
What to bring from Thailand. Replica watches and mobile phones

What is really worth bringing from Thailand? Thai sniffers, toothpaste, coconut oil, green and blue tea, Thai rum, scrubs and cosmetics, Thai fruits, etc.

The appearance resembles hygienic lipstick, they come in different colors. Sold at 7-11 (cost around 20 baht). Thais use them for tone all the time. And they help to clear the nose to some extent and really invigorate. The main thing is not to overdo it in sniffing. They can be brought as useful souvenirs, which are likely to be used and do not fall into the dust of pantries.

Thai green ointment

Green, red, yellow, black or Tiger balm - this Thai ointment can be of any color, but the effect is about the same for everyone. Great for relieving tension and pain in muscles and joints. If your head starts to hurt, then you can anoint your neck. Red ointment is more warming. It is sold everywhere - in pharmacies, markets and special stalls. It is excellently distributed as souvenirs, as in our world everyone has something and hurts.

The famous Thai ointment. It smells like our asterisk balm. Used for sprains, radiculitis, etc.

Thai toothpaste

It is sold in small jars and tubes, in Tesco it is cheaper than in tourist pharmacies, and in Pattaya right in front of Tesco on the street - 30 baht. Brown paste in tubes is also sold at. As a souvenir - very good, because it is unusual (both of them). Small pastes in round boxes have the following features:

  • Terribly inconvenient to use.
  • Foams very strongly.
  • To brush your teeth, a minimal amount is enough, literally at the tip of a knife, the size of a match head.
  • This little round of pasta lasts for a very long time (very).

Coconut oil

One of the most popular shopping in Thailand. This is a very important thing that is definitely worth bringing as souvenirs for yourself. Especially if you have lived in Thailand for a long time, then upon returning to Russia it will be very useful for the skin of the whole body, which turns out to be very quickly weaned from the native harsh and dry air. Coconut oil in this case helps better than expensive creams (tested).

Thai tea: green and blue

Green tea when brewed has the color of green, blue is just very blue. I personally haven’t tried the blue one, but the green one is very tasty, besides, many people like it, so I have to give it out to friends very quickly. You can safely take 2-3 packs :). You can find these teas in 7-11 (not all), Big C or Thai shops and markets (green tea in the photo).

Green tea chocolates

This is generally the number 1 thing that you need to bring from Thailand :)! True, not everyone loves them, but for those who love (for example, for me) - these chocolates are real happiness! Sold in all supermarkets (and 7-11), come with waffles (on the left) and pure chocolate (both are delicious).

TomYam, TomKa (seasonings for soups)

Seasonings for making Thai soups are sold in soft or hard packaging in almost all supermarkets in Thailand (look for instant noodles and canned food). It may look the same in any other packaging). This is just a spicy pasta that can be added to our Russian borscht as well. You can’t make a real TomYam from it (you need the rest of the ingredients), but you can bring it as a souvenir. True, this pasta is also sold in some of our supermarkets lately.

Fruit, + an easy way to bring mango in your suitcase

All that you like. If you want to bring a mango, you can take a five-liter water bottle, cut off the top, fold the mango inside and stick the top of the bottle with tape in place. It will turn out a five-liter bottle of mangoes, which will reach you with little or no damage.

Thai Rum Sang Som

Sold in all supermarkets. I don’t understand anything about rum, but many times they asked me where to get it to take it to Russia - they say it’s very cool.

Thai scrubs and other cosmetics

Highly recommend trying Thai body scrubs, which are sold in pharmacies and departments with cosmetics and detergents - the effect is amazing. You can try any scrubs - I think everyone will find something for themselves. Scrubs in Thailand are herbal and salt. They are different, for example, such as in the photo below. It is possible and necessary to bring them as souvenirs, but they are heavy infections. Herbal in paper bags - light, but not as effective as salt.

This is my favorite salt body scrub. The pharmacy costs 199 baht, the effect is simply amazing!
These scrubs are also from the “favorite” series, although they are more expensive and run out quickly.

Thai soap in the form of fruits and flowers

A beautiful and unobtrusive souvenir from Thailand that will definitely be used. It is sold everywhere: in the markets, in supermarket shops, in special stores, in general - even if you don’t look, it will still fall by itself.

Essential oils

Thailand has a huge selection "essential oils". They are sold in the markets for 50 baht for a small bottle, but all you need to know about them is that they are not essential oils, they are just a smell in bottles. Of course, for this price, no one will sell you real rose or lotus essential oil. If you want to smell orange or lavender, then you can buy a couple of these bottles, but they will not work for a useful application. It is better not to bring them as souvenirs, because just the smell can be bought for the same price in any country in the world. But you can bring the real ones.

Fake essential oils. A small vial costs 50 baht. Completely pointless thing.

Real essential oils are sold in pharmacies or specialty stores and are expensive (depending on the type of oil).

And a little about the personal. Moisturizing toner from 7-11

And now about what I absolutely would like to bring for myself (along with coconut oil). When we travel from Tai to Russia, it is a real stress for our bodies, especially in winter, when the skin dries several times more intensively than in summer. And this one white jar for 119 baht, which can be purchased at any 7-11, really saves me. If you are going right now to Novosibirsk from Tai, then please grab one for me)), otherwise mine is already running out:

Small tubes with hieroglyphs - moisturizing tonic, which is sold at 7-11. Simple and very effective.)

If you ask about something worth bringing from Thailand in the comments, then over time this list will become longer ..

Other posts about Thailand:

What to bring from Thailand? Goods, clothes, cosmetics, tea, souvenirs - photos, prices.

When you visit some new place for yourself, and even more so in another country, you always want to bring something special from there as a keepsake.

Part of this place. Something that would evoke those emotions and that mood! I would like to show or give it to loved ones, to let them feel the atmosphere of their trip.

When you are in Thailand, when you walk along the streets or exotic markets and observe bright, colorful trading shops, your eyes simply run wide from the abundance of interesting goods!

I want to buy everything at once, especially at such affordable prices (compared to Russia and Europe).

In order not to waste extra time going to markets and shops, it would be nice to have an idea in advance of the popular and not very popular, but no less exotic products of Thailand!

Merchants in Thailand are almost ubiquitous, no matter if it is a resort town or a small village.

But it's important to know that it is forbidden to export Buddha figurines above 15 centimeters from Thailand, this also applies to decorative and souvenir products.

Children's clothing and goods for children

Asia has long been famous for its rich variety of baby products! These are all kinds of educational toys, educational books in different languages, incredibly cute clothes for children, as well as useful gadgets and devices to help parents and expectant mothers.

Most of the goods are unique and have no analogues in Russia. And with the growing popularity of online stores with goods from Asia, more and more mothers in our country get the opportunity to acquire interesting purchases!

While in Thailand, you should definitely go shopping for children! Here you can find things both made in Thailand and imported from different parts of Asia. Most of the range of goods is from China, which are sold here at affordable prices and are distinguished by their originality and excellent functionality.

Works and works of art by Thai masters

In Thailand, there are many craftsmen who create magnificent products from various materials with their own hands.

By purchasing such works of art, you can be sure that no one else in the world will have a second one like it.

One of the most famous Thai workshops is a teak factory, where magnificent three-dimensional paintings, furniture, sculptures and interior items are made from teak wood.

Patterned surfaces with many small details, as if molded with jewelry precision, delight!

The amazing properties of teak wood make such products priceless. Speaking of price - these things are definitely worth the money, and even more. There is also an unusual workshop in Thailand where real talents make amazing sculptures from scrap metal!

Characters of famous films and simply interesting images are created here from screws, nails, nuts, spark plugs and other details of various metal structures.

The dimensions of such structures are amazing - they can be from ten centimeters and up to three meters in height!

Sculptures can be purchased at the workshop's outlets, ready-made or made to order.

There are many talented artists in Thailand who paint in different styles and directions. Among the artists, one can also distinguish professional tattooists (not to be confused with eatery tattoo parlors), who create beautiful tattoo images, so many brave travelers take new tattoos on their bodies with them.

For people who are fond of music, it will be very interesting to go to Thai music stores!

In addition to the usual instruments like guitars, flutes, drums and other things, here you can see many interesting and unfamiliar instruments that are popular in Thailand.

These are strings, and wind, and all kinds of percussion - new forms, new sounds! This will be a great purchase for yourself, as well as a gift to interested friends.

As for familiar instruments, they are also available here in a wide range, including children's ones for different ages. Prices are much cheaper than in Russia. For example, the beloved Thai djembe drums made of natural wood and with a leather membrane can be purchased at prices ranging from 250 to 1500 baht, depending on the size.

A set of a couple of large kong can cost around 4,000 baht. Also, various related products are sold in Thailand's music stores: strings, picks, racks, and more.

What can not be exported from Thailand?

In the Kingdom of Thailand, there are laws prohibiting the export of certain items and objects from the country.

Their list includes:

  • articles made of ivory and tortoise shell;
  • shells of sea mollusks;
  • corals;
  • Sea Horses;
  • skins and teeth of a tiger and other large cats;
  • butterflies, beetles and bats in the form of souvenirs;
  • stuffed crocodiles.
All these animals are protected by Thai law, and trade in such products is basically illegal, as well as its export. In addition, it is forbidden to export from the country Buddha figurines larger than 15 centimeters, valuable relics and national works of art.

You can not take out of Thailand land, sand or stones, as well as flowers in pots with earth (since all the land in Thailand belongs to the King).

durian- king, also prohibited from being exported from the country.

When planning a shopping list, it is worth considering the norms adopted in Thailand for the weight of luggage taken out per person, as well as the packaging of large items.

For tourists who are just planning a trip to Thailand, advice will not be superfluous:

  • take a minimum of things, only what is really necessary;
  • do not take things that can be purchased upon arrival;
  • leave half the space in your luggage free - for things bought in Thailand, souvenirs, gifts and gifts.
After all, it is truly impossible to leave Thailand empty-handed!

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At the end of your holiday in Thailand, you should think about what you will bring as a gift for friends and what souvenirs you will keep for yourself. Pattaya, Phuket and other resorts in Thailand provide good opportunities to buy unusual gifts for your surroundings.


What can you bring from Thailand in 2016? The most obvious answer is souvenirs with country symbols. Go to any souvenir shop to find some unusual gift there. Caskets, amulets, key chains, coins, magnets, figurines in the shape of an elephant - there is a huge selection of pleasant little things here. Prices for such souvenirs are low - from 30 baht. You can always bargain with the Thais to save some money.


Many people know about high-quality and inexpensive clothes from Thailand. The main advantage of things is natural material; synthetics are almost never used here. As a gift for friends, bright dresses, blouses and skirts are suitable. It would be a real crime to travel to Thailand without buying natural silk fabric.

Fruits and other food

Fruits are a perishable commodity, but some tourists bring them to Russia, delighting loved ones with Thai exotics. Be sure to buy Thai pineapple, mangosteen and sweet oranges. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many exotic fruits can be bought in large chain stores in Russia - we saw rambutans, mangosteen and other exotics in Lenta; However, their prices are very high. Stock up on a bag of tamarind sweets, which have an unusual sweet and salty taste.

What fruits can not be exported from Thailand:

  • durian
  • watermelons
  • Coconut

Spices can also be brought from Thailand. Traditional seasonings that can be found on the shelves of our stores are not worth buying, give preference to the exotic. Be sure to buy a box of tea or coffee. Blue tea is in demand, which stimulates hair growth.

Gems, accessories, jewelry

Thailand is a real center of the jewelry industry, because local craftsmen use centuries of experience, working wonders in the manufacture of products. Prices here are much lower than in Russia. Just be sure to buy jewelry in large stores, avoid street vendors who are eager to deceive gullible tourists. Thai-made pearl products are a separate topic for conversation. Here, natural stones are very cheap, so you can buy a quality necklace at an affordable price.

Thai silver, which has no analogues in the world, deserves special attention. It is inexpensive here, but the seller must be asked for a certificate, and when buying a large number of products - also an export permit. An interesting feature! The person who enters the jewelry store with you receives a percentage of your purchase according to Thai law. That is why do not allow strangers to “link” with you, otherwise you will have to pay a little more for the products.

Presents for men

For a man you can bring a bottle of Sung Som rum, this popular drink in our country is very difficult to find. In addition to rum, you can bring other elite alcohol.

Gifts for girls

A traditional gift that can be brought from Thailand is orchid - an amazing and luxurious flower with an unusual aroma. A plant in a pot cannot be exported - all land is the property of the king, its export is prohibited (strange laws apply to tourists too!). Therefore, the flower is sold in a sealed bottle with a nutrient solution. Prices for orchid sprouts start from 500 baht.

Another option is to bring a girl cosmetics from Thailand(More on cosmetics below.)

Goods for children

Little fidgets will be happy with rubber toys, models of airplanes, cars, helicopters on the control panel. Excellent toys, made under the influence of the latest technologies of the electronic world, are much cheaper here.


It is unprofitable to buy original items of famous brands in Thailand, they are not inferior to Russian ones at a price. But copies of mobile phones, watches and laptops are sold three times cheaper than ours. There are a lot of things here, the only caveat is always choose goods wisely, there are low-quality fakes. IN Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket There are a lot of shops that offer modern models, but in the markets, especially at night, it is better not to buy electronics.

Thai cosmetics

Products of beauty factories in Thailand are unique care products made on the basis of natural ingredients. Coconut oil creams, linden honey shampoos, citrus fruit scrubs, cleansing lotions with rice milk ... Cosmetics can be listed endlessly. An original gift will be cosmetics from a snake farm, prepared on the basis of reptile venom. You can not refuse to buy deodorant "Crystal", which is distinguished by its ability to suppress the growth of bacteria.

In this article we will tell you what tourists bring from Thailand. We will share information about prices for souvenirs, Thai cosmetics, clothes, teas and much more that are brought from Thailand. Let's tell you what NOT to bring from Thailand to Russia. We will also share 6 tricks on how to profitably shop in Thailand. At the end of the article you will find a table with prices for souvenirs from Thailand.

Top 7 most popular and simple souvenirs from Thailand

We are talking about standard souvenirs that you can bring from Thailand.

  1. Magnets and key chains in the form of a map of Thailand with attractions (15-175 baht - $ 0.5-5)
  2. figurines made of wood, ceramics or metal in the form of an elephant (70-1050 baht - $ 2-30), in the form of a Buddha (350-3500 baht - $ 10-100), in the form of a frog (70-350 baht - $ 2-10) .

Cause: figurines V elephant are considered a symbol of good luck and happiness (an elephant with its trunk up), and a talisman against negative problems (an elephant with its trunk down). figurines in the form of a Buddha brought because they are considered a symbol of harmony and peace. figurines in the form of a frog is a money magnet and a symbol of financial stability and prosperity.

  1. ceramic plates with landscapes, inscriptions, etc. (200-600 baht - $3-18)
  2. Aroma sticks(from 25 baht - from $ 1) and coasters for them (from 100 baht - from $ 3)
  3. T-shirts with different inscriptions "Thailand", "Bangkok" (from 100-150 baht - from $ 1.5-4)
  4. Various amulets, jewelry and other decoration
  5. Set of pens and pencils with engravings (150-1750 baht - $ 4-50)
  6. Souvenir chopsticks in colorful pockets (1 pair 30-35 baht -1$, set of 6 pairs: from 120 baht - 4$)
  7. Wooden chopsticks in various gift cases (from 150 baht - $ 5)

What else to bring from Thailand

Thai tea

A large selection of varieties allows you to bring tea from Thailand as a gift to yourself or friends. Below we have selected the most unusual and healthy teas. On average, the price for 100g of tea is 140-280 baht ($4-8).

Blue tea. Perhaps one of the most interesting gifts from Thailand will be blue orchid tea. Other names for blue tea are Moth tea, Clitoria. Blue tea is brewed with one or two teaspoons in a small teapot. When brewed, it will take on an exotic bright blue color.

Reason to buy: Blue tea is believed to be good for eyesight, improve skin, and enhance memory.

Matum tea. Another unusual Thai tea is tea from the fruits of the Matum tree. It kind of looks like dried apples.

Reason to buy: tinctures and drinks from the fruits and leaves of the Matum tree improve health, help with sore throats and colds.

Tea Milky Oolong. Perfect for active people - tea is tonic, has a light aroma of cream, the drink itself tastes sweet. He will not leave anyone indifferent, if you do not know what kind of tea is suitable as a gift, then you can opt for this tea.

Not less in demand and Puer tea. Many people say that tea has a slightly earthy taste, but in my experience I can say that it only has such a taste the first time.

Reason to buy: tonic tea, lowers cholesterol, improves skin condition. Some say that pu-erh helps with a hangover.

Where to buy tea in Thailand

Tea in Thailand is sold almost everywhere - markets, small shops, supermarkets.

In Pattaya, tea and many other souvenirs can be purchased at the night market. The market is open from 19:00 to 2:00. About how profitable it is to make purchases in Thailand.

Also, few tourists know about the tea shop - The tea Village in Pattaya, next to the Tesco Lotus store. There are great prices, they can give you a sniff of any tea, help with the choice. We even decided to find their website: http://tea-village.com (Russian version). Store address: 151/44 Moo 5, North Pattaya. They work from Mon-Fri from 10:00-21:00.

Pearl from Thailand

It is necessary to distinguish between sea pearls and river pearls. Main difference: sea ​​pearls - an ideal spherical shape, freshwater pearls - an imperfect shape. Sea pearls are more difficult to mine, and therefore they are more expensive.

Note: be careful - for example, in Vietnam, merchants like to pass off freshwater pearls as sea ones. In Thailand, we have not encountered such a problem, but we warn you just in case.

In Thailand, gold and black pearls from 10 millimeters in diameter are popular. An average strand of pearls in Phuket costs 2,100 baht ($60), pearl earrings cost 1,000 baht ($28.5).

In the markets, you can buy pearls for 200-800 baht ($6-22) - such pearls usually do not pass a specialized check and may be of poor quality. Large jewelry stores usually provide quality certificates.

How to tell real pearls from fake ones

There are a couple of ways to recognize a fake. Firstly, you can rub two pearls. The enamel has worn off, leaving traces - a fake. Until the rubs feel resistance (they slide well over each other) - a fake.

Secondly, when buying individual beads, you can throw a bead on the floor from a height of a meter and a half. If the bead rolled - a fake; natural pearls jump well.

Where to buy pearls in Thailand

In Pattaya and Phuket, good pearls at reasonable prices can be bought at the Germs Gallery jewelry factory. There are also many jewelry stores on Beach Road and Second Road (Pattaya).

In Phuket, you can buy good quality pearls at Phuket Pearl Industry - they specialize only in pearl products (they have their own pearl farm). Another major representative of pearls in Phuket is Wang Talang jewelry store.

Leather products

You can also bring exotic leather items from Thailand: crocodile and stingray leather bags, leather watch straps, cobra leather wallets, shoes and many other leather accessories. Also in Thailand you can buy children's leather things.

The most expensive leather is crocodile skin. Leather products are sold both in stores (at fixed prices) and in markets (the price is set by bargaining).

Reasons to buy: leather things will serve you for a very long time, as it is a wear-resistant material. In leather shoes, a person's legs "breathe", and excess moisture is absorbed - therefore, it is considered comfortable. In Thailand, leather goods can be purchased much cheaper than in Russia or Europe.

How to distinguish genuine leather products from fakes

  1. Genuine leather heats up from touch, and very quickly - hold the product in your hands for about 5 minutes. If warmed up - genuine leather
  2. Genuine leather is not smooth - it has bumps, scales, wrinkles
  3. Products made of leather from the tail of a crocodile have peculiar spikes / tubercles. If you press on them, they retain their shape.
  4. The leather pattern is unique - if you want to be sure of authenticity, ask to see another product. The drawing must be different.
  5. It is quite difficult to pierce or pierce natural leather.
  6. Checking the skin of a stingray is quite simple - you need to stroke it in two directions. It will be rough in one direction and smooth in the other.
  7. Look at the price. The manufacturing process itself is very complex, so the price cannot be too low.

Approximate prices for leather goods in Thailand

Price in baht Price in $

Price in shops

Market price

Python leather jackets

Ostrich jackets

Watches with leather straps from 700 from 20
Leather wallets from 800 from 23
Cobra and stingray leather bags from 7 000 from 200
Crocodile leather wallet from 600 from 17
Leather belt from 1 000 from 28.5
Children's leather goods from 8 750 from 250

Where to buy leather goods in Thailand

In Pattaya, leather goods can be purchased at the Toscano Leather World store. There is a special shop focused on Russian buyers - Vovan Shop (address: 123/1 Moo.6 Na Klua, Banglamung, Pattaya). Central Festival Shopping Center (address: 333/99 Moo.9, Pattaya).

Leather products can also be bought in the markets, but there is a risk of acquiring a fake. In Bangkok, you can buy leather goods at the Patpong and Chatuchak markets, as well as at the Batuna Center.

Cosmetics from Thailand

What cosmetics is better to bring from Thailand? Based on the reviews, we have compiled a list of cosmetics that are usually brought from Thailand.

Coconut oil

First of all, it is worth bringing from Thailand Coconut oil- This is a great all-rounder.

Coconut oil is ideal for moisturizing the face and body. Helps with minor wounds and scratches. We were also advised to use it to prevent sunburn. Coconut oil helps relieve irritation after shaving and waxing.

Also, the oil is suitable for hair care. If you want smooth and silky hair, use coconut masks once or twice a week. In Thailand, you can often find shampoos based on coconut oil, so you can buy it separately.

What is the best coconut oil to buy in Thailand?

It is believed that high-quality coconut oil should be cold-pressed (easy to recognize by the inscription "Virgin Coconut Oil"). The color of coconut oil should be transparent - this is an indicator of good cleaning. Coconut oil thickens and solidifies at plus twenty-five degrees - another indicator of the quality of the oil.

High-quality coconut oil in Thailand is bought at a price of 175-350 baht ($5-10) for 250 ml. In 7-Eleven stores we buy 50 ml for 55-60 baht ($1.7-1.9). You can also buy hygienic lipstick and makeup remover milk based on coconut oil.

Creams and serums with snail extract

An excellent miracle remedy should be brought from Thailand for those who suffer from acne, pimples and other inflammatory ailments on the face. It also helps with small wrinkles, evens out skin color, and helps to cope with freckles.

The approximate cost of a good cream with a snail in Thailand is 175 baht ($5).

Face masks

Also from Thailand you can bring a lot of face masks with algae, bamboo, collagen, etc. In Thailand, there is just a sea of ​​​​different face masks and the price for them starts from only 35 baht ($ 1).

Deodorant Crystal

The main and main difference from the deodorants we are used to is the method of its use. Before use, the crystal is urinated with water, and then it is already used.

It is brought from Thailand mainly because it does not clog pores and effectively eliminates unpleasant odors.

The cost of Crystal deodorant in Thailand is 48-150 baht ($ 1.5-4)

Soap Madame Heng

Thanks to the natural composition, Madame Heng soap suitable for washing, especially for people with problem skin. Soap dries up acne and other unpleasant skin rashes. The cost of such soap is 40 baht ($1).

Body scrubs

Basically, two types of scrubs are bought: salt and herbal. More effect from salt ones, so it's better to buy them. The cost of scrubs is very diverse. We bought a salt scrub (550g) for 200 baht ($6).

Black Thai toothpaste and toothpastepowder

Pasta is made from natural herbs and bamboo. Helps with inflamed gums and is generally a good natural thing. Most often sold together with a brush with black bristles.

souvenir soap in the form of fruits, flowers, animals

If you don’t know what trinket to bring as a gift from Thailand, then you can bring such soap. It smells insanely delicious.

The cost of such a souvenir from Thailand: fruit-shaped souvenir soap - from 39 baht ($ 1.2) per piece (in some places 3 pieces of your choice are sold for 100 baht ($ 3) instead of 39 baht per piece). Carved handmade soap in the form of flowers in wooden cases (photo below) is sold for 100-200 baht ($3-6).

Photo: Night market, about. Koh Samui

Cosmetics prices in Thailand

Price in baht Price in$
Coconut oil (250ml) 175-350 5-10
Cream with snail extract from 175 from 5
Face masks from 35 from 1
Deodorant Crystal 50-150 1,5-4
Soap Madame Heng 40 1
Body scrubs (550g) 200 6
140 4
souvenir soap 50-200 1,5-6

Where is the best place to buy cosmetics in Thailand

It is best to buy cosmetics in specialized stores or pharmacies; can be bought in supermarkets. Pattaya has an excellent store with Thai cosmetics - Pattaya Beauty .

Medicines from Thailand

Eucalyptus oil inhaler

It is used for nasal congestion, helps with the first symptoms of a runny nose or cold. Typically, such inhalers have two special sections: one - essential oils, the second - an absorbent layer. Packing inhalers in Thailand costs about 150-220 baht ($4-6).

Thai balms and ointments

Most often contain natural oils. They have for the most part warming properties, so they are ideal for muscle pain, injuries and bruises. We recommend bringing Tiger Balm, it has excellent warming properties.

Like, it is better to bring balms and ointments containing snake venom from Thailand.

This is an excellent and truly specific souvenir from Thailand. In addition to external exotic beauty, such alcohol infusions have healing properties.

Be careful: the daily norm is 30-50 grams. It is believed that such infusions in general strengthen the body well, strengthen potency and are a strong aphrodisiac. The cost of a bottle with an alcoholized snake in Thailand is approximately 1,400-2,625 baht ($ 40-75).

Table with prices for medicines in Thailand

Photo: Big C Supermarket, Bangkok

A kind of health souvenir from Thailand. Pillows made of natural latex in Thailand are considered beneficial for health.

The main advantages of latex products are that they do not cause allergies, they allow the skin to breathe (not sweat) in hot seasons. Latex pillows have orthopedic properties.

Adequate price for a pillow made of natural latex - from 900 (from $28) to 2,000 baht ($57).

How to distinguish natural latex from a fake

Fakes have a yellowish tint or pure white, begin to break down over time. Natural latex matte, grayish tint. Natural latex repels and does not absorb water. Soft to the touch and slightly greasy. Very plastic. Often, when buying natural latex in Thailand, they issue a quality certificate.

Where to buy natural latex pillows in Thailand?

The main thing is NOT to buy at factories where tourists are taken: prices there are very high and start at 3200 baht (from $ 91) - this is not a very reasonable price.

Ideally - buy in specialized stores with adequate prices. In Pattaya, there are good quality pillows in large shopping centers: Big C, Central Festival, Tesco Lotus. In Bangkok, you can buy Kozy Lateks or Bangkok Lateks in a small shop.

Natural Thai silk

It is much easier to buy silk in Thailand, as it is sold at relatively low prices. Silk products can be brought from Thailand to yourself or as a gift to relatives and friends.

If you are looking for a souvenir made of silk, then pay attention to the paintings made of silk. Such paintings are created by hand for several years.

You can also bring as a gift silk scarves (200 baht - $ 6), scarves, ties (from 800 baht - from $ 23), bathrobes, photo frames, silk shirts (from 12,000 baht - from $ 34), bags, wallets and more.

Another good gift from Thailand is Thai silk bed linen. Since these are natural fabrics, it will be very comfortable to sleep on them - the skin of the body breathes, the body rests. Prices for silk sheets in Thailand start at about from 9,500 baht (from $100), for pillowcases - from 1,750 baht (from $ 50), for silk bedspreads - from 12,500 baht (from $357). Duvet cover - from 16,000 baht (from $457).

You can just buy a piece of fabric. Instead of meters - yards. 1 yard = 0.91 meters. Silk is sold in specialized stores from 600 baht (from $17) per yard.

3 ways to recognize natural silk:

  • Natural silk should shimmer in several colors. Artificial - only white light
  • The surface of natural silk should not be perfect (knots, spools)
  • If you bring the threads to the fire, they will instantly burn out and a sharp smell of burnt hair will appear.

Table with prices for products silk in Thailand

Price in baht Price in $
Silk 0.91 meters (1 yard) from 600 17
Ties 800 23
Silk scarves 200 6
Silk shirts from 12000 from 34
Silk sheet from 9 500 from 100
Pillowcase from 1 750 from 50
Duvet cover from 16 000 from 457
Cover from 12 500 from 357

Where to buy silk in Thailand

The most famous and recommended store is Jim Thompson. This is a very large chain of stores both in Bangkok (the Emporium, Central World, Isetan, Siam Paragon) and Pattaya (Royal Garden Plaza, Central Festival and Home Works). The company also has its own store in Phuket.

You can also buy silk in Phuket - these are Silk Collection stores (there are Russian-speaking consultants) and SoftLine (specialize in bed linen, but not only from silk).


It may seem strange to bring electronics from Thailand as a souvenir, but many tourists bring electronics from their trip. This is primarily due to the fact that in Thailand you can buy some models that have not appeared on the Russian market and the fact that electronics in Thailand will cost an average of 25% cheaper.

Another price plus for tourists is the ability to return a small amount from the purchase. Since tourists do not pay VAT in Thailand, they are entitled to a tax refund on a check of 2,000 baht (from $57) at the airport upon departure from the country.

The most popular goods are the originals of famous world brands (laptops, cameras, ipad, iphone, computer components). No less popular are high-quality copies of well-known brands (copies of Nokia and Samsung, copies of watches).

Where to buy equipment in Thailand

The main places for profitable purchases of equipment are concentrated in the capital - Bangkok. Pirom Plaza (used + new equipment), World Camera (photo equipment), Fortune Town (popular with locals, MBK Center, Pantip Plaza.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Photo equipment and electronics, if anyone is impatient, it is better to buy not in these stores, but in the "electronic" quarter, a couple of kilometers from the Royal Palace - the equipment is the same, but the prices are much lower. Location: From the Temple of the Reclining Buddha east on Phahurat Road, across the canal in the Indian Quarter. (Sergey)

Fruit from Thailand

There are no kilogram restrictions on the export of fruits from Thailand. There is a ban only on the export of the specific fruit Durian. The choice of fruits is very rich and varied.

Note: you need to remember that prices in the off-season period are 2-3 times more expensive. Below is a table with prices per season.

Top 12 most popular fruits brought by tourists from Thailand

Fruit Photo Price in baht per kg Price in $ per kg
35 (7-20 per item) 1 (0.2-0.6 per piece)
thai mango 20-45 0,6-1,3
Mangosteen/Mangosteen 20-30 0,6-0,9
25-45 0,7-1,3

(Lam-yai)/ Dragon Eye

30-40 0,9-1

(geow mangon)/dragon fruit

35-45 1-1,3
Papaya 20-35 0,6-1
Lychee 55 1,6
Salak 30-40 0,9-1
Cannon 35-40 1
sugar apples 50-60 1,4-1,7
sapodilla 25 0,7

Advice: to transport fruit, it is better to purchase a special fruit container. It costs somewhere from 200 baht (from $ 5.8)

What NOT to export from Thailand to Russia in 2019

How profitable to shop in Thailand

  1. You need to bargain where there is no price tag. It is primarily about the markets. For the most part, prices in the markets are announced in advance 2-3 times higher than the real value. Not because they want to fool you, but simply because it is part of a kind of trading ritual in Thailand.
  2. Don't bargain just for the sake of bargaining. If in the end you don't buy the product, then it's better not to start bargaining, nobody likes it.
  3. Check for marriage immediately.
  4. Don't overdo the bargaining. For merchants in Thailand, bargaining is a verbal duel, an art.
  5. In no case do not respond negatively about the product - be polite.
  6. Do not buy in the early days in Thailand. Explore products and markets. Get a tan: the whiter the tourist, the higher the prices.
  7. Please note that prices on the islands of Thailand are slightly higher than on the mainland. For example, in Bangkok and Hua Hin, purchases were cheaper for us than on about. Tau and about. Phangan.

Table with prices for souvenirs and gifts from Thailand (general)

Approximate exchange rate: 1 baht = $0.03 | $1= 30 baht | 1 baht = 1.9 rubles

Price in baht Price in dollars
Magnets and key chains 15-175 0,5-5
Figurines in the form:


Ceramic plates with landscapes, inscriptions 200-600 3-18
Set of pens and pencils with engravings 150-1750 4-50
Incense sticks and incense holders sticks from 25

stand from 100

from 1
T-shirts with different inscriptions "Thailand" from 100-150 from 1.5-4
Tea (100g) 140-280 4-8

String of pearls

Pearls in the markets

1 750- 10 500 50-300
Cosmetics prices in Thailand
Coconut oil (250ml) 175-350 5-10
Cream with snail extract from 175 from 5
Face masks from 35 from 1
Deodorant Crystal 50-150 1,5-4
Soap Madame Heng 40 1
Body scrubs (550g) 200 baht 6
souvenir soap 50-200 1,5-6
Black Thai toothpaste and tooth powder 140 4
Prices for Thai silk products
Silk 0.91 meters (1 yard) from 600 17
Ties 800 23
Silk scarves 200 6
Silk shirts from 12000 from 34
Silk sheet from 9 500 from 100
Pillowcase from 1 750 from 50
Duvet cover from 16 000 from 457
Cover from 12 500 from 357
Prices for medicines in Thailand
Inhalers (packaging) 150-220 4-6
Balms and ointments 55-350 1,6-10
Alcoholic snakes, scorpions and other animals 1400-2625 40-75
Natural latex pillows from 900 to 2,000 baht. from 28 to 57
Leather goods in Thailand
Crocodile leather case for smartphones, iPhones

Price in shops

Market price

Python leather jackets

Ostrich jackets

Snakeskin leather jackets

from 52 500 from 1 500
Watches with leather straps from 700 from 20
Leather wallets from 800 from 23
Cobra and stingray leather bags from 7 000 from 200
Crocodile leather wallet from 600 from 17
Children's leather goods from 8 750 from 250
Leather belt from 1 000 from 28.5

Read about Thailand:

Experienced travelers go to Thailand with an empty suitcase for a reason. They have a plan! Bring as many gifts as possible from there. No, not only to relatives and colleagues, but also to your loved ones. After all, how nice it is to eat a ripe mango when you are already at home, to rub yourself with a pleasantly smelling Thai scrub after a shower, or to boast to your friends of a tincture on a snake.

So what do seasoned tourists and winterers bring from Thailand? Now let's figure it out. I will also tell you about some of the nuances of transportation and purchase.

Coconut oil is on the must-have list! It is so versatile that you can use it to get rid of dandruff, make hair thick and silky, soften and moisturize the skin, make nails stronger and healthier, heal cracked hands and feet, and fry dinner! Yes, it can also be used in cooking.

Advice: since most Thai cosmetics are organic, look at the packaging for its date of manufacture, shelf life and use.


Advice: the main thing is to correctly draw up all the documents, about which.

Elephant paper photo albums and frames

Elephants bring a lot of benefits to Thais: they draw, ride tourists, help with housework, even produce coffee and paper. Ask how? They go to the toilet very well. From their manure, textured paper is born, from which photo frames, albums and gift wrapping are then made. It's called Poo-poo paper.

Advice: be sure to tell the person to whom you give such a gift, from what it was made. Then your souvenir will take its rightful place in the house.

Leather products

If you buy at least one long excursion, you will definitely be taken to a factory or farm where products from the skin of exotic creatures are made. Mostly from the skin of a stingray, snake and crocodile. These things look very impressive, so sometimes you want to buy everything at once. And it does not matter at the same time that a crocodile leather bag will not fit at home with any pair of shoes. In this case, everyone decides for himself where to put a comma in the sentence "Buy can not be passed by."

A purse, belt or bag made of such leather will be a solid gift for people very dear to you. Its undoubted advantage is the high cost of such products at home.

Advice: be careful, a huge number of fakes are produced in Thailand, which sometimes even the sellers who buy them from the "manufacturers" cannot determine by eye. Rumor has it that some of this product is born in the notorious China.


Thai toothpaste also hit the takeaway list. It tastes good, keeps the feeling of freshness in the mouth for a long time, and most importantly, the teeth become whiter after it. This paste can be purchased at any 7-eleven, Tesco Lotus and Macro store.

Advice: you can buy it as a souvenir.

Deodorant crystals

This miracle deodorant has been known for a long time. Buyers praise it for its exclusively natural composition, hypoallergenicity and the absence of streaks on clothes that constantly appear from conventional antiperspirants. Crystals have become a hit among goods exported from Thailand.

Advice: You can buy deodorants in markets, pharmacies, as well as in CentralFestival, Macro and Tesco Lotus stores.

Tiger balm and inhalers

Tiger Balm, usually green or red, is the local equivalent of our Starfish. Used for injuries, bruises, back pain. Good buy for home first aid kit. The inhaler is also a godsend. Perfectly brings to life during the heat and not only, helps with a runny nose. Balm and inhalers are sold in pharmacies and in all 7-eleven stores (at the checkout). You can bring them as souvenirs.

Advice: bring them as a gift to your grandparents.

Baby clothes

Young mothers in Thailand simply run up their eyes from the large quantity, good quality and pleasant prices for children's clothes. Here you can roam with might and main and dress your baby dolls in a variety of dresses, t-shirts, blouses, panties.

Advice: For children's clothing, go to Big C, Tesco Lotus or the market. And buy the nephews a fashionable little thing!


How can you come back from vacation and not bring a scorpion tincture to your chef? On the one hand - beautiful, solid, spectacular. On the other hand, let him know everything that you think about him! And for the boss in Tai there is a tincture on the snake!

Well, for a friend, it’s good to take a local Singha or Chang beer.

Advice: carry in your luggage, pack so that the bottle does not break.

Thai lanterns and lamps

If it so happened that your soul mate could not come to Thailand with you, bring a magical sky lantern as a gift and launch it together! Imagine that you are launching it there, in a distant exotic country. And in memory of this moment, buy a garland of luminous balls or a lamp.

Advice: be sure to travel together next time.

Sweets with a twist

If your colleagues at work or neighbors bother you, bring them durian sweets. Then they will have a cognitive dissonance: on the one hand, you showed attention and brought a gift, on the other hand, all this has some kind of bad smell ...

If at your work someone is constantly carrying tea, coffee or, even worse, lunch, and you don’t know who it is, make a knight’s move - put coconut candies next to it. Then look who will go to the dentist first, he is the thief! The whole secret is that these sweets are distant relatives of our Soviet toffee, which has pulled out more than one hundred fillings in its history.

Well, for all other ill-wishers, tamarind spicy sweets are suitable. Convenient to always carry in your pocket. Yes, just in case.

Advice: most importantly, do not chew coconut candy, eat them differently. And do not use these tips, they are written for fun.


Northern Thailand is famous for its good and inexpensive silverware. There is a very rich selection of silver jewelry and services. They are sold mainly in special permanent and temporary markets.

Advice: go to the north of the country for silver, at the same time you will discover a completely new Thailand.

Thai silk products

Thai handmade silk is a work of art. Previously, only very wealthy people and kings could buy products made from this silk. Therefore, such a gift will be appreciated even by the most sophisticated connoisseurs of quality things.

Advice: just buy.

Handmade items or local crafts

In Thailand, you can find a lot of non-standard handmade gizmos. And all because in Thai villages there are people with golden hands and rich imagination, who create all the beauty that fills the market stalls. One of the best such markets with crafts is located in Chiang Mai and takes place on Sundays from 17.00 to 21.00.

Advice: bargain in the market correctly, then you will be given discounts.

rice cookers

In Asia, the cult of rice gave rise to such a useful thing as a rice cooker. Cooking in it is very easy and simple. And although at present rice cookers have begun to appear in Russian stores, their choice is not so great. Therefore, if you or your loved one is a fan of rice dishes, buy yourself this necessary device.

Advice: before buying, check which fork the rice cooker has: Thai or euro. If Thai, then you will need to buy an adapter.

Essential and massage oils

It would be strange in the country of massage not to buy this delight for the nose and body.

Advice: give them to your soul mate. This will be a subtle hint of a massage session in an atmosphere of pleasant aroma of essential oil. Who will massage whom, decide in advance.

Thai products

Thai cuisine already has thousands of fans among our compatriots. After tasting tom yam kung, tom kha kai or pad thai, tourists do not want to part with them for a long time. Bring home all the necessary ingredients and treat yourself to the taste of warm Thailand in the cold winter. Thai sauces, spices, seasonings, coconut milk, rice, rice noodles, tom yam ready-made sets and other products can also be a good gift.

Advice: in addition to deli goods, take a set of Thai soup spoons. They take up little space and weigh a little - just a tourist's dream (another gift idea).

Tea and coffee

Both are grown here. Thai teas and coffees are not as famous and promoted as their Chinese and Colombian friends, but it is here, in the north of the country, that excellent oolongs (oolongs) and the most expensive elephant coffee in the world are produced.

Advice: the best place to buy tea is northern Thailand (for example, Chiang Rai). In resort areas, look for Chinatowns or shops.


If you came to Thailand and did not buy yourself a pair of Afghan pants, a few sundresses, capris and T-shirts, then you have wasted your vacation. So thinks most of the tourists scurrying through the evening markets and haggling furiously with the vendors. Simple clothing is quite inexpensive here, although branded items on sale can be grabbed at a very attractive price.

Advice: don't buy pop t-shirts for 100 baht. Clothes of similar quality at the same prices are available in almost all cities of Russia. It is better to take a Thai national costume, an Indian sari or another Afghans as a keepsake. It'll be cool!


Left with a friend and came back with a dog. The husband will be surprised! Breeding dogs of different breeds, especially small ones, is very popular in this country, and therefore their prices are more attractive than in Russia. So, if you are not indifferent to huskies, pugs, shih tsu, spitz and many other shaggy beauties, then by all means get it in Thailand.

Advice: before leaving, read the rules for transporting animals and complete all the necessary documents.


It is very difficult to grow and maintain an orchid at home, because it needs constant careful care, like a dog. But who is afraid of these difficulties? If you love an orchid with all your heart, then the sea is knee-deep. And the reward for the work will be a delicate and very beautiful fragrant flower. You can buy it at the Chatuchak market in Bangkok on Thursdays after rain. No, it doesn't have to rain.

Advice: export from Thailand is prohibited, and import of land to Russia, so the orchid must be transported in a special substrate.


Fridge magnets, statuettes of elephants and Buddha, bells, paintings, interior items, dishes - the list of options is endless and is limited only by your own imagination and price limit.

Advice: the export of the image of the Buddha from Thailand in any form is officially prohibited. However, tourists often carry figurines in their luggage, there were no special precedents. And yet this decision remains at your own peril and risk.


Incense is a good gift for yourself and others. The main thing is to guess with the smell, otherwise you can safely throw out the whole pack.

Advice: don't forget to buy a stand for them.


This good is full in all countries-resorts. After all, girls need to put a few checkmarks for a vacation: take a sexy photo on the beach, draw a temporary tattoo and buy earrings, a pendant or a bracelet! See decorations at all beach and evening markets in the country.

Advice: do not swim in the sea in jewelry made from unknown metals, it can oxidize and lose its former cuteness.

Seashells, starfish, shells and articles thereof

This is the final paragraph of our article. We will not explain it, as it is a classic of the genre. Everyone has the experience of searching and buying similar products in our native Black Sea. In Thailand, it's exactly the same.

Advice: remember all those shells with the inscription "Anapa 2005" or "Gelendzhik 2007" that have been collecting dust on the shelves of Soviet walls for years. And then, over time, they gather in one bag with kinder surprises and figurines of a dragon, a rooster, a dog, and they are taken to a kindergarten, a garden or a balcony. And think, do you or your friends need it? Maybe it's better to take toothpaste, a magnet or an inhaler?

Happy shopping!

P.S. Remember about the weight limit of luggage per person. Usually it is 20 kg.

P.P.S. Weigh your luggage BEFORE you leave the hotel.
