
Salad oriental classic recipe without eggs. Salad oriental classic recipe

Unusual yet simple snack dish, can save the whole lunch, especially if you want to have a quick bite and run errands! Such a win-win dish is an oriental salad, the recipe with sausage of which, although not classic version but remains easily recognizable. Tenderness of taste, availability of ingredients, ease of execution - these are the components of any dish that bring it to the TOP of the family menu.

Thinking about oriental dishes, we immediately imagine a dish with a mass of fragrant and hot spices, as well as sour-spicy dressing to it. But imbued with the approach of the East to culinary solutions! Creative approach to cooking - it's so oriental! How to cook an oriental salad without turning on the fantasy? After all, very often the most unexpected components are included in oriental salad compositions!

Therefore, there are a great many recipes for oriental salad, and each of us will be able to add his own “zest” to the recipe. The classic recipe for oriental salad is, first of all, his classic dressing! Classic salad dressings- a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, with the addition of spices and spices.

Let's look at two recipes for oriental salad with sausage! It is better to take smoked or semi-smoked sausage, you can replace it with ham or sausages (also smoked).

Oriental salad with sausage - recipe with tomatoes


  • Smoked sausage or hunting sausages- 150 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 2 fruits + -
  • - 1-2 cloves + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • By taste preferences + -
  • - for refueling + -


This version of the oriental salad has a multi-layered structure and is dressed with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise gives salad composition soft taste and juiciness. Salad in layers always looks very beneficial on the table, and everyone present wants to know all the secrets of the dish by seeing it in a section.

  1. Eggs are boiled, cooled and cleaned. We cut them into thin strips or rub them on a coarse grater (this does not matter).
  2. We also turn the sausage into straws, and if you have hunting sausages, we cut them into "kopecks".
  3. Tomatoes are best peeled. To do this, we make a cross-shaped incision in the upper part of the fruit, dip them in boiling water for 1 minute and easily remove the skin. We turn them into straws too. We spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin a separate bowl, add a little and sprinkle with chopped garlic.
  4. Put hard cheese before grinding for 15 minutes in freezer to grind it on a grater was convenient. Grind the cooled product on the cheese side of the grater.
  5. How to cook oriental salad with sausage layers? Sausage (sausages) will serve as the basis for a multilayer structure. We cover the bottom of the serving dish with sausage straws and draw a mesh on it with mayonnaise. If you have canned mayonnaise, then take a strong plastic bag, transfer the mayonnaise from the jar into it and cut off the corner by 3-5 mm.
  6. We spread the tomato slices with garlic on the sausage and also draw patterns with mayonnaise. We combine sour tomatoes With delicate taste chicken eggs, i.e. form the next layer of grated eggs. This layer can be made from dry shavings and a mesh can be drawn on top, or you can pre-mix it with dressing and lay out an already impregnated layer.
  7. We complete our construction with a layer of fluffy cheese.
  8. We leave the oriental salad with sausage, the recipe of which we have so creatively implemented, for impregnation for 15-20 minutes, and serve it to the table!

Bon appetit!

Oriental salad with sausage - recipe with feta cheese

An amazing salad that remains in the memory of everyone who tried it! Preparing very quickly - provided all the ingredients are present. The combination of the proposed components gives us such a bouquet of flavors that it is worth trying and preparing for cooking!


  • Semi-smoked sausage type "servelat" or hunting sausages - 600 g
  • Potato - 3 tubers
  • Red onion - 1 head
  • Frozen green peas - 400 g
  • Mint fresh leaves- 1 glass
  • Parsley - 2 tbsp.
  • Pickled feta cheese - 200 g
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.


  1. Boil potatoes in their skins in salted water. We clean the cooled tubers and cut into small slices or cubes. Cut the red onion into thin half rings and disassemble with your hands into straws.
  2. We cut the sausage into thin rings and, without fat (oil), fry them on each side in a very hot pan. Cut the fried sausage rings in half.
  3. Immerse green peas in boiling salted water and boil for 3 minutes, filter through a sieve and lower the sieve with peas into a bowl of cold water.
  4. We put all the prepared components in a spacious bowl, pour boiled peas there, add chopped parsley and mint leaves. We combine all components by stirring.
  5. We prepare the dressing by simply mixing olive oil with lemon juice.
  6. Place the feta cheese cubes on top of the salad mixture and pour over the oriental salad with sausage dressing.
  7. Ready! Give the salad a little brew and serve!

Please note that the usual salt and pepper in this amazing salad No! Almost all components either contain enough salt (for example, sausage) or are boiled in salt water. Cooks in the East try to preserve the natural flavors of products, only enriching them with spices or spices. IN this dish this role is played by mint, parsley and lemon juice.

East is a delicate matter. This expression can also be applied to oriental cuisine. This area is vastly different from European cuisine and you should not be surprised if the components of the dishes include grasshoppers, cobra fillets, frog legs and more. Another feature of the cuisine of these countries is spices and spices, which allow you to cook a dish with different tastes ranging from sweetish to unbearably bitter tastes.

Oriental salad. Food preparation

So, oriental salads may include unexpected ingredients, but the main focus is on spices and sauces. For the preparation of dressings, a combination of lemon juice with olive oil. Do not be surprised if the oriental salad is fried in a pan, then we are talking about warm oriental salads, where the emphasis is on local spices.

Oriental salad recipes

Recipe 1. Turkish Oriental Salad

If in European countries don't like to mix meat ingredients with fish, then in the East this business is even welcomed. As a result, a rich set of fresh vegetables, seafood and sausages.

Required Ingredients:

250 g - ham;

250 g - cheese;

200 ml - mayonnaise;

10 - 15 pcs. - crab sticks;

2 pcs. - Bulgarian pepper;

1 st. l. - turmeric;

3 pcs. - tomatoes.

Cooking method:

The salad is striking in its simplicity of preparation - it is enough to cut the ingredients at your discretion, mix and pour salad mayonnaise. Chop the ham into cubes, but do not make them too small. Tomatoes in strips, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pulp is better cut into more big chunks, since when mixed they often turn into gruel. bell pepper cut into thin rings, and this is the peculiarity of the recipe. Peppers account for not only the taste decoration, but also the external design of the salad, which is why take red and green peppers. Crab sticks cut into slices if you don't like the feel of them rich taste then chop into thin strips. Everything is ready, season with turmeric and mayonnaise.

Recipe 2. Oriental salad "Tabule"

Tabbouleh is perhaps the most famous oriental salad. True, in European cuisine it has been slightly modified. But we will provide the original version of this unique recipe.

Required Ingredients:

3 pcs. - tomatoes;

2 pcs. - chilli;

2 pcs. - Red onion;

100 g - millet;

3 art. l. - olive oil;

1 bunch of dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

Millet must be boiled in salted water. To add flavor, add black peas to the water. While millet is boiled, cut into slices tomatoes, red onion, it is recommended to take it for salads, cut into rings. Chili peppers are peeled and also finely chopped. Chop dill with parsley. The millet is boiled, it is necessary to give it time to cool. After the ingredients are mixed and seasoned with oil.

Recipe 3. Oriental salad with beef

Take this dish into service if you decide to have a themed oriental party and look for original oriental salads. If you take boiled beef meat, then it will take 5-7 minutes to cook.

Required Ingredients:

200 g - beef;

250 g - cucumbers;

3 art. l. - soy sauce;

3 pcs. - garlic cloves;

5 st. l. - oil (vegetable or olive);

2 pcs. - egg.

Cooking method:

Most more time needed for boiling beef meat, more than 30 minutes. The meat can be cooked ahead of time. Cut the cooked beef into strips. Interesting - we use eggs to make egg pancakes. In a bowl, beat the eggs well, you can sprinkle a pinch of salt. We heat the pan and fry the pancake on both sides. From the resulting egg gruel should get 2 - 3 pancakes.

Prepare the sauce - mix vegetable oil with soy sauce, you can sprinkle a little paprika, add garlic gruel and beat whisks. We send the sauce to the salad. Don't be upset if egg pancakes not very successful in form - they still have to be crushed.

Recipe 4. Oriental salad - apples and dates

The most tender and the healthiest salad, the taste of which will remain in your memory for a long time.

Required Ingredients:

100 g - dates;

70 g - walnuts;

3 pcs. - apples;

4 tbsp. l. - lemon juice;

150 ml - fermented baked milk.

Cooking method:

Walnuts are fried in a pan, but without oil. Next, they need to be thoroughly ground, you can use a kitchen hammer, but it is better to use a blender. Dates are poured with boiling water, and then cut into cubes. We cut apples into the same shape, only pre-peel them. We mix the ingredients and fill with fermented baked milk. As for lemon juice. It should be sprinkled lightly on the salad. Give the ingredients a couple of minutes to soak and enjoy the airy dish.

Oriental salad - secrets and helpful tips from the best chefs

As you can see mayonnaise sauce when cooking oriental salads does not find its application. More emphasis is placed on olive oil with lemon juice. But any oriental salad can be brought closer to our kitchen and slightly diluted light dish mayonnaise.

  • Beef tenderloin - half a kilogram;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Leaf lettuce - 100 grams;
  • Juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil and soy sauce;
  • Parsley;
  • Salt and spices.
  • Preparation time: 00:10
  • Cooking time: 00:10
  • Servings: 4
  • Complexity: light


Let's choose a recipe with beef for our salad and figure it out step by step. See recipe with photo

  1. A piece of meat tenderloin is boiled for salad in a small amount of water for at least two hours. Spices are laid in the broth (black pepper, bay leaf, cumin, coriander seeds can be added); cool the meat without removing it from the pan so that it remains juicy. And then cut into small strips.
  2. Now let's deal with vegetables, first of all, paying attention to their quality and degree of freshness.

    tasteless, not fresh vegetables in a salad can ruin the whole dish. Whatever filling we use, natural taste everyone raw vegetable must make a note.

    The skin should be removed from the tomato - this is very simple to do by placing them in boiling water for half a minute, then in cold water. Then cut the tomatoes into small pieces sharp knife so that a lot of juice does not leak out.

  3. Let's prepare lettuce leaves- wash, dry.

    Iceberg, frillice, watercress, and red lettuce will do. The last two will add bitter-nutty notes to the dish.

  4. Peel two or three cloves of garlic. We wash fresh young greens - cilantro, parsley (withered leaves are unacceptable) in a large bowl of water, and not in running water, dry with a napkin and cut into pieces.
  5. Cheese for the top layer of the salad is chosen durum varieties: domestic Dutch, French Beaufort, Lithuanian Dvaro and others. Dutch cheeses edam and emmental are rather semi-solid, but the nutty flavor that they have will give the salad the right touch of taste. Only high-quality, fully ripened cheese is suitable for oriental salad. Unacceptable are cheeses with a non-uniform consistency, crumbling when cut, having other signs of unnatural product. Cheese is rubbed on a grater, but this should be done last so that the chips do not dry out.
  6. All prepared foods (except cheese), including finely grated garlic and chopped or torn into small pieces of lettuce, put in a deep bowl, mix and pour dressing prepared from a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Be picky about the quality of the oil (need cold pressed) and soy sauce (buy it in glass packaging). In what proportion to take each ingredient will depend on your personal taste. Sometimes add a pinch ground ginger. You can not mix the garlic with the main composition, but add it to the dressing sauce. In this case, it is better to use a garlic crusher, prepare the mixture in a blender.
  7. Place a hat on top grated cheese, decorate with green leaves. Sometimes lightly roasted sesame seeds are added. The dish can be served.

How easy it is to see how many restaurants, how many culinary sites - so many recipes for oriental salad. Often they are so different from each other that it is difficult to understand what makes it possible to combine them under a common name. "Eastern" is called both exclusively vegetarian and meat salads, vegetables with feta and pineapple…

Let's try to decide on the oriental culinary trend, this should help to draw up classic recipe oriental salad. It is hardly possible to attribute, for example, smoked sausage to the favorite products of oriental cuisine. Another thing is boiled or fried meat, spicy greens in in large numbers, sesame and nuts, juicy tomatoes, Dressing With Lemon Juice And Soy Sauce.

For the second option, you will need mayonnaise and chicken eggs. You should not buy light mayonnaise, it is most often tasteless and sour. Eggs are needed precisely from the chicken, and not the quail eggs that have come into fashion.


  • Beef tenderloin - half a kilogram;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • Chicken eggs- 2 pieces;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Fragrant greens - cilantro, mint, parsley;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt and spices.


  1. large eggs ( big size eggs - evidence of its usefulness) boil hard-boiled and finely chop.
  2. Meat can be boiled or fried. If the beef in the salad is fried, we cut the raw meat into thin strips and throw it into a hot frying pan. As soon as the meat is fried, add very finely chopped onion, it should brown very quickly, or, as the chefs say, caramelize, but in no case burn.
  3. At the bottom of the salad bowl lay out a layer of chopped beef, boiled or fried.
  4. The next layer is prepared tomatoes, topped with grated garlic. Beef and tomatoes exquisite combination. We apply a mayonnaise net on top.
  5. Even higher - crushed boiled eggs, and brush again with mayonnaise.
  6. Finally, finishing touch- fill the top of the salad with cheese, put green leaves.

    Lettuce leaves, as you can see, are not used in this recipe.

  7. Such puff salad should be infused for 20-30 minutes before serving.

Oriental salad variations

Other small deviations are possible when you prepare an oriental classic salad, if the above cooking order and combination of products is followed. The changes relate to the meat component of the dish, beef can be replaced with lamb, chicken. Lamb is needed lean, strips of fat are carefully trimmed. Chicken breast taken without skin, boiled, cut into ribbons.

There are examples when Chinese funchose is added to an oriental salad - thin "glass" noodles made from mung bean starch, or from cornstarch. Instead of noodles, thin ribbons of a pre-baked pancake from plain flour. These additives are proposed to replace cheese hat lettuce. The dish can turn out to be unusual, with a touch of exoticism, you can hardly call it classic. But why not try.


  • Beef b / k - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Cheese - 150 grams.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Harmony of taste

Do you want to somehow revive and diversify your usual diet without spending a lot of effort and money? Then be sure to cook the Oriental salad.

Such a light, but at the same time hearty and surprisingly tasty snack will appeal to everyone without exception, it can be prepared every day or treated to guests during a festive feast.

There are a lot of recipes for oriental salad, among them there are both meat and completely vegetable dishes. But all of them are distinguished by the correct selection of ingredients that are in harmony with each other, as well as a multifaceted taste obtained through spices and fragrant dressing.

This salad is real. oriental tale, it meets amazing tastes with bright, colorful colors. Harmony of flavors is achieved by alternating food textures: fresh, crispy and juicy vegetables well accentuate the meat, and the spicy dressing completes it all.

The most common ingredients for oriental salad are fresh lettuce leaves, ripe tomatoes, Bell pepper, crispy cucumbers, carrots or eggplants. They are supplemented with garlic, fragrant greens, nuts, sesame.

Not only meat components will help to make the dish more satisfying, but also spicy cheese or boiled eggs.

As a dressing for oriental salads, use all kinds of combinations vegetable oils with vinegar, lemon juice or soy sauce.

Can do original dressing based on kefir, yogurt or sour cream, supplemented with aromatic spices.

A classic oriental salad, popular among our compatriots, is made with meat, adding fresh vegetables to it. The most common option is an oriental salad with beef, but the latter can be easily replaced with chicken or smoked sausage.

Cooking an oriental salad does not take much time, but it is important to pay attention to the quality of the products. Only ingredients highest quality can guarantee excellent result and the famous oriental flavor.

The recipe for a classic oriental salad with meat implies the arrangement of the ingredients in layers, moreover, in a strictly certain sequence that fully reveals the taste of each product. To do so or not is a personal matter for everyone, but remember that Eastern cuisine- this is primarily a game of taste and color.

That is why it is best to clearly follow the recipes with photos in order to prepare real oriental salads. And once you try it, you can experiment.


The recipe for an oriental salad with beef should be in the piggy bank of every housewife, such a dish will decorate festive table and wow your guests. Oriental salad can be prepared with any other meat, for example, with pork, lamb or chicken, this is already a matter of taste.

  1. Boil the meat in advance by dropping it into boiling water. salt water with spices (peppercorns, bay leaf, you can add cumin, cilantro, etc.). Boil for about 2 hours after boiling, then cool without removing from the broth so that the meat remains juicy. Cut the cooked beef into thin strips.
  2. Hard boil eggs, cool them and peel them. Cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into thin strips, trying not to squeeze out the juice. It is advisable to scald them with boiling water before this and remove the skin by dipping them in ice water.
  4. On fine grater grate the garlic, it should turn out good chips, not gruel, this is important for revealing the taste.
  5. Coarsely grate the cheese. It is best to use hard and brackish varieties, such as Dutch.

The ingredients should be laid out in layers in the recommended order. By the way, the appetizer will be tastier if all the layers are repeated twice.

  • Put the meat on the bottom of the salad bowl, cover it with tomatoes and evenly sprinkle with chopped garlic.
  • Apply a thin mayonnaise mesh to the layer, it is important not to overdo it here so that the sauce does not interrupt the taste of other products.
  • The next layer is boiled eggs, they also need to be greased with mayonnaise. At the end, sprinkle everything generously with cheese and let it brew.

According to the same recipe, oriental salad can be made with sausage. The latter is better to take raw smoked, always with bacon. Due smoked sausage oriental salad will acquire spicy notes. The quality of the product should be approached especially, the sausage should not be too spicy, although this is already an amateur.


Among the recipes with photos there are the most different variations oriental salad with sausage. For example, you can cook a very satisfying and delicious snack With boiled potatoes fried without oil smoked sausage, boiled green peas. Combine these ingredients in a salad bowl, add more chopped parsley and mint, generously sprinkle with lemon juice, dressing everything with olive oil. Put diced cheese on top and sprinkle with ground pepper, but you don’t need to add salt!

Oriental salads and appetizers do not have to be complicated at all. Always with a bang, a dish with boiled beef, in which fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers are added. Be sure to add as much variety of greens as possible (cilantro, parsley). Such an oriental salad should be seasoned with a mixture of vegetable oil with soy sauce, vinegar and hot pepper. Sprinkle everything on top sesame seeds fried in a dry frying pan.

Oriental chicken salad is a vivid example of a light, but hearty and very tasty dish. For cooking you will need: boiled chicken fillet, cabbage, fresh cucumber, Bell pepper. The ingredients should be cut into strips and combined in a salad bowl.

For an oriental salad, it is suitable as a regular one. White cabbage, and Beijing or any leaf salad. Separately to be welded Chinese noodles(funchose), add it to the rest of the products, pour crushed and roasted almonds there. Salt the salad, add spices to taste and season with a mixture of soy sauce with oil and lemon juice.

Oriental salad is always beautiful, you just have to look at the photo. But without trying such an appetizer at least once, it’s hard to imagine how delicious it is. Don't be afraid to experiment with ingredients based on proven recipes. There will never be extra greens, as well as spices, nuts and pieces of fruit.

Oriental classic salad with smoked sausage and tomatoes - hearty, juicy and very tasty dish not only for home dinner, and for festive feast. All the components of the salad perfectly complement each other and together give an extraordinary taste and aroma that even an avid gourmet will like. To prepare a salad, use only fresh, crispy vegetables with a bright flavor and aroma. Take high-quality beef or pork-beef sausage.

Taste Info Holiday salads


  • Green onions 3 sprigs;
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.;
  • Tomato 185 g;
  • Smoked sausage 180 g;
  • Hard cheese 100 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Mayonnaise to taste;
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves.

How to cook a classic oriental salad with smoked sausage

For an oriental salad, do not use sausage of dubious quality. Buy from trusted places. I would like to cook a bright and fragrant oriental salad, and not vegetables with sausage. Cut the sausage into either cubes or cubes.

Not suitable for a classic oriental salad quail eggs because the taste and aroma will be completely different. Chicken eggs use fresh, premium or first grade. Boil in lightly salted water until tender. It will take about ten minutes after boiling. Remove hot eggs from boiling water, lower into a container with cool water. Let them cool for 5-10 minutes. After, dry with a napkin, remove the shell and cut into arbitrary small pieces.

Buy the freshest tomatoes. In the season of vegetables, it is better to use homemade tomatoes. They should be fragrant, tasty and more fleshy. Rinse vegetables and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into two halves. Using a spoon, scrape out the pulp, we do not need it. Cut the meaty part into cubes or cubes.

Rinse green onion and let dry. Branches should not be wet. cut into in small pieces. Peel the garlic. To keep the juiciness, it does not need to be crushed with a garlic press. Grate on a medium grater or finely chop.

All the ingredients are prepared, you can start laying the salad. To do this, take either a forming ring, or a deep, suitable size salad bowl. Put a layer of sausage, green onions, tomatoes on the bottom of the bowl. Add slices of garlic to the tomato layer, lightly salt and pepper, garnish with a mayonnaise net. Add chopped eggs, season with spices, garnish with mayonnaise.

Top with grated hard cheese. coarse grater. Garnish with tomato slices and a sprig of dill. Oriental classic salad is ready.

teaser network

Salad "Vostochny" with sausage and mushrooms

Salad "Vostochny" with sausage and mushrooms at first glance contains components that are not very compatible with each other. But believe me, palatability they all harmonize perfectly. Many housewives do not dare to deviate from the classics and manage on holidays standard set- "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa". If you are afraid of everything new, then first try to prepare an “Oriental” salad for the next family dinner or dinner. And when the family appreciates it, send the recipe to a cookbook notebook. Surely, now it will become your signature dish.


  • champignons - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 30-40 ml;
  • salt and black ground pepper- to your taste;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • smoked sausage - 400 g;
  • hard cheese - 250 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 150-200 ml.


  1. Wash the mushrooms, if you see fit, then peel the caps from the films (you can not do this). Cut the mushrooms into thin strips, the smaller you do this, the more tender the salad will turn out.
  2. Cut the peeled and washed onion into small cubes.
  3. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put the mushrooms and onions, add salt and pepper to your taste, fry until tender, then transfer the resulting mass to a salad bowl and let cool.
  4. Boil, cool, peel the eggs. Try to cut them into strips too, in extreme cases, rub them on a coarse grater.
  5. Cut the sausage into thin sticks. You can replace it with ham or hunting sausages.
  6. Do the same with hard cheese as you would with eggs. Cut into strips or rub on a coarse grater.
  7. Transfer all prepared products to a salad bowl with mushrooms, squeeze garlic through a press.
  8. At the very last moment, before serving the salad, put in it the tomatoes cut into small cubes. At the same time, they must be cut in advance so that they have time to drain, otherwise the juice will spoil appearance and the taste of the food.
  9. Add mayonnaise, mix gently.
  10. Serve the salad nicely. Festive dish top with fresh thin lettuce leaves or Chinese cabbage, put the resulting salad mass on top. Garnish with cherry tomato halves and dill sprigs. Oriental salad can also be cooked in puff, the sequence will be as follows: mushrooms with onions - sausage - tomatoes - garlic - eggs - hard cheese. On each layer, apply a thin mayonnaise net and allow the salad time to soak.
