
How to pack food for travel. Dairy products and eggs

Considering the vast territories of the former Soviet space, sometimes you have to spend several days on the train. In this regard, the question remains very relevant, what products to take on the train, what can I take with me on a trip without risk to health? The answer to this question depends not only on personal preferences, but also on how much time you need to spend directly on the road, as well as on the time of year that the trip falls on.

Healthy food while traveling

Despite the love for the culinary masterpieces of the motherland, it is recommended to pay attention to healthier and safer food on the train, namely:

  • fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, bananas, plums, grapes, citrus fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, sweet bell peppers;
  • bakery products - bran, rye, white bread, buns (preferably without filling or with nuts, cinnamon, fruit jams, but not with cottage cheese!);
  • cereals that can be prepared in portions (by adding boiling water) directly on the trip - oatmeal, buckwheat and other cereals, now there is a great variety of them on sale;
  • raw smoked sausages, processed and hard cheeses;
  • kefir, yogurt - you can take it with you in the cold season and for a very short period of time, it is advisable to eat it in half a day;
  • bottled mineral and ordinary drinking water, juice packaged in small volumes, tea, coffee bags, sugar;
  • chocolate, nuts, seeds, gingerbread, crackers;

  • for children - fruit and vegetable purees and juices of industrial production, to be stored at room temperature in a closed form.
  • liver or meat canned food, canned food to buy a small package - so that everyone eats at a time.
  • cutlets, fried chops, boiled chicken - eat no later than 6 hours later.
  • fried pies stuffed with apples or cabbage - eat no later than 8 hours later.
  • boiled eggs, the main thing is to cook hard-boiled - eat no later than after 8-10 hours.

How to store food on the go

In order to feel as comfortable as possible on the trip, you must follow the following rules.

  • It is better to buy products in the usual places where purchases are usually made, and not at the station.
  • It is necessary to check at what temperature the products can be stored, this is indicated by the inscriptions on the packages. For a trip, you need to choose those that are stored at room temperature.
  • All products that need it must be thoroughly washed and dried at home, packed in separate bags, this applies to all vegetables and fruits, since washing them on the train is like eating them unwashed.

  • As mentioned above, it is advisable to pack all products in separate bags, so they will be stored longer. It is more expedient to wrap some of them in food paper (confectionery parchment), which will not allow the products to "suffocate".
  • For convenience, it is better to cut sausage, cheese and bread at home.
  • During the trip, it is better to eat those foods that spoil faster first of all. In the compartment, you need to choose the coolest place, certainly away from the battery (as a rule, it is located under the window), and store the food bag there.
  • It should be noted that in the warm season, food deteriorates faster, so what you managed to do in winter, for example, drink kefir stored in the evening in the morning, can be hazardous to health in summer.
  • Also don't forget to take napkins and disposable tableware, with plates, forks and cups for a convenient snack.
  • You can prepare your food in advance and put it in small bowls or cute suitcases for food, they are also called laptop lunch.

What food should not be taken on the train

  • dairy products, especially cottage cheese, milk, to a lesser extent - sour cream, kefir;
  • confectionery in the form of pastries, cakes with cream and custards;
  • sausages boiled, liver, blood, fish, pastes;
  • meat, fish salads, especially with dressing (for example, mayonnaise);
  • hot smoked fish, herring, boiled seafood;
  • pies with cottage cheese, fish, offal.

This is due to the fact that at temperatures above +8 degrees, a favorable environment is created for the development of all kinds of microorganisms, which may be unsafe for those who eat such dishes.

If, nevertheless, such favorite fried chicken or fish and other gastronomic delights are included in the grocery basket for the trip, then they should be included in the very first meal that is planned on the trip, such products can be taken on the train and used without harm to your health. And, finally, the most important rule, following which you can avoid stomach troubles: if the products cause even the slightest suspicion, it is better to refrain from using them.

Girls, what time of day do you do this (and how many times a day?). In the first half of the day, you want to sleep wildly after a sleepless night - if Lyalya is sleeping, there is a great desire to collapse too and not drag anywhere with a stroller. At lunchtime, after dinner somehow, too, so far it did not work out very well. And in the evening, when the husband comes home from work, it's not very pleasant - half-naked young people with beer - the main one walking around the area))). It's not fatal, of course, but personally I'm not very pleased ;))))). From the second not...


sausages "pivchiki" in vacuum packaging - such as meat, bread, cucumbers, melted cheese in foil

when we go, I make wrappings out of pita bread. convenient, satisfying and tasty. most often I do some kind of thread with a bull, for example, with tuna + egg, greens, a little mayonnaise. can be made with boiled chicken breast finely chopped and cucumber.
I also make sandwiches with meat, cheese, tomato/cucumber lettuce. I do all this in portions, wrap it with foil or bags, take it out and eat it. I definitely buy fruits, liquid yoghurts. on the way, when we stop at gas stations, we take freshly brewed coffee in glasses with us in the car, and chocolate. Still, of course, a lot of water, juice.

08/02/2010 13:36:45, zirkachka

People, share the experience of traveling with a child by car over long distances. will be 3 years old in August. I'm interested in the organization of the whole thing. What to take from food on the road, how to sleep on the road. We will stay at a motel for the night, but I don’t know how to go with him during the day. We will go to the Abru-Dyurso region in August. There is no turning back, but I'm starting to tremble. Please share your experience and advice. Tell me that there is nothing wrong .... Or vice versa?


If the child, in principle, likes to drive a car, then the EU is okay!!! Last year we drove near Tuapse - 1000 km a day, two stops. My daughter was 2.7. I slept in the back seat without any problems - I laid a cotton diaper so that I would not sweat. Is there an air conditioner in the car? Do not turn on strongly so that there is no sharp difference with the street. I sat down on the pot in a small way right in the car, then I closed it with a lid and put it under the seat. There must be wet wipes and a trash bag in the car. In the trunk - a five-liter bottle of water to wash hands / ass. The child needs to take a bunch of small toys and give out one at a time. Our daughter happily fiddled with the dishes: she fed all the bears, then put them to bed, then showed them something in the window. From food - a lot of water, juice, fruits. Cookie buns in the car are not welcome because of the crumbs. At stops, they not only ate, but also RUN, played with the ball. Definitely stopped at some clearing. In the cabin I kept 2-3 sets of cotton T-shirts / shorts, because it was hot and my daughter was sweating.
Good luck on your journey!

We traveled in both 3 and 2 year old sons. We really liked it, we didn’t stop anywhere for the night, we drove the car with my husband in turn, I liked driving even more at night - there were few trucks, it wasn’t hot. At the age of 2, they took him Semper's jars, bagels, cookies, fruits, yogurt (we put perishable foods in a bag - like a refrigerator), for breakfast I took Max porridge in a jar. But it is better to buy a boiler or a car kettle, and make this porridge right in the car. They themselves ate in a cafe - barbecue, potatoes, vegetable salads. Max was riding in his seat, strapped in, stopping for a piss-stop and eating, basically, they didn’t make long stops. So go ahead and don't be afraid! If you have any questions, you can email.

What to eat while driving? Blog user kotashka on 7ya.ru

Although I do not spend whole days in the car, I found these tips very useful. I have a cooler bag, there is always water in the car too. I hope these tips will help someone. Most of us have been behind the wheel for a long time, sometimes we have to spend several hours a day in the driver's seat, and in the evening we already feel a strong stomach, headache, irritation, and after a while stomach problems and constipation begin. We rarely think about what...

I wrote here to my friend a list of what to take with me on the road (for 2500 km they go by car to rest). I decided to save it here, maybe it will be useful to someone. A long journey by car 1. The first aid kit is quite detailed, think about it yourself. automobile is not necessarily enough antihistamine against fever poisoning diarrhea. and the car also has a detailed first-aid kit, it’s better to buy a fresh one in general. God saves the safe ------ why do we need from allergies? then you have no idea what will come in handy on the road. bite in the ass...

The travel menu is a sore subject for many who are going on a trip. Whatever the weather overboard, we must remember that many products spoil quickly. Yes, when choosing food for the trip, you can take into account preferences. But in moderation. After all, say, chips or crackers are a time bomb that can deprive a child and an adult of appetite, and provide an upset gastrointestinal tract. What useful things to take with you on the road? What dishes and packaging do you prefer? Let's understand all the nuances!

List of foods that do not spoil in the heat

Yes, no one will argue with this that heat is one of the most detrimental factors for food containing moisture. And the list of not recommended products includes those products that quickly deteriorate under the influence of high temperature.

IMPORTANT: In addition to a careful attitude, it is necessary to provide products with decent storage conditions. That is why it is better to select the best packaging such as vacuum dishes, paper and even fabric, in which you can wrap food for 2-3 days.

So, here are the products that will be stored the longest on a trip and which are desirable to include in the travel menu:

  • Raw smoked (for older children and adults).
  • Dry snacks in the form of bread, cookies, drying, crackers (homemade).
  • Dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, dried berries and fruits.
  • Bread (packed in paper, not polyethylene - otherwise it will get moldy quickly).
  • Yoghurts.
  • Nuts (unsalted!).
  • Muesli bars.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, from which you can always prepare various hearty and healthy salads or desserts on the road.

Separately, it should be said about vegetables, fruits and berries, which are desirable to take on the road, and these are:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, citrus fruits, bananas.

IMPORTANT: If you take food prepared at home, it must be consumed within 5-7 hours.

This food can be in the form of:

  1. Hard boiled, peeled and chopped eggs.
  2. Jacketed potatoes.
  3. Boiled potatoes.
  4. Soft meat (say, chicken fillet, turkey, etc.).

What is undesirable to take with you on a long trip?

First of all, these are different types of stews, stews, dairy products, any fast foods and other products that can cause problems for children and your body.

What to take on the road by car: recipes

Of course, this is the most comfortable way to travel, since the route can be laid taking into account catering establishments or supermarkets.

IMPORTANT: What should you pay attention to when checking such establishments? If you see a lot of truckers parked nearby, this is the best indicator!

So, to go by car, take with you (except for a gas burner for cooking snacks in a hurry):

  1. Plenty of drinking water to quench your thirst and make tea, light soup, etc.
  2. Light dry food such as hot sandwiches made from non-perishable foods, muffins, etc.
  3. Milk that you will store in a thermal bag and feed to your child in the first half of the day.
  4. Cutting from vegetables and fruits, so as not to cut on the road.

IMPORTANT: Try to think over the diet more carefully for children, and feed them more often!

Yes, homemade food on the road is good too. After all, it is tasty, healthy, and tested by you (this is a guarantee that it will do without food poisoning), and it is inexpensive. Prepare a typical and atypical menu for the trip.

Lavash stuffed with vegetables and chicken

  • It could be rolls. , cooked with vegetables, rice paper and products allowed for your child. After spreading the paper and moistening them with water, fill the surface with the necessary products and twist into a tube.
  • . Yes, they will survive in the container for the first half of the day. They can be eaten cold. They don't take up much space. Saturate quickly and for a long time.
  • Lavash, pita, tortilla rolls . Wrap in them what is useful for a child and adults on the road. Essential on the road!
  • Muffins . Different in taste (salty, sweet) and filling, they will become a hearty and tasty snack on the road.
  • sandwiches . They are nutritious, convenient and beneficial. Just do not use mayonnaise, butter or sausage, which will easily cause intestinal upset. Boiled turkey, beef or veal, topical vegetables will go great with a baguette. Children love sesame buns - like hamburgers, you can wrap everything in them, even what they do not like. And on the road in the first day is a great way out.
  • - just dried breads, which can then be smeared with jam and other spreads prepared at home.

What to take with you on a long journey by car?

Yes, on a long road by car you will be deprived of a number of amenities. But they can be compensated, say, with a cooler bag, thermoses. Then you do not have to look for eateries on the road and stop somewhere for a long time.

  • Baked potatoes are filling and keep for a long time, so they can be grabbed.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • You can bake pizza with healthy toppings or khachapuri, chebureks (with healthy toppings) at home, which will feel great in parchment and a cooler bag.
  • Prepare any homemade cakes with fruit (strudel, charlotte, etc.)
  • You can take with you several thermoses with first and second courses. But it is desirable to eat all this in the first place!

IMPORTANT: Take with you on the road only the food that you have prepared right in front of the road. After all, food, having undergone heat treatment, spoils first.

Food on the train: recipes

What are the benefits of traveling by train? This is tea at the conductor and the presence of a table - sit down when you want and have a meal. Yes, in fact, it's more like a normal meal. Firstly, at the table - like at home, and secondly, having hot water at hand, you can always brew drinks, warm up other food cooked at home (noodles, porridge, mashed potatoes, etc.).

What to take with you on the train from food? The first thing that comes to mind is sandwiches.

Therefore, take with you, in addition to square bread:

  1. Salted fish.
  2. Boiled meat (chicken, veal, turkey).
  3. Fresh vegetables.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to eat sandwiches on the first day of the trip.


  • Hot sandwich: make toast or croutons, cool, spread with cream cheese, put boiled eggs and your favorite vegetables, sprinkle with cheese. bake.
  • Sandwich . After cutting the bread into pieces at home, make toast. Spread them with cream cheese and top with thin slices of fish (for older kids) or meat and vegetables.

Perfectly goes potatoes in their skins or cut into pieces and seasoned with something useful and not perishable, pies with fruit filling, vegetable salads cooked in the car. A great option is canapes made from your favorite products. As a rule, bread, potatoes, cucumbers, fish or something meat become their basis.

What to take on a train in summer?

Here is a list of prepared foods other than drinking water:

  • Cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • Banana, grapes, apple, pear and orange.
  • Cookies, sweets.
  • Bread.
  • Jam sealed.
  • Tea bags.
  • Fruit purees for children, hermetically sealed.
  • Juices in small bags.

IMPORTANT: Eliminate plastic bags as much as possible from circulation, it is better to choose parchment. Do not put different foods together. When packing food on the road, exclude products with a pungent odor, which usually does not disappear in a closed room.

What to take with you on a bus trip?

This mode of travel is somewhat reminiscent of the railway. After all, there may also be a boiler with hot water, and microwave ovens (these details must be clarified before the trip). Therefore, it is important to take plenty of water with you. She will quench your thirst in time, and will allow you to cook something.

So, take with you:

  • Meat , cooked at home, this is boiled pork, for example - cut into thin slices and packed in a plastic container or cooler bag, it will save the day, because. will become the basis of a sandwich, sandwich, etc.
  • Yoghurts - in the first moments, they will saturate and stabilize the metabolism.
  • First or second course in a thermos - ideal for children who need to be fed according to the regimen even while traveling.
  • Sandwiches (very transportable, wrapped in food paper), cookies, cheesecakes and other pastries.
  • Bread, bread , and to it - homemade healthy spreads with delicious fruits.
  • Fruits and vegetables , which usually withstand the road and saturate the body of a child and adults with all the goodies (cherries, carrots, cut into a convenient format, sweet peppers, small cucumbers, lettuce, etc.).
  • Nuts and dried fruits - do not save on this food, it saves on such trips, but agree with the child - what he likes best.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the food on the road is convenient not only for transportation, but also for a meal. To do this, choose the right packaging.

How to feed and what to do with children on the road?

It will be very difficult for them, and especially on the first trip. They are often seasick, they are afraid of everything, they feel sick, they are bored in one place. Even if the food is tasty and healthy.

Take something with you that will keep the child occupied as soon as he gets bored or has any of these manifestations. These are different games, coloring books, a tablet with cartoons, crossword puzzles, etc.

How and when to feed? It is important for us that the child feels great on the road.

So think it over:

  • Firstly , only feed when the child wants to eat.
  • Secondly don't overfeed.
  • Third , think over the menu for the trip from delicious and satisfying dishes (mashed potatoes, liquid soup, roast, cereals, fruits, pastries, homemade granola with berries and fruits, etc.).

Remember to give between meals:

  • Juice in small bags.
  • Buns.
  • Sweets and other light snacks such as yogurt, which is well absorbed by the child's body (by the way, it is better to choose a small package that is easier to drink from).
  • Berries that do not stain your hands, such as gooseberries, currants, blueberries, hard fruits, dried apricots, dates, raisins, prunes and dried cranberries, which will saturate you with vitamins, improve intestinal motility, and give you a boost of energy.

And finally - let's sum it up!

There are many things you can take with you when you travel. You just need to know what and in what form to include in the travel menu. Some tips will definitely help you.

1. When packing food on the road, try not to make the products bulky and heavy. . Otherwise, you will not receive pleasure, but unpleasant memories of how you took care that nothing fell out on the road and did not get dirty.

2. Take food that is not perishable - that's for sure, it should be from the category that:

  • useful, satisfying and high quality;
  • can be stored for a long time without refrigeration;
  • does not melt in the sun or in the heat;
  • easy to prepare or does not require additional cooking or cutting at all, i.e. it is desirable to cut everything in advance;
  • do not have strong odors;
  • create as little discomfort as possible (crumbs, debris, etc.).

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about food, or rather, what to eat on the road and what to take with you from food? The topic is relevant for everyone - there are different situations on the road, and the question of nutrition can add another headache to the preparation.

What foods should be chosen and what should be avoided so that there are no health problems, and your long-awaited trip does not turn into a disappointment? Consider all the main points so that you no longer have difficulties with this in the future.

Before we move on to what is better to choose for a particular mode of transport, let's look at the main recommendations:

  • Compactness. Products should not take up much space. Carrying a bag of food with you is inconvenient and pointless. Some foods may go bad before you eat them.
  • Storage periods. Choose foods that can withstand travel and can be kept out of the fridge. For example, give up dairy products if you don't want to get sick. If you cannot imagine your life without yogurt and cottage cheese, then eat such products in the first 3-4 hours of the trip, especially in summer.
  • Pungent odors. Foods with strong odors are a surefire way to irritate your neighbors if you're on a bus or train. In a closed space, the smell is even more felt, and after a couple of hours it will begin to irritate not only those around you, but also yourself.
  • Storage temperature. Do not take food with you that can melt or melt when the temperature rises. Ice cream, chocolate, chocolate candy set aside until you arrive.
  • Cream filled products. This includes cakes, pastries and pies. They deteriorate quickly and are not suitable for the road.
  • Mineral water. It is needed in sufficient quantities, especially in summer. But do not take carbonated water and sugary drinks on the road.

About what I once wrote. There are, of course, their nuances. But the approach is somewhat similar.

On your own. What to take in the car?

Agree, we will choose different food for a trip by car and bus. Traveling by car has its own pleasant bonuses, of which are the ability to stop wherever you want, more space for storing luggage, and the absence of strangers. So the range of what to eat on a trip by car is very diverse.

If you are traveling for several days, get a special cooler bag. If this is not possible and you do not want to take extra items, then take a closer look at the following products:

  • Light vegetable soup or broth in a thermos. This option is well suited if you need to eat something hot at least once a day. Just remember that you can not store it for a long time either.
  • Sandwiches. Do you also think about them at first, preparing food for the trip? It's fast, tasty and convenient. There can be many options for sandwiches, but do not use mayonnaise, sauces, butter in them. So they spoil faster, and you risk poisoning or earning indigestion. Use bran bread, raw smoked products, hard cheese.
  • Lavash with stuffing. Very convenient and satisfying way to snack. You can wrap fresh vegetables, meat (preferably baked as it lasts longer), hard cheese, greens in it. Add salt and seasonings to taste, avoiding ketchup and mayonnaise.
  • Light salads. You can cut vegetables into a container and then just add oil and salt to them. So they will not deteriorate so quickly, but it is also advisable not to stretch them for 2 days.
  • Vegetables and fruits . Cucumbers, tomatoes (choose hard ones), greens, carrots will fit perfectly into the travel menu. Take fruits with a peel (bananas, apples, tangerines) and not very soft. They can last for several days and make a nutritious and tasty snack on the go.
  • Baked potato. It does not spoil for a long time and if you like potatoes, then this is a good idea for lunch on the road. But do not take boiled potatoes and french fries. They spoil quickly, this is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, and french fries are also unhealthy.
  • Baked meat . Boiled or fried meat is not suitable for the road. It spoils quickly, so baked is a great option. Add more spices there, especially such as rosemary, thyme, mint - they have a disinfecting effect and keep the meat longer. Chicken (can be whole) or turkey is good.

In addition to what else is suitable from the products of the road, you can also add: baked pies (but not with meat filling), dried fruits, nuts (preferably not salted), buns and muffins (without filling).

And for those with a sweet tooth, who can’t even enjoy a day without sweets (I know there are many of them among us), instead of chocolate and sweets, you should look at marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. You can also take cookies if they are without filling.

Train products. What else can you take?

Traveling by train, especially in reserved seats, is another pleasure in terms of comfort. But there are a couple of positives that make choosing what to take from food with you on the train easier than with other options. Firstly, you have a table at which you can conveniently decompose, and secondly, you have access to boiling water. More convenient, right?

You can take all the same products on the train as in the car, but the list can be supplemented with several items:

  • Instant porridge. No matter how you twist it, you will want hot if you have a long road ahead. In the presence of boiling water, it is not difficult to cook such porridge. Fast, convenient and practical.
  • Instant soups and purees. Not the most useful food, but if you do not use them constantly, then you can take them once if necessary.
  • Tea and coffee bags. Take both in bags, so as not to play for half an hour with brewing on the road. Although I myself can’t stand packaged products, and I’d rather take a scattering.
  • Pates and preserves. Just keep in mind that you should eat them right away, and not stretch the pleasure for a couple of days. They can go bad, and then you have a fun rest of the trip.
  • Boiled eggs. A classic of what they take with them from food to the train. Remember, the eggs must be hard-boiled and the shell must not be cracked. It is advisable to eat them on the first day.

How to choose bus products?

The bus is the type of transport where you can’t take everything in a row. Especially if a trip to some bus tour, where fiddling with thermoses and containers is not an option for you at all. What to take, so that it is tasty and healthy, and even convenient?

  • Lavash with stuffing. The recommendations for filling are the same as before. Wrap it in parchment paper or special paper bags for food. Do not use plastic bags to store food on the road.
  • sandwiches. They also fit perfectly here. To prevent the bread from spoiling so quickly, store the cuts for sandwiches separately.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Opt for firm fruits and vegetables so you don't have to wash your clothes afterward.
  • Buns, muffins and baked pies(but not with meat). Good for a snack, but take it with you without cream fillings.
  • Dried fruits and unsalted nuts. They saturate well with energy and do not deteriorate for a long time. They will be especially useful if you have an active program and a lot of movement.
  • Pastila, marshmallow, marmalade. Tasty and healthy, and can also be stored for 2-3 days without a refrigerator.

What to feed children on the road?

If you have children, then the question of food on the road always arises. The choice of food for a child depends on what you eat, how long the trip is and what age the child is.

If you have a small child, then buy baby food for him on the road. Make sure that the food is at a normal temperature - if necessary, take a container with you where you can pour boiling water and put a jar of food to warm up.

If you eat with older children, then you can take them baked potatoes, chicken, boiled eggs. But remember that they need to be eaten on the first day. Vegetables and fruits are also suitable. As snacks, you can take buns or puff pastry (without fillings), children's fruit purees (suitable for adults). Do not take anything from fast food, fatty and fried with you on the road.

When you stock up on food, keep in mind that children should not be overfed on the road. Feed them only when they are hungry. Do not forget about sanitation: bring enough wet wipes with you.

How to be on a trip with gastritis?

If you have gastritis, then you need to plan what and when you will eat on the road in advance. You need to eat often and the food should be dietary. Get a thermos for food. There you can take hot food with you: soup, broth, porridge.

You can also take boiled eggs, baked potatoes and chicken, vegetables and fruits with you (here, start from the recommendations of doctors on what you can eat). This will be enough for you for a trip for 1 day. If a long journey is expected, take instant cereals, baby purees and instant soups with you.

Good luck on your travels!

Before a long journey, the question arises: “what to take with you from food?”. To avoid discomfort and unforeseen situations, you should think about it in advance, and having decided to write a list so as not to forget anything.

Food for the road if you are traveling by train

On a long journey by train, car and bus, you need to take fresh food that is not perishable, you need to be especially careful not only in summer. After all, it is often hotter in the train in winter than in summer.

Store all products separately and pack them well.

List of such products:

  • Smoked sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Bread;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Vacuum packed food.
  • Salt, sugar.

(do not consider "liquid dishes": soups, stews, mashed potatoes).

You can take bread with you (cutting it in advance, this is inconvenient on a train and your neighbors are unlikely to like crumbs everywhere), smoked sausage - a favorite product of most travelers (also pre-prepared for consumption) or vacuum ham, potatoes (baked in their skins - it does not spoil for a long time).

Potato Recipe:

Thoroughly wash the potatoes (medium size), cut into 4 longitudinal parts, then put on a baking sheet (after laying baking paper), salt and sprinkle with Provence herbs (or other spices to your taste), add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Then mix everything well and put in the oven.

In summer, everything is conducive to giving preference to vegetables and fruits and it is better to wash and dry them in advance, and arrange them in separate bags.

Do not take with you on a train journey:

  • Sweet sparkling water;
  • Juices;
  • Bananas;
  • Cheese (even if it does not spoil, it will become soft and unpleasant in taste);

Why not take sweet water? It does not quench thirst, and the opportunity to get to the restroom is not always there. You can't go wrong with plain water and tea.

Do not take salads and dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, this is a perishable product.

What food to take on the road by car

On the one hand, it may seem that it is more comfortable to eat in the car, there are no prying eyes, neighbors who sometimes confuse, but on the other hand, there is no place for eating in the car.

It is more convenient and safer to travel by car with a thermal bag (or a travel refrigerator) - it maintains the temperature of food, but does not cool it. In the summer, it is possible to cool the water in advance and it will remain cool in the travel refrigerator.

Take with you on a trip by car:

  • Flour, including sausages in the dough (you will find the recipe below);
  • Fruit (washed in advance);
  • Potato;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Bread sliced;
  • water;
  • Tea and coffee in a thermo mug;
  • It is also possible to grab the soup in a thermos;
  • Vegetables.

Recipe for sausages in dough

There is an extremely simple and quick recipe for this delicacy, which will appeal to even those who are not friendly with cooking. They are perfect for traveling both in summer and winter - in any season, and on two-day trips.

Buy ready-made dough - puff yeast (it is in the form of square plates) and sausages.

Such a dough, as a rule, is frozen, you need to leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out with a rolling pin (layer height 0.5-1 cm) and cut into rectangles. Then just wrap the sausage in it, put it on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.

Send to the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

Such sausages in the dough remain tasty even when cold.

Before the road, be sure to cool the product, wrap it in foil and put it in a thermal bag.

It is better to wash vegetables and fruits before the trip (cut, if necessary).

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Taking food on a bus trip

What food is not suitable for long-distance bus travel? You should not take greasy food, buns on the road (they crumble a lot - this is inconvenient and do not forget about the presence of neighbors who will also not be happy with the extra garbage). Do not take salty, spicy and sweet foods, such foods cause thirst, and on a bus trip this is an unnecessary inconvenience.

Take with you on your bus trip:

  • Fresh vegetables, cut in advance;
  • Bread;
  • Not a sweet cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Water.

In the summer, you can make a fresh vegetable salad by putting it in a disposable container, it will not spoil and satisfy your hunger.

What food to prepare for the trip for the child?

If you are on a train

The question of what to take with you from food becomes more serious if children are traveling with you. In this case, it is worth considering the diet more carefully.

In no case do not take on the road for a child:

  • Porridge with milk - if this dish is fundamentally important, take instant porridge. Better than poisoning;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled meat.

What to take?

  • Boiled or baked potatoes (not mashed);
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Apples;
  • Cookie;
  • water;
  • Juice (better store - stored longer).

If your child loves meat and cannot do without it, cook 1-2 grilled patties, for example, so that he eats it at one (nearest) meal.

If you are driving

How is the food situation if you are traveling with children?

If you have a “travel refrigerator” at your disposal, you can take a child’s usual diet, along the way you can always stop by a roadside cafe and ask to warm up food in the microwave.

Do not forget! Refrigerate or freeze all food before travel to prevent spoilage.

When traveling by car, things are easier than when traveling by train, with regards to shopping. There are many shops and gas stations along the road. But carefully monitor the shelf life of the goods.

Proper nutrition on a long journey

For those who follow their figure and health, it is important to adhere to a certain menu.

An important question arises - what to cook on the road:

salad recipe

It is very simple, and you need to try so that it deteriorates on the road.

Tear lettuce leaves (number by eye, but don't be stingy) with your hands into a container, chop a lot of greens (any you like), then cut the cucumber into quarters and radishes. Sprinkle everything with sesame seeds and drizzle with a teaspoon of olive oil. Salad ready!

Separately cut a fresh cucumber, it can be eaten for dinner with chicken.

A possible breakfast option is a slice of whole grain bread with fresh vegetables or cheese.

All products must be stored separately.

Food that you should not take on the road in any case

What food is contraindicated on the road? Everything is obvious:

  • Forget everything related to fish at home, because even if the temperature standards are observed, the “life” of this product is not long;
  • Milk (and it is better to protect yourself from fermented milk products) - the reason is the same, not a long shelf life and the consequences of poisoning with milk or cottage cheese are severe.
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries and other similar dishes are very fatty and hard to digest, which definitely causes discomfort.
  • Snacks and instant noodles. Regular nuts don't count.

What medicines to take with you on a trip

There is always a chance that the digestive system will fail at the most inopportune moment, even if you ate only fresh foods.

In such a case, it is worth putting in your bag "saving funds", such as:

  • And activated charcoal (everyone's favorite and reliable);
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterofuril (with frequent stools);
  • Loperamide (for loose stools);
  • Regidron (with dehydration);
  • No-shpa;
  • Mezim.

In the summer, be sure to take alcohol wipes on a long journey, they will come in handy on a trip by train, car, and bus.

Undoubtedly, eating on the road is a kind of stress, but it is possible to make this process safer and more comfortable. Approach the preparation of your diet for the journey with special trepidation and compliance with all the rules, then, most likely, the journey will go smoothly. Products should be fresh and it is better not to take semi-finished products with you, but cook everything yourself. And in case of an emergency, do not forget to take medicine with you on a long journey.

Happy road!

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