
How to properly dilute 9 percent vinegar. Acetic acid vinegar

It is difficult to do without such a familiar and simple additive in the preparation of various dishes - vinegar. It happens that ordinary vinegar is over, and at home there is a bottle of vinegar essence. How to make vinegar 9% from essence?

How to make vinegar 9%

It would seem that everything is extremely simple: you need to mix a small amount of water and essence to get a solution of the right consistency. But here it must be borne in mind that the density of a concentrated solution is not the same as the density of water. Therefore, knowledge is indispensable.

A simple way to dilute the essence:

  • you have a concentrated solution of 70%. You need to get vinegar, a strength of 9%;
  • for this you need to prepare water and a suitable container for storing the finished product;
  • take 7 parts of water. For example, 7 large spoons. Pour into a jar;
  • add 1 part of vinegar essence to water - 1 tablespoon;
  • or like this: take 2 tablespoons of essence and dilute with 14 tablespoons of water. You will get the same bite of 9%, only in larger quantities.

If you need to get 9% vinegar from the essence of different concentrations

In the case when the vinegar essence is of different strengths, then the formula for preparing classic table or food vinegar will differ from the standard method.

On sale is vinegar essence of the fortress 30, 70 and 80%.

How to prepare 9% vinegar:

  • Weakly concentrated essence (30%) is diluted as follows: take 2 parts of water - let's say 1 liter, add 500 ml of essence.
  • If the initial strength of the essence is 70%, then you need to take the same 7 parts of the liquid as described above, add 1 tablespoon of a concentrated solution.
  • In the case when the concentration of vinegar essence is 80%, you need to take 8 parts of water and 1 part of the essence.

How to quickly dilute vinegar essence to get 9% vinegar

To save time and quickly dilute the essence, you need to use an ordinary faceted glass. It has already been verified that 11 large spoons of water are placed in this container, which means that in order to dilute 70% vinegar essence, you need to add only 2 tablespoons of a concentrated solution to a glass of water.

How to work with a measuring table

It is not known what strength of vinegar will be needed to prepare various dishes, so it is advisable to have a bottle of vinegar essence at home in order to get the vinegar of the desired strength in each case.

There is a measuring table for diluting 70% vinegar essence:

  • to get a weakly concentrated solution of vinegar - 3%, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon with water, in the amount of 22 and a half tablespoons;
  • to obtain a 4% acetic solution, you will need water in the amount of 17 tablespoons;
  • 6, 7, 8 and 9% vinegar is diluted: 11, 9, 8 and 7 tablespoons of ordinary water;
  • to get a more concentrated solution of 10%, you need to add 6 tablespoons of water, and to get a 30% solution of vinegar, add only 1.5 tablespoons of water.

Concentrated 30% vinegar is used not for cooking, but in everyday life, if you need to quickly remove rust or get rid of scale.

When diluting acetic acid, safety rules must be observed: do not inhale the vapors, do not allow the acid to come into contact with the skin.

Now you know how to dilute vinegar essence to get 9% vinegar for cooking various dishes. Follow the measure and then your dishes will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

You can buy 70% vinegar in stores today, but most recipes for cooking advise taking 7% or 9%. In this case, many hostesses ask a quite reasonable question: "How to dilute vinegar in order to obtain a liquid of the required concentration." Today, dear visitors of our portal, we will give you a comprehensive answer.

First of all, we advise you to carefully study the label on the bottle of vinegar essence. As a rule, it should indicate in what proportions it should be diluted. If there is no guide, then do not despair, but read this article to the end.

And here in front of you is a bottle of vinegar essence, on the label of which the value of 70% flaunts. If you were good at algebra at school, then it will not be difficult for you to calculate how much water to dilute the acid in order to obtain the required concentration by solving the following equation V vinegar \u003d C con. X 1000/C ref, where:
V of vinegar - the required amount of vinegar in ml,
From con. - the required concentration of the solution, in%,
From ref. - available concentration of essence, in %,
V water - the estimated amount of water required to obtain 1 liter of solution, in ml.

For example: if 1 liter of a solution of the required concentration is required, then the formula will take on the following form - V water \u003d 1000 - V vinegar, i.e. to obtain 1 liter of a solution of the required concentration, you need to take the amount of water, minus the amount of vinegar essence.

There is another formula for diluting vinegar essence, which will allow you to understand how much a solution of the required consistency will turn out from the available volume of vinegar,
V final solution \u003d C ref / Ccon. x V initial solution.

For example: You have a half-liter bottle of 6% vinegar, you can find out how much a 1% filling will turn out from this volume: 6% / 1% x 0.5 liters. = 3 liters.

However, if you do not want to bother yourself with mathematical calculations, then we want to bring to your attention a simple plate that tells you in what proportions to dilute the 70% essence to obtain solutions of standard acidity.

How to breed vinegar essence: table

If you want to 30% -ny solution of vinegar, then you should dilute the essence in a ratio of 1: 1.5.

To prepare filling with acidity 10% , mix 1 part vinegar with 6 parts water.

To obtain 9% -ny vinegar, you need to dilute the essence in a ratio of 1: 7.

Solution with concentration 8% can be prepared by mixing 1 part vinegar and 8 parts water.

Less concentrated - 7% -ny solution will be obtained if you combine the essence and water in a ratio of 1:9.

When mixing 11 parts of water and 1 part of 70% vinegar essence, you get a filling with a concentration 6% .

If you mix the essence and water in a ratio of 1:13, then you can cook 5% solution of vinegar.

And if you increase the portion of water to 17, then you end up with a liquid with a concentration 4% .

And finally, to cook the weak, 3% solution of vinegar, it is necessary to combine 22.5 parts of water and 1 part of 70% vinegar essence.

We are sure that after you have read this text to the end, you will not have a silent question in your eyes: “How?” information in the recipe that you need to take such and such an amount of 6% vinegar solution if you only have 70% essence in the drawer in the kitchen. After all, you now know how to dilute the essence to the desired concentration quickly and easily.

Finally, it will not be superfluous to recall that working with vinegar requires increased care. If liquid comes into contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Do not forget that vinegar vapors are also toxic, their inhalation threatens to burn the mucous membrane.

Vinegar is a product obtained during the life of acetic acid bacteria. These amazing bacteria are present wherever the process of sugar fermentation takes place, the natural result of which is the formation of ethanol. Once in an environment containing alcohol, acetic acid bacteria begin to synthesize vinegar.

Curious historical facts

  • Translated from the ancient Greek "oxos" means "sour".
  • Mankind got acquainted with vinegar as long ago as with wine: ancient manuscripts testify to this. Already in ancient Babylon, its inhabitants knew how to make date wine and date vinegar. And it was almost seven thousand years ago.
  • Ancient people used vinegar as a food seasoning, household antiseptic, as well as hygiene and medicine.
  • Vinegar is mentioned in the Bible and in the Sunnah. In Chinese handwritten sources, information about vinegar began to appear three thousand years ago, and Japanese evidence dates back to the fourth century AD.
  • Louis Pasteur in 1864 scientifically proved that vinegar is a product of microbiological synthesis.

What is vinegar made from?

The raw material for the production of vinegar can be almost any food, which includes natural saccharides (maltose, glucose, fructose).

Thanks to the action of yeast, which starts the fermentation process, the fermented natural sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol, which, under the influence of acetic acid bacteria, is processed into natural vinegar.

Natural vinegar preserves the taste and aroma of the raw materials used for its production. So what are the varieties natural vinegar most popular around the world?

  • Vinegar- a product obtained as a result of the oxidation of wine. White wine produces white vinegar, red wine produces red. Wine vinegar, characterized by a mild taste, is used to prepare delicious desserts, fruit salads and gourmet sauces.

The most valuable and aromatic varieties of wine vinegar are made from the best brands of expensive wine (pinot gris, champagne, sherry), aging them in oak barrels.

  • Apple vinegar, for the production of which apple cider is used, has a golden color and a pleasant aroma of apples. The concentration of natural apple cider vinegar can be comparable to the concentration of vinegar essence, therefore, to make a product ready for use, it is recommended to dilute it with either drinking or slightly sweetened water, as well as fruit juices.

Apple cider vinegar is a prominent representative of fruit and berry vinegars, the raw materials for which are berry or fruit wines. Vinegar can also be peach, currant, sea buckthorn, raspberry.

In cooking, the use of apple cider vinegar is reduced to salad dressing and use in the preparation of marinades and sauces.

  • beer vinegar, obtained from beer, is consumed in large quantities by residents of Austria and Germany. The taste and aroma of this product is determined by the palatability of the drink used.
  • malt vinegar- the favorite product of the inhabitants of Britain. Derived from the fermentation of barley, the expensive malt vinegar is reminiscent of the famous English ale in its thick consistency and deep brown color. There are cheaper varieties of malt vinegar, which are obtained by diluting acetic acid flavored with caramel essence.

The aging of balsamic vinegar takes from six years to a quarter of a century, and the most valuable species of cherry, juniper, chestnut and oak are used to make barrels intended for this process.

  • rice vinegar(liquid of a pale yellow color with a peculiar aroma and mild taste) is a product obtained during the oxidation of rice wine or during the fermentation of rice. They are seasoned with noodles and soups, salads from fruits and vegetables, used for cooking rice intended for making sushi.

The most expensive varieties of rice vinegar are black and red vinegar - the favorite spices of the Chinese. Red rice vinegar has a pleasant sweetish taste. The aroma of black vinegar is more intense, with a slight hint of smoke.

  • Vinegar can be alcohol, if the basis for its production is edible ethyl alcohol.
  • When flavoring alcohol vinegar with natural extracts of herbs (thyme, dill, basil, garlic, parsley, oregano, tarragon) and various spices, it turns out flavored alcohol vinegar.

All of the above types of vinegar, made from natural raw materials, are natural, but there is also synthetic vinegar, obtained by diluting acetic acid, which is obtained in the laboratory.

How is acetic acid obtained?

There are several ways to produce acetic acid:

  1. It is produced from natural gas using a chemical synthesis method.
  2. It is a by-product obtained during the manufacture of chemical fertilizers.
  3. Wood-chemical acetic acid is obtained as a result of processing wood waste (sawdust).

Absolute (or glacial) acetic acid is a product whose concentration is 100%. When glacial acetic acid is diluted with water up to 70-80%, acetic essence is obtained, which is indicated in the list of ingredients that make up the product under the guise of additive E260.

In a number of countries (for example, in Bulgaria, the United States and France), the use of synthetic acetic acid for food purposes is prohibited.

Acetic essence can be bought both in pure form and in the form of table vinegar, which is an aqueous (3-9%) solution of acetic acid. You can bring the taste of synthetic table vinegar closer to the taste of a natural product by infusing it with spices, aromatic herbs and fruits, or using artificial flavors.

What percentage is in table vinegar?

On the shelves of modern grocery stores you can find table vinegar with a strength of 3%, 6% and 9%. Vinegar with 9% acetic acid content is used to prepare marinades for canning. It is strong for eating, but 3% and 6% vinegar can be safely dressed with salads and improve the taste of your favorite dishes with it.

It is curious that the inhabitants of Europe consume almost four liters of natural vinegar during the year, which is 20 times the amount of the same product in the diet of Russian citizens (our compatriots are limited to only 200 ml of this seasoning).

Housewives use vinegar essence for self-preparation of table vinegar. Depending on the purpose of the destination (salad dressing, marinade preparation, canning fruits or vegetables), vinegar of different concentrations may be needed in the kitchen, so every housewife should do it correctly.

It is necessary to follow the exact recipe for making table vinegar at home not only in order not to spoil the taste of the dish, but also for one more reason. The fact is that acetic acid and water have different densities, therefore, in order to obtain a high-quality solution, it is necessary to carefully observe the correct ratio of parts.

Concentrated vinegar essence cannot be used undiluted for cooking, as this is fraught with poisoning or severe burns.

How to prepare 9% vinegar? Table vinegar of this concentration is used when preserving fruits and vegetables. To prepare 9% vinegar, you can use vinegar essence with a concentration of 30%, 70% or 80%.

How to prepare 9% vinegar:

  • When using 30% vinegar essence, one part of it is diluted with two parts of water (for example, two tablespoons of water are taken for one tablespoon of essence).
  • When making table vinegar 9% out of 70%, the amount of water is increased to seven parts per one part of acid (a spoonful of essence per seven tablespoons of water).
  • An 80% essence requires diluting it with an amount of water that is eight times the volume of an acetic acid solution (that is, a tablespoon of the essence should be diluted in eight tablespoons of water).

There is a universal formula with which you can easily determine how much water you need to dilute vinegar essence to obtain table vinegar of the required concentration.

Universal calculation formula for the preparation of table vinegar

If the concentration of vinegar essence you have is divided by the concentration of table vinegar that you need to get, you will get a number showing how many times the amount of the resulting solution should exceed the amount of essence taken.

Let's explain with an example: We have 80% vinegar essence. We need to get 5% table vinegar. Divide 80 by 5 and get 16. This means that one part of the essence must be diluted with 15 parts of water. If the result of division is a fractional number, it should be rounded up.

Another example: you want to get 3% vinegar from 70% vinegar essence. We divide 70 by 3, we get 23.3. We round the result to 23.5 and conclude that we need to take 22.5 parts of water for one part of the essence.

Most often, vinegar of this concentration is used in order to marinate meat.

How to get 6% vinegar?

  1. Having an essence with a strength of 80%, one part of it is diluted with twelve parts of water.
  2. At 70% acid strength, 10.5 parts of water are added to it.
  3. To dilute one part of the 30% essence, add four parts of water.

In this case, ordinary piles or small cups are most often used as a measure.

How much vinegar is in a tablespoon?

Since vinegar is a condiment with a pronounced sour taste, its overdose can spoil the taste of any dish (especially the one you cook for the first time). Therefore, it is important for inexperienced housewives to know:

1 tablespoon = 15 g vinegar

What is the density of vinegar?

Aqueous solutions of acetic acid have different densities depending on the strength of a particular solution. The density of absolute (glacial) acetic acid is 1.05 kg/l.

The density of vinegar essence has the following indicators:

  • 30% - 1.0383 kg / l.
  • 70% - 1.0686 kg / l.
  • 80% - 1.0699 kg / l.

Density of table vinegar:

  • 3% - 1.002 kg / l.
  • 6% - 1.006 kg / l.
  • 9% - 1.011 kg / l.

All stated values ​​are valid at room temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that an increase in the ambient temperature affects the decrease in the density of these solutions.

Vinegar is most often drunk by mistake when a dangerous liquid is either poured into an inappropriate container, or stored in an easily accessible place and falls into the hands of young children or drunken family members. There is another reason why acetic acid can harm human health. This is what suicides do, not thinking about what a painful death they condemn themselves to.

The severity of the lesion is determined by the amount of acetic acid drunk and the strength of its solution. Solutions whose strength exceeds 30% can be life threatening.

Consequences of ingestion of concentrated acetic acid into the human body:

  • With the most favorable outcome, a person can get extremely painful burns of the mouth, lips and esophagus. This condition is always accompanied by excruciating and rather prolonged pains, especially noticeable at the time of eating.
  • Healing of burns inevitably leads to contraction and deformation of the tissues of the mucous membranes and adjacent internal organs. In severe cases, severe tissue damage can lead to complete occlusion of the esophagus, resulting in impaired swallowing function.
  • Vapors of vinegar often cause burns to the trachea and larynx. This can lead to partial or complete loss of voice and breathing problems (it will be difficult).
  • If a large amount of a concentrated solution of acetic acid enters the human body, this can result in very serious burns of the stomach, which already has an acidic environment, since no less concentrated hydrochloric acid is included in the gastric juice.

If acetic acid enters the stomach, a person may vomit blood and severe gastrointestinal bleeding. The most terrible consequence of a fatal mistake is complete perforation (or perforation) of the stomach with the formation of a through hole in its wall, through which everything that was contained in it can enter the abdominal cavity.

In this case, even under the condition of timely and qualified medical care, scars that tighten it will inevitably appear inside the stomach, due to which part of this organ will subsequently have to be removed.

Where is balsamic vinegar used?

Balsamic vinegar (or balsamic), referred to as the "king of vinegars", has a fairly wide range of uses.

  • In cooking, it is seasoned with salads, served with fish, meat, vegetables (both as an independent seasoning and as an ingredient in gourmet marinades), and is used to enrich the taste of first and second courses.

Balsamic vinegar should not be subjected to thermal effects, since in this case it will completely lose all its useful qualities. It is served to the table only chilled, and adding it to hot dishes, they cool them a little.

  • In medicine, balsamic vinegar is used as an antibacterial agent, washing wounds, gargling or rubbing the skin with it. Due to its low calorie content and due to its rich vitamin composition, balsamic sauce is used as a vitamin supplement to the diet of those who want to lose weight. Due to its antiseptic properties, balsamic is used as part of medicines that accelerate wound healing and body regeneration.

Balsamico is used as an effective remedy to help cope with cellulite.

  • Expensive varieties of elite balsamic vinegar are used in cosmetology, using it for the production of expensive lotions, gels, creams and other hair and skin care products.

How to prepare rice vinegar?

Preparing rice vinegar is troublesome, but since the result will be a healthy and tasty product, it is worth trying to make it on your own.

About the use of rice vinegar:

cook rice vinegar at home:

  1. Taking 300 g of rice, rinse it thoroughly under running water, put it in a glass bowl and pour 1200 ml of water into it.
  2. We put the bowl in heat for four hours, after which we take it out to a cool room for a day.
  3. We filter the liquid through several layers of gauze and pour 900 g of granulated sugar into it.
  4. After stirring the liquid until the sugar is completely dissolved, put it in a water bath and cook for half an hour.
  5. After waiting for the syrup to cool, pour it into a two-liter glass jar and pour dry yeast (a third of a tablespoon).
  6. We let the liquid ferment for a week, after which we pour it into another jar and, having tied the neck with clean gauze, put it in a dark place for 4-6 weeks. We take samples from time to time.
  7. When the vinegar acquires a sweet taste with a slight sourness and becomes fragrant and translucent, we filter it well, boil it and bottle it, tightly closing it with sterile lids.

How to prepare apple cider vinegar? How to make vinegar from apples?

To make apple cider vinegar, you can use:

  • Apples damaged by pests.
  • Overripe fruits.
  • Apple pomace left over after making apple juice.
  • Carrion.

For every kilogram of apple mass take from 50 to 100 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The apples are thoroughly washed, the rot is cut off, the damage is removed and cut into pieces.
  2. The apple mass is placed in an enameled container, poured with water heated to 70 degrees, and granulated sugar is poured. You can use fermented juices and sour jam. After thoroughly mixing the mass, make sure that the liquid layer above it is at least 3-4 centimeters. On top you can put a wooden plank with a load.
  3. The container is left for a couple of weeks in a warm place for fermentation. The optimum room temperature should be between 18 and 22 degrees.
  4. Do not forget to stir the mass from time to time. After two weeks, the fermented liquid is bottled using a filter. Bottles should not be filled to the top, as the liquid will still ferment. Two weeks later, the procedure is repeated, pouring the vinegar into other bottles, again without topping it up to the very top.
  5. In a couple of weeks the product will be finally ready. This time the bottles are filled with apple cider vinegar up to the very neck and sealed with sterile stoppers. Storage of the finished product is carried out in a cool room with an air temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.

What is useful apple cider vinegar?

Useful properties have only a natural product that does not contain any dyes and flavors.

Apple vinegar, Benefit for health:

  • It is beneficial for digestion, as it is able to normalize beneficial microflora, destroying putrefactive bacteria and preventing infections from entering the body.
  • Helps improve intestinal motility.
  • Improves lipid metabolism and the breakdown of fats.
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • It is a good preventive measure against cancer.

When using store-bought apple cider vinegar, read the label carefully to make sure it does not contain acetic acid. If such an ingredient is still present in the recipe, this is not apple cider vinegar, but ordinary table vinegar.

  • Stimulates the work of the brain and the entire nervous system.
  • It helps the body get rid of toxins, improving the cleansing function of the liver and thereby contributing to the fight against excess weight.
  • It has a diuretic effect and prevents the formation of edema, removing excess fluid from the body.
  • Making the vessels elastic, normalizes blood circulation in the veins.
  • The healing properties of apple cider vinegar can be used to treat inflammation in the mouth and throat.

Does apple cider vinegar help with varicose veins?

Apple cider vinegar has long been used in folk medicine to treat varicose veins in the following forms:

  1. In the form of rubbing applied twice a day. Before rubbing, it is recommended to take a shower and not rinse off the vinegar after the procedure.
  2. in the form of compresses. The gauze soaked in apple cider vinegar is applied to the problem area, wrapped with a film, insulated and left for half an hour, putting your feet on a high pillow.

    Treatment with apple cider vinegar gives good results with regular use of this product twice a day.

  3. In the form of douches. For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a healing solution consisting of two liters of water and a glass of apple cider vinegar. Taking two basins, they sit down on the edge of the bath and lower their legs into one of them. Slowly water the problem areas with the prepared solution. When the solution is over, move the legs to another basin and repeat the manipulation. The duration of the douche is at least five minutes.
  4. In the form of a medicinal drink. To prepare it, take 200 ml of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Take this portion twice a day, in the morning and evening.

How to bring down the temperature with vinegar?

Rubbing with vinegar at a temperature is a fairly gentle and quick way to help alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, an adult or a small child in the case when a suitable medicine is not at hand. How to do it?

  • The solution for rubbing is prepared as follows: 500 ml of warm water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar are mixed in an enameled container.
  • Having undressed the patient to underwear, wipe the entire surface of his body with this solution, starting from the head and moving from the torso to the limbs.
  • Sometimes a terry towel is impregnated with a solution of vinegar, wrapped around the patient and laid in bed, well wrapped in a blanket.
  • If after rubbing the temperature has risen again, the procedure can be repeated.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar? Why extinguish soda with vinegar?

How to extinguish soda with vinegar? Dry soda used to loosen dough can only spoil its taste, since it lacks carbon dioxide, which can give splendor to baking. The addition of vinegar starts a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide. How to do it right?

  1. Place the required amount of soda in a spoon and add a few drops of 9% vinegar (5-6 drops per teaspoon).
  2. The chemical reaction will start immediately. Without waiting for its end, immediately pour the contents of the spoon into the future dough and quickly knead: only in this case the released carbon dioxide will not be wasted.
  3. The finished dough should be baked immediately, then magnificent pastries are guaranteed to you.

How to pickle onions in vinegar?

Onions marinated in vinegar are ideal for poultry or meat skewers. It cooks quickly and tastes great. How to pickle onions in vinegar? You will need:

  • 4 onions.
  • A glass of cold water.
  • 7 tablespoons 9% vinegar.
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • ½ tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix vinegar, water, salt and sugar.
  2. Pour the chopped onion with the resulting marinade.
  3. We send it to the refrigerator. After half an hour, the onion will be ready.

How to make kale salad with vinegar?


  • Small (500 g) head of cabbage.
  • 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar.
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  • Salt and sugar - to the taste of the hostess.

Acetic essence is widely used in cooking as a seasoning. The concentration of the product is 70%, but many recipes require the use of 9% table vinegar.

Not necessary buy vinegar of different saturation for home use, when you can make 9% vinegar from 70% essence on your own.

It is not difficult to get the composition of the desired concentration if you know the calculation order.

Calculation formula

Essence is a strong solution of volatile substances. To obtain the concentration necessary for any purpose, you need to dilute the starting material with water.

Each case has its own proportions. One calculation option is based on the required amount of funds.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Translate the required amount of product in grams. Keep in mind that 70% acid contains 100 grams of 70% pure vinegar.

    Accordingly, in 100 grams of 9% of the composition there should be 9 g of pure substance.

  2. To calculate it is necessary to multiply the required concentration of the solution (Kr.) with the final mass (Mit.) and divide the result obtained by the concentration of the initial product (K.p.).

If take the required amount of essence for x, then the following formula is obtained x \u003d (Kr.xMit.) / (K.p.)

If we consider the calculations on a specific example, then to obtain 100 grams of 9% of the product from 70% of the composition, the formula will look like this: x \u003d 9x100 / 70 \u003d 12.86 grams.

This option is convenient if you have a kitchen scale. From the result obtained, it can be seen that to obtain 100 grams of 9% product, you need to take 12.86 grams of 70% concentrate and bring this volume to 100 grams.

There is another calculation option, how to prepare the composition of the desired saturation (x):

To do this, it is enough to know the required concentration of the solution (Kp-ra) and the concentration of the acid (Kk-you). The calculation formula is as follows: x \u003d (Kk-you) / (Kr-ra).

In numbers, the calculation looks like this: x=70/9=8. This figure means the number of parts, one of which is a concentrate. To get 9% of the composition, you need 1 part of 70% essence and 7 parts of water (1 + 7 = 8).

Sometimes you may need a different algorithm:

If you need to find out the amount of water (Kv) required to dilute a specific volume of acid (Kk-you) to the desired concentration (Kp-ra), then use the following formula: Kv \u003d x \u003d (Kk-tykh70%) / (Kp-ra ).

To dilute 5 ml of a 70% concentrate (a teaspoon) for a 9% product, you need 5x70/9=39 ml.

You can check the correctness of the calculations using the previous formula with the definition of parts. For a teaspoon of concentrate in 5 ml, you need 7 tablespoons of water (7x5 = 40).

If necessary, you can replace the 9% acid with a product of less saturation. The calculations for such a replacement are extremely simple.

It is necessary to divide the required percentage of saturation by the existing one and use the result for the calculation.

If according to the recipe you need a teaspoon of 9% of the product, and there is only 6% concentrate in the kitchen, then you need to take one and a half times more (9: 6 \u003d 1.5).

Accordingly, with 3% of the product available, the dosage should be tripled (9:3=3). Reduce the amount of water in the recipe.

If instead of a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, you had to take 3 tablespoons of 3% composition, then you need to take 2 tablespoons less water (2-1 \u003d 1).

Note! Regardless of the chosen calculation formula, you must remember the safety rules.

You need to use glassware, preventing acid from getting on the mucous membrane.

Measured table with description

Vinegar of various saturations is widely used in cooking. With its help, all kinds of marinades are prepared, preparations are preserved for the winter, they are used to extinguish soda, they make dressings for salads and snacks.

enjoy formula is not always convenient. It is necessary to make calculations, and in the case of fractions, it is problematic to calculate everything in the mind.

In this case, the following measured table will help:

Such a table convenient if you have a kitchen scale or measuring containers with small divisions at home. The calculations are made exactly according to the formula, but the numbers can be slightly rounded.

If there are no kitchen scales or measuring containers, then you can use other data.

These figures are rounded, but this does not really matter:

  1. For getting 100 grams of a 9% vinegar product needs 2.5 teaspoons of a 70% composition. The rest of the volume must be filled with water.
  2. Incomplete a faceted glass (200 g) of the solution is obtained from 5 teaspoons or 2.5 dessert spoons of the concentrate.
  3. Full a faceted glass (250 g) is prepared from 6.5 teaspoons, 3 desserts or 2 tablespoons of acid.
  4. Half a liter a jar of solution can be obtained by taking 13 teaspoons, 6.5 dessert or 4.5 tablespoons of essence.
  5. Liter 9% of the composition is prepared from 25.5 teaspoons, 13 desserts or 8.5 tablespoons of the concentrate. You can also take it in the amount of 2.5 glasses or half a faceted glass.

All kinds of recipes require the use of a solution of acetic acid of different saturation, and for domestic needs, 70% essence can be used in its pure form.

For these reasons, it is more convenient to purchase one bottle of a concentrated product than to store several containers with different solutions.

Note! It is not only convenient to prepare a composition of the desired saturation from acetic acid using formulas and a measuring table, but also profitable.

Vinegar is sold in small volumes regardless of concentration. If a bottle with 9% acid contains no more than 2 glasses of liquid, then a bottle with a concentration of 70% of such glasses can make much more.

Acetic acid is one of the important products in any kitchen. It is used in the preparation of many dishes, but in different concentrations.

If necessary, it is easy to make a lower concentration agent from 70% essence.

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It is impossible to imagine the modern world without one of the accidental inventions of mankind - without table vinegar. On store shelves, you can most often find 9% vinegar and 70% concentrated vinegar essence.

But in various life situations, not only 9% vinegar is required, but also many other vinegar solutions of various concentrations. From the point of view of economy, it is easier to buy vinegar essence and dilute it depending on the need.

For different purposes, it is better to use different varieties of vinegar. There is natural vinegar obtained by fermenting fruit and berry juices, and there is synthetic vinegar obtained by distillation of wood, oil, gas.

The cost of natural vinegar is much higher, the taste is also much higher, so it is better to use natural varieties for cooking, but synthetic ones are quite suitable for cleaning kitchen surfaces and removing stains.

No. p \ p Scope of the solution Permissible concentration
1. Cleaning the stove from grease, removing rust 30%
2. Disinfection, removing stains from fabric surfaces 10%
3. Long shelf life marinades in hermetically sealed jars 9%
4. Quick marinating meat, onions 8%
5. Quick vegetable marinades that do not require hermetic twist without long storage 7%
6. Redemption of soda for baking flour products 6%
7. Removing odors in lunch boxes, bread boxes, refrigerators 5%
8. Independent seasoning for boiled and fried meat (pork) 4%
9. Dressing fresh vegetable salads, making homemade mayonnaise 3%

Where is the 3% solution used?

3% vinegar has found use in cooking. A slightly acidic spicy solution is an excellent independent seasoning for boiled dumplings and vegetable salads. Adding it to the first courses will keep the bright color of the borscht and add a piquant sourness to the pickle. And not a single festive table can do without homemade marinades - cucumbers, garlic, onions.

3% vinegar has found a place in cosmetology. With it, you can fight acne and dandruff; it will soothe itching after insect bites and help remove bruises.

3% vinegar can be made from 70% essence, or you can Dilute 9% table vinegar to 3%.

Acetic essence is produced only of synthetic origin, so its solutions are best used for non-food needs.

How to calculate the required concentration?

To get 3% vinegar from 70% (vinegar essence) you need to know the proportion of dilution. Depending on the required amount of a 3% solution, you need to choose a unit of measure. It can be a teaspoon or a tablespoon, a measuring cup, a glass - whatever.

Measure 22.5 units of water into a glass container, and then pour 1 unit of vinegar essence into it.

To dilute vinegar essence, boiled water at room temperature should be taken so as not to provoke a chemical reaction!

With such a solution 3% vinegar, made from 70% can be used to wipe the child at a high temperature. Sponging will help lower the temperature by 1-1.5 degrees without using antipyretic drugs. A cotton swab dipped in such a solution can lubricate the places of mosquito bites. With the same composition, it is easy to remove unpleasant odors in plastic containers and kitchen cabinets.

In cooking, vinegar essence is better not to use. An exception may be only the preparation of homemade mayonnaise, if the fruity taste of natural vinegar is undesirable.

For culinary purposes, it is better to take natural 9% vinegar and dilute it to 3% concentration. It's quite simple: for 3 units of water, take 1 unit of vinegar. Boiled dumplings can be poured with such a slightly acidic solution; based on it, you can prepare a delicious salad dressing or sauce for meat. In such a low concentration, vinegar will not hurt even with gastritis, adding its piquant note to the culinary bouquet of the dish!

Precautionary measures

Simple safety rules should be observed when storing and diluting 70% vinegar essence:

  • store the essence only in industrial packaging with a label! Essence manufacturers specifically use non-standard bottles so that the product cannot be confused with anything;
  • keep the essence out of the reach of children;
  • when diluting the essence, be sure to pour the essence into water, and not vice versa;
  • do not bend over the solution, so as not to get a burn of the respiratory tract with vapors of acetic acid when mixed.

Note to the owner

Table for obtaining solutions of various concentrations

Parts ratio (essence:water) Solution concentration
1:22,5 3%
1:17 4%
1:13 5%
1:11 6%
1:9 7%
1:8 8%
1:7 9%
1:6 10%
1:1,5 30%

Vinegar added to water will prolong the life of a festive bouquet of flowers, drive cockroaches out of the house and stop hiccups, give dishes a unique taste and make hair smooth and shiny ... This is a real miracle that came from ancient times, but has not lost its relevance in the modern world!
