
How long should pork skewers be fried. Who still does not know how to fry a barbecue? Pork neck tenderloin is best for barbecue

A real tourist, whether abroad or in the village with his grandmother, always, to start a great holiday, should fry a barbecue and celebrate a little with a strong drink, and set a beautiful table with a variety of salads. But to start considering the question, “how to fry a barbecue on charcoal,” we need to buy meat in a store, we go to choose meat in a store and consider how to do it right in more detail.

The choice of meat for frying barbecue should be approached with all responsibility, it is at this stage of the choice of meat that the taste and juiciness when cooking barbecue will depend.

First of all, we forget about fresh and frozen meat, you shouldn’t even look at such meat, they are disastrous for frying barbecue. Frozen meat, when defrosted, will not be as juicy as fresh meat. Most of the water flows away when defrosted, such meat is saturated with the smell of freon when frozen, and you can’t get it out in any way.

Fresh meat, you are unlikely to find it in the markets, meat is called fresh meat when no more than 5 hours have passed after slaughter. It is this kind of meat that will be cleansed of substances produced by a living organism that is under stress, they decay approximately 5-7 hours after the slaughter of the animal.

It is best to buy chilled meat, but the fresh meat should lie down a little in order for the blood to go away, and do not forget to marinate the fresh meat very well.

From which part of the animal it is best to buy meat, it is up to you, with good pickling, fresh meat will never be tough.

On high-quality and good meat, a small crust should form, the meat should not be dull in color, and the blood on the meat should be a minimal layer. Do not forget to press your finger on the meat, after pressing it should take on its original shape.

The veal should be pink in color, without blood streaks and blue stamping spots (the paint from the stamping should be cut off after purchasing the meat). Veal for barbecue is an ideal option and is easier for the body to digest than beef.

Be sure to look for fatty veal when you fry the kebab, the fat can be stuffed between the pieces of meat, the kebab will thus turn out not dry and fragrant.

The beef, which should be a pale pink or red color depending on the body part, is a more affordable option for grilling kebabs both for the price and the lies of the sellers passing off the beef for veal. When frying the kebab, it turns out not as tender as veal.

Lamb is a choice for a certain audience and company, this meat has a specific taste and aroma and is not to everyone's taste. But it should be said that lamb is the perfect combination of fat and juicy meat. Young lamb should have a layer of fat no more than 2 millimeters and be white - we see yellow fat, we pass by - this is a sign of old meat by age.

Well, the most common type of meat in order to fry barbecue is pork. Her tenderness will be envied by other types of meat, and the fat streamlined when frying the meat gives juiciness to the shish kebab even inside the piece.

Well, to start considering the question - how to fry a barbecue, we will analyze the place for frying, or rather, we will do it ourselves or assemble the barbecue, well, we will marinate the meat.

How to marinate barbecue

For marinating meat, we probably won’t give something new, because how many people there are so many ways to marinate barbecue, but still we dare to describe some tips for marinating meat.

We do not recommend using vinegar in any form, forget about it. If you go deep into the jungle, then vinegar worsens the taste and aroma of the kebab - crushes it with its acidic environment, it removes the intercellular structure of the meat, dries the meat from the inside, removing the liquid. From here, the kebab turns out dry and rubbery.

We also recommend marinating meat in mineral water, the carbon dioxide contained in the water penetrates into the meat and marinates it much faster, such marinating with mineral water takes one hour, but no less.

Tomato sauce is also ideal for marinating meat, but its share in the marinade should not exceed 20 percent of the total composition. If you are interested in classic and other popular marinade recipes, then you can study them in the article about.

Pickling recipe 2 kg. Pork

Be sure to choose enamelware. Then finely chop 4 onion heads, add 50 g of salt, 4 g of allspice and half a teaspoon of ground pepper there. Pour 1 liter of fermented baked milk or snowball, 500g of red wine (preferably dry). The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed together with the meat, then you need to knead well to remove air. Leave in a cool place for 5-15 hours.

How to fry a shish kebab - we prepare a place for frying a shish kebab

If you find yourself without an improvised tool and barbecue in a forest or other situation, we take large stones at hand and make a barbecue. To do this, we dig a small hole, 10 centimeters deep, this is necessary for less burning of coal in the wind. Then we fall asleep firewood, remember, firewood for coals needs to be burned at once.

There are situations when there is no firewood, if you find yourself in a pine forest - cones are ideal for coals and barbecue frying, and the cones will saturate the barbecue with their forest smoke and give a more aromatic taste and smell from which saliva flows. This method is tested on our own experience, so the result is guaranteed.

Firewood for frying barbecue is best suited for birch - such logs keep the temperature for a very long time and burn out for a long time, so all roadside cafes roast only on birch charcoal, it is economical and fast. In other cases, fruit tree species (plum, apple, cherry) are well suited. So, the coals for frying the barbecue are ready, and the barbecue should have already been marinated in a special sauce when the fire burned out.

It is worth mentioning for an ideal fire when preparing coals, the shape of a well is suitable, when logs are stacked in the shape of a square on top of each other, thereby such a fire allows the wind to blow over all the logs and quickly cooks coals.

Cooking process - start frying the barbecue

For a fire, forget about gasoline and other chemical liquids, you think they burn out quickly, these liquids still have time to give a bad flavor to the meat before they burn out. Therefore, we use only natural products, bark, white paper, wood chips ...

The coals are ready, we begin to fry the barbecue. Skewers for frying kebabs should be flat, for more than one turning over, the meat sits very well on such a skewer and does not turn over on its own.

We string pieces of meat along the fibers, string the largest pieces into the center of the skewer, they will be well fried in the center of the brazier, the temperature is lower on the sides, so we hang small pieces along the edges of the skewer. Don't forget to leave a gap between the pieces.

The kebab should be located 10-15 centimeters above the coals, so that the coals do not ignite from dripping fat, you need to salt the coals! Thus, the temperature in the coals is distributed in a more even and softer layer, preventing ignition.

In the process of frying the kebab, pour it with marinade. One piece of advice, do not try to water the kebab with red wine - otherwise it will turn out tough! The readiness of the kebab is checked when, when cut with a knife, red liquid does not come out of the meat, the liquid should be transparent.

If a small amount of liquid is released during an incision or is completely absent, this is a sign that the kebab is overcooked. It is recommended to fry the kebab for at least 20 minutes, but no more than 40 minutes until golden brown. For the entire process of cooking on coals, turning over should be no more than 4 times.

We also recommend throwing away the onion that was in the marinade, it has already given up all its properties when pickling meat, we don’t need it anymore. Vegetables should be fried separately from the barbecue to avoid charcoal instead of beautifully roasted vegetables.

Setting the table after barbecue

Here we do not have the right to advise you what and how to do, the only thing we advise is to cut the onion into rings and scald it with boiling water, pepper it a little, and serve immediately. The second way to serve the onion to the table is to soak it in a vinegar solution, then drain, add a little salt and pepper, serve.

And of course, a bottle of good wine will not hurt, but we already wrote about what wine and what meat to choose when we traveled around France, we advise you to read it.

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Well, we told you how to fry a barbecue, it remains for you to put all our advice into practice. And of course, if there are any cooking secrets, we look forward to your comments! Travel with the site team not only in the kitchen, but also around the world, learning everything interesting with us.

The third part of tips on how to cook pork skewers from the chef of a Moscow restaurant "Argo" by Igor Mamatov.

Preparing for frying

Take the meat out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking to bring it to room temperature.

Be sure to shake off the onion, herb spices from the pieces. On the coals, they will begin to burn first and give bitterness.

The meat must be dry. If the meat is wet, then the first minutes, while the moisture evaporates, the meat will not be fried, but stewed and nothing good will come of it. Ideally, pat the meat dry with paper towels.

The easiest way to achieve dry meat is to put it in a colander when you take it out of the fridge.

What should be the shampoo

- Skewers for meat, both barbecue and kebab, should be wide, but narrow ones are best used for vegetables.

How to string pork on a skewer

- The skewer must necessarily pass across the fibers. If the skewer runs along, then it pushes the fibers and the juice flows out along the skewer, and if across, then it kind of "stitches" the fibers.

Thread the meat tightly enough. If you use lard, then interspersing pieces of meat and lard.

As I said, it is better to cut the meat into slices, not cubes. If you cut the meat into slices across the fibers, then string it flat on the skewer.

It's more clear in the photo.

Meat for barbecue is strung across the fibers

When to salt pork skewers

— I think it is best to salt the pork already on a skewer before you send it to the coals.

You can salt the kebab already on the magal

How and how much to fry pork skewers

- There is a general principle. First, you sear the meat on all sides to a light brown color over high coals, and then either move the skewers to the side where the heat is lower and bring to readiness.

If you have a small brazier, then just rake the coals to the sides.

There is no universal advice on how much to fry a barbecue. It all depends on the meat, on the shape, on the coals and the distance from the coals to the meat. Even a difference of 20C already affects the cooking time.

1 minute per side, over high heat
7-10 minutes on a small

For reference: for the meat that you cut according to my advice - 1 minute on each side on high heat and 7-10 minutes on low.

How to check the readiness of the barbecue

- Cut the thickest piece with a knife and see if there is no pink meat, then the barbecue is ready, if it is still pink, let it stand.

Do I need to give the barbecue time to "rest"

- I think that pork skewers do not need this time. Steaks need this, and you cook pork kebab completely. And while you are removing the meat from the skewer, while laying it on plates, it will already “rest”. Moreover, the pieces are small and if you give them a "rest", they will simply cool down.

How to eat pork skewers

- Wherever you are, the meat must be removed from the skewer. This is inconvenient, you can get burned, and let's not forget that a skewer is a cold weapon. And we eat - with a fork and knife, like any meat.

You can put pieces of meat on a pita bread or flat cake, then the juice flowing from the meat will be absorbed into the bread. Delicious.

Sauces for barbecue

Sauce recipes for pork skewers

Everyone loves their sauce, so it all depends on the tastes of the eaters. But my advice, serve a few sauces to the kebab - it will be tastier.

It will be more accurate and correct to add the sauce to the meat by scooping it up with a fork or knife. If you dip the meat into the sauce, then you will not feel the taste of pork skewers. And in a restaurant, you run out of sauce very quickly.

If you are not a great cook, but you want to prepare an interesting sauce, then you can finely chop the garlic, pour it with water, cook for a couple of minutes, add to the mayonnaise and mix. It turns out not mayonnaise, but a very tasty sauce.

If you take ketchup, then you also don’t need to pour it directly like that. Add chopped garlic, any herbs to it, cilantro goes very well, but those who love it, and chopped onion. It is better to scald the onion with boiling water before adding. This will no longer be banal ketchup. And even better - tomatoes in their own juice, which are then pierced with a blender with herbs and garlic.

Everyone knows perfectly well that success in the proper preparation of delicious barbecue depends not only on the quality of meat and marinade, but also on how it will be fried. It would seem that nothing complicated, you just need to put the skewers over the coals and turn them over from time to time. However, many manage to spoil even the best meat. Since the season of picnics in nature is just around the corner (by the way, picnic), we will talk about how to properly fry a barbecue.

A few words about meat and marinade

The easiest way to cook barbecue is pork, this meat is very difficult to spoil. Shish kebab is also prepared from lamb, veal, beef, poultry (mainly chicken), fish and seafood. It is better not to buy meat in a ready-made marinade. It often happens that unscrupulous sellers disguise the smell of stale meat with lots of spices and vinegar. If you have enough time, then prepare the marinade yourself at home, there is nothing difficult about it.

Here a classic example of marinade for barbecue: onion, which can be cut into rings or scrolled through a meat grinder to give more juice, lemon juice, salt, a little pepper and herbs. Also, the marinade can be prepared with the addition of kefir, kvass, beer, wine, mayonnaise, soy sauce, milk, cranberry, pomegranate or grape juice. It takes 2-3 hours for the meat to marinate.

The meat is bought and marinated - it's time to fry kebabs

It is necessary to take care of the material for the fire in advance. The most ideal firewood option is a thick and dry vine of grapes. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such firewood. Therefore, dry firewood from fruit trees, such as apple, plum, apricot, dogwood and mulberry branches can also be used. If you don’t have such firewood at hand, then it’s not scary - firewood harvested from any hardwood is also suitable: maple, oak, poplar, aspen, willow, hazel, chestnut, linden, etc. But it is better to refuse firewood from coniferous species for frying barbecue, because. they contain resin. Try to avoid firewood with poisonous wood. These include boxwood, black alder, cypress, yew. If for some reason you have problems with firewood, they will be replaced by ready-made charcoal, which can be purchased at many stores.

String the kebab on skewers along the fibers, after lubricating the skewer with vegetable oil. Make sure that the meat does not hang down or hang out. For frying a regular barbecue, it is better to choose a classic skewer of medium thickness. There are also thin ones that are designed for frying mushrooms, seafood, fruits, and large ones ( "elephants"), intended for frying poultry carcasses and meat on the ribs.

I think that you know perfectly well that shish kebab is not fried on an open fire, it is baked over coals, arranged as close as possible to each other. To determine the optimal height for placing meat skewers, lift a sheet of paper over the coals. The height to which this sheet will be charred is perfect for barbecue. So that the kebab does not lose its juice, a fried crust is needed. How to achieve it? For the first 5 minutes, keep the skewers with meat 2-3 cm lower. To prevent the meat from burning, the skewers must be constantly turned over. Also, make sure that the fire does not flare up. If this happens, you can extinguish the flame with a little water.

If you are not sure about the readiness of the meat, slightly cut one or more pieces with a knife. The juice of the finished piece should be light. If the juice is pink, then you should wait a bit, the meat is not ready yet. And if there is no juice at all, then most likely you have overdried the meat. Therefore, for the next batch of kebabs, the right solution would be to slightly reduce the cooking time and carefully monitor how your meat is grilled.

If the brazier is equipped correctly, the meat is of high quality and well marinated, then the time for cooking the barbecue will not take even half an hour. In 15-20 minutes your kebab will be ready. Bon appetit.

Even if you do not notice the warm days and the hot sun, it is impossible to miss the onset of summer: it is at this time before every weekend that the contents of the meat counters in the markets scatter like hot pies, and queues in supermarkets beat New Year's records: people are fleeing en masse from the city, preferring to spend barbecue time.

Kebabs - that's right, in the plural - this is not a dish, it is a phenomenon that has become part of our culture and the cause of many kilometers of traffic jams. But still, it is food that is in its center - pre-marinated pieces of meat cooked on the grill, which every self-respecting man seems to be able to cook. However, even such a simple dish has its secrets (it is with such simple dishes that this usually happens). In a word, the question “how to cook barbecue” is not so simple and not idle. Let's try to answer it.

Connoisseurs of culinary terminology understand that shish kebab is not actually fried, but baked. And yet, for some reason, it is customary in Russian to “fry shish kebab”. As they say, it’s not our business, it’s not for us to change.


When choosing meat, remember that not every cut is suitable for barbecue: the meat must be soft (otherwise the barbecue will not be chewed), moderately fatty (so that it remains juicy when ready) and of high quality (otherwise the barbecue will simply be tasteless). So, only fillet is suitable for barbecue from our beef, pork barbecue is traditionally prepared from the neck or ham, tender bird chicken can go to barbecue almost entirely, but for lamb, the most suitable part for barbecue is tenderloin.

But there are several ways to turn less suitable cuts into shish kebab - for example, by preparing minced meat from tougher meat, we will make a wonderful kebab, and the fatty net that is sold in the markets will make it possible to make shish kebab from meat that is lean in itself such as veal. Let's not forget about offal - here the choice is truly extensive and varied - as well as about less trivial types of meat, such as duck, game, and so on.

…and not only

If we are talking about non-meat kebabs, fish, seafood, vegetables and mushrooms come to mind. In principle, any fish will do for a barbecue, but if we want our barbecue to turn out tasty and juicy, we need to focus on medium-fat fish. The recognized king of fish barbecue is sturgeon, the fish is expensive, but delicious, other suitable options are salmon and catfish. Of course, smaller or flatter fish can also be cooked on charcoal, but we will only call shish kebab what can be put on a skewer. From seafood, almost everything is also suitable for barbecue, but hardly anything can be compared with large shrimp, strung on a skewer right in the shell: they really don’t need to be marinated.

Shish kebab from vegetables and mushrooms is not necessarily the lot of vegetarians, because baked over hot coals, with a smoky flavor, such vegetables themselves are no worse than any meat. An ideal and very common option for vegetable kebabs is bell pepper, young zucchini and zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions. Among the mushrooms, champignons and porcini mushrooms are unconditionally in the lead - the first are inexpensive, the second are tasty, and both can be eaten raw, so there is no need to be afraid to underexpose the barbecue over the coals.


Marinating is one of the most important stages in the preparation of barbecue, although some believe that good meat does not need any marinade. The reason for this belief originates in the past, when the main task of the marinade was to soften tough meat, which, at the very least, could be chewed only after aging in vinegar or another acidic environment. We really don’t need vinegar - but as a way to give the product the taste and aroma of seasonings and spices, pickling is useful even in the case of excellent quality meat.

Let's say both a dry marinade - that is, just spices with which meat is seasoned some time before cooking - and a liquid marinade. In this case, the basis may be a vegetable or moderately acidic liquid - wine, kefir, onion juice, yogurt. Everyone has their own marinade recipe, proven by the experience of generations, but here are a few common mistakes that should be avoided if you do not plan to spoil the barbecue:

  • Do not abuse acidic environments. The juice of half a lemon or a little, perhaps, will not hurt and even give the kebab its flavor, but too much acid will make the meat, albeit soft, but completely tasteless. If you are still going to marinate meat in an acidic environment, do not do it for too long.
  • When marinating, it is better to undersalt the meat - otherwise it will give out too much juice, and the finished kebab will turn out to be dry.
  • Putting too many different spices is a bad idea. Our task is to reveal and complement the taste of the original product, and not to kill it. In addition, even with moderate seasoning, you simply do not recognize all the spices that you have added to the marinade.
  • Marinate the kebab for at least a few hours. Ideally - night (if you have not abused acid). Otherwise, the effect of pickling will be so subtle that it was not worth even fencing the garden. However, the exact time that should be taken for pickling depends on the original product and the recipe for the marinade itself.
  • Do not marinate kebabs in mayonnaise. No matter what you are told, it is not intended for this.

Time-tested combinations - pork and onions, lamb and coriander or rosemary, garlic and. On this site you will find recipes for other barbecue marinades.


But now the meat is selected, marinated and it's time to make a fire. Do this in advance, because it’s right to fry the kebab on gray coals, which give stable, even heat, and for this they need to burn out properly (however, just “young” coals are better suited for vegetable kebabs). Many shops and gas stations now sell barbecue coals - this is a win-win option, especially if you do not have much experience, time or just the desire to fiddle with the barbecue for a long time. In this case, simply pour lighter fluid (sold there) on the coals, let it soak, and then set it on fire. If your coals blazed merrily for a couple of minutes, and then went out, this does not necessarily mean that you need to start everything from the beginning: pour fresh air over them by waving a sheet of cardboard or just something big and flat, and if the sides of some coals immediately turn red, it means , Everything's under control. After a while, when the coals get stronger, you can stir up the contents of the brazier.

If you decide to start with firewood - take logs from birch, linden, oak or fruit trees such as cherry or apple. Firewood from the vine is great for cooking shish kebab. It is absolutely not worth frying shish kebab on coniferous wood - these logs will give caustic tar smoke, which will settle on the kebab, making it unhealthy, and even frankly tasteless. You can flavor the smoke by throwing some dried herbs on the coals.

Either way, let the coals burn through until they have a uniform whitish hue. You can already cook kebabs on such coals - but make sure that you take enough coals or firewood from the very beginning, otherwise the brazier will quickly lose heat and the second and subsequent batches of kebabs will cook so long that they have time to dry.

On the grill

Cooking barbecue properly is not a great wisdom: meat cooked outdoors, but in good company, is quite difficult to spoil. But you can. By following these tips, you will be able to avoid fiasco and cook first-class kebab:

  • Get the barbecue right. A lot depends on how you put the meat on the skewer: it is better to put the pieces of pork and chicken separately from each other - so they will cook faster and better inside - and beef and lamb, on the contrary, close to each other to keep juiciness.
  • Keep turning the meat. Most barbecues are made in such a way that each skewer can be placed in four or even eight different positions, you should not skimp on this: by regularly turning the skewers with barbecue, you can achieve a uniform golden crust on the outside and even roasting inside.
  • Keep out the fire. If you cook fatty meat, the fat will drip onto the coals and immediately ignite, and the flames will lick your kebab merrily. In fact, there is nothing funny here: on the outside, such meat will be cooked and even burned, but on the inside it will remain raw. To prevent this, you can move the coals to the side or carefully, so as not to raise a whirlwind of ash, pour the marinade over the meat and coals. However, from time to time to water or coat the barbecue with marinade is a good idea in any case, because this way it will turn out more juicy.
  • Swap skewers. If some skewers cook faster than others, swap them out periodically, or even better, stir the coals to ensure even heat.
  • Watch the readiness of the meat. Slightly adept at cooking kebabs, you will determine the readiness "by eye", but not shamefully cut one of the pieces to check how ready it is inside. This is especially important when cooking chicken and pork skewers.
  • Let the meat rest a bit. Do not remove the meat from the skewer immediately, let it rest for a minute or two - so less juice will flow out of it.
  • The right choice of garnish and drinks is no less important than the actual preparation of the barbecue. If everything is simple with the first one - fresh or grilled vegetables, fresh bread and a lot of greens, then from drinks it is worth paying attention to dry wine or mineral water: beer, which is often accompanied by barbecue, in most cases does not fit with it at all.

That's the whole secret. Not so difficult, right? And you can find recipes for putting this theory into practice in one of these collections.

I know the secret of cooking barbecue right at home, in the oven, without barbecue and coals. And I would like to share with you.

Gif: barbecue in a jar without barbecue and coals

You will need a 3-liter glass jar and marinated meat.

Ingredients for barbecue in a jar:

  • pork - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 2-3 pieces
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • pepper
  • coriander
  • seasonings for barbecue
  • dry white wine - 200 gr

Step by step cooking kebab in a jar:

  1. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces.
  2. Add salt, pepper, spices and lemon juice.
  3. Rub the onion on a fine grater, drain the juice into the meat.
  4. Pour 200 g of dry white wine
  5. Carefully place, mash with your hands.
  6. Leave to marinate for 1 hour.
  7. We string meat on skewers.
  8. We put 4-5 "skewers" in one jar.
  9. We close the jar with foil. Poke a small hole in the foil with a skewer.
  10. Important! The jar must be dry on the outside.
  11. We send it to a cold oven (so that the jar does not burst), and set it to 180-200 C for 60-80 minutes. Turn off the oven, wait 5 minutes.
  12. Gently (not abruptly) open the oven so that the jar does not burst due to the temperature difference.
  13. We get amazingly delicious barbecue!

Follow the sequence and secrets like on the GIF. Bon appetit!
