
Japanese cuisine a. Japanese cuisine, recipes with photos at home

With its stunning natural scenery and distinct national and cultural identity, Japan is a place that should be visited at least once in your life. This East Asian island is also home to some delicious tasting and freshly prepared dishes.

Japan, unique and deceptive, is a land of opposites. It combines tradition and modernity, with a huge number of bustling cities along with magnificent natural landscapes. The food of this country is known to be very nutritious and dietary, consisting of fresh vegetables and seasonal products. We have selected 10 dishes that you should try while in Japan.


Sushi is raw fish placed on a compressed lump of rice lightly seasoned with vinegar. Recipes and toppings for sushi are extremely varied, for example, spicy sea urchin roe or thick, juicy amaebi (sweet shrimp) - once you try them, you will definitely not be disappointed. But despite the elevated image of sushi, it is first and foremost street food.


Ramen, or egg noodles in a salty broth, is a favorite among Japanese late-night dishes. Ramen is an excellent example of a dish borrowed, in this case from China, to which the Japanese gave their own special taste. There are 4 main types of broth for ramen: tonkotsu (pork bone broth), miso, soy sauce and salt broth. Fukuoka is famous for its tonkotsu ramen, and Hokkaido for its spicy miso ramen.


Unagi is river eel grilled over charcoal and topped with sweet barbecue sauce. According to popular belief, unagi is an ideal remedy for the hot, humid and sweltering Japanese summer. This delicacy is reminiscent of old Japan, and most eel restaurants capture this atmosphere perfectly. Freshly caught unagi can be tasted from May to October.


Light and airy, tempura is the Japanese version of the world's well-done food (although it is most likely that this food became famous in the land of the rising sun thanks to Portuguese traders). The battered seafood and vegetables, traditionally fried in sesame oil, are served in a bowl with a little salt or soy sauce with julienned radishes for dipping the tempura.


Kaiseki is part of the Japanese dinner, and the ability to prepare such a dish is equated to Japanese haute cuisine. Several centuries ago, kaiseki was a meal served during a tea ceremony in (it should be noted that it remains the capital of kaiseki to this day).

Kaiseki is a simple set of dishes served with care on exquisite dishes. Only fresh ingredients are used to prepare it. The choice of ingredients for each dish depends on the current season.


Soba, long thin buckwheat noodles, has long been a staple of Japanese cuisine. It is especially popular in mountainous regions, where frost-resistant buckwheat crops are valued higher than rice. Soba is served either hot with soy sauce or at room temperature with broth on a bamboo mat. Purists who don't like noodles boiled in soup prefer the second option.


The name of the dish comes from the sound that occurs when thin slices of beef or pork are dropped into boiling broth using chopsticks. This is an extremely delicious dish. A plate of marbled meat is served to the table, which visitors prepare themselves. A moment - and your mouth is already full of food.


Okonomiyaki, which literally means “fried as you like,” is a meal prepared effortlessly in the best Japanese tradition. This dish breaks the typical image of fine Japanese cuisine.

Okonomiyaki is a spicy flatbread filled with any number of foods (usually cabbage and pork), topped with thinly sliced ​​dried fish, dried seaweed, mayonnaise and Worcestershire sauce. Preparing this dish is very interesting: in most restaurants, visitors fry their own okonomiyaki on an electric hotplate built into the table.


The origins of tonkatsu, a breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet, date back to the 19th century, when Japan opened its borders to the west. But forget about the European version of this dish, the ingredients and method of preparation are absolutely Japanese.

Tonkatsu, especially when made from kuro-buta (a Berkshire breed of pig) in Kagoshima, is melt-in-your-mouth tender. These cutlets are served with a bowl of miso soup and shredded cabbage.


Returning home after a hard day at work, the Japanese often buy a cold beer and a few skewers of yakitori - pieces of chicken grilled over coals. For yakitori, both chicken meat and its entrails are used. The chicken is moderately cooked and served with either salt or tare sauce (made from mirin, sugar and soy sauce).

The culinary traditions of Japan are quite complex. The main distinguishing features of oriental cuisine are the choice of products and cooking features. Traditional Japanese food provides for the preservation of the primary taste of each component (mainly fish, eel, squid, crab and shrimp).

What do you cook most often?

Japanese cuisine recipes differ significantly from European or Chinese. The secret lies in seafood, which enriches the body with essential substances. Many people try to monitor their diet, adhering to a healthy lifestyle; Japanese cuisine, recipes for preparing it at home are offered here, is an excellent helper in this matter.

Page online store "Fuji-san" provides a lot of delicious options for traditional Japanese cuisine - sushi, sauces, noodles, soups, salads, desserts , impressive in simplicity and pleasantly surprising in taste.

Popular treats

Japan is a country full of customs that have remained unchanged for many years. The history of the origin of sushi began several centuries ago. The dish acquired its current appearance around the 19th century, and a couple of decades later it spread to other cultures. Despite their popularity, they are considered exotic and gourmet treats.

Thanks to "Fuji-san" you will learn how to properly cook rice and what you will need for rolls. During the process, it is important to follow key technologies for processing components. The fish should not be frozen, and the rice should not be overcooked.

Japanese cuisine recipes are presented clearly, with photos, and are available for use at home. The catalog includes a complete set of required goods, which can be ordered at a convenient time with delivery to Russia, in particular Moscow.

Oriental cuisine is represented not only by sushi. The Japanese prepare seafood salads and soups with the addition of rice, noodles, fruits or vegetables, and poultry. Various sauces (including soy sauce), pastes and oils are often used as a dressing.

Preparation of noodles is simple and varied. You can make a side dish, salad or aromatic broth from it. Bamboo, or rather its sprouts, are healthy and rich in vitamins, so food containing this ingredient is becoming more and more popular.

Japanese cuisine, recipes for which are posted on the site pages "Fuji-san", include a variety of sweets - ice cream and sweet rolls and cheesecakes. Tofu cheese is used in main dishes, desserts and cocktails.

In this section you will learn recipes for making sushi and rolls at home, how to prepare rice for sushi and rolls, how to cook Japanese noodles, how to eat Japanese salads, the benefits of bamboo, what Japanese dishes you can prepare yourself at home.

On the pages "Fuji-san" housewives will find something special. The company’s specialists will help you bring the oriental book closer. We have a lot of practical advice and possibility of ordering the necessary ingredients with delivery.

Recipes for cooking Japanese dishes at home

Culinary community Li.Ru -

If you are tired of empty porridge, I suggest you prepare a spicy and very easy to prepare Japanese dish. everything will turn out great, even if you don’t know how to cook.

Each country has its own version of preparing an omelet with its own special ingredients. Japanese omelette with rice will surprise you both with its composition and its beautiful way of serving.

Today I will show you how to make nigiri at home. However, the nigiri recipe is extremely simple, and you can figure it out even without it. But for clarity, I think the recipe with photos will be useful to many.

Japanese rice is made with egg and vegetables. You can also add meat or tofu, to taste. Japanese rice can be a good tasty side dish or a light main dish. Give it a try.

To make rolls at home, you only need a can of canned tuna and carrots. Very tasty and satisfying rolls with canned tuna will be a complete lunch.

A simple and easy recipe for fried shrimp and onions. Onions add a piquant flavor to the shrimp. Shrimp can be served as an appetizer or as a main dish with steamed rice.

The Japanese and Koreans still cannot share this recipe - each side claims that kimchi is its national treasure. For us, the origin of this delicious dish is not so important as the technology of its preparation. So, a simple recipe for kimchi soup, adapted to Russian culinary realities;)

A traditional way to cook beef in Japan using vegetables, soy sauce and sesame seeds. The result is a rather unusual, but at the same time incredibly pleasant taste.

Japanese chicken legs are best served with rice. The chicken legs turn out to be spicy, so serve the rice unleavened.

Tofu in batter looks like fish sticks. The dish is hearty, quick to prepare and suitable for vegetarians. This is a perfect hot appetizer. Bread the tofu and fry it in oil. Try it!

The sweetish-spicy taste of Japanese liver will appeal to lovers of new sensations. I’m telling you how to make liver in Japanese - I recommend you try it, the dish is very good!

Shrimp cutlets are one of the most popular dishes in Japanese cuisine. Yes, and in the land of the rising sun they make cutlets :) I advise you to try it, the taste is very unusual.

It’s been two decades since sushi and rolls have conquered the entire planet, but another recipe for cooking fish in Japanese has not gained worldwide recognition. Meanwhile, sashimi is one of the simplest and most delicious dishes in the world!

Making rolls at home is not difficult, and it can be a fun and tasty entertainment for a group of friends. You will need a bamboo mat, nori, sushi rice, avocado and salmon.

If you have leftover rolls that you couldn't eat the day before, then make a simple dish - tempura rolls. It's very easy - I'll tell you and even show you with pictures how to do it.

Do you love oriental cuisine and want to replicate it at home? There is nothing easier, because all you have to do is cook meat in Japanese style and plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the land of the rising sun.

Pay attention to the ingredients - this is not ordinary spicy chicken, this is Japanese chicken in an unusual sauce with coconut milk! This exotic dish is easy and doesn’t take long to prepare.

Chicken Wrap Recipe - Making Asian wraps with chicken, ginger, apple, onion and sweet chili sauce.

Recipe for making shish kebab from scallops, oranges, ginger and cucumbers with honey. If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes before using.

Marinated shiitakes are cooked for 40 minutes. This is a delicious snack that can be stored in the refrigerator. When marinating, in addition to shiitake mushrooms, add cloves, pepper and other spices.

Shiitake noodles are great for an appetizer, side dish, or light lunch. You can add seafood, chicken or other meat to these noodles. The dish is prepared from fresh Asian noodles, shiitake mushrooms and spices.

Shiitake mushroom soup is simple and very tasty. Add tofu cheese, some honey mushrooms or enoki, and green onions to the shiitake soup. The result is a light, elegant and at the same time very satisfying soup.

Japanese traditional miso soup with shiitake is prepared in half an hour. Ginger, tofu, vegetables and, of course, miso are added to it. Shiitake is a source of vitamin D, so the soup is both tasty and healthy.

As a rule, wasabi paste, which is used when serving rolls and preparing some Asian dishes, is purchased at the store. I’ll tell you how to make wasabi at home from wasabi powder.

Daikon came to us from the East. If you haven’t tried making daikon radish salad yet, you urgently need to fix it. Very useful and economical, not bitter. Worth cooking!

Chicken "Katsu"

Chicken Katsu is a Japanese dish consisting of a very tasty chicken fillet fried in egg and breadcrumbs. Anyone can prepare it - especially with a simple step-by-step recipe.

I show you how to make sushi (rolls) at home. If you have never tried making sushi (rolls) at home, try it. The process is simple and fun, and the result is very tasty!

Delicious seafood rice recipe. The Japanese consider rice to be a sacred food. The attitude towards this product is also special. A lot of dishes are prepared with rice, dishes with sea cocktail are especially popular.

Chicken fillet in Teriyaki sauce

An exotic but simple recipe for cooking chicken fillet in traditional Japanese Teriyaki sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soy sauce.

Teriyaki sauce (Teriyaki) is a Japanese dish based on soy sauce. You can buy it in a store, or you can prepare it at home, especially since the recipe for making teriyaki sauce is not at all complicated.

Enjoy the delicate, refined taste of eel sushi and touch the secrets of Japanese cuisine. Making eel sushi at home is quite simple, and it turns out tastier than at a sushi bar!

Shrimp rolls are dedicated to all lovers of sushi and seafood. It’s easy to prepare rolls at home, and a step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to do it.

Salad "Chuka"

Chuka salad is a traditional Japanese seaweed salad. I'm telling you how to make Chuka salad at home - it's quite simple if you have the right ingredients.

The Japanese also eat cutlets. Japanese cutlets with cheese are quite similar to the cutlets we are used to, but they still differ in some ways. I’m sharing the recipe for Japanese cutlets!

Marinated fish recipe - preparing grilled tuna with a Japanese marinade. In addition to fish dishes, the marinade is also suitable for chicken, beef, tofu and vegetables.

Rolls with avocado, salmon and cucumber are one of the most popular classic types of rolls. Avocado, salmon and cucumber are classics of the genre. If you are cooking or trying it for the first time, then this is what you need.

Japanese potato salad is something you've definitely never tried before. The most ordinary, familiar vegetables give birth to a Japanese salad that is completely unexpected in taste and design.

Recipe for hot rolls with salmon and cucumber.

To try delicious tuna and cucumber rolls, you don’t have to go to a sushi bar or restaurant. All you have to do is open this recipe and try a little. Good luck!

Daikon chamomile is an incredibly beautiful appetizer that will look spectacular on any holiday table and will give a subconscious signal to all guests: they know how to cook deliciously and beautifully here.

Pickled daikon is easy to prepare and a great appetizer or side dish. Surprise your guests with this wonderful pickled vegetable!

Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish suitable for a healthy diet. In Japan, this soup is prepared for breakfast and throughout the day. Easy to prepare recipe. Ingredients: dashi, miso, tofu.

Futomaki with omelette and shiitake are rolls for those who don’t trust raw fish. It turns out no worse than with salmon, tuna or eel. Dedicated to roll lovers like me:)

Don’t be alarmed, Japanese omelette with soy sauce is a fairly easy-to-prepare dish that doesn’t require any outlandish or unavailable ingredients. It's simple, fast and very tasty!

Actually, this salad is called “Ebi Sunomono”, but for simplicity I will just call it Japanese cucumber salad :) A great idea for a simple but unusual vegetable salad.

A classic of Japanese traditional cuisine - salmon sushi. You don't need to go to a restaurant to make amazing salmon sushi - you can do it at home!

The most popular type of tea in Japan. More than 80% of the tea produced in the country is sentya. It is very tender, fragrant and healthy. It is obtained from the bancha and gyokuro varieties.

Remember the various coffee substitutes made from grains and chicory, popular in the Soviet Union? Here is a much more ancient Japanese analogue made from roasted barley grains, which remains popular today.

Vegetarian vegetable miso soup is a delicious and very healthy soup. Japanese cuisine is based on fish, but we will prepare a soup without fish, but nevertheless full of vitamins and nutrients!

Hosomaki are rolls and sushi with one filling. If you are preparing rolls for the first time, then this is a great option for mastering the process.

Sweet tender rolls will certainly please all girls and those with a sweet tooth. The sweet rolls recipe is very easy to prepare.

Mussels are mollusks. If you follow the rules of technology, you can prepare very tasty dishes from them.

Recipe for making a delicacy a la Japanese soup of tuna, mushrooms and sea greens with an appetizer of sprats in dough.

Genmaicha (genmaicha), from the Japanese "brown rice tea" is an ancient energy drink used by the poor to maintain strength. It was made from green tea leaves and fried rice.

Tamago yaki recipe. Japanese omelette - tamago yaki, a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine.

An Asian recipe made with spinach, soy sauce, rice vinegar, Japanese wine and sesame oil.

Recipe for making rolls with grape leaves. Those who do not want to gain excess weight will really like this dish.

"Chakin shibori" Japanese dessert

The preparation process produces a very unusual and original dessert. You don't need a lot of time to prepare this dish. It turns out very tasty. The Japanese love this dessert.

The world-famous rice vodka from the Land of the Rising Sun is actually rice beer, if you look closely at the preparation process. Interestingly, this drink is easy to make at home!

Recipe for making crispy shrimp pouches. This dish is great for lunch.

Recipe for cabbage rolls with shrimp in seaweed and lettuce. The dish is low-calorie, filling, tasty and very healthy.

Recipe for Taco rice with onions, garlic, ground beef, soy sauce, cumin, lettuce, tomatoes. Mozzarella cheese, salsa and sour cream.

Recipe for making an omelet in modern Japanese cuisine. In Japan it is also called Wasei-eigo, in England it is known as the “Japanese suitcase” (Japanese portmanteau)

Japanese cuisine is food for people who want to live long. Food from Japan is the standard of proper nutrition all over the world. One of the reasons for the long closure of the Land of the Rising Sun from the world is its geography. It largely determined the uniqueness of the diet of its inhabitants. What is the name of Japanese food? What is its originality? Find out from the article!

Japanese food is original not so much in the ingredients of each dish, but in the time-tested methods of preparation and serving. Attention to detail is the main secret and distinctive feature of Japanese cuisine. Every nuance, ritual and rule is important. Japanese food is prepared exclusively from fresh ingredients, so each dish is part of the natural cycle, a continuation of the idea of ​​the eternal change of seasons.

Serving and serving dishes

Probably, no other cuisine in the world pays as much attention to the presentation of dishes and table setting as in Japanese. Beauty and minimalism is the combination that traditional tableware has, varied in shape, materials and sizes. Japanese food has the same qualities as tableware: the clearest example is sushi and sashimi and their decorations - leaves, flowers, grass. Each plate of Japanese delicacies is a true masterpiece.

Japanese cuisine products

The change of seasons is reflected at lightning speed on the table of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. After heat treatment and cooking, each ingredient must retain its natural texture and color. The aroma is only emphasized by numerous spices and seasonings.

Japanese cuisine is characterized by preserving the taste of vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, seafood, tofu and other products in a natural way.

The main seasonings are soy sauce and miso, which are made using traditional technology. They vary in color and taste, existing in three main varieties.

Japanese food is primarily rice. It is the main ingredient in the cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun and is included in most dishes.

About 150 years ago, Japanese people were afraid to eat meat products. Their modern cuisine is still based primarily on seafood and dishes that are made from legume soy products, such as yuba, tofu, natto, miso soup and soy sauce.

Fresh ingredients play a significant role in Japanese cooking. For example, vegetables, seafood and mushrooms, the selection of which depends on the time of year outside the window. In addition, each region of Japan has local dishes that can also be enjoyed in Tokyo.

Japanese food, the names of which are often very difficult to remember and pronounce, is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Now we will tell you in more detail about those dishes that people enjoy eating in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Main dishes

Japanese food, the list of which is very diverse, despite a very limited set of ingredients, will appeal to many gourmets and simply lovers of the exotic. The cuisine of this country has thousands of different dishes. Let's talk about some of them.

Udon is a type of wheat noodle that does not contain eggs. In most cases, udon is served hot, like noodle soup in a broth.

Soba is a grayish-brown noodle made from buckwheat flour. Most often served cold without broth.

Sushi is a traditional dish of the Land of the Rising Sun, which is prepared from various seafood and rice.

Sashimi, or sashimi, is one of the national dishes of Japanese cuisine. Under this “scary” name lies nothing more than fillets from various types of fish, which were cut into small pieces. Sometimes other seafood is also used. The fish undergoes minimal heat treatment or is served raw. Served with wasabi, ginger and soy sauce.

Miso soup is the national dish of Japanese cuisine. Made from onions, miso and aburaage.

A Japanese dish made from pieces of chicken along with its innards, which are grilled over coals on bamboo skewers, is yakitori. served either with just salt or with tare sauce, which is made from soy sauce, sugar and mirin. In this case, the meat is poured with sauce, fried until cooked, and then served with the same sauce. Sometimes this dish is served with lemon juice. Yakitori is a very popular Japanese dish.


Japanese snacks are also quite varied.

A very popular dish in the Land of the Rising Sun, takoyaki, is made from a piece of octopus and batter. The appetizer is fried in a special frying pan that has hemispherical recesses.

Takuan is an equally popular traditional snack in Japan. It is prepared from daikon radish.


European chefs add spices and herbs to the dish while preparing it. And Japanese chefs use them only to ensure that the finished dish acquires additional flavor or aromatic shades. You can sprinkle the spices on your food, or you can add them to a dipping sauce.

The most famous seasonings of the Land of the Rising Sun are ginger, wasabi and shiso. In addition to them, Japanese chefs also use a variety of wild herbs, which are called sansai. Each of them has unique taste and aroma qualities.

Gari is a type of pickled vegetable called tsukemono. This is young ginger, cut into thin slices, which has been pickled with sugar and vinegar.

Gari has a distinctive pungent taste that is often associated with perfumes. It is usually served with sushi along with soy sauce and wasabi. Gari is necessary to kill the aftertaste after switching from one type of sushi to another. There is no need to eat a lot of ginger or gari - a small piece is enough. You can also use a piece of ginger as a brush to coat the sushi with soy sauce.


Japanese food for children is, first of all, desserts and sweets. Cooks from the Land of the Rising Sun prepare sweets from various berries, fruits, nuts, as well as milk and dairy products. Rice in Japan is even used for desserts.

Green tea without sugar must be served with dessert. This drink allows you to enjoy the taste of sweets, revealing it to the fullest.

One of the most popular desserts in Japan is wagashi, traditional ones. They are prepared using exclusively fresh natural ingredients, such as legumes, rice, sweet potatoes, chestnuts, a variety of herbs and teas.


Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are very fond of various fruit, berry and soft drinks. But the obligatory and most favorite thing here is undoubtedly tea. In Japan, this drink is not brewed in small and pot-bellied teapots, but directly in mugs, from which they drink.

Tea makers from Japan claim that the best time to drink tea is a few minutes after brewing the drink. Then, when the twisted tea leaves straighten out, and the tea gains flavor. The latter can be judged by the color of the drink: greenish-brown.

Japanese food powder

This is a recent invention of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. The meal kit consists of ingredients in powder form. For example, waffles with jam look like a bag of contents that need to be diluted with water to create dough and jam of different flavors. In addition, there are molds for baking waffles. Japanese food powder is an alternative to fast food in other countries of the world.

Japan has always been considered one of the most mysterious and attractive countries in the world for tourists. We know little about her cuisine, but we all know what sushi and rolls are.

Minimalism is the main criterion of the Japanese. The food they eat does not require special cooking or any processing. And if you are lucky enough to visit Japan, then visit not only the famous Mount Fuji, but also some local restaurant to try Japanese cuisine. And no matter what choice you make, check out 12 traditional Japanese dishes!

Dish No. 1. Sushi and rolls

It is not surprising that sushi and rolls are at the top of the list of traditional Japanese dishes. The proposal to visit Japan in order to try dishes whose recipes are known to every provincial chef seems strange. Today, in a restaurant with any cuisine, you can find “Gunkan-maki”, “California” and “Philadelphia” without applying for a visa or passport. The best taste can only be demonstrated by sushi and rolls with the freshest seafood, and these are served exclusively in Japan. Every restaurant has an aquarium or even a pond with live fish, which are caught directly to the table.

Dish No. 2. Ramen

The second place in traditional Japanese dishes is ramen. Thick soups are very popular in Asia: Thai soup Rad Na replaces the first and second courses at once. Japanese ramen is its close relative. It is sold by both street food vendors and fine dining restaurants. Ramen is a kind of assortment, because in its composition any component can be replaced with another. The basis is meat broth made from chicken, pork, and sometimes fish. Wide wheat or rice noodles are cooked in the broth, seasoned with eggs, green onions and seaweed. The skill of a ramen cook in Japan is measured by checking the texture of the meat in the soup: it should resemble puree.

Dish No. 3. Tempura

Another traditional Japanese dish rightfully occupies third position. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun do not understand the popularity of American fast food - in particular, French fries. The Japanese found a recipe for a Lenten dish from Portuguese missionaries and made a cult out of it. In every home in the country you can find a special frying pan for tempura, which is taken out before parties and friendly get-togethers. Fresh shrimp, fish, vegetables and even fruits are fried in a small amount of oil. It is given a special taste by a batter made from eggs, ice water and flour, whipped until air bubbles form.

Dish No. 4. Okonomiyaki

The Japanese also found a replacement for burgers: they call it okonomiyaki, which means “flatbread with fish.” The base for the flatbread is grated cabbage or pumpkin, flour, cheese, egg and water. The ingredients are mixed and poured in a thin layer onto the pan to bake the pancake. The finished traditional Japanese dish okonomiyaki is soaked in thick soy sauce and sprinkled with chopped tuna flesh. The size and filling of the flatbread differs in each region of Japan: in Kansai they are much larger than in Tokyo.

Dish No. 5. Shabu-shabu

This traditional Japanese dish gets its name from a type of kitchen utensil. Shabu-shabu is a deep metal plate that can be heated in the oven or over an open fire. Broth with vegetables, tofu and noodles is poured into it. Served separately are sliced ​​meats from duck, pork, lobster and chicken fillet: pieces of it are dipped into the heated broth immediately before consumption. Shabu-shabu is such a rich dish that it is served only in the cold season.

Dish No. 6. Miso

Miso soup is served as a side dish with any other dish except desserts. It is made from miso paste made from fermented soybeans and tuna dashi broth. This base mixture is supplemented with pieces of tofu, wasabi, onions, sweet potatoes, seaweed, carrots and radishes. It is never used as a main dish: miso is always served with at least one type of soup or two rice side dishes with different sauces.

Dish No. 7. Yakitori

The Japanese could compete with the Caucasian peoples for the right to be called the inventors of shish kebab. Since ancient times, they have fried meat over coals, stringing it on bamboo sticks. For Japanese kebab, both fillet and entrails are suitable, marinated in a mixture of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and salt. When frying, the meat is poured with the same mixture, which is called “tare”. Yakitori is sold in small shops found on every corner. After finishing the working day, the Japanese do not consider it necessary to spend personal time preparing dinner: before returning home, they buy yakitori and beer or sweet carbonated drinks.

Dish No. 8. Onigiri

If yakitori is purchased instead of dinner, then for breakfast in Japan they order home delivery of such a traditional dish as onigiri. Rice balls filled with beans, shiitake mushrooms or pork in a variety of flavors are eaten as snacks, including during work breaks. In Japan, they are more popular than sushi due to the fact that their preparation does not require special skills. Girls prepare onigiri: they put rice and filling on their palm, and then roll the mixture into balls. In restaurants located in Tokyo, you can try a variety of onigiri called umeboshi - plum filling with salt and wine vinegar.

Dish No. 9. Soba

Wheat udon can be seen on the menu of any Asian country, so the Japanese decided to come up with their own variety of noodles. This traditional Japanese dish is made with buckwheat flour, which gives the pasta a grey-brown color. The soba is boiled, drained in a colander and mixed with vegetables and meat, separated into fibers. In small cafes and fast food establishments, soba is added to chicken broth to create an almost instant soup. Famous restaurants serve buckwheat noodles with crab and lobster.

Dish No. 10. Gudon

Translated from Japanese, this word means "bowl of beef." This spicy traditional dish, popular among Japanese men due to its high calorie content and satiety, is not inferior in spiciness to Thai culinary masterpieces. What distinguishes gyudon from soba is the amount of meat: when served, two or three spoons of rice and several handfuls of stewed meat with wine are placed on the plate. The top of the side dish is decorated with raw chicken yolk. Restaurants in the Japanese capital serve a type of gyudon - katsudon with a chop weighing at least 500 grams.

Dish No. 11. Yakiniku

Japanese men gather in groups and compete in the art of cooking grilled meat. The brazier is placed on a clay pot with hot coals. Each man has his own yakiniku recipe, which he does not share with anyone. In restaurants, this traditional Japanese dish is also prepared by a male chef using marbled beef of the highest category.

Dish No. 12. Suama

Desserts are not particularly popular in Japan, but neither adults nor children can resist suami. This cake is made from rice flour and fine cane sugar: the ingredients are ground in a mortar and pink dye is added. The color of sakura petals symbolizes this country, so cooks are prohibited from changing the color of the dye.
