
Dried fruits: sweet oriental tales. Is it possible to eat dried fruits when losing weight and what

In Soviet times, we knew only a few types of dried fruits. Usually they were consumed in the form of compote: in kindergarten, school, canteens and other catering establishments.

But there are many dried fruits in the world - almost as many as we know fresh fruits: not all fruits can be dried, and candied fruits are already “not that”. Fruits are dried whole (with or without stones) and pieces, cut into halves or thin slices.

We are also interested in the taste and benefits of dried fruits, including the ability to use them in weight loss diets. Many people think that it is not worth introducing dried fruits into the diet for weight loss - they are too sweet, but at the same time there are many effective diets for them. The sugars that dried fruits are so rich in are broken down and digested slowly, and they help to keep the feeling of satiety for a long time, unlike bars, sweets, cakes and other "unhealthy" sweets. There are no sharp releases of insulin into the blood, causing the growth of adipose tissue, from dried fruits, but the body receives useful substances in a considerable amount.

Sweet and fragrant, dried fruits are not only a healthy dietary product, but also a delicious delicacy: they can be stress-free without fear. This does not mean that you can absorb them in immoderate amounts. The calorie content of dried fruits is high, but they are also rich in fiber, which perfectly cleans out all toxic "deposits" and "accumulations" and helps strengthen immunity.

Some dried fruits are found in stores and in the markets of Russia more often, others less often, but all bring benefits. First - about more high-calorie types.

Useful calorie content of dried fruits

Dried apples (253-231 kcal) help the body quickly process proteins and fats, relieve hunger for a long time, have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Their regular consumption is a normal hemoglobin, a calm mood, strong immunity, a well-functioning intestines, clear skin and many more wonderful “health and beauty effects”.

Photo: low-calorie dried fruits

Bananas (245 kcal) and prunes (233 kcal) are rich in vitamins and soft fiber, remove excess fluid and toxins, increase tone and mood, improve metabolism and memory, prevent the development of cancer cells and CVD diseases. Combining these dried fruits, you can feel light and calm, but bananas should not be carried away with diabetes and problems with the pancreas.

Dried apricots, pitted dried apricots, are perhaps the most popular dried fruit in Russia. Calorie content - 240-245 kcal; nutritionists say that dried apricots are “an ideal healthy food product” with a very high energy value. For those who want to lose weight, it is enough to eat up to 100 g per day and drink up to 2 liters of pure water: a wonderful fasting dayhelping normalize stools and remove excess fluid. An effective way to tame a "raging" appetite: suck one dried apricot fruit until it becomes soft, slowly chew and swallow - you will not want to eat for 2-4 hours.

Apricot is the "brother" of dried apricots, considered even more useful. Apricots of medium-sized varieties dry up on trees, in natural conditions and in general, retain more useful and have a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Photo: low-calorie dried fruits

Figs, or figs, are the champion among dried fruits in terms of fiber content. The calorie content is different - 245-260 kcal, but plays an important role in losing weight and therapeutic diets. Facilitates the course of many diseases associated with disruption of the work of any organs and systems; regular consumption of figs in reasonable norms allows you to maintain excellent health for many years.

Even the lowest calorie dried fruits contain a lot of calories. Therefore, you should not expect to lose weight by using them not as a replacement for harmful and heavy foods, but as a tasty treat in addition to your usual diet.

Today, fruit drying is widespread. Almost half of the products sold are raisins, dates, prunes, figs, apricots, peaches, apples and pears. They are referred to as "regular" or "traditional", which have been dried in the sun or in special wind tunnels. Many fruits such as cranberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and mangoes are soaked in sweeteners (such as sucrose syrup) before being dried. Some foods are sold as dried fruits, such as bananas, papayas, kiwis and pineapples.

They also include nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, seeds, pine nuts, peanuts, corn nuts, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts and macadamia nuts.

(You can learn more about macadamia nuts in this article).

They retain most of the nutrients of fresh fruit. They all provide essential nutrients and a host of bioactive ingredients, making them a valuable tool for improving diet quality and helping to reduce the risk of chronic disease.

These foods can be whole (eg grapes, berries, apricots, plums) or pieces of fruit (eg mangoes, papayas, kiwis, bananas). The residual water content can vary from 3 - 8% to a significant 16 - 18%, depending on the type of fruit. Fruit can also be dried as a puree or as a powder. Also use the type of drying - sublimation (freeze drying). Fresh fruits are frozen and placed in a drying chamber under vacuum. Heat is applied and the water evaporates from the fruit while the fruit is still frozen. The fruit becomes very light and crispy and retains much of its original flavor.

They are widely used in confectionery and baked goods. Food manufacturers use these products in a variety of sauces, soups, marinades, side dishes, puddings, and foods for infants and children.


  • Successful drying depends on heat, dry air and good air circulation.
  • Choose fresh, fully ripe fruits. Unripe fruits lack flavor and color. Drying does not improve the quality of food.
  • Store them in tightly closed containers and in a cool, dry place.

Like all conservation methods, drying causes some loss of nutrients. Nutritional changes that occur during drying include:

calories: does not change, but is concentrated in a smaller mass, due to the removal of water.

Cellulose: without changes.

Vitamin A: Preserves quite well in controlled temperature.

Vitamin C: pre-treatment with ascorbic acid or lemon juice increases vitamin C levels, although losses occur during the drying process.

thiamine, riboflavin, niacin

Minerals: Pretty well preserved.

For better nutrient retention in dry foods, store in a cool, dark, dry place and use within a year.


Apples are high in phytonutrients (a natural component of plants that provide nutrition) that act as antioxidants, ridding the body of cancer-causing free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber.


A good source of fiber, they also contain vitamin A, C and iron.


Exotic fruit, little sold in Russia. Mango is rich in various vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin and the immune system.


Compared to other fruits, they have significantly higher levels of antioxidants, as well as important nutrients such as beta-carotene, folic acid, and fiber.


While some fruits may lose some of their nutrients when dried, figs do not. Figs contain large amounts of iron, folic acid and potassium.


Exotic fruit, also not sold in Russia. Called the "fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is an excellent source of antioxidants. Recent studies have shown that they may help prevent diabetic heart disease.


Blueberries also contain vitamins A, E and B, which are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Raisins are cholesterol-free, low in sodium, high in fiber and completely defatted.

Black currant

Blackcurrants are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium and are high in vitamin C, manganese, iron, and potassium.


Such plums are called prunes. They are an excellent source of vitamins and have the added benefit of regulating the digestive system.


Pears are a good source of vitamin C and copper, and are full of dietary fiber.

Dried fruits have long been a familiar delicacy in many families. This category of blanks includes dehydrated fruits prepared using a special technology. The product is completely edible as an independent dish. Since it is customary to call all sweet fruits fruits, not only fruits of fruit trees, but also berries are included in this category, and dried foods themselves have become an excellent alternative to fresh ones.

Dried fruits owe their appearance to ancient women who collected berries, fruits and other forest gifts, and then dried them and harvested them for future use. Dried fruits are also prepared for the winter by some animals, such as squirrels. Thanks to the drying of fruits, people have the opportunity to get vitamins and minerals for food all year round, as well as taste exotic fruits.

On the shelves of grocery stores and vegetable departments of supermarkets, most of the famous dried fruits can be easily purchased on any day. The local product is most often sold by weight or packed in plastic bags, but overseas delicacies are also sold in paper bags and glass jars. In modern cooking and folk medicine, dried fruits are used as a vitamin food supplement. Most often they are consumed in winter and spring, since in summer and autumn there is enough fresh seasonal products for sale.

A huge amount of dried fruits and their attractive appearance not only awakens the desire to try them all, but also stimulates the appetite. How to understand the variety of these products, choose high-quality blanks, and then apply them correctly, we will try to tell in this article.

Composition and calories

The chemical composition of dried fruits is identical to the fresh fruits from which the delicacy was prepared. In all products, moisture evaporates during drying and the amount of vitamin C decreases. Minerals and dietary fiber in all fruits remain unchanged. That is why dried fruits can be called a complete substitute for fresh products.

Almost all fruits contain minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

The calorie content of dried fruits increases compared to fresh fruits, since about fifty grams of dried products are obtained from one hundred grams of fresh products, and some dried fruits dry out by eighty percent. The nutritional value of reconstituted and cooked fruits approaches the value of this indicator in fresh fruits.

Less juicy fruits shrink less and remain soft, while those that contain a lot of juice when fresh become tight and hard. Diabetics and people on dietary restrictions should not forget that 100 grams of dried fruit contains more fruit sugar than 100 grams of fresh fruit.

Types and classification

The assortment of dried fruits is comparable to the amount of fresh fruits. The main groups of features by which all dried fruits can be conditionally classified are characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Belonging to the region: local and exotic.
  2. Method of preparation of raw materials: whole, half (cut or torn), crushed, and also dried with or without bones.
  3. The varietal affiliation of the goods: extra, higher, first and table.
  4. Drying method: natural or artificial.
  5. Method of preparation: pre-processed and unprocessed.

Also, all dried fruits can be divided into types: stone fruits, seeds and berries. In accordance with the classifier, dried fruits also include natural marshmallow, as well as some varieties of Turkish sherbet and candied fruit.

Beneficial features

The useful properties of dried fruits include the fact that they are a source of natural vitamins. Fiber contained in any such product:

  • has a beneficial effect on the intestines;
  • helps to clear blood vessels;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Each fruit is useful in its own way and has special indications for use. It is impossible to characterize them all in one list, so you can learn about the beneficial properties of the most popular and easily accessible dried fruits from the table.


Beneficial features

Favorably affects:

  • the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • work of the nervous system;
  • the work of the genitourinary system;
  • intestinal peristalsis.

The use is indicated for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. A handful of raisins at night can relieve insomnia. The product is useful for pregnant and lactating women: for the first it helps to fill iron deficiency, and for the second - to increase lactation.

The water left over from steaming raisins helps with painful coughs and fevers. It can also cure stomatitis and sore throat.

Dried fruit has properties to prevent and fight against:

  • anemia
  • loss of vision;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

Dried apricots should be eaten by those who want to have strong nails and healthy hair.

Prunes (dried plums)

The delicacy has a moderate laxative effect, and can also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • rheumatic manifestations.

Moderate consumption of the product is indicated for suspected malignant and benign neoplasms.

Treats help:

  • activate the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase resistance to colds;
  • improve intestinal motility.

Research scientists prove the effectiveness of dried fruit in the fight against fatigue and intoxication due to cancer.

The use of the product is capable of:

  • fight iron deficiency;
  • protect from the negative impact of the environment;
  • maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Regular use prevents slagging and improves the intestinal microflora. Compote from apples is indicated in clinical nutrition for disorders of the digestive system. It is also indicated for those who suffer from urinary retention or have sand in the kidneys and ureters.

Dried fruit compote helps in the fight against beriberi.

The product has a general strengthening property. Regular moderate consumption of this dried fruit helps to resist colds, as well as relieve nervous tension.

By eating a small amount of the product per day, you can reduce the accumulation of radionuclides and toxins in the intestines, which will eliminate intoxication, headaches and other unpleasant sensations.

Delicacy is indicated for those who suffer from capillary fragility and vegetovascular dystonia. Moderate consumption of the product helps to cope with unnecessary cholesterol.

Dried fruit helps to restore the central nervous system after strokes. The substances contained in the dried banana help to overcome the pathogenic flora in the stomach and remove toxins from the intestines.

A slice of banana eaten before bed will help to avoid insomnia.

Dried berries help to cope with seasonal beriberi. It also shows the use of goodies for:

  • anemia;
  • benign tumors;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • indigestion;
  • weak blood clotting.

The workpiece (but not candied fruits!) Can be eaten as sweets with a weight loss diet.

A decoction (compote) helps to resist colds.

A delicious treat is used in the fight against increased blood viscosity and intestinal dysfunction.

Dried quince fruits are very tight and tough, so they must be steamed.

A decoction of the fruit has the ability to remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs. Quince compote is an excellent antiemetic.

A small amount of drink at night allows you to forget about nightmares and insomnia.

You can drink quince compote and eat steamed dried fruits for those people who are on a diet.

A decoction of figs in milk helps to overcome a painful unproductive cough. It is also a treat for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

Chewing a piece of figs, you can get rid of inflammation of the gums and stomatitis in the initial stage. A decoction of figs and boiled fruit is recommended for anemia.

Apricots (whispered or kandak) and dried peaches

Dried fruits are indicated for use by people suffering from diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • the genitourinary system in men;
  • central nervous system.

Moderate consumption of treats helps in the fight against migraines. The huge content of potassium in the workpiece helps to avoid convulsive conditions. Delicacy is indicated for epilepsy and disorders of the vestibular apparatus. A small amount of the product can relieve nausea when traveling in transport.

Candied fruits from this delicacy have a pleasant taste and aroma. Eating mango will help strengthen the immune system, as well as the cardiovascular system.

A small amount of dried fruit allows you to fill the deficiency of minerals with long-term dietary restrictions (for example, when dieting to reduce body weight). Fragrant pieces of fruit will help restore hair shine and skin turgor.

The fruit hits the shelves in the form of candied fruits. It is indicated for use in enuresis. The therapeutic effect of the delicacy was noted with

  • cholecystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dysentery.

Dried delicacy helps in the fight against helminthiasis.

Rose hip

It is used to prepare decoctions, the action of which is aimed at combating beriberi and getting rid of slagging. Has a diuretic effect.

The product is delivered to the shelves in the form of candied fruits. Thanks to processing, the delicacy has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and completely retains its attractive appearance. Dried fruit is recommended for fever and respiratory diseases. In a small amount, a tasty treat is indicated for those who suffer from indigestion.

A treat is indicated for:

  • constipation and indigestion;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis.

The use of this product helps to get rid of sand in the ureters, as well as alleviate the condition of hemorrhoids.

Compote from this dried fruit is indicated for:

  • decreased immunity;
  • heartburn;
  • obesity.

Also, the drink is prescribed for children with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. An infusion of these berries is indicated for diabetics.

Produced in the form of candied fruits. It is a powerful enhancer of potency and sexual desire in women, and also has general strengthening properties.

The preparation is similar to candied citrus fruits. It has a delicate aroma and is sure to please children. Moderate consumption of a tasty product helps fight beriberi and increase mental activity.

In addition to all of the above delicacies, dried ones are popular:

  • lemons;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi.

Remember that you should not give dried fruits (especially from exotic fruits!) to young children, because their digestive system is very unstable, and not all tasty substitutes for harmful sweets can be beneficial. The reason for this is the peculiarities of fruit harvesting.

Cooking technology

For the preparation of dried fruits, almost all fruits of the middle lane and some exotic delicacies are used. According to GOST, fruits (as well as berries included in them) that have not reached full maturity are suitable for drying. If the raw material is overripe, then the product from it will be brittle and excessively hard. Of the most famous fruits, pomegranates and some types of citrus fruits are unsuitable for drying. Of the latter, only juices and nectars are prepared.

Industrial environment

Drying fruits in an industrial environment involves the use of chemicals: gases and food coloring. Thanks to the latter, dried apricots, prunes, peaches or apricots acquire such a rich color, and dried grapes become soft and transparent.

Most often, sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, E 220) is used to dry treats, and in order for the product to get shine, it is treated with glycerin or other fatty substances without aroma and pronounced taste.

Without exception, all dried fruits are dried in industrial tunnel-type ovens. Such dryers rid fruits of moisture very quickly. In order not to leave only skins in the delicacy, the workpiece is often treated with boiling water with alkali.

Exotic fruits are dried according to the principle of candied fruits, that is, before drying, they process the workpieces with boiling sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the delicacy retains its visual appeal and does not lose much weight.


Home-made dried fruits are different from industrially dried treats. First of all, homemade blanks do not have such a presentable appearance as dried fruits in studio photos. But home-made products, unlike purchased ones, will be more useful, because harmful additives will definitely not be used for their manufacture. The process of preparing dried fruits at home differs little from the preparation of dried fruits in the old days. Homemade preparations can be in the form of whole fruits, pieces or slices.

The preparation of dried fruits can be entrusted to nature by hanging prepared fruits on threads or laying them out on trays, baking sheets or paper. Also, for drying, you can use special electrical appliances, ovens with and without air convection.

Home-made preparations will have a less attractive appearance, but will be many times more useful than all the other delicacies that fill the confectionery departments of supermarkets.

How to choose and store?

In order to enjoy the taste of delicacies and get the maximum benefit from the consumed product, you should choose the right dried fruits. Attention should be paid to the appearance of blanks on the shelves.

Without exception, all dried fruits have a long shelf life, but for this, appropriate conditions should be provided for the harvesting. It is advisable to store the product in dark glass or plastic food containers with a tight-fitting lid. It is best if there is a sealing gum under the lid. You can also keep dried fruits in paper or vacuum bags. A prerequisite - blanks should not be turned into assorted.

Regardless of the container, stored dried fruits should be provided with good ventilation, as well as protect them from direct sunlight. The delicacy easily absorbs foreign odors and caustic gases. Do not store food in basements and refrigerators, as well as on unheated balconies.

It is worth refusing to buy if the dried fruits sold:

  1. Wet or covered with condensation. This discrepancy appears when the workpiece is incorrectly stored in stores or sold outdoors. In addition to the fact that such fruits will have more weight, microspores of the fungus can develop inside them.
  2. They have an unpleasant odor of industrial oils or other chemicals. This happens when the rules for storing blanks are not observed, as well as during transportation or violation of the commodity neighborhood in storage facilities.
  3. They emit a damp smell or have visible traces of mold. Such dried fruits are unsuitable for food. They can be poisoned.
  4. Refuse to buy treats that stick together.
  5. Beaten and broken. Dried fruits become so due to a violation of transportation or after repeated drying. The latter is often done by unscrupulous sellers who violated the rules for storing products and allowed them to become damp or moldy.
  6. They crumble into small pieces when pressed. This deficiency may be due to the fact that moth larvae or other pests, such as spiders, have already eaten dried fruits.
  7. The acquisition of delicacies that have an unnatural luster should also be discarded. It's no secret that blanks have their own shelf life, and dried fruits lose their appearance. A little vegetable deodorized oil - and the product is fresh again. But only outwardly.

Without exception, all dried fruits should be sweet. If bitterness or salinity is felt in the taste, then this indicates that the product is already expired.. Most dried fruits do not smell. The exceptions are pears and dried plums treated with smoke. Such a product has a smoked flavor.

Even if a product does not have all of the listed negative characteristics, do not rely on its visual conformity. Before purchasing a product, be sure to examine the packaging and make sure that the delicacy is fresh.

The use of dried fruits

Dried fruits are widely used in many areas. The delicacy is consumed both in its usual (dry) form and reconstituted. To give a "marketable" look in the latter case, both cold and hot water are used. It is noteworthy that reconstituted products are always sweeter than fresh ones.

It is desirable to eat dried fruits in small quantities, and if possible, avoid certain combinations of products. The worst combination is the use of any dried fruit with fresh milk. It is also advisable to avoid eating high-sugar fruits with meat products or potatoes.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating dried fruits in large quantities, and they also advise trying to distinguish between the time of taking treats with the main meal. The optimal break for eating high-sugar fruits is forty minutes after a meal. Failure to comply with the rule can lead to the fact that for no apparent reason the floor scales will begin to show more weight.

It is important to remember that absolutely all dried fruits should be washed in warm water before using them for food or for other purposes. Otherwise, you can get food poisoning and intestinal upset!

After the dust and other harmful substances are washed off, the fruit should be poured with a small amount of warm water and allowed to swell a little. Dried fruits will be better absorbed when softened.

In cooking

In cooking, dried fruits are most often used as an independent dish or for cooking:

  • compote;
  • decoction;
  • pilaf;
  • fillings for pies;
  • casseroles;
  • kvass;
  • wine and homemade vodka (moonshine);
  • confectionery products, including cookies and sweets.

Dried fruits are added to muesli and quick breakfasts, as well as to tea leaves. Easter cakes with dried fruits or candied fruits, as well as any other yeast pastries, are delicious. Dry fruits decorate homemade cakes: muffins, cakes and cakes.

Dried fruits go well with:

  • meat of wild and poultry;
  • beef and lamb;
  • cottage cheese and cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • sour cow's milk;
  • chocolate
  • butter creams and whipped cream;
  • natural honey;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (rice, wheat, oats).

When preparing sweet dishes and confectionery products from dried fruits, you should not use spices, because most of them drown out the natural aroma and flavor of the preparations.. The exceptions are cinnamon and cloves, which are sometimes added to dried apple and pear treats.

In folk medicine

Dried fruits are also used in folk medicine. For example, a vitamin remedy is prepared from dried apricots, prunes and raisins that can strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against colds and coughs. In various recipes, it is recommended to add to this mass:

  • natural honey;
  • walnuts;
  • lemon;
  • figs;
  • aloe.

The principle of preparing the mixture is simple. All solid ingredients are ground using a food processor or meat grinder, after which honey is added to them. In some recipes, it is also recommended to add a small amount of Cahors or any other natural grape wine.

The proportions of the products and their list vary, but if you mix all the components in equal proportions, then such a mixture certainly will not bring harm. Use vitamin "medicine" on an empty stomach. Usually, adults eat a delicacy one tablespoon per day, and children over three years old are recommended to give the composition a teaspoon. A contraindication to the use of vitamin blanks is individual intolerance to products. Many people prefer to simply exclude the allergen and prepare the mixture without it.

Many dried fruits also have a diuretic and laxative effect. There are some that help:

Before using dried fruits for treatment, be sure to study all the indications and contraindications for their use, and also take into account compatibility with other foods!

In addition to everything described above, it should be mentioned that dried fruits are “respected” by the owners of domestic rodents and some varieties of exotic birds. For pets, such treats are a vital product and a highly desirable vitamin supplement in food.

Contraindications and harm

If dried fruits are used incorrectly, then you can harm the body. It should be remembered that some fruits (for example, melon or figs) are best eaten only as an independent dish and should never be combined with heavy meals.

In addition, dried fruits purchased in stores may contain harmful substances (chemicals and industrial dust) that have fallen on the shell during harvesting or transportation. It is undesirable to give dried fruits prepared in industrial conditions to small children.

Refuse to eat dried fruits should be people with frequent allergic reactions to food. Even relatively harmless treats made from local fruits can cause unwanted effects. Overseas dried fruits should be eaten in small portions.

Fruits that affect water-salt metabolism can cause:

  • fluid retention, and as a result, swelling of the legs and internal organs;
  • excessive urination and excretion of sand from the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is important to remember that plums, pears and apricots are laxative. Such treats should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Limit the intake of dried sweets should be pregnant and lactating women. Few people know, but the dried date familiar to many contains an analogue of oxytocin, as a result of which it can cause labor at any stage of pregnancy. The restriction in the intake of dried fruits by nursing mothers is primarily due to the laxative properties of many delicacies, as well as an excess of glucose, which easily enters breast milk. The kid from such an amount of sugar will become restless, he may have frequent urination and thirst, which he will notify with loud crying and external discontent.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all dried fruits should be consumed in limited quantities. Knowing the pros and cons of using dried fruits in the diet, it will be easy to understand the assortment of delicious preparations.

Information about dried fruits is usually quite contradictory. Someone believes that dried fruits are because they are full of nutrients. Someone thinks that dried fruits are an ordinary sweetness that should be feared. Where is the truth? Let's try to figure it out.

Nutrients in dried fruits

One dried fruit contains approximately the same amount of nutrients as contained in a fresh fruit.

But when measured by weight, dried fruits contain approximately 3.5 times more vitamins and minerals than fresh counterparts.

Thus, one serving of dried fruits can supply the body with the amount of vitamins and minerals that approaches the daily requirement. This is especially noticeable in compounds such as folates.

However, there are always exceptions to any rule. And here they are, too. Vitamin C is lost when fruits are dried, and its amount in dried fruit is much less than it was in fresh.

Of the beneficial compounds in dried fruits, fiber and antioxidants are the most abundant, especially polyphenols, which improve blood flow, stimulate digestion, and prevent the damage caused by free radicals.

How many calories and sugar are in dried fruits?

Fruits contain significant amounts of natural sugars. But they are present in them in a diluted form. During the drying process, the moisture from the fruit evaporates, and all the sugars and calories are locked in a very small volume of dry fruit.

Thus, it turns out that dried fruits are high-calorie foods with a large amount of sugars - glucose and fructose.

  • raisins - 59%;
  • prunes - 38%;
  • – 53%;
  • – 48%.

At the same time, up to 50% of this amount falls on.

dried fruit calorie table

dried fruit kcal Protein (in grams) Fat (in grams) Sugar (in grams)
dried apples 238 2,1 2,1 62,3
Dried apricots 284 5,4 1,2 72,2
Dried apricots 227 5,0 0,0 53,0
dried bananas 390 3,9 1,8 80,5
Dried wild rose 110 3,4 0,0 21,5
dried dates 277 2,0 0,4 74,0
figs 290 3,6 1,2 78,0
dried peaches 254 3,0 0,4 57,7
dried pears 270 2,3 0,6 62,6
Prunes 267 3,5 1,2 68,9
Raisin 277 2,3 0,5 71,2

Are dried fruits allowed for weight loss?

When losing weight, you can eat 1-2 pieces of dried fruit per day. Not more. And even better - avoid even such consumption of this delicacy. That is why it does not include dried fruits.

Dried fruits for weight loss are not shown, for several reasons.

  • Firstly, these are very high-calorie foods, which, at the same time, saturate rather poorly, since they do not include fat and have little protein. Therefore, when eating a large amount of dried fruits, there is a high risk of overeating, which is poorly consistent with the process of losing weight.
  • Secondly, dried fruits are rich in fructose, which, although it is an isocaloric substance, greatly contributes to the accumulation of excess fat, primarily in the liver and the abdominal region as a whole. In other words, the belly grows from fructose.
  • Thirdly, the effect of sweet dried fruits on the brain does not allow a person to lose weight, but this must be done. always associated with limiting the intake of sweets. Any - both natural and artificial.

How many dried fruits can healthy people?

So, if you are overweight, insulin resistant (and, most likely, if you are overweight, then there is insulin resistance) and the diseases resulting from these conditions (hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.) , you should keep your consumption of dried fruits to a minimum.

If you are healthy and have a normal weight, then you can eat dried fruits daily, but not handfuls. Their moderate addition to other healthy snacks is allowed. But the main focus of these healthy snacks should be given to other components, such as nuts.


1. Like any other natural food, dried fruits contain many health-promoting compounds, the main ones being fiber and antioxidants.

2. Along with useful components, dried fruits contain a lot of natural sugar (both glucose and fructose), which make it impossible to consider dried fruits as food products that are certainly good for health.

3. The high concentration of sugars in dried fruits prohibits their use in weight loss diets.

4. Healthy people, not suffering from excess weight, can eat dried fruits in large enough quantities, but still remembering that, together with dry fruits, they absorb large amounts of sugars that are not beneficial.

5. When snacking, when you want to recharge your batteries a little and just chew something, it is better to replace dried fruits with nuts.

Dried fruit is a popular product that is often used in diets. Dried fruits for weight loss are useful - it is a rich source of fiber and various vitamins. Dried fruits are more nutritious than their fresh counterparts, but they do not affect weight gain, if you follow the rules of consumption. The advantage of this product is that dried fruit is an exclusively natural product. As a rule, they do not add flavor enhancers and food additives. Such food is useful for those who want to lose weight, while observing the basics of proper nutrition.

Is it possible to eat dried fruits while losing weight

Eating dried fruits is good for the body. In addition, this product is nutritious and very tasty, each person will be able to choose for himself dried fruits that will suit his taste. This delicacy during the day can support energy and the necessary strength. Is it possible to eat dried fruits during weight loss, because they are high-calorie foods?

Experts say that eating dried fruit is healthy. It will not harm the figure. In addition, by eating some dried fruit, you can temporarily drown out the feeling of hunger. You should not just get carried away with dried fruits: this can lead to indigestion. All products of this type are well absorbed. The most popular are prunes and dried apricots for weight loss.

What dried fruits to eat when losing weight

Each of the dried fruits has useful properties, knowing about which you can easily choose the food that suits your body. Dried fruits are useful for weight loss, because they are concentrated sources of various nutrients necessary for normal well-being. In addition, they perfectly help to satisfy hunger and relieve irritability.

While on a diet, you should give preference to certain types of dried fruits. Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index), as the fruit will take a long time to digest and will not cause a sharp rise in insulin. This is important, because with significant doses of sugar, most of it turns into fat. Thanks to insulin, the body only builds adipose tissue, but does not break it down. Therefore, if two people eat the same number of calories, but the products are different in GI, they will lose weight in different ways.


Prunes can replace sugar and sweets. It contains a huge amount of dietary fiber. In addition, dried plum perfectly removes toxins from the body, significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract: the process of losing weight is faster and easier. In addition, the dried berry is a natural excellent antidepressant, which is also important for losing weight. The correct use of prunes involves the following actions:

  • use soaked prunes for fasting days, it must be eaten in small portions (no more than 100 g) every 3 hours;
  • to gradually get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you need to eat 5 dried plums a day.

Dried apricots

Dried apricot has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, satisfies the need for sweets. There is practically no fat in dried apricots, it tastes sweet. Natural sugar is not harmful, it is not deposited on the waist. The product improves the functioning of the heart. It is necessary to eat 30 grams of dried apricots per day to feel the benefits of this product. During the diet, you can eat dried apricots with cereals, salads or instead of dessert. You can cook baked chicken with dried apricots or oatmeal. A few dried apricots, washed down with water, are good for a quick snack.


The constant companion of losing weight is raisins, which supply the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Dried grapes contain a lot of fructose, glucose, which gives energy to the body. Especially such a product is necessary for athletes. For those who are on a diet, it is needed to replenish energy - you should not get carried away with it, 10 berries a day are enough. Small portions of raisins are a great snack, which in the process of losing weight will help you give up harmful sweets.

The use of dried grapes reduces stress, facilitates the work of the liver, and reduces the risk of anemia. All this has a beneficial effect on the fight against weight. Blue or dark raisins are good for a diet. Dried fruit can be eaten daily as an independent product or as an additive with cereals or cottage cheese. Before use, raisins must be soaked in water for half an hour, and then rinsed well.

dried apples

To achieve a positive effect from the diet, you need to eat 15 gr. dried apples a day. The product contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and substances. There are vitamins B, A, PP in fruits. This combination:

  • supports a good metabolism;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • plus iron improves blood quality, prevents anemia;
  • with fiber - helps digestion and removes radionuclides from the body, still causes a feeling of fullness;
  • thanks to pectins - has a fat-burning effect, improves metabolism.


Dried figs have more calories than fresh figs, but don't be alarmed. You will not eat a lot of this product because it is too sweet. Figs quickly bring saturation, and the special substances contained in it suppress hunger for a long time. The easiest way to lose weight with figs is to replace the usual dinner with this dried fruit. Beforehand, half an hour before meals, it should be put in cold water to soften. You can replace all sweets and sweets with figs. It should be eaten separately from the main meal, an hour after the meal.

Video: Recipe for wheat porridge with dried fruits
