
How to cook beets quickly whole or in pieces. Cooking time for beets in a saucepan, microwave or slow cooker

For those who are tired of tedious long boil beets, we will tell you how to reduce the cooking time in a saucepan using little tricks that many housewives successfully use in their kitchens.

How to quickly cook whole beets?

There is a fairly common quick way to cook beets. Initially, a well-washed root crop is placed in cold water and put on the stove. After complete boiling, reduce the intensity of the fire to a minimum and cook for large beets- thirty minutes, the average - forty minutes, and larger root crops - one hour. Then we drain the water and immediately substitute a bowl with a hot vegetable under the stream cold water fifteen minutes. A temperature difference is created, which brings the beets to readiness.

Some housewives prefer to use the temperature difference method in a slightly different way. We put a pot of a slightly larger volume than is actually necessary in order to boil a certain amount of vegetable along with it on the stove. Pre-fill with water so that it barely covers the contents. After boiling, pour a little ice water into the vessel, and each time let it boil well again. Thus, the beets are cooked as much as in compliance with the previous recommendations, according to the size of the root crop.

How to quickly and tasty cook red beets for vinaigrette in a saucepan?

As you know, for beets it is better to bake in microwave oven or in the oven, and then everything taste qualities vegetables will be at the highest level. Its pulp will remain sweet, juicy and extremely saturated with vitamins and various elements. But if there is no desire or opportunity to use the oven or, then you can achieve the same effect simply in a saucepan. This will be completely easy to do.

So, thoroughly washed from the ground and dirt, the root crop is placed in a sealed tight plastic bag and tightly tie it to prevent air and moisture from getting inside. We place the workpiece in a saucepan with cold water and put it on the stove. After boiling, cook the beets in a bag at a moderate boil for one to two hours, depending on the size. Of course, it will take more time than we would like, but the taste of the vegetable will remain at its best and the vitamins will be in full order.

Note that this option of boiling beets in a saucepan is preferable not only for reasons of conservation taste properties vegetables. It is also important that the pan after the process of such cooking remains completely clean, unlike the consequences of traditional cooking.

How to quickly cook large beets?

We will not offer barbaric methods for preparing large beets, which simply involve cutting the vegetable into several parts. After all, even an inexperienced culinary specialist is clear that in this way the vegetable is largely lose both taste and appearance, and will be left without an impressive portion of nutrients and useful properties.

So how do you be in this case? The temperature difference method may not work here due to the impressive thickness of the fetus. In the center, the pulp of the vegetable may remain raw. But there is another effective method, with which you can significantly speed up the process of cooking large beets. On initial stage add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water along with the vegetable. As you know, the boiling point of oil is higher than that of water. Thus, by adding oil to the water, we will increase the average temperature of the environment in which the beets will be boiled, which will contribute to its faster cooking.

Beetroot is useful root crop for the body. Content in it useful components equivalent to garlic sea ​​kale. To save maximum amount these substances, it is necessary to properly cook beets. If you take into account all the tips and recommendations, then the fruit will become not only useful, but also tasty.

How to cook beets quickly on the stove in a saucepan

It's no secret that the smaller the fruit, the less they need to be cooked. But larger beets are much better in taste. small fruits. You can quickly cook vegetables if you first cut it into pieces.

  • The traditional way to cook beets is to cook them in a pot. For even cooking of fruits, choose them of the same size.
  • The rest of the leaves must be cut off. But at the same time, do not cut the tail of the beet too much. If you touch the peel of the fruit, then during cooking, its juice will come out. This may impair the taste of the finished product.

  • Place the beets in a saucepan. Do not cook many fruits at once. Boiled beets do not last long. Therefore, beets for one serving.

  • Pour cold water into a saucepan. In this case, the liquid should completely cover the fruit. Please note that during cooking, water will evaporate, and adding it is not recommended.

  • Add salt and sugar depending on taste preferences. So you can use any other spices and seasonings, for example, Bay leaf or peppercorns.

  • Put the container on the stove, turn on the fire to the maximum mode.

  • After boiling water, be sure to reduce the heat to medium power.

Advice. To give beets bright color, after the water boils, add lemon juice or table vinegar in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

  • Medium fruits are boiled for up to 15 minutes. Larger fruits will take longer. To test the doneness of the beets, pierce them with a knife or skewer. The flesh of a fully cooked product will be soft.

  • Transfer the prepared vegetables to a separate container and fill with cold water.

  • This will allow you to easily remove the skin. That way you don't have to cut it.

  • Cooked fruits can be cut in any way, depending on the recipe.

How to cook beets quickly in a slow cooker

A multicooker makes cooking much easier. You can also boil a vegetable in it, moreover, in several ways.

  • Transfer the prepared and washed fruits to the multicooker bowl, fill with cold water, close the lid and select the cooking mode for 30 minutes.

  • To prevent the water from evaporating quickly, leave the steam outlet closed. Check the readiness of the product with a puncture.

  • After the signal, open the slow cooker and transfer the beets to a separate container and fill with water.
  • If you prefer diet cooking vegetables, then use the steamer tray. Pour water into the bowl, place a container on top and put the beets in it.

  • Close the multicooker lid. Select the "Steam" cooking function and set the time to 40 minutes. After the signal, open the multicooker, check the readiness of the beets. If necessary, turn on the cooker for a few more minutes.

  • If you also dip the vegetables in cold water, then you can peel the skins off with your hands.

  • There is another way very fast food fruit in a slow cooker. To do this, first peel the beets from the skin.

  • Cut the vegetable into several pieces.

  • Pour water into the bottom of the multicooker and install the steamer grid.

  • Then transfer the beets, close the lid and select "Steam", set the function to 15 minutes.

How to cook beets quickly in the microwave

If the two previous methods do not suit you, then use a microwave to cook beets. In addition, this is the fastest way to cook whole beets.

  • Sort the vegetables, cut off the tops and clean well from dirt. You can also cut large fruits in half.

  • Transfer the product to a baking sleeve or bag. Place it in a microwaveable dish. Or put the vegetables directly on a plate and cover with cling film.

Important! Be sure to poke a few holes on the bag or film so that the steam can escape freely during cooking.

  • Set the microwave to maximum power and set the time to 10 minutes. Click Start.

  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and put the beets to cook for 30 minutes. Then open the foil and let the vegetables cool completely.

  • You can remove the skin with your hands using a napkin. But first, slightly wet the fruits.

For a few more secrets of cooking delicious beets, see the video:

Beets for cooking should be of medium size (no more than 10 cm in diameter), with a thin dark red skin, without damage and rot. One of the best is the Bordeaux variety.

Regardless of the method of preparation, the beets must be thoroughly washed, cut off the tops (if any) and shorten the tail a little.

Beets are not cleaned before cooking.

If you remove the skin, the juice will flow out of the beets. The vegetable will become pale and tasteless.

Method 1. Classic

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Put the beets in a saucepan and cover with cold water. The water should completely cover the vegetables. It is not necessary to salt the water. The sodium will firm up the beetroot and slow down the already slow cooking process.

Place the pot of beets on medium fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for a couple of hours.

To keep the beets bright red, you can add lemon juice to the water: ½ teaspoon per liter.

Readiness can be checked with a fork. If the beets are easily pierced, you can drain the water and cool.

Beets are not cleaned before cooking, water is not salted

Method 2. Express cooking

Cooking time: 45-60 minutes.

To speed up the process, some housewives run the beets into already boiling water and do not reduce the heat to a minimum. And to make the water temperature even higher, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

When the beets boil for about 30-35 minutes, they are removed from the fire and sent under running cold water for another 15-25 minutes. The temperature difference brings the vegetable to readiness and at the same time cools it.

Method 1. In the "Steaming" mode

Cooking time: about 40 minutes depending on the multicooker model.

Wash the beets and put them on a special steaming rack. Pour a glass of water into the bottom of the bowl. Close the appliance, set the steamer mode, and you can go about your business for 40 minutes.

Be sure to pour water into the bottom of the bowl.

Please note: for this method to work, the beets must not be dry. If the root crop is wilted, it is better to soak it first for several hours in cold water. When the beetroot absorbs moisture again, it can be boiled. But better on the stove or in the following way.

Method 2. In the "Extinguishing" or "Cooking" mode

Cooking time: 60-80 minutes depending on the multicooker model.

Everything as in classic way, just do not need to regulate the fire. Just put the washed beets in the multicooker bowl, fill with water and turn on the “Stew” or “Cooking” mode (sometimes called “Soup”) for 60 minutes.

After an hour, check the readiness of the beets with a fork. If it is still harsh, turn on the same mode for another 20-30 minutes.

Method 3. In the "Baking" mode

Cooking time: 60 minutes depending on the multicooker model.

This method is good for young vegetables when they are tender and juicy. Beets need to be washed, dried paper towel and wrap in greased vegetable oil foil (each root crop separately).

Then put it in the multicooker bowl and cook in the “Baking” mode for about an hour.

Cooking time: 20–25 minutes.

In the same way as in the previous method, wrap each root vegetable in foil and bake at 190 ° C.

In the oven, beets are convenient to cook when you need a lot of it. For example, immediately for vinaigrette and herring under a fur coat.

Do not forget to grease the foil from the inside with vegetable oil

By the way, there is a small life hack for making salads with beets. If you want it not to color other ingredients, cut it and sprinkle with vegetable oil, and only then combine it with other products.

In my family, beets are cooked in. This is the easiest and fastest way.

Cooking time: 8 to 20 minutes.

The time depends on two factors: the size of the beets and the power of the microwave. In microwave ovens with a power of 1,000 watts or more, beets will cook in 8-10 minutes. If you have a less powerful model, double the time.

Beets need to be washed (do not peel!) And put in glassware. Try to put large root crops along the edges, and the smallest ones in the center. At the bottom of the container you need to pour 3 tablespoons of water, and on top - cover with a glass or special lid for the microwave.

To shorten the cooking time in a low power microwave, place the beets in a plastic baking bag and tie it tightly. In this case, the cover is no longer needed.

This method not only saves time, but also leaves dishes clean.

It is not necessary to pierce or cut the beets: they will not explode. It is not necessary to interrupt the process and turn it from side to side. Also, do not pour vegetables after cooking with cold water. Better to let it cool down at room temperature.

The taste of beets from the microwave is exactly the same as with conventional cooking in a saucepan.

Ready beets can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Boiled beets are considered classic version root preparation. In this case, there are several subtleties. Depending on the cooking method and duration, the vegetable may have different taste and vitamin composition. Let's look at the options for cooking beets in a saucepan.

Beet boil time

  • Buryak belongs to the category of root crops that need to be cooked for a long time for full cooking. This option is comparable to cooking meat. Depending on the size of the beets, they can cook from half an hour to 2 hours.
  • If the weight of the beets does not exceed 50 grams, the duration will be 30 minutes. Root crop weighing up to 100 gr. takes about 45 minutes to prepare. Buryak weighing up to 200 gr. cook for about 1 hour 15 minutes. Beets weighing 300 gr. and more will be cooked for at least 1.5 hours.
  • The duration of root cooking can be explained by the fact that initially the container is filled with non-hot water. From this, the process of cooking beets is noticeably delayed.
  • The duration is affected by the low content of starch and the high concentration of fiber in the root crop. It is also worth giving preference to young fruits.
  • how to quickly cook beets in the microwave

    How to cook beets quickly

    Method number 1. Whole cooking

  • Before you get started, fill the container with cool water and place the beets inside. Wait 10 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, clean the vegetable with a coarse brush. Send the washed beetroot to the pan. Pour in required amount boiling water. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the power of the burner to the middle.
  • Pour 40 ml into a saucepan. sunflower oil. If you are cooking a medium-sized vegetable, turn off the heat after half an hour and drain off all the water. Pour cold water over the root crop and immediately begin to remove the skin.
  • For fast way cooking beets in a saucepan, it is important to take filtered water. Use purified liquid in both cases. The soft structure of the water can significantly reduce the procedure for boiling a vegetable.
  • Method number 2. Cooking with cubes

  • This cooking method will come in handy if you are going to cook a salad with beets. After boiling, the vegetable can be easily chopped into cubes or straws.
  • Wash thoroughly raw beets and get rid of the shell. Chop into square pieces or slices. At the same time boil water in a saucepan. Mix in liquid a small amount of citric acid.
  • Send a beet inside. Wait for the liquid to boil. Reduce the burner to moderately low heat. Cover the pan with a lid with a steam valve. Boil vegetables until tender.
  • This cooking option will take about half an hour. In this case, the pan should be of medium size, with a volume of 2-3 liters.
  • How to cook a large beetroot

  • To quickly cook beetroot large size, it is not at all necessary to barbarously chop it into several parts. Otherwise, such a cooking process will lead to the loss of the beneficial properties of the root crop.
  • As in the first option, playing with temperature changes will not help because of the impressive size of the beets. In most cases, the root core after the procedure still remains raw. There is still effective way cooking beets.
  • At the beginning of the manipulation, it is recommended to place the prepared root crop in a pot of water and mix 80 ml. sunflower oil. This method is used because the boiling point vegetable composition much higher than water.
  • As a result of mixing liquid with oil, the boiling point rises. The beets will languish in the liquid, from this the process of preparing a large beetroot will be noticeably reduced.
  • how to pickle beets

    Cooking beets in a bag

  • To quickly boil a beetroot in a bag, it is important to follow simple rules. A thoroughly washed root crop during the cooking process will not leave plaque on the container, which is difficult to wash.
  • This method will eliminate the smell at the time of boiling the beets. In addition, the original color of the beetroot will be preserved. To proceed directly to the manipulation, you need to place the prepared vegetable in a bag. Release all air, tie tightly.
  • Send the product to a pot of water. Keep in mind that the liquid should cover the root crop by several centimeters. Turn up the burner to the max. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover the container with a lid. Simmer beetroot for about an hour.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method of preparation may not be entirely useful. Polyethylene releases when heated harmful substances. Therefore, health can be harmed. This is not a proven fact, you decide.
  • To maintain an attractive shade of beetroot, it is important not to allow the liquid to boil strongly. Be sure to add to water citric acid or table vinegar.
  • Consider, despite any method of boiling beets, it is forbidden to salt the water. The natural mineral significantly slows down the process of preparing the root crop. In addition, because of the salt, the beets become stiff and lose their taste.
  • The benefits of boiled beets

    The undoubted advantage of the root crop is that during heat treatment beetroot practically does not lose useful qualities. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly according to the methods described above.

    Nicotinic acid, iodine, fiber, iron, manganese, zinc, cesium and amino acids are concentrated in beets. Regular eating of the root crop has a positive effect on the entire state of human health.

    It is easy to boil beets in a saucepan. Choose the most suitable way. Don't forget to stick practical advice. Turn the beet in daily diet nutrition. As a result, you can always maintain your health at the proper level.

    How to quickly cook beets and how much to cook? Cook for a short time and correctly - simply, knowing the cooking time of vegetables, choosing best way, knowing the intricacies of instant beetroot with skin.

    In order to quickly boil beets in a peel (uniform) in a saucepan, you should follow the rules: choose the right variety of vegetables, the size of the beets, and a hard root crop of dark red color.

    How to quickly cook beets so that vegetables do not lose their red color, beets retain vitamins after quick boil? Actual question, exciting housewives when preparing dishes with boiled beets - a salad of boiled vegetables,

    How to choose beets correctly

    Beets for salad are cooked in an unpeeled form - in a peel, so it is very important to choose the right root crop in order to quickly cook the beets in their uniforms in a saucepan on the stove.

    How to choose a beet correctly? When choosing in a store or on the market, you need to pay attention not only to the size (it should not be too large), but also to the shape.

    Advice from the Miracle Chef. In order for the beets to cook faster, the root crop must have a thin skin and maroon color. Give preference to elongated varieties of “cylinder” beets or round “Bordeaux”, these vegetables are bright, sweet and beetroots are cooked much faster than usual.

    When choosing beets, root crops should be of medium size, not rough dark skin. Properly selected beetroot for cooking in the skin is a vegetable that is hard to the touch.

    The ideal beet for boiling is considered to be beet with tails, and the “correct” surface should not have cracks on the surface of the beet.

    In order to correctly evaluate the "commodity" appearance fresh vegetables, buy washed vegetables, washed beets are easier and faster to choose, just keep in mind that the shelf life of vegetables peeled from the ground is shorter.

    Choosing non-red beets for cooking, there is a high probability that the middle will be white-veined inside - such beets are edible, but not suitable for making herring salad under a “fur coat”, holiday salads with beets.

    We offer a simple recipe: how to cook beets quickly. How long does it take for beets to cook quickly for a salad in water in a saucepan. There are other ways to cook beetroot hastily at home, but when they are used, vitamins in boiled beets, and this method is the most correct, the best of the available methods in cooking.


    • water;
    • fresh whole beets, not peeled;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
    • crust of Borodino bread.

    How to quickly boil beets in water. How much to cook beets until cooked in a saucepan: recipe

    In order to simultaneously boil several beets in water, vegetables should be selected approximately the same size. The tails of the beets do not need to be torn off, otherwise during cooking in a saucepan most of beetroot juice will flow into the water.

    1. We thoroughly wash the beets with a brush. We make sure that no pieces of earth remain on the root crops, otherwise the pan will be covered with a gray coating during the boil, which is very difficult to get rid of later.
    2. From a boiled kettle, pour some water into a saucepan, put the prepared beet tubers. Adding granulated sugar, bread. There should be enough water so that the water only slightly hides the tubers. If necessary, add boiling water, it should not be too much, otherwise the boiled beets will become watery and lose vitamins.
    3. Close the pot with beet lid, reduce the heat to medium and cook the beets until tender. If the size of vegetables is from medium and below, then the cooking time for beets will be 20-30 minutes, and large beets are cooked for about 40-50 minutes. Keep an eye on the boiling water, add as needed.
    4. After that, pour the hot broth into a separate bowl, and put the pan with root crops under a stream of cold water for about 15 minutes. During this time, the beets fully reach readiness and a soft state.
    5. Next, we peel the beets, use them in the preparation of festive, cold soups, snacks.

    Advice from the Miracle Chef. Adding sugar while boiling the beetroot will keep the bright, red color of the beetroot. So that the red beets do not lose their color, in addition to sugar, use 1 tbsp. lemon juice, acid or table vinegar.

    During the cooking of beets, a characteristic smell appears in the kitchen, which is easy to get rid of, and a crust of black bread, thrown into a pot of water while cooking vegetables, will help with this.

    I hope that from this recipe you have learned the necessary information for yourself, which will help in solving the question of how to cook beets quickly and how much simple. traditional way in a saucepan!
