
Oriental flavors in your kitchen: zira is the spice of kings. Zira (cumin): useful properties and contraindications

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the plant zira. According to the most common version, it came from the Arabic language and is translated as "seed". According to other sources, the name of the spice may have Persian or Jewish roots.

Zira is the best-known name for the spice, which is also called cumin, zera, Roman cumin, kneem, and cammun.

Names in other languages: German. Ägyptische Kümmel white cumin, fr. cumin du maroc.

Belongs to the umbrella family.

Zira - queen of oriental spices


The zira plant is a bush of low grass, which belongs to the umbrella family. In appearance, it resembles dill, but has a slightly different leaf structure: it consists of two thin long shoots. When the zira blooms, the flowers gather in umbrellas. Umbrellas can be yellow, white or red.

Zira seeds are oval, oblong, about 0.6 cm long and 0.1 cm wide.

Character traits:

  • The shade of the seeds is greenish, grayish or brownish;
  • Length - about 5 mm.
  • Grain with longitudinal ribs, its shape is straight or slightly curved.

Zira seeds are approximately 0.6 cm long and 0.1 cm wide. Have a brownish, greenish or grayish color


According to the place of growth, several varieties of zira are distinguished: Persian, Kirman, Syrian and Nabataean. In cooking, black kirman (cumin) and yellow Persian zira are commonly used. The main type of zira: Cuminum cyminum- This is the most common type.

Where does it grow?

The Eastern Mediterranean (presumably Egypt) is the birthplace of zira. Once in India, along with other spices, she became a real queen of spices in this country.

Today, the cuisines of exotic countries, including oriental ones, are becoming very popular, so we can talk about the revival of the interest in zira and other spices that the European consumer has long lost.

Now zira is practically not found in the wild, as it is completely cultivated. It is grown in large quantities in African, Asian and Latin American countries. The annual harvest of zira around the world is several tens of tons.

spice making method

Zira umbrellas are harvested without waiting for the seeds to ripen, and then dried. The highest quality spices are sold not in the bazaar, but in specialized stores. If you still decide to buy cumin from a market vendor, rub a pinch of seeds and smell: properly grown and dried cumin should smell very nice.

How to choose?

  • If the seasoning is sold in packaged form, check the integrity of the packaging before buying;
  • Seeds must be whole - not crumbled and not crumpled;
  • There must be no debris in the package;
  • High quality zira smells pleasant, but not harsh;
  • If you rub the grains between your fingers, the smell should intensify.


Nutritional value and calories

Seeds of cumin or zira are rich in fatty and essential oils, which contain a large number of biologically active substances: cumic algedride, carvone, kymin, paracytamol, gum, alpha and beta pectins, beta-carotenes and other active substances, vitamins and minerals. A more detailed chemical composition of zira, as well as the calorie content of spices, can be found in the tables.

Calories per 100 gr. - 375 kcal

Vitamins and minerals

vitamins Minerals
Vitamin A (A) Zinc (Zn) 4.8 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (K) 5.4 mcg Selenium (Se)
Vitamin E (E) 3.33 mg Copper (Cu) 0.867 mcg
Vitamin C (C) 7.7 mg Manganese (Mn) 3.333 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (B6) 0.435 mg Iron (Fe) 66.36 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (B2) 0.327 mg Phosphorus (P) 499 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (B1) 0.628 mg Sodium (Na) 168 mg
beta carotene 762 mg Magnesium (Mg) 366 mg
Calcium (Ca) 931 mg
Potassium (K) 1788 mg

How many grams are in one spoon?

  • In 1 teaspoon - 6 grams;
  • In 1 tablespoon - 15 grams.

In one teaspoon without a slide there are 6 grams of zira, and in a tablespoon - 15 grams

Beneficial features

  • Due to its bright taste, it helps to get enough food faster;
  • Is the strongest aphrodisiac;
  • Invigorates and tones;
  • Has an antiseptic and cosmetic effect;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • Improves metabolism.

Whole and ground cumin seeds are equally useful


  • Seasoning zira is contraindicated in people with severe diseases of the stomach or intestines;
  • May cause a severe allergic reaction and, as a result, anaphylactic shock;
  • In people who do not tolerate spicy food, it can cause heartburn;
  • Excessive consumption of zira can adversely affect the condition of the liver and lungs.


Essential oil is produced from zira grains, which is widely used in aromatherapy and cosmetology. Undiluted, it smells quite strong. In order for the fragrance to become softer and more subtle, it is recommended to mix the oil with water. The smell of the oil depends on the variety of zira and on the conditions in which the plant was grown. Along with the aroma, the properties of the essential oil can also change.

Zira oil can be used as an aphrodisiac - just apply a couple of drops to your wrists and neck. The warming properties of the oil make it possible to use it for massage - as part of special mixtures. Inhalation of oil vapors helps relieve some types of pain.

A drop of zira essential oil on the wrist is a powerful aphrodisiac

Scientific studies have proven that cumin essential oil contains substances that help fight fungus and microbes. If you follow the dosage correctly, then with the help of this oil you can get rid of problems with digestion.

Aromatherapy sessions using oil can help you fight depression and anxiety. Zira is useful for people suffering from insomnia, as it has a good calming effect.

Pour some water, drip a few drops of cumin oil, light a candle and enjoy!


Zira has found wide application in cooking, many dishes cannot be imagined without the addition of this seasoning. It is no less popular in folk medicine. Many recipes have existed for centuries and help people get rid of ailments. Zira essential oil is widely used. Experienced aromatherapists include it in various mixtures: for relaxation, massage, inhalation and other procedures.

In cooking

  • Whole grains are added to dishes from cereals and legumes;
  • The most popular dish that cannot do without zira is pilaf;
  • Seeds are added to jars with pickles and marinades;
  • Ground grains are used in baking and in the manufacture of confectionery;
  • With the addition of cumin, sauces and spice mixtures are produced;
  • Zira is added to various meat dishes, including sausages;
  • Gives a special taste to soups and salads;
  • Used to make warm drinks.

The secret of the unique taste of Uzbek pilaf is zira!

Lagman - thick Uzbek soup flavored with zira

Sauerkraut with zira - a new look at a familiar dish

Dishes with the addition of zira are especially popular in Central Asia and the Middle East. This spice can be found in the recipes of many national dishes of European cuisine, for example, in Greek hummus or in Bulgarian sausage - sujuk.

Zira is usually used not by itself, but in combination with other spices and seasonings. It harmonizes well with red and black pepper, turmeric, dried barberry, ground ginger, cloves and cinnamon.

Zira is often added to heavy meals, as this seasoning helps digestion and relieves the unpleasant effects of overeating. So that the aroma of the spice has time to open up, it is poured into a bowl with heated oil first, before all the other ingredients.

In medicine

The healing properties of zira help fight the following problems and diseases:

  • sleep disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • nervous tension;
  • headache;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • anemia and malnutrition;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • vision problems;
  • violation of brain activity;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system in men.

Due to the unusual smell, dishes with zira have taken a strong place in cooking. In order for the wonderful seasoning zira to reveal the aroma, it is fried in a dry frying pan or in oil along with vegetables. Then the smell will be more spicy with nutty notes. An excellent drink is obtained if you add zira, sour cream to tomato juice. Vegetables, legumes and potatoes are well digested if you add the spice zira. In addition, meat sprinkled with seeds is well preserved for several days. In hot dishes, put at the beginning of cooking, preferably in hot oil before the main products, to enhance the flavor. Zeera has many other useful properties about them.

Meat in pita bread with cumin

Fry 200 g of ground beef in a pan with cumin seeds, one finely chopped onion, ground pepper. Then add diced 200g potatoes, 100g eggplant. Simmer the mixture over low heat, 5 minutes before being ready, sprinkle with chopped herbs, green onion leaves.

Cut two thin pita bread into squares, place the meat filling in each and make an envelope, corners up. Cut strips from the remnants of pita bread, tie envelopes. Bake until golden brown. You can serve with sour cream or mayonnaise and of course with any greens you like.

Soup with zira

Boil ready-made chicken broth, add crushed cumin seeds - 10g,- 5g and ground pepper. Warm up on low heat for 5 minutes.

Make dumplings from a small amount of broth, eggs and flour. Throw the formed dumplings into the boiling broth. Add fried onions, carrots, taken 50g each, to the soup. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat. Serve with mayonnaise, sour cream, your favorite spices.

Cabbage with cumin

A head of cabbage, which weighs about one and a half kilograms, is disassembled into inflorescences, boil for 7 minutes. Now put the non-stick container on moderate heat, throw in half a tablespoon of mustard seeds and fry until they begin to bounce.

Next, add a little vegetable oil and a mixture of cumin and coriander, taken in half a tablespoon of each. After 3 minutes, add about three tablespoons of water, 1.5 cups finely and simmer until the mixture thickens. Next, add the cooked cabbage, salt, sprinkle with pepper. Simmer covered until cabbage is soft. Stir at least twice during cooking.

Zira first appeared in India. It is also called cumin or Roman cumin. Zira belongs to umbrella plants, its seeds are collected in umbrellas, like dill. Since the dried cumin quickly falls to the ground, it is harvested in an unripe state. The plant is grown in Iran, Latin America, Syria, etc.

There are several types of cumin that differ in taste and aroma characteristics. The most popular and best are: Persian and Kirman zira. The seasoning has a sweet-spicy taste and a bright aroma with noticeable nutty notes. By the way, the smell increases if the grains are crushed or fried.

In general, there are 2 main types of zira: white and black. The first option is widespread in our country, as it has a more delicate taste and aroma.

How to choose and store?

When buying zira in a package, be sure to pay attention to its tightness. If you choose spices by weight, pay attention to the integrity of the seeds. The grains should be round, without halves and any damage and debris (see photo). The aroma of cumin should be pleasant and not too harsh. Keep in mind that during long-term storage, zira grains become bitter.

Beneficial features

The benefits of zira have been known for quite a long time. With regular use of spices, the digestive system improves, the process of cleaning the body of toxins and toxins is activated. The spice also has a positive effect on the state of the blood, which is important for people with anemia. Zira is an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it resists the formation of blood clots, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks. It helps to cope with respiratory problems, for example, with bronchitis, severe cough, etc. Zira has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, which helps to cope with insomnia, stress and fatigue.

Cumin has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and improves brain activity. The spice helps in the treatment and is an excellent prevention of eye diseases. Zira is an excellent tonic, which is also a good aphrodisiac. The composition of the spice includes a large number of micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins, which favorably affect the activity of the whole organism.

Use in cosmetology

Essential oil is extracted from zira, which is used for cosmetic purposes. It has antioxidant properties. That helps to cope with various kinds of rashes. The oil perfectly cleanses the skin and removes congestion. Cumin essential oil is an excellent tonic. It has a whitening effect, so it helps to remove freckles and age spots. Zira can also be used as a deodorant.

In addition, the essential oil has an excellent anti-cellulite effect. You can also use it for hair care, as it fights dandruff and improves hair growth. Another useful property - the oil improves the elasticity of the bust.

The benefits of zira and treatment

Zira is a popular spice in folk medicine. Due to the presence of a laxative and diuretic effect, it helps to cope with various diseases. Weak decoctions of zira are allowed to be given to children with colic, and they will also be useful for breastfeeding women to improve lactation. In addition, cumin is an excellent antiseptic that is applied externally. With it, you can get rid of small tumors, rashes, acne, etc. Zira also has a healing effect and helps heal wounds and cuts faster. The spice also helps to improve breathing, for this you need to rinse your mouth with decoction daily.

A drink made from zira improves kidney function. If the spice is made into a tea, it will help to cope with nausea and vomiting, as well as reduce bloating. When combined with honey, zira can improve memory.

Use in cooking

Zira is especially popular in Oriental and Asian cuisine. For cooking, both grains and chopped spices are used. Put zira in dishes of rice, beans, vegetables and meat. The spice helps to improve and diversify the taste of marinades and sauces. Ground zira is used during the preparation of confectionery, baking, and it is also part of spicy mixtures.

Many people like to add spice when making homemade sausages, minced meat, boiled pork, etc. Zira can also be put in salads, meat and fish dishes.

Harm of zira and contraindications

Zira can harm people with an ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. Given the high calorie content, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities for obesity. There are people who have an individual intolerance to the product.

Today, zira is one of the most sought after spices in the Middle East. Unfortunately, in our country it is not known to everyone. This spice is very popular in its homeland and is used in the preparation of dishes from and, cereals and poultry. It goes well with tomatoes, peppers and, perfectly reveals itself in addition to and. Zira is one of the umbrella crops and looks a bit like dill. The seasoning has a characteristic rich aroma and a pronounced sweetish-spicy taste with a hint of nutty notes.

Other names for the spice include black cumin and Roman cumin. This plant grows in eastern countries, on the Asian continent, in Latin America.

It is the aroma of zira that exudes street food in the Middle East, thanks to this smell connoisseurs recognize Uzbek plov. On the American continent, this spice has long been used in their national cuisine by the Chileans, and in Europe, representatives of nationalities living in the Pyrenees love to add it to food. Several types of this spice are known, the most valuable of which are white and black varieties. Cooks prefer the white version of the oriental spice, which has a delicate aroma and a delicate, refined taste. What are the useful properties and contraindications of zira spice? How to use zira seasoning so as not to harm your health?

Composition features

Persian cumin seeds

All the beneficial and harmful properties of zira seasoning are due to its composition. The spice contains a huge amount of thymol, esters, cumic aldehyde and dipentene. The composition of zira is characterized by valuable biologically active compounds and chemical elements, in particular, it contains:

  • vitamins (from group B, ascorbic acid, E, PP);
  • macro- and microelements (calcium, iron, zinc, as well as magnesium and potassium, sodium and copper).

These seeds are a fairly high-calorie product, since there are almost 370-390 kcal per 100 g.

What is useful zira

The benefits of zira for the body are expressed in the following effects:

  • spice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulates the production of sufficient amounts of enzymes, eliminates the symptoms of intestinal upset, normalizes absorption processes, and the like;
  • spice has a pronounced diuretic effect, which helps to remove toxins from the kidneys;
  • cumin well cleanses the respiratory tract and prevents the development of congestive bronchitis;
  • the beneficial properties of the zira spice make it possible to treat many diseases of internal organs with its help, eliminate the symptoms of intoxication and cleanse the body of harmful compounds;
  • seasoning is endowed with antiseptic properties, therefore it promotes wound healing;
  • it relieves human skin of acne, gives it elasticity and prevents premature aging;
  • zira is an aphrodisiac with a powerful tonic effect;
  • the plant contains substances that can influence the slowing down of tumor growth and eliminate pain.

How to restore male power with the help of the whitehead? right now!

In addition, zira during pregnancy can alleviate the symptoms of early toxicosis, get rid of morning sickness and improve the overall well-being of a woman. Is it possible to use zira for a nursing mother? Of course, most seasonings and spices are not recommended or restricted during pregnancy and lactation, but zira is an absolute exception to this rule. When breastfeeding, it helps to enhance the formation of milk and improve its quality characteristics, which is very important for infants.

The healing properties of zira seasoning make it possible to use it in the fight against extra pounds. Zira normalizes metabolic processes in the body during weight loss, stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, actively removes toxins and water, and strengthens the immune system. The only caveat: the spice has a high calorie content, so obese people should not abuse it. Of course, usually the amount of seeds added to food is calculated in a few grams and does not lead to weight gain.

On the beneficial properties of cumin or zira, see the following video:

Harm and contraindications

Science knows not only the medicinal properties, but also the contraindications of zira. The use of zira spice can exacerbate the course of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, as well as worsen the condition of patients with high acidity of the stomach, causing severe heartburn.

You may be interested to know that sea buckthorn oil helps to cope with gastritis

The spice should not be introduced into the diet of people with individual intolerance to plant components, as well as those prone to allergies.

Where is spice used?

The benefits and harms of zira spice for health, its rich composition determine the use of spices not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and traditional medicine. The spice is especially popular among oriental cooks. Oriental dishes use both whole seeds and ground zira seasoning. It is added to dishes from leguminous plants; on the basis of spices, pickles and sauces are prepared for meat, fish delicacies, poultry meat dishes. It is often included as a component in popular spice blends and has even found use in confectionery as a topping for buns, cookies, and other baked goods. The use of zira in cooking today refers to typical phenomena. Seasoning is found in many sausages, prepared minced meat, canned fish and the like.

Knowing about the benefits and harms of zira seeds, do not forget how to take them correctly so as not to harm your health. Before using zira in alternative treatment, it is better to consult a specialist and exclude the presence of contraindications to the use of spices.

Among folk recipes based on zira, one of the most famous is the famous tea for the stomach. It is prepared by pouring a small amount of seeds with hot water, followed by keeping the composition for 5-10 minutes over low heat. This drug helps to cope with nausea and flatulence. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to use half a glass of decoction twice a day.

From the seeds of zira, an essential oil is extracted, which has found its wide application in cosmetology. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, softens its structure, and prevents wilting. Its healing properties allow you to remove age spots, age-related skin defects, freckles. It can also be a great alternative to synthetic deodorant hygiene products. The oil has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, is used to strengthen hair and nails, improves their growth and actively fights dandruff.

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Storage and rules for the use of spices

The medicinal properties of the spice zira, its benefits and harms depend largely on the storage conditions of the spice and the way it is used. Whenever possible, it is better to buy whole seasoning seeds, rather than powder, because the crushed product loses its aroma very quickly, and with it its healing qualities. It is better to store the spice in closed glass containers for no more than a year.

Watch the video about the healing properties of zira:

It is not recommended to consume a large amount of zira, as its high calorie content can harm the figure. Replacing the spice with other spices is difficult, that is, almost impossible. But you can always enhance its flavor by adding turmeric, dried apricots.

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Since ancient times, spices have been used not only to give dishes brighter and richer taste characteristics, but also to treat various ailments. One of these spices is zira, or cumin, which has a sweet-spicy taste and pleasant aroma. Why use cumin and how it is useful, let's look at it.

Botanical description

Zira is a one-, two-year-old herbaceous culture from the Umbelliferae family. The homeland of the plant is considered to be Central Asia, in whose countries the seasoning was called Indian cumin. Zira grows one to two years. The first crop is harvested three months after planting.

The culture has a grayish-green stem with thinly dissected leaves. The seeds have an oblong, spindle-shaped shape up to 6-7 mm long, they are distinguished by a fresh aroma and a slightly bitter, burning taste with perceptible nutty notes. Seed color can vary from mustard to dark brown.

Did you know? Cumin is often confused with cumin. Indeed, outwardly the spices are similar, however, cumin has a more delicate aroma, it is distinguished by larger and wider seeds. Having compared two spices with your own eyes, you will never confuse them.

Spice in her homeland is almost never used on its own. It works great paired with other spices like pepper, turmeric, etc.

The nutritional value

Cumin contains a large number of active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Its nutritional value per 100 g is represented by:

  • proteins - 17.81 g;
  • fats - 22.27 g;
  • carbohydrates - 44.24 g.

The spice is considered an independent vitamin and mineral complex, which includes:

In addition, the fruits of zira contain essential oils, resins and gums, which give it spicy shades and a delicate taste. The plant is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, palm, stearic, lauric saturated acids and monounsaturated acids such as oleic, palmitoleic, gadoleic.


The spice is quite high-calorie, 375 kcal per 100 g of seeds. But since they don’t use it with “spoons”, it is hardly possible to gain extra pounds from just one spice.

Collection and storage

The collection of zira seeds begins after they are fully ripe, when they turn brown.
Cut inflorescences are folded into bunches, dried well by the traditional method, then crushed. Raw materials are stored in a dark, dry place using cloth bags, paper bags or airtight containers.

Plant greens are harvested before flowering in the first year of vegetation. Dry the greens in the usual way and store in an airtight container.

Useful properties of cumin

The high medicinal properties of cumin are due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolic processes, improves brain activity, and helps cleanse the body.

In folk medicine, cumin seeds are used for:

Also, cumin is widely known as an aphrodisiac that can normalize the reproductive function of the genital organs, increase potency and libido.

Video: useful properties of cumin

In addition, the use of seasoning can reduce pain during menstruation, prevent bleeding, and stimulate milk production during lactation.


In some cases, Indian spice can be harmful. It can not be used for individual intolerance, a tendency to allergies.

Cumin abuse can cause:

  • jumps in blood pressure - there are headaches, dizziness, nausea;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet, which manifests itself due to the diuretic action of the spice;
  • deterioration of the brain - the supply of oxygen to the brain cells decreases, the work of the nervous system is disrupted.
Also, with uncontrolled consumption of spices, apathy, depression, redness of the eyes, fainting, depletion of the immune system up to the onset of toxic shock can be observed.

Important! It is forbidden to consume soggy cumin seeds, as they can cause severe poisoning. Before including seasoning in the diet, you should consult your doctor.

It is better to refrain from using spices for small children under three years old.


Not without zira and contraindications. Like other foods, it can cause allergic reactions and digestive problems when consumed in excess.

  • increased acidity of the stomach, as it can provoke heartburn, pain in the intestines, cause constipation or diarrhea;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, exacerbation of gastritis. Cumin can cause bloating, weight loss, intoxication of the body, lead to bleeding, vomiting, depression;
  • diabetes mellitus, because it contains components that increase blood sugar levels.

Uses of cumin

The rich aroma, unusual spicy taste and beneficial properties made it possible to use cumin in various fields: cosmetology, cooking, traditional medicine, etc.

In cooking

In cooking, zira is used as a seasoning for various dishes. It is impossible to imagine oriental cuisine without this spice. Its bitter-burning taste harmonizes especially well with meat, fish, vegetable side dishes, and first courses.

Indian cumin is often added to pastries, sausages, European cheeses. Cumin seeds help to facilitate digestion, so it is paired with hard-to-digest foods, such as legumes.

Important! In order for zira to reveal all its aromatic and taste qualities, it is fried a little before adding.

One of the best dishes that reveals the properties of cumin is a refreshing Egyptian salad, which is in perfect harmony with meat or fish.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • feta cheese - 300 g;
  • medium-sized fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • greens: parsley, dill - in a small bunch;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • mint - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • zira - ½ tsp

Salad preparation technique:

  1. Soften the cheese with a fork, add ½ lemon juice obtained from one lemon, oil, pepper.
  2. Onion and cucumber are cut into small cubes, mint and herbs are chopped.
  3. All ingredients are mixed, spices are added. Zira is rubbed with hands before use.

One of the best combinations is rice with cumin. Magic seasoning makes the grits unusual, enriches its taste.

To prepare spicy rice take:

  • rice (steamed or basmati) - 300 g;
  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • water or broth - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • zira - 1 tsp;
  • spices: salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, fry the diced onion in oil.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, spices are added to the onion: pepper, salt and cumin.
  3. After one minute, pour in well-washed rice, mix thoroughly so that each grain of rice is in oil.
  4. Pour water or broth, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover the container with a lid and simmer the rice until it is ready.

This dish is served with meat or chicken.

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In medicine

The healing properties of zira were familiar to healers in ancient times. Today, seasoning treatment is no less relevant, because it helps to improve brain activity, normalize digestion, improve memory, maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, prevent the formation of blood clots, etc.

  • To normalize digestion and from bloating, use the following recipe: 1 tsp. zira pour 200 ml of hot water, insist 30 minutes, filter. Take an infusion before meals, 150 ml 3 times a day.
  • The following recipe will help improve memory, stimulate brain function, and relieve insomnia: 0.5 tsp. spices are mixed with 250 ml of warm milk. Take a drink daily before bed.

  • To enhance lactation in nursing mothers, it is recommended to use the following drink: 1 tsp. zira is mixed with 2 tsp. sugar, pour 2 cups of hot milk and boil for 5 minutes. Drink a decoction 3 times a day, dividing the dosage into three doses.
  • A mixture of roasted seasoning seeds and salt is used to lightly massage the gums. This allows you to strengthen your teeth and reduce their bleeding.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, seasoning is used to treat rashes, acne, wounds, eczema, boils, etc. Cumin oil has an antiseptic, antifungal, rejuvenating effect, fights against premature skin aging. It has an amazing effect on hair loss and brittleness.

  • To strengthen and shine the hair, prepare a mask: cumin oil 1 tsp. mixed with castor and burdock oil in a ratio of 1:1:1. Two raw yolks and 2 drops of lemon essential oil are added to the mixture of oils. The product is rubbed into the roots, and then distributed along the entire length of the hair. Withstand 30-40 minutes, wash your hair in the traditional way.

A mask will help heal wounds, cure acne and inflammation: 2 drops of zira oil are mixed with any base oil (almond, olive), add a pinch of ginger and 2 drops of ginger oil. The mixture is well mixed, applied to problem areas, gently rubbed.
