
The difference between yeast-free and yeast puff pastry. Yeast-free dough - types and calories, cooking recipes

Puff pastry is a favorite product of many housewives. Still would. Only 20 minutes - and on the table are magnificent cookies, fragrant pies or delicious croissants. The dough is easy to store in the freezer, and handling it is very easy and convenient.

Making puff pastry at home is quite difficult and time consuming, and if you are not a professional chef, then you should not bother yourself, it is better to buy a ready-made product, since it is quite inexpensive. And today we want to tell you about the difference between yeast-free puff pastry and yeast-free puff pastry. At first glance, they are the same, but the products are completely different.

Main difference

If you like crispy weightless products with various fillings, you should already catch the difference. But if you still don’t know how yeast-free puff pastry differs from yeast-free puff pastry, then our article is especially for you. The variety of puff pastry is really amazing. These are sweet desserts and snacks, as well as hearty pies. But the main difference is not in this, but in the classification itself.

The main difference is the rise of the dough during the preparation of the product. There are technological features that only professional confectioners know. Puff yeast-free rises due to steam. And in the yeast dough, the work of fungal microorganisms is also added to the stratification due to water vapor.


Considering the difference between yeast-free puff pastry and yeast-free puff pastry, it is very important to note this point. If you like crispy pastries, but watch your figure, then choose yeast is better. Of course, it also contains oil, but in a smaller amount than the "fresh" variety. Therefore, if you choose dough for rich pies with meat or fish filling, then it will fit just perfectly due to its lower calorie content.

Technological subtleties

We will start with a description of the difference between yeast-free puff pastry and yeast dough, it is very useful to know in order to choose the most suitable option for your products. To prepare layered fragile products, it is best to choose fresh. It is prepared on the basis of the usual steep wheat flour dough, which is then flaked using special techniques. Despite the fact that it is not at all sweet, confectioners are very fond of using puff pastry for cakes and tubes, cottage cheese pies and strudel, as well as cookies. In combination with a light cream, icing sugar and fruit, it becomes a real masterpiece.

Varieties of unleavened puff pastry

In total there are three types of them today. This is a German dough that is made by wrapping fat in the dough and gradually folding the layers. A simpler option that beginner cooks use is Dutch dough. In this case, fat is laid out on the rolled out layer, and then layers are gradually laid out. Of course, the second option is much simpler, which is why most pastry shops use it.

And now it’s appropriate to say how the yeast puff pastry differs from the yeast-free one. Unleavened dough does not age for a long time, and therefore can be prepared in large quantities and stored in the freezer. This is extremely convenient when guests are already on their way, and you have nothing to treat them with.

And now about the yeast analogue

And we continue to consider the features of these related, but such different products. Only at first glance it is difficult to understand how yeast puff pastry differs from yeast-free. This product is delicate and lush, there will be fewer layers in the finished product, but it will be very soft and pleasant to the taste. But the fragility, so typical of puff tongues, will be impossible to achieve.

The rise of the test occurs due to several processes.

  • The delicate structure of the crumb is formed due to the vital activity of fungal microorganisms.
  • During the heating process, water vapor opens the layers in the dough.

Ideal for pies and buns

It is already becoming clear how yeast-free puff pastry differs from yeast puff pastry. In a product with a low fat content (yeast dough), rise and separation occur due to a special technique for assembling the dough, as well as due to the vital activity of yeast. Moreover, the finished product will be soft and fluffy, but the layers are less pronounced. And the higher the fat content, the clearer the layers stand out. Of course, this only happens if the foliation process is done correctly.

The temperature regime is very important for this type of dough. The dough itself and the added fats - everything should be at room temperature. Fermentation of the dough is carried out at a temperature of +20 degrees. And in order to form layers, each time you add fats, it is sent to the refrigerator (+12 degrees) for 15 minutes.

Features of work

And we continue to talk about how yeast puff pastry differs from yeast-free. It's hard to say which is better, it all depends on taste preferences and the product that you want to get at the end. Yeast dough is very tender, so it will be quite difficult to roll out the layers correctly. Too soft fat will flow out, and too hard fat will break and tear layers. Therefore, if you want to try to cook a semi-finished product yourself, then it is much better to start with fresh.

How to choose the best option

If you want to use the packaging immediately, then you need to choose only unleavened dough. It is impossible to re-freeze the puff pastry, because the microorganisms will die and the products will not rise. We have already said how yeast puff pastry differs from yeast-free puff pastry. The first option is more delicate in structure, it makes excellent croissants. But for baking cakes, it is better to take unleavened dough, however, it contains more margarine in its composition.

By the way, the more layers, the tastier the pastries. Therefore, when choosing a dough, pay attention to the packaging. A good layering index for a yeast product is 48, and for unleavened it is 256.

Instead of a conclusion

So we've come to the end. We hope that now it is clear to everyone how puff yeast-free dough differs from yeast dough. What is the difference, it becomes clear if you try a puff tongue and a croissant. If you want a soft, fluffy bun or pie, use yeast. And for small crispy cookies, unleavened is best. Although here, too, much depends on taste preferences. Someone takes fresh pizza for pizza so that it is thin and crispy. Others do not like it for being too oily and prefer the yeast puff. You can not leave it in detuning, but as soon as it thaws, send it to the oven. Then the dough will not have time to rise much and will be an ideal base. Experiment and find the best option for yourself.

What is the difference between puff pastry and yeast-free dough?

  1. Yeast or not?

    Yeast and yeast-free puff pastry is widely represented on the shelves of our stores, and many housewives are wondering which one to choose for their pastries. Let's figure out how they differ. For yeast-free, the indicator of good layering is at least 140 layers. For yeast, about 30. Since there are more layers in the yeast-free layer, and oil between them, then, accordingly, it is more nutritious: 454 kcal per 100 g. And in yeast, only 244 kcal per 100 g. Even yeast-free puff pastry is dry, and yeast is soft. There is a lot of vitamin B in the yeast dough, which has a good effect on the nervous system, skin and hair. Yeast-free dough does not contain this vitamin, but it is more beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

    Both types of dough differ little in taste, but the yeast dough increases more in volume, rises better, and when it is baked, a sour smell spreads through the kitchen. But in the yeast-free dough, the layers are clearly defined, in contrast to the yeast puff. There are no other obvious differences.

    Yeast is well suited for pies with juicy sweet fillings, puffs with cinnamon and sugar, croissants - in general, for baking. Yeast-free for sausages in dough, as a base for pizza, chicken pies and large pies with cabbage or fish.

    Puff tricks

    When baking puff pastry, make sure that the oven door is tightly closed. Place large sheets of dough near the bottom of the oven so that they are well baked from the bottom. The buns are medium. Accurately observe the baking time: heavily baked dough has a bitter taste.

    If you bought ready-made puff pastry, then defrost it at room temperature. But remember: puff pastry is afraid of a lot of heat in the kitchen, because the oil that forms the layers melts, which prevents the pastry from turning out to be layered and tasty.

  2. Yeast is different. No difference
  3. Thanks friends. I decided to make a roll with cottage cheese filling, and in the recipe the puff pastry is not yeast, but I have puff yeast. I will cook from what I have, I really want to (yummy)
  4. This is why it differs that there is yeast in yeast, and there is no yeast in yeast-free, the only difference in the preparation of dishes is that yeast is more voluminous due to yeast, therefore yeast-free is more layered, and there it’s an amateur, who likes which dough more, from this is how they prepare it.
  5. The name itself is the answer.
  6. In yeast, there are fewer layers, and in the manufacture of products from it, it is necessary to give proofing so that the dough rises and increases in volume.
    There are more layers in the yeast-free puff and when baking it has more layering and baking is more tender
  7. In short, it is distinguished by the presence or absence of yeast. From yeast we prepare pies, pies, khachapuri, etc. From yeast-free cake for NAPOLEON cake, puff tongues, etc.
  8. technology.
  9. tastes like nothing. but it is better without yeast))

Puff pastry is one of the most popular culinary products. It comes in 2 main varieties - yeast-free and yeast-free. What is the specificity of each of them?

What is yeast-free puff pastry?

Yeast-free puff pastry prepared using ingredients such as:

  1. flour;
  2. eggs;
  3. water;
  4. vinegar;
  5. butter;
  6. salt.

To prepare the product in question, it is necessary to form a dough mass from the indicated ingredients. It is advisable to use for this purpose a dough mixer belonging to the category of spiral. All marked ingredients should be cooled before kneading into the dough mass - at a low, but not too close to zero temperature.

After the test mass is ready, it must again be put in the refrigerator for about half an hour. But before that, you need to take the butter and roll it out in the form of a pancake with a diameter of about 20 centimeters, and then also place it in the refrigerator. Best of all - simultaneously with the test mass.

After half an hour, both products should be taken out of the refrigerator. Then the dough must be rolled out so that it forms a rectangle about 30 by 40 cm in size. After that, place chilled butter on it. But not in the middle, but closer to the top or bottom edge. So that the remaining free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rolled out dough is about twice as large as that occupied by butter.

Then you need to close that half of the dough on which the oil is located, with its other half, press it tightly and roll out the resulting mass - to a thickness of about 8 mm. Then put it back in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

After removing the test mass with an oil layer from the refrigerator, it is necessary to fold it again - but not 2 times, but 3 times. Then roll it out again - again to a thickness of 8 mm. Then - repeat this procedure 3 more times. As a result, several tens of layers impregnated with oil are formed in the structure of the product.

It turns out, thus, yeast-free puff pastry. It can immediately be used for cooking various dishes. Yeast-free dough is most often used as the basis for baking cakes, cottage cheese pies, strudel.

Due to the absence of yeast in the composition of the dough in question, it is not necessary to wait for it to rise. This process, accompanied by a slight increase in the volume of the product, is carried out during baking, due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures, fats and water vapor expand the layers in the dough.

It should be noted that depending on the culinary tradition adopted in a particular state or in the cook's methodology, the method of placing oil on the test mass may differ. Moreover, for example, in France, butter and dough are actually interchanged when preparing the product in question. That is, first oil is placed on the board, after which the dough is wrapped in it.

What is yeast puff pastry?

This type of product is prepared using ingredients such as:

  1. flour;
  2. butter;
  3. milk;
  4. sugar;
  5. pressed yeast;
  6. salt.

These ingredients are kneaded, as in the case of the preparation of a yeast-free product, into a dough mass. But the further scenario for preparing the test of the type in question has its own characteristics.

As soon as the yeast dough mass is ready, it must be left on the table for a while in the same container in which it is mixed, and wait until it rises. It is desirable - at least 2 times.

After that, the dough mass should be rolled out to a thickness of about 8 mm. Next, you need to place oil on one of the halves of the resulting piece of dough (approximately according to the same scheme that we described above and characterizes the preparation of a yeast-free product) and cover it with its second half. Then roll out again to a thickness of about 8 mm, and then place in the refrigerator.

After about 30 minutes, you need to remove the product from the refrigerator and fold the resulting test sheet 3 times. Then you need to repeat the above procedure again - rolling to a thickness of about 8 mm. After - once again fold the test sheet 3 times and roll it out, and then repeat this operation 2 more times. After that, on the basis of the product, it will be possible to prepare various dishes - pies, cookies, puffs.

Sometimes eggs are added to the ingredients noted above for making yeast puff pastry. But this, again, largely depends on the culinary tradition that the baking lover adheres to.


The main difference between yeast-free puff pastry and yeast dough is obvious - there is yeast in the first product, and they are not used in the second. This is due to the fact that the yeast-free test mass does not require a product rise waiting test during preparation, which is carried out during the baking of a culinary product in the oven. In addition, vinegar is usually not included in the list of yeast dough ingredients.

Dishes that are prepared using the products in question also differ. This is largely due to the dissimilarity of some properties of the corresponding types of puff pastry. So, its yeast-free modification is stored much longer than the yeast one. The main thing is to put it in the refrigerator and wrap it in a film so that the dough does not dry out.

Having determined what is the difference between yeast-free and yeast puff pastry, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Yeast-free puff pastry Yeast puff pastry
What do they have in common?
In general, the ingredients of both products are the same - except for vinegar (not used in yeast dough), yeast
What is the difference between them?
Does not contain yeastContains yeast
Contains vinegarDoes not contain vinegar
Rising during the baking processRises at the stage of preparation from the dough mass
Lasts longerHas a shorter shelf life

Yeast-free dough- a product consisting mainly of wheat flour of the highest grade and chicken eggs (see photo). Also, other food components (milk, butter, kefir, cottage cheese and other products) can be used to knead the dough.

The following types of yeast-free dough are produced at the factory:

  • biscuit;
  • custard;
  • sand;
  • fresh;
  • rich;
  • puff.

For the manufacture of a biscuit product, chicken eggs, flour and granulated sugar are taken. A short, yeast-free semi-finished product is prepared in the same way as a biscuit, but only margarine or butter should be added (you need to use butter). To make puff pastry, proteins are put in raw materials instead of eggs. Choux pastry is prepared according to a special recipe: a large amount of flour, eggs and butter is used to knead the dough (preferably butter). To obtain custard yeast-free dough, all food components are brewed in bubbling water.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of yeast-free dough are mainly due to the fact that the composition of the semi-finished product includes special dietary fibers that have a beneficial effect on bowel function. The product is quickly absorbed and digested by the body.

It is also useful to eat dough without yeast for patients who have pancreatitis or gastritis to improve overall well-being.

Pediatricians are allowed to eat yeast-free dough for a nursing mother. The only thing is that it is best to use unbleached flour, a small amount of eggs and granulated sugar for kneading the semi-finished product.

The calorie content of the yeast-free dough is quite high, so it is not recommended to use pastries too often so as not to gain a couple of extra pounds.

Dough without yeast, in principle, cannot cause much harm to health, but only if the semi-finished product was made independently.

Which dough is better: yeast or yeast-free?

Which is better: yeast or yeast-free puff pastry? Judging which dough is better is not entirely appropriate in this matter. Because everyone chooses the product that he likes best.

The difference between the two types of semi-finished products is mainly the rise of the dough. For example, a yeast-free puff product rises solely with steam. And yeast dough becomes lush not only because of water vapor, but also thanks to yeast.

Yeast dough, unlike a yeast-free semi-finished product, is less caloric, because it contains a small amount of oil. Therefore, yeast puff pastry is recommended for those who adhere to a diet.

The difference between yeast and yeast-free puff pastry lies in the expiration date of the product. A semi-finished product without yeast is stored much longer, and it can be kept in the freezer of the refrigerator.

If you are just trying to cook puff pastry, then it is best to start by rolling out yeast-free. Such a product is much easier to roll out, forming layers.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question: “Which dough is better: yeast or yeast-free?” It all depends on your own preferences and ability to work with the test.

How to do?

How to make yeast-free dough at home? There are a lot of recipes for preparing the product. We will consider a more classic recipe for making various types of dough without yeast.

Yeast-free dough

How to cook?


Cooking biscuit yeast-free dough will not take you much time. It will be enough to first beat with a whisk approximately 180 grams of granulated sugar and 6 eggs. After that, about 130 grams of flour should be added to the egg-sugar composition and mixed thoroughly.


The classic yeast-free dough is prepared in the following way. In a small saucepan, melt about 100 grams of margarine, then pour exactly 160 milliliters of cool water into it and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, pour in about 10 grams of table salt and about 220 grams of flour, mixing thoroughly. The resulting mass should be cooled, and then drive in 4 eggs in turn (each subsequent egg should be driven in only when the previous one is mixed in). Next, knead the dough with a spoon. If necessary, you can beat the composition with a blender. Choux yeast-free homemade dough is ready.


Making shortbread yeast-free homemade dough is very simple and fast. It is enough to mix first exactly 200 grams of warm butter with 5 grams of salt and 100 grams of sugar. Then beat in the egg and mix again. Next, about 260 grams of flour and about 6 grams of soda are required to be poured into the egg-butter mass. Knead the semi-finished product well, then cover with a towel and do not touch for about a quarter of an hour. After that, the finished yeast-free dough can be divided into a couple of parts and put into the freezer compartment or continue cooking.

To prepare lean dough without yeast, you will need to pour about 100 milliliters of almost boiling water into 95 milliliters of sunflower oil and stir. Next, add a pinch of salt to the liquid and stir again. After that, exactly 325 grams of flour and about 5 grams of baking powder should be added to the liquid oil composition. Knead the dough, and then cover with a film and do not touch for half an hour. Then you can proceed to the further preparation of the dish.

To make yeast-free pastry at home, you will need to pour approximately 260 grams of flour into a bowl, then pour in the cooled melted butter (about 50 milliliters will be needed) and beat in an egg. The mass should be gradually mixed by adding about 200 grams of fat sour cream. In the process of kneading, about 25 grams of sugar and about 10 grams of table salt are required to be poured into the semi-finished product. When the mass becomes more homogeneous, the dough should be laid out on a cutting board and kneading continues. Cover the finished dough without yeast with a film and leave for thirty minutes.

To prepare puff yeast-free dough, you will need to mix about 320 grams of flour, about 6 grams of salt, 170 milliliters of water and 7 milliliters of lemon juice in a blender, thereby kneading the dough. Then you need to sprinkle a cutting board with flour and put the dough on it. The mass must be wrapped with food film and put in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. After that, the dough must be removed from the refrigerator compartment, put on a board and rolled out. In the center of the dough put 250 grams of butter, cut in half. Now you should wrap the dough so that the edges of the raw materials fit on top of each other. Next, you need to roll out the dough with a rolling pin (movements should be only forward and backward). After rolling out, you should have a rectangular dough. Then the product must be wrapped in three layers and wrapped with a film, put in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. There should be six such manipulations with rolling and folding the dough with an interval of half an hour. At the end of the last procedure, the finished yeast-free dough can be put in the freezer or you can continue to cook pastries.


To make a dietary yeast-free dough, you will need to add a pinch of salt, about 12 grams of sugar and a chicken testicle to 250 milliliters of kefir. Whisk together the ingredients well with a whisk, and then add about 390 grams of flour and a pinch of soda to them (previously extinguish with vinegar). Mix the semi-finished product thoroughly and immediately use it for its intended purpose.

As you can see, preparing yeast-free dough is not difficult at all, and most importantly, quickly.

In addition to the classic recipe, dough without yeast can be made on an alcoholic drink (vodka) or dairy products (sourdough, kefir, sour and regular milk, mayonnaise, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream). Also, the composition of the test may include mineral water, lard, brine and even onions. Instead of regular wheat flour, whole grain flour is sometimes used to make yeast-free dough.

Yeast-free dough products can be cooked in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, bread machine and fried in a pan.

Below is a video that describes in more detail how to make yeast-free pastry dough.

Storage conditions

How to store yeast-free dough? For each type of test, certain storage conditions are set. For example, shortbread dough without yeast can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer compartment. The product should be wrapped in a cellophane bag. How long can yeast-free dough be stored in the refrigerator? Shortbread dough can lie in the refrigerator compartment for about seven days. Raw materials are stored in the freezer for about three months.

The shelf life of yeast-free unleavened dough in the refrigerator is four days, and in the freezer - several weeks. This type of test must be wrapped in a plastic bag.

Biscuit dough without yeast requires more careful storage. The product should first be wrapped in a plastic bag, and then placed in an airtight container. In the refrigerator, the dough remains usable for about a week, and in the freezer - no more than six months.

Yeast-free puff pastry must be wrapped in cling film before being put in the refrigerator. Shelf life - three days. The product is stored in the freezer compartment for six months. In this case, puff pastry must be put in a bag.

How to defrost yeast-free dough? The semi-finished product should be put on a shelf in the refrigerator and wait until the dough melts. A puff yeast-free product can also be thawed over a water bath or in warm water. Shortbread dough after defrosting should be kneaded a little to prevent lumps.

What can be prepared from yeast-free dough?

What can be prepared from yeast-free dough? From this product, they mainly prepare sweet (rolls, pies, pies, bagels, puffs, pancakes, buns, donuts, pancakes, baklava, gubadia, strudel) and unsweetened (pizza, pita bread, pasties, kulebyaka, belyashi, pie, samsa, bread , fyjin) pastries.

In addition to baking, yeast-free dough is used to make dumplings, dumplings and manti.

What filling can be put inside the dough without yeast? Experienced chefs put a variety of ingredients into a yeast-free product. It can be both sweet products (jam, jam, poppy seeds, apples, raisins) or dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese), and vegetable products (cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin).

Also, rice, sausage and minced meat can serve as a filling for yeast-free dough.

Yeast-free dough, as you can see, is a versatile product that makes very tasty and mouth-watering dishes suitable for both regular consumption and serving on a festive table.

The well-known and such a popular word is dough. But rarely anyone can give him an understandable description with accuracy. Basically, these are answers for what, what it happens. And let's take a closer look at what is actually called a test.

The dough is a mixture, in a certain ratio of mass. Used to make various dishes. Most often these are baked dishes. But the initial composition of any dough is, first of all, liquid and flour. And only the recipe determines the further composition of everyone's favorite dough. And if in the composition of the dumplings it will be salt, a few eggs and water. Then for the manufacture of dough for cookies, in addition to the listed elements, other components (seasonings, dairy products) will already be needed.

What is the dough

Since the dough is undoubtedly the most versatile product, its diversity simply knows no bounds.
This is shortbread dough for making cookies and various pies. Puff, to create buns, bagels, croissants, pizza, pie, meat delicacies baked in this type of dough. There are also types of pastry, unleavened, custard, sourdough and unsweetened. There are so many that the list is endless. But all these types can be safely divided into just two groups:

  1. Yeast.
  2. Yeast-free.

What is yeast dough

Yeast dough is named so for one simple reason. This dough always contains yeast in its composition. It can be either fresh yeast (pressed) or bagged yeast (dry). But the content of this component in the composition is a prerequisite. Depending on what this yeast dough is prepared for, it has a different ratio of the yeast part. And the more rich ingredients the dough contains (these are sugar, dairy products and other sweeteners), then it is customary to use more yeast in this test. But this is just the cost of any kind of test. In a word, if the dough contains yeast, it is definitely yeast.

According to the methods of preparation, it can also be of several types:

  1. Oparnoe.
  2. Safe.

The main essence of yeast dough is that it changes in volume not only during cooking. When baking, a product made from yeast dough must rise. And thus the structure of the airiness of the dough is obtained.

A little about yeast-free dough

If the yeast dough in its composition must contain yeast and has only two varieties, then yeast-free, on the contrary, does not have yeast in recipes. But, unlike yeast, it also has a lot of varieties. This is puff and custard and sand and many other types. There are a lot of them. And they all have a different composition. All the variety and luxury of bread baking from dough should pay tribute to this particular type of dough. And any dough that does not have a yeast component has a name, the common name of a yeast-free dough.

The main difference between yeast dough and yeast-free dough

More specifically, we will analyze all the main differences between yeast dough and yeast-free dough:

  1. Yeast dough contains yeast in its composition, and yeast-free dough does not have a yeast component.
  2. Yeast dough has only a few types, and yeast-free dough has numerous varieties.
  3. During cooking, the yeast dough increases in volume during cooking.
  4. Yeast dough increases in volume and at the time of its baking.
  5. It always takes more time to prepare a yeast dough than to prepare a yeast-free dough. This happens as a result of one main rule of yeast dough. It is the yeast dough that should rise and double in volume and it needs to rise twice.

Are there any similarities between yeast and yeast-free dough?

In fact, there are. And it can be dishes that can be prepared using both types of dough and another. You can bake pies from both unleavened dough and yeast. You can also bake meat dishes using both yeast dough and yeast-free dough.
