
Beets are boiled in cold or hot water. How to cook large beets quickly? How long does it take to cook beets

Great amount classic Russian cuisine is not complete without beets. An example of this is borscht, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, beetroot and many others. The red root crop was also appreciated by modern chefs, continuing to invent more and more new recipes and dishes with it.

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of beets. It is rich in "loose" vitamins. Squirrels, healthy fats, fiber is also in it. beetroot juice restores metabolism and makes it possible to reset excess weight. Carrots in combination with our miracle root crop, if you insist them on vodka with honey, will give you “Spartan” immunity and help you forget about colds and SARS.

And now, it would seem, it's a pity to ruin everything beneficial features beets, throwing them into a saucepan to boil. But you should not worry, beets after heat treatment become even more useful. While the raw root vegetable is still contraindicated for some people with diabetes or stomach diseases.

But beets cooked correctly in water have no contraindications and gain additional benefits by being enriched with iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamin U, etc. It is important to understand what are the ways to cook beets correctly and quickly, because in normal mode it is cooked for about 40 minutes , and if you start cooking in cold water - then all 2 hours.

The most important thing with any method is to remember that it is better to cook beets, like potatoes, “in their uniforms”, having washed them thoroughly beforehand. 2 hours of cooking does not suit us, so we will consider only those ways to help us cook it quickly and tasty.

  1. How to quickly cook beets in a pan? To do this, it is better to select small or medium fruits, because. they cook faster. And we boil it in an extreme way, which will help, instead of the set hour, to bring our vegetable to readiness in 15 minutes. To do this, you need to lower the fruits into boiling water so that they are under water, about 8 cm. Do not cover with a lid. Then after 15-20 minutes we immerse the fruits under cold water. Everything, the beets are ready for the salad.
  2. You can also cook beets in the microwave. It will be a little longer - 25-30 minutes, but no less tasty. Although the process of cooking in a microwave oven will be more like baking a product. Everything is simple here: put the beets in a baking bag, put them on microwave oven 200 degrees and leave for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the fetus.
  3. The next method is identical to the previous one. By the same principle, you can bake beets in the oven, after wrapping them in foil. It turns out very tasty.
  4. There are many very interesting and delicious videos about how to cook beets in a slow cooker. This is perhaps the most perfect way preserve all the useful properties of raw beets, and save on cooking time.

We cook in a multicooker

Consider options for how you can cook beets in a Redmond multicooker, because this particular model has many manual modes and programs.

First way- cook beets for vinaigrette, for example, in the "Cooking" mode. To do this, choose healthy fruits, cut off the tails, wash thoroughly with water. Then put on a wire rack and fill with water by 1.5 cm, leave for 40-60 minutes.

Next method- "Steam" mode. We have all heard about dietary benefits steamed products - the same applies to beets.

It is impossible to digest it with steam at 80-100 degrees, and even more so to make a mistake about whether you cook it correctly. This method is slightly faster than the previous one (on average 40 minutes), but it can also be accelerated by cutting the beets into pieces, then laying them out on a wire rack.

I repeat, processed and even chopped beets will not lose their properties, and at the end of cooking, you will be surprised how tender and tasty it has become, saturated with water vapor.

What's the best way to cook?

Above, we examined how beets can be cooked. And now we will give examples of how to choose the right beets and what needs to be done so that the beets do not lose their color or boil soft.

  • Most people prefer Bordeaux. It is these small and flattened varieties that are the most delicious and cook quickly enough.
  • We do not clean it before cooking, as we have already found out above, just wash it well.
  • During the cooking process, we do not salt the beets, because. this will increase the cooking time and make the vegetable hard, although here it is already as you like.
  • The readiness of beets is checked in the same way as the readiness of boiled potatoes - with a knife or fork.
  • Those who do not like the smell of boiled beets can throw some bread into the pan with beets.
  • If the beetroot is still cleaned and you are afraid that it will lose its color, add a little at the time of cooking lemon juice or a spoonful of sugar.
  • You can store an already boiled root crop in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, and in freezer up to six months, and even here all the useful properties will be preserved. What can you say about the taste...
  • Regardless of the method chosen, after the beets have been boiled, we always wash them under cold water so the skin comes off easier.

We hope our tips will help you cook beets quickly and without problems, and someone will discover this sweet and delicious product and include it in your daily diet.

Correctly cooking beets for vinaigrette or salad, at first glance, is not difficult, but, nevertheless, this question worries from time to time, both beginners and quite experienced housewives. Today we will try to thoroughly understand this issue, and my step-by-step recipe with a photo will become a visual aid for novice kitchen hostesses.

First of all, let's talk about choosing a root crop for cooking.

The shape of the beet can be any: cylindrical or round. This has no effect on the final result. The main thing, when cooking several vegetables, is to take them approximately the same size.

About the size. Small and medium beets cook the fastest. Cooking time 30-40 minutes. If there is a large root crop in the bins, then it will be boiled in a saucepan for about 1.5-2 hours. Some housewives recommend cutting large beets into pieces, but this will lead to a large loss of water-soluble vitamins. To more quickly cook such a large root crop as a whole, you can add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water. Water with oil will heat up to more high temperature which will speed up the cooking process.

How to cook whole beets in a pan quickly and correctly

We start cooking by thoroughly washing the beets under the tap. To clean the roots of dirt as much as possible, you can walk on them with a brush without damaging the peel.

We put the vegetables in a saucepan.

Fill with cold water. Some pour boiling water over the beets, but with this method of cooking, the root crop initially warms up unevenly and the inside threatens to remain unboiled. Also, I met cooks who advise adding beets to the pan when cooking. acetic acid so that the color of the vegetable does not boil out. I boil beets in water without additives, as I believe that any acid delays the readiness of vegetables. The color of the root cooked in the peel, practically remains unchanged.

Since I have small beetroots, after the water boils, I mark the time - 30 minutes. After this time, I will begin to conduct the first checks on the beets for doneness. By the way, it is very important under a tightly closed lid. This will preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in them. Therefore, try to adjust the fire of the stove in such a way that the water boils moderately, but does not try to run out of the pan.

Well, half an hour has passed. I choose the largest of the three root crops and pierce it sharp knife. The blade went in without effort, so it's time to drain the water. If the knife enters with difficulty, then cooking should be extended for another 10 minutes, and then, repeat the test again.

Drain the boiling water, holding the beets with a lid. Pour cold water into the pot immediately. It is important to create as large a temperature difference as possible, so I add a few extra ice cubes to the bowl.

After 15 minutes, when the vegetables have completely cooled, take them out of the water.

For the preparation of vinaigrette or other salads, peel the root vegetables. It is quite easy to remove, in some places even without the use of a knife.

If you plan to use boiled beets not immediately, then it is better to clean the skin immediately before using the root crop.

Boiled beets can be used for cooking various dishes, for example, such as, or other useful and tasty.

Beets - delicious and useful root vegetable, containing a large number of valuable and nutrients: these are B vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, silicon, zinc. ABOUT contains a large amount of iron and iodine, large quantity these substances only in garlic and seaweed. Beets improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine system, increases resistance to many diseases. Her taste qualities on top: housewives use the root crop for salads and other dishes. How to quickly cook beets, we will now tell.

How to cook large beets in a pan

Some housewives dislike beets for big sizes: it will take a long time to cook it - it will take 1.5-2 hours. But there are several ways to speed up the process. We are ready to reveal the secret of how to quickly cook beets and give some recommendations on how to reduce cooking time. in the usual way, on the stove.

We cook beets in the traditional way.

Before cooking, you must select suitable vegetables: if you need to cook them quickly, choose a root crop of small and medium sizes. Its skin should be thin, the shape should be oblong.

  1. Rinse the beets well and cut into pieces, the tail does not need to be removed before cooking. Choose a saucepan so that the vegetable is completely immersed in water.
  2. After collecting a full pot of water, put it on the stove.
  3. As soon as the water boils, lower the product into the water, and reduce the heat.
  4. Boil the vegetable for about an hour. If the water boils away, add some boiling water to the pot. So that during long-term cooking, the beets do not lose their ruby ​​​​color, add lemon juice to boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of liquid.
  5. To check the degree of readiness of a vegetable, pierce it with any sharp object. If the fruit is soft, then cooking is complete.
  6. Drain boiling water. Do not cool the vegetable by immersing it in water - let it cool in the air. This will keep the maximum useful substances.

  1. Rinse the vegetable without removing the tail.
  2. Heat water to boiling point. Choose a container for cooking so that the root crop is completely immersed in it.
  3. After boiling, immerse the vegetable, cook for small fire for half an hour.
  4. Then the water must be drained and the product cooled by dipping it in cold water or putting it in the refrigerator.
  5. After 15 minutes, the beets will be completely ready.

How to cook beets in the microwave

In this way, the vegetable is cooked the fastest. No pot, no stove, no water required. No need to watch the boil, turn down the fire. A beetroot cooked in a microwave oven looks no different from a vegetable cooked on the stove.

  1. Thoroughly wash the beets from dirt.
  2. Use a knife or fork to make deep cuts in it.
  3. Put the beets in a special container for cooking in the microwave. If this device is missing, any will do plastic bag"banana". After packing, the package must be tightly tied.
  4. Set the power on the kitchen appliance to 800-900 W, and the timer for 10 minutes.
  5. In this way, the product is cooked in just 10 minutes. If the device is not too powerful, you just need to increase the cooking time.

How to quickly cook beets and carrots for vinaigrette

Accelerated cooking in the traditional way

  1. Put water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  2. Rinse food well.
  3. After boiling, immerse the root vegetables in the pan.
  4. After 25-30 minutes, pull out the carrots, and after another 5-10 minutes, the beets.
  5. Immediately after extracting the ingredients for the vinaigrette, refrigerate them with cold running water or by placing them in the freezer.
  6. In a quarter of an hour, carrots and beets will be ready.

Fast Cooking in the Microwave

  1. Wash the roots well.
  2. Make small cuts, place in plastic bags. You cannot cut and cut the ingredients before cooking in order to speed up the cooking process.
  3. Set the microwave power control to 800 W and the cook time control to 10 minutes.
  4. If the food is still damp, turn on the microwave for a few more minutes. The readiness of the products is checked by the “poke method”: you need to pierce them with a fork or knife. If they are already soft, then they are cooked.

Features of cooking beets in a slow cooker

A lot of housewives have already managed to acquire such a device as a multicooker. Using a multicooker allows you to reduce cooking time, improve the taste of dishes, make the process cooking easy and convenient. Beets are traditionally used to prepare dishes such as vinaigrette, borscht. In addition to these dishes, beets are part of some mediterranean salads.

how to cook fast tasty beets using the "Steam" mode

When using a slow cooker, the cooking time for beets will be only half an hour. The steamed product will please with its taste - it will retain all juices, vitamins and microelements. We highly recommend steaming vegetables for vinaigrette and other salads.

  1. Pour water into the device, put the fruit directly into the bowl, do not use the grate.
  2. Set the timer for half an hour, turn on the device.

We use the "Baking / baking" mode

  1. Wash the root crop. Cut off the tail, it is impossible to violate the integrity of its skin.
  2. Set the timer for an hour, turn on the device.
  3. Root vegetables cooked in this mode are used as an ingredient in Mediterranean salads.

We use the "Cooking", "Soup" mode

  1. Wash the root crop. Cut off the tail, it is impossible to violate the integrity of its skin.
  2. Pour water into the device, lay the fruit.
  3. Root vegetables cooked in this mode are used as an ingredient for borscht.

We use the "Extinguishing" mode

  1. Wash the root crop. Cut off the tail, it is impossible to violate the integrity of its skin.
  2. Pour water into the device, lay the fruit.
  3. Set the timer for 45 minutes, turn on the device.
  4. Root vegetables cooked in this mode are different excellent taste, and are used as an independent dish.

We told you about different ways boiled beets. If you use our tips, it will definitely turn out delicious. The choice of the root crop itself is also of great importance: shops and private traders sometimes offer fodder beets for sale. Carefully choose a root crop and then the result of labor will surely please you! Shoot the whole cooking process on photos and videos, and post it on the Internet - let other housewives learn how to cook!

Competent heat treatment of any product affects not only its taste, but also its useful properties. This is especially true for vegetables, so information on how to properly cook beets and how long to cook them until tender should interest you. There is a myth that heat treatment of foods destroys their vitamin and mineral complex, although this is absolutely not true!

Boiled beets are used in many dishes healthy eating. This root crop is especially popular in the countries of the post-Soviet space, because it is one of the most available products nutrition, and it is also very healthy! Of course this vegetable crop You can also eat it raw, but this is how it is used, mainly for medicinal purposes.

In salads and snacks, the root crop is used boiled, and with proper cooking of beets, we can save the maximum amount of its nutrients. About how long to cook this vegetable crop so that it does not lose color and cook faster - our information!

The method of boiling red beets affects not only the cooking time, but also corresponds to the size of the root crop and its age. You can quickly cook root crops (including carrots) of small size and young, and it is recommended to boil large beets and carrots in the microwave or bake in foil in the oven.

How to quickly boil beets

Method number 1

Everyone owns this secret. professional chefs. According to this method, the root crop is cooked for 20 minutes! The whole secret is that a sharp temperature drop accelerates the softening process. vegetable fibers. That's physics!

We take medium-sized root crops, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and put it on a strong fire without covering it with a lid. Water should cover the vegetables with a layer of at least 8 cm - otherwise, it will quickly boil away, and the root crops will not have time to cook.

After 15 minutes of rapid boiling, drain the water from the pan and put it together with vegetables under a stream of very cold water. We stand the boiled product in ice water for 5-10 minutes, making sure that the water remains ice cold (ice cubes will help). Ready! You can make a salad!

Method number 2

How many minutes do you need to cook beets according to this method, read on!

Pour the root crops with boiling water, keep on medium heat for 30 minutes from the moment re-boiling, drain the water and immediately put the pan with the product under a stream of ice water for 15 minutes.

If the tap water is not cold enough, stock up on ice cubes. In general, according to this recipe, beets are cooked for 45-50 minutes - taking into account the time of its cooling.

* Cook's advice
So that the beets do not lose their color, pour 1 tbsp into the boiling water. juice fresh lemon, or 1 tsp sugar, or 1 tsp. vinegar.

How to cook delicious beets for vinaigrette or salad

Method number 1: in the oven

To cook beets so that they do not lose color and are tasty, we will turn to a tried and tested method - the oven! It turns out delicious and not troublesome.

  • Preheat the oven, set to 190 degrees. Wash the beetroot thoroughly, do not cut the tail and leaf rosette. Our task is to prevent juice from flowing through any cuts.
  • Wrap the root vegetable tightly in foil and bake for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the vegetable. Large beets should be baked for 35 minutes, small - 20 minutes.
  • Unwrap and lower into a pot of cold water until cool. If you have time, you can leave in the oven to cool completely.

Cooking vegetables in this way allows you not only to keep them bright beautiful colour, but also most vitamins, organic acids and mineral compounds. The bright beet color of the vegetable looks great not only in vinaigrettes, but any salad will look very beautiful.

*Cook's advice
Red boiled beetroot should not color other components of the salad, but how to achieve this? Very simple! After cutting the vegetable into cubes or in any other way, sprinkle the cut vegetable oil and stir. The oil coats the beetroot pieces, locking the juice inside. You end up with a very colorful vinaigrette or other vegetable salad!

Method number 2: in the microwave

Microwave owners should not have any problems with boiling vegetables.

  • We take a medium-sized root crop, wash it thoroughly with a brush, but leave the tail and leaf socket, as we advised in the recipe for baking vegetables in the oven.
  • But for cooking in the microwave, we must still violate the integrity of the skin, otherwise the root crop may explode from the internal pressure of water in the vegetable. Therefore, we make deep holes in the vegetable with toothpicks.
  • We wrap it in a plastic bag (to keep the inner chamber of the oven clean), put the bag in a special bowl for microwaves and boil the vegetable at a power of 800 kW for 10 minutes. In the process of cooking, turn the vegetable over once on the other side.

How long to cook beets in time if the microwave oven is of lower power? There is only one advice: look in the instructions for your device. As a rule, no more than 20 minutes! Consider also the size of the vegetable - large beets are cooked longer.

How to cook boiled beets in the traditional way

How to boil root vegetables (and carrots too) for a salad so that they retain all the important nutrients?

  1. I wash the beets and carrots well with a brush, do not cut off any parts of the root crops, put them in a saucepan and fill them with cold water to a level of 5 cm above.
  2. Turn on big fire and wait for the water to boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes. We take out the carrots and dip them in ice water. Cook the beets for another 20 minutes over medium heat and then - until tender over low heat. Readiness is checked with a knife or a toothpick. The tip should go in easily.
  3. We drain the water in which the product was cooked and fill it with ice water. After cooling, clean and crumble according to your needs.

* Cook's advice
Always try to use the temperature difference trick when you cook vegetables! Firstly, in this case they retain their color and fiber structure, and secondly, they are very easy to clean!

Also remember that salting water at the beginning of cooking is not recommended, since boiling food in salt water slows down the process, and vegetables harden.

How long can boiled beets be stored?

This is not an idle question if you are very busy man and you don't have enough time to boil the vegetables just before cooking. Keep boiled product you can up to 3 days - in the general section of the refrigerator, but in the freezer - up to 6 months!

We hope that our information on how to cook beets correctly and for how long will help you turn this on more often. healthy vegetable in my daily menu. Dishes with vegetables are the best foods for health and High Quality life!

Beetroot, or beetroot, as it is called in the common people, serves as a good basis for soups, is used as a side dish, adds flavor and color to elegant salads. In order for the expectations to be met and the beetroot dish to turn out to be appetizing, you need to know a few subtleties, how to cook it correctly and how long it will take.

How to choose a good beetroot

If the vegetables are to be cooked whole, they should be about the same size. Then they will be completely ready at the same time and will not disappoint with a raw middle.

If possible, it is better to check the thickness of the skin. In juicy and ripe fruits, it is tender and thin. Root crops should be dry, dark, without splashes of green.

Wrinkled, sluggish beetroot should not be used either raw or boiled for vinaigrette or any other dish.

Cooking beets in a vinaigrette pot

The vinaigrette - most popular dish in which boiled beetroot is used. Traditionally, it is boiled in a pot. Not knowing how long this will take, you can spoil the color and taste of the root crop and, accordingly, the future dish.

For vinaigrette, it is better to choose medium-sized beets. They need to be washed well under running water and put in a saucepan. The bowl should be large enough to completely cover the vegetables with water. Approximate time brewing:

  • large beetroots - about 2 hours
  • medium - about 1.5 hours
  • small fruits - 1 hour is enough

The readiness of the product is easily checked with a knife, which should freely pierce the entire root crop. To make the vinaigrette bright rich color, experienced housewives add to the water table vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Advice! Beets have to be boiled in the same bowl, as the walls of the pan acquire a characteristic coating that is difficult to clean. Beetroot can be placed in a bag, tied well and lowered into water. After cooking, the bag with root crops must be poured with cold water to cool. The pan will always be clean!

The subtleties of cooking beets in different kitchen appliances

abundance kitchen appliances sometimes confuses how many hours or minutes it takes to cook vegetables in them. There are different options that you can take into service:

    • In a pressure cooker, beetroot can be boiled whole or cut into strips. How much should it be cooked different options? Whole root vegetables will cook for 30 to 40 minutes. It all depends on the size. Sliced ​​into strips - only 20 minutes.
  • To get a boiled product from the microwave, the fruits need to be washed well, made multiple punctures with a knitting needle and set to maximum power. After 10 minutes, the beets will be completely ready.
  • In a double boiler, whole beets need to be cooked for about 50 minutes. Cooking time can be reduced to half an hour if the washed and peeled root crop is cut into strips.
  • And if there is a slow cooker available, how much beets should be boiled in it? Medium-sized root vegetables will be ready in 40 minutes, large ones in an hour, and diced ones in literally 15 minutes. In all cases, the “Baking” mode is set on the multicooker.

On a note! With any cooking method, you also need to know how much water is needed so that the beets boil evenly. It should completely cover the roots during the entire cooking time. During the boil, the water evaporates rapidly, so it will have to be added regularly until the vegetables are completely cooked.

    • Properly boil fruits in unsalted water. There are several reasons for this. Salty water gives rigidity to the product. If you add salt to the water during cooking, the salt will evaporate anyway and will not be felt. This is due to the sweetness of the root itself. That is why vegetables are salted already in the finished dish.
  • Beetroots are always laid in cold water. This contributes to the preservation maximum number vitamins.
  • The finished product should be pulled out of boiling water and doused with ice water. This will make it easier to remove the skin.
  • In order for the beetroot to retain its color during cooking, you can add not only vinegar, but also lemon juice to the water.
  • No matter how much beets are cooked, musty smell in the kitchen will be annoying. To avoid this problem, you can add a crust of rye bread to a container of boiling water and root vegetables.
  • A decoction of beetroot is used for cooking first courses, as well as a diuretic.

If there are no contraindications for eating beetroot, then it can be used in the diet menu for weight loss. Her energy value is only 44 kcal per 100 grams of product. Bright fruits are also suitable for cooking baby puree. beets, rich in vitamins and trace elements, you can safely include in daily diet for the whole family.
