
Drink and don't get drunk. How not to get drunk from alcohol - effective methods

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Although alcohol is best consumed slowly and in moderate amounts, sometimes circumstances may require you to take the exact opposite course of action. There are ways to help you get drunk faster. However, be careful - excess can lead to alcohol poisoning. If you drink too fast, you may end up drinking too much. a large number alcohol, which is unhealthy. Try to follow the rules. If you feel very drunk or unwell, take a break. Don't forget about your health!

Warning: This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to promote misinformation or overuse alcohol.


Part 1

The right choice of drinks
  1. Pay attention to the alcohol content. Various types of drinks contain different amount alcohol. If you want to get drunk faster, choose drinks with more high content alcohol. As a rule, the alcohol content is indicated on the label. If the drink contains a higher percentage of alcohol, this means that with it you will be able to get drunk faster.

    • The strongest beers contain 15-18% alcohol. These varieties are often produced in small breweries rather than large companies.
    • Quite effective and beer with an alcohol content of 11%. If you can't find beer with 15-18% alcohol, look for beer with an alcohol content of about 11%.
    • Remember your rate. Several glasses strong beer may be redundant. Slow down if you feel like you're getting drunk. In case of severe intoxication or malaise, stop drinking so as not to harm your health.
  2. Take low-calorie drinks with alcohol. To get drunk faster, mix alcohol with low-calorie drinks such as soda water. regular drinks are perceived by the body as food, which can slow down the absorption of alcohol, while diet soda does not have this effect and promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol.

    • Often people do not notice that they get drunk faster when mixing alcohol with diet drinks. Be careful and in control if you mix alcoholic drinks with diet soda. Never get behind the wheel of a car.
  3. Try carbonated spirits. This will help you get drunk faster. If you want to get drunk faster and like champagne or white wine with soda, order fizzy drinks.

    • Carbonated spirits include champagne, sparkling wine and tonic cocktails.
  4. Choose not beer, but stronger drinks. Hard liquor contains more alcohol and will get you drunk faster than beer or wine. The body absorbs alcohol from hard drinks faster. In particular, it has been shown that vodka accelerates alcohol intoxication. If you want to get drunk quickly, try drinking hard liquor.

    • Keep in mind that in different bars the same drinks can have different strengths. For example, bartenders can mix drinks in different proportions.
    • At the bar you can order a double portion of a drink. You can get drunk faster if you drink more and faster.
    • Be careful with strong drinks. Do not abuse them so as not to harm your health. Try to limit yourself to a few servings.

    Part 2

    Effective ways to get drunk faster
    1. Try to relax. High stress levels can slow down alcohol intoxication. If you're busy doing something stressful or stressed, it can slow down your drunkenness.

      • Before the party, try to de-stress. Do something to help you relax: watch your favorite TV show, read a book, or do some breathing exercises.
      • Drink with friends with whom you can relax. If you feel tense, it will be harder for you to feel drunk quickly.
    2. Have a light snack before the party starts. Never drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach as it is very dangerous. However, don't eat too much before a party, as this will slow down the rate at which your body metabolizes alcohol. You will get drunk more slowly if you start drinking after a heavy lunch or dinner.

      • Have a light snack about two hours before drinking. Eat a chicken salad, a sandwich, a fish dish Or a small portion of spaghetti.
      • Never drink on an empty stomach. Although this will lead to more rapid intoxication, as a result, you may become ill. Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach is very dangerous for health.
    3. Drink in company. In a cheerful company, you will be able to get drunk faster. People drink faster when they are in big company. Together with friends, you can drink more and get drunk faster.

      • However, do not lose self-control and watch how much you drink. It is possible to drink too much in a cheerful company, especially if you are surrounded by people who can drink a lot. Keep track of your condition. If you feel that you are not feeling well, stop drinking immediately and resist entreaties to drink more.
    4. Drink from a figured glass. From such a glass you can drink more than from a regular glass or a straight beer mug, since in a figured glass it is more difficult to determine the amount of liquid in it by eye. You will be able to get drunk faster if you have less awareness of how much liquid is left in your glass.

      • Bars often serve beer or champagne in curved glasses.
      • Try getting some inexpensive shaped glasses at your local supermarket or glassware store.

    Part 3

    Remember safety
    1. Know your rate. If you are going to get drunk quickly, you need to know how much alcohol will be enough - you do not want to feel bad because you drink too much. Keep track of how much you drink and don't lose your self-control.

      • The norm can be judged by past experience. For example, you may know that if you drink more than a certain amount, you will feel bad.
      • If you have little experience, then you may not know your norm. In this case, listen to your feelings. If you feel physically unwell or very dizzy, then you should stop. You can also ask your friends to keep an eye on you and let you know if they notice you are losing control.
      • Even when drunk, you should control the situation. This can be tricky if you want to get drunk quickly.
      • If you find yourself getting drunk quickly, take a short break. You don't have to drink all night. As soon as signs of intoxication appear, you should immediately stop.

Some do not understand the question of how to drink alcohol and not get drunk, because they believe that you do not need to drink if you do not want to get drunk. But in life there are situations that oblige to take alcohol, for example, in the company of long-known friends, refusal to drink alcohol can be regarded as disrespect for the team.

In this case, a person consumes alcoholic beverages so as not to offend anyone. If a person’s body is very susceptible to alcohol, then he begins to look for ways to stay in an adequate state during the feast.

You need to prepare for drinking a large amount of alcohol in advance. So, let's look at some recommendations that you should resort to even before the first glass of vodka, wine or any other alcoholic beverage:

  1. Physical activity. Go in for sports 6 hours before the feast. This will help the body prepare, the blood will begin to circulate through the body faster, so that alcohol will begin to be processed several times faster.
  2. Raw chicken egg. You need to drink this product 10 minutes before taking the first glass. In the stomach, the egg and alcohol will begin to interact, forming a colloidal mass that will not be quickly absorbed into the wall of the stomach.
  3. Alcohol. It certainly sounds absurd, but 100 grams of alcohol a few hours before a corporate party or other event will allow the body to prepare an enzyme that is responsible for processing and removing alcohol from the body. This is a kind of inoculation against a large amount of alcohol.
  4. Bold. Can I have a drink vegetable oil 50 grams or eat something enveloping and viscous. These compounds will envelop the walls of the stomach, and alcohol will be absorbed much more slowly. It is good to eat porridge with milk, oatmeal or semolina before a feast.
  5. Food. Before the start of the feast, you need to eat, otherwise intoxication will come very quickly. An empty stomach instantly delivers alcohol to the blood.
  6. Eleutherococcus- a powerful composition that tones the body, while preventing alcohol from entering the bloodstream, while the time of intoxication comes much later, or may not come completely.

Take Eleutherococcus as follows:

  • 20 minutes before the first glass, drink 50 drops of the product;
  • then you need to take the same amount of the drug during the evening;
  • even a heavily intoxicated person can sober up if he drinks eleutherococcus.

What should I do to keep my sanity?

The feast has begun, and you need to know some nuances so that it lasts a long time and is not interrupted by your strong intoxication when a person ceases to control himself:

  1. First and foremost, only high-quality alcoholic beverages should be consumed. It is tender to remember that the more impurities in alcohol, the stronger the hangover will be, and intoxication will come much faster.
  2. Quit smoking, especially for those people who smoke from time to time, even one cigarette can increase intoxication at times.
  3. Another unshakable rule is not to mix alcohol. If the feast began with vodka, then it should continue only with its use. Also, many experts argue that it is impossible to lower the degree, for example, after wine you can drink a glass of cognac, but on the contrary, it is not recommended to do it, since intoxication will come immediately.
  4. brain activity helps to cope very well with alcohol intoxication. friendly conversations, intellectual games, and various calculations will help you stay sober.
  5. More moves This will help keep you from getting drunk. For example, you should get up from the table and take a walk on fresh air, but only if it does not change dramatically temperature regime. Dance, have fun, you can arrange various competitions during the gala evening.
  6. have a snack you also need to be able to, you should not eat a lot of food after each glass, because after the whole mass of alcohol can unsettle you in one fell swoop. Food should be in moderation.
  7. Drinking juices or water while drinking, but only as much as the amount of alcohol consumed. Otherwise, you will wake up in the morning with a headache and severe swelling on your face. Do not drink gas water, it is better to give preference to lemon, apple, grape juice. Koumiss for drinking is also a very good option.
  8. Do not drink alcohol more than usual, it is worth remembering that the body can easily digest only 170 grams pure alcohol 70 kg of weight, in other cases, rapid intoxication occurs.
  9. Drinking without getting drunk will help such an appetizer as jelly, marmalade, ear, jellied fish - V general products containing a large amount of glycine, which neutralizes the decay products of alcoholic beverages. Great option will be .
  10. There is a radical way to quickly sober up - induce vomiting. This is certainly not a pleasant process. But very effective, especially if you feel that you will soon get drunk.
  11. You need to drink in one gulp. E If you savor the drink, you will quickly get drunk, since alcohol is absorbed into the blood faster through the oral mucosa.
  12. Take different sorbents every 2 hours, it can be limontar, activated charcoal and other drugs that help cleanse the intestines from harmful substances.
  13. If you like cocktails, then you need to prefer only those that contain vitamin C and citrus juices. These include: Mojito, Bloody Mary, Tequila and so on.

Actions after drinking vodka or other alcohol

  1. After the banquet at a corporate party or other event is over, you should repeat the intake of sorbents and enzymes. If you are at home, then it is worth opening all the windows so that fresh air enters the room, which will help the body quickly remove the decay products of alcohol. At the same time, the influx of fresh air will help not to get sick in the morning with a hangover.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to go to the toilet, so you can get rid of a large amount of harmful substances in the intestines.
  3. You can also take drugs such as Elenium, or Relanium, and put phenazepam under the tongue. But do not abuse pharmaceutical preparations, for example, it is enough to drink 2 pills of motherwort, and the same amount of magnesium - this will help the body to remove the breakdown products of alcohol.
  4. Most good medicine from intoxication - sleep, but if it is impossible to fall asleep due to severe dizziness, then try to take a nap while sitting, and then gradually move to bed. It helps to put your feet in cool water for a few minutes - the cold is sobering in this situation.

Reference. In addition, there are special pharmaceutical preparations, which help not only to stay sober during a feast, but also not to get sick with a hangover the next day.

Effective drugs

Consider the most popular means, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time.


An effective remedy in tablets, which has a complex effect on improving tissue metabolism. The drug is designed to enhance redox reactions, promotes the elimination of toxins and is an excellent antioxidant. When taking these tablets, metabolism improves, with an increase in the production of gastric juice, while increasing appetite.


Hepatoprotector, improves and stabilizes the metabolism in the body, especially for liver cells. Removes toxins, and monitors the safety of cell membranes. If you use this drug before drinking alcohol, then its components quickly absorb ammonia and remove it from the body, converting it into a non-toxic form. This will allow not only not to get drunk from alcohol, but also relieve hangover syndrome since morning.

"Succinic acid"

This drug is taken before drinking alcohol 2 capsules at a time, it is advisable to repeat the intake after the feast. The medicine quickly removes the breakdown products of alcohol, helps well with intoxication and hangover. If you intend to drink a lot of alcohol, then you can take pills every 2 hours, but not more than 6 capsules per day.

There are a few more tips on how to stay sober during a feast for as long as possible:

  1. After drinking drinks, you should not forgive the owners to pour you coffee or black tea - these drinks enhance the effect of alcohol. If you're thirsty, then you better prefer green tea with lemon.
  2. If, nevertheless, it was drunk a lot, and it became bad, it will help ammonia. Its pores will quickly sober up the brain, it is enough to sniff it several times, but without fanaticism, as you can burn the nasal mucosa.
  3. have a snack strong alcohol better meat fatty meals, as fat envelops the walls of the stomach, preventing alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
  4. When drinking strong alcoholic beverages, you need to have a sliced ​​​​lemon on the table, and after each glass, eat one slice, while experts advise salting it.
  5. The use of activated charcoal 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight before drinking alcohol and during a feast every 2 hours will help long time stay sober.
  6. Breathing exercises help to sober up. It is enough to take 10 deep breaths and exhalations of fresh air, as sobering comes.

Watch a video where a neurologist talks about working methods to help you not get drunk from alcohol:

If you follow at least part of the points described above, then you can not get drunk for a long time and not get sick with a hangover in the morning. It should be understood that for a positive result, you need to prepare the body, and during the banquet support it by helping to get rid of toxins and residues of alcohol decay.

On final stage it is necessary to take measures to accelerate metabolism and improve oxidation processes. Provide airflow, as oxygen helps to expel alcohol vapors through the lungs.

In our life there are many solemn occasions in which alcohol flows like a river. And what to do so that the event leaves pleasant memories of itself, and does not serve as a reason for a quarrel or even an accident.

Council number 1.

Disperse the liver, as they say, prepare it for the future alcohol marathon. This means, a few hours before the feast, drink a glass of vodka, so that the liver launches protective barriers, and the subsequent "libations" were met by the body fully armed.

Council number 2.

A few days before the proposed feast, it is necessary to increase the amount of foods containing iodine in the diet, these are mussels, shrimps, squids, seaweed and so on.

In this way, the thyroid gland is stimulated, substances are concentrated in the body, which in the future will accelerate the oxidation of alcohol. Also during the feast it will be preferable to use such products.

Tip #3

Taking medications, in this case we will talk about aspirin, which must be taken a day before the feast. Required rate- 0.5 g. This medicine will enhance microsomal enzymes, help speed up the processing of alcohol. But during the celebration, drinking these pills is prohibited.

Tip #4

An hour before the feast, drink the drug Mezim-forte, Creon, Abomin, twice the dosage than it is written in the instructions for one dose. Festal is not suitable for this business because it reduces the synthesis of bile acids.

Tip #5

Fatty food, this suggests that two hours before the party you need to drink 10 ml olive oil(if possible), eat a sandwich with butter, lard, caviar or sturgeon.

Such food slows down the effects of alcohol by 40-45 minutes, this method can be used if the event does not last long and you have time to get home before you get carried away.

Tip #6

A few hours before drinking alcohol, drink a few tablets of activated charcoal, and immediately before the feast, take 2 more tablets. Make sure that the coal does not remain on the teeth, and therefore you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth before going out to visit.

Do not mix drinks, and do not lower the degrees. Almost all drinks have their own components, which additionally load the liver and lead to rapid intoxication.

Also, various alcoholic beverages are perceived differently by the body, vodka is one thing, and grape liqueur is another. It turns out that the liver processes strong poisons, while other products and alcohols remain unprocessed.

American researchers concluded that clear drinks are better perceived by the body than dark, more saturated ones. Cognac and whiskey load the body more, cause a worse hangover than clear vodka.

During the feast, you need to eat competently, but this does not mean that you need to eat everything, fatty enough food will slow down the effect of alcohol, and fruits and vegetables will dull its degrees.

Also, while drinking alcohol, it will be correct to drink enough liquids, but carbonated drinks are best avoided, they complicate the process of processing alcohol in the body.

  1. It is very difficult to determine your norm, which is why there are so many conversations and anecdotes on this topic. The main thing is to drink to such an extent that you can completely control yourself.
  2. It is advisable to eat alcohol with cold dishes, jelly, fish soup, which contain glycine and neutralize the toxic breakdown products of alcohol.
  3. They say if you drink before the feast a raw egg This will help relieve alcohol intoxication. Eggs form a colloidal mass with alcohol, bind alcohols and prevent them from being absorbed into the walls of the stomach.
  4. Drink in one gulp, because alcohol is absorbed faster through the mucous membrane oral cavity than through the walls of the stomach. Therefore, if you savor alcohol, you will get drunk very soon.
  5. During the feast, you need to move more and leave the table more often, breathe fresh air, and not sit in a stuffy room.
  6. You can replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones if your friends are so willing to drink with you. Pour into a glass mineral water or Apple juice instead of vodka or beer, savor these drinks and be sure that you will not get drunk after a short time.
  7. Induce vomiting, this is the most radical method, but at this time the most effective. This is a justified remedy if you get drunk soon. The procedure can be performed every hour, provided that your health does not worsen after such an event.

If you still drank too much?

Try to freshen up in the fresh air, make yourself green tea, go to the toilet before going to bed, you can also drink an Elenium or Relanium tablet, abuse such medicines it is forbidden.

If there are helicopters in your head, then it is best to try to fall asleep standing up, or hang your arms and legs off the bed so that the body takes this position as vertical. If you feel sick, then do not resist such a factor, but free the stomach from harmful substances.


Take care of your health and drink less alcohol, take care of the liver and do not load it with additional toxic substances. Happiness to you and prosperity!

Probably, many are interested in how not to get very drunk during a feast, especially when you really need to control yourself. There are various tricks to not get drunk.

Alcohol is insidious, it takes away control and destroys health. But situations when you have to drink are present in our lives quite often - corporate parties, weddings of relatives, anniversaries, etc. Today, there are many secrets and tools that help you drink and not get drunk from vodka by reducing the effect of ethanol. Absorbents, Eleutherococcus tincture, lemon, etc., help with this.


When a person drinks alcohol, the drink first enters the stomach cavity. Alcohol is not food, so it should not be digested by the stomach. Because of what it is quickly absorbed into the blood. According to studies, when drinking alcohol, a fifth of it almost instantly enters the bloodstream, after which ethanol is distributed to all organs.

During a feast, in order not to get drunk for a long time, you can’t drink alcohol with carbonated and sweet drinks, since they only accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and “sharp” intoxication occurs, which can cause alcohol poisoning.

It is also not recommended to reduce the degree by switching from vodka or cognac to wine or beer. Mixing various kinds alcohol is also contraindicated. During the feast, try to move more - dance more or take a walk on the street or help the hostess wash the dishes, which also helps a lot.

If intoxication gradually increases, then you can resort to artificial vomiting. Yes, the method is not very pleasant, but it works and can help out in a critical situation.

During the feast, in order not to get drunk for a long time, do not drink alcohol with carbonated and sweet drinks.

  • it is better to drink during a feast in small portions and slowly, so that enzymatic activity is turned on in the body, and the substances necessary for the processing of ethanol have time to develop. To facilitate this task, choose a glass that tapers towards the bottom, with thick walls. This will visually increase the volume, and the amount drunk will be much less;
  • you can not drink in a depressed or emotionally overexcited state. Before the planned event with a drink, it is recommended to sleep well and relax properly. Otherwise, drinking and not getting drunk will not work;
  • since 25% of alcohol is absorbed in the gastric cavity, then use strong drinks on an empty stomach is categorically unacceptable. Be sure to eat before the upcoming celebration, especially useful foods with vitamins B₆, B₁ and C (seeds, buckwheat, bananas and lemons, eggs, dairy products, citruses);
  • give up alcohol if you have recently been ill or very tired after intense physical work. A weak body will react to alcohol much faster and stronger than usual;
  • before the holiday, 2-3 hours before the holiday, you can take 4-5 tablets of coal and before drinking 2 more. The point is that coal absorbs part fusel oils and ethanol. And an hour before drinking alcohol, he recommends drinking a Festal or Mezim tablet, these drugs will help gastric activity.

If a person nevertheless went too far with alcohol, then a very bleak morning awaits him with a bunch of hangover symptoms. In some people, this condition does not happen or it manifests itself slightly, but most often, with the abuse of the withdrawal syndrome, it is not possible to avoid it.

In such a state, it is recommended to take some kind of absorbent like coal or Enterosgel. In addition, it is recommended to drink more fluids. It can be mineral non-carbonated water, cranberry or citrus juice, chicken bouillon, green tea with lemon slice and mint, etc.

It is recommended to take a walk, which will help relieve headaches. If there are no problems with cardiovascular activity, then it will not hurt cold and hot shower. After all the procedures, you can go to bed, in a dream the body will recover faster. But the most perfect option- do not abuse, then you will not need these tips.

As Prince Vladimir used to say: "Rus' is fun to drink." But, as a rule, I want this very fun not to turn into a swine drinking party, accompanied by the loss of human appearance. Of course, to achieve this result, it is enough not to exceed your own measure, which everyone knows. However, this rule is not always followed. Therefore, there are a number of tricks, tips and recipes that allow you to be yourself without falling out of the general drinking rhythm. But, before you get acquainted with them, you should understand a few important points for yourself.

The following methods will allow you to reduce or slow down alcohol intoxication, but will not prevent a hangover. The fact is that the level of intoxication and the degree of morning disaster are not always interconnected.

How to drink and not get drunk

Some methods associated with taking certain medications require a careful and thoughtful approach. Before using them, you need to determine whether certain drugs have side effects that are undesirable for your body.

You should not resort to several, especially medication, methods at once. In some cases, they contradict each other, and often their combination can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

There is no guarantee that any of the options we have proposed to deal with intoxication will necessarily give the desired result. In this case, much depends on individual characteristics your body. It is possible that before you are lucky enough to choose the best option for yourself, you will encounter several unsuccessful attempts.

If the feast hit you unexpectedly, or you simply did not have time to take action ahead of time, there are a number of rules and methods that will allow you to cope with the situation.

Choose your snack wisely. Non-burdensome for the liver should prevail in it. low-fat meals, and plant food with vitamin C and diuretic properties. If, among other things, you eat a lemon, then eat it with the peel, because it contains not only vitamin C that oxidizes alcohol, but also pectin that neutralizes it. In addition, fish soup, jellied meat, jellied fish and marmalade containing glycine can be a good snack. This substance neutralizes toxins that occur during the breakdown of alcohol. As for heavy and fatty foods, it can be consumed before an event that promises a maximum of alcohol and a minimum of snacks. In this case, alcohol will be absorbed into what you eat ahead of time, which will postpone for a while, but will not cancel its effect.

Mix alcohol with soft drinks accelerating the removal of harmful substances naturally. At the same time, ignore carbonated and sugary drinks. The former irritate the gastric mucosa, while the latter accelerate intoxication. Juices rich in vitamin C (lemon, apple, grape, etc.) are best, or plain water. Also keep in mind that the amount of non-alcoholic liquid should not exceed the volume of alcohol, otherwise in the morning, in addition to a hangover, you will also get puffiness.

Alcohol is desirable to drink in one gulp. Remember that alcohol is much faster absorbed into the bloodstream through the oral mucosa than through the walls of the stomach.

If possible, it is worth drinking a raw egg immediately before taking alcohol. It gels alcohol, which makes it much more difficult for alcohol to enter the bloodstream.

Remember to move more between toasts. Thus, you will increase the intensity of the removal of toxic substances from the body.

Try to always have some kind of sorbent that absorbs toxins with you, for example, Activated carbon. The main thing is that two hours after taking the drug, you can safely relieve yourself, otherwise the sorbent will have time to return the absorbed alcohol back to the body.

Also, do not forget a few well-known rules:

  1. Don't drink on an empty stomach.
  2. Smoking during a feast, especially among people who smoke little, will significantly speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  3. Sudden temperature changes lead to the same consequences, for example, going out into the cold from a warm room.
  4. To avoid additional load on the liver, do not mix different alcoholic beverages. If you can’t get away from this, try to play to increase the degree.
  5. Black tea and coffee can exacerbate the effects of alcohol.

Tricks to get ahead

If the large-scale feast coming to you is expected and predictable, then you can prepare for it in advance.

In this case classic version is the so-called "vaccination". Somewhere 3-4 hours before the event, you need to drink about a tenth of the volume planned to be consumed at the table. Say, if you expect to persuade half a liter of vodka, then 50 grams of it as a preventive measure will be quite enough. As a result, you will activate ahead of time the resources of your liver responsible for the neutralization of alcohol, which will help you to fully meet the upcoming libation.

In order to improve liver function, it is possible to contribute to a temporary increase in the outflow of bile. For this morning of a significant day, you need to drink Liv-52 (one tablet or half a teaspoon per 17 kg of your weight) or 2 tablespoons of rosehip syrup. Also suitable for bile herbal collection No. 2 (a tablespoon of hay per 200 g of boiling water).

Good support to the same long-suffering internal organ Vitamin B6 can help. Accordingly, 12 and 4 hours before the proposed alcoholic adventure, 70-100 mg of one of the preparations containing this vitamin should be taken. They can be B-complex, Pitzian, Neuromultivit or, say, Neurogamma.

During the two days preceding the feast, it is proposed to eat iodine-containing foods: mussels, squid, shrimps, sea ​​kale, feijoa, etc. Due to this, your thyroid gland will release a significant amount of hormones into the body that promote oxidation, that is, the neutralization of alcohol.

To speed up the processing of alcohol, you can drink from 0.3 to 0.5 g of aspirin or a similar drug containing acetylsalicylic acid a day before the event. In addition, the metabolism is well promoted by such means as succinic acid(take the dose specified in the instructions one hour before the meal), Mezim and its analogues (double dose one hour before the feast), with the exception of Festal, as well as Glutargin, aka AlcoClean (1.7-1.8 g of the drug an hour and a half before libations).

And, finally, if you get drunk even after a small dose of alcohol, which is not possible to refuse, but it is imperative to keep a bright head for 30-40 minutes, you can drink 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil 15-20 minutes before drinking alcohol. oils. It forms a kind of film on the walls of your stomach that does not allow alcohol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. At the same time, keep in mind that as soon as the film dissolves, you will inevitably overtake a quick and severe intoxication.

Recipes in case of overkill

If you realize that intoxication has overtaken you, but you still remain able to perform meaningful actions, then you have a chance to take control of the situation again.

You can smell ammonia. This procedure will help regain control over consciousness.

An effective alcohol detox is well promoted by green tea or mate.

If before you started drinking alcohol you relied on accelerating your metabolism, drink Mezim or one of its analogues again (but still not Festal).

If pre-using sorbents, also repeat the appropriate procedure.

We sincerely hope that the methods suggested above will help you avoid unpleasant situations associated with alcohol adventures. But at the same time, you must remember that due to the unpredictability of each individual human body multiplied by side effects from the above medical preparations, it is best to try to prevent the very threat of such situations.
