
Responsibilities of a Restaurant Manager. Requirements for a specialist

First, a little clarification - if you think that the restaurant manager does nothing but looks after the waiters and other members of the restaurant team - you are mistaken. I will now reveal all the cards to you. I do not think that there will be only trump cards. So - the administrator is a member of the hall. In our example, we have an institution of a fairly high level. If the position of hostess is not provided, the administrator most often meets the guests himself, later he transfers him to the care of the waiter. The admin has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders.

Coming first to work, he inspects the halls for guests, turns on the lighting, ventilation, storage room, scans for cleanliness. When the whole team is assembled, the admin conducts a “five-minute session”. That is, the news from the management conveys to the team. The administrator has a moral nervous work. It is necessary to monitor the quality of table service, and cleanliness, and how quickly the kitchen copes with its orders. Holding the phone in his hand, and automatically answering all calls, the admin goes to the warehouse expensive products, and drinking, making sure that food is prepared for the staff. With all this, he also considers wages and reports to management. Some establishments save on storekeepers and cashiers. Naturally, all these responsibilities lie on the shoulders of the administrator. Imagine, the hall is full of guests, bills are carried for settlement, the admin answers calls, writes down reserves, calculates clients, with all this, you need to be as collected as possible, otherwise at the end of the day the cashier simply will not converge. Next, the bartender calls you, because the elite wine has run out, the administrator himself runs to the warehouse and takes it out. The refrigerator breaks, you need to immediately call the master. And if the light bulb burned out, and it was not replaced in time, they will already call the boss on the carpet.

The administrator also has other responsibilities, such as hiring staff. He must hire a waiter, attach him to another, more experienced worker, and monitor the maximum performance of his duties. The same applies to kitchen workers, cleaners, etc. What qualities should a successful administrator have? First of all, he must know what a stick is and what a carrot is. If you relax the attitude towards the staff, cocktails will immediately pour out, which the bartender will pour for pretty waitresses, and the asking for salads and ice cream in the kitchen will immediately begin. But of course, there must be a healthy atmosphere in the team. Otherwise, the administrator simply will not be able to reach out to the workers. Failures in work and active staff turnover will then be ensured. So, if you decide on such a job, you must understand that you are protecting the interests of the restaurant. You should resolve any conflict situations only due to your rigidity. After all, a lot of customers come to the institution to quarrel. So, let's sum up. If you have chosen such a job for yourself, you must be: active, assertive, tough, non-conflict, sociable, have the ability to convince, accept (take into account in the future) criticism from management. Good luck!

If you are not one of those who succumb to difficulties and are ready to achieve their goal, then the profession of a restaurant administrator will bring you a good income in the form of a good salary. By the way, you can get training in this difficult but interesting specialty at the courses of administrators of restaurants and hotels.

When compiling a job description for a cafe administrator, it is important to take into account all the control and organizational functions of this profession. In fact, the cafe administrator is the general manager and the right hand of the owner of the establishment, and he is in charge of both the establishment itself and the staff. Customer satisfaction is also supervised by the manager. Read on to learn how to most fully describe all the duties of an administrator, take into account his rights and assign responsibility to him.

Sample job description for a coffee shop manager

The job description does not have strict requirements for form and content, the main thing is its presence. What exactly to indicate in it and how to compose it - this decision is made by the director of a particular organization, in this case, cafe. A typical sample instruction should contain four main sections - general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities. Each of the sections is obliged to most fully reveal its essence and specify the information component. Often, to draw up instructions, a sample of an existing form is taken, which is customized to the requirements of a restaurant or cafe.

General provisions

The general provisions prescribe the nuances of hiring, the requirements for the candidate in terms of the main parameters, and questions about his replacement and dismissal. The administrator or manager of the hall is appointed by order of the head. The general manager of a cafe or restaurant may present special requirements to the manager, depending on whether the senior is the manager or his assistant.

A senior manager, in addition to secondary vocational education, according to his profile or not, must have work experience in this field for 2 years or more. For an assistant, work experience does not play a significant role. Depending on the type of institution, special requirements may be put forward for the presence of certain skills and knowledge, for example, computer skills and / or knowledge of foreign languages. The hall manager must be able to communicate effectively with people, have decision-making skills, master the basics of marketing, advertising, psychology, organize the work of staff and customer service.

Cafe Manager Responsibilities

The senior hall manager, according to the job description, must keep everything in sight and manage any processes in the institution.

The administrator does the following official duties :

  • In relation to visitors. Obliged to receive guests, seat them and give advice on the services provided. Accepts claims from customers, tries to prevent or resolve conflicts.
  • In relation to staff. He is obliged to organize their work to maintain cleanliness in the premises and on the territory under his control, as well as to monitor the implementation of the instructions of the director or his deputy. Controls the discipline of labor and production character. Complies with labor regulations and hygiene standards.
  • In relation to the room. Preserves material values, keeps records of them and conducts inventory activities. Controls the design of the premises and the availability of promotional products.

The work of a manager involves constant interaction with the manager and informing him about the shortcomings and their elimination.


The administrator has the right to professional growth and professional development. The employer is obliged to assist him in this by all possible ways. The manager has the right to receive information about draft decisions being prepared that relate to the professional activities of the cafe manager. The manager is obliged to be informed and receive information concerning his work from other employees of the institution. The director of the cafe is obliged to assist the manager in the performance of his duties.


Administrator is responsible first of all for the safety of all material values ​​entrusted to him by his superiors. It is also important to comply with the requirements of labor discipline and the points of the job description. The manager is held responsible for both the actions of the staff and the satisfaction of visitors. It is important to observe correctness and not to disclose secrets that are directly related to the profession. The employer can make additional items in any of the sections of the job description at its discretion, thereby expanding or narrowing the powers of the manager.

I. General provisions

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with ________________________________ and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1.1. The restaurant manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. Subordination:
The administrator reports directly to the CEO.
1.3. Recruitment and dismissal:
The restaurant administrator is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the General Director.
1.4. Qualification requirements:
A person who has secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty in the system is appointed to the position of administrator Catering at least 2 years.
Must know:
- Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the organization of public catering.
- Rules for the production and sale of products (services) of the restaurant.
- Organization of production and management of the restaurant.
- Rules and methods for organizing the process of serving visitors.
- The range of services offered.
- Fundamentals of marketing.
- Economics of public catering.
- Pricing procedure.
- Principles of planning and design of premises, shop windows, organization of advertising.
- Fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics, psychology and customer service.
- Advanced domestic and foreign experience in catering and customer service.
- The rights and obligations of restaurant employees and their mode of operation.
- Organization of payment and stimulation of labor.
- Labor legislation.
- Internal labor regulations.
- Rules and norms of labor protection.

II. Functions

Restaurant manager:
2.1. Provides work on effective and cultural service to restaurant visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
2.2. Advises visitors on the provision of services ensures that they are familiar with the range of available dishes and drinks.
2.3. Exercises control over the rational design of the hall, bar counters, shop windows, etc.
2.4. Ensures cleanliness and order in the room.
2.5. Controls the receipt of orders from visitors.
2.6. Checks issued invoices and makes settlements with visitors.
2.7. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.
2.8. Examines claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.
2.9. Accepts orders and develops plans for holding and serving anniversary celebrations, weddings, banquets.
2.10. Controls the observance by the employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety precautions, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.
2.11. Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in servicing visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.
2.12. Supervises the implementation by employees of the instructions of the management of the organization.
2.13. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Job Responsibilities

The restaurant manager must:
3.1. Be attentive and polite.
3.2. Strictly follow the rules internal regulations enterprises, know and execute the job description, follow the orders and instructions of the restaurant management.
3.3. Know and follow safety regulations.
3.4. Carry out other assignments of management within the framework of official relations.

The restaurant manager has the right to:
4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the restaurant management regarding its activities.
4.2. Make proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
4.3. To interact with restaurant specialists in the framework of their job duties.
4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
4.5. Require the management of the restaurant to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.
4.6. Within the limits of its competence, report to the General Director on all shortcomings identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

V. Responsibility

The restaurant manager is responsible for:
5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.4. When transferring to another job or dismissal from office, the restaurant administrator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person entering this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or
directly to your supervisor.
5.5. Compliance with internal regulations, safety regulations and fire safety.

Hall administrator job description.

Job title: hall manager.


Position profile (requirements for employment): Woman 28-45 years old. Education - not lower than secondary special. Pleasant appearance. Cleanliness. Stress resistant. Customer oriented (customer experience). Sociable. Correct and correct speech.

General Purpose of the Position:

Satisfied guest, ready to return to us.

Functional responsibilities

Output product

Product quality indicators

1. Ensure cleanliness and order in the hall. Organize waiters to clean dirty dishes and straighten tables and chairs.

Clean and tidy room


2. Monitor the presence of napkins and spices on the tables

Completed table


3. Monitor the availability of clean and dry trays and cutlery for distribution.

Availability of clean and dry trays and cutlery


4. Monitor the availability of the menu for distribution.

Correspondence of the menu with dishes on distribution.

Availability of a menu.

5. Monitor the compliance of price tags and dishes and the quality of price tags.

The presence of the same price tags and their correspondence with the dishes.

Timeliness and persistence.

6. Keep track of availability tea table boiling water in a samovar, dry cups, the presence of sugar and lemon

Completed tea table.


7. Keep cleanliness in the children's corner, the presence of paper and felt-tip pens. When children appear, turn on the TV.

Cleanliness and order in the children's corner. Having everything you need.


8. Follow the musical arrangement of the hall, the sound level. At the request of guests, reduce the volume.

Calm, quiet music in the hall.

The absence of complaints from the guests in terms of the level and quality of the sound presented in the music room.

10. Include only those programs that are determined by the administration. At the request of guests, you can switch programs. After the departure of these guests, return to the previous programs.

Meeting the needs of guests.


12. Monitor the correctness of the work of waiters and those. staff in the hall. Do not allow contact. staff with guests

Lack of contact with guests.


13. Report to the guard about the facts of theft by staff and visitors

The minimum number of thefts by visitors and staff, careful attitude

Full compensation for damages from the perpetrators

14. Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations

Conflict resolution

Satisfied guest

15. Take orders, develop plans for holding and serve anniversary celebrations, weddings, banquets

Fulfillment of all the wishes of the customer

A quality banquet

16. At the request of the customer, arrange the design of the hall from his material

Professionally designed room

The maximum possible consideration of all the wishes of the customer

17. Serve the festive table

Decorated holiday table



18. Coordinate with customers of events the time of serving each dish

During the event, be sure to consult with customers about serving dishes.

No conflicts

Satisfied customer

19. Do not leave the establishment during the entire event

From beginning to end, the administrator is with customers

No conflicts

Satisfied customer

20. Take part in cleaning the halls after the events

Together with the waiters to clean the hall



21. Inform the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in servicing visitors and take measures to eliminate them.

Notify the director of any shortcomings and propose measures to eliminate them


Reliability of information

22. Responsible for the safety of equipment and low prices for bargaining. hall. In case of breakdown of equipment in the hall and in the kitchen, organizes its elimination.

23. After 6 months of work, undergo a medical examination at the expense of the company and supervise the passage of a medical examination by his subordinates.

Passed medical examination

On time, every six months

must know:

  • 1. Job Descriptions, standards and other RD for their own and their subordinates.
  • 2. Decrees, orders, orders and other regulatory documents related to the provision of catering services (the list is attached, documents can be taken from the library).
  • 3. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights dated February 7, 1992, No. 2301-1 (available in the library).

Qualification requirements:

  • 1. Special knowledge and skills:
  • - Knowledge of scheduling and paperwork requirements
  • - Knowledge of the governing documents of their functional unit
  • - Knowledge of catering services
  • 2. General knowledge and skills:
  • - Knowledge of the ethics of business communication;
  • - Knowledge and skills of time management.


Immediate: the director of the establishment.


In direct: dishwashers, waiters, technical staff.


Regarding the direct manager

1. Make suggestions to improve the efficiency of their work and the work of the institution.

2. Contact the administration in the event of a conflict in the course of activities, if it is impossible to independently resolve.

3. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding its activities and make proposals for changing these projects.

4. Report to the administration about all the shortcomings identified in the course of the performance of their duties, and make proposals for their elimination.

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

For employees in other departments

Request information and documents necessary for the operation of the institution and corresponding to its level of access from representatives of other departments and seek the implementation of reasonable requests.


As part of their functions listed in the job description

Other rights

The right to participate in seminars and trainings related to the professional activities of the employee



For losses incurred by the establishment, own fault administrator

For a malfunction or inconsistency in the condition and / or configuration of equipment at the workplace due to the administrator's own fault


For false information about the state of implementation of plans

For failure to perform their duties

For non-compliance with laws and regulations relating to the activities of the administrator and the institution


For non-compliance with the provisions of governing documents (rules, orders, instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents)

For non-compliance of the workplace with labor protection, safety, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and other standards and requirements

For non-compliance with labor and performance discipline, including labor regulations

For non-compliance with commercial and official secrets

Working conditions:

According to the shift schedule.


  1. In the event of emergency situations in the activities of the establishment, the administrator of the hall makes a decision within his authority. In case of especially critical emergency situations, the administrator of the hall makes a decision, coordinating with the director of the institution.
  2. The administrator of the hall chooses the time for lunch based on the current situation and the number of visitors.

Guest Service Standards:

  1. Comes to work, puts on a uniform, attaches a badge. The uniform (issued by the cafe administration) must be perfectly clean and ironed, the clothes and shoes that are worn with the uniform must also be absolutely clean and fit the uniform. Shoes must be with a closed nose, comfortable heels (slippers, beach shoes are not acceptable).
  • Hairstyle should be neat and well-groomed
  • You need to carefully monitor the condition of your hands and nails.
  • Do not speak in the workplace mobile phone chewing gum. All this looks insulting to visitors.
  • It is forbidden to read books, magazines, etc. in the workplace.
  • Being in trading floor, you cannot have private conversations that are not related to customer service.
  • In no case should you sit or stand with your arms crossed over your chest; Cashiers are not allowed to swing or roll around in their chairs.
  • You can not make any purchases during the working day.
  • Can't leave workplace without the permission of the immediate supervisor.

1. Makes a cash deposit (500 rubles).

  1. He goes to the mall.
  2. Includes TV and music center.
  3. Checks for napkins and spices on tables.
  4. He gives the task to the waitresses to complete the tables with napkins and salt shakers. Table control throughout the day.
  5. Lays tea utensils, spoons, sugar, lemon on the tea table.
  6. During the day, it controls the presence of boiling water, tea utensils, etc. on the tea table.
  7. Checks the order in the children's corner. If there are children, turn on the TV. In the absence of children - turns off.
  8. Controls that paper and felt-tip pens are always available in the children's corner.
  9. Checks the price tags at the distribution. Price tags should correspond to the dishes and be located strictly opposite them.
  10. Controls the presence of clean spacing and appliances.
  11. Must be cleared from tables on time dirty dishes and the tables are carefully wiped down. Move the chairs under the table after each guest. Waiter control.
  12. Listens carefully to the complaints and suggestions of guests and accepts all necessary measures. Leads to management.
  13. In case of unusual situations (the guest broke the dishes, dropped the tray, spilled tea, etc.), reassure the guest: “Don't worry. We'll take it all away now." Call a technician or a waiter (calmly, without too much noise).

Familiarized with the instructions:

Name Date Signature

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Name Date Signature

This article is devoted to the profession of a restaurant administrator. In it, we will consider in detail what requirements apply to this specialist, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of an administrative worker.

Who is a restaurant manager

The administrator who runs the restaurant is the person who involved in the organizational work of all employees of the institution. He supervises the work of waiters, cleaners, security guards, cloakroom attendants and cooks. The person in the administrative position is responsible for to ensure that guest service is of high quality and carried out at the highest level. Also this person oversees that all employees comply with corporate ethics.

For everything that happens in the institution, administrator answers. This person is engaged in the selection of employees and provides their training. This employee is located in the hall of the institution. He can meet guests, escort them to the table. And in case of conflict situations, the administrative officer resolves them.

General provisions of the instruction

The job description is a document that guides any worker in his work. In this case, the administrator has his own instructions. It contains general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities.

The administrative worker is a specialist. He reports only to his immediate supervisor. Acceptance and dismissal of this employee takes place at the direction of the director. A person who applies for this position must have a secondary education or primary vocational education. Experience in the catering industry must not be less than two years old.

The worker must have the following knowledge:

  • orders, instructions, resolutions, other regulatory acts that relate to the field of public catering;
  • rules that relate to the sale of restaurant goods;
  • rules that relate to the management of personnel and the institution;
  • rules regarding guest service;
  • the entire range of products and services provided;
  • marketing rules;
  • public catering rules;
  • rules relating to pricing;
  • professional ethics;
  • duties and rights of all employees of the institution;
  • organization of salary payments;
  • rules that relate to the internal regulations;
  • rules related to labor protection;
  • labor regulations.

Responsibilities and tasks

An administrative worker working in a restaurant must perform the following tasks duties:

In addition, the administrator must:

  • treats staff and guests with respect and courtesy;
  • comply with all the rules that are established in the restaurant;
  • comply with the rules relating to safety.

Requirements for a specialist

The person applying for this job must have:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge that allows him to work on a personal computer.

These requirements are basic and mandatory. Also, when applying for a job, other requirements may apply.:

  • ability to speak foreign languages;
  • know the range of wine products;
  • experience in holding banquets;
  • experience with guests who are VIP clients.

Whether these requirements will be made will depend on management and from the level of the institution in which the worker is required.

There are no distinctions by gender, but as practice shows, most often in restaurants the position of administrator is occupied by women who have a pleasant appearance.

Qualities that this employee should possess:

Responsibility and rights

In addition to duties, the restaurant administrator has the following rights:

  • familiarization with the decisions of the authorities that relate to his labor functions;
  • making proposals regarding the improvement and improvement of its work;
  • interaction with the staff of the institution in order to fulfill their duties;
  • signing documents that fall within its competence;
  • requirements for assistance in the performance of their labor functions;
  • report on identified shortcomings in the work of staff and institutions.

In the course of carrying out their duties, cafe manager can be held liable. It may occur if:

  • duties are performed improperly;
  • an offense has been committed;
  • material damage has been caused;
  • non-compliance with work schedule;
  • violation of the rules that relate to security;
  • violation of fire regulations.

How to write a good resume for a restaurant or cafe manager

When applying for a job, many employers require the applicant to have a resume. A resume is a document that an applicant must draw up, where you can reflect all your work experience and professional skills and qualities.

When writing a resume you need to remember that it should not be large printed on multiple sheets. No employer wants to read a long story about a candidate. Everything that he wants to know additionally, he can ask during an oral interview.

The resume should be short and concise, but should contain all key points. In this document, you must indicate your full name, as well as age. Then you must enter your age.

Definitely needed enter information about the education received. Next, you need to indicate your work experience. To do this, you need to list all the places in which the applicant worked, as well as the title of the positions. It is necessary to indicate what exactly was included in the duties at the previous places of work. If there are any completed courses, then this can also be noted.

At the very end of the document, you need to indicate your professional skills and qualities to help you carry out administrative activities. It is important to note the moment why you are suitable for this position, and why you should be invited for an interview.

Remember that a well-written resume is already half the battle. Further, at the interview, you will need to show yourself from the professional side, as a good specialist.

Pros and cons of the profession

Key benefits of being a manager include:

The disadvantages of the manager's work include other points:

  • you should always smile and be friendly, despite the mood;
  • need to spend a lot of time on your feet;
  • need to memorize a lot of information;
  • guests can be different, including conflict.


Administrator, or as he is called in another way the restaurant manager is the face of the establishment. That is why this employee should always look neat, tidy, have a friendly and attractive appearance. This worker can meet guests, show them which places are available, escort them to a table, and invite a waiter.

The manager is engaged in organizational work, which in itself is not easy, so this work is not suitable for everyone. You must always be focused, be able to remember a large number of information, to be able to find a way out of conflict situations. The manager must supervise the work of all staff, must monitor customer service, ensure that the hall is clean and tidy.

The manager also answers all calls that come to the institution, takes orders for banquets and celebrations. He also makes sure that the restaurant has all the necessary products. Manager should contact chefs, purchase missing goods so that there is no stop list for dishes, and customers can order exactly what they want.

This video will give you a deeper understanding of the work of a restaurant administrator.
