar made of solid wood and American oak veneer with a finish: clear lacquer primer, lacquer 20 gloss.

Result: The client was very pleased with the work performed. Everything was done on time and of good quality. The project included the maximum number of cells (from 90 to 130 mm) for wine bottles with boxes that the customer wanted.

One of the most important parts of the interior of a modern wine cellar are the wine storage racks. In our own joinery, we have made high-quality racks from environmentally friendly, natural solid European oak. All products were covered with a special varnish in 10 gloss. In the project, we combined several modules of wine storage racks, but the main focus was on two: the “Rhombus” module (located in the upper part) and the “Shelf” module (lower part of the furniture). The dimensions of the "Rhombus" module will allow the customer to place more than 100 bottles per 1 sq.m. The "Shelf" module is more spacious, it will allow you to place more than 160 bottles of the Bordeaux 750 ml standard.

Solid oak classic

Simple, concise, but at the same time refined interior. Classic, timeless. The dressing room is made of solid solid oak. The cabinet is supplemented with lighting, which makes it convenient to use.

The division of the cabinet into sectors makes it more functional and convenient to use. The dressing room also provides storage areas for smaller items, which are presented in the form of spacious drawers.

The classic wood color used for furniture looks expensive and solid, ideal for both office space and country houses.

The furniture is ideally combined with parquet of lighter shades.

Simple, concise, but at the same time refined interior. Classic, timeless. The dressing room is made of solid solid oak. The cabinet is supplemented with lighting, which makes it convenient to use.

The division of the cabinet into sectors makes it more functional and convenient to use. The dressing room also provides storage areas for smaller items, which are presented in the form of spacious drawers.

The classic wood color used for furniture looks expensive and solid, ideal for both office space and country houses.

The furniture is ideally combined with parquet of lighter shades.

Task set: to design and create a wine cellar in a stylized English style.

Solution: after visiting the object, our designers and technologists developed a design project. Its peculiarity was the presence of dummies of oak barrels, ceiling beams and MDF veneered ceiling lining. There was also a small tasting table.

Result: the project was completed using solid oak veneer and finishing "Mahogany" stain "Mahogany"

Task: to create a wine cellar in a small room with an integrated refrigerator for fur coats.

Solution: solid wood and oak veneer were chosen as materials. One of the racks has an integrated table with a lifting mechanism for tasting drinks.

Result: The work was completed within the agreed timeframe and of good quality.

Task: it is necessary to integrate a small wine cellar with a layout of the landscape of French vineyards into a small space..

Solution: the customer was offered a design project in which it is envisaged to create a cellar from solid wood and American oak veneer. It was also agreed to finish the existing openings with arches made of natural wood.

Result: The wine cellar was completed within the previously agreed deadline. The customer recommended us to his colleagues and we received new orders for the production of cellars.

Simple, concise, but at the same time refined interior. Classic, timeless. The dressing room is made of solid solid oak. The cabinet is supplemented with lighting, which makes it convenient to use.

The division of the cabinet into sectors makes it more functional and convenient to use. The dressing room also provides storage areas for smaller items, which are presented in the form of spacious drawers.

The classic wood color used for furniture looks expensive and solid, ideal for both office space and country houses.

The furniture is ideally combined with parquet of lighter shades.

Simple, concise, but at the same time refined interior. Classic, timeless. The dressing room is made of solid solid oak. The cabinet is supplemented with lighting, which makes it convenient to use.

The division of the cabinet into sectors makes it more functional and convenient to use. The dressing room also provides storage areas for smaller items, which are presented in the form of spacious drawers.

The classic wood color used for furniture looks expensive and solid, ideal for both office space and country houses.

The furniture is ideally combined with parquet of lighter shades.

Simple, concise, but at the same time refined interior. Classic, timeless. The dressing room is made of solid solid oak. The cabinet is supplemented with lighting, which makes it convenient to use.

The division of the cabinet into sectors makes it more functional and convenient to use. The dressing room also provides storage areas for smaller items, which are presented in the form of spacious drawers.

The classic wood color used for furniture looks expensive and solid, ideal for both office space and country houses.

The furniture is ideally combined with parquet of lighter shades.

An ideal place to store wine is a specially equipped wine cellar. Only he is able to provide the necessary temperature, humidity, light, thanks to which the noble drink retains its exquisite taste. You can build a wine cellar in a private house on your own, but for this you need to know all the secrets of its construction.

Choosing the right place

Practice has shown that it is possible to maintain optimal temperature conditions only if the cellar is located outside. If it is made in the form of a cellar under the house, then the risk of a rise in temperature increases significantly, which is unfavorable for the drink. When choosing a place for a structure, one should be based on the following rules:

  • Construction in low-lying areas is excluded, as this will lead to the accumulation of water during precipitation and thaw.
  • In advance, you need to check the level of groundwater. They should be 50-100 centimeters below the floor level. The lower their occurrence, the less dampness will be in the room, and the risk of flooding in the off-season is also reduced.
  • If it is decided to build a cellar under the house, then it should be designed at the foundation stage. To maintain normal conditions, it should not be placed under the kitchen, bath, sauna.
  • The entrance to the room is recommended to be located on the north side, since in this case the minimum amount of sunlight will fall on it.
  • It is not recommended to place the structure near railway tracks, a busy road and any other places that are sources of vibrations.
  • All building materials used should not have a strong specific odor. Other prerequisites include antiseptic treatment, non-toxicity, and moisture resistance.

As for the size, here you need to focus on the available area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, as well as personal preferences. However, for a convenient location of even a small collection of wines, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 10 square meters. And an area equal to 25 squares will allow you to place about three thousand bottles!

Building walls and floors

The construction of a wine cellar with your own hands must begin with the selection and installation of walls and floors, because it is on them that the main burden will lie. The most common bricks, foam blocks and any other closed-porous options can be used as the main material for laying out walls. FSB blocks with ideal technical characteristics will be a good choice. Interior wall decoration can be made of:

  • Natural wood, but you can not use pungent-smelling species, such as cedar or pine. The fact is that the smell of this wood quickly passes into the drink, giving it an unpleasant aftertaste. Oak is the ideal choice.
  • Natural or artificial stone of any fraction and design.
  • Decorative tiles and ordinary bricks. This option is one of the most practical, since if small cracks or surface damage appear, it can always be restored with putty or plaster.

The choice of a suitable option is based on the design of the cellar, the preferences of its owner.

The floor of the future storage for wine can be made of different materials, the choice of which depends on the location of the cellar, its arrangement, and design. Most often it is performed from:

  • Hardwood is the perfect complement to a design dominated by wood or natural stone.
  • Ceramic is a simple and practical option that is easy to keep perfectly clean.
  • Natural marble is a luxurious choice for high-end storage.
  • Clay pavement sprinkled with fine gravel or clean sand is one of the oldest pavements, which is still considered one of the best options. It prevents the formation of condensation puddles, as droplets that break from the ceiling immediately seep through the gravel.

If groundwater is located at a depth of less than one meter from the floor, then it is worth first making a concrete screed or laying a reinforced concrete slab. This will protect the flooring from excessive moisture and premature damage.

We create optimal conditions

To preserve the taste characteristics of the drink, its proper maturation, it is necessary to maintain a certain microclimate in the wine cellar. The main criteria are:

  • The air temperature, which ideally should be between 12 and 14 degrees. It is this mode that guarantees full fermentation, preservation of taste and aroma. If the temperature falls below ten degrees, then the maturation of the wine will slow down, and if it rises above 18 degrees, the drink will lose its characteristic freshness. Sharp jumps are also undesirable, due to which the plugs are deformed very quickly.
  • Humidity - optimal performance - from 60 to 75%. Their maintenance guarantees the safety of traffic jams, the absence of unpleasant odors, fungi, mold. In drier air, corks dry out rather quickly, and oxygen enters the drink, it begins to turn sour.
  • Lighting - only artificial low-power light sources are allowed. In no case should incandescent lamps of any modification be installed, as they strongly heat the air. To create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere, you can use matte shades, special shading caps, lampshades.

If the cellar is located, designed and built competently and in compliance with all techniques, then the necessary parameters will be maintained automatically. But practice shows that in order to preserve valuable collections, it is better to install special split systems. Their use will provide the desired microclimate under any external conditions. A useful addition would be automatic dimmers.

Important components to ensure the required conditions are:

  • Doors that maintain the stability of the microclimate. The ideal choice would be special thermal doors, which in their design resemble refrigerator doors. It is not recommended to use bulky, large or double-leaf models, as they will create unnecessary air currents.
  • The system of heat and vapor barrier, which should be taken care of even at the stage of building walls. All existing gaps, seams and joints must be treated with an antiseptic and sealed with putty. Good thermal insulation will be provided by sheathing with materials with a porous structure and a thickness of not more than 20 centimeters. Vapor barrier panels must be installed on walls and ceilings.
  • Ventilation, the installation of which will provide an influx of fresh air, will eliminate the appearance of a musty smell. It is recommended to opt for a system operating on the basis of the "exhaust-inflow" principle. It is important to ensure that the incoming air masses circulate throughout the storage area!

When choosing materials for arranging a cellar, you should give preference to natural and environmentally friendly products that do not have sharp specific odors. This will preserve the taste and aroma of the drink, prevent the ingress of toxic substances into its composition.

We equip the interior space

A mandatory component of a home wine cellar are racks and shelves for storing a drink. As a rule, they are located around the entire perimeter and set the tone for the overall design of the room. Racks can be of various shapes - square, triangular, diamond-shaped and any others. The main thing is that the bottles are placed horizontally in them! You can make racks to order from the masters or try to build them yourself. The most commonly used materials are:

  • Wood is a classic option, accessible to everyone and suitable for any design. The priority species is oak impregnated with linseed oil. It maintains an optimal microclimate, is resistant to temporary damage, and does not have a strong odor.
  • A metal that allows you to create oddly shaped shelving units with maximum strength. In practice, it is not used very often.
  • Limestone is one of the oldest options, maintaining the desired temperature and resistant to mold.
  • Natural stone is a status solution for luxury cellars.

If desired and creative, wine racks can be made from any suitable material. There are modifications made of glass, clay cells, brickwork, concrete and more.

In a properly equipped cellar, there should also be a table with several chairs and shelves for vertical storage of bottles. Connoisseurs of this noble drink know that a week before drinking wine, the bottle must be placed horizontally, as this will allow the sediment to sink to the bottom. If the design provides for a table, then it is installed in the center of the room, allowing you to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the wine storage.

A wine cellar is an obligatory attribute of the personal plot of any self-respecting winemaker. The need to store wine in a specially designated room is determined by strict requirements for air humidity, temperature and lighting levels, compliance with which allows you to get a really high-quality aged product.

In this article we will tell you how to make a wine cellar with your own hands. Construction technology, design and finishing options will be presented, as well as an overview of equipment to maintain the required microclimate inside the cellar.

1 Building a cellar for wine - step by step instructions

A wine cellar can be built on the basis of an existing basement or built completely from scratch. The latter option, if there is free space on the site and a sufficient budget, is preferable, since you will get not just a separate room for storing barrels and bottles, but a full-fledged room where you can equip a cozy recreation area, spend time and receive guests.

When choosing a place for a cellar, give preference to the highest points of the infield, so you will simplify your life in the future, having lost the need to deal with groundwater. The dimensions of the cellar are selected based on the volume of stored wine and the features of the use of the premises in the future - will it be just a warehouse or is it planned to equip a relax zone? It is rational to take 2 meters for the minimum ceiling height, which will allow you to walk freely inside the cellar.

The construction of a wine cellar consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparatory work and excavation.
  2. Installation of the foundation and pouring the screed.
  3. Wall laying and ceiling installation.
  4. Thermal insulation and waterproofing of the room.
  5. Finishing work, installation of ventilation and air conditioning equipment.

To develop a pit, you will need to attract an excavator or tractor, since manually digging such a size is not rational. The depth of the pit should be 20 cm more than the height of the cellar walls, which will be required to fill the sealing layer.

After the development of the pit at its bottom, it is necessary to pour a reinforced concrete slab, which will serve as the foundation and floor of the cellar. Work begins with backfilling a layer of sand 10 cm thick at the bottom, it is compacted and covered with geotextile, on top of which a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness is poured. Next, a formwork of planed boards is installed, it should be 20-30 cm away from the walls of the pit. The formwork is fixed with spacers and stakes, then a reinforcing cage (cells 20 * 20 cm) is assembled in it by welding from reinforcement bars 12 mm. The frame must have two belts - upper and lower, connected by vertical jumpers. The last stage is the concreting of the foundation with ready-mixed concrete grade M400. The formwork can be dismantled a week after the slab has been poured.

Next, work begins on the laying of the walls of the cellar. Walls are easiest to make from FBS blocks, but ordinary bricks can also be used. Masonry is carried out in the standard way, with dressing in the floor of the block on a layer of cement 1 cm thick, it is not necessary to reinforce the walls from FBS.

The last stage in the construction of the “box” of the cellar is the installation of the floor slab. This will also require the involvement of special equipment - a truck crane. You don’t have to do anything with your own hands, the crane operator will do everything. Keep in mind that the maximum length of reinforced concrete floor slabs is 12 m, so the dimensions of the cellar must be designed in accordance with these dimensions.

After laying the floor slab, the free space between the outer plane of the walls and the ground must be covered with clay. By compacting the clay well, you will form a barrier that will prevent groundwater from reaching the cellar walls.

1.1 Insulation work, interior planning

Since wine cellars are subject to strict requirements for the internal microclimate, you will need to make good insulation of the room. This will require comprehensive heat and waterproofing of walls and roofs, which will ensure that there are no problems with dampness, mold and fungus.

As a heater, it is best to use extruded polystyrene foam, to protect against moisture - penetrating waterproofing. It must be applied in two layers with a roller. A well-established composition is Penetron, the material is supplied in powder, which must be diluted in water before use according to the instructions.

Next, a heater is fixed on the surface of the walls and ceiling. The easiest way to fix polystyrene panels is by gluing, but this option is only suitable if the wine cellar finish does not include the use of sheathing materials. You can glue the insulation with further plastering of the walls, but if you plan to finish the walls with wood, clapboard or panels, then you will need to build a frame from a bar and place the insulation inside the cells of the crate. With this approach, the decorative trim is attached over the constructed frame.

The design of the wine cellar, as a rule, is made out with an emphasis on the use of natural materials - wood and stone. However, keep in mind that coniferous wood species cannot be used for interior decoration, as they have a characteristic odor, which may affect the quality of the stored product. It is best to use oak - this is a traditional option used by winemakers for many generations.

Most of your cellar will be occupied by racks and racks for bottles of wine, they largely determine the impression of the interior of the room. However, shelving should be not only beautiful, but also practical. It is better to entrust their manufacture to a professional, or buy ready-made designs. The best option is shelves in the form of pyramids, they are quite roomy - bottles can be stacked on top of each other. Shelves with individual cells for each bottle look more impressive, but they also take up more space.

You can decorate the interior with spot lighting, represented by antique lamps. Also, furniture for the wine cellar will not be superfluous - a pair of armchairs or stools, if there is enough free space, you can install a tasting rack.

1.2 DIY wine cellar (video)

2 Requirements for the microclimate and the choice of split systems

Any winemaker knows that wine storage technology provides for strict requirements for temperature and air humidity, in case of non-compliance with which the product may lose its original taste. That is why the wine cellar must not only be isolated from the environment, but also equipped with special air conditioning equipment that will maintain the required indoor climate.

The temperature inside the cellar should be kept within 13-15 degrees. Lowering it is fraught with cooling of the wine and slowing down its maturation, and an increase can affect the taste of the product, since the drink loses its characteristics when heated.

The optimum level of air humidity in a home wine cellar is from 60 to 60%. If the humidity is lower, then due to the drying of the cork stoppers, the wine will oxidize, if it is higher, mold will form in the room.

As air conditioning equipment, it is necessary to use special split systems for wine cellars, the main manufacturer of which in the world market is Airwell. Such split systems are high-precision equipment, they are able to maintain a given temperature with fluctuations of less than 0.5 degrees and humidity from 2.5%.

When choosing a split system, it is necessary to be guided by the size of the room, the cooling of which will be performed. The Airwell company in the technical characteristics of its equipment indicate what volume this or that air conditioner is designed for. Most often, models for individual use are designed for rooms with a volume of 25, 48, 82 and 122 m 3.

The optimal option in terms of price / functionality ratio is the Airwell FWDe split system series. This is a cooling equipment with a capacity of 3.5-7 kW (depending on the model), which can lower the temperature in cellars up to 82 m 2 to 12 degrees.

The Airwell FWDe line includes 3 models - FWDe-12, FWDe-18 and FWDE-24, which differ in performance, power consumption and air consumption. All of them correspond to energy efficiency class A and can operate at ambient temperatures from -10 to +46 degrees. The cost of Airwell FWDe split systems varies between 40-100 thousand rubles.

Daikin general purpose split systems can be considered as a more affordable alternative to specialized equipment. Such an air conditioner for a wine cellar will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, but there will be no significant differences in the functionality of the equipment. Models tested are Daikin FTYN25, Daikin FTXB60 and Daikin FTXN25.

A photo of interiors that inspires everyone can have any owner and even apartments. Wine is not just an exquisite drink, it must mature and age. This unique drink only gets better with age. Over the years, all the subtleties of taste and aroma are revealed. If you value this drink, are a collector of a unique product, then you will certainly have a place to store it. A wine cellar is a unique room with an original design, and even a small cellar can provide pleasure from storing this amazing drink.

Arrangement of a wine cellar

Ready-made projects created by well-known designers allow you to visually evaluate the room, imagine how your wine cellar will look like. They allow you to plan your interior, add your own individual solutions to it, but nevertheless keep the idea. Ready-made projects will help correctly indoors, exquisitely, arches and openings.

DIY wine cellar secrets

A self-made wine cellar will become a place of pride and heritage for many years to come. It is not difficult to build it in the basement of the house, but it is worth knowing a few rules that will help preserve the taste of the wine and allow you to create a unique atmosphere. The device of a wine cellar in the house requires certain knowledge and skills. Simple tips will help you cope with self-construction in the best way:

  • The aroma of wine is lost when temperature changes. An exquisite drink should be stored in the range of 10 to 14 degrees Celsius. Maintaining the temperature is very important for the storage of the drink;
  • An important role in storage is played by humidity, which should not exceed 65% -70%. At elevated rates, cork plugs become moldy. This is not only unaesthetic, but also harmful to health. Also, in order to avoid this process, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of wood for creating shelving, giving preference to a strong and reliable breed;
  • it is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from entering the room. Ultraviolet destroys the drink, which is why it is necessary to create subdued artificial lighting in the wine cellar;
  • completely eliminate vibration, as it contributes to the destruction of wine. That is why creating a wine cellar near the railroad tracks is a problematic task;
  • use thermal and sound insulating materials when finishing. For such purposes, both artificial and natural coatings are suitable. You can safely use,,. The choice of materials for finishing depends on the desire of the owner.

You can create a wine cellar with your own hands in your own basement. A garage is also suitable for such purposes, because the main thing is to ensure proper storage of wine. And this is the best way to help special climate technology, which allows you to create a unique regime in the cellar. Naturally, the creation of a climate system is a complex issue, which is why its design should be entrusted to professionals.

Today, you can create special climatic conditions for storing wine yourself with the help of. Modern equipment is very simple and quick to install, easy to manage. When using it with maintaining the required temperature and humidity, there will be no problems. An air conditioner for a wine cellar will allow you to constantly maintain the desired temperature without much effort.

It is necessary to store wine on special racks. Many people use wood for such purposes. It emphasizes the sophistication and excellent taste of the owner of the cellar. But there is a richer storage option - limestone. The rack or cabinet must be made of natural material. Wine does not tolerate contact with artificial products. The main requirement for racks is their installation. Shelves should ensure the correct location of the bottles. They should lie on their side with immersed in wine cork. Wine must be installed firmly and securely. Any fluctuation of it has a bad effect on the state of the wine.

It is very important in creating exquisite . The tasting room, created in a unique room, is not only beautiful and noble. In it you can arrange business meetings, gatherings with friends, romantic dates. A private wine cellar should be the pride of its owner, a place where it is comfortable and cozy to relax and work.

Wine cellar at home: photo cellar layouts

The size of the room directly affects the planning of the wine cellar, but a professional approach to solving the problem will help create a unique place even in a small building. As a rule, racks with wine are located near the walls, leaving space for a tasting area. The center of the room is taken under bar and for tasting an exquisite drink. In a small room, the racks can be installed in a row, and the tasting area can be moved.

After a long day at work, sometimes you want to cheer up with a sip of cool wine. It is especially pleasant to sit with close friends over a bottle of this noble drink, brought from our own storage.

The tradition of creating wine cellars has deep historical roots. Earlier in Russia, wine connoisseurs and, in general, all wealthy people could not imagine their home without a wine cellar. After the revolution, unfortunately, this tradition was lost, but now wine storage facilities are once again becoming popular in country residences. Their size and the range of wines stored there are a kind of attribute of social status, success, respectability and evidence of the good taste of the owner. As well as a reliable investment in the future. Who knows how much a bottle of vintage wine bought today for $200-300 will cost in 20 years. With proper storage, it will rise in price by tens, or even hundreds of times. Then the hobby will turn into a profitable business.

Temperature, humidity and complete rest

Today, building a wine cellar is not a big deal. It is desirable to place it below ground level, in a basement, in a dark room of about 10m2, where the ideal temperature for storing wine is 10-14°C all year round. It is important that the walls and ceiling of the vault are insulated so as to keep the temperature in the cellar constant throughout the year. To do this, you need to contact the geologists. They will analyze the soil and groundwater. Based on the conclusion obtained, recommendations will be made on what building material is best used to isolate the storage facility. It is necessary to isolate the cellar from all sides: walls, ceiling and floor. To do this, you can use a special sheathing made of a closed, porous material. Its thickness depends on the volume of the cellar: in a small cellar, a lining of 4 cm is enough, and for a large cellar, 10 cm is required. Pay attention to the seams between walls, ceiling and floor: the insulation must be continuous. The best flooring for a wine cellar is ceramic tile. An alternative to ceramic tiles can be parquet or hardwood flooring.


Oak furniture made according to a personal project, taking into account the wishes of the customer, will look very aesthetically pleasing in the wine cellar. The uniqueness of it will give the effect of artificial aging.

OOO "Svega"

A good cellar must have ventilation holes. The ventilation grill can be installed at the bottom of the door, and the hood can be made in the south or east wall under the ceiling to avoid drafts dangerous for wine. It is advisable to pour gravel or sand on the floor, which must be watered.

Constant temperature, absolute darkness, air humidity of at least 55%, but not more than 85%, the absence of foreign odors - this is one of the main conditions for storing wine since the Renaissance. Ripening wine is like a blossoming flower bud. If the temperature is too high, then the bouquet of wine will quickly "bloom" and just as quickly "fade" without gaining all its best qualities. Hypothermia of the drink will also not lead to anything good - the wine will “close”, and its maturation will be “preserved”. But its freezing is especially dangerous. In this case, irreversible changes occur in the drink: the water freezes out, and the separated organic matter precipitates. From a strong temperature drop, the wine also deteriorates: a sharp amplitude of temperature fluctuations during the day causes pressure changes under the cork of the bottle, sufficient for it to loosen and begin to let air through. This wine is suitable only for mulled wine.

If, for some reason, the above conditions are not met in the basement, then it is necessary to install a climate control system that is fundamentally similar to those used for air conditioning residential premises. KOOLSPACE (Canada), VINOTHEQUE (USA), VINOSAFE, EUROCAVE (France) and others are engaged in the manufacture of climate control units. A conventional air conditioner is not suitable here, since equipment is needed that maintains a temperature range of 8-12 ° C for a long time. For cellars with a volume of less than 60 m3, 2 main types of systems are used - built-in and split systems. For large cellars, special equipment is installed. If these systems seem cumbersome to you, there is a solution - a climate door. An air conditioner installed on the door regulates temperature, humidity, ventilation, and also purifies the air and eliminates odors. The price of such a unit varies from 179,000 rubles. and higher. But you can get by with a split system and a heat-resistant solid wood door with double tempered glass. To prevent bottle caps from drying out, it is necessary not only to maintain the required level of humidity, but also to store the bottles horizontally so that the cork is washed with wine, and the drink itself, which is also very important for its proper development, “breathes”. If the humidity is too low, the bottle caps will dry out, and if it is too high, they will mold.

During long-term storage of wine, a precipitate of tartar and coloring substances is released, which, settling on the inside of the bottle, forms a “shirt” of the wine. Vibration can shake up the "shirt" and ruin the wine. The drink should not hear the noise of large highways and railways. Even modern refrigerators and washing machines are best kept away from wine.

If there is no basement

To store wine, it is not necessary to build a wine cellar, you can assemble a wine room. For connoisseurs of wine, there is a universal designer to choose from, from the elements of which a functionally completed cellar is assembled. VINOSAFE (France) supplies the Russian market with entire prefabricated wine rooms with a capacity of 680 to 4000 bottles. The set includes: air conditioning door, shelving, a floor with loose gravel, diffused lighting and a remote (up to 30m) humidity and temperature control system (H2O PRO VINO). The racks are impregnated with an antibacterial, protective, wine-friendly composition. The H2O PRO VINO system is equipped with a 3-channel electronic thermometer-hygrometer, the remote unit and probes of which are equipped with a digital LCD display. Ambient lighting turns on automatically when the door is opened and turns off when the door is closed. Manufacturers claim that a room can be assembled in an hour, and when moving, it is easy to disassemble and assemble in another place.


If you are building a country house, it is advisable to lay a wine cellar at the initial stages of construction. This will allow timely and at minimal cost to perform all the necessary measures to further ensure the conditions for proper storage of wine. But you should not be upset if you "ripe" to this idea in an already built house or want to create your own wine cellar in a city apartment. Modern climatic equipment that provides the stable parameters necessary for storing wines: temperature and humidity, a fairly wide choice of materials will allow you to realize your wildest plans.

Yulia Suchkova, Deputy General Director of Cellar Private LLC

The most economical option is to buy a wine cabinet for the kitchen. Such a unit costs about $ 1440. At first glance, it looks like a refrigerator, but there are fundamental differences. Its design includes elements of noise protection, which allow not to disturb the wine. For example, anti-vibration inserts are used for shelves. The coal filter interferes with penetration of smells from the outside. The required level of temperature and humidity is maintained inside the wine box. The indicators are displayed on the display of the electronic control panel and, thanks to the special technical design of the cabinet, they are always stable - any sudden changes in temperature and humidity that are detrimental to wine are excluded. The cabinet can hold both wines with the potential for only a few years of storage, as well as cult wines. Even the most capricious drinks with a long shelf life will feel no worse than in the cellars of French chateaus.

Wine stuff

Collectors are usually scrupulous in matters of arranging a wine treasury. Everything is important in the wine storage: both the table and the tasting utensils, which evoke pleasant thoughts about the drink. Recently, chalet-style wine cellars have been popular: massive oak doors and beams in combination with brickwork are widely used for decoration. For greater effect, deliberately aged furniture and shelving are selected. However, some companies offer a more modern style: bright racks, each bottle in its cell - as if suspended in the air.

In the cellars of professionals there are racks not made of metal or wood, but of real limestone. This material, unlike the same wood, is not so covered with unpleasant slimy mold and smooths out temperature fluctuations when opening the cellar door. Limestone racks cost about $500 per 1 sq.m.

No less effective will be ceilings and floors made of expensive wood species (they are most resistant to low temperatures): cherry, maple, mahogany, walnut, oak. It is better to avoid resinous varieties such as pine, cedar.

Wine, being born in oak barrels, prefers to live in oak cellars and oak interiors. It is best to use furniture made of dense, strong wood. Oak panels and furniture made according to individual drawings and drawings are considered a stylish solution for decorating the cellar, which emphasizes the individuality of the design and taste of the cellar owner.

There are wine cellars decorated with natural, artificial stone, granite or baked clay modular panels - a tribute to the traditions of French winemakers.

Usually, a tasting room appears next to the cellar - a cozy corner, hidden from prying eyes. A more comfortable temperature is created in the tasting area so that the host and his guests can sit there and savor the magical taste of an expensive drink. Various accessories, special utensils, furniture create an atmosphere of mystery in the room. You can't be sloppy here. So that other connoisseurs understand how seriously you take your hobby.

Text: Olga Vasilyeva
Consultant: Cellar Private LLC
