
Pisces horoscope. Salad with smoked fish, potatoes and Yalta onions

Fish salads are prepared not only from different types fish, but also from fish that have passed through different cooking. For one salad, salted or pickled fish is more suitable, for another - smoked, and for the third - raw. Each salad has its own dressing. There are so many options that it’s easier to choose a recipe yourself and try to cook it.

In the section "Fish salads" 454 recipes

pollock salad

From fried pollock you can make a simple salad if you add carrots fried in vegetable oil and onion. No additional salad dressing is required. It is enough to mix pieces of fried fish with vegetables and give them fast...

Herring under a fur coat in rubies

Herring under a fur coat is prepared according to the most different recipes, each time inventing new design options. For example, herring can be served not only under a fur coat, but also with rubies. Moreover, ruby coat quite edible, because it is prepared from salted ...

Layered salad with sprats and melted cheese

Sprats are suitable not only for snacks, but also for salads. For example, in combination with creamy taste processed cheese And boiled vegetables, sprats manifest themselves in a completely new way. By the way, if you add nuts for sprats to the sprat salad recipe, then half ...

Salad with smoked fish, potatoes and Yalta onions

Salad with smoked fish prepared according to this recipe can be served as independent dish. It's satisfying enough to replace full lunch or dinner. It will be tastier if you mix pieces of hot-smoked fish or fish with vegetables ...

Swedish herring salad with marinated onions

Herring under egg and onion cover is another one of obligatory dishes buffet on the day of the summer solstice. Herring in Sweden - a bunch of varieties and marinades (one has only to look at the sites Abba, Klädesholmen). You can just open the jar and...

Salmon, cream cheese and avocado verrines

Recipe for classic verrine (puffed appetizer salad) with slightly salted red fish, in this case with salmon, but both salmon and trout will do, with layers of whipped cream with cream cheese and avocado puree. Very tasty snack, wherein...

Pink verrines with red fish and beetroot mousse

Verrines are a variety of layered salads that are collected in transparent bowls or small salad bowls. According to this recipe, it is easy to cook verrines with slightly salted or smoked fish (salmon, salmon, etc.). Delicate, fragrant and very beautiful...

Fish salad with avocado and tuna

For fish salad, it is better to choose canned tuna alone in a whole piece. Usually in this form, fish comes across with dense meat, which means that in ready dish won't turn into mush. Like any other salad canned fish in this recipe...

Bean salad with canned pink salmon

A quick recipe for boiled bean salad with canned fish. Adds a pleasant freshness to fish salad fresh cucumber, to which you can additionally add chopped fresh herbs. Choose the fish to your liking: I had a b...

Salad with sprats, beans and melted cheese

Cooking hearty salad from boiled beans with the addition of sprats and grated processed cheese. According to the recipe, you can take ready-made canned beans, but I'm used to boil beans for salads myself. Do not be lazy to cook crispy garlic dry...

Layered salad with canned fish, rice and corn

A simple recipe for a quick puff salad made from canned fish. Fish will do any: saury, tuna, mackerel, pink salmon or salmon. You can take canned food in oil or in own juice. Although the corn in the recipe is used simply to decorate ...

Herring under a fur coat on gelatin

I see no reason to refuse herring under a fur coat. In addition, you can cook it classic recipe in the form of a cake, and then cut into appetizing slices. The slices will keep their shape because mayonnaise with...

Layered salad with tuna and cucumber

The beauty of layered salads is that each of them looks like real cake, even if prepared from the most conventional products. Therefore, a salad like this one made of canned tuna and fresh cucumbers feel free to add to holiday menu. Recipe...

Pasta - salad with fish

I never understood pasta salads, but this recipe interested me because it uses small pasta, and there is no mayonnaise, which, in my opinion, does not go well with pasta. At pasta salad with fish fresh taste turned out to be interesting...

Salad with mackerel

For a salad with mackerel, choose small hot smoked fish. salad dressing prepared from a mixture of fat-free cottage cheese with spicy horseradish. If the horseradish is not spicy, then you can add pickled cucumbers. It turns out appetizing fish salad, which...

Mackerel under a fur coat of beet jelly

Mackerel under a fur coat of beetroot jelly - interesting interpretation the usual herring under a fur coat. The principle of preparing puff salad is slightly changed, which makes mackerel under a fur coat a completely new dish. layered salad mackerel under a fur coat with beetroot...

Fish salads

    Any festive table will not be solemn enough without salads with fish. Sea food have always been considered a delicacy, even in those cities that were located near the banks of rivers, lakes and seas. The special taste of fish...

    Salmon - amazingly tasty, tender fish this is one of the most amazing sea ​​delicacies which was liked by a lot of people. Few people, even the most ardent opponents of fish, will be able to refuse ...

    Modern housewives do not get tired of looking for new solutions for their everyday life. Women want to cook tasty, but at the same time spend less time, effort and money. Of course, the economy, the speed of cooking in many respects ...

    At the mention of the phrase “salad with herring”, only “Under a fur coat” comes to mind. Meanwhile, this is not the only dish where this fish can participate. It can be used as an ingredient...

    Cod meat is an unusually tender, healthy and dietary product. That is why cod is a fairly popular fish in cooking. There are many ways to cook it: boiling, stewing, smoking, roasting, baking in the oven ...

    Any salad with canned fish is very easy to make. There are many recipes. Having a can of canned fish on hand, you can quickly organize dinner. For example, a very simple snack, which everyone can concoct ...

    As a rule, sprats in oil were used not so long ago only for decorating sandwiches. However, a salad called “Fish in the Pond” appeared, in which sprats are the main ingredient, creating a charming taste ...

    If you want something unusual, a little sweet, a little salty, then the pink salmon salad is hearty and delicious option for such uncertain moods! You can cook it in different ways: lay it in layers, bung it up in 15 ...

    Salads with canned fish are great for all occasions: they are quick to prepare, relatively inexpensive, and taste canned fish even those who can't stand fresh seafood like it. Almost...

    Regular use fresh or canned salmon helps to normalize digestion, improves the condition circulatory system, has a positive effect on brain activity. Any recipe in which this fish is presented as the main or additional ...

    Fish is one of those products that the human diet cannot do without. This is a delicious and varied food, it significantly enriches the body with vitamins and numerous microelements, but also brings pleasure....

    Salad "Mimosa" is able to decorate the holiday not only with a very appetizing look, but also impress guests with its great taste. Fish is the main ingredient in this appetizer. We offer two options for this...

    Perhaps everyone who has tried smoked fish at least once appreciated its taste. Delicate texture and light fragrance haze, will not leave anyone indifferent. This delicacy has a wonderful, pronounced taste. She's delicious...

    Mackerel is a fish that most often appears on our table in the form of cold appetizer: baked, salted or smoked mackerel always goes with a bang! But few people know that this fish can...

    Salad "Shuba" is undoubtedly a classic of Russian cuisine. This is one of those dishes that are traditionally considered homemade and that the whole family looks forward to. "Shubu" (or "Herring under a fur coat")...

    Saira is a rather specific fish. It is rarely served fried, and even more rarely in boiled. But canned food from smoked saury scatter from store shelves instantly, because almost every...

    The French also call tuna "sea veal". This is due to the fact that it has an uncharacteristic taste for a fish. Exactly given quality brought this fish such popularity. Tuna is actively used in cooking ...

    Salted salmon - universal product, which can also be used for variety of snacks, and for dishes Japanese cuisine, and just for sandwiches. But sooner or later everything gets boring, and you want something ...

    Cod liver is often used to make salads of all kinds. Today we will take a closer look at the recipe for such a dish in several versions. By the way, salmon salad can get original taste if added to...

    Often housewives try to buy ready-made canned fish to prepare this or that dish. This is understandable, since the recipe is prepared quickly, and, most importantly, it turns out quite tasty and healthy snacks all kinds of salads...

Fish salads

It is difficult to imagine any feast or a full meal without a salad on the table. Many people, when they come to a cafe or restaurant, before starting the main course, they necessarily eat a salad, or they eat it as a snack with hot. And often, when serving or ordering meat to the main table, you want to eat lighter salads that will not be heavy on the stomach. In this case, salads from a variety of fish immediately come to mind, which can be a great aperitif.

There are a great many fish salads, especially since fish can be processed absolutely different ways. And it is worth noting that each of the types of dishes is original, interesting and tasty in its own way.

From canned fish
This, it can be confidently noted, is the simplest and most common version of salads, which are also presented in the category of our website “Fish Salads”. Well who doesn't know classic mimosa which has become a real tradition New Year's table. Also, a special place among this type of salads is occupied by dishes with canned tuna. Its meat is very tender and boneless, making it ideal option for salad use.

Of course, salads with canned fish are the easiest to prepare, because the fish does not require additional processing. It is enough just to open the cherished jar, knead the contents with a fork, add the rest of the ingredients and enjoy the impeccable taste.

With lightly salted fish
A prominent representative of such dishes is the Herring under a fur coat, which often complements traditional Russian feasts. Salads with lightly salted red fish are considered more refined, which can be seasoned with both mayonnaise for greater satiety, and various vegetable oils, which makes the dish lighter and more tender.

WITH fried fish
There is an opinion that salads with fried fish are popular in Japanese cuisine. But why not dilute your table with something unusual. Often such salads are prepared on the basis of a mix of greens, vegetables or even nuts. In order to add fish to a salad, it can be prepared in several ways:

just fry in oil; fry in batter; use Japanese tempura batter.
Anyway, tender pieces either white or red fish will perfectly complement tender vegetables and light refueling.

With boiled fish
Boiled fish is a primordially Russian privilege and salads with it are also presented in the section of our website. boiled fish can become the basis for a variation on the theme "Olivier" or an ingredient classic salad"Russian", which traditionally combine fish and boiled root vegetables. If you use different spices when cooking, then each time the final product can play in a new way.

Salads with fish are a whole palette where you can endlessly try your skills and test your imagination. And the recipes collected on our website will be a great help for the hostess who decided to diversify everyday dinners or the upcoming holiday feast.

Detailed description: fish royale salad recipe from a chef for gourmets and housewives from various sources.

  • Salad “Olivier” with fish, original and tasty/ Salad “Olivier” with fish

    Salad PHILIPPINES with red fish | Salad with Red Fish and Vegetables

    Salad " Male Caprice” / Festive Meat salad/ Very Easy Recipe (Delicious and Quick)

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    Ingredients: 35-40 pcs. sweet pepper, 3-3.5 kg. cabbage, 1 pc. hot pepper, 2 pcs. carrots, 13 cloves of garlic, Greens (dill, parsley). Marinade: 1 l. water, 2 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tbsp. sunflower oil, 0.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar. Preparation: Peel the seeds from the sweet pepper…

    Preparation: Peel and dice the onion, put it in a preheated vegetable oil fry over medium heat until light golden color, do not forget to stir so as not to burn. While the onion is fried, we will wash the carrots, peel and cut ...

    Ingredients: ● wings ● vegetable oil ● paprika ● garlic ● salt ● cornflakes Preparation: We take a dozen wings, inspect for the presence of feathers, well, in a saucepan. Slightly add water and on fire. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam...

    Ingredients: for the biscuit: ● eggs - 4 pcs. ● sugar - 1.5 cups. ● milk - 1 cup. ● oil grows. - 2/3 cups cocoa - 3 tbsp baking powder - 10 gr flour - 3 cups vanilla - 1 sachet for cream: ● condensed milk -…

    Salad with salted red fish and avocado

    • 150 grams of salted red fish fillet (salmon or trout);
    • 1 ripe fruit avocado;
    • 10 quail eggs;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 1 sweet and sour apple;
    • salt to taste.

    Salad with salted salmon, avocado and croutons

    • 200 g lightly salted salmon (fillet);
    • 1 ripe avocado;
    • 2 slices white bread or a loaf;
    • 1 tsp butter;
    • 1/2 can of canned corn;
    • mayonnaise 2 tablespoons;
    • dried ground herbs 1/4 tsp

    Read also: Salad sheet recipes salads

    Salad with salted salmon and rice

    • 250 g lightly salted salmon;
    • 100 g of rice;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 100 g hard cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • greens, salt, pepper to taste;
    • dressing - mayonnaise.

    Salad with salted salmon and avocado

    • slightly salted salmon 100 g;
    • avocado 1 pc;
    • eggs 2 pcs;
    • half a cucumber, if desired (it will refresh the salad);
    • lemon juice (to taste);
    • mayonnaise or olive oil optional;
    • black ground pepper 1 pinch.

    Salad with salted salmon and pickled cucumbers

    • salted salmon 200 grams;
    • 2 small pickled cucumbers;
    • boiled potatoes 2 pieces;
    • 1 head of onion;
    • 1-2 fresh tomatoes;
    • a few green onion feathers;
    • 3-4 lettuce leaves;
    • for decoration - a few olives or olives;
    • optional - capers (slightly).

    Salad with salted salmon

    • lightly salted salmon a piece of fillet gram per 200;
    • 5 eggs;
    • green onions;
    • 1/2 can of olives;
    • boiled potatoes 1-2 pieces;
    • fresh dill greens;
    • for dressing - mayonnaise and yogurt.

    When approaching New Year, Birthday or other holiday, recipes holiday salads I always have it on hand! Cooking with them is easy and fun. I hope my selection festive salads will help you to organize a festive table.

    Salad with salmon in a cheese basket

    • 300 g of hard cheese (I have parmesan);
    • 200 g lightly salted salmon fillet;
    • proteins from 3 eggs;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • mayonnaise, herbs to taste.

    Salad with Chinese cabbage, trout and pineapple

    • 1/2 small Chinese cabbage;
    • 500 g frozen unpeeled shrimp;
    • 200 g lightly salted trout fillet;
    • canned pineapple 200 g;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • hard cheese 100 g;
    • lemon juice 2 tsp;
    • greenery;
    • mayonnaise.

    Layered salad with avocado and salmon

    • 200 grams of slightly salted salmon;
    • half a glass of rice;
    • 1 avocado;
    • 100 grams cream cheese(like Philadelphia);
    • 100 grams of hard cheese;
    • salt and ground pepper to taste;
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice;
    • dill a few sprigs.

    Read also: grilled chicken salad recipe

    Salmon on a fur coat - salted red fish salad

    • a piece of lightly salted salmon gram per 250 (fillet);
    • 1 large potato;
    • 2 hard boiled eggs;
    • 1 small onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 medium sized beetroot;
    • for a gas station - natural yogurt(can be replaced with mayonnaise or non-sour sour cream to taste);
    • greenery for decoration.


    By Konstantin 28.10.2017

    You can experiment with palatability of this salad, try to take and bake a sweet pepper (which is used in cooking) in the oven, then peel it, cool it, add it to the dish and you will get a completely different, very interesting taste.


    • Long grain rice - 100 grams
    • Salt - to taste
    • White fish - 400 grams (for example cod)
    • Sweet pepper - 1/2
    • Tomatoes - 1 piece (medium)
    • Onion - 1/2 (medium)
    • Dill - 1/2 bunch
    • Rice vinegar - 1 tablespoon


    1. Take the rice, put it in a saucepan, cover with water and cook until tender (about 20 minutes) and let it cool. Take another pan, salt the water, then put the fish in it and put it to boil (also for 20 minutes), when the fish is ready, put it out, let it cool a little, and then cut it into small pieces.
    2. wash Bell pepper, remove all seeds from it and chop very finely. Take a tomato with onion and dill, wash it all well and chop finely.
    3. Take a deep bowl, put all the chopped vegetables in it, pour them with vinegar, then salt and mix thoroughly.
    4. Put the chopped fish in a bowl with vegetables, with boiled rice, mix everything again and lay out ready salad on salad bowls or plates. Be sure to garnish with chopped dill before serving.


    Cooking time: 40

    Read also: Tomato cucumber salad for the winter recipes

    Preparation time: 40

    Servings: 8

    Cuisines: Russian

    Type of dish: salads

    The recipe is suitable for: banquet, dinner, lunch.


    Royal salad

    I can not pass by interestingly decorated dishes, especially my favorite salads. On holiday table look original, cause admiration from guests.

    Salad " White piano”has such a name both by the method of registration and by the color of its constituent ingredients close to white shades. This salad is from the puff category, seasoned with mayonnaise. No matter what anyone says, this sauce is for layered salads irreplaceable.

    I usually use homemade mayonnaise, so you can apply a mesh to them only with the help of confectionery syringe or bag. In this case, I decided to speed up the process and simply mixed the ingredients for the layers with a small amount mayonnaise, and then stacked. As it turned out, this is not very convenient for creating a form, so do not be lazy, make a grid at least using plastic bag with cut corner.

    How to cook a dish step by step with a photo at home

    To prepare the salad, we need smoked chicken breast, eggs, cheese, apple, hazelnuts, mayonnaise.

    with smoked chicken breast remove the skin, remove the bones and cut into small cubes.

    Add some mayonnaise and mix chicken meat with it.

    We also finely chop the apple and also season with mayonnaise.

    Three on coarse grater cheese, also season. We leave a rectangular piece of cheese for the keys, we will make them later.

    Divide boiled eggs into whites and yolks. Set aside the squirrels, and knead the yolks and season with mayonnaise.

    Fry the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan and, rubbing between the palms, remove the skin. Grind the peeled nuts to fine crumbs in a blender.

    Read also: Caesar salad with salmon recipe with photo step by step

    Place 2/3 on a plate chicken meat and give it a square shape. Leave one third.

    We put 2/3 apples on the chicken.

    Then all the yolks.

    Sprinkle with nut crumbs. This layer is without mayonnaise.

    The main component of the salad - salted red fish Everyone's favorite delicacy. We all know to buy delicious fish, you need some luck: it may turn out to be too salty or not salty enough, too spicy, or vice versa. The best way avoid disappointment - learn salt red fish on one's own. I suggest you try cooking with a salad salted fishdry salting.


    • dry salted red fish (salmon, salmon, trout) - 300-400g
    • potatoes - 3 pcs (small)
    • egg - 3 pcs
    • pickled cucumber - 3-4 pieces (depending on size)
    • mayonnaise

    Salt the fish:

    For 1 kg of fish you will need: salt - 2 tablespoons; sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.

    Remove the skin from frozen red fish. Let it defrost and cut into fillets - remove the spine and large bones (you can use large tweezers). We cut the fish large pieces. Mix sugar with salt. We put the fish pieces in a container, pre-sprinkling with sugar and salt, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for 3 days. After that, the fish is ready.


    Boil potatoes and eggs and set aside. Then cut into 1x1 cm cubes.

    Cut fish and cucumbers into strips.

    Mix everything with mayonnaise. If the salad seems dry to you, you can add a couple of spoons cucumber pickle. Salt is not necessary, fish and cucumbers will give the salad the desired salinity. Let the salad infuse for 1-2 hours.

    Bon appetit!

    They are easy to prepare and "enough for everyone." For a quiet party in a narrow circle, you can pick up more extravagant options with cod or trout at the table. Tuna goes well with boiled egg and avocado. Fresh cucumber and potatoes are suitable for salted herring. Ladies prefer recipes for fish salads, which are boiled or stewed in a double boiler. Men will like it better smoked taste and aroma. Even a young culinary specialist will prepare a dinner of canned fish, eggs and mayonnaise, which will earn the gratitude of his parents who have returned from work. The crushed products are laid out in layers or mixed in a chaotic manner. Patterns drawn with sauce or pieces of the main ingredient laid out in a fancy picture will make the appetizer extremely tempting.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

    She will not need a place in the refrigerator - she will be eaten in a few minutes. Legendary Recipes fish salad or unusual novelties in recent years, they are taken into service when guests are on the doorstep or households urgently demand “delicious” on the table. Can stick classical rules or experiment with dressings and quantities. Improve "Mimosa", "Under a fur coat" or create something original. Look into the fridge and think about what to use for future creations. What if you manage to cook a masterpiece worthy of serving in a luxurious restaurant? Then treat the invention to friends and hear pleasant words of gratitude ...

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