
How to pickle watermelons without sterilization. The choice of the optimal method of salting and storage

Juicy melon berries - watermelons - are considered an amazing dessert during their ripening period. They are enjoyed by both adults and children. But, in addition to simply treating themselves to mouth-watering scones, many thrifty hostesses manage to preserve watermelon for the winter in jars. This roll is a great appetizer. The named fruits are closed for future use as a marinade, in the form of pickles, and also simply corked in a spicy filling. It should be noted that any watermelon preservation comes out no worse than vegetables, for which tomatoes or cucumbers are stored. So it must be concluded that watermelons are excellent for winter blockages; at the same time, not sweet berries, slightly unripe or overripe, will fit.

Striped berries are harvested with or without peel. The first option is preferable if the fruits are thin-skinned; otherwise, it is better to cut off the hard edging. Cutting is carried out in portioned small skibochki-slices. By the way, small watermelons are salted and pickled whole. Filling is carried out from boiled or filtered water, spices, table oats (acid), honey, aspirin. Auxiliary components will be dill umbrellas, garlic, cherry or currant leaves, parsley, horseradish ... The degree of maturity of the main components is not important! Taste defects can easily be corrected by marinade or brine, and watermelons in jars for the winter turn out as you need - amazing!

Watermelon for the winter in jars: Recipe 1

The first way of blocking will perfectly complement the boiled potatoes (a glass of intoxicant will not be superfluous!). For one three-liter glass container, about the spirit of a kilo of watermelon skibs is taken, 1 tbsp. with a slide of coarse salt, 2 tbsp. without a slide of sugar sand, 1 tbsp. ottovoy essence or 1 tsp. citric acid, up to 1.5 kg of water, spices (4 leaves of celery and parsley, 8 grains of black pepper, a couple of garlic cloves, etc.).

The proposed culinary method is quick to perform and quite simple. So almost all "Watermelons for the winter in jars" recipes first of all, seaming containers and tin lids are prepared. Banks undergo a thorough wet treatment with soda and subsequent rinsing. Then the containers are calcined in the oven or over steam. It is enough to pour over the lids with a steep pitch. Further it is possible to be accepted directly for harvested berries. Watermelons are washed under a cold stream, after which the “lids” are cut off from them on both sides, and the fruits themselves are cut into neat, not wide cuts. If desired, the peel is cut off from them; but often close with it.

4 garlic cloves, several sprigs of fresh celery, 8-9 fragrant pepper grains and 3-4 bay leaves are placed in a clean seaming container. The next are the watermelon skewers, without pressing down or tamping. Finishes laying greens. Steep boiling water is poured into the containers, and the future workpiece, covered with lids, is aged for 20-25 minutes. The ingredients are heated, and then the liquid into a large saucepan. In "dehydrated" jars with a volume of three liters, 2 incomplete tablespoons are poured. sugar sand and 1 tbsp. with a slide of coarse crystalline salt. The solution is boiled, kept at a quiet boil for about 2 minutes, and jars of watermelons are poured into them. But, before pouring in the marinade, a tablespoon of otst is sent to the container (or you can take 1 tsp of lemon).

And raznosolov. Each hostess has a reasonable approach to this issue: she looks in advance for new recipes for marinating, pickling, pickling and urinating in order to please her loved ones and guests with delicious homemade treats during the cold period. Moreover, traditional Russian cuisine is replete with interesting preservation options.

One of the oldest ways to preserve fruits and vegetables is urination. If we delve into history, we will find an interesting fact - this method was practiced by ancient people who lived before our era in Northern Europe and Siberia. The recipe has remained virtually unchanged and is actively implemented in our century.

True, instead of barrels, glass containers, jars and plastic containers are more often used. Many clearly remember what a specific flavor bouquet endowed with soaked watermelon with apples. If you think that in urban conditions, or rather, in an apartment, it is impossible to harvest a berry, you are deeply mistaken. Everything is easier than it seems. We offer interesting variations of winter pickles.

Subtleties of conservation

For salting, you should choose fruits of small size, weighing no more than 2 kg, unripe and preferably with a thin skin. From overripe, a loose mass with an unpleasant structure will turn out. Be sure to check for damage and dents, since cracked fruits will “deflate” and turn sour during fermentation. If you are cooking watermelons soaked in a barrel, it is better not to pierce the peel, otherwise there will be no gas.

In a wooden container, whole berries are salted longer - about two months, and they turn out surprisingly tasty, juicy and fragrant. Many cooks lay out layers of cabbage or currant leaves, various fruits and vegetables. Literally after a few days, you can notice the fermentation process in the form of a foam that forms on the surface of the container (remove periodically). After that, the barrel is cleaned in a cool cellar or basement. In urban conditions, you can transfer the raw materials to glass jars and put them in the refrigerator until completely soured.

How useful are watermelons soaked in a barrel?

There is no need to talk about the healing power of pickles and preservation, however, soaked products are much more useful for their healing properties and are indicated for a number of diseases. Practitioners and homeopaths recommend including soaked watermelon in the diet of people with diabetes and overweight.

This is due to the fact that much less sugar and salt are present in the pulp of soaked berries. The composition retains all the mineral and chemical elements that we obtain from fresh vegetables and fruits. They may well make up for the deficiency of vitamins in the winter and supply the body with the missing substances. Now let's move on to the technological process - we will present a wonderful selection of delicious snacks.

How to cook pickled watermelons in jars?

Any variety with an elastic skin is suitable for harvesting. List of ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • about 2-3 kg watermelon;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • two large spoons of natural honey (instead of granulated sugar);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of citric acid;
  • a few currant leaves.

Cooking organization

Before making soaked watermelons, wash and cut them into small slices (triangles), without removing the seeds. If desired, you can peel the skin if it is too dense. We lay out the pieces in a sterile container along with currant leaves and garlic (layers), pour boiling water to the top and cover with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid into the pan.

Prepare the brine: dissolve honey and salt in watermelon water. Put the marinade on the stove and let it boil, then pour it into a jar, adding citric acid in advance. Quickly cover or roll up the container, wrap it with a warm cloth, leave it in the room for 6 hours. In a similar way, soaked watermelons are prepared in a saucepan and a wooden tub. Between the layers, you can put cherry leaves, celery, any greens, horseradish for a piquant taste. By the New Year holidays, the appetizer will be completely ready!

Salting in a barrel

For 10 liters of water, 500-800 g of salt will be required. We choose fruits of medium size, green-ripened. The quantity is determined depending on the size of wooden or stainless containers. We thoroughly clean the berries from contamination, remove the stalks so that the soaked watermelon ferments faster. You can also make several small punctures with a skewer.

We tightly pack all the fruits so that there are no voids left, adding roots, currant or cherry leaves. It remains to dissolve the salt in water, boil, then cool and pour into a container. We cover with a clean gauze cloth, set a heavy load (oppression). Barrels are stored in the basement / cellar. After two days, add the marinade.

After about a month, soaked watermelons will be edible. In a barrel (the recipe can be done in a city apartment), the fruits are extraordinarily tasty. This appetizer will be a great addition to any table.

Recipe with a sand layer

An ancient way of salting, which came to us from time immemorial. Whole berries are taken, not injured and without signs of damage. To begin with, washed fine sand (about 5 cm) is poured into the bottom of the barrel. Then the fruits are laid out, each layer is covered with sand. Everything is poured with salt 5% marinade.

Soaked watermelon is stored in a dark, sun-protective room for about a month. Thanks to this method, the product is crispy, does not deform under pressure and is evenly impregnated. Try to produce a recipe in a small container, and you will be satisfied.

Recipe for urinating watermelons with apples

Another well-known method of winter preparations in traditional Russian cooking. A popular dish in Ancient Rus' remains in demand and loved in modern society. It is better to choose apples of late varieties, ripe, without worms and rot. Instead of a barrel, many housewives use glass and plastic containers. So, the necessary set of components for preservation (for a three-liter container):

  • ripe watermelon;
  • apples "Antonovka";
  • leaves of red currant and cherry (by eye);
  • rye straw (how much will fit).

Dressing Ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of salt with a slide;
  • 30 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • a large spoonful of granulated sugar and, accordingly, boiled water.


Remove the stalks from the berries, cut into squares, put on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Tamp rye straw on top (you can do without it). The next layer will be apples (if large, it is better to cut). Cover each row with cherry and currant leaves.

Pour boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained and the container is filled with brine. It is prepared as follows: salt is dissolved in a liter of water, boiled until the granules are completely dissolved, vinegar or essence is poured in, granulated sugar is added. Soaked watermelons with apples are tightly corked with a lid and stored in a dark room. Thoroughly sterilize lids and containers to avoid swelling.

Using a similar technology, fruits are preserved with cabbage, mustard, a variety of fruits, lemons, with the addition of savory spices. Soaked watermelons at home will delight you with amazing taste and cheer you up on frosty days!

To get started, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the classic recipe for salted watermelon. Everything is done very simply and quickly. Take a watermelon, wash and cut into several pieces. The amount of watermelon depends on the size of the container where the watermelon will be marinated.

Pickled Watermelon Recipe #1

1. So, put the watermelon quarters in a tall bowl, pour 9% vinegar there (based on: a glass (250 ml) per5 kg watermelon), and then fill everything with hot marinade.

2. The marinade is prepared as follows: in a separate saucepan, mix the sugar ( 250 g ), salt (125 g) and water (4 l) and boil.

3. Let the watermelon stand at room temperature until it cools completely, and then refrigerate for a day or two.

Winter Salted Watermelon Recipe #2

How to salt a watermelon if you want it to be stored all winter? Of course, preserve in banks. It is better to choose medium-sized watermelons with pinkish flesh ( overripe sugar watermelons will not work).

  • Wash watermelons and cut into triangles.
  • Then carefully place the slices in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them.
  • Soak the watermelons in boiling water for 10 minutes and drain the water into a saucepan.
  • Put a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil, and then pour the watermelons in jars again for 5 minutes.
  • Now it's time to prepare the brine: in a pot of water from cans, add salt and sugar (for 1 l water 50 g salt and 30 g sugar), as well as, if desired, spices (ground coriander, ginger, nutmeg), boil everything.
  • Pour hot brine over watermelons in jars, add 1 tsp to each liter jar. acetic acid (70%) and roll up.
  • Put the jars under a fur coat for a couple of days, and then in a cool dark place.

Recipe for spicy watermelons in jars №3

Spicy watermelons in jars is a rather original dish for lovers of everything unusual.

  • At the bottom of sterile jars, put peppercorns, garlic cloves and bay leaf.
  • Then lay the watermelon slices and pour everything with boiling brine (brine as in the second recipe).
  • Roll up the banks.

Whole Salted Watermelon Recipe #4

In late autumn, when small watermelons with thin skin appear, you can safely salt the whole watermelon. Ordinary glass jars, of course, will not work for this purpose; you will have to find a wooden barrel.

  • Choose round, even watermelons with smooth, undamaged skin.
  • Before salting watermelons, rinse them well and pierce the skin in several places.
  • Now pack the watermelons tightly into a sterile barrel.
  • Then plug the barrel and pour a salt solution with a strength of 6% ( 60 g salt per 1 liter water). Leave the barrel at room temperature for two days. If necessary, add brine to the barrel, then seal it and place it in a cold place.
  • When laying watermelons, you can also lay spices: garlic, onions, horseradish root, green dill, currant and cherry leaves, and make the brine sweeter, for example, in the following proportion: for 2 cups of salt 1-3 cups of sugar.

Good luck and delicious pickles!

Watermelon is an excellent diuretic. This property has long been used to treat colitis, kidney diseases. The fruit is useful for the prevention of sclerosis, arthritis, gout, as a hematopoietic agent. How to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter? It is difficult to keep it fresh, since this berry can quickly overripe and ferment as a result. However, there are methods for preserving the product. Below you will learn the rules for choosing berries for pickling and pickling, the best recipes for winter preparations.

How to choose the right watermelon for harvesting for the winter

For salting, it is recommended to choose slightly unripe, not too large, intact, healthy fruits. Each berry should not weigh more than two kilograms. If there are cracks on the surface of the peel, this indicates the overripeness of the fruit. In this case, during canning in jars, it may deteriorate. In addition, when choosing, you should make sure that there are no unnatural, dark spots, dents on the surface. Remember that one bad fruit can ruin other good ones in the same container.

To pickle watermelons in jars for the winter, fruits with pink pulp are suitable, and sugary crumbly options are not suitable. Choose thin-skinned berries grown without nitrates. Fruits should be washed before pickling. Pierce the crust no more than ten times so that the puncture sites are symmetrical. However, some recipes do not use piercing. The marinade should cover the product completely. Salt is not iodized.

The best step-by-step recipes for salting watermelons in jars with photos

You can pickle and salt watermelons in jars for the winter, both whole and in sliced ​​form. In the latter version, with a thick crust, it must be cut off, and in most cases a thin one is left. The composition of the marinade can be very different: the fruits can be supplemented with garlic, salt, sugar, honey, herbs, aspirin, citric acid, vinegar, horseradish, celery, cherry, currant leaves. Depending on the composition chosen, the taste of the workpiece changes: it can be sweet, sweet-sour, spicy-sweet.

With vinegar

The first method to pickle watermelons is the classic one. In this recipe, you can cut or leave the crust. The fruits are spicy, juicy, ideal as a snack on any table. Required Components:

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar - 70 ml;
  • watermelons - 1.5 kg.

Step-by-step salting master class in the classic way:

  • We prepare an enameled pan without chips and cracks. Pour in water, add salt and sugar. We put on fire, after boiling, boil for 15 minutes. Strain the filling, pour in the vinegar, mix.
  • We cut the fruit into medium-sized pieces, put it inside a three-liter jar, pour hot brine.
  • Cover the workpiece with a lid, pasteurize for 20 minutes, roll up. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a blanket. When the preservation has cooled, we send it to storage in the basement or pantry.

with garlic

The next way to pickle fruits for the winter is preservation with garlic. Choose ripe, juicy berries for this recipe. Garlic adds a piquant taste to the preparation, a pleasant aroma. If desired, you can diversify the recipe with your favorite spices to taste. Required Ingredients:

  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • table vinegar - 80 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • watermelon - 1.5-2 kg.

Step by step recipe:

  • Cut the fruit into small pieces. We cut off the peel from it, shift the berry inside a three-liter jar, without tamping.
  • Add one peeled garlic clove, pour boiling water. Leave for a few minutes, drain the water into an enamel pan.
  • Boil water, pour the workpiece again. After a few minutes, pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt. After boiling, pour in vinegar, remove from heat, pour preservation with marinade.
  • We cork the jars with lids, turn them over to cool, then put them in a cool dark place for storage.

Without sterilization

According to this recipe, the berry turns out to be juicy, sweet, with a pleasant aroma of spices. This appetizer is a great alternative to pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. The recipe uses vinegar, but if you don't have it on hand, you can substitute citric acid. This will prevent an explosion and damage to the preservation. Required Components:

  • water - 1.5 l;
  • watermelon - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • celery - 1 sprig;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 8 peas;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.

Step by step instructions:

  • We thoroughly wash the jars using baking soda. Pour boiling water over with lids.
  • We wash the fruits, cut off the tails, cut into medium-sized slices. Cut off the skin if desired.
  • At the bottom of the jar we put garlic, celery, black pepper, bay leaf. Lay the berry slices on top. Throw in another stalk of celery.
  • Fill the jars with boiling water, insist 20 minutes under the lid. Pour water into an enameled pan, add salt, sugar. We boil for a couple of minutes. Fill the workpiece with vinegar, brine.
  • We roll up the jars, turn them over and wrap them with a blanket. After complete cooling, we send it to storage.

With mustard in liter jars

According to this recipe, a fragrant, spicy and very tasty snack is obtained. Preparing is very simple, and all the components are available. Salt must be used not iodized, stone. Berry and mustard go very well together. Required Ingredients:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.:
  • mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • watermelon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle marinated watermelons for the winter in liter jars:

  • We wash the fruit, cut into slices of arbitrary size. We cut off the thin green crust, and leave the white part.
  • Mix mustard, salt, sugar.
  • We put the berry inside the jar, sprinkling with a mixture of spices.
  • We cover the jars with plastic or nylon lids, leave for three days at room temperature.
  • We put the workpiece in the refrigerator for a day. After the specified time, the snack is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator until the New Year.

cold way with aspirin

The next method, how to pickle watermelons for the winter in jars, is with the addition of aspirin. This tablet prevents the blank from exploding, as it acts as a preservative. Pieces come out spicy, sweet and sour. If desired, you can diversify the workpiece with herbs, garlic. Required Components:

  • citric acid - 3 tsp;
  • aspirin - 9 tablets;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • watermelon - 10 kg;
  • salt - 9 tbsp. l.

Step by step instructions on how to pickle watermelons for the winter:

  • We sterilize the jars, boil the lids.
  • We wash the fruit, cut into slices. Cut off the thin green peel, cut into slices. We shift inside the jar, pour boiling water. We cover with lids, let it brew.
  • Drain the water, add a teaspoon of citric acid, three aspirin tablets, two tbsp. to one three-liter jar. l. sugar, three tbsp. l. salt.
  • Fill jars with boiling water, roll up. We put the neck down, wrap it up. After cooling, we send it to storage.

Pieces with horseradish

This recipe for spicy-sweet preservation with horseradish diversifies the monotonous winter menu. Spicy preparation perfectly complements hot hearty dishes. Horseradish adds a slight spice to the preservation. Required Components:

  • watermelon - 2 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish - 2 sheets.

Step-by-step master class on how to pickle watermelons with horseradish for the winter:

  • Fruits, greens are thoroughly washed with water.
  • Lubricate the inside of the jar with honey. Cut the berry into pieces, put inside the jar. We shift the layers of the fruit with garlic, cut into thin plates, chopped horseradish leaves, dill, currant leaves, black pepper.
  • Bring water with sugar and salt to a boil. Filling banks. Drain the brine, boil again, add vinegar, pour the preservation.
  • We roll the workpiece, turn it upside down, after cooling we put it in storage.

Watermelons marinated with honey in three-liter jars

Watermelons marinated with honey for the winter are a very interesting way to preserve berries. This appetizer goes well with meat and potato dishes. In addition, conservation stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, removes cholesterol from the body. Required Ingredients:

  • water - 7.5 l;
  • watermelon - 8 kg;
  • honey - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 9% - 300 ml.

Recipe step by step on how to preserve watermelons with honey for the winter:

  • Wash jars and lids and sterilize.
  • We wash the fruit, cut it into slices, put it inside three-liter jars, pour boiling water for 8 minutes.
  • Drain the water into an enameled pan. Pour the fruits with fresh boiling water, insist five minutes. Drain again into the same saucepan.
  • We put the marinade on the fire. Inside each jar, add two tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of sugar and salt, 60 ml of vinegar. Pour boiling marinade over.
  • It is necessary to close the workpiece, turn it upside down, wrap it. After cooling, put in storage.


On the territory of the former USSR, one of the favorite winter snacks was salted watermelons, which both children and adults loved to crunch. You can eat them pickled, soaked, fermented with apples, cabbage, various spices, spices, herbs. Such a blank will decorate and bring variety to any table. In the soaked berries, all useful substances are preserved as much as possible.

Soaked and pickled fruits, according to reviews, help after alcohol intoxication. In addition, they saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, benefiting the body. Opening such conservation, warm summer days are immediately remembered. If you cut off the crusts, then you can cook delicious amber jam from them. Despite the fact that it is customary to salt the berry in barrels or a bucket, many recipes are easily adapted for preservation in a jar. The videos below will show you how.

Salting watermelon without a peel, as in a barrel

How to salt watermelons without vinegar with citric acid

How to roll salted watermelons into jars

Read recipes from experienced hostesses on how to ferment and pickle watermelons for the winter on your own.

In winter colds, I especially want to eat some kind of vitamin product. Therefore, in the summer you need to take care of this, or rather, make blanks for the cold season. And it’s very pleasing if it’s December in the yard, and you have watermelons.

True, in summer it is a dessert, and in winter it is a salty snack, but the aroma of freshness and some of the useful components of this product will remain even in a salty form. Next, let's find out what goodies can be prepared for the winter from such a healthy berry as a watermelon.

Quick Salted Watermelon Recipe

The name itself - salted watermelon, is no longer familiar. However, many have already eaten such a dish more than once. And whoever liked it, we offer the simplest recipe for salted watermelons.

Recipe for salted watermelons quick salting


  • Watermelons - two pieces
  • Salt - one large spoon
  • Sugar - one large spoon
  • Water - one liter


  1. Cut watermelons into even slices
  2. Remove pits, remove skin
  3. Add salt, sugar to boiling water
  4. Let the brine cool down
  5. Fill them with watermelon slices
  6. Leave a closed container with watermelons for two days in a room
  7. Then refrigerate

Salted watermelon - instant

IMPORTANT: For salting, choose slightly unripe watermelons. Even pink fruits that have not had time to turn red will do.

How to pickle, ferment watermelons in a barrel?

Spacious wooden tubs are best suited for pickling large berries such as watermelons. Still, you can put a large number of fruits in them, which will be enough for the whole winter. Our ancestors have known the method of salting watermelons for a long time. Let's find out all the subtleties of this process.

Recipe for salting watermelons in a tub


  • Watermelons - how much will go into a barrel
  • Water - 10 liters
  • Salt - 225 grams, by no means iodized
  • Sugar - 525 grams


  1. Pick fruits for pickling. They should be without any kind of damage, slightly underripe, of medium size.
  2. Wash giant berries well
  3. Pierce them with a knitting needle symmetrically in no more than ten places
  4. Put them in a barrel
  5. Pour them with ready-made brine, if you want to get sweet watermelons, then make a brine according to the composition written above
  6. If you like salty watermelons, then prepare the brine only from water, salt (10 liters of water, 600 grams of salt)
  7. The liquid should completely cover the fruits
  8. Cover the pickled berries with a cloth
  9. Cover the top with a lid and put a load on it so that the watermelons do not float on the surface
  10. For twelve to twenty-four hours, the tub is left in the room
  11. Then sent to the cellar for storage
  12. Salted watermelons will be ready to eat only after 21 days

Watermelon pickled in a barrel

IMPORTANT: In places where watermelons are grown, they are fermented in slices without peel - to save packaging. Spread in layers in barrels, each layer is separated from each other by watermelon peels. Salt is added at the rate of 3% by weight of watermelons in a tub.

How to pickle watermelon in jars: a recipe?

Not every housewife has the opportunity to salt watermelons for the winter in tubs. Do not despair, because you can pickle such a product in jars.

Recipe for marinating fragrant watermelon


  • Watermelons - two kilograms
  • Water - 1.6 liters
  • Black pepper - 7 peas
  • Bay leaf - 4 leaves per jar
  • Celery - two branches
  • Sugar - two large spoons with a slide
  • Salt - one heaping spoon
  • Citric acid - half a spoon (tea)


  1. Prepare clean jars
  2. Sterilize jars, lids
  3. wash the watermelon
  4. Divide it into small parts
  5. If you want to close the watermelon without a peel, then cut it off
  6. Then spread celery, pepper, “lavrushka” on the bottom of the container
  7. Put slices in jars
  8. Pour boiling water over watermelon
  9. Immediately put a pot of water on the fire to prepare the marinade
  10. When the water boils, add sugar, salt
  11. Pour the first boiling water out of the jar
  12. Pour brine over watermelon slices and add lemon there
  13. Roll up the banks
  14. Put them upside down on the floor, cover with a warm blanket - let them steam
  15. After two days, take it to the cellar

Canned sweet watermelons: recipe

Suitable for sweet tooth recipe for sweet pickled watermelons with honey.



  • Watermelons - eight kilograms
  • Water - nine liters
  • Honey - ten large spoons
  • Sugar - five large spoons
  • Salt - five large spoons
  • Vinegar - three hundred grams (9%)


  1. Wash all watermelons thoroughly in cold water.
  2. Prepare jars, wash them too, sterilize
  3. If the watermelons are thin-skinned, then you can close them with slices with a peel. If not, better get rid of the crust
  4. Pour hot boiling water over the pieces. Let it sterilize for nine minutes
  5. The second time, pour the slices with brine with honey, sugar, salt, vinegar
  6. Roll ready watermelons in jars
  7. Put them upside down
  8. Wrap up with something warm
  9. After two days, place the pickled watermelons in the pantry

Watermelons in their own juice

Such pickles are good to do in barrels. Watermelons can be salted, both in juice and in the watermelon mass of ripe fruits.


  • Watermelons - ten kilograms
  • Salt - 300 grams
  • Watermelon mass - seven liters


  1. Wash watermelons thoroughly
  2. Prepare the tub
  3. Cut overripe watermelons, separate from the peel, blend until smooth
  4. Mix seven liters of this mass with salt until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Put small watermelons in layers in a tub and fill each with this salty liquid
  6. Close the lid, press down the top layer with oppression
  7. Put in a cold place

Canned watermelons with citric acid

Recipe for canned watermelons with citric acid

Ingredients for three cans:

  • Salt - three spoons not iodized
  • Sugar - five tablespoons
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon for each bottle


  1. Put slices of watermelon into ready-made sterile jars
  2. Pour boiling water over them twice
  3. Fill with brine for the third time
  4. Roll up the balloons


  • Watermelon - one large
  • Water - 700 milliliters
  • Sugar - two large spoons
  • Salt - one spoon
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - two tablets


  1. Sterile jars filled with watermelon slices
  2. Pour boiling water over them twice
  3. For the third time, pour brine with aspirin, salt, sugar
  4. Then roll up the banks

Canned watermelons without sterilization

If, before preservation, watermelons are poured twice with boiling water, and a third time with brine, then no sterilization is required. It is enough to cover the rolled pickled berries with a warm blanket. After about a day or two, they will cool down, after which they can be transferred to the pantry.

Canned watermelons with tomatoes

For lovers of sour-salty snacks, the following recipe is suitable

Recipe for pickled watermelons with tomatoes


  • Watermelon - three kilograms
  • Tomatoes - three kilos
  • Garlic - three cloves (for three cans)
  • Mustard powder - 3 teaspoons (for three bottles)
  • Salt - one and a half tablespoons (per liter of water)
  • Sugar - two tablespoons (per liter of water)
  • Vinegar - 65 milliliters (for one bottle)


  1. Place tomatoes, slices of watermelon, parsley, garlic in sterile cylinders
  2. Fill twice with boiling water
  3. Then pour the brine and roll up the balloons
  4. Turn them upside down, cover with something warm
  5. When cool, place the jars in the pantry

Video: How to pickle a watermelon?
