
Braised rice recipe. Stewed rice with vegetables

What to cook for lunch quickly and tasty

Rice is a popular and common side dish. Today I will teach you how to make it more delicious and unusual. Recipe with step by step photo of rice with vegetables in the article

30 min

135 kcal

4.64/5 (45)

Standard side dishes in the form of potatoes and pasta get bored quickly enough. They look especially boring on the festive table. If you want to bring into your life some variety, then today I will teach you how to cook rice with vegetables.

Someone can snort, they say, what is there to study? But ... Serve crumbly boiled rice to the table so that it does not look like sticky rice porridge with pieces of vegetables, either not for everyone, or not immediately.

Rice with vegetables - very tasty and healthy

The undoubted advantage of this dish is the perfect combination of rice and vegetables, especially if you like pp. You can experiment and add different stewed vegetables, as well as different types of rice. As a result, each time you will receive new, but invariably delicious dishes that are easy to cook in a pan.

Another advantage of this recipe is the ease of preparation. Even those who have not prepared anything more complicated than sandwiches will cope with it.

How to cook rice with vegetables in a pan

So we need the following Ingredients:

How to cook rice properly:

  1. The basis of this dish is still boiled rice. Which rice is healthier? I advise you to take white long grain rice, it is he who is best combined with vegetables. First you need to wash it. This is done for purification and in order to remove the starch that forms on the surface of the grains during processing. Rinse several times until the water runs clear.
  2. Now you need to properly cook the rice. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? Always remember the right combination of water and rice. For long grain rice, take 1 cup rice to 2 cups water.
  3. Rice is poured with cold water and brought to a boil in a saucepan with a lid.
  4. After the rice has boiled, the fire must be reduced and the rice cooked until tender for 15–20 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the type of rice.
  5. The boiled water will be a signal that the rice is cooked. Do not miss the moment and do not let the rice burn. It is better to leave a little water than to overdo it.
  6. Then I leave the rice in the pan for another 10-15 minutes.

Suitable vegetables time:

  1. While the rice is cooking, you can work on the vegetables. To do this, they must be washed and cleaned.
  2. After that, the vegetables are cut into small cubes. The garlic is cut into small pieces.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan and add vegetables to it. First lay the garlic, after a minute add onions and carrots. All this fried for a few minutes. Then add zucchini.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables under it for a few more minutes.
  5. A minute before readiness, you need to add canned corn.
  6. Lastly cooked rice is added to the pan. After that, the dish can be salted and peppered.
  7. All this must be thoroughly mixed and darkened with the lid closed for another couple of minutes.

That's all, rice with vegetables is ready! Now you can please your guests and loved ones with a very tasty and original dish! What the dish is called in this case is not important, although ... if you come up with an original name, you can fix it as a family recipe

  • If you took high-quality rice and cooked it correctly, then no need to rinse after cooking.
  • Do not stir the rice during cooking, this should be done only after the rice has cooked.
  • If you want to make this dish more dietary, then you need to select unprocessed varieties of rice, for example, brown.
  • I do not add any seasonings to the dish except black pepper and salt. But you can add your favorite herbs and spices. Focus on your taste.
  • If you want to make this dish more juicy, then add more zucchini.
  • I like this combination of vegetables, but you can add your favorite vegetables to taste. Bell peppers, green peas, broccoli, green beans go well with rice.

Dish sauce and serving methods

If you are a fan of Asian cuisine, then you can easily turn this dish into an oriental one. For this you need to add some soy sauce. You can also make vegetable rice much more savory if you use it as a condiment. chili sauce or red hot pepper.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I offer a very simple recipe with a photo of cooking rice with stew, which describes the cooking process step by step. In addition to the fact that stew is a delicious product, it also keeps for a long time. Having made stocks of stew for several months, you can not worry in those cases when there is nothing to cook lunch or dinner from. Stew will always come to your rescue. The main thing is to buy a natural product and read the composition carefully so that meat or cook is indicated there. If you are preparing stew dishes for the first time, then remember that it has enough fat, so do not add a lot of oil to make the dish moderately fatty. For me, a jar of stew is always important. We often spend time with our family on weekends, so I have absolutely no time to cook. Therefore, having worked up, having rested for the whole day, we come home, and the refrigerator is empty. There was no time to buy food, there was no time to cook dinner. In such cases, a jar of stew helps out. When I have time to buy, my husband and I stock up for the future: that is, we buy not only products that will be needed in the near future, but also those goods that are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate. It is very convenient to cook rice with stew, as this combination is most successful. Rice turns out tasty and saturated with the aroma of meat.

Required products:
- 1 cup rice (long variety)
- 300 grams of stew,
- 1 medium onion,
- 1 small carrot
- some salt
- 2 glasses of water,
- a little oil for frying vegetables.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Grind the vegetables: cut the onion into cubes, and rub the peeled carrots with a metal grater.

Pass the vegetables in oil, heat the pan well. When the vegetables become soft, add the stew to them, knead lightly to separate the pieces of stew. We fry everything together for another 5 minutes. We wash the rice (we use a long variety, it is crumbly and tasty). Drain the water from the rice, let the water drain well, and then add the rice to the pan. Salt to taste.

After 5-10 minutes, pour in water, mix and leave to stew so that the rice is completely cooked. After 15-20 minutes, we try again for salt, since we poured in water and it may not be salted enough.

Ready rice is served to the table. Instead of rice, you can cook

Rice with vegetables

Stewed rice with vegetables.

If you run out of potatoes at home or want variety in side dishes, let's cook rice with vegetables. This is a very tasty and satisfying dish that can even replace a whole meal if there is no meat or fish in the house.

Such rice is not necessary, worrying about the proportions of water and cereals. Our rice is stewed in a frying pan, soaked in spices and the juice that vegetables give out. This is delicious.

What do you need for rice with vegetables

for 4 servings

  • Round-grain rice - 1 cup;
  • Water - 1.5 cups;
  • Leek - white part (or onion - 1 head);
  • Carrots - 1 small;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • Tomato - 1 piece;
  • Seasoning for pilaf - 1/2 or 1 teaspoon4
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup.

How to stew rice with vegetables in a pan

  • Rinse rice in cold water.
  • Grind vegetables: onion - cut into rings or half rings; carrots - grate on a coarse grater; sweet pepper rings cut into 4 parts; cut the tomato into small cubes.
  • Pour the bottom of the pan with a small amount of oil and simmer the onion in it (small fire). After 2-3 minutes, add carrots, after another 3 minutes - pepper with tomatoes. Simmer vegetables until softened. Transfer them to a bowl.
  • Pour the remaining oil into the pan. Reheat and fry the rice over medium heat. Fry for a short time, until transparent, stirring so as not to burn.
  • Add 1.5 hot water to rice. When it boils, reduce the heat. Cover the skillet with a lid and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it seems to you that there is not enough water, add a little.
  • When the rice has become soft - salt, season with spices for pilaf. Add vegetables. Taste and adjust if necessary. Simmer the rice and vegetables together for another 4-5 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the dish stand for a while, soak up the vegetable juice.

Rice with vegetables is a tasty and satisfying dish. It can act as a main dish, and as a side dish for meat, poultry or fish.

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Dishes from rice, meat and vegetables are found in every national cuisine, and although the composition of the ingredients is not fundamentally different, the end result is completely different. For Spanish paella, Italian risotto, Uzbek or Tajik pilaf, Balkan pilav, the main products are the same: rice, meat, spices, oil and vegetables. But, depending on the method of preparation, the taste and appearance of the dishes will be very different. All this to the fact that even from the same set of products you can cook tasty and varied. If you are confident in your abilities, try cooking risotto or pilaf, but if you think that culinary skills are still not enough to arrange an exam for yourself and take on something difficult, cook crumbly rice with pork and vegetables in a pan, a recipe with a photo is already waiting for you below. Pay attention to this one.
To make rice crumbly, it is important to choose the right proportions of water and dry cereals. Usually this is one to two: for example, two glasses of rice are four glasses of water. When rice is cooked with meat or vegetables, a little more liquid is added, taking into account that other foods will also absorb it during cooking. In general, it would be nice to have a special plate on hand, which indicates the proportions of water for different varieties of rice. But, since rice is often sold in our stores without specifying the variety, we will adhere to the standard proportion.
The recipe uses a lot of spices, the finished dish tastes spicy and spicy. You can exclude some spices, leaving more familiar to you or only those that you like. It is still desirable to add turmeric for any choice, it does not change the taste, but makes the rice very appetizing, bright yellow in color. You can cook and I prepared this one for you.


- pork, beef or veal - 400-450 gr.;
- rice (dry cereal) - 2.5 cups;
- eggplant - 1 large;
- tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
- onions - 2 large onions;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- sweet bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
- turmeric - 0.5 tsp;
- universal curry seasoning (not spicy) - 1 tsp;
- black peppercorns, coriander peas - 0.5 tsp each;
- cloves - 3-4 pieces;
- ground ginger - a third of a teaspoon;
- cinnamon - at the tip of a teaspoon;
- chili pepper, sweet paprika - half a teaspoon;
- water - 5.5 glasses.

How to cook with a photo step by step

To cook delicious rice with pork and vegetables in a pan, first we take the meat and cut it into strips, not very thin, like for goulash. You can take lean meat, without fat, or vice versa - take meat with fat, then you will need less vegetable oil. Every hostess should know.

Pour oil into a deep frying pan, cauldron or stewpan, heat it up and lay out the meat. On high heat, stirring, fry for 5-7 minutes, until the meat turns white. Pour half a glass of water, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to almost minimum. We cook pork for 15 minutes, veal and beef, respectively, for 20 and 30 minutes.

While the meat is stewing, prepare the spices according to the list. We crush whole peas of pepper, coriander and cloves in a mortar and mix with ground spices.

Cut the onion into quarters of rings or cubes. Partially cut off the skin from the eggplants (stripes), cut into cubes of 2.5-3 cm. Transfer the eggplants to a colander, add salt (0.5 teaspoon of salt is enough), mix and leave for 15 minutes to leave the bitter juice.

We cut sweet peppers and carrots into medium-sized cubes so that bright vegetables are visible in the finished dish.

During the stewing of meat, the liquid in the pan should completely evaporate, the meat should become soft. Slightly increase the heat, brown the meat pieces and add the onion.

Fry for a few minutes, softening the onion in oil. Add all the spices and immediately mix, fry for one minute until the aroma of the spices becomes saturated, strong.

Pour carrots with bell pepper into a pan with meat and onions. We mix everything, simmer for no more than three minutes, soaking the vegetables with oil.

Substitute eggplant under a stream of cold water, wash off salt and bitterness. Slightly squeeze, transfer to a pan, simmer for two to three minutes.

We cut the tomatoes medium-sized, you can grate half. Add to vegetables with meat, fry for several minutes, so that the sweet and sour taste of the tomato appears.

Throw out the rice. Before that, we must rinse it, changing the water five to six times, until all the debris is gone. We mix rice, meat and vegetables, cook without adding liquid so that the rice grains are saturated with spices and oil.

After about five minutes, when the rice acquires a bright color, pour in five glasses of water, immediately salt to taste (salt, stir and try). Increase the heat to the highest possible, wait for the boil to begin. We twist the flame, set the minimum fire, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 30 minutes.

During cooking, do not mix the rice or do it at the initial stage, until all the liquid has been absorbed into the cereal. The photo shows that the rice turned out to be soft, crumbly. You will definitely like delicious, be sure to cook.

There is no need to infuse the finished dish. Immediately lay out fragrant friable rice with meat and vegetables on plates and serve. You can serve it with a salad of fresh vegetables or make vegetable cuts. Be sure to cook this rice with pork and vegetables in a pan, the recipe with the photo I hope was simple.

Bon appetit!
