
Light vegetable salad of Beijing cabbage. Beijing cabbage salads

Unbeknownst to many, Chinese cabbage is actually a type of turnip, although it belongs to the cabbage family as a whole. The plant includes many subspecies, but this fact is not so significant when you want to make a delicious Chinese cabbage salad, it is more important to understand the recipes. They are diverse due to the almost neutral taste of this product.

Most popular options

Each kitchen offers its own variations of common food combinations. For example, almost every housewife in Russia knows the recipe for crab salad with Chinese cabbage. At the same time, in other countries, crab sticks are quite calmly combined with boiled beets.

You should start with crab salad, which will require the following products for one serving:

Cabbage is cut coarsely, crab sticks are cut into cubes and cucumbers - into half rings and the seeds are previously removed. Oil, lemon juice and salt are mixed. The resulting mixture is seasoned with mixed ingredients and decorated with seeds.

The most basic salad of chicken and Chinese cabbage is Caesar, or rather, an adaptation of the original culinary work of Caesar Cardini in a simpler version.

From the ingredients you will need:

First, the sauce is mixed from mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, spices (a mixture of peppers), lemon juice and grated cheese, which is left to infuse and other ingredients are coarsely chopped.

First, only the leaves of Beijing cabbage are coated with sauce, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients, decorated with the remaining grated cheese and croutons on top.

If you have a minimum of ingredients and want to cook a beautiful Chinese cabbage salad with chicken, you should consider this option. . You will need the following ingredients for one serving:

  • breast or thigh - 125 g;
  • chinese cabbage - 3-4 leaves;
  • green onions - 5-6 stems;
  • soy sauce - a spoon;
  • wine - a spoon;
  • oil for frying;
  • sesame oil - a spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;

Cut the meat into strips about 5 cm long, and the cabbage and onion into small pieces. We heat the pan and pour the oil, waiting for it to warm up. Fry meat quickly, add soy sauce, wine and salt. Then add cabbage and onion, stir and drizzle with sesame oil for flavor.

Diet with tofu and spinach

Now let's gradually move towards originality and start with a variant that is not known to many. Although most of the ingredients here are quite commonplace and available:

Clean, wash and cut spinach. Cut the head and carrot finely. Tofu is also cut into cubes. It can be replaced with any cheese, based on your own taste. The sauce is made with lemon juice, soy sauce, salt and olive oil. Mix well. Boil or fry an egg. Put it on top of the salad and garnish with olives.

With figs and bacon

Perhaps one of the most original options in this topic. It is even difficult to imagine what such a salad can be called, but, one way or another, the combination is healthy, tasty and deserves attention.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • figs - 2 pcs.;
  • mint - 10 petals;
  • raisins - 2 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - 30 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 pinches.

Raisins are washed and left in boiling water for 5 minutes. Coarsely tear the cabbage and put it in a bowl. Raisins and coarsely chopped figs are placed on top. Cut the bacon into cubes and fry for 2 minutes with constant stirring. Add nuts and fry for 1 more minute. Put them in a salad bowl. Mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pour this dressing over the salad. Decorate with mint leaves.

With pears and ham

In continuation of the theme of originality, this option should also be noted. It will come in handy in order to understand how Chinese cabbage salad recipes can be varied and charming. Cooking will require the following products:

Arrange the cabbage in a salad bowl. Pears are peeled and cut into long strips and added to a bowl. Add slices of ham and garnish with olives and thin pieces of parmesan.

The salad can be served with olive oil, vinegar and salt, or you can make a thousand island dressing. Use a potato peeler to get beautiful pieces of parmesan.

With broccoli and zucchini

In conclusion, a review of diet-vegetable options, which at the same time have a great taste. It is useful to cook a similar Chinese salad every day, the benefits that the body will receive are a complex of vitamins and minerals and a significant amount of fiber, which improves digestion.

For cooking you will need the following products:

The cabbage is cut into thin strips, the broccoli is torn into small petals, and the zucchini is cut into circles. Vegetables are placed in a salad bowl and sprinkled with sunflower seeds.

The salad can be served with vinegar, oil, and salt, or you can make mayonnaise. Sprinkle with a little flaxseed if desired.

Vegetable dishes are a great way to cleanse the body, get more vitamins and minerals. In addition to good nutrition, this is a source of time savings. Especially after work. The dish is a variant of a warm salad. It can be the main and also used as a side dish.

To prepare one serving, you will need:

Vegetables are cut into strips. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the carrots, then add the zucchini. When they are a little baked, add cabbage, soy sprouts, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper. All vegetables should be slightly crunchy. Salad should be dressed with soy sauce or a small amount of balsamic vinegar.

Attention, only TODAY!

I first got acquainted with Chinese cabbage in the late 90s, when my family and I went on a tour to Prague, in those days we didn’t have such products at all. Standing in front of a vegetable counter in a supermarket, I could not understand what it was, a salad or cabbage, especially since the name was in Czech ... Actually, until the end of the 70s, Beijing cabbage, or, as it is also called , Chinese salad, was a rather scarce commodity not only in our country, but throughout Europe and even in America, because it was mainly imported from China, where it has been cultivated since about the 6th century. Only relatively recently has it ceased to be a rarity in stores. This is due, first of all, to the breeding of new varieties that make it possible to successfully grow Chinese cabbage in the European climate. The results of the work of breeders are obvious - now you can buy Beijing in every supermarket at any time of the year.

How and to whom is Beijing cabbage useful?

Why is Beijing cabbage so useful, why is it valued, what is the reason for the dizzying success of Chinese cabbage all over the world? First of all, it is worth noting that there is several times more vitamin C in it than in lettuce leaves. A lot of carotene and B vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. But there are very few calories (16 kcal per 100 g), so it can be safely recommended to supporters of a healthy diet. Beijing is included in almost all diets for weight loss.

Beijing cabbage is one of the leaders among green vegetables in terms of vitamin C content - 27 mg per 100 g! In addition, it is very important in the diet of heart patients and hypertensive patients due to the presence of a large amount of potassium.

What is prepared from Beijing?

Beijing cabbage leaves are most often used to prepare a variety of salads, but there are other recipes. For example, they turn out very tasty and delicate. And in Asia, they like to ferment Beijing.

Strictly speaking, Beijing cabbage is somewhere between ordinary white cabbage and salads. Cabbage is harsh for some, salads may not suit everyone with their price (especially in winter!) - this is where Beijing cabbage comes to the rescue. Tender, crispy, it goes well with other vegetables, as well as with poultry, seafood and cheese.

About gas stations

I have collected on this page the most popular Chinese cabbage salad recipes. Of course, the fillings for them are varied. But since the cabbage is Chinese, it does not hurt to know the classic Chinese dressing sauce for it. So, take note: it’s great to emphasize the taste of salads with Beijing cabbage by adding soy sauce and a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to the dressing, and it’s best to serve ready-made salads in white or transparent dishes. So they look brighter and more appetizing.

I bring to your attention a collection of interesting FROM 20 RECIPES(in texts, step-by-step recipes and photos) that will help diversify your everyday and holiday menu.

Chinese cabbage salad with apple

for salad:

  • canned corn - 250 g
  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • apple - 3 pcs.
  • salad cucumber - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 200 g.

for refueling:

  • French mustard - 1 tsp
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • light mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.

We cut clean leaves of Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped apples, cucumber, corn grains and finely grated cheese. Let's mix everything.
Dressing: combine mustard with vinegar, oil and mayonnaise. Salad filled with dressing add salt to taste and put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Serve on its own or with a side dish. Cooked rice is great.

Alternative recipe: Peking salad, squid, walnuts, orange, dressing has balsamic vinegar.

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 100 g
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage, cut the cucumber and eggs into cubes, chilled crab sticks into thin slices. We mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, seasoning with mayonnaise. Salt to taste. As a decoration, put a sprig of any fresh herbs on top. Salad can be varied by adding canned corn.

Alternative recipe: Beijing cabbage, tomatoes, croutons, shrimps.

Chinese cabbage salad with corn

  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • corn - 150 g
  • green onion
  • pepper, salt
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

We clean the eggs and cut into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, chop the Chinese cabbage. Finely chop the green onion. Mix all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, adding corn. Flavor with olive oil, season with ground pepper. Salt to taste. Light vitamin salad is ready.

Alternative recipe: simple salad of 2 types of cabbage and celery, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken breast and pineapple

  • chicken breasts - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil
  • fresh pineapple
  • chinese cabbage - 100 g
  • iceberg lettuce - 100 g
  • oak leaf lettuce - 100 g
  • light mayonnaise - 100 g
  • sour cream - 50 g
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh dill, salt, red pepper
  1. Sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and fry in olive oil on both sides until tender. Cooled, cut into slices. Peel the pineapple and also cut into slices.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with mustard, sour cream, finely chopped dill. Add red ground pepper and salt to taste. Salad dressing is ready.
  3. We chop Beijing and iceberg, we tear oak-leaved lettuce with our hands. Fill and mix.
  4. Serve in portions: first, put a mixture of salads on a white plate, and slices of fried chicken breast and fresh pineapple on top. Decorate the edge of the plate with drops of balsamic vinegar.

Alternative recipe: cabbage, thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, cucumbers, cheese.

Quick salad with Chinese cabbage and pineapple

  • chinese cabbage - 1 head
  • pineapple in own juice - 1 pc.

Shred Peking and transfer to a salad dish. Add pineapple. If necessary, cut it into smaller pieces. Season with juice from a jar and mix. Serve chilled.

This salad tastes great with grilled meats.

Salad with chicken and croutons

  • Chinese cabbage - 250-300 g
  • chicken fillet (boiled or grilled) - 200 g
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • crackers - 40 g
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - 2 chips.
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage

  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.
  • smoked sausage - 200 g
  • green peas - 200 g
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • mayonnaise, herbs, salt

We cut or tear the cabbage into large pieces with our hands. Cut the sausage into thinner strips. We chop greens. Any that is found will do - dill, parsley, green onions. We put all the ingredients in a suitable dish, add peas and mashed potatoes from a couple of cloves of garlic.

It remains only to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix well and, if necessary, add salt to taste.

Alternative recipe. Ingredients include smoked fish and red pepper.

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken

  • Beijing cabbage - 1/2 pc.
  • smoked chicken (breast or drumstick) - 200 g
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • white crackers - 40 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tsp
  1. Coarsely chop the cabbage. Cut the chicken breast or leg into oblong pieces. We cut the tomatoes into cubes. You need to choose strong tomatoes for the salad, cherry tomatoes are better, it is enough to cut them in half.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl. The base for the salad is ready, without loss of quality it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
  3. Refueling. Whisk mustard with olive oil and juice from half a lemon with a fork or whisk. Add the dressing to the base, mix and salt. Dressing based on olive oil can be replaced with ordinary mayonnaise or its mixture with sour cream.
  4. We add croutons to the dish just before serving, so that they do not become damp ahead of time.

With chicken fillet and tangerines


  • soy sauce 2 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • white sesame 1 tbsp. l.
  • Beijing cabbage 1 pc.
  • chicken fillet 200 g
  • tangerines 3 pcs.
  • refined sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and pepper

  • Beijing cabbage - 1/2 pc.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Apple vinegar
  • spices, salt

We chop Chinese cabbage. Cut sweet peppers and hard, juicy apples into strips. Mix oil and apple cider vinegar. Mix all the components of the salad, adding the filling. Add spices and salt according to your own taste and desire.

Salad with persimmon and chicken

  • 1 ripe persimmon (it is better to choose the Sharon variety, as you need a ripe, intolerant persimmon with dense pulp)
  • ½ large chicken fillet
  • 1/3 head of Chinese cabbage
  • 4-5 quail eggs
  • 4-5 art. tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon French mustard
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • some green onions for serving

Salad of salmon and Chinese cabbage

  • chilled salmon - 2 steaks
  • Beijing cabbage - 1/2 pc.
  • pitted olives - 100 g.
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • white or red onion - 1 pc.
  • little olive - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • salt pepper
  • Provence herbs or oregano
  1. Fry the salmon steaks in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil until tender, remove the bones and cut into small slices.
    We cut the olives into rings, onions into half rings, diced tomatoes, coarsely chop the cabbage. Mix fish and vegetables.
  2. Dressing: squeeze the juice of half a lemon into olive oil, add Provence herbs or oregano. If desired, salad dressing can be spiced up by adding a little soy sauce.
  3. Seasoning salmon with vegetables. Salt and add pepper to your taste. Serve on a wide dish, decorating the rim with balsamic vinegar.
  4. Salad with Chinese cabbage and avocado

  • chinese cabbage - 200 g
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • white salad onion - 1 pc.

Cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips. Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into small pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice to keep the pineapple from browning. We chop the onion in half rings, a strong juicy apple (preferably with sourness) - small straws. Mix everything, season with oil and the remaining lemon juice. Serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves.

As you can see, Beijing cabbage goes well with a variety of products. Having shown a little imagination and using the recipes presented here, you can easily come up with something of your own, and make a hundred new salads from ten of your favorite salads, just changing the ingredients a little.

This vegetable is a cross between white cabbage and lettuce. It is used in the preparation of a variety of dishes from cabbage rolls to salads. But the softness and juiciness of its tender leaves makes this ingredient the main ingredient in the preparation of cold appetizers, summarized by one juicy name - Chinese cabbage salad. Below are the proven and most appetizing options.

This appetizer stands out against the background of the usual cabbage-mayonnaise salads, firstly, with oil and mustard dressing, and secondly, with a sweet pear, which only emphasizes the taste of meat and Beijing. Thanks to such flavor combinations, the salad will surprise many gourmets.

The perfect quick and tasty dish that will help out in any situation.

For 300 grams of smoked chicken breast and the same amount of Peking you will need:

  • 1 large pear;
  • 55 g walnuts;
  • 60–75 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 g French mustard;
  • a mix of peppers and salt are added to taste and desire.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Transform vegetables, meat and pear pulp with a sharp knife into thin straws. Just chop the nuts, but not into crumbs, but into small pieces
  2. To make the sauce, you need to combine vegetable oil (it is better to take odorless) with French mustard and, if desired, a little pepper.
  3. Mix prepared foods and pour sauce on top - a Chinese cabbage appetizer without mayonnaise is ready to go to the table.

"Trouble" with cabbage, chicken and champignons

There are several variants of this salad, but below is the basic one, which, if desired, can be supplemented with fresh cucumber or sweet pepper. This will make the taste and color of the finished dish richer.

For the snack "Trouble" you will need:

  • 340 g of Beijing cabbage;
  • 230 g boiled chicken meat (breast can be used);
  • 150 g of champignons;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 28 g green feather onions;
  • 7 g of garlic;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise sauce;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices - at the choice of the hostess.

We will prepare like this:

  1. Mushroom slices (thin plates) gild in a frying pan in oil. Ready champignons to cool.
  2. Chop the Beijing into strips, chop the breast into medium-sized cubes, rub the carrots through a grater, finely chop the onion feathers.
  3. The composition of the sauce includes sour cream, mayonnaise and a burning vegetable passed through a garlic press. They are mixed, flavored with spices and salted as desired.

It remains to put the ingredients of the dish in a salad bowl or bowl of a suitable volume, pour over the sour cream and mayonnaise sauce and mix.

With crab sticks

Almost no solemn feast can do without this appetizer.

A very tasty recipe that has already helped out more than one hostess when you need to set the festive table.

Its traditional recipes include potatoes and rice, but there is also a lower-calorie light version with the addition of Chinese cabbage:

  • 0.5 kg of Chinese cabbage;
  • 210 g crab sticks;
  • 3 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 140 g of corn;
  • 16 g dill;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • pepper mix.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the components of the snack: cabbage - into strips, eggs and crab meat - into cubes, just chop the greens.
  2. For dressing, mix sour cream and mayonnaise, pepper to taste.
  3. In a suitable container, mix the crushed snack ingredients with dressing. Mix everything carefully. Salad with crab sticks is ready.

Layered salad "Swan down"

Petsai, as this leafy vegetable is also called, is able to strengthen bones and teeth, have a beneficial effect on joints, so people who eat it should not be afraid of these ailments. Finely chopped Peking leaves, laid out on top of all layers of the dish, resemble the white feathers of beautiful and noble birds, and snacks with them turn out to be as tender as fluff. This is probably why the Swan Down salad has such a name.

List of necessary products for 200 grams of Beijing:

  • 190 g of boiled potatoes in their skins;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 190 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 140 g of salty cheese;
  • mayonnaise as a dressing;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Grease the bottom of a deep glass salad bowl with sauce. Next, coarsely grate the potatoes on a grater and distribute in an even layer in the dishes already prepared for serving.
  2. Put chopped onion and scalded with boiling water on a potato layer. Salt and pepper everything on top and grease with mayonnaise.
  3. The next layers are: chicken meat disassembled into fibers, grated proteins and large cheese chips. Each layer should be coated with mayonnaise.
  4. The last two layers are grated yolks and finely chopped Chinese cabbage. They also need to be flavored with everyone's favorite sauce.

Salad with cabbage and smoked sausage

This dish combines the sweetness of canned corn, the satiety of boiled eggs, the piquancy of smoked sausage and the juiciness of cabbage. Thus, with a short list of all the necessary components, the snack is obtained with a balanced taste and quite nutritious.

Salad is obtained with a balanced taste and quite nutritious.

Ingredients used in the preparation of the snack:

  • 500 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 250 g smoked sausage;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 280 g canned corn;
  • 50-70 ml of mayonnaise.

How to cook:

  1. Boil chicken eggs hard boiled, remove the shell from them and chop into small cubes. Drain the canned corn in a colander to drain all the liquid.
  2. Chop leafy vegetables and smoked sausage into thin strips. Before you start chopping Beijing cabbage, it will not be superfluous to disassemble it into separate leaves, since spoiled ones can be found in the middle of the fork.
  3. Combine all products in a large bowl, mix thoroughly and season with mayonnaise.

The appetizer is served in portions or in a common salad bowl, garnished with greens.

Classic "Caesar" at home

Most often, Romaine lettuce leaves are used for this popular dish, only in the winter season, when it is problematic to get fresh and juicy green leaves, Beijing leaves can make tasty competition for them - they are juicy and crispy even out of season.

Proportions of products for "Caesar" with Chinese cabbage:

  • 310 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 230 g of hard cheese;
  • 380 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • white loaf;
  • 45 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 12 g of garlic;
  • 22 g fresh dill greens;
  • 1 ripe tomato;
  • 110 ml light salad mayonnaise.


  1. Disassemble the meat into small fibers, cut the cheese into cubes, pick the cabbage with your hands or chop into strips.
  2. Thinly cut the skin from the loaf, and turn the crumb into cubes and fry in a pan with butter and chopped garlic. At the end of frying, add finely chopped dill to the pan.
  3. Place the cabbage, meat, cheese and toasted breadcrumbs on a serving dish. Decorate the salad with slices of fresh tomato, and serve mayonnaise for dressing separately so that everyone can add it to the appetizer to their liking.

With crackers

Salad crackers can be bought ready-made in the store, giving preference to a product without pronounced flavoring additives - they come into conflict with the tastes of other components of the snack. It is easy to cook crackers on your own by drying yesterday's diced bread in the oven.

Everyone will love this salad.

To prepare a salad with crackers, you need to prepare:

  • 450-590 g Chinese cabbage;
  • 120 g of hard cheese;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 75 g of sweet pepper;
  • 120 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 180 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • greens, salt, spices and crackers to taste;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking in the following way:

  1. Cut cheese, eggs, peppers, tomatoes and fillets into equal cubes. Tear the cabbage leaves into small pieces with your hands.
  2. Mix the chopped components of the salad, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise.

Before serving, decorate the salad with greens and croutons on top. So this bakery product will retain its crunchiness and not become sour.

Pickled Chinese cabbage - quick and easy

A pickled appetizer can be prepared not only from white cabbage. Pekinka is just as appetizing in the marinade, and it will take quite a bit of time to get enough of the aromas of spices.

To simply and quickly cook pickled Beijing cabbage, from which you “swallow your tongue”, you need to take:

  • 1000 g of Beijing cabbage;
  • 225 g carrots;
  • 140 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 32 g of garlic;
  • 4 g coriander;
  • 20 ml of vinegar;
  • 12 g sugar;
  • 39 g salt.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Peking forks cut lengthwise into quarters and then into large pieces. Grate the carrots on a Korean vegetable grater, pass the garlic through a press.
  2. In a bowl, mix cabbage, carrots, garlic and coriander. Then put the vegetable mixture into a clean glass jar.
  3. In a saucepan, combine vegetable oil with salt, sugar and vinegar. Warm up this mixture a little and pour cabbage over it. After cooling, keep the cabbage for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator and can be served.

Salad variant with Chinese cabbage and ham

Ham goes well with any vegetables, cheese and eggs, and this applies to any of its types. Those who follow the caloric content of the food they eat can take a product from chicken meat, connoisseurs of the richness of taste - ham from beef and pork, and lovers of wholesome food with an original taste - from horse meat.

Very tasty salad in a hurry.

Salad with cabbage and ham is prepared from the following list of ingredients:

  • 230 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 1900 g of ham;
  • 145 g of hard cheese;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 80 g olives;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Chop the soft leaves of the washed cabbage fork into strips. Chop the meat component into cubes or thin straws. Pass the cheese through a large grater.
  2. Peel the boiled eggs and chop into small cubes. Drain the marinade from the olives and cut them into slices.
  3. After grinding, mix everything in one bowl and pour mayonnaise to taste.

In any salad with Beijing cabbage, where mayonnaise is found, it can be replaced with sour cream mustard dressing.

For her, you need to mix sour cream with ready-made mustard in a ratio of 5: 1 and add spices to taste. This sauce is in no way inferior to store-bought mayonnaise.

With fresh cucumber and corn

A delicious vegetable mix of cabbage, cucumber, herbs and corn can be seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream, natural yogurt without fillers or, as in this case, olive oil mixed with lemon juice.

To prepare a light and crispy salad you need:

  • 450–550 g cabbage;
  • 95 g fresh cucumber;
  • 140 g canned corn;
  • 14 g green onion feathers;
  • 14 g dill (fresh herbs);
  • 21 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 ml lemon juice;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Chop a clean cucumber and Pekinka into thin strips. Drain marinade from canned corn. Finely chop the washed and dried greens.
  2. Mix olive oil with citrus juice, salt and spices. Put the chopped ingredients together, mix and pour over the olive oil-based sauce.
  3. To make this masterpiece of vegetarian art you will need:
  • 500 g cabbage;
  • 130 g sweet and sour apples;
  • 21 g ginger (fresh root);
  • 45–60 ml of olive oil;
  • 15–30 ml of apple or balsamic vinegar;
  • 12 g mustard;
  • 14 g honey;
  • salt and pepper.

Stages of work:

  1. Chop fresh ginger root through a grater with tiny holes.
  2. Combine olive oil, vinegar, mustard, honey and ginger together. Carefully stir the dressing until smooth;
  3. Finely chop the cabbage with a knife, and chop the apple on a coarse grater.
  4. Mix these two products and pour dressing.

After a quarter of an hour, the appetizer will infuse and be ready to serve.

Hearty appetizer with beans and Chinese cabbage

Such a salad will give satiety for a long time, since its ingredients are rich in vegetable and animal proteins.

The proportions of the products used in the process of work:

  • 310 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 220 g chicken meat (boiled or baked);
  • 155 g boiled or canned beans;
  • 2 eggs;
  • vegetable oil a spoon and a half;
  • for dressing - sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • salt and spices.

How to make a snack with beans:

  1. Shake each egg separately until smooth and bake two thin pancakes in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Let the egg pancakes cool and cut into strips at a thickness of 5 mm.
  2. Disassemble the chicken fillet into individual fibers, chop the leafy vegetable into strips, drain the liquid from the beans.
  3. Mix all the components of the salad in one bowl, season with sour cream or mayonnaise, add spices and mix - the salad is ready.

Beijing cabbage dishes are a way to eat non-calorie, "vitamin" and varied. But it is worth remembering that people with digestive problems (for example, acute colitis) should consume this vegetable in limited quantities.

Cabbage has healing properties, essential vitamins, so nutritionists advise including as much of this vegetable in the diet as possible. You can create a huge number of dishes and snacks from cabbage. It is enough to diversify the ingredients and you can experiment.

Chinese cabbage salad


  • Beijing salad - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 tbsp.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, let's deal with cabbage. Carefully remove the old and dried leaves, rinse the cabbage under cool running water, remove excess moisture with a cotton towel. Next, we chop the head of cabbage. It is advisable to pre-disassemble the salad into separate leaves. There may be a damaged sheet inside, and this will negate all the work.
  2. Cut the pre-washed tomatoes into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Rinse green onion feathers, dry excess water with a paper towel. Finely chop the onion.
  4. We shift all the prepared ingredients into a deep bowl.
  5. Let's not forget the corn. We pour out the water from the jar, it should not be added to the dish.
  6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Salt to your liking.
  7. We give the salad a little, literally 10 minutes, to stand. During this time, the cabbage will settle slightly, take less mayonnaise and sour cream.
  8. Now you can season the dish.
  9. Add in equal proportions mayonnaise, sour cream. So the dish turns out with a more delicate taste. But you can only fill with mayonnaise or sour cream. This is for an amateur. Beijing cabbage salad is ready!

Salad with ham


  • pepper -1 pc.
  • rye bread - 100 g
  • ham - 300 g
  • salad - 300 g
  • corn - 1 jar
  • olive oil for frying
  • cracker - 100 g

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the pepper well, wipe with a dry towel. Cut the pepper in half. Clear from seeds. Then cut into cubes. For the dish you will need red, large pepper;
  2. Wash cabbage. Remove unwanted leaves. Finely chop;
  3. Cut the ham into thin strips;
  4. Take a deep dish, put chopped peppers and all other chopped foods there;
  5. Open a can of corn, pour out all the marinade, combine with other ingredients. Mix everything;
  6. Cut rye bread into cubes, put on a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for a quarter of an hour. Add croutons to salad before serving.

Salad with chicken and apple


  • chicken fillet 250 grams;
  • cabbage 300 grams;
  • large apple 1 pc.;
  • cucumber 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic 1 clove (you can not add);
  • handful of walnuts;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • olive oil 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chicken fillet until tender in salted water, then cool, cut into cubes.
  2. Lightly toast the walnuts in a dry frying pan.
  3. Peel the apple, core, seeds and cut into cubes.
  4. Put the apples in a salad bowl, immediately sprinkle with lemon juice so that the flesh does not darken.
  5. Cut Chinese cabbage into squares.
  6. Cucumber cut into cubes.
  7. Add Beijing cabbage, chicken, cucumbers to the salad bowl. Mix everything.
  8. Add walnuts to the salad, garlic crushed through a press (optional), salt, pepper, season with olive oil. Serve immediately.

crispy salad


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 piece
  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • White Bread - 6 Slices
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken fillet. Let the meat cool slightly, then salt and cut into small pieces.
  2. Next, cut the white bread into small cubes.
  3. Mince the garlic with a garlic press. Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan and fry the chopped garlic on it.
  4. When the garlic is fried, its aroma will stand in the kitchen, put the cubes of bread in the pan. Fry until crispy golden brown.
  5. We chop the cabbage.
  6. We mix chicken pieces with cabbage, add the resulting croutons, season the dish with mayonnaise to taste. Don't forget to salt!
  7. Mix everything thoroughly, serve to the table.

Cabbage, Pepper and Corn Salad


  • Fresh white cabbage - 300 g
  • Fresh sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Green onions - 0.5 bunches
  • Mayonnaise olive - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Sprinkle the cabbage with salt, rub with your hands until soft.
  2. Wash green onions, dry, cut into thin rings. Peel the pepper fruits from the stalks, placenta with seeds, cut lengthwise into 4 parts, and then chop each quarter into thin strips.
  3. Combine cabbage, pepper, onion and drained corn.
  4. Stir vegetables, season with salt if needed. Season the mixture with mayonnaise. Mix the dish. When serving, you can decorate the salad with herbs.

Chinese cabbage salad with ham and cheese


  • Chinese cabbage;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • 250 g ham (or boiled sausage);
  • hard cheese (about 100 g);
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt to taste, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Shred Beijing cabbage not very thinly. Chop up a little. Wash the cucumber, dry it, cut off the tail and cut in half, cut into strips.
  2. Cut the ham, as well as the cucumber, into thin strips (I personally didn’t have ham, I took sausage). Put everything in a bowl and grate the cheese. Add salt to taste, but since the mayonnaise is salty, I did not add salt. Pepper and stir.
  3. If desired, you can add a couple of hard-boiled and chopped eggs. Dress the salad with ham and cheese with mayonnaise, mix, put in a salad bowl. Garnish with greenery if desired.

Vegetable salad with cabbage


  • 1/2 medium head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3–4 tbsp. l. canned corn;
  • parsley;
  • salt.

For refueling:

  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove top leaves from Beijing cabbage, cut into square pieces.
  2. Peel the cucumber, cut into cubes.
  3. Cut tomatoes, bell pepper into cubes.
  4. Put chopped vegetables in a salad bowl, add canned corn, finely chopped parsley, salt and mix.
  5. For dressing, mix olive oil with lemon juice, add ground black pepper and season the salad.
  6. Light, tasty salad with Beijing cabbage is ready.

Salad with shrimp


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 small head
  • 200 grams of shrimp
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pieces
  • 100 grams hard cheese
  • mayonnaise (low fat) - 50 grams

Cooking method:

  1. Boil shrimp in salted brine, add spices and herbs while cooking. Take out, strain, remove the shells and put in a salad bowl.
  2. Cut a fresh cucumber into thin strips.
  3. Chop the Chinese cabbage into medium cubes or tear with your hands into approximately the same pieces.
  4. Grate hard cheese, choosing the larger side.
  5. Mix all the ingredients in one dish, season with light low-fat mayonnaise.
  6. Salt to taste, decorate the salad with herbs.

Salad with tuna


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 head
  • canned tuna in oil - 1 small jar
  • Olives - 150 g.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for dressing)

Cooking method:

  1. Open the olives and cut them into small rings.
  2. We will also cut the cheese, and not grate it. First, we cut it into thick stripes, after which we make small cubes from the stripes.
  3. Now let's move on to the most important ingredient of the salad - Chinese cabbage. We disassemble the cabbage into leaves, finely chop.
  4. We take one roomy dish, where we put all our ingredients: olives, cheese and chopped cabbage. Open a can of canned tuna. Drain as much oil as possible. We spread the tuna carefully so that a minimum of oil gets into the salad. If large pieces come across, it is better to knead them with a fork or cut them beforehand.
  5. Salt a little. After all, we have, first of all, a healthy salad. You can use soy sauce instead of salt, which is perfect for Chinese cabbage and tuna salad.
  6. Add vegetable oil. Almost all such salads are dressed with either vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Since mayonnaise is a harmful high-calorie product, we use a little vegetable oil.
  7. Thoroughly mix all our ingredients and take a large plate, on which we lay out the pre-set leaves of Chinese cabbage.

Salad with salmon and Chinese cabbage


  • fish fillet (salmon) - 200g
  • Chinese cabbage - 500g
  • champignons - 300g
  • radish - 50g
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • leek (stalk) - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 slice
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse salmon fillet, boil in salted water, cool, finely chop.
  2. Wash mushrooms, chop coarsely.
  3. Wash cabbage, chop.
  4. Wash the radish, cut a lily flower from one root crop, cut the rest into strips.
  5. Wash the leek, cut off a piece 5 cm long from the stem, cut out a chrysanthemum flower from it and put it in cold water.
  6. Finely chop the rest of the onion, simmer together with mushrooms in butter for 5 minutes, add cabbage, salt, simmer until tender. Mix the prepared mixture with salmon, put on a dish.
  7. Decorate the salmon salad with mushrooms with onion and radish flowers, a slice of lemon and radish straws.

Useful properties of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage came to us from the countries of the East: Korea, China, Japan. In appearance, it looks like a salad and differs only in color.

If you look closely, it turns out that Chinese cabbage combined both lettuce and white cabbage. Useful properties of cabbage are in its juicy leaves. They are used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Beneficial features:

  • The beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage are similar to those of white cabbage. Differences only in the content of vitamins. Beijing cabbage has more vitamin C. Beijing cabbage contains 16 amino acids, glucose, a large set of vitamins and organic acids. Pikinka is very useful for the stomach, as it is rich in B vitamins.
  • Information has come down to us from oriental healers who used Beijing cabbage for treatment. It has been widely used to treat stomach ulcers. The basis of this treatment is the amino acid lysine contained in Chinese cabbage.
  • No wonder it is believed that Beijing cabbage is the key to longevity and health. Lysine helps cleanse the blood and dissolves foreign proteins.
  • Cabbage is a very light product. 100 grams of cabbage has only 16 kcal. Therefore, it is widely used to make various diets.
  • Contains Beijing and lactucin. This alkaloid contributes to the normalization of pressure, improves the metabolic processes of the body, normalizes sleep and is famous for its calming effect.
  • Fresh juice of Beijing cabbage is used to treat gastritis.

Chinese cabbage: contraindications and harm

Despite all the listed useful properties, you should not flatter yourself, the vegetable also has contraindications:

  • Like other types of cabbage, Chinese causes bloating. This effect is observed due to the cleansing effect of cabbage on the body, which is accompanied by increased gas formation. And this means that cabbage is completely excluded from the menu of nursing mothers so that the baby does not have colic. But other people should not abuse Chinese cabbage: portions up to 300 g per day are useful. Otherwise, nausea, signs of indigestion, flatulence will appear.
  • Chinese cabbage does not go well with fatty sour cream, homemade cottage cheese, or homemade milk. Guaranteed upset stomach. Dishes containing Chinese cabbage are contraindicated in diseases accompanied by increased acidity of the stomach.
  • During pancreatitis or during a period when gastrointestinal diseases are exacerbated, the use of Chinese cabbage is strictly prohibited, especially if it is an ingredient on a par with foods prohibited in pancreatitis: fatty meat, smoked meats, pickles or canned food. And all because of the large amount of fiber.

Every hospitable hostess knows a wide variety of recipes. And the most experienced will generally be able to present you with a culinary masterpiece, which includes a couple of products, so to speak, of daily necessity. But above all, you often want to try some light dish of fresh vegetables, and at a time when the refrigerator is filled with pickles. The best and most useful option in this situation would be Chinese cabbage salad.

Chinese (Beijing) cabbage is grown in Japan, China and Korea. This plant is cold-resistant and early maturing. Previously, such cabbage could be found in expensive supermarkets at a crazy price, but now they have learned to grow it in almost all countries, so it has become much more affordable.

Outwardly, it resembles a head lettuce, which is why it is often called lettuce. Many people know that lettuce leaves and cabbage have always been valued for their wonderful nutritional and medicinal properties. But even housewives with serious experience probably don’t know about the fact that Beijing easily replaces these two products.

Chinese cabbage salad recipes

In addition to all the main advantages, Chinese cabbage is part of the diet, and this is wonderful, because many girls watch their figure. Today we will look at several options for Chinese cabbage salads. Another plus is that their preparation takes a minimum amount of time, and the taste of such a dish, as a rule, remains beyond praise.

Chinese cabbage and herb salad

This option can be called the simplest and fastest. All you need to prepare such a salad is the cabbage itself, greens (it is better to take fragrant dill, parsley, basil) and mayonnaise.

First, wash, dry and chop the Chinese cabbage. Finely chop the dill, parsley, basil, and any other herbs you choose to use.

Next, mix everything, salt, pepper to your liking. At the end, season the resulting dish with mayonnaise. Mix everything well and leave for a few minutes for the cabbage to release juice (then the salad turns out juicy and incredibly tasty).

If for some reason you do not use mayonnaise, then choose a recipe with soy sauce, vegetable or olive oil. Balsamic vinegar will add a piquant sourness to your dish. Mix everything thoroughly, and the salad is ready!

Beijing cabbage salad with croutons and chicken

This salad is more nutritious and high-calorie, so for girls who are watching their figure, it will not work. This recipe is very famous, simple and tasty, so you can safely choose it for a holiday or celebration. In addition, it can be served for breakfast or dinner. In order to cook this dish for four, you will need:

  • Five hundred grams of chicken fillet
  • Four medium potatoes
  • One piece of onion
  • One Chinese cabbage
  • Two hundred grams of cheese
  • Small handful of wheat breadcrumbs
  • mayonnaise to taste

Chicken fillet should be boiled until tender, thirty to forty minutes will be enough. Then cool and cut into small cubes. At the same time, boil the potatoes, also let cool, chop.

Then you need to finely chop the onion. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips.

Mix everything, add croutons and season with mayonnaise. You can decorate the salad with olives and grated cheese. The dish is ready to serve!

Tip: it is best to add mayonnaise and crackers just before serving, otherwise everything will get wet.

Salad "Sea Breeze"

This recipe for a crispy, juicy salad dressed with a light yogurt dressing can be prepared both on ordinary weekdays and on holidays. For four servings you will need:

  • Four hundred grams of Chinese cabbage
  • 400 grams of shrimp tails
  • Two packs of processed cheese
  • 1 cup canned corn (about one can)
  • A bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, dill)
  • Several spoons of red caviar
  • One and a half cups of unsweetened yogurt
  • Seasonings to taste (garlic, salt, black or red pepper, basil)

Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut into thin strips. Cheese cut into small cubes. Add corn and finely chopped greens. Seasonings that you have chosen, mix with yogurt.

At this time, boil the shrimp. First, rinse them, bring to a boil, salt and cook for another three minutes.

Add everything to the salad and mix thoroughly. Put a serving on each plate, decorating it with a spoonful of red caviar on top. Chinese cabbage salad is ready!

It is worth saying that there are many ways to prepare such dishes. Beijing cabbage is combined with a wide variety of products: apples, onions, potatoes, peas and corn, meat, cucumbers and radishes, carrots, peppers, fish and other seafood. In addition, there are recipes with sour cream, mayonnaise, various oils, vinegars, yogurts and kefir, as well as with any seasonings; in general, with everything that your heart desires!

Chinese cabbage is able to retain its vitamins throughout the winter, unlike other salad products, which lose all their beneficial properties during long-term storage. That is why salad recipes with Beijing cabbage are simply irreplaceable in autumn, winter and early spring, because during this period such a product is the best source of fresh herbs, ascorbic acid and the most essential vitamins.
