
How to wash vegetables and fruits. Why wash vegetables and fruits with soap

Products presented in stores and markets are potentially more dangerous because:

  • it is not known under what conditions it was grown and with what pesticides it was treated in the process of growth and maturation;
  • for safety during transportation, plant products, primarily fruits, are treated with special agents that form a film on the surface and prevent the growth of microorganisms.

To protect your body from harmful substances, you need to know how to properly wash vegetables and fruits bought in supermarkets or on the street in order to remove not only pollution, but also traces of pesticides, as well as the surface layer of a protective agent - usually paraffin or wax .

Fruits should be washed especially carefully if they are intended for a child. The child's body is in the formative stage, and toxic chemicals can have a negative impact on its growth and development.

Shipping handling

On the territory of Russia, a significant part of vegetables and fruits is imported, including from abroad, especially in winter.

To increase the shelf life of products and minimize shipping losses, fruits and vegetables are processed in a variety of ways, including:

To thoroughly wash vegetables, root crops, herbs, fruits and berries, use cool running water. The use of nets and colanders is allowed.

Please note: Fresh plant products are washed and cleaned immediately before fresh consumption or heat treatment. According to the requirements of SanPiN, pre-soaking is not allowed. According to sanitary standards, potatoes and root crops can be stored in a peeled form for up to two hours, filled with water.

To remove the paraffin film, you can use a vegetable brush. If imported fruits are intended for feeding children, it is advisable to completely remove the peel - it concentrates the main part of pesticides. If the use of detergents for washing fruits and vegetables is recommended, it is advisable to choose a simple, unscented baby soap.

It is important to know how to properly wash a particular vegetable product - the technology differs depending on the type of vegetables, the structure of the fruit and other features.

Tubers and root crops (potatoes, radishes, beets, carrots, etc.) are cleaned from traces of soil at the first stage. If the wet earth is tightly stuck around the root crop, it is placed in water for several minutes, and then cleaned with a brush specially designed for this purpose. Next, the vegetables are rinsed in running water and the peel is removed from them.

Wash cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, green vegetables, peppers, eggplants in running cold water. For heavy soiling, use a brush. If yellow spots are found in a zucchini or cucumber when peeling, such a product should be discarded - it is inedible due to an excess of nitrates.

The corn cob is washed, having previously cleared it of leaves. They do the same with onions - they cut off the bottom of it and remove the husk.

All types of citrus fruits are scalded with boiling water beforehand - this helps to remove protective preservative substances from the skin. Then wash the fruits under running cold water.

Fruits with edible skins (apples, peaches, pears, apricots, etc.) must be washed under a cold tap, soap can be used. Wash each fruit thoroughly with your hands.

Bananas, pineapples, watermelons, melons are washed in the same way, a brush is used to remove strong dirt.

Grapes, berries of any kind are laid out in a colander, sorted out, removing damaged berries and debris, washed with plenty of running water, and allowed to drain.

Damaged and dried leaves are simply removed from white cabbage, getting to fresh ones without pollution. The stalk of the purchased cabbage is thrown away - it concentrates the "chemistry".

(dill, parsley, leafy vegetables) are pre-sorted, removing damaged, yellowed twigs and leaves. Then washed from dust and earth under running water. If the greens are heavily soiled, first let them soak in a container of cold water so that dust and soil particles settle to the bottom.

At cauliflower, darkened places are cut off or scraped off with a grater, then the whole head is washed and sorted into inflorescences. Since insects can hide in them, it is recommended to hold the inflorescences for 5-10 minutes in a strong saline solution. Then rinse everything.

Darkened places are cut off from the celery stalks, then they are placed in water for an hour, after which they are washed under the tap.

It is important to know how to rinse dried fruits:

  • The attractive appearance of expensive dried fruits indicates the use of preservatives - such a product should be washed well under the tap before use, and then dried fruits should be poured over with boiling water, put in a colander.
  • Leave nondescript unprocessed dried fruits to soak in hot water so that they can be cleaned of grains of sand and other contaminants. Then rinse the product under the tap.

By knowing how to wash vegetables and fruits, you can avoid health problems associated with chemical poisoning or pathogens entering the body.

We wash our hands with soap to get rid of germs. Do you need to wash fruit with soap? Someone will find this question ridiculous, but, nevertheless, the relevance of the question of how to properly wash vegetables and fruits in order to protect yourself from harmful microorganisms is very acute. Infection or poisoning of a person can occur not only from a spoiled fruit, but also from a poorly washed fruit.

When fruits ripen, they are affected by many environmental factors - the sun, rain, as well as dust, gases, chemicals, insect larvae and a large number of microorganisms.

Do I need to wash fruit with soap?

Washing fruits washes away not only dust and sand from their peel, but also pesticides left over from spraying trees.

Fruits need to be washed a plentiful stream of running water, using special soft brushes. Best when washing fruits to use soda, rubbing the peel with powder, then rinsing with water.

for washing imported fruits bought in markets, you need to use harder brushes, and you need to wash these fruits, first pouring boiling water on a sieve, and then with soda powder and a brush, so as not to be treated with wax applied to the peel.

Instead of soda for washing imported fruits, you can also use baby soap without flavorings - it removes the wax film from the peel of the fruit well.

Nutritionists advise imported fruits after washing soak in cold water for one hour- water will take away from the fruit part of the artificially applied to the fruit and harmful substances. The shiny peel of an imported apple is an inanimate wrapper that is not at all necessary to be eaten. The most reasonable thing would be to peel off and discard this peel, especially if the fruit is intended for a child.

Washed fruits and vegetables should not be stored for a long time, they should be eaten immediately.

When cutting and peeling both vegetables and fruits, you need to use special knives made of extra-strong plastic, designed specifically for fresh fruits, or stainless steel knives that do not oxidize under the influence of fruit juice - then there will be no loss of vitamins.

Yellow spots under the skin of fruits or vegetables indicate a high content of nitrates in fruits. You should not eat foods with such signs. To reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits, you can soak them for a day in cold water by putting the bowl in the refrigerator, but when soaked in water, some of the vitamins are also lost. The most correct thing is to more carefully inspect the fruits when buying.

cabbage washing is not necessary. For cleaning, all the top leaves are removed from the head of cabbage, getting to absolutely clean ones. In cabbage, you need to throw out the stalk and the thickest leaf petioles - they have the most nitrates.

Rhubarb, spinach, herbs, green onions must be cleaned of roots, thick stems and yellow leaves. First, the greens need to be soaked in a very roomy bowl, while the salad is disassembled into separate leaves. Rinse the greens like this, changing the water 2-3 times. You can add apple cider vinegar or a little baking soda to the water. Then the greens can be rinsed on a sieve under running water. Water for washing greens and salad should be cool. You can dry the greens on a towel, in a closed room, inaccessible to flies and dust.

At leaf celery you need to cut off the rough and darkened parts of the petioles, soak the celery for 2 hours in cold water, then rinse under a plentiful stream of water.

nettle for salad or soup, you must first scald with boiling water, separate all the leaves and rinse them under a plentiful stream of running water.

When washing leek you need to cut the stem lengthwise to wash out the dirt that has got into the upper outlet.

Cauliflower and broccoli cleaned of darkened areas and soaked for half an hour in cool salty water (1-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). You can add vinegar to the same water, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Insects caught in the inflorescences will soon float to the surface.

To clean root crops - potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, horseradish, radishes, daikon, you need to carefully clean them from the ground. Then you need to pour the roots with warm water and let stand. Root crops need to be washed with a brush, rinsing under running water, and only after that they need to be cleaned.

Citrus you need to scald them with boiling water to get rid of the preservatives on the skin, then wash them under running water.

watermelon or melon should be washed with a brush.

A pineapple washed whole, unpeeled, then doused with boiling water over the skin, after which the pineapple can be peeled and cut.

Bananas, pomegranates, apples, pears, plums, persimmons you need to wash with running cool water with baby soap, or by rubbing the fruit with soda powder.

Peaches and apricots you need to wash with running water with soap or soda, and then peel the fruits from the upper peel.

Cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, currants, cherries, sweet cherries washed in a sieve, in small portions, under running water.

raspberries laid in a sieve in a thin layer, you need to lower it into a bowl of water for 1 minute, shaking the sieve. So do 2-3 times, changing the water. Then leave the berries in a sieve to glass the water.

strawberries pour into a bowl of cool water and mix gently by hand. Change water 2-3 times.

At strawberries There is no need to cut off the ponytails before washing! It is best to wash strawberries in a colander, in small portions, dipping them in a bowl of water and changing the water. In Spain, strawberries are washed with white wine. We can pour grape or apple cider vinegar into the water for washing strawberries, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water - it will keep the berries strong, at the same time cleaning them of microbes.

For grapes you need to make a plentiful shower, if the bunches are too tight - you need to cut the petioles with scissors into several parts. It is not necessary to tear grapes from a bunch before washing.

Dried fruits, especially of a bright, brilliant color, have a film of sulfur on the surface. Dried fruits must first be thoroughly washed with cool running water, and then poured over with boiling water, or better, soaked in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Shelled seeds and nuts, as well as seeds, you must first wash with warm water, and then pour over boiling water. After that, nuts and seeds can be dried in the oven.

Do I need to wash fruit with soap? I think we answered this question - yes, it is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones from poisoning and infectious diseases. When washing fruits and vegetables, you need to use a lot of water. It is unacceptable to wipe fruits with a napkin instead of washing!

Be healthy!

Wash all fruits! Including bananas, pomegranates, watermelons, melons and others. During transportation, they accumulated a lot of microbes. Even if they are not visible, they are still there. And even if you are not going to eat the peel, the germs will enter your body through your hands.

For all kinds of vegetables and fruits: before washing thoroughly, soak the fruits in cold water for 15 minutes. It is better to change the water periodically. Thus, the dirt that has settled deep in the pores will get wet, and it will be easier to wash it off.

Root crops (carrots, radishes, turnips) should be washed with a brush. And then scrape off the top layer of carrots.

Tomatoes and cucumbers, peppers should also be washed with a brush, but very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Greens, after a 15-minute "bath" in cold water, you need to rinse well in running water, and then put in a strong saline solution for a while. Then rinse again. Many microbes do not die even from boiling water, but they are afraid of salt.

Strawberries, after soaking in cold water, should be doused with boiling water, and then immediately put in cold water. Don't be afraid, it won't soften.

Beautiful and shiny, store-bought waxed apples, lemons and other fruits need to be washed not just with a brush, but with soap! Only in this way will the wax be washed off the surface. And it contains inedible substances that do not need to enter the child's body at all.

. "Shaggy" fruits (kiwi, apricots, peaches) should be washed with a brush. Even if you won't eat the peel.

Dried fruits bought by weight must be washed. An exception can be only for dried fruits in sealed packaging, and only if their appearance leaves no doubt about the integrity of the manufacturer: matte, clean, there is no sand or other impurities in the package. Rinse them with cold water under the tap, put them in a sieve or colander and quickly pour boiling water over them. This will help get rid of preservatives that manufacturers often add to dried fruits. Natural dried fruits, without preservatives, should be kept in hot water for a longer time to remove sand and other natural impurities.

In white cabbage, the upper leaves are removed, polluted, withered and affected by pests, getting to clean and fresh ones (no less than the third leaf!). It is recommended to remove and discard the stalk, as it is a source of nitrates.

Before washing the cauliflower, its inflorescences must be cleaned of darkened places with a knife or grater. Cauliflower may have small bugs. To get rid of them, you need to hold the inflorescences either in a strong saline solution for 5-10 minutes, or for half an hour in water with the addition of vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Even a first grader knows that vegetables and fruits must be washed before eating. The lucky ones who grow strawberries and radishes in their own garden can easily get by with a short shower of running water, after which vitamins can be sent directly to the mouth. But if you buy greens in the market or in a store, water procedures should be given more time. Today we understand.

How fruits and vegetables are processed

Not only is the fruit still growing, it is generously watered with nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, insecticides and other “useful” liquids, the harvested vegetables and fruits also undergo pre-sale preparation without fail. To make the apple side shine invitingly, the fruit is rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin, and before transporting the fruits, they must be treated with methyl bromide to kill pests. Citrus lovers should be aware that oranges, and more often than other fruits, are treated with diphenyl, which slows down the decay process. Of course, biphenyl does not get inside the fruit, it remains on the peel, but how often do you wash an orange before peeling it? That's it, the chemical from the peel is transferred to the fingers with which you put the slices in your mouth, and as a result, one of the strongest allergens with an average level of toxicity enters the body. Peppers and cucumbers are also treated with wax, and this glossy coating cannot be washed off with plain tap water. To get rid of it, you have to use a special brush.

It is better to wash fruits and vegetables immediately before eating. If you do this ahead of time, the water left on the fruit can encourage mold growth when refrigerated. Too long to “bath” them is also not worth it - the faster you wash and put the vegetables into action, the more vitamins you save. Use special tools: colanders, nets for washing vegetables, brushes and special detergents - all this will make your task easier. Imported vegetables and fruits, experts recommend that they be peeled, it is in it that the maximum amount of pesticides accumulates. True, ironically, it also contains the most vitamins, but we always choose the lesser of two evils. By the way, our Chinese neighbors are especially zealous with additives, so in the ranking of useful purchases, vegetables and fruits from China are about the same as shoes from Yves Saint Laurent from AliExpress.

How to properly wash fruits and vegetables

How to properly wash fruits and vegetables

  • Pour boiling water over citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), pomegranates and bananas, it will destroy all the muck that has accumulated on the peel. Then rinse a little with running water.
  • Fruits and vegetables with a thin skin (tomatoes, plums, pears, peaches, apricots) substitute under a stream of cool water and clean with a soft sponge, even with soap.
  • Berries and grapes will have to be washed thoroughly, it is most convenient to do this in a colander. Remove twigs and leaves, rinse the berries, pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Strawberries, wild strawberries and raspberries can be put in a deep bowl of water, stirring the contents with your hands. Sand and dirt will settle to the bottom of the vessel, and the berries will float. Do not forget that green tails can only be torn off after washing, otherwise the water will be absorbed and the berry will lose its taste.
  • Wash melons and watermelons thoroughly with a brush under running water.
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and peas are washed by hand. Potatoes, carrots, beets and radishes are soaked briefly in warm water to make it easier to peel them off the ground, then washed with a brush in running water.
  • White cabbage is usually not washed, the top, that is, the most contaminated leaves, are simply removed from it, and the stump is necessarily cut out - it accumulates the most nitrates.
  • Lettuces, greens, spinach will first have to be sorted out, the root and damaged leaves removed, and then washed each separately under running water.
  • Dried fruits are soaked in cold water, and immediately before use, they are poured over with boiling water.

Every hostess knows that food should be not only tasty and satisfying, but also healthy. In order for your favorite vegetables and fruits to give vitamins and boost immunity, you need to rinse them well.

Thorough rinsing removes contaminants and prevents them from entering the body, fights microbes on the surface of the products. In addition, the protective layer of chemicals that manufacturers love to apply for further storage and pest control is removed. Many specialists, unfortunately, use harmful chemicals for the growth and performance of the future product, which does not favorably affect the human body. For the convenience of washing, experienced housewives purchase a sieve, colander, basins in hardware stores.

  1. Fruits and vegetables produced outside of our state are best brushed. Simple rinsing will not work here, because for transportation over long distances, the goods are treated with a protective layer of chemicals. Therefore, washing should be more thorough. Use soap to remove wax and paraffin, then rinse with clean water.
  2. Products for children are first dipped in water and left for a while. Water takes away a certain amount of harmful components that are contained in the fruit itself. If you see that the color of the products is too bright, and the fruit or vegetable is smooth to the touch, then it is not difficult to guess that chemicals have been used. Be careful and peel the skin.
  3. After the fruit is washed, it must be used. Further storage after surface treatment will lead to the loss of vitamins contained in the fruit.
  4. To preserve nutrients, use stainless steel knives when cleaning.
  5. You can determine the content of nitrates by yellow spots, which, as a rule, are hidden under the skin of the fruit. Such imperfections may contain potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. Such products are not suitable for human consumption. The content of nitrates can be significantly reduced. Soak carrots or zucchini in salted water for a day. But remember that not only nitrates will be removed, but also vitamins necessary for the structure of the body.

How to wash vegetables

  • Often white cabbage is not washed. The upper leaves, contaminated and affected areas are simply removed until a clean layer appears. Be sure to cut out the stalk, because there is the most favorable place for the accumulation of nitrates. Remove, even despite your favorite habit - nibbling the stalk!
  • Greens, including lettuce, green onions, parsley, sorrel, spinach, are first carefully sorted out. Then cut off the roots, yellowed leaves and stem. If there is dust and sand on the greens, fill a basin with water and place the product, change the liquid several times until it becomes crystal clear. The leaf axils accumulate a lot of dirt and require special attention. Then rinse the greens under running water. Let the leaves dry by laying them on a napkin or towel.
  • Before washing celery for salad, remove the root and dark areas, if any. Then the stems are soaked in water for 2 hours, and then washed under the tap.
  • To clean the nettle, separate the root and place in hot water for a couple of minutes, cool, separate the leaves from the stem.
  • Before washing the onion, remove wilted feathers and make a cut along the length with a knife. This will wash away excess sand and dirt. Fill a bowl with plenty of water and rinse.
  • Cauliflower should be handled especially carefully, as some of its sections contain darkened spots. Remove them with a knife and do not forget about the skin. Withered leaves and damage are removed from the artichoke. Only baskets are suitable for food, the rest of the parts are not suitable. Asparagus is cleaned with a sharp knife, the peel is not removed thickly, retreating from the fruit by a few centimeters. We wash the shavings in clean water. Check for insects in the inflorescences. To be sure to remove them, place the vegetables for a while in salted water. Also, a liquid with vinegar diluted in it will help to cope with the problem. Then the insects are washed off with running water.
  • Brussels sprouts do not pick prematurely because foliage wilt can occur.
  • Some vegetables, such as potatoes, radishes, daikon, beets and carrots, are pre-cleaned from the ground. Then place in warm water and use a brush to remove dirt. Then the skin is peeled off.
  • Tomatoes, eggplants, pea pods, peppers, zucchini and squash are cleaned with hands under running water.
  • To enjoy corn, remove the leaves from it and place it under a stream of cold water.
  • Vegetables that have been fermented are washed off if during the test you notice that they contain a lot of salt or acid, such as, for example, in cabbage.

How to wash fruits

Citrus fruits are poured with boiling water to remove nitrates, then simply washed off with cool water.

Pineapples are cleaned with a cold jet along with foliage, then left for a while to dry.

Bananas, apples, pears, peaches, apricots and grapes are washed with soapy water. Then the water is changed to clean several times. This is especially true for those fruits that were purchased at the market or in a store, and not grown naturally on a household plot.

Abroad, various means have long been used to clean fruits and vegetables from contamination. There is also a company in Russia that offers similar products that do not contain harmful components. The Siberian Health company presents an innovative product for washing fruits and vegetables "Greenpin". The product is completely biodegradable and does not harm the environment.
