
Why fish is healthier than meat. An urgent question in the theory of nutrition: why is meat useful, what dangers does it hide? Which meat is healthier? What can tell the stomach and intestines

Scientists long time tried to study the phenomenon: why such distant peoples as the Japanese and the Eskimos, much less often than many others, suffer from cardiovascular diseases? It turned out that everything is simple. They eat fish every day, moreover, fatty varieties: sardines, herring, salmon, burbot. And this has a positive effect on their health, since even the fatty fish contains less than in the lean meat. It turns out that meat loses to fish in a dispute for greater utility. And there is confirmation of this.

What is useful fish

Depending on the type of fish, the fats contained in it differ in chemical composition. But be that as it may, the fish contains a large number of, polyunsaturated acids, which are extremely useful for bones. So if there is a desire to avoid and, you need to eat more fish. You should know that in salty and smoked fish healing properties preserved much worse.

How much meat does the body need

Meat, no doubt, remains an important source of complete proteins, but older people are recommended to eat no more than 100-150 grams of boiled meat per week.

Fish helps the heart

Fish contains one-third less than lean meat. Fish is pleasant and easy to eat without potatoes and bread with seasoning in the form of lemon juice, fuck, soy sauce. By the way, the Eskimos almost do not eat fruits and vegetables, but they eat fish. At the same time, the cardiovascular system of representatives of this nationality can cause good envy. It is no coincidence that fish oil and fish are promoted as a means to prevent heart attacks.

Fish protein is better absorbed

Both fish and meat are rich in proteins necessary for the full healthy functioning of the human body, but fish has much less connective tissue. Because of this, it is able to be better absorbed. On average, a person manages to digest fish protein by 98 percent, and meat protein by 89 percent. So is it worth it to overload your body with hard-to-digest food? Seafood and fish are endowed with a high nutritional value at the expense high content fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3. Most of these elements are in fatty fish, such as:

  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • Rainbow trout;
  • mackerel;
  • herring;
  • tuna;
  • sardine.

From meat tends to sleep, fish excites desire

After hearty dumplings, rich borscht, a sandwich with smoked sausage I want to have my afternoon nap. At the same time, lovers of fish and seafood are usually ready for any accomplishments, including love ones. It is no coincidence that every recipe for an erotic dinner includes seafood. Casanova himself preferred to eat several dozen oysters at a time, which is why he became famous in boudoirs.

Fish or meat? What to choose, which is better and more useful? This question is constantly raised in the circles of specialists in healthy nutrition. Both fish and meat healthy foods rich in protein and saturated with amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. However, there are several differences between fish and meat that make it possible to recommend fish for choice.

Useful material

  • In terms of protein content, meat is ahead of fish: 25-30% per 100 g of meat versus 15-25 g per 100 g of fish. However, more fish protein enters the body, since the preparation of fish requires less time, which means that the protein does not have time to break down. In addition, the protein fish products much better absorbed by the human body due to the low content of connective tissue in fish.
  • The cholesterol found in red meat is almost non-existent in fish. And polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the removal of cholesterol and the cleansing of blood vessels from plaques.
  • By content essential amino acids fish is also ahead of meat.
  • The vitamin and mineral composition of meat and fish is qualitatively similar, but quantitatively, fish leads in terms of the content of phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, vitamins of group B, D, A, PP, and meat contains more iron.

Calorie content and dietary properties

  • Even fatty fish are dietary, and their calorie content does not exceed 200 kcal - against average calorie content meat 200-400 kcal.
  • Fish oil is a product that is almost entirely composed of fatty acids, so it is useful, easy to digest and promotes weight loss. regular use fish for food. Meat fats (excluding diet varieties meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken fillet, veal) are much worse absorbed and contain little useful substances, That's why frequent use meat dishes can lead to weight gain.
  • With intensive sports, fish should be chosen as the main source of protein, only occasionally including meat dishes in the diet. Doing the opposite, you risk provoking the active formation of lactic acid in the muscles and experiencing discomfort.

Impact on health

  • Eating fish reduces the risk of developing diseases of cardio-vascular system. Moderate consumption of meat does not increase the risks, but does not affect health promotion.
  • Fast digestion and assimilation of fish contributes to the health of the digestive tract. Excessive consumption of meat products wears out the gastrointestinal tract much faster, can cause indigestion and liver problems.
  • Regular consumption of fish has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system, increasing stress resistance and improving memory. Meat products do not have a similar effect on the CNS.
  • The combination of useful substances and fatty acids in the composition of fish helps to strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: both meat and fish must be present in a full-fledged diet. healthy eating should be varied and certainly of high quality, only in this case it will work to preserve health, youth and beauty. However, in the case of meat, a number of restrictions should be observed and moderation should be remembered, and fish can be eaten every day without worrying about the consequences.

Immediately make a reservation: the answer will be ambiguous. Here is the last, a month old verdict on this problem: daily replacement of one serving of any meat (pork, beef, veal, lamb and products from them) with chicken or turkey meat reduces by 19% the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD is the main ailment of our time, manifested heart pain, arrhythmias, heart failure, heart attacks, and sudden death). Scientists from Harvard came to this conclusion after evaluating the results of the Nurses' Health Study, in which more than 84,000 medical women aged 30 to 55 were observed for 26 years.

At first they were all healthy, but as they got older, the burden of diseases accumulated, and experts assessed how they were related to nutrition, lifestyle and other factors. These nurses have already given humanity a lot of advice on what to do in life and what to refrain from. In this latest work, protection against CHD is not just about chicken. Scientists generally evaluated the more useful to replace meat proteins. Indeed, one portion of it per day increases the risk of coronary artery disease by 16%, and two - by 29%. It turned out that among protein products, the best substitute is nuts: their daily portion instead of meat reduced the risk of coronary artery disease by 30%. Replacing one meat dish with fish reduced the risk by 24%, and low-fat dairy products - by 13. As you can see, in this rating of meat substitutes, poultry takes the penultimate place, overtaking only cottage cheese, cheeses and sour-milk products.

Breast and legs apart

Of course, in real life it is difficult to replace one meat dish with chicken every day - it quickly becomes boring. And in relation to us, the Russians, we need to talk about the refusal not only from cutlets, steaks and all kinds of entrecote, but also from sausages and sausages - after all, they also go through the department of meat dishes. There is another Russian aspect that could weaken the usefulness American councils: chicken in our country and in the USA is two different product. Remember: why is the chief sanitary doctor Onishchenko fighting only with Bush's legs, and not with breasts or chicken in general? This is exactly what is left to us from the American table. The Yankees prefer the most useful part chicken - breast (it has less harmful fats and cholesterol), legs are sent to us, and the rest is allowed for fast food and processing. Please note (see table): in skinless breasts, there is 11 times less fat than in Bush's legs and 14 times less fat than in wings!

Be like the Yankees

Applied to white meat chicken, so popular in the US, these figures can be multiplied by 2 - it is the leanest. Even if the skin is skinned from the thighs (it contains the most fat and cholesterol), there will be 4.5 times more fat in them than in the breast, and 9 times more than in white meat. According to the content of harmful cholesterol, Bush's legs are in the lead, and there is little of it in the breast and fillet from it, but beneficial proteins a lot of.

In a word, we need to learn to love American-style chicken - not juicy, but dry and without a fried crust. In terms of harmful substances formed during cooking, chicken is not much inferior to meat: when high temperature it also produces carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and harmful end products of glycolysis. There are especially a lot of them in a deliciously crispy crust. However, chicken has one advantage that is not associated with fats: it has less so-called gems than meat. These substances give the red color to blood and meat, and the pinkish color to chicken. They form toxins that contribute to the development of colon cancer. And studies have shown that poultry, unlike meat, does not increase the risk of such tumors.


Victor Konyshev, MD, nutrition specialist:

- Undoubted advantage chicken meat before cattle meat - its easier digestibility. This property is used in diet food for a number of diseases.

In addition, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in chicken meat is slightly more favorable for the absorption of calcium than, for example, in beef. However, the latter has more iron. The meat of waterfowl (goose, duck) is somewhat richer in essential linolenic acid than the meat of chickens and cattle. When comparing poultry and mammal meat, it is important to consider the age of the animal, the category of the product, and which parts of the body are in question. Chicken breasts contain less animal fat (and this is good) than legs, but legs have more healthy iron than breasts.

The Mystery of Bush's Legs*

Part of a chicken

total fat


Protein, g

Calories, kcal

% DV**


% DN

Breast without skin

Breast fillet (white meat)

Thighs without bones and skin

Each of us independently chooses what to eat, what foods to eat. Someone likes plant food, to someone meat products, someone loves exclusively fish and seafood, and, of course, how can one not remember poultry meat. Do not forget about varied menus in the existing numerous cuisines of the world, because in almost each of them there is its own, special, way of cooking one or another type of meat. That's for sure, how many people, so many preferences.

Everyone knows without exception that human body protein is required. And meat is one of the main sources of protein. Also, one should not forget that meat is not only protein, meat contains iron, vitamins A and B, phosphorus and amino acids, which are not found in other foods. By eating meat, we thereby contribute to the prevention of diseases such as anemia, nervous disorders, bone fragility. But at the same time, meat is rich in saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels - the source of many diseases. There is evidence that meat can provoke the development of asthma, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, as well as disorders in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, in order to benefit, you must adhere to the following rules: eat right, balanced, do not overload the body big amount squirrel; choose lean varieties meat such as chicken breast, turkey, rabbit, lean beef; before heat treatment remove as much fat as possible from raw product; and it is also necessary to arrange systematic “days off from eating meat”, i.e. unloading days.

Another source of protein is poultry meat. White meat is low in fat and high content squirrel. This dietary product, great source amino acids and vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12. The breast is considered the most dietary part, and the most harmful - chicken leg. It is not even advised to cook broth from it, because the largest number harmful substances. And of course, nutritionists recommend to stop eating chicken skin, which contains maximum amount fats. Chicken is typical reduced content collagen (connective tissue), so it is easily absorbed. That is why such nutrition is most optimal for diseases. gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and obesity.

Beef, chicken, and fish are all excellent sources of protein and carbohydrates. But the question “Which is healthier, fish or meat?” Ultimately, everyone decides for himself.

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Fish, along with vegetables, can be called the queen of any diet table! So, in sea fish there are a number of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, vitamins A, D, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, copper, iron, zinc. And the most valuable is the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. What our body is sorely lacking. Something without which to lose weight and be healthy is almost impossible!

Fish is a source of protein

Fish, along with meat and dairy products, is a protein product. However, fish protein contains fewer fibers, it is more “gentle”, and therefore is absorbed much better. Fish protein - 98%, meat - 88%. In addition, the body needs much less time to digest fish protein (read about the digestion time of products here).

Fish protein goes well with any food

We talked about the fact that in order to lose weight and improve the digestive organs, protein and carbohydrate foods should be consumed separately. In other words, meat should be eaten with vegetables without a carbohydrate side dish, and cereals and flour products without meat. However, fish is the exception to the rule. You can eat it with any carbohydrate food: pasta, buckwheat, rice, potatoes, not to mention lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas (products with great content vegetable protein). It's all about the fat contained in fish - omega-3 and omega-6. These unsaturated fatty acids predominate in vegetable fats. And carbohydrates are just combined with vegetable fats. In this combination, they are easily digested and, with moderate use, do not cause obesity. That is why you can safely eat fish with a side dish. However, do not forget that this meal should not contain animal fats. If you are just starting to separate protein and carbohydrate foods, then it is fish that will help you gradually abandon the usual combination of meat and side dishes.

Which fish is best?

It is impossible to answer this question, because any fish is useful. This applies to both freshwater river and pond fish. Undoubtedly sea ​​fish more useful, and fat is even more useful.

Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which give beauty to our skin, hair, nails, keep the heart, blood vessels in order, lower the level bad cholesterol improve bowel function. TO fatty varieties fish include trout, salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna. Of the river - carp, grass carp.

Other fish are either medium-fat: sea ​​bass, pike perch, horse mackerel, pink salmon, low-fat herring, or low-fat: hake, pollock, pike perch, etc.

It is enough to use 2 times a week oily fish, on other days - non-greasy. That is if you love fish. If you are just starting to love her, then eating any fish 2 times a week will do you good!

Why do fish make you lose weight?

It's all about again fish oil- omega-3 and omega-6. Unsaturated acids omega-3s are involved in burning subcutaneous fat. Remember, rich in this particular fatty acid.
