
How to pickle a big fish. Salted herring in marinade

There are a lot of ways to salt fish before drying it.

Here we give only general "universal" recommendations for salting and drying different fish. You can also download for review a selection of 17 books on salting, curing and smoking fish and meat (link below).

Drying fish at home

  1. salting fish;
  2. soaking fish;
  3. drying (drying fish).

Salting fish for drying can be done in two ways: wet And dry ambassador.

Salting fish in brine

Wet salting salt not very large fish(weighing up to 200-500 g). In the cool season, the fish can not be gutted, in the warm season they must be gutted. Clean fish is not washed, but only wiped with a dry towel.

Prepared fish is placed in an enameled bucket, basin or pan, after pouring salt on the bottom. The fish is laid in tight rows: head to tail, back to stomach. Each row is richly salted. So much salt is poured onto the top row so that it covers all the fish. To give a special taste, you can add a little sugar to the salt..

A plank is placed on top in the shape of dishes and it is oppressed (only to drown the fish in the resulting brine). 4-5 hours after salting, the fish itself releases the brine. The fish is salted for 2-5 days (depending on the size of the fish). For the entire salting period, the fish must be placed in the coldest possible place (in the summer heat, preferably in the refrigerator).

Before hanging for drying, the fish salted in this way is soaked in a large amount of water for 2-5 hours, depending on the size of the fish and the time of its salting.

Salting fish with dry salting

Dry salting larger fish. Each fish is cut along the back and unhooked. Remove the insides, then wipe with a dry cloth. Sprinkle the inside of the fish generously with salt. Carcasses of fish are placed in rows in a wooden box, so that the abdomens are directed upwards, and salt is also sprinkled on top of the scales. The box is placed in a hole dug in a cool place, covered with plastic wrap on top.

Depending on the size of the fish, salting lasts from 3 to 7 days. In the process of salting, the fish also releases its juice, but it immediately flows out of the box through the cracks. This is the meaning of dry salting fish.

In a dry way, you can also salt small, gutted fish. A clean rag is spread on a wide board, the fish are laid in rows head to tail, on top of each other, sprinkled with salt and wrapped in the same rag. From above, the “package” is covered with another board and oppression is put on it. The juice flowing from the fish will seep through the fabric and flow onto the ground.

Salted fish is washed and soaked for 2-14 hours, changing the water 2-3 times. The soaking process ends when the fish starts to float.

Drying fish

After washing, the fish is very wet, so it is hung out at night so that it is weathered (flies lay their larvae only on a wet surface, and there are no flies at night). In the morning, the fish is sprinkled with a solution of table vinegar - its smell repels insects. Then the fish is hung in the shade in a ventilated place.

An ideal place for withering fish is a special ventilated oven.

It is not necessary, but such fish as fish, blue bream, shemaya are hung upside down, and sabrefish, bream, ram, pike perch - upside down. Why is that? It is not known for certain, and this is just a recommendation. From the point of view of common sense, it is better to hang any non-gutted fish by the tails in order to prevent the bitterness from the gallbladder from running down all over the fish.

Drying lasts from several days to several weeks - depending on the size of the fish.

Dried fish at home turns out to be much tastier than those sold in stores and on the market!

A selection of books on salting, drying and smoking fish and meat:

The presented collection of books contains all the necessary information about the methods and technology of smoking, salting, curing meat and fish at home. In addition, this collection contains books on the manufacture of various types of devices for smoking and drying fish and meat from improvised means!

Books included in the collection:

  1. Preservation of the catch and methods of preparing fish
  2. Delicious meat. Dried, smoked, baked
  3. Homemade salo and smoked meats
  4. Salting, marinating, curing, smoking
  5. Summer kitchen, barbecue, smokehouse, pergola
  6. Canning, smoking, winemaking
  7. Homemade electric smokehouse
  8. Smoking and salting of meat products
  9. Proper smoking and drying of fish
  10. Homemade smoked meats and sausages
  11. Salted, dried, smoked fish
  12. Salted, smoked, dried fish
  13. Basics of smokeless smoking
  14. All about smoking products
  15. Fish. Drying. Smoking
  16. We smoke, dry, salt
  17. country smokehouse

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Salted fish is a favorite snack for many. It excites appetite, and satisfies hunger, and partially neutralizes the toxic effect of alcohol, salted fish helps to retain fluid in the body. But not everyone knows how to salt fish at home.
It must always be remembered that fish is a perishable product and for salting there should be only a fresh catch and undamaged. It is better to salt and dry winter and spring fish: before spawning, its meat contains more fat, so after processing it has better taste.

It should also be borne in mind that high quality salted fish is obtained only from those types of fish that are able to "ripen". These types include:
- herring;
- salmon;
- mackerel.

For salting, they take mainly roach, ram, bream, pike perch, carp, asp, rudd, anchovy, sprat, sardines. Moreover, the anchovy, sprat and sardines are salted without gutting them, and the gills and entrails are taken out from the horse mackerel without cutting the abdomen. Recently, it has become popular to salt salmon fish, but more on that later.
At home, you can salt fish of any breed, except for sturgeon, the salting of which requires special refrigeration equipment and professional skills.

Depending on the salt content, salted fish are divided into three groups:
- lightly salted - containing from 6 to 10% salt;
- medium-salted - from 10 to 14%;
- strongly salted (indigenous) - over 14% salt.

Lightly salted fish is eaten without soaking. It includes:
- fatty herring,
- mackerel;
- horse mackerel.

Medium-salted and hard-salted fish should be soaked in water at a temperature of 12-15°C before use. The more salt the fish contains, the longer the soaking time should be. With prolonged soaking, every three to four hours you need to take a break for two hours for a more favorable redistribution of salt.
Medium-salted herring, mackerel and horse mackerel can be soaked not only in water, but also in cold milk diluted with water, strong cold tea brew. With this soaking, the fish loses less extractive substances.
Lightly salted fish can be used to make spicy or pickled fish. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of a set of spices. You can add a one percent solution of acetic acid to it.

Coarse salt is used for salting. Its main purpose is to remove moisture from the fish, and not to give it taste or have a preservative effect. Coarse salt dissolves slowly at low temperatures and needs moisture, which it just pulls out of the fish. With fine salt, this effect does not work, it kind of “burns” the fish meat, quickly salts out, but does not dehydrate it. When salting, brine is released from the fish, that is, a brine, which is obtained by dissolving salt in the juice that comes out of the fish. So that microbes spoiling the product do not have time to multiply in the brine during salting, it is periodically drained. Salt for salting should be clean, without any impurities.

Small Fish Ambassador
It is best to salt the fish in a stainless, brine-proof dish - an enameled bucket, a barrel.
Salt consumption per kilogram of fish
- with moderate salting - 150 g;
- with strong salting - 250-300 g.
To protect the fish from spoilage, saltpeter is added to the salt in a ratio of 1:10 (one part saltpeter to 10 parts salt).
You can also salt the fish in a box and on a clean mat, however, in this case, the salt concentration in individual parts of the fish is uneven, and the salt consumption increases by one and a half to two times. Salt the fish in a cool place.

Very small fish (sprat, sprat, anchovy, bleak, etc.) can be salted without cutting.
The fish should be thoroughly washed in cold water. After washing, the water is allowed to drain, but in such a way as not to dry the fish. Then the fish is mixed with salt so that the salt adheres to the surface of the fish. Then, without letting the resulting brine drain, you need to put the fish in a bowl. A load is placed on top of the fish - a wooden plank or a circle pressed down with a stone. The load is needed in order to ensure the constant immersion of the fish in the brine. The duration of the salting is from one to three days.
When salting, various spices can be added to the fish: bay leaf, black and allspice, cumin, cloves, currant and blackberry leaves.

Medium Fish Ambassador
Fish weighing over 300 (up to 500) g are gutted by making a longitudinal incision in the middle of the abdomen.
All entrails, including caviar or milk, are removed. The abdominal cavity is thoroughly washed and filled with salt, paying attention to the fact that there is more salt in the area of ​​the gills. Then the fish is placed in a clean dish with the bellies up. Each laid row is sprinkled with salt. A layer of salt is also poured on top. The duration of salting is from three to six days, depending on the thickness of the fish.

Big Fish Ambassador
Large fish (over 600 g in weight) are plaited before salting: each fish is cut along the back, all the insides are removed through the cut in the back. The head is cut to the middle of the upper lip. Longitudinal incisions are made in the fleshy parts of the back.
After that, the fish is thoroughly washed, the surface of the cuts is sprinkled with salt and placed in a dish in a flattened form with the backs up. The rest of the salt is sprinkled on each laid row, as well as on top. The ambassador lasts from five to ten days.
Unlike the salting of small fish, gutted and flattened fish do not need to be pressed down with a load from above. When the fish is salted, it should be thoroughly washed in brine, and then tightly placed in a barrel or box. The container is covered with burlap soaked in brine and stored in a cool place - in a cellar or on a glacier. High-fat fish is best stored in brine under load.

Salting methods:

Dry Ambassador
A clean canvas rag or burlap is laid on the bottom of a basket or wooden box. The prepared fish is placed on it in dense rows, head to tail, belly up and sprinkled with salt. The total salt consumption is 1.5 kilograms per 10 kilograms of fish. A lid made of wood is placed on top of the fish and a heavy oppression (stone) is placed on it. It is absolutely necessary, as it prevents the formation of air cavities in which putrefactive bacteria can develop, and, in addition, makes fish meat more dense. After some time, juice is released from the fish, it flows out through the cracks between the bars of the basket or the boards of the box. On the 5-10th day, the fish is salted. All this time it should be in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar).

Wet Ambassador
The fish is laid in layers in a non-oxidizing dish (bucket, pan, tank, barrel) also with the belly up and sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1 kilogram per 10 kilograms of fish. To give the fish a special, delicate taste, a tablespoon of granulated sugar is added to the salt. A circle is placed on the fish, knocked down from boards or sawn from a single piece of wood, preferably from linden or aspen (a circle made of wood of these species does not emit resin or tannins and does not deform in brine). After a day or two, the formed brine (brine) covers all the fish; it is well preserved in a cool place. Usually on the 3-8th day (depending on the size) the fish is completely salted. Then it must be removed from the brine, washed in running water, dried in the air and placed in a wooden box or basket for storage. After that, the brine is usually poured out. You can also cook fresh brine by dissolving a kilogram of salt in three liters of water. The resulting solution is poured into the fish placed in the container. This method is also called wet and is used when salting small fish.

sagging ambassador
For fatty fish, sagging salting is used. The fish are hung on transverse rods in saline so that the carcasses do not press against each other. The density of the solution is determined using a raw potato: it should not sink. After 5-7 days, the fish can be eaten.

"Valuable" advice
. Small fish is ready in 2-3 days, medium - in 5-10, large - in 7-10 days.
The duration of salting in a refrigerated room, for example, in a cellar with ice, such fish as bream, asp, pike - up to 12 days, carp and pike perch - up to 15 days, in an uncooled room - up to 5-7 days.
Salting fish consists in dehydrating it and replacing part of the water in the tissues with salt. Therefore, the criterion of readiness can be considered the "tanning" of the fish - it becomes hard and does not bend well.
The salting of frozen fish is quite complicated; when thawing, the tissue structure is disturbed, so frozen fish “takes” a lot of salt. It is difficult to catch the moment when the fish is already salted, but not yet over-salted, like brine.
If the fish is oily, do not be afraid to oversalt it - there is very little water in fatty tissues, so the fish will not “take” a lot of salt. If the fish is salted for drying or smoking, then after salting it should be soaked for two to three hours, often changing the water.
In the process of salting and drying fish, it is necessary to protect the fish from flies. To do this, the container with the salted fish is covered with gauze, and the fish hung out for drying for the first week must be carefully covered with gauze on all sides (usually the fish is hung out for the first week to dry in wooden boxes tightly closed on both sides with gauze, then dried fish can be hung out for drying without gauze , - flies no longer lay their larvae on dried fish).

2 years ago


Salted and marinated sea fish has rightfully received the status of a royal snack. Not a festive feast is complete without it. Most often, salted or pickled fish is served on the table cut into portioned pieces without bones, sprinkled with onions or green onions and poured with vegetable oil. There are many recipes for salads, including lightly salted sea fish, with vinegar, oil or mayonnaise dressing. Each housewife certainly keeps her own secret of cooking herring "under a fur coat", which decorates the festive table for any family celebration. Of course, you can go to the store and buy ready-made salted herring, mackerel or red fish. But in the industrial production of fish delicacies, chemical flavors, preservatives and dyes are often used. So the ability to independently salt sea fish is always useful in everyday life. Using different methods of salting and adding various spices, you can make a real delicacy from the usual herring, anchovy and mackerel, which your loved ones will definitely appreciate.

Salting fish at home

Salting fish at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know the basic rules of salting. How delicious to pickle fish at home and we will tell further.

The most common ways to salt fish deliciously at home are dry salting, salting in brine, brine aging or pickling.

dry way most often they salt fatty fish of salmon and whitefish species - pink salmon, salmon, chum salmon, taimen, vendace, sockeye salmon, whitefish and others. For salting, filleted fish is sprinkled with a mixture of salt and sugar in a 2: 1 ratio. The amount of salt can be up to 15-20 weight of a fish fillet - red fish contains a significant amount of fat and is not too salty. You can also add a little coarse pepper, fresh or dried herbs to the salting mixture. Salted fillets are wrapped in parchment or put in a plastic or glass container and put in the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours, red fish can already be served on the table; such a product is stored in a cool place for no more than five days.

How to fillet a salmon carcass (useful video)

Technology salting in brine (saline solution) is often used for salting medium-sized fish - anchovy, sprat or small Baltic herring. With this method, the fish is washed, folded into glass or enameled dishes and sprinkled with salt (50-100 grams of coarse salt is taken per 1 kilogram of fish). You can also add black and allspice peas, coriander, bay leaf to the container. On top is oppression. Under pressure, salted fish gives juice, salt dissolves in it and forms brine for salting fish which serves as a preservative. Fish salted in this way is ready to eat in 2-3 days and can be stored for up to two weeks.

At home, for salting herring and mackerel, hot or cold pickle with spices - 80-100 grams of salt is added per liter of water. If the fish is salted in small pieces in a hot way, it is ready to serve in an hour, by the time it cools. With cold salting, the fish fillet reaches the condition in about a day.

If you add sugar and acid (vinegar, lemon juice, dry wine or tomato paste) to the salt solution, you get a marinade. The spicy taste of the marinade is given by spices - peppercorns, cloves, garlic, bay leaves, coriander seeds, cumin or mustard and others. Herring or mackerel can be marinated whole, in the form of fillets or cut into portioned slices.

In a jar with pieces of fish fillet, you can add chopped onion rings, lemon slices or carrot sticks - each time salted fish will delight with new flavors. Ready fish is stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days. The higher the concentration of salt in the water, the more salty the taste of the finished product will be and the shelf life of the fish will increase.

Here are some proven recipes for delicious pickled fish:

Herring in apple cider vinegar

For this recipe, we need 2 medium freshly frozen herring and 2 onions. For the marinade - 250 ml of water, 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 tsp. sugar, 5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Pour water into a saucepan, heat, dissolve salt, sugar, add spices - peppercorns, a pinch of coriander seeds, a couple of cloves, bay leaf. Bring to a boil and add vinegar. While the brine is cooling, we cut the herring into pieces without bones and skin, put it in a jar, sprinkling with onion rings. Pour in chilled marinade. After a day, the snack is ready.

Quick salted fish in two hours

We will need two carcasses of fresh-frozen herring or mackerel, one or two onions. For brine - 400 ml of water, 2 tablespoons without a slide of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar, 200 grams of sunflower oil, spices - bay leaf, cloves, a few peas of black pepper, a pinch of coriander seeds.

Prepare the brine - dissolve the salt in water at room temperature. We cut the thawed fish into pieces without skin, remove the bones, put it in a bowl and pour it with the prepared brine, let it stand for two hours. Then we drain the brine, put the pieces of fish fillet in a jar, alternating with spices and onion cut into thin half rings. Fill with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil, let it brew for another half an hour and you can serve it, but in a day the marinated fish will become even tastier.

Mackerel or herring in marinade

For this recipe, we need two large fatty herring or mackerel, two onions, half a lemon, a few bay leaves, 1 tablespoon salt, 4 teaspoons sugar, coarsely ground black pepper.

We clean the fish from bones and skin, cut into pieces two centimeters wide. Onion and lemon cut into rings. We spread on the bottom of a liter jar a few rings of onion, bay leaf. Next, lay the fish in layers, sprinkling with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices, adding lemon and vegetables until the jar is full. Cover the dish with a lid and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Delicious pickled mackerel

Take three medium freshly frozen mackerel, three onions, three cloves of garlic. We also need 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil, a few peas of black and allspice, bay leaf.

In this recipe, the fish does not need to be thawed - it must be quickly cleaned and cut into portions frozen. We clean the onion and garlic, cut the onion into thin rings, and the garlic into slices. We put the pieces of mackerel fillet in a bowl, alternating with onion and garlic. Add salt, vinegar, sugar, spices and oil, mix everything gently. Then we put the fish with the marinade tightly in a glass jar, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. After about a day, the mackerel will be salted and ready for use.

There are many recipes for fish marinades. Try it, change the ratio of salt, sugar and vinegar, add your favorite spices and enjoy the great taste of homemade salted fish!

Dessert for today 🙂 - carving - bow lotuses

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Few people know how to salt red fish at home. After all, most of us use such a product only on holidays. Moreover, many believe that it is not necessary to know how to properly salt red fish, since it can always be purchased ready-made at the supermarket. However, it should be noted that such a delicacy in a package is much more expensive than a semi-finished product. In this regard, we recommend that you purchase fresh fish and salt it yourself.

General product information

Before talking about how to salt red fish at home, it should be recalled that such a product saturates well, contains a huge amount of useful elements and has an unsurpassed taste. Having properly cooked salmon, trout or pink salmon, you can serve it to any holiday table. Believe me, none of the invited guests will refuse such a delicacy.

How to choose?

Before salting red fish at home, you should choose the right one. If you want to cook an incredibly tasty dish, then you need to pay special attention to the freshness of the product. Thus, the eyes of the fish should not be cloudy, the belly should not be yellow, the gills should not be dark brown, and the flesh should not be sprawling. If these qualities are observed, then the product is stale, and it is better not to purchase it.

How to salt red fish at home? We will talk about this a little further. It should be especially noted that for salting such a delicacy, it is necessary to purchase only whole fish. A product without a head, tail, fins and completely gutted will not work for you. You should clean it, as well as prepare for salting only on your own.

Purchased fish must be chilled, live or first frozen. To prepare a delicious delicacy, you should take trout or salmon. You can also use chum salmon, pink salmon or salmon.

By the way, even caviar or milk can be in the purchased fish. They are also recommended to pickle and serve.

Salting red fish at home

Salmon is the most suitable fish for salting. It has good fat content and juiciness, which makes the delicacy especially tasty. The most popular and easiest way to salt such a product is dry. It should also be noted that in the case of salmon, salt can be added as much as you wish. After all, it is quite difficult to oversalt it.

So, to prepare a delicious and fragrant delicacy at home, we need:

  • fresh salmon - 0.5 kg (it is advisable to take a piece for such a dish from the middle of the carcass);
  • freshly ground black pepper - add to taste;
  • iodized salt (it is desirable to take coarse grinding) - add to taste;
  • fine granulated sugar - add to taste.

Preparation of the main ingredient

If the fish was purchased by you in advance, then it should be thawed. To do this, you need to put a piece in a plastic container, close it tightly and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Next, the thawed product must be thoroughly washed, dried with paper towels and a towel. From the inside, a piece should be cut along the ridge, and then removed, cut off the ribs and carefully separate them from the meat with the tip of a sharp knife.

salting process

So, salt the red fish at home. To do this, the processed salmon fillet must be laid out on a cutting board with the skin down. Next, you need to take about 2 small spoons of salt (without a slide) and 1 - granulated sugar. The named ingredients should be mixed with a dessert spoon of black ground pepper and grate the fish (meat and skin) with them. After that, the salty piece must be folded in half and tightly wrapped with a piece of clean gauze or cotton fabric. At the end, you need to put the salmon fillet in a container (preferably ceramic), close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. In two days the fish will be completely ready.

How to properly serve?

Now you know how to salt red fish at home. After the specified time, the product must be removed from the refrigerator, unfolded and cut into very thin pieces. Next, they need to be laid out on a saucer, alternating with slices of fresh lemon. It is desirable to serve such a delicacy to the table along with white sandwich bread. Bon appetit!

Delicious salted trout: a detailed recipe

Salting red fish from such a product is a pleasure. After all, a delicacy made at home will be fully usable the very next day after it is abundantly smeared with fragrant spices.

So, we need:

  • a piece of fresh trout - about 400-600 g;
  • granulated sugar - add to taste;
  • fine sea salt - add to taste;

Fish processing

Trout is a very tasty and healthy fish. Unlike salmon, it is not too oily. Moreover, many lovers of such a product note that trout is much more tender and tastier than the aforementioned species.

So how and how much to salt red fish? We will talk about this a little further. After all, before flavoring the trout with spices, it should be carefully processed. To do this, you need to take a fresh piece of fish, wash it well, and then carefully remove the backbone and all adjacent bones. You don't have to take the skin off.

Cooking process

After the piece of trout has been processed, it must be sprinkled with salt, sugar and pepper. Moreover, the last two ingredients should be added in small quantities.

Thus, having smeared all the fish with spices, it must be put in a container, and then sent to the refrigerator for 24 hours. The next day, the delicacy will be fully usable.

Proper serving at the festive table

Now you also know how and how much to salt red fish at home. After its preparation, the trout should be removed from the container, remove all excess salt, and then cut the fillet into thin slices, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice and put on a plate or on a slice of bread. Bon appetit!

Delicious salt salmon

Salted fish is the most favorite snack of most residents of not only our country, but also other countries. It should be noted that the mere sight of such a dish excites the appetite.

You already know how to salt salmon and trout. However, there are still many red fish from which you can cook a delicacy at home. One of them is pink salmon. This is a relatively inexpensive fish. That is why it is especially popular with those who like to enjoy a delicious dish, but are not ready to part with a lot of money.

So, salt the red fish in brine. For this we need:

  • pink salmon of small sizes frozen - 2 pcs.;
  • any fine salt - add at your discretion;
  • granulated sugar - a couple of pinches;
  • fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • ground allspice - apply to taste.

Processing of the main ingredient

Before salting red fish in pieces, it should be carefully processed. To do this, pink salmon must be completely thawed at room temperature, and then washed well, cleaned of unnecessary elements and cut into portioned pieces 2-4 centimeters thick. It is also required to squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a separate bowl and chop the fruit into small pieces.

Salting process in brine

After the pink salmon has been processed, it must be placed in a non-oxidizing container (for example, in an enamel or plastic dish). Next, you need to add salt, freshly squeezed lemon juice, ground pepper, pieces of squeezed fruit and granulated sugar to the fish. In conclusion, all the ingredients must be poured with 2 cups of water, mixed thoroughly (so that the spices are evenly distributed), tightly covered with a lid and left at room temperature for 4-6 hours. After the specified period, the fish in brine should be placed in a refrigerator. After 30-32 hours, a tasty and fragrant snack will be completely ready for consumption.

Serve right to the table

After the pink salmon is properly salted, it needs to be removed from the brine, and then put on a plate and served with bread. This delicacy is very tasty, juicy and tender. It is recommended to use it with boiled potatoes or any other side dish. Bon appetit!

The fastest and easiest way to salt fish

If you do not want to mess around with such a product for a long time due to its specific smell, we suggest using the simplest and fastest salting method. To do this, you need to purchase an already processed piece of fresh salmon or trout, and then wash it thoroughly and put it in a wide container. Next, red fish should be coated on all sides with fine iodized salt, close the lid well and leave at room temperature for 5-8 hours. During this time, warm salmon or trout will completely absorb the spices. After that, the semi-finished fish must be turned over and placed in the same container in the refrigerator. After keeping the delicacy in the cold for a similar amount of time, it must be removed from the container, placed on a cutting board and cut into very thin slices. Serve the finished dish to the table along with a sandwich or any other bread. Bon appetit!

To make red salted fish as tasty and tender as possible, we recommend using the following tips:

  1. Salt such a product should be only after it is completely thawed and becomes room temperature.
  2. To give red fish a special aroma and taste, it must be served at the table along with thin slices of lemon.
  3. It will be much easier to cut salmon or trout into thin pieces if the product is kept in the freezer for a short time before that.
  4. It is advisable to serve such a delicacy to the table only with fresh white bread.


There are many recipes for pickling red fish at home. Today I will share with you the most popular. It is suitable not only for delicacy salmon, but also for any other red fish, including pink salmon or chum salmon. It turns out moderately salty red fish, not fresh, but not oversalted either. Great for holiday sandwiches. I would even say perfect. It may seem a little strange, but the classic recipe for salted red fish is very, very simple. It is still a mystery to me why people do not massively salt fish on their own, having such an excellent skill in the production of homemade preparations. Salting fish is much easier. In fact, all the effort goes into sprinkling it with salt and waiting a couple of days, resisting the temptation to try it. The taste of home-made salted red fish is much tastier than the one sold in vacuum-packed supermarkets. Keeps well in the refrigerator. And I'm not talking about saving money. She is very, very important.

Some interesting subtleties of home salted red fish

So, what a person needs to know in order to pickle delicious red fish at home.

First: a good salting takes two days, so if you decide to cook it for the holiday, then take care of salting the fish in advance, count on the fact that you can eat fish only a day after you put the trays in the refrigerator.

Second: take fresh fish for salting, and not defrosted and sold under the guise of chilled. Checking the freshness of fish is very easy. Transparent eyes and pink gills. If the gills are brown, then the fish is not fresh; if you do not want to mess with gutting, then you can take ready-made fillets or steaks for salting.

Third: to make the fish tasty, salt is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 2 to 1. That is, for 2 tablespoons of salt, one spoon of sugar. Do not worry that the fish will be sweet. Sugar is absolutely not felt, but it acts as a preservative and perfectly evens out the taste.

Fourth: salt should be taken only rock or sea. Cooking is not suitable!

Fifth: the taste qualities of home-salted red fish are very beneficial if freshly ground peppercorns are added to the salting mixture. But it must be ground roughly. By no means a powder from a bag! We need pepper for a fresh flavor, not for the sharpness of the fish.


  • Red fish weighing 2 kg,
  • Salt - 6 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Peppercorns - ½ tablespoon
  • Lemon - ½ piece

You will also need 1 large tray with a lid, or 2 medium ones (but then you have to cut the fillet in half). Having a sharp knife is a big plus. I recently bought ceramic. I'm not overjoyed. He cuts the fish like it's butter.

How to pickle red fish at home

I usually take steaks for salting. My family is small, so two steaks are enough to fully satisfy the desire to eat homemade salted fish. If you have steaks, then immediately proceed to the salting process. But steaks are expensive now, so yesterday I brought such a representative of the salmon family from the store. What exactly is the name of such a red fish, no one really could tell me. Her meat is quite loose, fatty and does not have a radically red color, like Norwegian salmon fed with food with dyes.

I cut red fish for salting for the first time, so I apologize for imperfection. But on the other hand, my photos will not cause anyone a feeling of inferiority that he cannot do that. SO anyone can. :)) First of all, I made an incision along the back along the spinal bone from head to tail.

Then I cut off the top layer of the fillet and removed the rough costal bones from it. I have a fish with loose meat, so the bones were easily pulled out by hand, without the use of tweezers. (Some nippers are used.)

With the second fillet, we act in a slightly different way. We bring the knife under the spinal bone and, holding the fish by the tail, we begin to cut the spine along with the upper bones.

Then, again, we extract the costal bones, cut off the head and tail. And here we have two fillets. I repeat, very imperfect. But you will see that after salting and slicing, all these imperfections become hardly noticeable.

We take a suitable container. I didn’t have a large one, so I cut the fillet in half. At the bottom of the container, pour a small layer of a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper.

Lay out the first fillet. Pour salt so that it completely covers the fish.

Take a lemon, cut six slices. We spread them on the fish (I have three circles in each tray).

Sprinkle the second part of the fillet with salt on the side where we have meat. And rub the salt with your hand. We put the fillet in the same tray, skin side up.

Sprinkle salt on top. Close the lid, put in the refrigerator for two days.

As you can see, in two days the fish gave a lot of brine. It will need to be drained.

Then rinse under running water until the salt and pepper are completely washed off. Put the salted red fish in cold water for 10 minutes to even out the salting.
