
How to deal with a hangover at home. Effective hangover cures

Most of us love to meet guests and celebrate holidays, but only a very limited number of people can celebrate important events without drinking alcohol, and everyone else has to deal with a hangover the next day. Nausea, headache, dry mouth, weakness and aches all over the body - this is how our body reacts to excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol. And if you don’t have the opportunity and desire to spend the whole day groaning on the couch, it’s better to stock up on a few proven remedies in advance and know how to get rid of a hangover at home.

Ways to deal with a hangover at home

A hangover is a condition that indicates a general poisoning of the body with drinks containing alcohol. Moreover, in order to experience all the "charms" of a hangover, it is not at all necessary to "fill up" with a large amount of strong alcoholic beverages, the body's reaction to alcohol is individual and depends on the number of enzymes that break down ethyl alcohol, the state of the liver and other factors. Unpleasant sensations after drinking alcohol arise due to the general effect of acetatetaldehyde on the body, being absorbed into the blood, alcohol molecules turn into very toxic compounds that act on the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs. Most of the acetate aldehyde is neutralized in the liver, but if there is too much alcohol, the liver cells cease to cope with their functions and toxic substances enter the bloodstream, causing nausea, vomiting and general malaise. The lack of oxygen, provoked by a strong vasospasm, leads to the death of brain cells and a severe headache, and fluid retention causes swelling and excruciating thirst.

To get rid of a hangover, you need to cleanse the body of alcohol as much as possible and try to remove all toxins.

This can be done using the following methods:
1. Elimination of toxins is the most effective hangover cure. To speed up the removal of toxins from the body, you can wash the stomach or use more gentle methods - take enterosorbents. To cure a hangover, we recommend:

  • activated charcoal - crush several tablets of activated charcoal (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, but not less than 5 tablets) and drink them with a glass of water, repeat after 2-3 hours;
  • enterosgel, polyphepen, lignosorb and other similar drugs - they are taken in 2-3 tbsp with 1 tbsp of water, the reception is repeated after 2 hours;
  • succinic acid - reduces the harmful effects of alcohol and protects the liver - take 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 6 tablets per day;

2. Normalization of acid-base balance- alcohol damages not only liver cells, but also the structural units of the kidneys, and along with toxins and water, salts, minerals and other substances leave the body. You can replenish the water-salt balance with cucumber or cabbage brine, mineral water or oat broth. Also, low-fat kefir, curdled milk, kvass or sour cabbage soup will help to avoid dehydration and “feed” the body;

3. Restoring the body's strength- You can quickly remove toxins and cleanse your stomach with a hearty breakfast. Of course, it’s not worth loading the exhausted body with heavy food, but strong meat broth, with pieces of meat or rich soup will be very useful;

4. Taking special medications- such Alcoseltzer tablets and analogues will help to cope with a hangover faster - take 2 tablets, repeat the dose after 2 hours; high doses of vitamin C, asparkam, pentalgin, aspirin, pentogam, or glycine;

5. Good vacation- the best and most reliable way to deal with a hangover is with the help of sound sleep, if the next morning after the holidays your head hurts and your body aches, you need to take a cold shower, use the above remedies, and then go to bed for 6-8 hours, after opening the window in the room and curtaining it thick curtains. A sound sleep in a well-ventilated room will help you quickly forget about all the unpleasant sensations.

Folk remedies for a hangover

You can fight a hangover not only with the help of the achievements of modern medicine, but also use folk, time-tested methods, such as:

  • lemon juice with water - squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into 1 glass of cold water, add 1 tsp of honey and drink the drink in small sips;
  • drink a glass of tomato or orange juice;
  • water with ammonia - 1 tbsp of water with 20 drops of ammonia - a very unpleasant but effective remedy;
  • decoction of oats - pour 1 tbsp of oats with 1.5 liters of hot water and boil for 1 hour, add 1 tsp of salt and drink for 1-2 hours in small sips;
  • yogurt or koumiss - in the East, a hangover is quickly treated without any medicine, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of a curative fermented milk drink.

Modern and unusual ways to deal with a hangover

You can cope with a hangover with the help of quite modern, but very unusual ways, how and why they work is not clear, but, nevertheless, they relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Coca-Cola - or other sweet carbonated drink - 1-2 glasses of Coca-Cola relieve headaches and ease hangovers;
  • orange juice with ice and an aspirin tablet - such a cocktail will invigorate and relieve headaches, with a strong hangover - double the dose;
  • bananas - eating a few bananas in the morning can greatly alleviate your condition.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover

If you need to get rid of all the consequences of alcohol as quickly as possible, you will have to give your body a shake-up and use express methods to deal with a hangover:

1. Take a contrast shower- water will help to quickly remove toxins from the body, and the alternation of cold and hot water will “wake up” the brain, strengthen blood vessels and give vigor;

2. Cold compress- with a severe headache, an ice compress and rubbing the temples with a slice of lemon will help;

3. Hot bath with essential oils- in hot water, toxins are removed from the body faster, to achieve the maximum effect, the water temperature should be 35-37 degrees, the procedure time should be no more than 20 minutes, and a few drops (10-15) of orange, cedar, eucalyptus or lavender should be added to the water oils;

4. Gastric lavage- if the symptoms of poisoning are too intense, nausea, vomiting and body aches torment you, you will have to use more radical methods, such as gastric lavage. You can induce vomiting and flush the stomach with water with ammonia, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or saline. For a complete gastric lavage, you need to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of the solution and be sure to empty the stomach;

5. Replenishment of the balance of fluids and salts in the body- you can’t do without kefir, brine or juice in such a situation;

6. Strong coffee or tea with lemon– a cup of strong black coffee or tea with lemon and sugar will help to cheer up and wake up;

7. Take a few tablets of special means- simultaneous intake of activated charcoal, succinic acid and several tablets for headaches and vitamins - this is not very useful, but very effective, after 1-2 hours the hangover syndromes will almost completely disappear, but after a few hours you will have to pay for it with a returned headache, weakness and brokenness.

It’s so customary that after the holiday there comes a heavy hangover. A stormy evening with abundant libations of various alcoholic beverages leads to poor morning health. Dry mouth and thirst, stomach pain and headache, nausea and dizziness - this is a partial list of problems that we face the next day. During a hangover, a person may experience fever, chills, rapid heart rate, and pressure surges.

The severity of the condition depends on many factors. For example, on the amount of alcohol consumed and its quality. It was noticed that the most unpleasant sensations occur after wine or beer. It will take at least twelve hours to recover.

Methods for dealing with severe hangovers

The culprit is the decay products of alcohol, or otherwise - toxins. They literally poison the body, affecting all internal organs. Some people, in addition to a headache, may feel aching in the joints and muscles of the whole body.

A lot of people are worried about how to get rid of this condition. Indeed, situations often arise that there is no way to stay at home and a person is forced to go to work or perform any other duties. Unfortunately, there is no quick way to recover. Treatment will be complex and will take some time.

Causes of a long hangover and its treatment

Poor health is due to intoxication of the body and severe dehydration. The alkaline-electrolyte balance is disturbed and the liquid is distributed extremely unevenly. This is where weakness and nervous excitability come from. Bags under the eyes and a swollen face are directly related to severe dehydration.

Poisons and toxins appear in our body from the first minutes of intoxication. Especially a lot of them get with drinks such as tequila, rum and whiskey. Due to the large amount of impurities, various dyes with flavors are added to alcohol poisons. You can often hear the opinion that ordinary vodka is much better tolerated than all other drinks.

The work of the brain is noticeably disturbed. In addition to nervous excitability, a person with, is often overcome by a feeling of fear, a feeling of hopelessness and depression. Often such conditions last at least two days.

What not to do during a hangover

Signs of a hangover syndrome

These signs are probably known to most. These include: thirst, nausea and headache. A person becomes irritable, even bright colors can piss him off, not to mention smells. Many find it hard to force themselves in the morning eat something, since the fatty and smoked food eaten the day before, along with alcohol, causes significant harm to all digestive organs, including the liver and kidneys.

There are many remedies, the use of which will eventually relieve discomfort and return you to normal.

In the clinic, to get rid of a hangover, salt solutions are injected through a dropper with beneficial substances that normalize the condition.

As soon as the vomiting stops start taking vitamins or eat fortified meals. It can be saturated meat broth, fish, fresh vegetables. If you don't have to go anywhere, try to get a good night's sleep. Exercise and ventilate the room before going to bed.

Instead of a bath, take a contrast shower and wash your hair thoroughly. Toxins accumulate on the hair, which should be eliminated as soon as possible.

If you are bad with a hangover, then you can use all known means. Of the most famous and popular drugs for a hangover, the following can be distinguished: Alkoseltzer, Zorex and Antipohmelin.

Zorex contains calcium pantothenate and unithiol. Both of these components effectively fight against intoxication of the body and remove toxins. Instructions are attached to the preparation, which are carefully followed during treatment. Do not increase the dosage as much as you would like to speed up the process, so you only harm your liver.

Alkoseltzer consists of aspirin and sodium bicarbonate. The drug thins the blood, regulates blood pressure and relieves headaches. Take it after meals, according to the instructions.

The drug Antipokhmelin contains succinic acid, which, as you know, effectively copes with intoxication of the body. These funds are accepted even before the feast.

The speed of the release of toxins, and hence the end of poor health, depends on the metabolism. The faster it flows, the sooner you get rid of the hangover. You can speed it up using the following tools:

You can often hear advice: eat as much jelly as possible during a hangover, aspic fish or jelly. The fact is that they contain glycine, or otherwise - aminoacetic acid. It perfectly normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress and makes sleep healthy. You can buy glycine tablets at the pharmacy and take them every hour during the day.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies, with which you can get rid of discomfort. Traditional medicine advises taking decoctions of lemon balm, chamomile, and mint during this period. And also drink as many sour-milk drinks as possible.

Here are some of those tips:

Among the tips you can find very unusual, interesting ways. According to those who used them, they are quite effective. For example, Coca-Cola or a chicory drink perfectly relieves a hangover. And also advise to eat several servings of ice cream, whose beneficial effect is quite understandable. Ice cream perfectly regulates pressure, relieves stress and tones. Often, thanks to ice cream, a headache disappears. This product also activates the metabolism due to the cold that enters the stomach. In a word, ice cream will become real for you.

Steps to Avoid Morning Hangovers

In order not to have a headache in the morning and not to break the whole body, try to follow some rules of a healthy feast.

Remember that with a sharp intoxication of the body, an alcoholic coma may occur. For some people, it is enough to drink five hundred grams of strong alcohol to fall into it. During this state, the drunkard is not affected by ammonia and there is no way to bring him to his senses. In such cases, only the help of doctors is required.

Attention, only TODAY!

Often, for a fun evening spent in the morning, there comes a “retribution” in the form of a hangover.

And there is hardly a person who has never experienced all the “joys” of this state on his own experience.

Of course, it is better to drink enough to feel fresh and cheerful in the morning. But the line between the norm and the abuse of alcohol is usually very quickly erased, so the fight against a hangover is guaranteed in the near future. About how to "reanimate" yourself and bring back to life, as well as about effective methods of restoring the body, will be discussed later.

Hangover: symptoms

A hangover is a condition that occurs a few hours after drinking alcohol. The condition is uncomfortable for a person and occurs as a result of the negative impact that alcohol has on the body.

Hangover syndrome is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, often migraine, tremors, pressure surges, indigestion, heart palpitations, impaired coordination of movement, a person may sweat, he is thrown into heat, then into cold. In more severe cases, with a hangover, there is a violation of the heart rhythm (arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia), dizziness, convulsions, etc.

The cause of a hangover is always the same - the reactions that occur in the body after alcohol enters it. The higher the dose of alcohol and the less “clean” the drinks are, the higher the likelihood of a hangover, and a severe one. From this point of view, the influence of pure high-quality vodka is the least harmful, but such drinks as liqueurs, whiskey, tequila are perceived by the body as alcohol surrogates. The reaction of the body to such expensive drinks can be the same as to low-quality alcohol.

Hangover syndrome: causes

So, what are the causes of unpleasant hangover symptoms?

General intoxication of the body.

Any alcoholic drink that enters the human body is a poison to him. In particular, it is not the drink itself that is poisonous (or toxic), of course, but the breakdown product of ethanol, which this drink contains. This substance is called acetaldehyde. And it is this that has a toxic effect on the body. Accordingly, the more you drink, the stronger the poisoning and hangover will be: the person sweats, he feels dizzy, nausea, convulsions, etc. are observed.

Everything is logical and easy to explain. In addition, there is another important point on which depends on how severe a hangover will be for a person. This is a person's resistance to alcohol. Here we are talking about the fact that in some people the process of splitting acetaldehyde occurs faster than in others. Accordingly, in the first category of people, toxic substances will be excreted faster from the body and poison it less than in people from the second category;

Metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency.

When the body struggles with the poisons that have entered it, it consumes a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins to remove them, resulting in their deficiency;

Acidosis, or an imbalance in the acid-base balance.

This is what causes the nausea and rapid breathing that usually accompanies a hangover. The violation occurs due to the fact that the decomposition products of ethanol - acetic acid, acetaldehyde and lactic acid - are acidic;

Effects on the brain and nervous system.

Alcohol negatively affects brain cells and the human nervous system. As a result, a few hours after drinking alcohol, the sensitivity of the nervous system increases significantly. That is why hangovers cause such headaches, and even minor sounds, noise and light are such powerful stimuli that make the brain feel like it is “exploding”;

Sleep phase disorder.

In order for a person to get enough sleep, he needs two conditions: 8-9 hours of sleep and being in the “REM” phase. If a person sleeps even more than 9 hours, but does not enter this phase, then he will not get enough sleep and will be “broken” all day. Alcohol just affects the brain and nervous system in such a way that a person cannot go into this phase. Therefore, if a person goes to bed in a state of intoxication, this dream will not restore his strength, and in the morning the state will be appropriate.

Hangover: how to alleviate the condition

And then morning came. you open your eyes and realize that you can no longer tear your head off the pillow. And you still need to go to work, so you just need to somehow “come to your senses”. There are many ways you can help relieve your hangover. Follow the rules below - and soon you will feel much better. The point is to start your day right.

Do not immediately try to jump out of bed. This will only worsen your condition: nausea will appear sharply, vomiting may even begin, dizziness cannot be avoided, sweat is hailed and coordination is impaired. All this will not help to improve well-being. Therefore, while still lying in bed, do the following:

  1. Intensive massage of the scalp, rub your ears well - this will increase blood flow and invigorate you a little.
  2. Gently and slowly turn your head to the left - to the right, wave your arms and legs.
  3. Start getting up. Remember: no sudden movements, do everything slowly and smoothly. Head to the bathroom. But put the kettle on first. By the way, at this stage you can drink a hangover pill.
  4. Take a shower. If you have a healthy heart and do not feel any discomfort at the moment, you can take a contrast shower, alternating cold and hot water and completing the procedure with cold water. Or you can limit yourself to the usual cool or room temperature shower. Start watering yourself from the top of your head. Take 10-15 minutes for water procedures. You will walk out of the bathroom a completely different person.
  5. It's time for breakfast. Of course, it is unlikely that food will be the first thing you dream about when you have a hangover, but it is simply necessary to eat: any porridge, hard-boiled egg, vegetable stew or salad. And be sure to drink green tea with honey: this will help remove toxins, make up for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.
  6. You can do light exercises, but avoid tilting your head down, sudden movements and in no case use dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.

Thus, in less than an hour you will put yourself in order and will be ready for the coming day. Do not forget to drink up to 3-4 liters of pure water (preferably alkaline mineral water) during the day in order to completely remove toxins from the body.

hangover cures

Today, the pharmaceutical market is represented by a very wide range of drugs that help with a hangover: tablets, powders, even brines - you can choose whatever you want. All of them contain very similar active substances, which help to alleviate the condition. Therefore, these drugs work in much the same way.

Whatever tool you choose, it will be aimed at solving the following tasks:

  1. Accelerating the process of splitting ethanol and neutralizing acetaldehyde (as you already know, the faster alcohol breaks down, the less time toxins are in the body. Therefore, there is always an antioxidant in the preparations, for example,).
  2. Removing the breakdown products of alcohol from the body (the sooner this is done, the easier it will become for you).
  3. Pain relief (many drugs contain substances that have such an effect. For example, analgin, due to which a headache disappears).
  4. Neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (this is why many preparations contain soda, which does an excellent job of this task, as a result of which heartburn, nausea, and indigestion disappear).

Among the most common drugs are the following: Alka-Prim, Alka-Seltzer, Get Up, Alcosoft, Antipohmelin, Bizon, Vega Plus, Medichronal, Limontar , "Duphalac", "Alco-buffer", "DrinkOff", etc. When choosing this or that remedy, you must understand that this is a drug. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it, be sure to consult a doctor and read the instructions, especially with possible contraindications.

And even “anti-pochmelins” have such: for example, Alka-Seltzer should not be taken if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer. You should not thoughtlessly choose a drug, focusing only on the fact that it once helped your friend. It is also very important when taking the drug to strictly follow the permissible dosages indicated in the instructions.

In addition, drugs can be used not only when the hangover has already begun, but also to prevent it, that is, before the intended event, which will be accompanied by drinking. Of course, it is better to drink so that there is no such blow to the body. But if you suspect that you may not stop on time, it is better to take care of yourself and your health in advance. The principles of choosing a drug are the same: carefully read the instructions, do not neglect your own health.

Folk remedies for a hangover

There are many folk remedies that are effective for a hangover syndrome. Means that are prepared according to folk recipes usually involve the use of medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients.

It is worth noting that you do not need to get drunk early in the morning with alcoholic beverages. First, it can adversely affect health. Secondly, it can go into a new booze. Thirdly, it may even end in a binge. Therefore, it is better to choose products that are safe for health and effective. When choosing natural remedies for treatment, you must be sure that you are not allergic to certain ingredients (for example, honey). So, here are some recipes that can significantly improve your condition:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in a glass of warm (but not hot) milk and drink. This tool perfectly removes any toxins from the body and saturates it with vitamins.
  2. Take a raw chicken egg, beat it and add the following ingredients: a pinch of salt (preferably sea), 2-3 drops of vinegar (preferably natural apple), a little ketchup.
  3. Buy marigolds at the pharmacy, pour 6-8 flowers into 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Then drain 200 ml of broth, leaving 800 ml. Continue to cook for another 6 minutes. Then strain the broth, cool. You need to drink 3 tbsp per day. decoction, breaking them into 3 doses.
  4. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. warm milk 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and drink slowly.
  5. Drink 1 tbsp. brine (cucumber, cabbage) or any sour juice (orange, apple), berry juice or compote.

All these activities will help you quickly get back to normal, but you must understand that you have one health, so it’s better not to let it get to the point where you have to “treat” after a good evening.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

A hangover is a harsh retribution for excessive drinking. Unfortunately, many are familiar with such symptoms as: weakness, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, possibly palpitations and nausea. All these are signals that the body has been harmed by excessive libations.
You can say as much as you like that an effective way to avoid all this is not to abuse it, but it’s better not to. But, if, nevertheless, control was lost and you drank, to put it mildly, in excess of the norm?
To begin with, let's look at ways to protect yourself from intoxication if you need to stay in shape, but there is no way to refuse "taking on the chest".
1 way.
Well-known and affordable activated charcoal tablets that adsorb (absorb) alcohol and interfere with its absorption. Take 4 tablets 10-15 minutes before the first drink. Then - 2 tablets every hour.
2 way.
Drink Almagel is an antacid, enveloping and adsorbing drug used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. In our case, take 2-3 tablespoons 15 minutes before drinking. Then you can repeat every half hour. Now it is sold in convenient metered doses that you can take with you.
3 way.
Buy at the pharmacy Polysorb MP - the latest generation. In general, it should always be in your first aid kit. This is an indispensable product in solving many problems, a powerful help to your body. Find out more on the Internet or in pharmacies. In our case, we consider it as the best option for preventing the occurrence of a hangover syndrome. Polysorb MP will not allow the breakdown products of alcohol to be absorbed into the blood. The drug is taken on the eve of a gala dinner or lunch, in the evening after it and in the morning of the next day. 2 tablespoons of the drug should be diluted in half or a third of a glass of water. Drinking is not very pleasant, but these are trifles compared to its effectiveness.
4 way.
It is worth eating a plate of buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina porridge half an hour or an hour before drinking. Intoxication will be minor.
Some more tricks.
In order to feel better in the morning, take vitamins, especially vitamin C, while drinking alcohol. They help reduce the amount of alcohol in the body. Drinking a glass of milk before drinking has a beneficial effect, the manifestations of a hangover will be minimized. It is good to have a snack with potatoes and meat, these products steal the degree, reduce intoxication.
The following combination of drugs is effective in the fight against a monster called a hangover: 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal + 2 tablets of no-shpa + 1 tablet of aspirin. Need to drink it all after the party for the night.
So, nevertheless, it happened, the “bad” morning has come, you feel all the charms of the fact that last night was not in vain. How to help the body recover, restore good health and mood?
Most likely, without taking your head off the pillow, you will feel that the “Great dry land” has come. Drinking some water will become your cherished desire. This is caused by the dehydrating effect of alcohol and your body is sorely lacking in fluids. Therefore, you need to drink a lot. Tonic drinks will help - coffee, Coca-Cola, strong tea with lemon. A solution of natural honey, orange, tomato juices, cranberry juice also has a good effect on the body. A cup of mint tea with honey instead of sugar will help. You can drink some non-alcoholic beer. Of course, do not forget about kefir, ayran and mineral water (preferably medium carbonated).
It would be nice to try to eat a bowl of hot soup or broth. This will have a beneficial effect on the stomach and general well-being. Relief will come almost immediately. Help with a hangover: cabbage pickle, sour cucumbers, buttermilk, yogurt drink, cottage cheese.
You can try the following: beat 1 raw egg, mix with 1 tablespoon of weakly diluted vinegar, add salt and pepper. Drink in one gulp. Or mix an egg with spicy ketchup. Or pour 2 tablespoons of castor oil into 1 cup of hot milk. Cool slightly and drink slowly.
Of the medications for a hangover syndrome, the drugs Antipohmelin, Alka-Seltzer, Zorex are common. Drink according to the instructions. But a simple tablet (better soluble) of aspirin helps many more effectively. It relieves headaches well - you need to take 2 tablets. But, if you have high blood pressure and palpitations, add a tablet to Citramon. A glass of strong, hot, very sweet tea + baralgin tablet + tablet (diuretic drug) will bring to life.
Vitamin B6 helps with hangovers and bad breath. Two are poured into half a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.
A hot shower, a walk in the fresh air will help restore vitality. And finally, if possible, you need to get a good night's sleep.
Good luck and health to everyone, cheerful, productive days and be good!

Many at least once in their lives are faced with the question of how to deal with a hangover at home, because even a friendly feast can lead to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, which leads to a number of the most unpleasant symptoms in the morning.

Drinkers almost every morning suffer from manifestations of a hangover syndrome, and in the presence of chronic dependence on alcohol, the symptoms of intoxication can manifest themselves so strongly that a person cannot find a good way to move away from such a state, even after several days.

There is currently no known 100% effective hangover cure that could be used at home.

Complex medical procedures, of course, can quickly correct the situation and cleanse the blood of toxins and salts that are the result of the breakdown of alcohol in the human body, but at the same time, few people want to go to the hospital and even more so notify health workers about the reason for such a sharp deterioration in the condition.

However, there are a number of measures that can be taken on the eve of the feast to alleviate the inevitable hangover, and in addition, after the appearance of unpleasant symptomatic manifestations.

hangover remedies

Before going to a party where you plan to drink alcohol, it is very important to determine in advance the allowable dose of alcohol. If a person determines in advance that he should not drink more than 1-2 glasses of beer at a party, then, most likely, he will limit himself to this amount. Such a psychological technique in some cases allows you not to drink more than what is necessary to create a good mood and will save you from a hangover in the morning. If you make it a rule not to drink more than the norm, it is quite possible to drink alcohol in a dosed manner and reduce the risk of developing a severe hangover. However, not everyone manages to control themselves when it comes to alcoholic beverages, so if the dose was clearly too large, then it is worth taking action immediately upon arrival home to prevent the development of withdrawal symptoms. For this purpose, you can take:

  • activated carbon or other sorbents;
  • several glasses of milk, whey or kefir;
  • several glasses of fresh citrus juice;
  • several glasses of boiled water.

Sorbents are useful because with their help the body quickly gets rid of the breakdown products of alcohol, and this will significantly reduce the symptomatic manifestations of a hangover that will occur in the morning. Milk and dairy products have a special positive effect, and in addition, they help eliminate dehydration. Citrus juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, which will improve the condition the next morning.

However, if there are no pharmacy sorbents, no milk, or even citrus fruits for making freshly squeezed juice, it is quite possible to get by with boiled water, which will quickly normalize the electrolyte balance and prevent severe hangover symptoms in the morning.

But a really positive effect after taking ordinary boiled water is observed only in people who rarely drink alcohol and do not have chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Hangover cures

If the active was started already in the morning after the onset of characteristic symptoms, you can use pharmacy products that can eliminate the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. in the form of pharmacy complexes specially designed for this, it can be effective only if a person does not suffer from alcoholism and does not often drink alcohol. Among other things, there are medications that can quickly eliminate nausea and headaches, which often occur with a hangover. So, to get rid of a hangover at home, you can use:

  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate for gastric lavage;
  • Alkoseltzer;
  • Antipohmelin;
  • Alka-Prim;
  • Liferan;
  • Carbolene;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Lignosorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Citramon;
  • Glycine.

Medicines should be taken very carefully. First of all, to eliminate nausea and vomiting, the stomach should be washed with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

30-45 minutes after this procedure, you can take special ones, and it is very important to follow the doses indicated in the instructions.

If there are no special preparations at hand, the best remedy for a hangover is sorbents. For example, activated charcoal should be drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Other more modern medications should be used exclusively taking into account the dosages indicated in the instructions. If there is a severe headache, you can use an anesthetic, but it is best not to swallow the tablets whole, but to crush them and dissolve them in warm water, as this will reduce the irritating effect of the substances on the mucous membranes of the stomach. Trying to figure out how to get rid of a hangover, you should not uncontrollably drink all the pills in a row, as this can cause significant harm.

Folk remedies to eliminate a hangover

If there are no pharmaceutical preparations at hand, they will help. One of the most common and universally recognized hangover remedies is cabbage or cucumber pickle. This excellent home remedy for a hangover cannot quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohol, but helps to restore the water-salt balance, and as a result, improve the general condition.

To reduce the manifestations of a hangover, you can eat sauerkraut, pickles, pickled apples or other products obtained by fermentation, as they help to activate the production of necessary enzymes in the body.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, you can drink kefir, yogurt or yogurt. It is worth considering that during the period of a hangover syndrome, the human body experiences a strong need for liquid, so you can drink a large amount of boiled or alkaline mineral water without gas.

Strong tea or coffee should not be consumed during a hangover, as they can provoke a significant increase in blood pressure. It is better to give preference to the usual herbal tea based on chamomile. If there is no chamomile in the house, you can quickly brew lemon slices, and after cooling the water, add a few tablespoons of honey.

This home remedy for a hangover is also effective.
