
Dishes with the addition of dried tomatoes. Cherry, Cream and other tomatoes suitable for drying

Dried tomatoes are a dish originally from Italy. Drying is one of the ways to harvest tomatoes during their harvest.

According to all the rules, drying of any vegetables and fruits takes place under the hot sun. And if in Italy this is real, then we can cook sun-dried tomatoes in other ways.

What is this dish

At first glance, sun-dried tomatoes look like nondescript dried pieces. In a word, the appearance of the product does not cause appetite. But the taste of this dish is simply amazing.

Dried tomatoes retain the concentrated taste and aroma of summer vegetables. In addition, in the process of drying, they acquire new savory notes.

Not all varieties of tomatoes are suitable for drying. It will take a lot of time to harvest too juicy fruits. The same applies to large-fruited tomatoes.

It is best to harvest vegetables grown on your own in your own backyard. Store-bought tomatoes do not have such a pronounced taste.

Ideal tomatoes for drying are dense, fleshy, with a thick skin, you can even take slightly unripe fruits. But they must be healthy, fresh, without rot. The ideal variety for drying is "Cream", sometimes Cherry tomatoes are dried.


The tomato is an amazingly healthy vegetable. Dried tomatoes retain all the benefits of fresh fruit. They allow you to literally conserve all the vitamins and other valuable substances that will be useful in the cold season.

Dried tomatoes contain:

  1. Vitamins A, B, PP, K. Dried tomatoes help to increase immunity. In spring and autumn, when the body's defenses are weakening, this vegetable will become the best food supplement and can easily replace pharmaceutical preparations.
  2. Magnesium, sodium, manganese, iodine, mineral salts.
  3. Lycopene. This substance improves brain function, strengthens memory and fights cancer.
  4. Fructose, glucose and pectin.
  5. nitrogenous substances.
  6. Alkaloids and phytoncides. Thanks to these substances, tomatoes have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  7. Cellulose. Thanks to this component, sun-dried tomatoes improve digestion. They are especially effective for constipation.

Sun-dried tomatoes help lower cholesterol levels, prevent blood clots, protect against a heart attack, remove excess fluid from the body, and are a diuretic.

This is an excellent antidepressant, as tomatoes contain a lot of serotonin. Useful tomatoes for older people suffering from atherosclerosis, as well as those with eye problems.


The product belongs to medium calorie dishes. It can be included in the diet for weight loss diets. Great for those who follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Calorie content is 258 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, tomatoes that are stored without oil have a much lower nutritional value.

Where and how they dry

In the original recipe, dried tomatoes are carried out under the scorching southern sun. In the absence of hot sunlight, especially in autumn, tomatoes are dried in other ways:

  1. In the oven. This is the easiest and most common way, since there is an oven in every home. It is best to dry the tomatoes at a low temperature, but if you want to cook them faster, you can preheat the oven as much as possible. At a temperature of 50 degrees, it will take about 20 hours to dry, 100 degrees - 4 hours. Another option is to heat the oven to 220 degrees, put a baking sheet with tomatoes in it and turn it off immediately, you can get the tomatoes after 8 hours.
  2. In an electric dryer. Before placing the tomatoes in the dryer, you need to cut them in half or into several parts and let the juice drain. Lay the prepared tomatoes cut down and turn on the dryer at a temperature of 40 degrees. Drying time is from 10 to 16 hours.

Photo: drying tomatoes in an electric dryer

  1. in the microwave. The fastest way to dry. Only tomatoes in this case are more like baked. Tomatoes, sliced, put in the microwave for five minutes at a power of 800 watts. After that, without opening the door, leave the tomatoes inside for another 15 minutes. Remove the tomatoes, drain the juice that has come out and put it back in the microwave at maximum power for 3 minutes, and then leave it in the oven again for another five minutes.
  2. In a multicooker. You need to dry the tomatoes in the "Baking" mode, the cooking time is from one to three hours, the temperature is up to 100 degrees.
  3. In the sun

The readiness of tomatoes can be checked by focusing on their appearance. When pressed, no juice should come out of the slice. The longer you dry the tomatoes, the drier and tougher they will be.

Recipes for making sun-dried tomatoes for the winter at home

There are many recipes for sun-dried tomatoes. All of them are simple and uncomplicated, cooking does not require special skills and abilities.

Oiled in Italian

The first step is to dry the tomatoes in a convenient way for you. If initially tomatoes were dried under hot sunlight, now there are devices that will help remove moisture from juicy fruits and keep them for a long time.

Ready-made sun-dried tomatoes do not release juice when pressed, at the same time they are not overdried and look like “rubber”.

To speed up the drying process, you need to remove the core with seeds from the tomato and leave only the pulp that is adjacent directly to the skin.

Photo: tomatoes prepared for drying

Tomatoes in Italian differ in the way they are stored. For a traditional dish you will need:

  1. Olive oil.
  2. Garlic.
  3. Marjoram.

For 100 g of ready-made sun-dried tomatoes you need a clove garlic and a pinch of marjoram. The amount of vegetable oil depends on the dishes and the compaction density of the finished product.

Preparation takes place in several stages:

  1. Pour boiling water over the cooled dried tomatoes, put in a colander and dry.
  2. Pre-prepare banks. They need to be sterilized and dried.
  3. At the bottom of the jar you need to put finely chopped garlic and a pinch of marjoram.
  4. The next layer is sun-dried tomatoes.
  5. All this is poured with olive oil.
  6. Then the layers alternate - garlic with marjoram and tomatoes, each of them is poured with oil. You need to spread the tomatoes until the jar is full.
  7. Fill the jar to the top with oil.
  8. Close with a dry sterile lid.

From tomatoes from two large baking sheets, a jar of 0.7 liters is obtained. However, it is better to pack the product in small containers. You can eat the dish a couple of weeks after cooking, when the tomato slices are saturated with the aroma of garlic and rosemary.

Oil free

According to this recipe, a semi-finished product is obtained, that is, ordinary dried tomatoes. They are used in the same way as dried fruits, namely, they are added to various dishes during cooking or soaked before use.

You need to wither the tomatoes in any convenient way, you can sprinkle them with pepper on top before drying. When storing without oil, it is very important that the tomatoes are completely dry. It is better to dry them slightly than to get a spoiled product later.

Dried tomatoes are placed in a sterile dry jar and tightly packed. Cover with a lid to keep air out. It is best to store sun-dried tomatoes without oil in the refrigerator, and after opening the jar, you need to eat them as soon as possible.

with basil

Basil is a spice that pairs well with tomatoes. For the preparation of sun-dried tomatoes according to this recipe, fresh basil leaves are taken.

Tomato slices need to be dried in any way, and then you can start preparing snacks:

  1. Prepare a container for storage. Ordinary glass jars of small volume will do. They need to be sterilized and dried.
  2. Pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the bottom of the jar.
  3. At the bottom, place tomato slices, a clove of garlic and a few basil leaves.
  4. Fill the jar, shifting the tomatoes with garlic and fresh fragrant leaves.
  5. When the jar is full, fill everything with vegetable oil. Make sure there are no voids. Oil should be poured up to the very neck of the jar.
  6. Close the jar with a clean, dry lid.

This product is stored in the refrigerator.

With balsamic vinegar

The addition of balsamic vinegar is a departure from the traditional Italian recipe. However, this component gives the dish its zest and piquancy.

Dry the tomato slices first. Cut them up, sprinkle them with dried herbs, and place them in the oven, or use the microwave, slow cooker, or other methods.

When the tomatoes are dried, start preparing the appetizer itself:

  1. Put a leaf of fresh basil in a sterile jar
  2. Lay out a layer of sundried tomatoes
  3. Sprinkle them with oregano or a mixture of dried herbs
  4. Layer all the way to the top
  5. Pour in vegetable oil - olive oil is best
  6. Top with a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar
  7. Close tightly with a clean, dry lid.

Store snacks in the refrigerator.

Photo: sun-dried tomatoes in oil with spices

Sun-dried tomatoes can be cooked with absolutely any seasonings that you like. At the same time, they can be added both during drying and during tamping into jars.

If you are cooking sun-dried tomatoes for the first time, do not experiment. Use one of the proven recipes.

With what they are eaten and where they are added in cooking

Dried tomatoes are a great way to diversify your diet in the cold season. They can be added to almost any dish that uses fresh tomatoes.

For example, they are indispensable in the preparation of salads and snacks, when baking pizza, they are added to home-made bread, when preparing pasta and other side dishes.

Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil will be an excellent independent snack on the table. You can also make sandwiches with them. The taste of sun-dried tomatoes goes especially well with mozzarella cheese and olives.

How and how much to store (in oil and without oil)

  1. With vegetable oil. Preference is given to olive oil, to which seasonings and spices are added to taste. It can be finely chopped garlic, Provence herbs, as well as any other ingredients to your taste. If the tomatoes are already cooked with seasonings, then the olive oil is taken in its pure form. Tomatoes are placed in layers in a jar, rammed and each layer is poured with vegetable oil. The lid must be kept tightly closed during the entire storage period.
  2. Oil free. Sun-dried tomatoes keep well without oil. You need to put them in a container suitable for this, preferably glass, and close tightly.

Photo: sun-dried tomatoes ready for storage

It is best to store the product in the refrigerator or in another cool place. Shelf life is about six months.

Why it doesn't always work

The recipe for making sun-dried tomatoes is very simple, but it is not always possible to cook a good product the first time.

If the sun-dried tomatoes did not turn out, there may be several reasons for this:

Dried tomatoes are a tasty and healthy dish. If you cook them right away with the addition of oil and spices, then you will get a savory snack that will decorate any table.

Simply dried tomatoes are great for adding to a variety of dishes and savory pastries.

A distinctive feature of sun-dried tomatoes is the preservation of all the properties and qualities of a fresh product. That is, the vast majority of vitamins and useful trace elements remain in tomatoes during drying.

Cooking sun-dried tomatoes is not difficult and does not take much time. Most of the time is spent on the drying process, which does not require direct participation.

Tomatoes go well with dried herbs and ground spices, fresh herbs. The product is stored for six months in a cool place.

Video: Three restaurant ways to harvest tomatoes - Everything will be kind - Issue 637 - 07/20/15

Today I will tell you how to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home. This is not only an amazing snack on its own, but also a versatile ingredient for preparing all kinds of homemade dishes. Sun-dried tomatoes go well with meat, fish, pasta, they can be added to salads and homemade bread, make sandwiches with them.

Sun-dried tomatoes cooked at home are unusually fragrant and tasty. And the oil in which they are stored can be used as a salad dressing. And home-made sun-dried tomatoes are much cheaper (probably even dozens of times) than a store-bought product. Yes, and we will cook them on the basis of our own tomatoes - without nitrates, pesticides and other harmful substances.

The only thing that upsets me a little is that there are not enough sun-dried tomatoes. For example, out of one and a half kilograms of fresh vegetables, I had only about 180 grams of dried vegetables. That is why I highly recommend making a lot of this delicacy product at once - you will not regret it!


Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade sun-dried tomatoes, we need the following products: fresh selected tomatoes, olive oil, fresh garlic, rosemary, oregano, salt and ground black pepper. Regarding the variety of tomatoes: in general, it is recommended to take tomatoes of the Slivka variety, but I think that absolutely any medium-sized ones will do. The main thing is that the walls are thicker. Olive oil is expensive, so you can buy any other vegetable oil or mix olive and sunflower in half. Rosemary, of course, is better to take fresh, but if it is not available, dry is also great. In general, you can immediately buy Provence herbs seasoning - one of the best options. Adding garlic or not is a matter of taste and personal preference, but for me personally, I can’t do without it.

We select the most beautiful, ripe and whole medium-sized tomatoes. Wash them and dry them with a towel. Cut each lengthwise in half or into 4 pieces. With a spoon, take out the middle with seeds. We cut off the place where the tomato was attached to the twig. Whatever you remove from the vegetables can be used in making tomato sauces. By the way, here is a recipe for homemade tomato paste for the winter - I added the pulp there.

The amount of fresh tomatoes indicated in my recipe is for 1 standard baking sheet. We cover it with baking paper and lay the tomato slices cut side up. Lay fairly tightly in one layer, as they will shrink significantly in the drying process. Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and ground black pepper. Drip a little vegetable oil into each slice. Turn on the oven to the lowest setting. I don’t know how many degrees you have, but it should be no more than 80-90. Dry the tomato slices with the door not completely closed until the moisture evaporates, and the tomatoes become dense, but at the same time elastic. That is, they will bend, not crumble. Depending on the temperature, the cooking time for homemade sun-dried tomatoes can vary from 5 to 10 hours. It is not necessary to do everything at once - you can dry them for several hours in the evening, leave them in the oven turned off overnight and dry them in the morning.

A few hours later (it took me about 2.5-3), when the tomatoes have already dried by about half, sprinkle them with fragrant herbs. I have oregano and rosemary. We put it back in the oven and bring it to readiness for a few more hours.

See how dry they are? There is very, very little moisture in them. The slices do not stick to the fingers, they are flexible.

Now let's think about how to store them. Everything is simple here. We put the first layer of sun-dried tomatoes on the bottom of the jar (I have a capacity of half a liter).

Now peel and cut fresh garlic into slices. Put a few slices on top of the tomatoes. There are also some aromatic herbs.

Dried, they are also beautiful, at the same time they acquire new notes to the usual, classic taste. To make the study of the dish large-scale and close to everyone, of course, you need to see how the actual sun-dried tomatoes look and what they eat with, where to add.

Where do they add it, how do they eat it?

If sun-dried tomatoes, and from a jar in oil, are already in front of your eyes, then the easiest way to use this snack is to grease bread with it, putting it on top of soft cheese. It will turn out a great, tasty and simple sandwich. After all, sun-dried tomatoes are just a snack, although they can also be added to a variety of pastries, frying, and if chopped finely, it is easy to add to a lush, bread dough at the time of kneading. Some come up with new fillings for pies or pasties with him.

Italians often eat sun-dried tomatoes without bothering, as a component of pizza. The history of the popular dish itself is interesting, because initially pizza was considered only the food of the poor, when thin, lean dough was kneaded from the last flour, and everything they could find was collected on top, collected at home from edibles. Leftover ham, scrambled eggs, pieces of vegetables. From above, the collected still life was supplemented with cheese, then the pizza was baked.

Centuries later, she became an honorary representative of the beautiful, varied Italian cuisine. Many varieties of pizza are known, so it is not surprising that sun-dried tomato is found among the toppings. Sometimes tomatoes are thrown directly into the pasta, and when it is ready, it acquires unique notes for taste.

Dozens, even hundreds of recipes for salads, where sun-dried tomatoes are active, sometimes the main component. Even spicy oil from them is used. For example, dressing is often made from it.
Sun-dried tomatoes also go well with main and hot dishes: meat or fish, chicken, and meatballs. It is not necessary to be an experienced, venerable cook, because the recipes are simple. Even haute cuisine, traditional for expensive, well-known restaurants, is often simple and ingenious.
Where to add existing sun-dried tomatoes?

Pasta, plus sun-dried tomatoes

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) - (120 g);
Macaroni (300 g);
Olive oil, you can spicy oil from the tomatoes themselves (35 ml);
Grated Parmesan (half a cup);
Fresh herbs (preferably basil, 3-5 branches);
Salt pepper.

Cooking process:

First boil your own pasta. Venerable chefs advise keeping pasta for no more than 7-10 minutes, pouring them into already boiling water. Let them be slightly undercooked, firm, but the shape is perfectly noticeable and the taste is special.

First, dump it into a colander so that all the unnecessary liquid is glassed, then add already chopped tomatoes there, followed by greens. Mix thoroughly, everything is ready to serve. A quick, tasty, even spicy dish. Grated Parmesan can either be added to the pasta and mixed together, or sprinkled on top of a dish that is ready to be served later.

Salad appetizer, original: sun-dried tomatoes, chicken

What will be required:

Tomatoes, (dried) (200 g);
Chicken fillet, already boiled and cooled (450 g);
Soft cheese, you can cheese (200 g);
Arugula salad or any greens;
Olives, pitted only (100 g);
Olive oil;
Lemon juice (fresh);
Black pepper;

Cooking process:

Chicken breast, already boiled, cut into medium, identical cubes, if desired, you can use straws.

Finely chop all the sun-dried tomatoes, then chop all the olives into rings, cheese into medium cubes.
We then combine all the components in a large, convenient bowl, arugula goes there (any greens, also chopped), season everything with spices (olive oil, lemon juice at the same time, then salt, pepper).

You can drip a little bit of spicy oil, in fact, in which there were sun-dried tomatoes, at the same time improve the taste.

Hot sandwiches

Excellent breakfast or lunch snack, mobile and hot, quick meal.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) (120 g);
Fresh tomatoes (550 g);
Baguette, you can white loaf (piece);
Garlic (3 individual cloves);
Olive oil (50 ml);
Balsamic vinegar (20 ml);
Basil, as fresh herbs (2-3 branches);
Mozzarella cheese (can be different);

Cooking order:

First, cut all (dried, then fresh) tomatoes, then chop the basil and garlic smaller. Here, all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a convenient, large bowl.

Add oil, then balsamic vinegar, spices. Leave the resulting mixture, let it calmly infuse for a few minutes. In the meantime, cut the baguette into identical slices, then dry them through the upper grill or toaster.

Lubricate all the slices with the filling, and sprinkle each with already grated cheese on top. you can heat it either in a conventional microwave or leave it for 2-3 minutes in an already preheated oven, the main thing is to watch until the cheese on top is melted. Eat hot right away.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Of course, you can safely take them ready-made in stores, but why not master home cooking? At the same time, you will be sure that the product is fresh, there is nothing superfluous. No preservatives or stabilizers.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (as many as you want, calculate the amount in advance);
Special paper, for baking (plain paper will also do, most importantly without inscriptions or drawings);
Baking trays, also trays with boards, sieves - everything that is needed later for laying out ready-made tomatoes.

Cooking process:

Yes, there is no oil here, it will be dried tomatoes not soaked in oil. First, the vegetables need to be washed, then each is divided evenly, in half.

Carefully remove with the tip of a knife all their seeds, also membranes, cut off the stalks. Cover with parchments (regular A4, only clean) all the dishes prepared for display. Lay the tomatoes neatly, in a row, with the slices up.

In the evening, bring the baking sheets in if you were standing on the street or on the balcony. So you need to dry the tomatoes, for a long time, until they dry completely, having lost moisture. A whitish tint in the cuts is a sure sign of readiness.

The process of home drying itself is simple, just long, it will take about 8-9 full days, it needs to be done when the weather is right: dry, hot and always sunny. It's better in summer, when it's up to +32 during the day. True, such days are rarely issued 8-9 times, and in a row the drying process can be replaced with an artificial one. Take a conventional microwave oven or oven. You can dry even inside the microwave.

Dried tomatoes plus oil

Now it’s clear how you can dry tomatoes at home, without any expensive ingredients or special equipment. What about oil? When is it added?

What will be required:

Olive oil;
A mixture of spices (here and oregano with oregano, and basil, only black, red pepper to them).

Cooking process:

First, take the tomatoes, wash, dry and cut equally, in two. Next, lay out in a row, leaving cuts on top on special baking sheets. Sprinkle each gently with spices.

Next, the tomatoes are poured all over with olive oil (yes, you need a deep baking sheet) so as to drown them somewhere in the middle. We set the microwave (oven) to the possible, maximum power. They bake for about 5-6 minutes. Having endured the time, it gradually reduces the power and leave it for another 10-12 minutes.

Carefully, already in a separate, deep bowl, drain the juice, then salt more, to taste. We press the garlic through the garlic press. Carefully put hot sun-dried tomatoes in a small glass jar, in equal layers, sprinkling with garlic each time.

Here they are, real buttered, homemade

Italians use dried tomatoes in many dishes. These tomatoes give them a unique taste and aroma. Currently, sun-dried tomatoes can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself at home. And it is not very difficult, as it may seem at first.

Making Sun Dried Tomatoes

There are several ways to prepare sun-dried tomatoes: air dry, microwave or oven dry. You can also simply dry them and store them in this form, or you can add oil to them and so they will be stored longer. Consider several options for their preparation.

The first option is drying tomatoes in the fresh air. This is a classic method that requires sunlight and an air temperature of at least 32-34 degrees.

You need to choose the right tomatoes. It is best to choose a cherry tomato variety for cooking. They should be ripe, without cracks or spots, small (100-150 grams) and preferably grown at home. It should also be remembered that from 15-20 kg of fresh tomatoes you can get 1-2 kg of dried ones.

To prepare them, naturally, you will need tomatoes, salt, baking paper and drying dishes.

First of all, you need to wash the tomatoes in cold water. Then cut them in half and pull out all the seeds, partitions and stalks with a teaspoon. The bottom of the dishes prepared for felting should be covered with parchment paper and put the tomatoes there with slices to the top. Salt the halves, cover with gauze and expose to the sun.

With the advent of evening, it is better to clean them in a warm place. Drying the tomatoes is carried out until all the moisture is gone from them. It may take 8-9 days, provided that the air temperature is over 32 degrees. A sure sign that the tomatoes are ready is a whitish cut.

But in our latitudes, this weather does not last long, so the drying process can be done in the microwave or in the oven. Consider cooking sun-dried tomatoes in oil using a microwave oven.

For their preparation, you will need tomatoes, garlic, salt, olive oil and a mixture of spices. Preparation of tomatoes is standard (cut in half, take out the core with a spoon). Spread the resulting halves on a plane with the cut up, then add spices and pour oil so that they are covered to the middle. We turn on the microwave for a maximum of 5-6 minutes, and then for another 10 minutes already with a lower power.

After a while, drain the resulting juice and salt the tomatoes. We take a jar and lay the tomatoes in layers. Between them we place the garlic, passed through the garlic. Pour the resulting juice with oil. If it is not enough, then add olive oil.

It should be said that they are deprived of moisture, but they do not lose the beneficial properties of fresh vegetables. They still contain vitamins (C, PP, B), minerals (Mg, K, F, Ca), dietary fiber. At the same time, they are much more nutritious than fresh ones - 13 times.

What do sun-dried tomatoes eat with?

Dried tomatoes are a unique product that is suitable for preparing snacks and more complex dishes. Often, the knowledge of many housewives is only enough to add these tomatoes as a seasoning to the main ingredients. But there are a few secrets, the knowledge of which will help expand the range of culinary possibilities:

1. To return the dried tomato to its previous state, they can be poured with water for several hours in a 1: 1 ratio. They will absorb moisture, acquire their former appearance, and the core will become soft. But the taste and aroma of spices will remain, like dried tomatoes: rich-sweet. Only excess salt will go away.

2. There is also an accelerated way to return a sun-dried tomato to its original state. Here you need a tablespoon of bite, which must be added to a liter of water, bringing it to a boil. When the water boils, you can put dried tomatoes in it and hold them there for 2 minutes. The tomatoes will become soft but retain their firmness. If you do not add vinegar, then the tomatoes need to be cooked for 3-4 minutes.

3. Dried tomatoes can also be crushed and added along with other seasonings to a variety of dishes: salad dressing, pastries, soups, omelettes and more.

You can also make your own pickled dried tomatoes, and they will be much tastier than store-bought ones. To make them, you need to put them in a container that you can then close with a lid, sprinkle them with a mixture of dried herbs, put a couple of peppercorns and a few pre-baked garlic cloves. All this must be poured with warmed olive oil so that it completely covers the dried vegetables. Close the lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Sun-dried tomatoes can also be an independent dish - a snack. For example, sun-dried tomatoes in butter with cheese are a classic of Italian cuisine. They are prepared as follows: a leaf of fresh basil is placed on a slice of dried vegetable, then a piece of durum goat or cow cheese, and then again a slice of tomato. Such "pyramids" must be placed in a jar and poured with warmed olive oil. They should marinate for about a day.

From dried tomatoes, you can cook a huge number of delicious and at the same time simple dishes. Consider a few classic and well-known recipes.

1. Sandwiches with dried tomatoes. To prepare them, you need 1 baguette, ½ tbsp of sun-dried tomatoes marinated in oil, 5 medium-sized fresh tomatoes, 200 grams of hard cheese, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 3 garlic cloves, basil, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, salt and ground pepper. Place the baguette slices (slices 3 cm thick) in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

Mix sun-dried tomatoes with finely chopped fresh tomatoes, squeeze garlic, add chopped basil, butter and grated cheese. Divide the resulting mixture among the baguette slices and place in the oven for another 5 minutes to melt the cheese. They can be eaten both hot and cold - they will be equally tasty.

2. You can make pesto sauce from them. To do this, stock up on one large tomato, 100-150 grams of dried, 50 grams of cheese and nuts (you can take cedar, almonds, walnuts), 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, a clove of garlic and a pinch each of fresh basil leaves and ground paprika. Mix all ingredients (except butter and grated cheese) in a blender until puree, and then gradually add olive oil and cheese. The sauce is ready.

3. . To do this, you need ½ kg of pasta "feathers", 1 tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes and 1 tbsp. cream, ½ kg chicken fillet, fresh basil, 2 bell peppers, 4 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, a little ground chili. Fry diced chicken meat and add chopped garlic there.

While the meat is frying, peel the pepper from the core, cut into strips and bake in the oven (then it will need to be finely chopped), and chop the sun-dried tomatoes with a blender. When the chicken is fried, add pepper, sun-dried tomato puree, chopped basil, chili peppers to it and curl it all with cream. Simmer for half an hour under a lid over low heat until it thickens. Boil the pasta until half cooked, drain the water and arrange on plates, and pour hot sauce on top.

4. A simple salad for dinner with dried tomatoes. It will require 4 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, 10 green olives, half a red onion, 40 grams of Mozzarella cheese, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, basil sprig, salt, peppercorns, lettuce.

We cut the cheese into cubes, cut the dried tomatoes lengthwise into strips, cut the olives into 4 parts, and cut the onion into rings. Then, at the bottom of the dish, lay out the lettuce leaves, previously torn with your hands. We put tomatoes cut into strips on them, then olives and onion rings. All cheese cubes complete. Fill with dressing.

For her, you need to mix oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and chopped basil leaves. Whisk a little. Salad ready.

In addition to the above recipes using sun-dried tomatoes, there are still a huge number of possible dishes. For example, tomatoes in oil can be used for salads and even marmalade, and chopped sun-dried tomatoes can be added when baking bread. Dried tomatoes are stored for a year, so they can be safely harvested in the summer to enjoy their taste in the winter.
