
How much protein is in a banana, what is its vitamin composition and who should not get carried away with bananas. Bananas and diet food

Delicious and satisfying fruits, bananas contain a lot of natural sugar, are high in calories and have a small amount of protein. It is a carbohydrate fruit best suited for breakfast or planned snacks after workouts or between main meals. To accurately represent how much protein is in a banana is necessary for both athletes and people who are closely monitoring their diet.

The amount of protein in bananas

Protein is a complex type of organic substance, which is one of the key components of human, animal and plant organisms. There is practically no own supply of protein in the body; it is synthesized from amino acids that come to us with food. Without eating protein foods, mental development and growth disorders in children may begin, problems with internal organs and organ systems in adults can be noted. Our body cannot function fully without protein.

Excess protein also does not lead to anything good. Therefore, when compiling a diet for weight loss, maintaining shape and improving the condition of the body, it is necessary to take into account the content of protein, carbohydrates and fats in foods that are regularly consumed.

There are 1.5 grams of vegetable protein per 100 grams of banana pulp. If there are no contraindications to use, it is recommended to eat one banana per day. One banana without a peel weighs an average of about 120-130 grams, in one piece of protein there will be 1.8-1.9 grams.

Also the nutritional value of one medium banana:

  • 110 calories;
  • 0.4 grams of fat;
  • 26 grams of carbohydrates.

Energy value per 100 grams

But not only the protein content is important in the preparation of the diet. The overall nutritional value must also be considered. So for 100 grams of banana pulp you have:

  • 89 calories;
  • 0.3 g fat.
    • 0.1 g saturated fat.
    • 0.1 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • 23 g of carbohydrates.
    • 12 g sugar.
    • 2.6 g of dietary fiber.
  • 0 g cholesterol.

Athletes and those just involved in the gym can eat bananas after training to close the carbohydrate windows. Some beginners sometimes eat chocolate bars or other foods with fast carbohydrates, which is completely not recommended. Excess weight when playing sports in this way will not go away. Muscles will be strengthened, but will be hidden under a layer of fat. Banana becomes delicious and the right choice for closing the carbohydrate window after a workout.

What is included

The mineral and vitamin composition must also be taken into account when compiling nutrition for yourself. To understand whether a fruit is suitable for constant nutrition for you, you need to understand what the body needs, and which minerals will be completely superfluous for it (because there are already enough of its own).

In the chemical composition of a banana:

  • Potassium - 348 mg.
  • Magnesium - 42 mg.
  • Zinc - 0.15 mg.
  • Manganese - 0.27 mg.
  • Selenium - 1 mcg.
  • Iron - 0.6 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 28 mg.
  • Vitamin C - 10 mg.
  • Vitamin E - 0.4 mg.
  • Vitamins from group B.
  • Vitamin A - 20 mcg.

Particular attention should be paid to the amount of potassium in the composition. Banana is considered the richest fruit in this mineral. There are about 358 mg per 100 grams of potassium. In one peeled banana, the weight goes to 120-130 grams. If you eat one fruit every day, you can maintain the potassium content in your body at a normal level without experiencing a deficiency.

Of the vitamins, the composition contains the most vitamin C. It is less than in citrus fruits, but still enough to maintain immunity and improve the overall condition of the body. Thanks to the vitamin complex in the composition of a banana, serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is best synthesized in the body.

Indications and contraindications

Banana belongs to the plants of the genus of fast-growing giant grasses, and not palm trees, as many people think. In one day, a leaf can grow by 60 cm. The technical name of the fruit is a berry. It is formed on the trunk in the form of clusters with a lot of fruit. In fact, it is a cultivated plant, since in the wild, bananas are inedible and contain a large number of seeds.

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in a banana?

The main indicator of the usefulness of food products is their nutritional value. It is determined by their constituents - amino acids, lipids and carbon hydrates. The former perform the function of restoring the cellular composition of the body, the remaining substances are an energy "depot". Cells draw energy from it for their activity.

Products of plant origin basically consist of simple and complex compounds of the carboxyl group. The number of structural units - monosaccharides, disaccharides or oligosaccharides, is different in them. The dry weight of this class in the plant reaches 80%, the rest is accounted for by amino acids and lipids.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates in a banana are easily digestible materials in the form of:

  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose.

Once in the blood, the macromolecules are converted into sugar, providing an instant release of the potential energy that has been accumulated in them. But the body neutralizes the high level of sugars by converting them into fats. Therefore, excessive consumption of sweet fruits, which include a banana, is not recommended. This danger is especially high for people with type 2 diabetes.

The complex or slow carbohydrates in a banana are found mostly in the peel. A small part is found in starch, glycogen and cellulose - fiber. Starch produces the bulk of the energy, but in a delayed mode. Its constituent ingredients are a large number of simple carboxyl groups connected to each other. It takes time to break them down.

Glycogen is used for muscle contraction. But the longest period falls on the processing of cellulose. In addition to time, it takes a small amount of energy to move it through the intestines. The role of fiber is to improve perilstatics of the digestive organs and normalize glucose in the blood plasma.

How many carbohydrates, proteins and fats are in a banana, you can find out by examining its varieties. The amount of proteins in 100 g of the product is determined by the degree of maturity and the presence of water. The green fruit contains the following substances:

  • proteins - 1.1 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 25.3 g;
  • fiber - 1 g;
  • ash - 0.9 g.

As they mature, their number increases. This is especially noticeable in the dried product. For example, the mass of carbohydrates in 100 g of a banana, from which water is removed, is almost 70 g.

The amino acid composition of the berry is very rich. It includes glutamine, leucine, arginine, alanine, cystine proline, histidine. The usefulness of the product is recognized by sports experts. Even during the competition period, one fruit eaten in a few minutes gives an energy burst. The same thing happens after training or performances, when you need immediate recuperation.

Phytosterols are unsaturated fatty acids. Unlike bad cholesterol, they are not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, gradually clogging their lumen. The phytosterol index in a banana reaches 16 mg per 100 g of fruit. The microelement level in the form of calcium, phosphorus and iron, respectively, is 11, 28, 0.9 mg. Supplement the formula of bananas (except for proteins, fats and carbohydrates) vitamins - C, PP, B 1, B 2, beta-carotene, tryptophan, methionine, lysine.

plant calorie content

By determining the quantitative composition of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins in a banana, you can determine how much it is for the human body. Health authorities in Russia advise up to 60% of calories from monosaccharides, 30% from lipids and 10% from proteins. The energy value of a ripe dessert banana is from 65 to 111 kcal, green - 108 kcal, dried - 298 kcal. 100 g of the fruit of the Platano variety in its mature form has a calorie content of 110 to 157 kcal, in green - 90-145 kcal, in dried - 359 kcal.

The energy value of different dishes, which are based on a banana (in kcal):

  • corn-curd muffins - 249;
  • protein pancakes with oatmeal - 222;
  • casserole -126;
  • cocktail with chocolate - 50;
  • smoothie with strawberries - 75.

Banana is recommended for use in the development of cardiovascular pathologies, especially with swelling. This is due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in the fruit, which are involved in the conduction of the heart. These trace elements in 1 piece of banana with daily use are enough to prevent necrotic processes in the heart muscle. The berry is useful for the prevention of hypertension, various pathologies of the digestive tract and excretory organs.

It is forbidden to use a tropical product for overweight patients suffering from pathologies of blood clotting. People of the age category also need to be careful, especially with dried fruits called banana figs.

How are bananas used?

Each European eats an average of 7 kg of bananas per year. For the population of tropical latitudes, this figure is 10 times higher. Up to 500 types of berries are known. All edible fruits are divided into two large groups - dessert and plane trees. Desserts are consumed raw. They are sweet. They contain a lot of sugars and ascorbic acid. The plane tree is cooked on fire - boiled, fried, doused with steam. They have a denser consistency, so they are used as livestock feed. They taste less sweet. The calorie content of platano banana carbohydrates is significantly lower than that of dessert bananas.

On the Indonesian islands, fruits are traditionally cooked on coals. In the Caribbean, they are boiled without peeling. Add spices - salt, bitter and allspice, garlic, onion. For taste and satiety, boiled berries are poured with olive oil. The Costa Coricans came up with a recipe for banana honey. It's more like syrup. Get the product after prolonged cooking of peeled fruits.

In Polynesia, they learned how to prepare canned bananas in case of a food shortage. Breadfruit is added to the dish. The bottom of the pit is covered with banana leaves. They are stacked with fruits wrapped in heliconia leaves. From above, future preservation is covered with banana leaves. The whole mass is pressed down by oppression. In the process of fermentation, after a month, a product is formed that is able to retain its nutritional value for 12 months. The resulting raw material is molded into cakes and baked in an oven. Banana chips are fried in vegetable oil. For people with a sick stomach, impaired metabolism, they are contraindicated.

Each of the above dishes has a different number of vitamins, trace elements. The amount of carbohydrates in a banana also varies. This must be taken into account when developing a balanced diet.

Sweet and nutritious bananas with a pleasant taste are able to give strength, cheer up and satisfy hunger. These properties are due to the chemical composition of the popular berry.

How many carbs are in bananas

The nutritional composition of a banana is mainly represented by carbohydrates, which makes the berry unacceptable for consumption on strict diets. The value index per 100 g is about 96 kcal, the weight of one medium-sized fruit is 160 g, respectively, its energy value is 153 kcal without peel. Read more in our publication. In order not to gain extra pounds, it is recommended to eat bananas only in the morning.

One large banana contains about 34 grams of carbohydrates. In 100 g - 21.8 g, which is 7% of the daily intake.

These are fast carbohydrates that are absorbed more quickly, so when dieting, it is better to avoid foods containing them. 19 g of the total amount are represented by simple carbohydrates (mainly fructose), the rest (2.8 g) is starch, which belongs to the complex group.

One ripe fruit has about 0.3 g of fat, 100 g - one tenth less (1% of the daily requirement). Saturated fats make up the majority, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats make up the smaller part. The calorie content is affected by the size of the fruit, its ripeness, variety and carbohydrates that make up the composition. Their pulp contains at least 25%. Therefore, the amount of fat present in the edible part has practically no effect on the energy value.

Proteins in banana

The amount of protein in one banana is at least 2 g, in 100 g - approximately 1.5 g, which is 3% of the daily intake of a person with an average level of activity aged 18 to 39 years. The proteins in the pulp are represented by essential and non-essential amino acids.

By consuming the fruit 2-3 times a week, you can get a boost of energy, improve mood, and raise the tone of the body.

This is achieved thanks to the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin during a chemical reaction. Eating 3 or 4 fruits during snacks, you can saturate the body with protein, play sports without overwork and recuperate after a busy day.

The incredible feeling of satiety that remains after eating sweet tropical fruits is achieved due to the significant fiber content in the berry. The amount in 100 g = 1.7 g, which is 7% of the daily value. Fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps with mild intestinal disorders, as well as with many pathologies of the stomach. To maintain strength and shape, foods rich in fiber are eaten by athletes after prolonged physical exertion. In addition, the pulp contains many trace elements, beta-carotene and vitamins.

BJU bananas - nutritional composition

Delicious fruit is nutritious and beneficial for the body. Properly including it in the diet, you can gain strength during heavy physical exertion and not worry about gaining extra pounds.

Banana... This exotic fruit came to us from hot fabulous Malaysia and quickly won the love of children and adults. Needless to say, this recognition is well deserved. In addition to excellent taste, banana has a lot of useful properties. This fruit will be a great start to the day, satisfy hunger between main meals, decorate the festive table. Banana is also the main ingredient in recipes for dozens of desserts, and modern housewives love to use it to prepare various delicacies.

The undoubted advantage of the fruit is its availability for our consumer. Interestingly, today the banana is one of the most actively grown crops and is second only to wheat, corn and rice in terms of production. The leaders in fruit data collection are Argentina and India. In this article, we will talk about how much protein and other components are in a banana, about the calorie content of the fruit and the benefits that it brings to our body.

Beneficial features

Translated from Latin, the name banana means "fruit of the sage." It nourishes the heart muscle, increases brain activity, strengthens the vascular walls, helping to normalize blood pressure, improves mood, and has a positive effect on skin condition. One banana a day is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases. This fruit is indicated for intestinal diseases. Thanks to the fiber it contains, banana helps to remove toxins.


The nutritional value of a banana makes it one of the record holders among fruits. It contains not so much lipids as protein. Contained in a banana and a large number of trace elements, as well as vitamins.

In order not to be unfounded, let's turn to the numbers. How many grams of protein in a banana depends on the size of the fruit. On average, its amount is from one to one and a half grams. As for carbohydrates, they are on average 20-25 grams in one banana.

It was mentioned above that a banana is an effective means of combating bad moods. It is worth noting that this remark was by no means groundless. The fruit contains the protein tryptophan, which is processed in the body into serotonin, known to us as the “happiness hormone”. It allows you to get rid of the blues and helps to relax.

Potassium and magnesium deserve special attention. It is difficult to find another fruit that would contain such an amount of these trace elements. Banana is also a valuable source of B vitamins, as well as A and C. The fruit will strengthen the immune system and protect against viral diseases during the cold period.

Use in medicine

Due to the natural properties of the banana, medical experts treat it more than favorably. After all, they know how much protein is in a banana! The fruit is included in the diet, indicated for diseases such as hepatitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, stomatitis and many others. In addition, bananas are hypoallergenic. They are also allowed for skin diseases, abscesses, burns, diabetic ulcers. In the latter case, it is necessary to compensate for the consumption of the fruit with insulin and control the blood sugar level. Excess consumption of bananas can lead to hyperglycemia.

This fruit, due to the content of vitamin A, strengthens vision. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and increases muscle tone. Banana is a delicious natural medicine and an integral part of a healthy diet.

Bananas in the diet of children

The nutritional value of the banana, the high content of proteins and various trace elements, as well as its hypoallergenic properties make it possible to include the fruit in the diet of babies. While most fruits in the first years of life can lead to gastrointestinal problems and allergies, the banana is indicated for both babies and women during the feeding period. Pediatricians recommend using it for feeding children from infancy in the form of mashed potatoes or cocktails.

Bananas and diet food

Many residents of the 21st century, due to physical inactivity, are actively struggling with being overweight and tirelessly counting calories. Banana is a fruit that forms the basis of many diets. It contains natural sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose), in addition, it is rich in fiber. Thanks to this, the fruit brings a feeling of fullness and improves our performance. Despite the calories, a banana contributes to weight loss, as it removes excess moisture from the body, reduces puffiness and speeds up metabolic processes.

fruit calories

The energy value of the banana makes this fruit the most popular snack. It's time to count calories. A fresh banana contains 90 calories per 100 grams of net weight. As for dry fruit, its energy reserve is much higher, and its calorie content is 3 times higher.

Banana as a smoking cessation

Not so long ago, scientists started talking about a banana as a means to combat nicotine addiction. In particular, researchers from Argentina are convinced that this fruit helps to quit smoking. They conducted experiments with smokers who wanted to get rid of addiction, and came to the conclusion that the fruit reduces cravings for cigarettes. If you eat three bananas daily, the need for nicotine will be halved. This is due to the fact that magnesium, potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and group B help the body overcome tobacco addiction. As we found out, they are found in bananas. In addition, serotonin, already known to us, plays an important role in the fight against smoking.

Bananas and sports

No fruit has as many calories as a banana. The protein, microelements and vitamins contained in one fruit are enough for daily nutrition of the heart muscle. Thanks to this energy reserve, the banana is one of the most commonly consumed fruits among athletes.

It is worth noting that the banana is the #1 choice of fruit among bodybuilders. It helps build muscle mass. This is primarily due to how much protein is in a banana. In addition, bananas strengthen bones. This fruit contains saccharides, thanks to which our body absorbs calcium. The latter, it is worth noting, is also found in a banana in sufficient quantities. Glycogen is the fuel for our muscles. During physical activity, it is used in large quantities. Two bananas before an intense workout will charge the body with the required amount of energy, and will also keep blood glucose levels at a stable level. Bananas will replenish carbohydrate stores and increase the duration of your workout.

A spoon of tar

Despite the many positive properties of a banana, there is a downside to the coin. This fruit, containing a large amount of natural sugars and starch, makes the blood more viscous. People suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, varicose veins and overweight should not abuse this product. In this case, banana calories can lead to negative consequences. The fruit has a high glycemic index, which means that it is quickly absorbed by the body and increases blood glucose levels dramatically.

It is also necessary to remember that all the beneficial properties discussed above take place only if the fruit has ripened in natural conditions. Most suppliers, however, pick bananas green to reduce shipping losses. They are delivered in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. Then the fruits are placed in chambers filled with the so-called "banana gas". It is a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene. Under such conditions, bananas ripen quickly, and then enter the retail trade.

How to distinguish a banana that has ripened artificially? When buying fruits in supermarkets, one should not focus only on color. Edges will help us determine a quality product. In a fruit ripened in the sun, they are smoothed and practically invisible. The amount of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in a banana depends on the method of aging.

In addition, it should be remembered that local producers in most cases treat banana peels with various chemical compounds, thanks to which it does not darken or deteriorate even over time. Before eating the fruit, it should be washed thoroughly. Such simple precautions will help maintain health and get all the benefits of such a wonderful fruit.

Banana - the golden fruit of the banana palm, originates from Southeast Asia and is widely distributed in almost all equatorial and tropical countries of the world where there are no frosts. Currently, the main supplier of bananas in the world market is Latin America, in which Ecuador and Costa Rica are in the lead. There are dessert, table and fodder varieties.

Of all tropical fruits, perhaps the most famous and popular. Children especially love it, as it is easy to chew and even easier to digest. At the same time, few people would think to find out how much protein is in a banana. Why? The opinion that a banana is a purely carbohydrate product has become too stable in our heads.

How much energy and protein is in a banana?

Banana has just a fantastic supply of energy. In this form, he is the vice-champion. Just two bananas, and the person received an energy reserve for an hour and a half! It is not for nothing that tennis players and football players in the breaks of the match are reinforced with a banana. According to this indicator, only the champion is ahead of him - avocado. But the avocado is an insipid fruit, which cannot be said about the banana.

The calorie content of a banana is 89 kcal, and its composition is as follows:

  • the answer to the question "how many grams of protein in a banana?" - 1.5 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 22.1 g.

But much more important than how much protein is in a banana, what kind of proteins can be gleaned from there. Banana contains the protein tryptophan, which converts to serotonin. This protein helps to improve the overall tone of the body, improve mood, overcome various moral traumas, and helps to simply relax and feel happy. This is the reason for the slight euphoria, uplifting of the spirit, after just 1 eaten banana.

According to the great cardio specialist Amosov, about 20-25 grams of pure protein is enough for a person per day. Well, let's take a look at how much protein is in 1 banana. The figure is not the most brilliant - only 2.5 g, but eating 4 bananas a day during snacks at work, for example, we already cover half the daily requirement.

However, we can carry out the procedure for "enriching" the banana with protein. To do this, you need to eat not 4 fresh, but 4 dried bananas per day. Due to the evaporation of the liquid, the protein content in them will approach the total daily human norm - 20 grams. In many countries of South America, where the poverty of large segments of the population does not allow frequent consumption of meat, bananas are fried, increasing their protein content by 2.5 times. Try and cook this dish. Will you suddenly like it?
