
Dishes of the peoples of the world are the most popular. National dishes of countries you need to know about

Almost every country has its own national dish - a cult one, which is eaten and loved more often than others within this area. National dishes are part of the country's culture, as well as a popular "attraction" for any tourist. When traveling abroad, you will clearly prefer to try the most famous dish in a foreign country. Well, in case you are going on a trip, keep this list of national dishes from various countries that you should definitely try.

1 Barbados: Peek-a-boo and flying fish

Barbados has a lot of fish, such as opah, tuna, barracuda or red beryx, but this country is called the "Land of flying fish". And this type of fish has even reached the most famous national dish of Barbados, which is called Ku-ku. Ku-ku consists mainly of corn grits and okra fruits, and the flying fish served with it is usually fried or steamed.

2. Canada: Putin (stress on the second syllable)

Putin appeared in Quebec in the late 1950s. This is a favorite dish of all Canadians. It is made from french fries, which are drizzled with brown sauce and served with slices of cheese. Although the recipe is quite simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer this dish with toppings such as chicken, bacon or Montreal-style smoked meat, three-pepper sauce, or even caviar and truffles.

3. Syria: kebbe

This dish is also popular in Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. The typical Syrian kebbe is made from bulgur (durum wheat), minced onion and finely chopped pieces of beef, lamb, goat or camel meat. The best variant of kebbe is such meatballs stuffed with beef or lamb. Cutlets can also be shaped like a ball or flatbread, and they can be baked or boiled in broth.

4. Poland: bigus

Bigus is a traditional meat stew in Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider this dish to be national. This very satisfying and tasty stew is made from a large number of ingredients - fresh and sauerkraut, various types of meat and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, cumin, bay leaves, oregano, prunes and other ingredients. Bigus can be served on a plate or inside a bread bun.

5 Greece: Souvlaki

Greece is a country with several well-known dishes around the world, such as keftedes, moussaka or tzatziki, but it is souvlaki that is usually considered the most famous Greek dish. This popular "fast food" in Greece consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables on skewers. Souvlaki is usually made from pork, although chicken or lamb may also be used. Served on skewers, on pita with garnish and sauces, or with fried potatoes.

6 Italy: Pizza

Pizza is known all over the world, so there is no point in introducing this dish to you. We'd better tell you how pizza Margherita appeared. According to legend, this pizza was invented in 1889, when the Neapolitan culinary specialist Raffaele Esposito was ordered to create a pizza specifically in honor of the visit of Queen Margherita. Of the three pizzas he made, the queen preferred the one whose ingredients were dominated by the national colors of Italy: red (tomatoes), green (basil) and white (mozzarella). Then it was decided to name this pizza in honor of Queen Margherita.

7 Ireland: Irish Stew

First recognized in 1800, Irish stew is the country's most common dish and a staple on any pub's menu. Originally it was a thick broth with boiled lamb with onions, potatoes and parsley, but now other vegetables are often added to the dish.

8 USA: hamburger

Like pizza or pasta, hamburgers are eaten all over the world, but the United States is usually associated with this dish first. The word "hamburger" comes from the German word "Hamburg", from which many emigrated to America in the 19th century. On July 27, 1900, American deli Louis Lessing sold the first hamburger in his hometown of New Haven.

9 Hungary: Goulash

Goulash became the national dish of Hungary in the late 1800s, when the Hungarians were looking for symbols of national unity to distinguish themselves from other peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later, this hearty dish spread throughout Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. Goulash is a soup or stew made from beef (sometimes veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, seasoned generously with pepper and other spices.

10 Israel: Falafel

This dish is common not only in Israel, but throughout the Middle East. These are deep-fried balls or flatbreads made from ground chickpeas, garden beans, or both. Usually served in pita or lafa. Falafel has become so popular that in some countries McDonald's has started serving McFalafel.

Although this dish first appeared in Jamaica, it is also eaten in the UK, Canada, and the US. To prepare this dish, salted cod is sautéed in boiled akki (local tropical fruit), onions, tomatoes and spices. Usually served for breakfast or dinner with breadfruit, bread, dumplings or boiled green bananas. Often the dish is washed with coconut milk.

12. Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

This is a very thin and heavily fried veal schnitzel. The most popular Viennese and generally Austrian dish. Prepared from lightly beaten veal, slightly salted and rolled in flour, beaten eggs and bread crumbs. Traditionally, this dish is served with potato salad, cucumber salad, potatoes with parsley, French fries or fried potatoes and a lemon wedge.

13 South Korea: Bulgogi

It translates as "fiery meat". This is a typical South Korean dish that usually consists of grilled marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onions, and sometimes mushrooms. In many restaurants in South Korea, small barbecue sets are built into the tables, and visitors can grill the meat themselves.

14. France: thin pancakes

Very thin sweet pancakes, usually made from white flour. Served with a variety of fillings, they can be sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup, etc.), and salty (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes and various meat products).

15. China: Peking Duck

The most famous dish from the capital of China and one of the most famous Chinese dishes all over the world. Duck with crispy skin served with green onions, cucumbers, sweet bean sauce and thin pancakes. Sometimes a bowl of hot sauce, such as hoisin, is added to the main plate.

16 Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans and fresh pork or beef. This dish is prepared with black beans, various pork or beef products, such as bacon or smoked pork ribs, and at least two types of smoked sausages and jerky. It is usually served with white rice and oranges - the latter help digestion.

17. Ukraine: borscht

Popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Do you need to explain what it is? Foreigners describe it as a thick and spicy soup with beets as the main ingredient. Almost always, beef or pork is added, and pieces of meat, potatoes and beets are used for the broth. Sometimes carrots and peppers are added. They eat with bread.

18. Thailand: Thai noodles

Deep fried rice noodles. It is served in restaurants, and you can also buy it from a street stall. It is made from dry rice noodles moistened with water, which are fried with eggs and chopped tofu, and a huge amount of various ingredients are used as seasonings: tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, shallots, chili, etc. Served with lime wedges and chopped roasted peanuts. May also contain fresh shrimp, crab, chicken, or other meats, depending on the region.

19. Czech Republic: cream tenderloin

In the Czech Republic, there is an eternal debate about what is the national dish in the country - cream tenderloin or knuckle. Let it be the first. As a tenderloin, beef is usually taken, which is served with a thick creamy sauce and dumplings. Sometimes lemon slices and cranberries are served with the dish.

20. Venezuela: Arepa

These cornmeal tortillas are sometimes also considered the national dish of Colombia. Different regions of the country use different sizes, types of flour and additional ingredients. For example, in eastern Venezuela, the arepa is usually 7-20 cm in diameter and about 2 cm thick. Today this dish is made in special electrical appliances, which takes about 7 minutes (and with the usual cooking method - 15-25 minutes).

21 Türkiye: Kebab

Kebab has appeared on the streets of Turkey, where street vendors cut meat from vertically hung pieces. Traditionally, lamb is used in kebabs, but depending on local preferences or religious prejudices, beef, goat, chicken, pork or even fish can also be found in kebabs. Usually served in lavash or pita.

22 Singapore: Chili Crab

The main ingredient of this delicious seafood dish is, of course, crab. It is fried in a thick, sweet and spicy tomato-chili sauce. This dish even made it to the list of "50 most delicious dishes in the world" at number 35.

23. Serbia: splash

This Balkan dish is made from different types of minced meat. Traditional Serbian splash is made from a mixture of lamb, pork or ground beef (sometimes veal), fried with onions and served on a plate with vegetables and side dishes - usually fried potatoes or bread. Recently, this hearty and tasty dish has begun to gain popularity in other parts of Europe.

24. New Zealand: Bacon and Egg Pie

This pie is made up of bacon, eggs, onions, peas, tomatoes, and cheese, so it's quite high in calories. Sometimes served with ketchup. This dish is also popular in neighboring Australia.

25. Belgium: Moules-Frites

It translates to "mussels and fries." This dish originated in Belgium and is considered national here, but is also popular in France and other Western European countries. The most unusual thing about Moules-Frites is its size. One portion of this dish per person in almost any restaurant in Belgium is 1.5 kg! The mussels and fries are usually served on separate plates to keep the potatoes from getting too soft.

National cuisine can tell a lot about its people. The cult dishes of a particular country are often known throughout the world and are even included in the daily diet of many families. Other dishes are no less tasty and original, but for some reason they have not become so popular abroad. So, without further ado, we present you the best traditional dishes from around the world.

Bigos, Poland

It's a stew with sauerkraut. There are many options for bigos, and cabbage and meat (pork or game, smoked sausage, etc.) can be different.

Colcannon, Ireland

It's mashed potatoes and cabbage. Usually served as a side dish with boiled ham, grilled brisket or sausages.

Fried mussels with french fries, Belgium

You can try "moules frites" in almost any Belgian restaurant, but be careful: one portion weighs one and a half kilograms! Locals joke that french fries are universal, but "mussels from Brussels", that is, "mussels only in Brussels."

Ful medames, Egypt

This is a puree of boiled beans with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Due to the cheapness and nutritional value of this dish, ful has been an important part of the diet of the common people since ancient times. Since full is a difficult to digest dish, it is eaten for breakfast or, in extreme cases, for lunch.

Fasolada, Greece

This is a soup with white beans, vegetables (usually tomatoes and peppers) and olive oil. It is believed that a simple and hearty dish was popular in ancient Greece.

Meatballs, Denmark

Meat balls made from ground veal, beef and pork are not like those that float in our favorite soup. Danish "frikadellers" are cutlets, which are served with boiled potatoes and sauce in the best traditions.

Adobo, Philippines

Adobo is a popular Filipino dish made from meat, seafood and vegetables marinated in vinegar, as well as soy sauce and garlic. Although the name of the dish is Spanish ("adobar" means "marinade"), the cooking method is specifically Filipino.

Chilis en Nogada, Mexico

The name of the dish translates as "chili in walnut sauce." That is, these are peppers stuffed with rice and meat and poured with walnut sauce. The colors of the dish represent the colors of the Mexican flag: green chili, white walnut sauce and red pomegranate seeds. Very patriotic!

Ajaico, Colombia

This is a potato soup with chunks of chicken, corn and guasco, a fragrant herb that gives the soup its characteristic flavor. A thick homogeneous cream soup is most often served with sour cream, capers and avocados.

Bulgogi, South Korea

Bulgogi (or bulgogi) are grilled marinated pieces of beef or veal. Prepared with heads of garlic, peppers and onions, served with leafy vegetables such as cabbage.

Crepes, France

This is a type of pancakes that are cooked in milk without yeast starter. Crepes can be baked on one side (when served with toppings) and are often used to make pies and cakes.

Peking Duck, China

One of the most popular and ancient dishes of the country, "beijing kaoya", is prepared as follows: a duck carcass is rubbed with honey and baked in a special oven, and cut into thin slices when serving. Mandatory condition: the duck skin must be crispy, thin and non-greasy. Duck is served with tangerine tortillas, onion and sweet burdock sauce.

Fish and Chips, UK

This is a deep-fried fish (traditionally cod, but can be any other with white meat, such as haddock or flounder) with large slices of french fries. Simple and very tasty!

Feijoada, Brazil

It is a stew-like dish of beans, meat products and farofa (cassava flour). The hearty meal is served in a clay pot with cabbage, an orange wedge and, optionally, rice. According to a common version, the feijoada was invented 300 years ago by slaves brought to Brazil from Africa.

Pad Thai, Thailand

A favorite dish of the locals is fried rice noodles with shrimp and/or meat, as well as tofu, fish sauce, shallots, bean sprouts and pickled radishes.

Ramen, Japan

Broth with wheat noodles and sometimes meat, pickles, eggs, nori and other ingredients is the most popular Japanese fast food.

Currywurst, Germany

These are ordinary sausages with ketchup-based sauce and curry powder, 800,000,000 servings of which are eaten annually in Germany.

Arepa, Venezuela

Lush stuffed cornmeal pancakes are a wonderful breakfast. Inside can be put cheese, avocado or both, which is very popular in this country.

Pho, Vietnam

This is a soup with noodles, where they put pieces of beef or chicken, or fried fish. The soup is garnished with Asian basil, mint, lime and bean sprouts.

Pasta, Italy

Here's a dish that has spread to the whole world, so it's pasta. There are thousands of varieties of pasta - both forms of pasta, and additions to a hot dish.

Putin, Canada

Yes, calm down! The French name is poutine, and the stress is on the last syllable. The national dish of Quebec is french fries topped with cheese slices topped with a sweetened gravy. The dish was first prepared in the 1950s, but today it can be found not only in ordinary restaurants, but also in Canadian branches of McDonald's, Burger King and KFC chains.


Tenth place- Chinese cuisine. The history of Chinese cuisine dates back to the Neolithic, and over time, different regions developed their own preferences depending on the climate and court fashion. Over time, foreign ingredients and cooking traditions have been integrated into Chinese cuisine. There are specific culinary features characteristic of people of different social class and nationality. The most famous Chinese dishes are Peking duck, dim sum, fried rice, century egg, turtle soup.


ninth place- French cuisine. The division into folk and aristocratic cuisine, as well as the rejection of fast food, these are perhaps the main features of French cuisine. French cuisine is also distinguished from other European cuisines by eating rather exotic foods - snails, frogs. The most famous dishes of French cuisine - ratatouille, nicoise, croissant, creme brulee.


Eighth place- Spanish cuisine. The national cuisine of Spain has developed on the basis of the diversity of culinary traditions of its regions, due to geographical location, climate and cultural characteristics. Probably the most famous tomato soup is gazpacho. In modern Spain, there are several dozen cooking options paella, which differ from each other in the recipe. There are two ingredients common to all paella recipes - rice and saffron. Turron- this is the main sweetness of the Christmas table.


Seventh place- Japanese food. It is distinguished by a preference for natural, minimally processed products, a wide use of seafood, seasonality, characteristic dishes, specific rules for decorating dishes, serving, and table etiquette. The most famous dishes of Japanese cuisine - sushi, sashimi, tempura.


Sixth place- Indian food. Particular emphasis in Indian cuisine is placed on vegetarian dishes of sabji from beans and vegetables seasoned with traditional spices, among which one of the first places is occupied by a mixture of spices. curry. Rice is also at the heart of Indian cuisine, which, together with flatbread and spices, forms a dish. thali and also served with a curry dish. The first courses are represented, in particular, by dhal bean soup. A vibrant Indian dessert is vattilappam.


Fifth place- Greek cuisine. Typical Greek food is simple, colorful and flavorful. Many dishes are influenced by Greek history. Another distinctive feature of Greek cuisine is the abundance of olive oil. It is added to almost all dishes and is used not only as an aromatic seasoning, but also during the heat treatment of food. Another essential ingredient is lemon. The most famous dishes of Greek cuisine - moussaka, melomakarona, greek salad.


Fourth place- Thai cuisine. Initially, fish, seafood and aquatic plants were mainly eaten. Chinese and Japanese cuisines have made significant changes in the food culture of Thailand, and European cuisine has had a great influence since the 17th century. In particular, chili peppers were introduced to Thailand by Portuguese missionaries. The most famous Thai dishes - tom kha, padthai, fried rice, kung massaman.


Third place- Mexican cuisine, which is a synthesis of Aztec and Spanish culinary traditions. The Spanish traditions themselves were formed at the turn of classical Europe and the Moorish East ( mexican burrito). The basis is tortillas with seasonings, among which the first place is occupied by chili peppers (“calling card” of Mexican cuisine) and salsa. The famous Mexican alcoholic drink - tequila. Mexican origin has a popular drink cocoa or hot chocolate.

2 US cuisine

Second place- American cuisine. Modern American food is characterized by an extremely wide distribution of convenience foods, fast food restaurants (fast food) and restaurants of various national cuisines. Not very helpful? But delicious! Typical American dishes: taco, sandwich, hamburger, muffin.


Our Rating Winner- Italian cuisine, widespread and popular all over the world, thanks to dishes such as pizza and spaghetti. It is very diverse and regional, each region has its own traditional dishes. Italian cuisine is based on centuries-old historical traditions with cultural influences of the Romans, Greeks, Lombards, Arabs, and other peoples who have ever inhabited Italy or influenced the formation of its culture. Spaghetti and pizza, lasagna, salami and mozzarella once having conquered the heart of a gourmet, they are able to stay in it forever.


    American cuisine is a synthesis of several cuisines of the world at once. The main influence on the formation of American culinary traditions was provided by England, Germany, Italy and China.
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    Armenian cuisine is one of the oldest in all of Asia, and it was partially passed on to neighboring peoples (Georgians, Russians, Azerbaijanis, etc.). As a rule, Armenian dishes are prepared for a long time and require large labor-intensive costs.
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    One of the main Slavic cuisines, it is distinguished by a large number of dishes from potatoes, mushrooms and meat (primarily pork), as well as a very low consumption of milk and dairy products. Belarusians often replace sweets and desserts familiar to everyone with berry jelly, compotes, juices or pies. All recipes


    This includes the cuisines of the peoples of Central Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Almost all of these cuisines are united by the use of a large amount of rice in the preparation of a variety of dishes. The famous Chinese cuisine stands out especially brightly in this category.
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    Georgian cuisine, which has evolved over more than one century and is influenced by many traditions, is one of the brightest in the world. Famous kebabs, chakhokhbili, lobio, kharcho are very popular even outside the country.
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    European cuisine (it is also called continental) combines the traditions of many countries, but also has its own distinctive features. Spices and seasonings fade into the background in comparison with Eastern cuisine, dishes are prepared mainly from meat and vegetables, as well as eggs and flour.
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    Almost everyone is familiar with the two main dishes of Italian cuisine - pizza and pasta. These dishes are dearly loved by Europeans and Americans, there are hundreds of their variations and recipes. However, Italian cuisine is much more extensive, with seafood and cheese dishes being especially popular among locals.
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    The hallmark of Mexican cuisine is the burrito and tortilla (cornmeal tortilla). Very hot chili peppers or jalapenos are added to almost all dishes. Two sauces make the cuisine famous: guacamole and salsa.
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    Russian cuisine is very rich in first courses, hearty pies and loaves. Stewed cereals, stewed meat dishes, dumplings, as well as pancakes and pancakes are popular among the people. At the end of the 15th century, there were 500 recipes for kvass alone.
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    The inhabitants of the Mediterranean consume a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, pasta and pastries made from durum wheat flour, as well as fish and seafood. Diets and healthy diets are often based on Mediterranean cuisine.
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    Each nation has its own special national cuisine. And in each such cuisine you can find the features of the culture of the people, passed down from generation to generation. Of course, in order to appreciate all the subtleties of various dishes, you need to go to a particular country. And visit both chic restaurants and small family restaurants, where this or that dish is prepared in a special way. We really hope that you will find something special for yourself or share your experience.

    Welcome to a gastronomic tour of the cuisines of the peoples of the world! We have collected for you a considerable collection of dishes imbued with the spirit of different countries. Cooking is an important part of the culture. Recipes of national dishes were tremulously passed down from generation to generation until they reached our days. And now you have a chance to set your own multinational table by preparing sumptuous dishes at home!

    Recipes from all over the world at your fingertips

    Can't fly to France for cock in wine or Thailand for coconut ginger soup? And you don't have to board a plane for a new culinary experience! Try to cook exotic dishes yourself. In this section you will find the best recipes from dozens of different countries. Among them are not only popular, but also more unusual cuisine for us.

    The list of traditional dishes on our website is made up of culinary masterpieces from all over the world:

    • European cuisine (Bulgarian, Belarusian, French, English, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Belgian, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Hutsul).
    • Balkan cuisine (Finnish, Scottish, Latvian).
    • Asian (Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean).
    • Eastern and Arabic (Turkish, Jewish, Lebanese, Tatar and Bashkir, Uzbek, Abkhazian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian).
    • Cuisine of North and South America (Indian, Canadian, American, Mexican, Hawaiian, Colombian).
    • Australian cuisine;
    • Egyptian cuisine.

    The choice of recipes is very wide! Prepare a dish that suits your mood and set of ingredients. Treat yourself to a delicious beef carpaccio or surprise the family with Georgian khinkali.

    Features of the cuisine of different nations

    All peoples are different, and the cuisine of each nationality has its own subtleties. Yes, to try the perfect Cacamber with garlic or chestnut soup, it is better to go to one of the French restaurants. But if you make an effort, you can achieve a striking similarity! The main thing is the most understandable and laid out recipe.

    Each recipe on our website is accompanied by visual photos that will help you to repeat the culinary masterpiece exactly. In all instructions, the necessary actions are described step by step so that you do not rack your brains over the cooking process. You will definitely succeed!

    Choose a recipe, cook, enjoy. Don't forget to experiment and share your own recipes!
