
Raw vegetable salad. raw vegetable salad recipes

Salad of carrots and beets, or once again about the benefits of vegetables

Puff salad "Triumph"

An exceptionally healthy salad. And its original appearance is also useful for a good mood. In any case, everyone wants to try this salad.


1 large fresh beet;
1 raw carrot (large);
200 g of aromatic hard cheese;
A handful of seedless raisins;
Half a glass of chopped walnuts;
3 garlic cloves;
1 pack of mayonnaise.


Salad is useful, first of all, because raw vegetables are put in it. And for us, this fact is also convenient: nothing needs to be prepared in advance. True, something needs to be done. To begin with, wash and peel the root crops and chop them with a coarse grater (separately). Then we salt the excess juice from the grated beets, otherwise the salad will flow and will not be able to keep its shape. We also turn the cheese into shavings and finely chop the garlic.

Now add walnuts to the beets, put raisins in the carrots, and mix the cheese with garlic. The ingredients are ready, it remains to lay the layers. To do this, we need a regular deep salad bowl and cling film. Lightly moisten the salad bowl with water and cover with a film (from the bottom to the edges). After that, we begin to lay the layers in the following order:

Beets with nuts;
carrots with raisins;
garlic cheese.

We tamp each layer well and lightly coat with mayonnaise. We make the layers not too thick (about two or three centimeters each) and put them in until the prepared products run out or the salad bowl is full. We level the last layer with a knife or spatula, and then ...

Now it's hocus pocus. We cover the salad bowl with a flat wide plate (bottom up) and, holding it with our hands, quickly turn the whole structure upside down. Then carefully remove the salad bowl and cling film - voila! Our wonderful salad is ready! We decorate it at our discretion: you can use the remains of grated products, you can use greens, you can use a mayonnaise net, or you can leave it as it is. Salad without additional decorations looks very appetizing.

Salad of beets and carrots
Salad "Ministerial"

Also a very interesting salad with a promising name. However, the loud name does not at all indicate the presence of some special products in it. For a salad, we need completely ordinary and affordable ingredients:

1 beetroot of medium size;
1 small carrot;
1 fresh apple;
Sour cream;


Beets must first be boiled, cooled and peeled. We will put the carrots in the salad in raw form. Therefore, we simply wash it well and clean it. We also peel the apple, seeds and hard core. After that, chop the apple and root crops in a blender or with a grater and mix. For dressing, mix sour cream with mustard (in a ratio of three to one), add salt to taste and season the salad. That's all. "Ministerial" salad can be served at the table.
Salad "Metelka"

It is also called "Brush". And all because this salad sweeps everything superfluous out of the body, cleans the walls of the intestines no worse than a brush. You can treat yourself to such a salad of carrots and beets at dinner (without harm to the figure), you can spend fasting days on it or eat it for health purposes.


1 raw beetroot;
1 raw carrot;
Olive oil;
Linseed oil.


Wash the vegetables thoroughly (after all, these are root crops, and they grew in the ground), and then remove the peel from them. After that, grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater or chop in a blender, mix and season with a mixture of olive and linseed oil. Add herbs and salt to taste.


This salad can be varied with almost any finely planed fresh (raw) vegetables and fruits. You can put in it: an apple, cabbage (white or red, Savoy or Beijing), pears and grapes, onions, seaweed, green radish. And for those who love salads with mayonnaise, we can recommend using sour cream and mustard to dress such a salad. By the way, you can season this salad with vinaigrette sauce.
Salad "Kremlin"

Completely vegetarian composition, pleasant taste and some mysterious understatement: either a vinaigrette in a new way, or a “fur coat” without herring. However, the salad is actually tasty and light, and it includes the following ingredients:


For seasoning:



For this salad, we need all the ingredients in equal proportions. My vegetables and put them to boil. By the way, beets are cooked longer than other vegetables, so they need to be cooked in a separate bowl, but carrots and potatoes can be boiled together. We also need to hard-boil the eggs, cool them and peel them. We also remove the peel from boiled and cooled vegetables and chop everything on a coarse grater. Only the onion will have to be finely chopped. It would also be nice to squeeze out excess juice from grated beets so that the salad does not turn out watery. Now you can start assembling the salad. We will lay it in layers, smearing them with mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic, salt and black pepper:


We put the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and serve it on the table.

Salads from carrots and beets
Salad "Genghis Khan"

Another variation on the theme of beet and carrot salad. A fairly “serious” composition of this salad will make it an excellent treat for the festive table.


4 beets;
2 carrots;
A handful of prunes;
150 g of cheese;
400 g of chicken meat;
3 garlic cloves;
An incomplete glass of walnuts;
Dill greens.


Boil and cool the beets and carrots, chop the peeled walnuts and garlic. Soak the prunes, and then cut them into slices, pass the cheese through a grater. Now we need to fry the chicken meat cut into pieces in vegetable oil and cool in a colander or on a sieve to drain the fat. Then we add walnuts to the chicken fillet, combine the grated carrots with cheese chips, and mix the beets with garlic and mayonnaise. Lettuce layered:

Half prepared beets
chicken meat with nuts,
carrots with cheese
beets with garlic.

Then you need to remove the salad in the refrigerator for half an hour. And after that, sprinkle it with dill on top and serve an original and very tasty salad to the table.

Raw Vegetable Salad - Cabbage Recipe

  • 61 Game birds are plucked, singeed, gutted, washed and boiled like chickens for 20-40 minutes or fried, black grouse - 40-50 minutes, partridges and hazel grouses - 20-25 minutes. The skin is removed from the finished game, the flesh is separated from the bones and cut into thin slices or cubes.
  • 62 Fish with a bone skeleton (perch, cod, haddock, sea bass, catfish, etc.) are prepared and boiled in a small amount of water for 15 minutes with the addition of carrots, parsley root, onions, chopped arbitrarily. The finished fillet with skin and without bones is cooled in the broth, then cut into slices or cubes.
  • The role of vegetables in human nutrition. Preparing salads from raw vegetables

    Lesson Objectives: generalize knowledge about vegetable plants, familiarize with the methods of primary processing of vegetables and the design of ready-made dishes; to form skills to determine the good quality of vegetables; teach how to cut vegetables, teach how to cook dishes from raw vegetables; cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy during work.

    Visual aids: computer, screen, multimedia projector.

    • instruction card "Cooking vegetable salad",
    • utensils and tools for practical work (knives for cutting vegetables, vegetable cutters, cutting boards for raw vegetables, a colander for washing raw vegetables, a salad bowl and other utensils for preparing salad, dishes and cutlery for table setting),
    • products for the practical task (brought by students).

    1. Organizational part of the lesson

    • greetings;
    • communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson; .
    • checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

    2. Repetition of the material covered (slide 2)

    Review questions

    1. What is food?

    2. Why should food be varied?

    3. Tell us what nutrients are in our food.

    5. Explain why vitamins are needed in the diet.

    6. Which foods (of plant or animal origin) contain the most vitamins.

    3. Actualization of basic knowledge

    Repetition of safety rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements when working with food.

    Review questions

    1. What rules must be observed when working with cutting tools?

    2. List the sanitary and hygienic requirements when working with food products.

    4. Learning new material

    Communication of informative information

    Rational human nutrition is impossible without vegetables

    Vegetables are very diverse in taste and appearance. Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition.

    The role of vitamins and minerals in the life of the body is very high. Their deficiency results in disease.

    Thus, a lack of vitamin C leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to diseases, drowsiness, bleeding gums appear, and attention is weakened. With a lack of vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, the body's resistance to diseases decreases and, in addition, vision is impaired and growth slows down.

    Vitamin PP protects the body from diseases that affect the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes. To avoid this, it is necessary to include as many vegetables as possible in the diet.

    Depending on what part of the plant is used for food, vegetables are divided into groups. (slides 4-13)

    For long-term storage, they are preserved: salted, pickled, dried, frozen.

    In the process of primary processing, vegetables are sorted and sorted, washed, cleaned, then washed and cut (slides 14, 15)

    When manually processing vegetables, various tools and devices are used (vegetable cutters, shredders, graters, notches, special knives). When processing vegetables, stainless steel knives and tools should be used, since vitamin C is destroyed by contact with iron.

    At the enterprises of the food industry for cutting vegetables, various machines are used: potato peelers, vegetable peelers. (slide 16)

    After cleaning and washing, the vegetables are cut. It depends on the type of cutting of vegetables.

    the duration of cooking the dish, so you need to make sure that the vegetables are cut evenly.

    There are many ways to cut vegetables. (slides 17, 18)

    Some vegetables are boiled before cooking cold dishes. You need to boil vegetables in the skin, in it you need to cool, then peel.

    Vegetables should be peeled and cut just before cooking or eating.

    During long-term storage in water, vegetables lose vitamins, so during long-term storage in water, potatoes lose some of the starch and vitamin C.

    When using vegetables in cooking, a wide variety of cold and hot dishes are prepared from them: snacks(salads, vinaigrettes), first meal(vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot, etc.), second courses(fried or boiled potatoes, stew, meatballs). Vegetables are also used for cooking side dishes for fish, meat and juices (slide 19)

    Today in the lesson we will prepare a salad of fresh vegetables. What is a salad, and what are the rules for preparing salads

    Salad- This is a cold dish consisting of one or more types of vegetables, as well as in combination with meat, fish, eggs, and so on.

    Salad ingredients can be raw(radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions,), boiled(beets, potatoes, carrots), pickled, salted(sauerkraut, cucumbers) and products, undergone complex and lengthy processing(sausages, canned food, smoked fish) (slide 20)

    The technology of preparing salads from fresh vegetables next:

    1. Primary processing of vegetables included in the salad.

    2. Cutting vegetables. Vegetables should be cut into the same shape.

    4. Put in a salad bowl and decorate (slide 21)

    Some things to remember rules:

    • Fresh vegetable salad is prepared just before serving.
    • All products must undergo primary processing, and some of them must undergo primary and heat treatment.
    • For raw vegetable salads, vegetables and herbs are washed first with raw water and then with boiled water.
    • You can not combine warm and cold vegetables - the salad will quickly deteriorate.
    • Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours before serving).
    • Salads should be seasoned and decorated right before serving.
    • Do not prepare and store salads in metal utensils.
    • The shelf life of unseasoned salads in the refrigerator is no more than 12 hours, dressed - 6 hours (slide 22)

    Salads can be dressed to your liking - mayonnaise, vegetable oil, sour cream or specially prepared dressings.

    Since salads are served first, they should look nice and appetizing. To decorate salads, parsley and dill, lettuce, products that are part of the salad and have a bright color (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots) are used.

    In culinary art, the correct and beautiful presentation of dishes is of great importance. Products should be decorated in such a way that they attract the attention of a person to the served dish, arouse appetite, enjoyment and contribute to better absorption of food.

    In production, the design and release of dishes is entrusted to employees with extensive practical experience. Beautiful and proper design of a dish requires practical experience and ingenuity from the chef. (slide 23)

    There is a decorative cutting of vegetables and fruits, which is now widely used by chefs of various restaurants - carving (slide 24 - 33)

    4. Practical work and current briefing

    ( carried out in the course of practical work)

    1) Checking the organization of workplaces and the work of students.

    2) Compliance with safety and sanitary requirements

    • Put on overalls.
    • Wash the hands.
    • Cut products with a knife only on a cutting board.
    • Pass the knife by holding it by the blade.
    • During work, you can not walk around the office with tools in your hands.
    • Clean up work area after work is completed

    3) Instruction on the task

    4) Determination of the good quality of vegetables in appearance.

    • Check the quality of the product, sort (vegetables should not be rotten, lethargic, there should not be a smell of rot). It is necessary to select only fresh vegetables, remove rotten or spoiled ones.
    • Rinse under running cold water
    • Peel vegetables with a knife or vegetable peeler.
    • Peeled vegetables must be washed a second time
    • Slice.

    5) Preparing a salad of raw vegetables.

    • familiarity with the technological sequence of salad preparation
    • trouble warning
    • health and safety warning

    6) Making the finished salad, serving it on the table

    • vegetable salad dressing

    7) Salad tasting.

    8) Evaluation of the quality of the prepared dish.

    5. Consolidation of the material covered

    Review questions

    1. Importance of vegetables in human nutrition?

    2. Tell us about the storage conditions for vegetables?

    3. What is the primary processing of vegetables?

    4. What dishes can be prepared from vegetables

    5. What is the sequence for preparing fresh vegetable salad?

    6. What rules should be observed when preparing salads?

    Decipher what vegetables the gardener grew in his garden (slide 34)

    Showed the gardener
    We have such a garden
    Where in the beds, densely populated,
    The cucumbers grew
    Tomatoes grew
    Radishes, chives and repus.
    The celery has ripened
    And the carrots are ripe
    The asparagus has already begun to crumble.
    And such flasks
    Yes furry pods
    Every gardener would be scared.


    Guess the riddle and tell me which group the vegetable belongs to?

    1. Though green, in pimples -
    I am not a brother to a crocodile.
    Me every hostess
    Likes to put in a salad
    For the winter in a glass jar
    Salt. I'm done!
    Do you know who I am? Well, of course,
    I am crispy...

    2. Although it looks like a cucumber,
    I remained kindred to pumpkins,
    But my barrel is paler.
    You probably guessed

    3. The fox and I are similar in color,
    But the cheat does not eat me!
    I grow in the garden in the summer
    And my name is ………

    4. Greetings from us with a carrot!
    She is thin and I am round.
    We are everywhere together: in vinaigrette,
    Stew, borsch ... After all, I ......

    5. No, beets are not my sister.
    And not distant relatives
    Blacks are closer to me (by color)
    That girl from the dungeon
    I am a free boy.
    Praise the sun, praise the summer
    tanned eggplant

    6. They boil me, they fry me,
    I am in lettuce and okroshka,
    I'm in the soup, and separately ...
    Well, where are you without ……?!

    7. I am useful in every home,
    Let me be bitter to tears
    Sometimes I bring hostesses
    But crying is not serious.
    Though people tease with a turnip,
    I treat 100 ailments!
    With second and first course
    Eat green...

    8. Onions are my friend. But I'm cooler
    How cruel I am to microbes!
    I am white-toothed and burning,
    Guessed? I …

    9. I am handsome and scarlet, like an apple-
    There is an eternal dispute between us.
    Everyone loves me: I'm delicious,
    Juicy vegetable...

    10. I will put on seven clothes by autumn,
    To not be empty in the tub
    And salt, and eat me fresh ...
    Guessed? I -…..

    11. My white ponytail is underground
    But eat me without risk
    Do you see the red barrel?
    It's me - …

    12. I am green and creeping,
    Curly mustache - why am I bad?
    Wherever my delicious pod is:
    In porridge, in soup. After all, I am...

    6. Final briefing

    • analysis of the implementation of practical work of students
    • self-assessment of cooked meals
    • analysis of typical mistakes of students

    7. Reflection (slide 35)

    - What new did you learn at the lesson?

    What information surprised you in the lesson?

    - Will the knowledge and skills that you received today at the lesson be useful to you?

    8. Summing up the lesson

    Has the goal of the lesson been achieved?

    - Thank you all for your work. It was very interesting for me to work and communicate with you.

    - Evaluation of the results of students' work in the lesson

    Putting marks in the class journal and in the diary of students

    Cleaning of workplaces and office.

    Educational and scientific and methodological support

    1. Simonenko V.D. Technology: a textbook for 5th grade students. 2008

    2. Golondareva N.B. Technology grade 5 (girls) Lesson plans for the textbook “Technology.

    Grade 5 "V.D. Simonenko. Part 2. Volgograd 2005

    3. Rozinkina A.A. From watermelon to spinach. MP MC "Palitra" Barnaul, 1991

    4. Ermakova V. I. Cooking. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1993

    5. Kovalev N.N. Stories about Russian cuisine. Moscow worker, 1989

    6. Cuisine of the peoples of Russia (Journey through the Urals) JV "Square" 1993

    7. Food: feast, cooks and recipes. D.Salaria, R.Thames.

    1. "Figured cutting for vegetables and fruits" in pictures.

    2. "Decoration of salads" in pictures.

    4. "Carving - decorative carving of vegetables and fruits,

    5. Isosoft: a collection of photos "vegetable cutting".

    Salad Vitamin

    Hello! I'm glad to meet you By the fireplace!

    The last month of autumn and our vegetables are already getting smaller and smaller. Although everything is on sale, but tomatoes, cucumbers are already imported, imported. In winter, we will, of course, buy them, but we don’t feel like it yet.

    Homework has already begun. but a salad of raw vegetables is also needed.

    In the cold season, we should not forget about our immunity (read about it here). Therefore, I would like to offer you healthy and tasty vegetable salad .

    Salad "Vitamin"

    Beets, carrots, white cabbage (all fresh vegetables), garlic, walnuts, mayonnaise.

    Preparing vegetable salad:

    We take vegetables in approximately equal proportions. Chop cabbage, grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater. Mix vegetables well.

    And add chopped garlic and walnuts to your taste. Salad should be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

    That's actually all salad of raw vegetables "Vitamin" ready. You can serve it to the table right away, but if you can wait a little bit, then this is for the best.

    When this salad is a little infused, it will be even tastier.

    P.S.. We can easily chop garlic with this task, even if there is no garlic press. this can be done with a fine grater.

    What about a walnut? I think after watching a short video, you will cope with this task.

    Dear readers and friends of the blog! I really appreciate the opinion of each of you, so I will be glad to hear your comments.

    Fresh raw vegetables are very healthy. They contain many vitamins and biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. Their use normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, promotes weight loss.

    Light dishes from raw vegetables increase immunity, increase the body's defense against the penetration of pathogens.

    Cheese is also very popular in the culinary environment. This delicious product is rich in minerals. In particular, cheeses contain a large amount of potassium, complete protein, milk fat, as well as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin.

    The combination of fresh vegetables and cheese makes delicious, easy-to-cook dishes. A variety of cheese salads are appropriate for a gala dinner.

    They are easy to prepare for a regular, everyday breakfast or dinner.

    Let's look at some simple recipes for raw vegetables with cheese, which even a novice housewife can easily cook. Before that, I want to remind you that for cooking dishes with cheese, it is cut into small cubes or grated.

    Hard and soft varieties are used, and mayonnaise or sour cream is used for dressing. Cheeses go well with spinach, celery, tomatoes, corn, carrots, grapes, nuts and tropical fruits. Now let's go directly to the cheese salad recipes:

    Fresh carrot salad with cheese

    To prepare such a salad, we need fresh, juicy carrots, hard cheese, a little garlic, mayonnaise, salt to taste and 10 minutes of free time.

    How to cook: Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel the skin with a sharp knife. Now grate it on a coarse grater. A piece of cheese also grate on a coarse grater, mix with carrots.

    Cheese, take about a third of the volume of grated carrots.

    Pass 1-2 cloves of garlic through the garlic maker, combine with salad, salt, mix thoroughly and season with mayonnaise. Everything, the salad can be served at the table.

    It is good as an independent dish and as an addition to mashed potatoes, meatballs, fried chicken, etc. This salad can be used as a filling for pancakes.

    Appetizer of apples and celery

    For this savory dish, we need 400 g of hard cheese, 4 small apples, half a celery root, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

    How to cook: Cut the cheese with a sharp knife into small cubes. Rinse apples well under running water, peel, cut into small cubes.

    Also peel the celery root, boil until soft, cool, cut into small pieces.

    Mix all products in a large salad bowl, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, mix again. Salad is indispensable for breakfast.

    It helps to normalize digestion, saturates the body with vitamins, and helps to lose weight.

    Variegated vegetable salad with cheese

    To prepare this recipe, prepare 1 medium-sized raw red beets, 2 raw carrots, 2 apples, 50 g of cheese, citric acid on the tip of a knife, salt, sour cream.

    How to cook: Peel the vegetables, grate them on a coarse grater, cut the apples into thin strips. Mix everything, add salt, citric acid.

    Grate the cheese, add to the salad, mix again, season with sour cream.

    Appetizer with dried tomatoes and zucchini

    For this interesting, unusual recipe, we need 1 lemon, 50 g dried tomatoes in vegetable oil. 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 pcs. zucchini, 200 g of soft cheese, 100-200 g of low-fat ham, 50 g of grated hard cheese, a few leaves of basil, salt, pepper to taste.

    How to cook: Wash the lemon thoroughly, dry it with a towel, squeeze the juice. Strain the tomatoes, drain the oil into a separate bowl.

    Now prepare the marinade: Thoroughly mix the tomato oil, olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper.

    Remove the skin from the zucchini, wash and pat dry with a clean towel. Slice the zucchini, soft cheese and ham into thin slices or strips and place in a salad bowl or large platter.

    Spread the chopped tomatoes nicely on top, pour over the marinade, refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese, garnish with basil leaves.

    Salad with feta cheese and melon

    This delicious dish is sure to please your family. It can be served to the festive table as a dessert or an appetizer with dry wine.
    To prepare it, we need: 600 g of ripe peeled melon, 150 g of feta cheese, basil leaves, 2 tbsp. l. shelled sunflower seeds.

    For this dish, we must prepare the sauce. For him, you need to prepare: 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 1/3 tsp. ground black pepper.

    How to cook: Cut the cheese and melon into equal cubes. Now make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients we prepared for it.

    Pour sauce over sliced ​​melon and cheese. Mix everything gently, sprinkle with sunflower seeds fried in a dry frying pan, garnish with basil leaves.

    The salad is ready, you can serve it to the table.

    Try these delicious, refreshing salads and appetizers with raw vegetables and cheese. This is exactly what your body needs to maintain strength and health. Cheesy, simple salads are easy to prepare at home and in the country, but for fried meat, barbecue - they are simply irreplaceable.

    Bon appetit!

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    Raw Vegetable Salad - Recipes | How to make raw vegetable salad

    No picnic or barbecue is complete without a raw vegetable salad, but in the traditional version, vegetables literally float in a too-greasy dressing. In the raw vegetable salad recipe below, we replaced the mayonnaise with olive oil fortified yogurt. To save time, you can use 5 cups of ready-made vegetable salad mix.

    And so, how to cook a salad of raw vegetables?

    Raw Vegetable Salad - Cabbage Recipe

    Ingredients for salad with raw vegetables

    For 6 servings of raw vegetable salad

    • 2 cups shredded white cabbage
    • 2 cups shredded red cabbage
    • 1 large carrot, grated

    Raw Vegetable Salad Dressing:

    • 1/3 cup natural low-fat yogurt
    • 1 st. l. Dijon mustard
    • 1 st. l. apple cider vinegar
    • 1 st. l. cold pressed olive oil
    • 1 1/2 tsp Sahara
    • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
    • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

    Raw vegetable salad - step by step cooking

    To make the raw vegetable salad recipe, whisk yogurt, mustard, vinegar, oil, sugar, cumin, and pepper in a small bowl until smooth.

    Place cabbage and carrots in a large bowl. Drizzle with dressing and toss well according to the raw vegetable salad recipe.

    Raw vegetable salad can be kept in a covered dish in the refrigerator during the day.

    Per serving: 52 kcal, 1 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 3 g fat (including 1 g saturated), 46 mg sodium. GI cannot be calculated due to the minimum carbohydrate content.

    How to make raw vegetable salad with tuna

    Ingredients for making raw vegetable salad

    • 250 g canned cannellini beans, washed and drained
    • 1 bunch rocket lettuce, peeled
    • 1 bunch radicchio lettuce, peeled
    • 1 red pepper, halved, seeds removed, cut into strips
    • 1 celery stalk, chopped
    • 1 round fennel head, peeled and thinly sliced
    • 2 tomatoes cut into wedges
    • 250 g canned tuna in oil, drained and mashed
    • 50 g pitted olives
    • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
    • a pinch of dry oregano
    • salt and pepper

    Step by step vegetable salad

    Place the beans, lettuces, peppers, celery, fennel, and tomatoes in a salad bowl. Add tuna and olives according to recipe. Mix olive oil, oregano, a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl.

    Pour this dressing over the salad, stir and serve.

    Raw vegetable salads

    Lecture 2. Salads and vinaigrettes. Hot appetizers.

    Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range.

    Requirements for the quality of cold dishes and snacks.

    Salads are prepared from leafy vegetables, green onions, radishes, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers, white and red cabbage, carrots, as well as apples and other fruits. Their importance in nutrition is very high not only as a means of stimulating appetite, but also due to the content of chain mineral salts (macro- and microelements), vitamins and other biologically active substances.

    Vegetables not subjected to heat treatment retain to a large extent the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in them.

    Raw vegetable salads are an important source of vitamin C. To reduce the loss of vitamin C when preparing salads and to prevent green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill from withering and loss of vitamins, greens prepared for salads are stored in the refrigerator (3-40C). This reduces the loss of vitamin C by 2-3 times compared to storing vegetables at room temperature.

    Contributes to the destruction of vitamins and sunlight. Leaf lettuce loses 3 times more vitamin C and 6 times more thiamine when stored in sunlight than when stored in a darkened room.

    Therefore, it is necessary to protect prepared vegetables and ready-made salads from direct sunlight.

    Wound biosynthesis in salad vegetables is extremely slow and does not compensate for the oxidation of ascorbic acid, especially in cucumbers and radishes. Therefore, cut vegetables immediately before making salads.

    As already noted, salts of many metals, and in particular iron, catalytically accelerate the oxidation of ascorbic acid. Tools for cutting vegetables should be stainless steel. In a humid environment, the destruction of vitamin C is slower, and wound biosynthesis is accelerated.

    Therefore, prepared vegetables and herbs moisturize. Shelf life of salads should be minimal.

    Green vegetable salads. Salads from green vegetables are of great importance in nutrition as a source of vitamins, biologically active substances and mineral salts, especially biogenic microelements, which favorably affect the state of blood vessels, strengthen them, and make them more elastic. Therefore, green salads should be included in the diet of people of any age, but they are especially important for people engaged in mental work and the elderly.

    In addition to vitamin C and carotene, green vegetables contain vitamin B9 (folic acid), B12 (cyanocobalamin), K (phylloquinone), choline (vitamin B complex).

    Green lettuce and green onions are sorted out, stems and bulbs are removed, washed and cut many times (the onion is chopped, and the lettuce leaves are cut into large pieces). Seasoned with sour cream or dressing (sour cream or vinegar).

    You can add boiled chopped eggs.

    Tomato and cucumber salads. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, folic acid, easily digestible carbohydrates and organic acids, mainly malic and citric, and oxalic in a small amount.

    Therefore, tomato salads are acceptable in the diet of people of any age, especially since there are very few purines in tomatoes (about 4 mg%), and alkaline elements predominate in the ash residue.

    Tomatoes are washed, the stalk is removed along with the dense part of the pulp and cut into circles or slices. Cucumbers are also an important source of alkaline elements. At the same time, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are in them in a favorable ratio.

    Ridge cucumbers for salads are cleaned. Cucumbers contain less vitamins and carbohydrates than tomatoes, so cucumber salads with tomatoes are prepared. Add chopped onions to salads.

    Season with salad dressing and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

    Radish and radish salads. The nutritional importance of radish salads is due to their mineral composition, vitamin content (C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid) and pectins. The content of pectins in radish reaches 12% (in dry matter).

    The sharp taste of radish and radish is due to the presence of a glycoside such as senigrin. To prepare salads, white radishes are peeled, and red ones are cut into circles without peeling.

    Topped with sour cream, mayonnaise or dressing. The radish is peeled, cut into slices or grated and seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

    White and red cabbage salads. Cabbage salads are a significant source of vitamins C, K, folic acid, a number of minerals in the most favorable ratios for the manifestation of their biological action (alkaline elements, microelements).

    There is evidence of the content of tartronic acid in cabbage, which delays the transition of carbohydrates into fats in the body and thereby prevents obesity (during heat treatment, tartronic acid is destroyed).

    There are two ways to prepare cabbage salads .

    With the first method the cabbage is thinly chopped, ground with salt, and then seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar. When grinding cabbage, a large amount of juice is released (up to 30% of the mass of cabbage).

    Along with the juice, sugars, mineral salts, and vitamins are lost.

    With the second method Cabbage is chopped, placed in a non-oxidizing dish, vinegar, salt are added, mixed and heated until the taste of raw cabbage disappears. Then it is quickly cooled. In this case, the loss of nutrients is much less, the loss of vitamin C is also small, since the heating is carried out in an acidic environment.

    The output of the finished salad increases by 25 - 30%. Finely chopped carrots, apples, cranberries, lingonberries can be added to cabbage salads.

    Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

    Red cabbage salads cook the same way. Its color is due to the pigment rubrobrasyl chloride. The color changes depending on the reaction of the medium.

    This is due to the change in the color of the salad when dressing it with vinegar (violet becomes red).

    Salads from different vegetables. There are many varieties of salads, which are prepared from several types of raw vegetables and fruits (vitamin).

    For these salads, raw carrots, celery, cucumbers, peeled apples are cut into thin strips, and tomatoes are cut into slices. All products are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, lemon juice are added.

    Salad "Spring". Chopped green lettuce leaves are placed in a salad bowl, and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh cucumbers, red radishes, boiled potatoes and carrots, green onions are placed around. Boiled eggs are placed on top.

    Decorate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with salt and dill. Sour cream dressing is served separately.

    You can cook this salad in another way: chop radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, green onions and boiled potatoes, season with salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, sour cream, South sauce, decorate with egg slices and circles of cucumbers, radishes.

    Vitamin salad. Raw carrots, salad celery or root parsley, fresh cucumbers and apples (without skin and seeds) are chopped into strips. Tomatoes are cut into slices.

    All vegetables are mixed, sour cream, icing sugar, salt, lemon juice are added, placed in a salad bowl in a slide and decorated with products included in the salad.

    Carrot salads. Carrots are an important source of carotene, which is well absorbed in the presence of fats.

    Peeled carrots are ground on a grater, seasoned with sugar, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Fruit salads. Prepared from fresh apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches and seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream and powdered sugar.

    Salads are also made from watermelons, melons, plums, green salad and seasoned with sour cream with fruit juice.

    This simple salad contains a lot of vitamins, its taste is original and not beaten. Since the salad is seasoned with sour cream and does not contain fatty, high-calorie foods, it is suitable for people who are losing weight. The composition of the recipe corresponds to the principles of proper nutrition, all ingredients are well combined.

    This version of the Greek salad is a great occasion to gather at the family table, enjoy the fresh gifts of the earth, replenish your body with useful substances and have a great time. For this dish, you can use any greens: arugula, lettuce, cilantro, onion and garlic feathers, spinach and basil.

    Not every hostess will go for culinary experiments with familiar vegetables. But this is the only way to bring variety to the boring menu, in which, as a rule, there are very few original healthy dishes.

    Vegetables. Cooking with raw vegetables

    3. Vegetables. Cooking dishes from raw vegetables.

    Target: generalize knowledge about vegetable plants; Learn how to cut vegetables.

    Visual aids: vegetable cutting tables for various dishes and snacks, layouts (from plasticine, etc.) forms of cutting vegetables; implements, or illustrations thereof, used for slicing vegetables.

    Equipment: knives for curly cutting vegetables, vegetable cutters, everything for cooking and tasting; vegetables; cutting board for raw vegetables; colander for washing raw vegetables; items for table setting.

    The following terms are written on the board: fresh frozen vegetables, straws, cubes, slices, circles, primary processing.

    During the classes I. Communication of cognitive information.

    Students list the vegetables they know. Name the parts (organs) of plants that are used in writing.

    The teacher sums up the students' answers. Depending on what part of the plant is used for food, vegetables are divided into groups: onion, fruit, root crops, tubers, leafy, flowering, etc.

    This also determines the methods of primary and heat treatment. Store vegetables in a dark, cool and not too dry place.

    Canned for long term storage (salted, marinated, dried, frozen).

    When using vegetables in cooking, a wide variety of cold and hot dishes are prepared from them: snacks <салаты, винегреты), first meal <овощной суп, щи, борщ, свекольник и др.), second courses (fried or boiled potatoes, stew, meatballs). Vegetables are also used to prepare side dishes for fish, meat dishes and juices.

    Vegetables, fruits and berries contain a small amount of proteins, being predominantly carriers of vitamins. minerals and plant fibers.

    Vegetables have the ability to stimulate the activity of the salivary glands. Therefore, they are widely used for the preparation of cold appetizers - salads.

    Vegetable salads - delicious and nutritious snacks, they are appropriate on any table. They are made from raw And boiled vegetables. The modern dictionary interprets the word "salad" as a dish of finely chopped vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms, cold fruits.

    Thus, two characteristic features of the dish are emphasized: finely chopped and cold dishes.

    Initially, salad was understood as a dish consisting exclusively of raw leafy vegetables and garden herbs.

    The type of lettuce is the vinaigrette. Its characteristic feature is the presence of beets, pickles and onions.

    In many countries it is known as "Russian salad".


    Products used in salads must be compatible in taste.

    Each salad has its own dressing.

    Vegetable salads are very sensitive to salt: from strong salting, greens quickly wither, it loses not only its fresh appearance, but also its taste.

    The salad should be juicy - this is its main advantage.

    Primary processing of vegetables

    Primary processing consists of sorting, sorting, washing, cleaning, washing and cutting. Showing students the table “Primary processing of vegetables”, you need to talk about the forms of cutting various vegetables, explain where which form is used.

    Equally cut in size and shape, vegetables give the dishes a beautiful look, and when cooked, they reach simultaneous readiness. Cutting can be simple and curly

    a) 1.5 cm cubes and cubes are used to prepare vegetable soups, vegetable stews, dressing soups;

    b) 0.7 cm cubes and slices - for cooking
    mixed vegetable salad, vegetables are cut into slices
    and for vinaigrette;

    c) straws, circles, rings - for making snacks
    juice, salads.

    Cooking methods

    Students should be introduced to the general rules for preparing vegetable salads:

    All salad products undergo primary processing, and some of them undergo thermal processing.

    After heat treatment, the products must be cooled.

    Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours). Salads are prepared and dressed from raw vegetables just before they are served.

    Utensils for cooking and serving meals.

    To prepare salads, enameled bowls are used, in which chopped foods are placed and mixed after dressing. For serving salads, a common salad bowl and snack plates are used.

    You can also serve salad in individual small salad bowls. Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

    1. It is necessary to cook food in special clothes. Hands should be thoroughly washed with a brush and soap, nails cut short, hair tucked under a scarf.

    During the primary processing of vegetables and fruits, they should be washed under running water, placing them V colander - running water will wash away the dirt better.

    2. If the vegetables are not cooked, after washing they are rinsed with boiled water so that no microbes remain on the surface.

    3. Cutting raw and boiled vegetables should be done on different cutting boards.

    Ready, but not seasoned salads can be stored for no more than 12 hours, and dressed - no more than 6 hours.

    II. Current briefing

    ) Slicing raw vegetables: a - cubes, b - shredded vegetables.

    The teacher shows the working posture, the position of the hands and the knife, so as not to cut the fingers when cutting vegetables; for this, the left hand should be located on top of the product, fingers slightly bent (Fig. When cutting the product, do not tear the tip of the knife from the board. Pass the knife with the handle forward.

    In addition to the knife, you can use devices: a vegetable cutter, an egg cutter, a slicer, a grater. It is necessary to show safe methods of working with these devices.

    Organization of a workplace for cutting vegetables and washing dishes.

    Choice of dishes for the project "Birthday".

    III. Practical work Cooking vegetable salads

    So that students can learn more operations, you can entrust different teams with the preparation of various dishes, approximately the same in terms of primary and thermal processing of products (see Fig. 36 (1.2) One team can cook vinaigrette, another - a salad of raw vegetables, the third - fruit salad.

    When summing up the results, a representative of each team tells about the procedure for preparing their dish. The questions asked by the teacher should reveal the features of food processing and preparation of each dish.

    Requirements for the quality of ready meals.

    1. Boiled foods that are part of salads should be soft, but not boiled.

    2. To do this, you must observe the cooking time (according to the table in the training manual) and check the readiness of vegetables with a fork.

    3. The color and smell of dishes should match the color and smell of fresh food.

    Preparation of the finished dish. The finished salad is stacked in a salad bowl, and decorated with beautifully cut pieces of vegetables that blend well with each other in color.

    On the side of the salad bowl put a tablespoon or a special spatula. Can be used for serving and small salad bowls.

    Table setting and rules of conduct at the table. The dinner menu can be as follows: salad, kefir, bread and cookies.

    Students set the table: cover it with oilcloth, and then with a tablecloth, put a salad in a salad bowl, a bread box with bread, cookies in a basket or vase, a sugar bowl, a glass with paper napkins in the middle. Common spoons are placed in a salad bowl and a sugar bowl.

    For each, they put a snack and pie plates, a glass, put a fork on the right, and a teaspoon behind the plate.

    Students are introduced to the rules of conduct:

    1. You must sit down at the table in a neat manner, washing your hands.

    2. While eating, you should not talk loudly, you should eat slowly, silently (with closed mouth).

    3. You can’t take food from a common dish with your own device, you must use a common one located in a salad bowl. Everything that does not get your hands dirty: bread, fruits, biscuits - they take it with their hands.

    4. Bread should be placed on the edge of your plate (but not on the tablecloth). It is not customary to bite off a large piece of bread - you need to break off small pieces from it.5.

    At the end of the meal, they put the cutlery on their plate, wipe their mouth and hands with a napkin.

    It is necessary to show students how to properly hold a fork, knife, spoon while eating.

    Questions For pinning:

    1. Tell about the rules for safe work with a knife.

    2. What dishes can be prepared from vegetables?

    4. What personal hygiene rules should be observed when preparing food?

    5. Why should salads be dressed just before eating?

    6. What tools and devices are used for the primary processing of vegetables?

    7. What vegetables are juices made from?

    8. In what kind of dishes is a salad served?

    III. Final part.

    Summing up the practical work. encouragement of students who actively participated in the repetition of the material covered.

    a) bring raw potatoes, thoroughly washed

    (1.0-1.5 kg); butter (lard, margaring; parsley, dill or green onions - 10 g; cucumbers or tomatoes - 300 g (2-3 pieces); rye or wheat bread - 250-300 g; salt; coffee drink - 5 teaspoons with riding, condensed milk - 1 can;

    b) next Sunday at home to help prepare breakfast and wash the dishes.


    Modern trends in the preparation of salads from raw vegetables

    Kaliningrad 2011


    How to prepare and serve salads

    History of dressings and salad dressings

    Assortment of classic dressings and sauces

    Practical part

    Additional Information to Familiarize yourself with Internet Sources


    List of used literature


    The value of salads from raw vegetables in human nutrition

    Served before the main meal and sometimes between hot dishes, it can be the main course.

    Salads made from green onions, lettuce and fresh cucumbers are low-calorie and are mainly an appetite stimulant and a source of vitamins and mineral salts.

    The recipe includes vegetable oil or sauces and dressings for them. Hot, spicy, sweet and sour sauces, mayonnaise, sour cream with the addition of hot soy sauces and aromatic products are used for dressing.

    Such dishes are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. In this case, the fact that vegetable oil in this case is not subjected to heat treatment and does not lose its biological activity is of particular importance.

    Vitamins are well preserved, as they do not undergo heat treatment.

    They are released in various dishes: on plates of snack bars, in salad bowls, glass vases, ceramic vases, bowls. For decoration of salads, products that are part of salads are used with the brightest color: parsley, celery, lettuce, green onions, green peas.

    Flowers, spirals, curls, various figures are formed from vegetables (beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes). They also decorate with crispy croutons, make various patterns on a dish of sauce.

    Since the production process does not provide for heat treatment before release, because fresh vegetables are part of salads (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and green onions, etc.), great attention should be paid to strict adherence to sanitary rules during their preparation and storage. . Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and cutting vegetables, washing fresh vegetables and herbs (at least 5 minutes).

    It is desirable to cut vegetables by machine.

    1. By serving temperature (cold, warm)

    2. By type of raw materials (raw vegetables, boiled, vinaigrettes, meat, fish, cocktail)

    3. According to the method of serving (in salad bowls on a portioned plate, puff - melfe, in forms - a cocktail)

    4. According to the complexity of cooking.

    Modern elements of salad design

    Preparation p / f.

    Taste properties, type of salads largely depend on how the products are prepared for their preparation.

    Zgreen salad. We select healthy, undamaged leaves. We wash them in cold water.

    Then the salad is laid out in a colander to glass the water. Then dry the lettuce leaves on a cloth napkin.

    Lettuce lettuce remove the central part. Remove damaged leaves.

    Lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed, dried on a towel or in a centrifuge.

    parsley soak in salted water and rinse. Shred, cut into strips, scissors.

    Salad celery. We cut off the roots, clean the dark places near the stems with a knife and, putting them in cold water for 1-2 hours, take them out and wash them two or three times in clean water.

    fresh cucumbers wash, peel and cut into slices, strips or cubes, depending on their use. Cucumbers from greenhouses and greenhouses usually do not cut the peel.

    Pickles large ones are peeled and cut, depending on their use.

    Gherkins and pickles cut or leave them as a whole.

    fresh tomatoes we select for salads ripe, red, strong, and washed in cold water and cut, depending on their use. If you need to remove the peel from the tomatoes, then blanch by cutting the skin.

    Luk onion and green. Large and sweet onions are most suitable for salads. We clean it and cut it into slices, rings, half rings and finely chop, depending on the use.

    Blanch the chopped onion to remove the bitterness. We clean the green onions and wash them in cold water, cut into slices for salads, feathers 3-5 cm.

    Carrot, wash, clean. Cut into strips, cubes, slices, figures, depending on use.

    Potato sorting, washing, boiling in the skin, peeling, cutting, depending on the use.

    beets we select relatively the same size, wash, boil or bake in a peel or use it fresh. We cool the finished beets and cut into slices, small cubes.

    Radish we free from the tops, root and rough skin, then wash and cut into circles, slices.

    radish peel, wash, cut into strips, flat circles or rub on a coarse grater.

    Celery and parsley roots wash, clean, rinse again, cut into strips or three on a coarse grater.

    Horseradish clean, wash and rub on a fine grater.

    cabbage vegetables we free fresh white and red cabbage from pollution and damage, wash it, cut it into four parts, remove the stalk and cut into strips.

    sauerkraut separate from the brine, select large pieces and grind them. Rinse very sour cabbage with cold water.

    Kohlrabi clean, wash and cut.

    Zucchini wash and cut off the skin from them. We remove the seeds from large zucchini, cutting them lengthwise into two parts.

    pumpkin cut into several pieces, remove the skin and seeds and wash.

    Sweet capsicum free from the stalk and seeds, then rinse.

    At the garlic cut off the bottom, divide the onion into teeth, remove the shell and skin from them, then rinse.

    Lettuce, spinach, sorrel, dill, cilantro, nettle sorted. Lettuce, dill, cilantro will remove the roots.

    We disassemble the lettuce into leaves. Wash the prepared vegetables thoroughly with cold water and put them in a sieve or colander.

    Preparation of meat and fish products for salads

    Meat products. For salads use low-fat pulp of beef, veal, lamb, pork.

    Pour prepared pieces of meat (without films, tendons, fat) with boiling water and cook at a low boil, periodically removing fat and foam: beef 2-2.5 hours, lamb - 1.5-2 hours, pork and veal - 1-1 .5 hours. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add coarsely chopped carrots, onions, parsley or celery. A knife or fork easily enters the finished meat, transparent juice is released at the puncture site.

    We cool the meat in the broth. Before use, chilled meat is cut into pieces along the fibers, and then into slices and cubes across the fibers.

    Poultry meat. We cook prepared carcasses of poultry: chickens - 1 hour, turkeys - 1.5 hours.

    30 minutes before the end of cooking, add parsley or celery root. We take out the finished bird from the broth, cool it, remove the skin and separate the flesh from the bones.

    Cut poultry meat into slices.

    feathered game they pluck, singe, gut, wash and boil like chickens for 20-40 minutes or fry, black grouse - 40-50 minutes, partridges and hazel grouses - 20-25 minutes. The skin is removed from the finished game, the flesh is separated from the bones and cut into thin slices or cubes.

    Fish with bones(perch, cod, haddock, sea bass, catfish, etc.) are prepared and boiled in a small amount of water for 15 minutes with the addition of carrots, parsley root, onions, chopped arbitrarily. The finished fillet with skin and without bones is cooled in the broth, then cut into slices or cubes.

    Fish with cartilaginous skeleton(sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sterlet) are prepared and boiled with the skin down so that the piece is covered with water for 30-40 minutes with the addition of carrots, parsley root, onions, chopped arbitrarily. The fish is cooled in the broth.

    Before using it, take it out of the broth, put it on a cutting board, remove the cartilage, then cut the flesh from the skin and cut the fish into thin slices or cubes.

    Shrimp, squid, scallop and other seafood pre-processed and prepared taking into account the peculiarities of their structure and taste properties.

    All salad products, especially vegetables and fruits, are crushed immediately before preparing salads, as they lose their nutritional value when stored in a crushed form. Do not store chopped vegetables in bright light or in water.

    Quickly darkening vegetables and fruits (celery, apples, pears, quinces, plums) are lightly sprinkled with lemon juice or salted water immediately after chopping.

    Design elements:

    Preparing nuts:

    Almond - blanch (10-15 minutes), clean in a warm form, immediately dry.

    Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts - first they dry, clean (wrapped in a napkin, rubbed to separate the skin)

    "Noodles" omelette. In Asian cuisine, noodles made from a very thin omelet are used as a garnish.

    Ready thin omelette, rolled into a tube, cooled, cut across into strips.

    Crispy leek. Thinly sliced ​​green leek leaves are fried in oil at T=180*C and dried.

    Curls, strips of parmesan. Cheese should be at room temperature. Dry parmesan is not suitable for making curls.

    Using a vegetable cutter, cut the coils.

    Radish roses. Cut off the top of the radish, cut across into thin slices, without cutting the tops.

    Cool in ice water to open the roses.

    Roses from tomatoes. With a sharp knife, cut a spiral from the skin of the tomato.

    Roll up into a rose shape.

    Vegetable spirals. Thread the cucumber on a skewer.

    Cut into a spiral, rotating in a circle.

    Carrot flowers. Cut 4 petals from the sharp end of the carrot and cut off the resulting flower.

    Cucumber chevrons. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into quarters.

    Cut two V-shaped indentations in the pulp, push the pieces apart.

    Citrus curls. Cut a 15 cm wide strip from the orange peel.

    Roll up on a skewer in the form of curls.

    Winged lemon. Make grooves on the lemon peel.

    Cut through 180 *, turn the lemon and repeat the operation. Cover one end with the other.

    Cooking methods andinningssalads

    mixed salads
    The products that make up the salad are mixed together, as well as salad dressing or sauce.

    Slicing of the products included in the composition must retain its shape.

    Unstirred salads

    The products from which the salad is prepared are laid out on a large dish in separate portions or in different dishes.

    Salad dressing or different sauces are served separately in gravy boats. This serving is convenient because it allows you to choose products and salad dressings to your own taste and the products included in the composition will not give juice.

    H and green lettuce leaves :

    A portion of lettuce is placed on a whole beautiful leaf of green lettuce, laid on a serving plate. Decorate the salad with the same green leaves and bright, contrasting vegetables or other products.

    Salad is served on the table immediately after preparation.

    Boats of cucumbers

    Cucumbers are cut in half lengthwise, removing the seeds, slightly cut off their lower side, fill with salad and decorate. Large cucumbers are pre-cut into pieces and each is decorated in the form of a boat.

    The same boats can be made from bananas, avocados.


    The prepared mixed salad is filled with portioned glass bowls or small salad bowls and the salad is decorated with various products, depending on the composition of the salad components. Portioned cocktail salads look very impressive in glass bowls, the products for which are stacked in layers and decorated.

    History of dressings and saucesfor salads

    The long and colorful history of salad dressing dates back to the ancient world and ancient times. More than five thousand years ago, in China, various variations of soy sauce were used to dress salads, and two thousand years ago, in ancient Babylon, greens and vegetables were mixed and poured with vegetable oil and vinegar before serving.

    One of the most commonly used vinegars in salad dressings.vinegar. Although it can always be replaced with lemon juice.

    white wine vinegar much softer and more gentle than red. It is used mainly in fresh vegetable salads.

    White wine vinegar pairs well with non-sharp oils such as sunflower oil.

    red wine vinegar, especially long exposure, contains a fairly high amount of acid and therefore goes well with dense nut and olive oils. This vinegar is perfect for green leafy vegetables.

    Even such a sauce as popular at all times as Worcestershire sauce ( Worcestershire sauce), recreated according to old recipes by John Lee and William Perrins, has its roots in ancient Rome. Although, paying tribute to justice, it should be noted that the Romans preferred to dress their salads from vegetables and herbs, simply sprinkling them with salt.

    In ancient Egypt, salads were seasoned with a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar, with the obligatory addition of oriental spices. And the most popular sauce in our country, mayonnaise, first appeared on the tables of the French aristocracy about two hundred years ago.

    Salads were an extremely popular dish on the tables of European monarchs. Royal chefs often combined as many as thirty-five different ingredients to create one salad, including such exotic "greens" as rose petals, marigold flowers, nasturtiums and violets. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the favorite salad of the English king Henry IV (Henry IV) was a salad, which included boiled new potatoes, sardines and dressing from herbs.

    Queen Mary of Scotland preferred a salad of boiled celery root mixed with lettuce, truffles, chervil, boiled eggs and creamy mustard dressing.

    In the twentieth century, one of the most mysterious salad dressings was and remains Lucien Olivier's salad dressing. This salad was invented by Olivier in the sixties of the nineteenth century, when Lucien Olivier was the chef and owner of the Hermitage tavern on Trubnaya Square in Moscow.

    With Olivier's death, the salad recipe was lost. However, the main ingredients of the salad were known to gourmets, and later the recipe was reproduced.

    Almost. According to connoisseurs, the salad turned out to be “the one, but not the one.” The main secret highlight of the Olivier salad was the sauce, the secret of which was never given into the hands of gourmets, no matter how hard they tried.

    The sauce made from French vinegar, two fresh egg yolks and Provencal olive oil is recognized as the closest in taste.

    To date, salad dressings can be divided into two most popular types. The first type of dressing, most popular for green and vegetable salads, is dressings based on a mixture of oil and vinegar, for example, vinaigrette dressing. The second somewhat more conventional type of dressing includes all thick dressings such as mayonnaise, dressings based on cream, sour cream, yogurt and buttermilk.

    Thick dressings are more often used for salads, which include ingredients such as meat, poultry, fish, boiled "winter" vegetables.

    In order to prepare the first type of dressing, vinaigrette dressing, you should mix vegetable oil, vinegar and salt. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice or wine. The resulting mixture will be the same basic vinaigrette, on the basis of which, by adding herbs, vegetables and spices, you can prepare a huge number of different liquid salad dressings.

    When preparing a vinaigrette, you need to remember that oil and vinegar are not so easy to mix. To make the mixture homogeneous, it must be whipped with a whisk or vigorously shaken in a closed container.

    Such a dressing is prepared immediately before serving, since after a couple of minutes after cooking, the oil and vinegar begin to delaminate.

    Using dressings and sauces for vegetable salads

    The composition of the dressings includes vegetable oil, vinegar, ground pepper, salt; you can add ready-made mustard and mayonnaise sauce to dressings.

    Dressings are unstable emulsions. In a calm state, the emulsion (dressing) quickly separates, so the dressing is shaken before use.

    Rangeclassic dressings and sauces

    Salt, sugar and ground pepper are combined with vinegar, vegetable oil is poured in and mixed well. Shake before use.

    It is used for watering salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, as well as vinaigrettes, herring with garnish, etc.

    The whites are separated from the yolks, then the egg yolks are rubbed with salt, sugar, and ready-made mustard. Vinegar is poured in, kneaded, filtered and seasoned with vegetable oil.

    Mustard dressing with mayonnaise sauce

    Mayonnaise sauce is added to ready-made mustard, mashed with salt and sugar, and then vinegar and ground pepper are added.

    Used with herring with garnish, salads and vinaigrettes.

    Sour cream sauce for vegetable salads

    Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper with sour cream before serving.

    This sauce is served with salads of vegetables, fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms with vegetables, etc.

    Original sauces and dressings

    Fresh mushroom sauce with garlic.

    Grind and grind the garlic, adding a little salt. Combine with vegetable oil.

    Boil the mushrooms in salted water, strain the broth, cut the mushrooms into cubes and combine them with garlic. Pour the mixture with mushroom broth, season with vinegar or lemon juice, add pepper, bay leaf, salt and mix.

    Development of an assortment and the technological process of preparing vegetable salads

    Salads cocktails. These are mixtures of various ready-to-eat products combined with sauces, dressings, herbs, and spices.

    Cocktail salads are divided into appetizers and desserts.

    When cooking, the products are cut into small cubes, thin slices, straws, stacked in layers. The components are usually not mixed.

    Seasoned with sauces immediately before the holiday. For decoration, they use various greens, berries in general, slices or circles of orange, lemon, which are put on the edge of a glass, wine glass.

    Serve cocktail salads in glassware (wine glasses, wide glasses, shallow conical glasses, bowls, vases)

    Green salad with walnut dressing

    Finely chop the Savoy cabbage, put in a bowl, add a little salt and mash a little.

    Wash young fresh cucumbers and cut into thin crescents. Add to cabbage.

    Peel the celery root, grate on a coarse grater and add to the vegetables.

    For the sauce, chop the nuts in a blender or grind with a pestle. Add finely chopped garlic to the nut gruel and grind it with nuts.

    Add olive oil to the nuts, continuing to grind the gruel with a pestle to make a thick mass.

    Rules for storing, decorating and serving vegetable salads

    salad raw vegetable dressing sauce

    Storage of semi-finished vegetables

    Peeled and chopped vegetables are not subject to long-term storage. In order for them to retain their taste and color, they must be immediately sent for heat treatment.

    The maximum shelf life of peeled vegetables is 2-3 hours at a temperature of 12 °C.

    Raw peeled potatoes are stored in water to avoid browning. Potatoes treated with sodium bisulfite (sulphated) can be stored in air at 15-16°C for 24 hours and at 5-6°C for up to 48 hours.

    Peeled carrots, beets, parsley, parsnips and celery are stored on baking sheets or trays covered with a damp cloth in the refrigerator at 0-4 ° C for no more than 12 hours.

    Parsley, celery, leek, lettuce, sorrel and spinach are stored in baskets and sieves in refrigerated rooms.

    Cleaned cabbage is stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 0-4 ° C and in an unheated room with a temperature not lower than -3 ° C.

    Salads are prepared from raw vegetables, raw and pickled fruits. You can put boiled corn, soybeans in a number of salads by reducing the amount of vegetables. Yield of salads 100, 150 and 200 g.

    Salads are seasoned with spicy, spicy, sweet and sour dressings, mayonnaise, and sour cream; hot soy sauces and aromatics can be added to sour cream. The taste of salads depends not only on the taste of the main products that make up the salad, but also on the dressing.

    Salads are served as separate dishes; salads from greens and vegetables, in addition, are released as side dishes for vegetable, meat and fish cold and hot dishes.

    Store each type of vegetable before preparing salads in a separate bowl in a cold place (refrigerator, cabinet, etc.). The shelf life of vegetables in the cold (up to 7 °) is 12 hours, and in the absence of cold - 6 hours.

    Salads are dressed and decorated no earlier than 30 minutes before serving. Salads are decorated with lettuce leaves, parsley and celery, green onions, green peas, products that are part of the salad and have a bright, beautiful color: tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, eggs, fruits.

    Lay the vegetables very carefully.

    When decorating salads, they strive to show more fully the main products included in them.

    Pour dressed salad with mayonnaise or sour cream so that the products laid as a decoration are visible and not filled with sauce.

    The main condition for obtaining high-quality cold dishes is the use of high-quality raw materials for their preparation.

    In salads, vegetables should retain the appropriate cut shape. The consistency of raw vegetables is elastic, boiled - soft.

    When serving, salads are laid out in the form of a low hill, decorated with greens and vegetables - fresh, not darkened. A blue tint is unacceptable in a red cabbage salad.

    The taste, smell and color of salads should correspond to the products included in them.

    When making salads, wilted greens, mashed vegetables are not allowed.

    Cold dishes and snacks are prepared before use, stored at a temperature of 6 ° C until serving, semi-finished products for dishes - at a temperature of 0 - 6 ° C.

    The temperature of salads when serving should not exceed 10-12 °.

    Practical part

    In this part, the topic is explored from the point of view of solving the problem of "Modern trends in the preparation of salads from raw vegetables."

    This part is considered on the example of the restaurant "Usadba".

    For this you need:

    Consider the characteristics of the enterprise;

    Conduct an analysis of the contingent of those who eat;

    menu (seasonality, pricing, raw materials, selection of sauces);

    Compliance with the technological process;

    · analysis of current trends and designs in the preparation of salads from raw vegetables;

    · summary-analysis of the sale of dishes;

    Characteristics of the restaurant "Usadba".

    The restaurant "Usadba" of the first class is distinguished by a large selection of services provided to the visitor, comfort and convenience of accommodation in the hall, a wide selection of custom-made and signature dishes and drinks; refined and original interior.

    - contingent of eaters: hotel guests, visitors who want to eat and have a good time.

    - location: Orlovka village, st. Zarechnaya 8. Served by bartenders and waiters.

    – production capacity: produce semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness.

    Types of incoming raw materials: meat, fish, gastronomic fish products, groceries, fruits, vegetables, fruits.

    The range of products: universal - they produce a variety of dishes from different types of raw materials. As for raw vegetable salads, they are made to order and only depending on the season.

    Analysis of the contingent of those who eat.

    Since now people are trying to be savvy in all areas of lifestyle, phrases such as “healthy lifestyle” and “healthy and proper nutrition” are constantly revolving around. Most often, people loaded with city bustle and office life have a superficial concept and meaning of these phrases. But when these “business” people get out into the world and visit various restaurants and cafes, they begin to taste a little and get acquainted with the assortment of dishes that correspond to a healthy lifestyle.

    The same thing happens in our researched restaurant "Usadba", because this is the place where you can sit quietly near the fireplace or chat in a warm circle of friends.

    When ordering dishes, this contingent wants to diversify their diet and try new dishes that meet the criteria of "healthy eating". Therefore, people are increasingly ordering dishes that are not cooked.

    These are raw vegetable salads.

    The menu of the restaurant is seasonal. In summer, the menu includes salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits, which are grown on the territory of the Estate.

    In winter, salads with meat fillers predominate to increase the energy value.

    Pricing policy ranges from 150 rubles to 350 rubles. per serving. It depends on the fillers and the sophistication of the sauces and their ingredients.

    Raw materials. Receive p / f of varying degrees of processing. Vegetables are washed, cleaned and dried.

    The lettuce leaf is sorted out, washed with cold running water and dried on a towel. The tomatoes are blanched and the seed nests are removed.

    Selection of sauces. The correct selection of sauces for dishes is of great importance, since the taste, appearance and nutritional value of food largely depend on it.

    Ordinary or highly concentrated broths (fume), milk, sour cream, butter, and vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, cottonseed) are used as the basis for sauces. The main sour cream sauces are prepared naturally, i.e. from sour cream with white passivation or from sour cream with the addition of white sauce. Milk sauces are made from milk and white passivation with the addition of spices.

    Depending on the purpose, milk sauces can be of various densities.

    Compliance with the technological process.

    Compliance with the technological process is the path to the successful reputation of the institution. After all, the quality and safety of cooked dishes depends on it. Vegetables come to my company raw.

    They are stored in a cooled chamber, then they enter the pre-cooking shop and undergo mechanical processing. Then p / f is prepared from them and salads are made.

    Salads are prepared from raw vegetables, fruits, pickled and pickled vegetables. Salads of vegetables and greens are served as an independent dish and as a side dish.

    Products must be cut neatly, evenly and beautifully. Cut, mix and season them just before serving.

    When decorating, in an effort to convey the most complete main parts of the salad, for which they are placed on top, for example, on a meat salad - meat; for fish - fish.

    quality requirements.

    green salads- the leaves are cut across with wide ribbons, yellowed leaves, rough petioles are not allowed, the color is green, the consistency is dense, elastic. Green leaves are not allowed in fresh cabbage salad, slimy and large particles of stumps are not allowed from sauerkraut.

    The color of red cabbage salads is bright red, wilted leaves and a blue tint of cooked cabbage are not allowed.

    green onion must be elastic, crispy, yellowed pieces are not allowed.

    ABOUT cucumbers- peeled, fresh, strong, crispy, overripe with coarse seeds are not allowed.

    Tomatoes- dense, retained shape, dense parts of the steps are removed.

    Modern trends and design in the preparation of salads from raw vegetables.

    In our company, the imprint of the modern line is expressed in new and unusual fillings and design in general.

    Fresh salad with salted salmon. Lettuce leaves are laid out in the form of a slide, and salmon cut into strips on top of the "hut".

    All this is poured with lemon juice.

    Avocado with tomatoes, olives, tiger prawns on a skewer with cocktail sauce. Half of the avocado is used as a form for salad, removing the pulp from it, while the second is blended.

    The form is filled with mousse, tomatoes (medium cube), olives (circles). Decorated with tiger prawns on a skewer and poured with cocktail sauce (mayonnaise, ketchup, cognac)

    Green veal salad with avocado, dried tomatoes and walnut sauce. The avocado is cut into slices, the salad is torn off by 2-3 cm. The veal is randomly laid, decorated with tomatoes and poured with sauce (olive oil, walnuts and pine nuts, soy sauce, salt).

    Salad with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, hard goat cheese and Mediterranean sauce. Cucumbers are peeled, tomatoes are blanched, removing the seed nest. Lay in a slide and sprinkle with goat cheese.

    Drizzle with sauce.

    Salad with radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream. Cucumbers are peeled and cut into half rings, radishes into rings.

    The tomato is blanched and cut into slices, sour cream is placed in the middle of the salad.

    Green salad with carrots, beets and honey-mustard sauce. Carrots are cut into cubes, beets into slices. Mixed with mixed salad and poured with sauce (olive oil, honey, balsamic vinegar, mustard paste, pepper).

    Decorate with pine nuts, raisins and pomegranate seeds.

    Fresh cabbage salad with cranberries and olive oil. Cabbage is chopped and laid out in a “nest”, sprinkled with cranberries and seasoned with oil.

    Roses are made from apples and decorate the salad.

    Green salad with oranges and olive sauce. Mixed salad and green salad spread on a plate.

    Oranges are cut into slices and decorate the salad. Drizzle with sauce.

    Menu analysis and SWOD analysis of salads.

    The menu is divided into 4 groups:

    1. Dishes - stars (the most popular and profitable)

    2. Dishes are riddles (profitable but not popular enough)

    3. Favorite skates (popular but not expensive)

    4. Stray dogs (unprofitable, unpopular)

    Based on these definitions, we will make a SWOD analysis of the salads of the Usadba restaurant.

    * Vinegar 3% 75 g

    * olive oil 85 g

    Rub boiled egg yolks through a sieve, mix with dry mustard, salt, pepper and finely chopped onions, dill, coriander, capers. Mix vinegar, olive, corn or sunflower oil thoroughly and pour over the prepared mixture, mix again.

    French dressing (Vinaigrette )

    1/3 cup fresh lemon juice or wine vinegar

    1 cup extra virgin olive oil

    4 garlic cloves, squeezed through a press

    1.5 tsp fine salt

    2 tsp spicy grain mustard

    In a deep bowl, mix lemon juice or vinegar with olive oil, gradually adding oil and stirring with a whisk. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix and pour the dressing into a pretty wide-mouthed bottle.

    Close and let it brew in the refrigerator for several hours. Due to the sharp spicy taste, very little is required. French dressing. to give a portion of salad a brighter taste.

    French dressing with balsamic vinegarBalsamic Vinaigrette )

    1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

    2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

    1 small shallot (can be substituted with red onion), finely chopped

    1.5 tsp spicy grain mustard

    1-1.5 tsp fine salt (or to taste)

    0.5 tsp freshly ground black pepper

    2 tbsp lemon juice

    Place chopped onion in a deep bowl, add balsamic vinegar. Gradually add the olive oil, stirring immediately with a whisk to combine the vinegar and oil into a creamy dressing.

    Add the rest of the ingredients. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

    This dressing will keep for several days. French balsamic dressing has a more delicate, mild flavor than regular French dressing, so it works well with delicate-tasting vegetables ( asparagus).

    Mayonnaise-based dressings

    Ranch . or Farm (Ranch) salad dressing, especially popular in the US. Refueling Ranch made from mayonnaise and kefir (or sour cream), to which spices are added. Use Ranch for fresh and prepared vegetables, fresh salads, as well as baked potatoes .

    1 cup mayonnaise

    0.5 cups of kefir or sour cream

    2 tsp dry onion (you can use fresh)

    2 tsp dry garlic (you can use chopped fresh)

    2 tsp chopped herbs or dill seeds

    Black pepper to taste

    Lemon juice to taste

    Grind all dry ingredients and mix with kefir and mayonnaise. Let the dressing infuse for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

    Dry onions and garlic have a stronger taste, so it is recommended to use them in dressing. Farm gas station can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

    Blue cheese dressing(Blue Cheese Dressing )

    1 cup mayonnaise (for a low-calorie version, use plain yogurt or buttermilk)

    120 g blue cheese, chopped saint agur,rockford,Blue Stilton,Gorgonzola and so on.)

    A wonderful salad that fits any diet, its essential feature is that it does not require dressings and seasonings. All vegetables are peeled, washed thoroughly. We start with beets.

    We do not attach vegetables to heat treatment, thereby giving the opportunity to saturate the body with a maximum of vitamins and nutrients. After we clean the beets, we rub them on a coarse grater.

    Add fresh, pre-peeled, washed, and grated carrots to the beets.

    Add the next pomegranate seed component.

    It is advisable to use special shredders for cabbage for this, as they give maximum fineness and rapid release of product juice.

    All the vegetables are ready for the salad, it's just a matter of dressing. French mustard plays the role of salad dressing here.

    Its consistency is quite liquid, and the taste is so rich and original that the salad will instantly change, fill with light spiciness, and will not require the addition of salt or other seasonings, which in this case will only spoil the taste. Add 1 tablespoon mustard.

    Thoroughly mix the salad with light movements so as not to damage the pomegranate seeds.

    We insist the salad for 2-3 minutes, so that all the components have time to soak in each other's juices. Salad ready!

    It must be laid out on portioned plates or a dish.

    Bon appetit. Be healthy.

    Let the dishes on your table be varied and very tasty!

    Try not to add spices to food (including salt) and you will not be able to eat too much.

    Can't eat food without salt and other spices? Try to limit their consumption as much as possible.

    If you eat fractionally, you will lose weight much faster and save the result for a long time.

    If you are unbearably hungry, drink water

    If in the evening you suffer from bouts of hunger, you need to be distracted (a book, trying on jewelry, clothes)

    Attacks of hunger can be removed by any green vegetables without harm to the figure.

    Knowing what food you will be cooking all week makes it easier to make a list of products for going to the store.

    Go to the store with a pre-prepared list Always and do not buy anything beyond the list

    Delicacies always whet the appetite

    A beautifully set table helps to restrain oneself in eating.

    Yellow food improves mood and helps not overeat

    On the grill it is best to bake meat and fish in foil - convenient, not greasy and harmless

    Never eat on the run, snack or bite

    You can reduce the amount of vegetable oil in the salad if the oil is diluted with lemon juice.

    Instead of salt, use lemon juice in different dishes.

    Try to snack on protein foods: cottage cheese, yogurt.

    Food should be supplied to the body every 2.5 hours

    If food enters the body less frequently than every 2.5 hours, the feeling of hunger becomes stronger.

    Do not forget: when eating any food, the satiety signal is sent to the brain only after 20 minutes, so eat slowly!

    Entertaining arithmetic of food intake: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks per day

    Healthy habit - eat small portions

    Healthy sleep helps you lose weight

    Each snack should be no more than 100 kcal

    Do not buy "empty" calories - rolls, chips, sweets, cookies, alcohol, cookies, sugary drinks

    Try to walk whenever possible

    Reduce portions and eat from small plates

    Try to get on the scale less often, while measuring your waist, hips, and calves with a centimeter weekly and record the results

    Buy the most beautiful sports uniform - this will be an incentive to go to the gym

    Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day

    Be sure to have breakfast, lunch and dinner

    Eat only at a beautifully set table, turning off all gadgets and TV

    Thank your body every day, treat it with love

    Keep a diary of your achievements

    Come up with a reward (for example, a haircut or new clothes) for every kilogram or two dropped.

    Fresh raw vegetables for salads

    This article is about greens and vegetables that fully provide us with the most important nutrients in the greatest amount, no matter how beneficial other foods may be for just one or two nutritional components. At the same time, most are low in calories, so we end up with the nicest, healthiest, most nutritious salads possible.

    beans, etc. Fresh fruits Eat at least 4 fresh fruits a day, but do not juice them.

    You can chop apples and oranges and add them to salad. to be fully satiated. Clementines are good to add to green salad.

    Pineapple is good vegetables and can be cooked with tomatoes in Hawaiian vegetable dishes. The 6 week plan does not allow fruit juices except for a small one.

    For intense nutrition and flavor, mix in multiple salad greens to not only boost the nutritional benefits but also pamper your taste buds.

    The following are vegetables. which should be mixed with these types of lettuce for optimal nutrition and benefits. Nutritious, healthy, easy-to-make dressings for your salads are waiting for you at the end.

    Note: when you get to this section, don't forget to read why vinegar And olive oil and why does it exist so much ways to use olive oil. which many people didn't know about.

    First of all, let's talk about nutrients and how they protect our body.

    Oxidants, antioxidants, free radicals and fiber

    As we age, cells are constantly damaged by normal action. oxidation in tissues (physiological process similar to the rusting of iron). Environmental factors such as pollution, sunlight. smoking and alcohol also lead to this oxidation, which in turn gives rise to harmful molecules known as free radicals. They can damage our cells and lead to inflammation and cancer.

    When cholesterol is oxidized, it turns into a sticky mass that builds up on the walls of our arteries and forms plaque. These plaques can grow enough to block the flow of blood, and if they break off, they can cause a clot to form, stimulating a heart attack or stroke.

    Antioxidants are nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes (proteins in our body that aid in chemical reactions) that counteract the oxidation process by neutralizing free radicals.

    Dietary fiber (reducing high cholesterol and blood sugar, improving and preventing constipation, losing weight) is important for digestive health and for lowering high cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease, attack or stroke. It helps control sugar levels in diabetics, and is good for binding and removing toxins from the colon, which can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fiber combines with bile salts in the colon and removes them from the body.

    Our body then produces more bile and cholesterol is broken down in the process.

    insoluble fiber(in whole grain breads and cereals) draws water into the intestines and helps to keep it stable, and soluble fiber(in oats, legumes, fruits and vegetables) combines with bile acids and removes them.

    Warning. if you don't usually eat a lot of fiber, do this gradually. There are cases when people unexpectedly started to eat large amounts of foods rich in fiber every day, and suffered as a result.

    A body that is not accustomed to fiber can find it difficult to cope with the sudden high intake of high-fiber foods.

    Phytonutrients are organic compounds found in plants. They often contain antioxidants, thus providing significant protection against free radical damage to human DNA (cancer protection).

    They also support our immune system and have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and cell repair effects, and are associated with the prevention and treatment of diabetes and heart disease.

    Phytonutrients are a good source of vitamin A, which is important for eye health and vision (particularly for the prevention night blindness). Vitamin A (an antioxidant) also helps with bone growth, formation and strength; supports hair health. skin and mucous membranes; assists in the synthesis of proteins; prevents and fights viral and respiratory infections. Soya beans considered one of the richest sources of phytonutrients.

    Phytonutrient beta-carotene Orange Pigment is a water-soluble antioxidant that is excellent at scavenging free radicals and fighting cell aging. It also supports the immune system and helps protect against heart disease, cataracts, and certain types of cancer, according to several studies. The group of beta-carotenes includes lutein. which fights diseases and is found in leafy and yellow vegetables and carrots; lycopene. contained in tomatoes, watermelons, red and pink grapefruit and green tea; selenium- anti-inflammatory substance.

    Studies show that selenium also reduces the symptoms of sore throats and congestive heart failure and may help arthritis sufferers.

    Folates (folic acid/vitamin B6) fights against anemia, heart disease, osteoporosis, certain types of cancer and generally supports our health and vitality. In fact, folate occurs naturally in leafy green vegetables, citrus and dried beans and peas, and folic acid is a food supplement added to fortify other foods, but the terms are often used interchangeably. Folate also assists in the transfer of the genetic code and the synthesis of proteins in cells.

    Note: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, eat plenty of folate-containing foods because they fight against birth defects in the fetus, and for babies, they provide resistance to infections.

    All B vitamins fantastic. For example, niacin(B2) and riboflavin(B3) are involved in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates so that they can be used for energy.

    Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) rich in beta-carotene, it is the main water-soluble antioxidant in the body. It neutralizes free radicals, activates folic acid, promotes wound healing, helps absorb iron and control cholesterol, and is essential for immune system function, thereby helping to fight infections and reduce disease, increase life expectancy, and improve overall health.

    It is also associated with a reduced risk of death from stroke.

    Calcium/Vitamin D help strengthen bones and teeth, help muscles (such as the heart) contract and relax, and help fight osteoporosis and hypertension.

    Vitamin E- an antioxidant rich in beta-carotene, soluble in fat. It protects our body tissues from free radical damage and helps the body fight disease, use vitamin K, and form red blood cells.

    It also helps prevent cancer, heart disease, liver disease, dementia, and stroke, leading to longevity.

    Vitamin K among other things, it fights against the accumulation of calcium on the walls of arteries, helping to prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Note. Since vitamin K is important for blood thinning, if you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), you should check with your doctor how much vitamin K is safe to consume.

    Flavonoids. other antioxidant phytonutrients, help immune function and protect against allergies, have anti-inflammatory effects and support collagen production. Note: Grilling or lightly steaming vegetables such as carrots or spinach can help your body absorb flavonoids even faster.

    Also, since flavonoids are found in the skins of many vegetables and fruits, they provide even more benefits if you eat raw vegetables and fruits.

    Potassium is a mineral. best known for its ability to lower blood pressure. but it is also needed for our cells, nerves and muscles to function properly. Moreover, it protects against excessive fluid accumulation and helps to absorb carbohydrates and proteins.

    Omega-3 fatty acids(polyunsaturated fatty acids) are important for our health, but since our body does not produce them, we can only get them from food. Among other popular sources, they are found in vegetables such as spinach and leafy greens. as well as in crushed and whole flaxseeds.

    Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation. are important for memory and brain function, and help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Symptoms of their deficiency may include fatigue, poor memory. dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression, and poor circulation.

    Note! After spinach ban due to outbreak coli. often transmitted by workers who did not wash their hands. Dietitian Connie Dickman highlighted how nutritious spinach is and suggested several types of foods that can be eaten as a substitute.

    For organic vegetables, she said: Organic does not guarantee anything other than that the product is grown with organic pesticides and fertilizers, so people shouldn't think organic is safer when it comes to foodborne illnesses.

    salad greens

    Winner - raw spinach leaves: The healthiest and most nutritious vegetable for our salads is spinach (not lettuce or leafy greens) because it contains the highest amount of most types of nutrients. Although flavonoids in spinach are absorbed more easily when the leaves are lightly steamed, for your vegetable salads you are better off using raw spinach.

    If you've never tried raw spinach leaves for salad, give it a try! If you feel that the leaves are slightly bitter. add salad dressing or olive oil.

    Or better yet, mix in some of the lettuces or herbs listed below.

    Only carrots and parsley contain more beta-carotene than spinach. In a Harvard Medical School study on nutrient intake and cataracts in women. it was concluded that spinach (and not carrots, which contain the most beta-carotene) was significantly associated with a lower relative risk of developing cataracts.

    It has also been concluded that other carotenoids (not necessarily beta-carotene) and long-term vitamin C supplementation may reduce the risk of developing severe cataracts requiring surgical removal.

    Spinach is also very high in vitamin K (most found in cauliflower) and vitamin A (because our body converts beta-carotene into this vitamin). Vitamin K not only is critical to form healthy bones and maintain bone mass, without it our blood will not clot.

    Unfortunately, although we naturally produce vitamin K, this is not enough. In fact, this is why newborns in the US are now routinely given small amounts of vitamin K. Note: since vitamin K dissolves in fat, if add some olive oil to the spinach. This will increase the body's ability to absorb the vitamin.

    In addition, spinach is high in folate. which, in addition to the properties described earlier, improves memory and brain function, and lutein. which fights diseases and helps vision. Thanks to other phytonutrients, spinach also reduces the risk of liver, gallbladder, colon, breast, cervical, and prostate cancers, in addition to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

    A large number of vitamin B6 in spinach, which gives us energy, is important for the production of brain chemicals and mediators of nerve impulses and blood formation. Also thanks to vitamin B6, spinach fights allergies and acts as an antidepressant.

    Beyond Abundance vitamins A and E(described earlier) spinach is high in fiber, zinc and magnesium (antioxidants), zeaxanthin (for the eyes), manganese and some Selena. idea of Spinach's high iron content may be a myth. According to one website, this misinformation originated when scientists put the decimal point in the wrong place while writing the conclusion of a German 1870 study.

    Note. our body does not absorb so easily iron And calcium from herbal products.

    Oxalic acid, a chemical found in high concentrations in spinach, reduces the absorption of these two nutrients. That's why, to improve iron absorption. it is recommended to eat spinach with foods containing vitamin C, such as orange juice, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

    A to improve calcium absorption. just add some vinegar. However, people who are sensitive to kidney stones should not eat too much spinach because oxalic acid can stimulate their formation.

    Number of calories in a cup of spinach: raw chopped - 12; fresh cooked - 42; cooked, frozen or canned - 50.

    Romaine lettuce- the most nutritious lettuce. Because it's so crunchy, romaine is popular for use in Caesar salad.

    Apart from a few minor differences, romaine is as rich in nutrients as spinach. and it contains unusually high amounts of phytonutrients, antioxidants, beta-carotene, folate, magnesium, and chromium.

    In addition to being exceptionally high in vitamins A and C, it is excellent for vitamin K, folate, fiber, manganese and chromium, very good for iron, phosphorus and potassium (a B vitamin that helps lower blood pressure), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and it is high in vitamin B3 (niacin), calcium, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Romaine is excellent at protecting our skin, eyes, and immune system, and by helping to prevent cholesterol oxidation, it is heart-healthy. And it has very few calories and salt, no fat and cholesterol.

    It also contains lutein and zeaxanthin.

    One serving (6 leaves) of romaine lettuce contains vitamin A (45%), protein (40%), vitamin C (35%), iron (6%) and calcium (4%).

    Mash salad- raw lettuce or greens, often called rapunzel, and it is on a par with romaine, as it is rich in nutrients. This includes an abundance of B vitamins, beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Mung bean salad definitely has more iron than spinach.

    You should definitely try it! Use the mung bean salad in the same way as you would the lettuce or greens. Its leaves, like small, long-handled dippers, grow in rosette-shaped tufts.

    These leaves are quite tasty, have a sweet nutty flavor, and are great with any salad dressing, but especially with light vinegar and olive oil dressings. You can lightly steam the leaves and eat them warm like spinach.

    Since the leaves are so delicate and thin (they dissolve in water), it is recommended not to wash them thoroughly or submerge them in water, otherwise they will lose their nutrients. Also, buy only green leaves, yellow ones are not fresh.

    One packet of mung bean salad is extremely high in vitamin A (120%), vitamin C (50%), iron (45%), folic acid (40%), zinc (20%), calcium (10%) and potassium (550). mg), and this is in addition to 3 mg of dietary fiber.

    It also contains vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamins B1. B2. B3.

    B5. B6 and B9 (folates to combat fatigue, stress and depression), phosphorus. carotene, some magnesium and protein.

    The whole package has only 30 calories, only 20mg of sodium and 4g of carbohydrates (3% of that is dietary fiber).

    Red leaf lettuce: although it doesn't contain as many nutrients, one and a half cups of red leaf lettuce (chopped) is high in vitamin A (40%) and vitamin K. This volume also contains vitamin C (6%), calcium (4%) and a gram of protein, in addition to vitamin B6. folate and potassium. In addition, just four leaves are rich in antioxidants and carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin), which may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration. In general, red leaf lettuce helps fight against osteoporosis, macular degeneration, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease and weight gain.

    Mix it with spinach leaves, romaine lettuce and mung bean salad to maximize the nutrition and flavor!

    Young shoots of lettuce Be sure to add them to your salads! In general, they provide fewer nutrients, but they are very high in vitamin A, very high in vitamin C, they are full of protein and enough delicious. Cabbage, kale and kale help the heart with potassium, carotene, soluble fiber, vitamin B6 and folate.

    Video - fresh vegetable salad recipe

    Full of Nutrients and Healthy Vegetables

    Broccoli(a member of the cabbage family) is generally the healthiest and most nutritious vegetable we can add to our salads. Like spinach, broccoli is considered a "superfood".

    Not only is it one of the richest sources of vitamin A among vegetables, it's high in vitamin K, and packed full of protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, folate, antioxidant phytonutrients, calcium, zinc, iron, and vitamin C. According to the Department of Agriculture. US farms, boiled broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange. Broccoli is an outstanding source of calcium, rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, and has no fat or cholesterol.

    Note: When you add raw broccoli to your salad, it should ideally be lightly steamed. This will help her retain most of her nutrients and maximize their availability.

    In addition to many other health benefits (including helping to protect against many types of cancer), broccoli helps detoxify the liver and skin cells. One of the many phytonutrients in broccoli, sulforaphane, helps detoxification enzymes get rid of possible carcinogenicity.

    At the same time, a study conducted at Johns Hopkins University and published in the publication " Cancer Letters”, indicates that sulforaphane may help repair sun-damaged skin. Sulforaphane is also found in cauliflower.

    More in broccoli Selena. than spinach.

    tomatoes(actually a fruit) are best known for their lycopene, a major anti-cancer carotenoid (stronger than beta-carotene) with twice the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. Not only does lycopene lower the risk of all types of cancer, one study found it to be the most effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Note: lycopene is also found in pink and red grapefruits and watermelons.

    Cooking tomatoes concentrates their lycopene, which helps our bodies absorb more of it, which is why canned tomatoes are more nutritious than raw ones. In sauces, tomatoes are mashed and seasoned with spices.

    In pastes, they are very concentrated, so they have even more nutrients, such as beta-carotene and iron. Lycopene is even better absorbed from salsa.

    But raw tomatoes are still very nutritious in salads. And if you pour some olive oil. it will help fight colon cancer.

    In addition to the many nutrients in tomatoes, they are high in potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6. fiber, protein, niacin, riboflavin and a good variety of minerals. Tomatoes are low in salt and calories.

    Note: Several studies have shown that when we eat broccoli and tomatoes together. they are even more effective in the fight against prostate cancer.

    Mushrooms(not a vegetable) are among the most nutritious, healthiest, and best foods to add to a salad. It doesn't matter how you cook them, i.e. raw, fried in oil, grilled, microwaved or sauteed in olive oil, they do not lose their nutrients or depending on the variety, they still retain 80-98% of them.

    Mushrooms are rich in carotenoids and contain potassium. folate, copper (helps make red blood cells), riboflavin (B2 helps maintain red blood cells and gives us energy), and niacin (B3 - for healthy skin and digestive and nervous system function, provides us with energy). They naturally contain vitamin D. among their many antioxidants are - selenium and saponin.

    Some studies have proven that mushrooms also help our immune system.

    They have no fat, no cholesterol, few calories, and very little sodium. Note: you can cut calories. using mushrooms instead of shredded beef or other meats in dishes like lasagna or sandwiches.

    Just use olive oil instead of butter if you want to sauté or cook them.

    Each type of mushroom contains basically the same nutrients, but the amount of each nutrient varies. For example, in mushrooms portobello medium-sized bananas, even grilled ones, have as much potassium as a medium-sized banana and a lot of selenium, and shiitake less potassium, but more selenium.

    Despite their prevalence, in double-spored champignons Not only is there more protein than portobello or shiitake mushrooms, but they also contain all the nutrients and antioxidants found in more expensive mushrooms.

    Bell pepper also ranks among the most nutritious, healthiest, best vegetables for salads. They contain powerful antioxidant phytochemicals, beta-carotene, folic acid, fiber, flavonoids, thiamine, and vitamins A and B6.

    Due to the high content of vitamin C, sweet peppers protect us from cataracts. It also fights high cholesterol and helps in preventing blood clots, which in turn reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

    IN red pepper contained more nutrients than in green. Unlike green peppers, they contain the phytonutrients lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

    In addition to fighting cancer and protecting the heart. lutein protects against macular degeneration.

    Note. red, yellow And orange varieties sweeter than green peppers.

    All types of peppers start off as green, but green peppers are harvested before they are ripe, while others change color as they mature and are harvested at various later stages. Red pepper is the most mature.

    Among good for the heart Vegetables to add to the salad: artichokes(high in protein, fiber, antioxidant phytonutrients, beta-carotene, vitamin C, B vitamins, folate, calcium, zinc and iron) avocado(folate, potassium, carotene, soluble fiber and vitamin B6), Brussels sprouts And cauliflower(rich in phytonutrients).

    Sprinkle your salad with flaxseed: flaxseed is specialized in omega-3 fats and fiber, this richest source of lignan. an antioxidant that is good for our immune system and helps in the prevention of breast and colon cancer. Flaxseeds are also high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and B vitamins, beta-carotene, potassium, and protein.

    Healthy raw vegetable salad dressings: simple, tasty and very nutritious

    If you care about the calories associated with most bottled brands, try mixing basil or other spices with olive oil or vinegar, or mixing olive oil with vinegar. For a spice, add a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil.

    High quality olive oil is rich in flavonoids, antioxidant phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory effects and support collagen production, which help the immune system function and protect against allergies.

    Vinegar and olive oil

    Vinegar contains "riboflavin, vitamin B1, and mineral salts from source materials that give vinegar its distinctive flavor," the Vinegar Institute says.

    Olive oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids) is one of the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet. Dr. John Dean notes that when heated any oil to frying temperature, not only its aroma is destroyed, but the amount of beneficial antioxidants can also decrease and the formation of dangerous aldehydes can occur. Although olive oil showed the best result in a study by specialists from Ankara University in Turkey who heated olive, sunflower and soybean oil to 180 C.

    Olive oil can also be used in baking. and in cooking .

    And the last tip: add a few cranberries or chopped strawberries for the ultimate nutritional and flavor boost. They are among the healthiest and healthiest fruits.

    In conclusion, for general health and protection, we should eat salads from different mixtures of vegetables, lettuces and legumes as often as possible, and preferably every day. By mixing and matching these ingredients, we truly create the healthiest, best, most nutritious and delicious salads possible.


    Learn more about salad, vegetables:

    Salads– types and examples, sauces and decorations

    8 Raw and Delicious Vegan salads

    • Salad with arugula and tuna Salad with rucola and tuna, prepared according to the recipe from our website, will pleasantly surprise your loved ones and guests with its beautiful bright appearance, especially rich taste and appetizing aroma. This salad perfectly combines the spicy bitterness of arugula, fragrant fish […]
    • Salad with chicken, pineapple and nuts Rinse and dry the chicken fillet, put it in a pot of boiling salted water. Cook the chicken for about 20-30 minutes at a low boil until tender. Meanwhile, boil the eggs until tender (10 minutes) and place in a bowl of cold water for 5 […]

    Salads are prepared from leafy vegetables, green onions, radishes, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers, white and red cabbage, carrots, as well as apples and other fruits. Their importance in nutrition is very high not only as a means of stimulating appetite, but also due to the content of chain mineral salts (macro- and microelements), vitamins and other biologically active substances. Vegetables not subjected to heat treatment retain to a large extent the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in them.

    Salads from raw vegetables are an important source of vitamin C. To reduce the loss of vitamin C when preparing salads and protect green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill from withering and loss of vitamins, greens prepared for salads are stored in the refrigerator (3-4 0 C) . This reduces the loss of vitamin C by 2-3 times compared to storing vegetables at room temperature.

    Contributes to the destruction of vitamins and sunlight. Leaf lettuce loses 3 times more vitamin C and 6 times more thiamine when stored in sunlight than when stored in a darkened room. Therefore, it is necessary to protect prepared vegetables and ready-made salads from direct sunlight.

    Wound biosynthesis in salad vegetables is extremely slow and does not compensate for the oxidation of ascorbic acid, especially in cucumbers and radishes. Therefore, cut vegetables immediately before making salads. As already noted, salts of many metals, and in particular iron, catalytically accelerate the oxidation of ascorbic acid. Tools for cutting vegetables should be stainless steel. In a humid environment, the destruction of vitamin C is slower, and wound biosynthesis is accelerated. Therefore, prepared vegetables and herbs moisturize. Shelf life of salads should be minimal.

    Green vegetable salads. Salads from green vegetables are of great importance in nutrition as a source of vitamins, biologically active substances and mineral salts, especially biogenic microelements, which favorably affect the state of blood vessels, strengthen them, and make them more elastic. Therefore, green salads should be included in the diet of people of any age, but they are especially important for people engaged in mental work and the elderly. In addition to vitamin C and carotene, green vegetables contain vitamin B 9 (folic acid), B 12 (cyanocobalamin), K (phylloquinone), choline (vitamin B complex).

    Green lettuce and green onions are sorted out, stems and bulbs are removed, washed and cut many times (the onion is chopped, and the lettuce leaves are cut into large pieces). Seasoned with sour cream or dressing (sour cream or vinegar). You can add boiled chopped eggs.

    Tomato and cucumber salads. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, folic acid, easily digestible carbohydrates and organic acids, mainly malic and citric, and oxalic in a small amount. Therefore, tomato salads are acceptable in the diet of people of any age, especially since there are very few purines in tomatoes (about 4 mg%), and alkaline elements predominate in the ash residue.

    Tomatoes are washed, the stalk is removed along with the dense part of the pulp and cut into circles or slices. Cucumbers are also an important source of alkaline elements. At the same time, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are in them in a favorable ratio. Ridge cucumbers for salads are cleaned. Cucumbers contain less vitamins and carbohydrates than tomatoes, so cucumber salads with tomatoes are prepared. Add chopped onions to salads. Season with salad dressing and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

    Radish and radish salads. The nutritional importance of radish salads is due to their mineral composition, vitamin content (C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid) and pectins. The content of pectins in radish reaches 12% (in dry matter). The sharp taste of radish and radish is due to the presence of a glycoside such as senigrin. To prepare salads, white radishes are peeled, and red ones are cut into circles without peeling. Topped with sour cream, mayonnaise or dressing. The radish is peeled, cut into slices or grated and seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

    White and red cabbage salads. Cabbage salads are a significant source of vitamins C, K, folic acid, a number of minerals in the most favorable ratios for the manifestation of their biological action (alkaline elements, microelements). There is evidence of the content of tartronic acid in cabbage, which delays the transition of carbohydrates into fats in the body and thereby prevents obesity (during heat treatment, tartronic acid is destroyed).

    There are two ways to prepare cabbage salads. In the first method, the cabbage is thinly chopped, ground with salt, and then seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar. When grinding cabbage, a large amount of juice is released (up to 30% of the mass of cabbage). Along with the juice, sugars, mineral salts, and vitamins are lost.

    In the second method, the cabbage is chopped, placed in a non-oxidizing dish, vinegar, salt are added, mixed and heated until the taste of raw cabbage disappears. Then it is quickly cooled. In this case, the loss of nutrients is much less, the loss of vitamin C is also small, since the heating is carried out in an acidic environment. The output of the finished salad increases by 25 - 30%. Finely chopped carrots, apples, cranberries, lingonberries can be added to cabbage salads. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

    Red cabbage salads are prepared in the same way. Its color is due to the pigment rubrobrasyl chloride. The color changes depending on the reaction of the medium. This is due to the change in the color of the salad when dressing it with vinegar (violet becomes red).

    Salads from different vegetables. There are many varieties of salads, which are prepared from several types of raw vegetables and fruits (vitamin). For these salads, raw carrots, celery, cucumbers, peeled apples are cut into thin strips, and tomatoes are cut into slices. All products are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, lemon juice are added.

    Salad "Spring". Chopped green lettuce leaves are placed in a salad bowl, and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh cucumbers, red radishes, boiled potatoes and carrots, green onions are placed around. Boiled eggs are placed on top. Decorate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with salt and dill. Sour cream dressing is served separately. You can cook this salad in another way: chop radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, green onions and boiled potatoes, season with salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, sour cream, South sauce, decorate with egg slices and circles of cucumbers, radishes.

    Vitamin salad. Raw carrots, salad celery or root parsley, fresh cucumbers and apples (without skin and seeds) are chopped into strips. Tomatoes are cut into slices. All vegetables are mixed, sour cream, icing sugar, salt, lemon juice are added, placed in a salad bowl in a slide and decorated with products included in the salad.

    Carrot salads. Carrots are an important source of carotene, which is well absorbed in the presence of fats. Peeled carrots are ground on a grater, seasoned with sugar, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

    fruit salads. Prepared from fresh apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches and seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream and powdered sugar. Salads are also made from watermelons, melons, plums, green salad and seasoned with sour cream with fruit juice.

    Raw vegetable salads

    Raw vegetable salads, flavored with fresh herbs, contain a huge amount of natural biologically active substances, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements, which, with a harmonious combination of the initial components, not only complement each other, but also enhance their effect. Such salads are excellent side dishes for meat, mushroom and fish dishes. They contribute to an easier and more complete absorption of the nutrients of protein foods such as mushrooms, fish and meat. In addition, fresh vegetable salads are excellent cleansers, especially cabbage salads combined with carrots and beets. Fresh salads of zucchini and cucumbers have a mild diuretic effect. To get a complete set of all biologically active substances necessary for a person, nutritionists recommend eating three servings of salad per day: one serving of green vegetables. These are salads from cabbage of various varieties, spinach, greens, apples, etc. The second portion is from yellow or orange vegetables - carrots, pumpkins, sweet yellow peppers, zucchini. And a third portion of red vegetables - tomatoes, beets, radishes, sweet red peppers.

    From the book Delicious Salad author Melnikov Ilya

    Salad of raw vegetables with sour cream Products: 100 g of green salad, 2 cucumbers, 2 carrots, 1 turnip, 1 bunch of radishes, 100 g of sour cream, dill or parsley, sugar, salt. Cut the lettuce leaves into 3-4 parts, the rest of the vegetables into strips . Mix everything, salt, sprinkle with sugar, season

    author Melnikov Ilya

    Mixed raw vegetable salad Cooking time: 35 minutes Ingredients: For 4 servings: a few lettuce leaves, 4 large tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 bunch of radishes, 4 young green onions, 4 carrots, 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons of spring water, a little

    From the book Cheap Food author Baranovsky Viktor Alexandrovich

    RAW VEGETABLE SALADS for 0.1 - 0.2 c.u. e. Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes Ingredients for 2 servings: 200 g green salad, 2-3 fresh tomatoes, 2-3 fresh cucumbers, 1/2 cup sour cream or salad dressing. Preparation: lettuce leaves are cut into 2-3 parts, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers

    From the book Dishes from Milk and Dairy Products. Various menus for weekdays and holidays author Alkaev Eduard Nikolaevich

    Butter with juice of raw vegetables Beat the peeled and chopped vegetables on a grater in a mixer, and then rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. The resulting puree is added to the mashed butter along with chopped spicy herbs and lemon

    From the book Handbook for Students and Lovers the author Lemnis Maria


    From the book The Most Delicious Cooking Encyclopedia author Kostina Daria

    Salad of raw vegetables Grate the washed and peeled vegetables on a coarse grater. Cut the lettuce into strips. Arrange vegetables in an oblong salad bowl, pour over lemon juice, add sugar, salt and pour vegetable oil. 2 carrots, 1 lemon, 1 celery root,

    From the book Salads and snacks from around the world. Simple recipes for every day author Zhukova Elena Vitalievna

    Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option I) * Sweet pepper - 6 pcs. * Tomatoes - 2 pcs. * Carrot - 1 pc. * Onion - 1 pc. * Black ground pepper to taste. Pouring * Water - 50 ml * Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l. * Salt - 1 tsp. * Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. * Balsamic vinegar (6%) - 2 tbsp.

    From the book Salads. Traditions and fashion author author unknown

    Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option II) * Sweet green pepper - 3-4 pcs. * Tomatoes - 5 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l. * Salt, parsley, to taste. Onion cut into thin half rings. Remove seeds from peppers, cut into thin slices

    From the book 800 dishes for fasting days author Gagarina Arina

    Salad of raw vegetables in Spanish * Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. * Tomatoes - 3 pcs. * Cucumbers - 2 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Sour cream - 200 g * Salad crackers - 100 g * Salt, pepper to taste. Remove seeds from sweet pepper and cut into strips. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Onion

    From the book Separate nutrition author Kozhemyakin R. N.

    Raw vegetable salad 10 min 1 serving 1 beetroot, 1 large carrot, 1 cucumber, 2 cabbage leaves, celery and parsley leaves and roots, green onion, dill, vegetable oil, salt to taste.1. Beets and carrots (in equal amounts) grate on a coarse grater. cut cucumber,

    From the book Cooking Diet Meals author Kozhemyakin R. N.

    Assorted raw vegetable salad What you need: 1 tomato, 1 fresh cucumber, 200 g white cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, lettuce, parsley and dill, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, sugar, salt

    From the book Canning and the best culinary recipes of experienced gardeners and gardeners author

    Salads from greens and raw vegetables Green amaranth salad Components Amaranth leaves - 150 g Celery greens - 150 g Parsley and cilantro - 50 g each Sour cream and salt - to taste Method of preparation Boil freshly picked amaranth leaves for 5 minutes in salted water,

    From the book Canning for lazy people. Delicious and reliable preparations in a quick way author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

    Raw vegetable salads Zucchini salad with apples and vegetables IngredientsZucchini - 400 g Apples - 2 pcs. Cucumbers - 2 pcs. Carrot - 1 pc. Tomatoes - 3 pcs. Dill greens - 1 bunch Salt - to taste Low-fat sour cream - 3-4 tablespoons Cooking method Peel the zucchini

    From the book Minus 60. System and recipes in one book author Mirimanova Ekaterina Valerievna

    Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of bell peppers, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar (if 6%, and if 9%, then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt. 1. Cut the onion into rings.2. cut into rings

    From the author's book

    Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of bell peppers, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar (if 6%, and if 9%., then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt.1. Cut into rings onion.2. cut into rings

    Fresh seasonal vegetables are undeniably very healthy. They contain in their composition a lot of valuable vitamins and trace elements necessary for a person. Also, their use has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The most popular way to consume these fresh foods is with a raw vegetable salad. Recipes for such dishes can be quite diverse. It all depends on your taste and desire. Consider several popular ways to prepare such a snack.

    Selection and preparation of dressing

    From raw vegetables involves the use of a suitable sauce. To your taste, you can choose a ready-made dressing: sour cream, mayonnaise, olive oil or soy sauce.

    You can also prepare a special dressing using several types of sauce and adding your favorite seasonings. Ingredients such as mustard, adjika and horseradish will add spice and spiciness to the cooked dish.

    from raw vegetables

    Recipes for this dish may vary depending on the choice of dressing for products. So, you need to take the following ingredients:

    • two small tomatoes;
    • half a head of onion;
    • one small bell pepper;
    • three cucumbers;
    • sauce;
    • salt.

    Prepare in advance a deep bowl in which the salad will be placed. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes with a sharp knife. If desired, you can remove the peel from them, but in order to get more vitamins and fiber, this is not recommended.

    Cucumbers can also be pre-peeled if desired. If you prefer vegetables with skins, wash them thoroughly before eating. Cut large vegetables in half and chop into half rings. Small cucumbers can simply be cut into rings.

    Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into thin slices. Onions must be cut into half rings and divided by hand. Season the vegetables with salt to your taste and add the sauce.

    Vegetable salad with cheese

    This type of salad is ideal for a festive table. Thanks to additional ingredients, it becomes more satisfying and tasty. To create it you will need:

    • a couple of tomatoes;
    • a few leaves of green lettuce;
    • 150 grams of ham;
    • 50 grams of hard cheese;
    • dressing to your taste (in this recipe it is better to use

    Cut the ham into cubes and place on the bottom of the bowl in an even layer. Cut the tomatoes in the same way and lay the second layer. Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly and tear them with your hands. Lay out the third layer of green.

    After that, you need to lay out a generous layer of dressing and sprinkle it with grated cheese product. Stir salad before serving.

    vitamin dish

    This salad of recipes which involve the use of carrots, garlic, herbs and cabbage is perfect for people who follow their figure.

    To create it, you need to chop cabbage into small strips. Carrots must be thoroughly washed and grated on a coarse grater.

    If you have a food processor, you can cut everything into equal slices in a matter of seconds. Next, you need to mix the vegetables in one bowl and squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic. Finely chop the greens and add to the vegetables. Mix the resulting mass with your hands and season it with a suitable sauce.

    Red lettuce

    This type of salad has a distinctive feature. All of its ingredients have red flesh. Whichever sauce you choose for it, it will also be colored brightly due to the presence of beets in the dish. So take the following ingredients:

    • one small beet;
    • red bell pepper;
    • two medium-sized tomatoes;
    • one small carrot;
    • red variety of onion.

    Preparing a salad of raw vegetables. involve mixing chopped julienned ingredients.

    Grate the peeled beetroot. Process the carrots in the same way and mix these vegetables in a bowl. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the vegetable mixture.

    Peppers must be cleaned of internal seeds and washed. Cut the vegetable into thin strips and also put in a bowl. Tomatoes must be cleaned of internal seeds and jelly-like contents. Cut peeled tomatoes into small slices.

    Mix all ingredients and salt. Top with your chosen sauce and serve.


    Prepare each salad with raw vegetables. You can see photos of finished dishes in this article. If desired, seasonal vegetables can be frozen and cooked in the cold winter, when vitamins are so needed.

    Save your favorite cooking recipe in memory or write it down in your own culinary notebook. Share cooking secrets with your friends and acquaintances. Cook with pleasure.

    Good luck in your culinary arts!
