
Meat diet meals. Choosing lean meats for weight loss

Even if you follow a special diet, you can not refuse meat, since it is an important source of iron, potassium, proteins and other trace elements.

This is especially true for people with health problems or those who regularly play sports and need constant nourishment with vitamins.

When following a diet, it is necessary to replace all types of fatty poultry and fish with dietary meat with reduced content fats, choosing the most useful.

What meat is considered dietary

Among all types of meat, poultry is considered the lowest in calories, especially chicken and turkey. Rabbit and veal are considered dietary products.

It is better to refrain from pork and duck: they contain a lot of fat. The calorie content of meat depends on its type and method of cooking. by the most the best way processing is considered to be steaming or stewing with vegetable side dish.

Table of dietary meat, calorie content and nutritional value

Each type of meat has different ratio BJU and calories.

The most common types of meat and their energy value:

Thus, the least nutritious in terms of diet are duck and goose, it is best to avoid them during the diet.


According to the calorie table, veal is one of the most low-calorie species meat.

Regular intake of this meat in food will reduce the calorie intake of dishes, help to saturate the body with iron.

It must be remembered that eating only red meat increases the risk of developing malignant tumors. The best option would be to alternate veal with other varieties.


One of the best but less available options for weight loss. Horsemeat is difficult to get, but it is a storehouse of protein and fat, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

It does not contain cholesterol, it is ideal for diabetics and people with vascular diseases. Horse meat has one minus - a sharp, specific taste and smell, which repels many.


Perfect option for adherents proper nutrition and people with poor health. Chicken is the most affordable meat rich in vitamins A, E and C. It is quickly absorbed and does not contain many carbohydrates.

Advice: if you want to reduce calories chicken meat, it is better to extract internal organs and remove the skin.

Chicken is quick and easy to prepare. It requires minimal processing time, goes well with any products.


Beef is rich in fluorine, magnesium and potassium, has pleasant taste. Nutritionists recommend including it in the weekly menu. Regular use in the diet of veal contributes to the normalization of digestion.

Due to the presence of zinc, it improves blood circulation and is suitable for people with vascular diseases.

The only negative is the long and laborious processing.


Not the most low-calorie meat, but the presence of fluorine and a reduced percentage of animal fat make it useful for losing weight. By adding turkey to the diet, you can make up for the lack of phosphorus, fluorine, vitamin B and P in the body.


The list of the most dietary types of meat is rightfully headed by rabbit meat. It combines the perfect balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is recommended to everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight.

Advice : when buying rabbit meat, it is important to pay attention Special attention for meat. The carcass should be fresh, pleasant Pink colour without spots and bruises, not sticky and without a strong smell.

Rabbit Meat Helps Restore lipid metabolism, accelerate metabolism. Meat is considered hypoallergenic and suitable for people with hypersensitivity to meat products.


Lamb contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and important trace elements. Increased content iodine, iron, zinc makes it the most healthy meat for weight loss and athletes.

Lecithin has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and metabolism, allows you to normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Doctors do not advise adding lamb to the daily diet: it overuse can lead to the development of sclerosis and obesity.


It is one of the most common types of meat, but not the most low-calorie. 100 grams of pork contains twice as much fat as chicken, but it is rich in vitamin B and zinc.

Pork is quickly absorbed by the body. and does not complicate the processes of digestion, it is useful to add it to the diet of nursing mothers.

goose and duck

Goose and duck are the heaviest and high-calorie types meat according to the table energy value. They have a lot of cholesterol, they are categorically contraindicated for diabetics.

At the same time, duck and goose are a source of proteins, give a quick feeling of fullness.

The retinol and pyridoxine included in their composition have a positive effect on potency, contribute to the accelerated breakdown of amino acids. Therefore, goose and duck are indicated for use in strictly limited doses.

Recipes for cooking diet meat dishes

To eat meat on a diet and not get better, it is important to choose suitable look and cook it right.

For those who adhere healthy eating it is best to avoid frying in vegetable oil, batter and grilling: this increases the calorie content of the product.

It is better to bake the dish in the oven and steam it with vegetables. Inexpensive diet menu can be quite varied. The most common are considered meat salads, meatballs, soups, fat-free cutlets, casseroles.

For simple and delicious salad with vegetables and chicken boiled breast birds. Thighs and wings can be used but have more fat.


  1. It is necessary to boil the brisket weighing 200 grams, cut into pieces.
  2. Take 300 grams of broccoli, two carrots, chop and simmer in a pan for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour the brisket and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle the finished salad at the end lemon juice pour with a spoon olive oil and serve warm.

To cook turkey meatballs, you will need 500 g of poultry fillet, onions, garlic, zucchini, celery, medium carrots.


  1. Grind the fillet together with the onion in a meat grinder, throw garlic, celery and a couple of zucchini, then grind again.
  2. IN minced meat pour 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, salt, mold small meatballs.
  3. Pour sunflower oil, chopped onions and carrots into a saucepan, fry over low heat, put meatballs, pour water and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Serve with greens.

For cooking classic dish you will need 450 g of beef, tomato, carrot, onion.


  1. Separate the fat and remove the film, cut into big chunks, lightly beat off and grate with salt and spices.
  2. Put the beef in a heated pan, add vegetable oil, leave to simmer for 10 minutes, add water and leave for another 15 minutes.
  3. Chop onions, grate carrots, 2 tomatoes, add a glass of water, 150 ml of milk and 1 tsp. lemon.
  4. Pour the sauce over the dish and simmer for 2-4 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

for cooking diet rabbit will be required the following ingredients: 600 g fillet, 3 onions, 2 carrots, 500 g champignons, eggplant, spices.


  1. Rabbit meat must be finely chopped and marinated using a mixture of apple cider vinegar, rosemary and spices. Leave to soak in the marinade for 2 hours.
  2. Grind onions, carrots, mushrooms, fry in sunflower oil.
  3. Take out the rabbit and lightly fry it in another pan.
  4. Fold in a deep pan in layers of fillet, mushrooms with onions and carrots, diced eggplant. Sprinkle salt, spices and minced garlic on top.
  5. Pour everything with water, leave to languish on fire for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Add 400 g of sour cream to the pan and leave for another 10 minutes.
  7. Serve with greens.

Meat in French

To prepare a low fat version famous dish, it is better to take chicken: this way the calorie content will be reduced to 190 kcal.


  1. 500 g chicken fillet you need to cut into thin pieces, put in a bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl mix 1 egg, add salt, pepper, fill the fillet with a mixture and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
  3. Cut tomatoes into circles, grate low-fat cheese.
  4. Lay out the fillet pieces, put the tomatoes on top, pour low-fat yogurt and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Bake the dish for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Advice: chicken burns easily, this can be avoided by lining a baking sheet with baking paper or greasing with olive oil.

How to cook meat for those who want to lose weight?

First of all at diet food it is necessary to abandon frying in vegetable oil, grilling and battering.

These are the most high-calorie cooking methods that can increase the calorie content of even the most dietary meat. The best options for processing meat dishes are boiling and stewing.

With this method of processing, useful substances are preserved, and calories do not increase. Roasting with a vegetable side dish and steaming are considered acceptable.

If you cannot give up the usual frying of meat products, it is recommended to fry in a dry frying pan without using oil.

In the oven

Roasting in the oven allows you to cook tasty and juicy meat, retaining all its beneficial properties. This method is simple and does not require much time.

You can simplify the cooking process and avoid burning by using foil for baking. The advantage of this method is the preservation of juiciness and softness of the dish, which is quite difficult to achieve when frying or stewing.

For a couple

Usually, a kitchen appliance such as a slow cooker is used to cook lean meat for a couple. It allows you to cook a dish quickly and without problems, the steam saves maximum amount proteins and vitamins.

The advantage of the method is simplicity, because the products can be left in the slow cooker even without supervision: the automatic timer will not allow them to burn or overcook.


Cooking allows you to cook Lenten dish with easily digestible protein, but not all types of meat are suitable for this method. It is better to cook chicken, turkey, rabbit meat.

It is worth refusing boiled pork: it has a specific smell.


Despite the well-established opinion about high calorie content and the inadmissibility of eating in a diet, meat as a valuable source of protein should be present in the diet of a person who is losing weight.

The right choice of meat and best way its preparations allow you to preserve vitamins and elements, get tasty low fat dish without affecting the weight loss process.

Meat is the most important product nutrition in humans. It enriches our body with protein, which secretes vital hormones and is involved in the formation of muscle tissue. Also, meat is a source of the most basic trace elements and vitamins. But it is worth remembering that maximum benefit health bring types of dietary meat.

What meat is considered dietary?

TO lean species meats are lean varieties. It is this product that most often becomes the main dish in the diet for weight loss, as well as in the treatment of numerous diseases. Most people are interested in what kind of meat is the most dietary. So, the lean varieties include:

  1. Rabbit meat. Rabbit meat is rightly called the most useful and most dietary meat. The protein contained in the rabbit is very quickly and easily digested. And the main advantage of this meat is that it practically does not contain salt, which, as you know, retains fluid in the body.
  2. Chicken meat. But it is worth using the brisket, because it is this part that is considered dietary, for 100 g of which there are 113 kcal.
  3. turkey meat. The turkey contains the minimum amount of cholesterol and the maximum useful elements. This meat is easily digestible and enriches the body with vitamins. In 100 g of turkey fillet, there are only 112 kcal.
  4. Veal. It is a low-calorie, lean meat that boasts an abundance of vitamins and minerals it contains. By the way, veal contributes to the regulation of blood glucose levels, which is very important when dieting. On average, 100 g of the product contains 100 kcal and only 2 g of fat.

But do not forget that the method of preparation also affects the dietary quality of meat. If it is fried in oil, and even with the addition of fatty sauces and spicy ones, then it can hardly be called lean. But if the listed types of meat are steamed, boiled or baked in the oven, then you will get the most dietary meat in the world!

There is an opinion according to which meat products harm the human body. IN Lately this point of view is increasingly conquering the world, and under its pressure, many people completely refuse to eat meat. However, one should not argue in such a categorical way. In fact, meat is an important source of complete proteins with an excellent degree of digestibility, also due to the essential amino acids in its composition. It is only necessary to include in the diet in order to benefit from such food. dietary types meat treats.

Features of dietary meat

The term "dietary" can be deciphered as "suitable for use in a diet". The latter, in turn, involves careful compilation daily diet taking into account the purpose for which the specified method of nutrition is carried out: for weight loss or in connection with an existing disease. In any case, the dietary menu involves delicacy of food products that have specific characteristics. The category of these indicators, applicable including to dietary meat, includes:

  • Low calorie content due to the content in the delicacy of a small amount of animal fats and carbohydrates. The former are the raw material for the formation of cholesterol, "clogging" blood vessels and increases the risk of blood clots at a high level in the blood, and, as a result, strokes and heart attacks. Even the abundance of fats, systematically entering the human body, does not have time to be spent and is stored in reserve. As for carbohydrates, they, like lipids, can also turn into extra calories and increase blood glucose levels.
  • Presence enough complete protein. Protein is the building block for muscle tissue, and absorption dietary products, rich in amino acids, reliably protects the muscles from exhaustion in the case of targeted weight loss. In addition, proteins replenish energy stores no worse than carbohydrates with lipids, but do not provoke the development of fullness.
  • The abundance of micro-, macroelements and vitaminsimportant for maintaining the health of a gourmet at the proper level. Listed mineral and organic compounds create a balance useful substances V human body, eliminate failures in the work of vital organs. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, B vitamins , , , - all this can be obtained by including dietary meat products in your diet.

Types of dietary meat

Meat that has the characteristics discussed above comes in several varieties.

Chicken meat, more precisely - chicken breast. This is the so-called white meat. The proportion of protein in this meat product is 20%. Fat is also present, but its amount rarely reaches the figure just announced: usually it is 9-18%. Chicken breast is biologically saturated active substances and mineral salts. This type of dietary meat is suitable for consumption even by nursing mothers and babies as complementary foods. Quality chicken breast is usually covered delicate skin light pink shade. Prioritize when choosing fresh meat. calories chicken breast- 113 kcal.

Turkey meat. Not far from chicken meat in terms of energy value: it contains only 112 kcal. It is also characterized by high digestibility by the human body, the presence of an abundance of vitamins, especially group B. There is more phosphorus in this product than in sea fish; in addition, it is rich in selenium. There is practically no cholesterol in turkey. It is best to buy meat devoid of skin.

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary animal meat. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are found in almost ideal proportions. TO useful properties rabbit meat include the ability to normalize blood levels of "bad" cholesterol and increase metabolic rate. Rabbit meat is a hypoallergenic product. The amount of protein in this delicacy is 21%, the proportion of fat does not exceed 15%. fresh carcass rabbit should have a pale pink color.

Low-calorie and absolutely low-fat is also veal. This meat is rich in minerals and vitamins. In 100 g of it, there are only 100 kcal, from 10 to 20% protein and 2 g of fat. It is known for certain that the use of this type of dietary meat reduces the level of glucose in the blood. However, many experts agree that the degree of digestibility leaves much to be desired.

Little fat and, accordingly, calories contain horse meat with venison. However, it is quite difficult to buy these types of meat due to their low prevalence and high cost. Yes and taste qualities These types of meat products will not appeal to everyone.

Closes the list dietary varieties meat lean beef. The most useful segments of a cattle carcass are the thin part and the tenderloin. The calorie content of beef without a layer of fat is in the range of 140 - 158 kcal per 100 g of delicacy. This type of meat is rich in vitamins E, PP, group B; cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium. When buying, pay attention to the color of the beef (it should vary from pink to bright red), the presence of fillet elasticity and a pleasant aroma.

How to cook dietary meat

If low-calorie, having a balanced chemical composition the meat product is subjected to heat treatment without taking into account the recommendations of nutritionists, it will lose its dietary properties and will be able to inflict a crushing blow to your health and weight. So take note of the following tips.

  • Do not fry meat in a pan. Don't do it even if you use vegetable oils and not animal fats. Otherwise, you will raise the energy value of the product to an impressive size, which, of course, is not at all in your interests.
  • Do not add to meat dishes fatty sauces such as mayonnaise, homemade sour cream. It will also increase the calorie content of the product.
  • Don't get carried away with spices. This is especially true for those food additives that have spicy taste- such spices make the appetite simply uncontrollable.
  • If you want to pickle a diet delicacy, refrain from using vinegar. Alternatively, you can mix as a marinade

Meat has been an integral part of the diet of almost all human cultures since ancient times. Due to the content of protein and essential nutrients that cannot be obtained from other types of food, meat is extremely useful for athletes and people experiencing physical exertion.

Meat helps to recover after heavy loads. You can argue for a long time which meat is the most useful, since different types of it have different advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare them by nutritional value:

Types of meat, calorie table:

Proteins per 100 g

Fats per 100 g

Carbohydrates per 100 g

Kcal per 100 g




The table shows that dietary meats are: veal, horse meat, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat. But from the use of pork, ducks, geese and fatty lamb - dieters should refrain. For athletes, it is also preferable to choose lean types meat.

The benefits of ready meat product depends not only on the choice of meat, but also on the method of its preparation. Meat is not recommended to be fried, processed into minced meat, consumed with hard-to-digest food. You should not use and equate meat with semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats, because of the additives and stabilizers they contain, they are extremely harmful.

The best meat is steamed or stewed, with vegetable garnish and the minimum amount salt. To find out which meat is the most useful, consider each type in more detail.


What is the most nutritious meat? The answer is unequivocal - rabbit meat. The ratio of proteins, fats and kilocalories in it is close to ideal, and therefore this meat is included in many dietary rations. An interesting fact is that rabbit meat normalizes lipid metabolism, which means -.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then rabbit meat is the most the best choice for your nutrition, it is hypoallergenic. The most important thing is to choose a fresh carcass. Its color should be uniform, pale pink, without bruises and bruises, it should not smell of anything and be dry.


Turkey meat is also on the list diet varieties meat due to low fat content. There is even more phosphorus in this bird than in fish, which is considered the champion in the content of this substance. One serving of turkey will provide the body with half the daily requirement of vitamins and daily rate vitamin R.

If you are losing weight, choose the light part of the turkey, which has the least amount of fat. Do not eat her skin. A big plus of turkey is the presence of selenium, a powerful antioxidant.


What is chicken meat known for? Easy digestibility, low percentage of fat and good taste. Chicken contains iron and phosphorus, as well as vitamins, and. In addition, it is very easy to prepare, goes well with many products and is available in any store.

Tip: To reduce the amount of fat, remove the skin from the chicken before cooking. You should not eat chicken organs, because they have almost no benefit.


The most dietary meat in our table. Losing weight with veal is quite easy, because its calorie content is several times lower than that of other types of meat from our list. But why can't we call veal the healthiest meat? She has a number of shortcomings.

First, her muscles are underdeveloped, and immature fibers are unhealthy. Secondly, calf meat, like any red meat, increases the risk of developing malignant tumors in those who are predisposed to cancer.

Veal can be included in the diet for variety, but should not be eaten more than once a week.


Beef is one of the most popular species meat all over the world. Make it valuable unique composition and properties. It is considered unsafe to consume meat too often, but certainly not in the case of beef. It helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach, is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

There is much more zinc in beef than in other types of meat, and high content minerals improves blood circulation. The only downside is the fact that cooking beef is a rather laborious process that takes a lot of time.


This meat, unfortunately, is not popular in our country, but athletes should definitely pay attention to it. In her great amount complete protein and very little fat. Several types of amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as B vitamins, make horse meat the most valuable product to provide the body with nutrients.

In addition, it does not contain cholesterol, which makes it valuable for people who care about the state of blood vessels. The only negative is the specific taste, not quite familiar to most people. Choose the youngest meat - it has less fat.


Lamb contains a large number of nutrients and trace elements. Specifically: iron, B-group vitamins,. This is the record holder for iron content among meat, so lamb is recommended for anemia.

Lamb fat is a healing and easily digestible product. Since ancient times, used by the peoples of the Caucasus in medicinal purposes. And modern science backs it up. healing properties, so the lecithin contained in lamb meat It has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body and normalizes cholesterol levels.

It should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of lamb can lead to the development of obesity and sclerosis. It is not recommended for the elderly or those with arthritis. The high concentration of lipids in lamb creates the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Pork contains almost all B vitamins, iron, zinc. Despite a fairly well-established myth, it is quite easy to digest by the body. Pork is recommended for lactating women to stimulate the production of breast milk. high calorie content allows you to quickly restore the supply of energy.

Style Outcome

Depending on what goals you set for your nutrition, you should choose meat for yourself. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each type, we can conclude which one will help you gain muscle, which one will help you lose weight, and which one will restore your health. StyleFitness definitely recommends its readers to include meat in their diet.

Meat dishes are loved everywhere. Scientists have proven that low-fat varieties of this product with proper cooking can improve health and help maintain harmony.

Which positive properties for the body brings such a menu ingredient and which varieties are better for people who are prone to overweight?

The benefits of lean meat

Meat products contain animal protein, which is the main component of tissues and cells. In addition to protein, meat is rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins, amino acids. IN fat-free varieties there is practically no harmful cholesterol that can adversely affect blood vessels and the heart.

They are indicated for long-term diets to maintain muscle mass. Collagen, contained in lean meat delicacies, is involved in the formation of cells of the joints, skin, blood vessels.

Boiled lean meat of red varieties and broths based on it are especially useful. It increases hemoglobin and supports the skeletal system.

Meat diet basics

An adult should eat meat daily at least 130-150 grams. Of course, it is desirable that the product is non-greasy. Lean varieties include:

  1. chicken;
  2. veal;
  3. rabbit meat;
  4. beef;
  5. turkey;
  6. horsemeat.

Veal is considered a dietary variety of meat with a minimum of fat, especially in boiled. But this does not mean that during the diet it is eaten in unlimited quantities.

Chicken is also lean. It contains useful amino acids and is easier to digest than beef and pork. Based chicken broth are obtained nutritious borscht and soups.

Turkey - useful variety meat, containing the most vitamins, minerals, protein and a minimum of cholesterol. It is rich in manganese, iron, calcium, sulfur, potassium. Dishes with boiled or oven-cooked turkey are the prevention of vascular pathologies, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Rabbit meat is a dietary low-calorie meat that can also be given to allergic children. Small muscle fibers of rabbit meat are easily digested. It is useful after a long illness, as it strengthens a weakened body. There are no contraindications to the inclusion of rabbit meat in the dietary menu.

Horse meat is an exotic meat. According to the composition of amino acids, it is perfectly balanced meat delicacy. Compared to beef, horsemeat protein is much faster digested. Fat in horsemeat is the minimum concentration. Horse meat dishes do not contain vitamin A and nourish the cells with iron, neutralizing harmful components. horse meat should be High Quality and fresh, as bad meat contains a lot of carbohydrates and pathogenic bacteria.

Features of eating meat

If you follow a diet, you can not stop eating protein foods, especially meat. Hemoglobin may drop, heart problems will appear, bones will become less dense, but meat must also be cooked and chosen correctly.

Lean veal does not harm the figure. You can cook dishes from roast beef, sirloin and steak. It is better to avoid ribs and fatty entrecote, in which there are fatty layers.

The best veal is grilled or in the oven.

Hearty horsemeat is better not to serve in the evening. Her useful components come in handy for lunch. From chicken, it is better to give preference to the brisket, and about fried legs and wings better to forget. These are the fattest parts of the chicken. Chicken breast is baked in foil, fried without oil on the grill, stewed with vegetables.

Boiled meat is served without fatty broths and sauces with vegetables:

  • all varieties of cabbage; Read more about the diet at different types cabbage read the article
  • string beans;
  • zucchini;
  • celery
  • green peas;
  • carrots;
  • paprika;
  • tomatoes.

They are served stewed in the form of stews, mashed or raw. Salt is desirable to be excluded from the menu. The meat is seasoned different spices for taste. It's better not to mix meat with potatoes, pasta, rice or cereals. These are heavy meals for the stomach.
