
Children's drink recipes. First stage

Cranberry is an evergreen creeping shrub with stems up to 30–35 cm long. It is found in the northern part of the country. WITH medical purposes use the fruits and leaves of cranberries. Leaves to collect better in spring, the collection of fruits occurs as they ripen from August-September until the frost. Cranberries are the most valuable berry northern nature. This graceful plant grows in transitional and high bogs, in coniferous forests, it can also be found along the swampy shores of lakes. The fruits ripened by autumn are bright red in color, 0.8–1.6 cm in diameter.

100 g of cranberries contain almost a daily allowance for child's body vitamins C, A, E and K, about a third daily allowance, it is rich in vitamin PP, which takes leading role in the absorption of vitamin C in the human body. It is a valuable source of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The cranberry contains enough iron.

Cranberry boosts defensive forces a child with colds (ARI, SARS, adenovirus infection), saturating his body with vitamins and minerals, has restorative action helps to maintain strength and good health little man. It is an indispensable tool at high temperatures, because it has a wonderful diaphoretic property, reduces intoxication of the child's body. With angina and bronchitis cranberry juice Together with honey, it is both a powerful antiseptic and expectorant.

The substances that make up cranberries have diuretic abilities and are detrimental to bacteria that cause infection in the kidneys and urinary tract, so drinks made from cranberries play an indispensable role in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other urological diseases.

Cranberry has anti-cancer properties, because it contains a significant amount of pectins, thanks to which it contributes to the natural elimination of poisons, radioactive substances, heavy metal ions from the body and, therefore, will be especially useful for children living in cities, large industrial centers, regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.

Interesting to know: Chinese scientists conducted a study in which part of the observed patients ate cranberries, dishes and drinks made from this berry, and as a result proved that cranberries also help with diseases Bladder and prevents stomach ulcers.

Among all berries, fruits and vegetables, cranberry is the leader in the content of phenols, due to which it has a powerful bactericidal effect against putrefactive and pyogenic microorganisms. Therefore, cranberry juice will relieve inflammation of the gums, is useful for periodontal disease, is detrimental to bacteria, causing caries, promotes accelerated healing of wounds, as well as superficial burns. It will be especially useful in the postoperative period.

In case of skin diseases, cranberry juice applied together with petroleum jelly helps to get rid of itching with dermatitis, purulent skin inflammations and eczema.

Fruit drinks and cranberry jelly perfectly quench your thirst. And the astringent property of cranberries will help to cope with diarrhea.


  1. stomach ulcers and duodenum during the period of exacerbation;
  2. gastritis with hyperacidity;
  3. Liver disease;
  4. Weak tooth enamel;
  5. Allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

How to give cranberries to children

Children 0-1 years old. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is not recommended to enter into diet children berries of bright colors earlier than the main products ( vegetable puree, cereals, meat), and not earlier than six months of age. This means that children who are on artificial feeding, it is allowed to give cranberries not earlier than 6 months. Children who are exclusively breastfeeding, - not earlier than 7.5 months, despite the fact that manufacturers of baby food may indicate on the packaging and more early dates.

Cranberry juice rich in vitamins, but before giving to a child, it should be diluted boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

Children under one year old should be given cranberries after heat treatment(steam for 2-3 minutes or about a minute in boiling water). You can add a few mashed berries to vegetable or fruit purees, juice or give a fruit drink, after diluting it with boiled water 1: 1. The amount of fruit drink can be calculated by the formula: 10 * n (per day), where n is the number of full months. giving better than cranberries 1-2 times a week.

For children at risk of developing allergies, it is advisable to delay the introduction of cranberries into complementary foods until they are 1 year old.

Children 1-3 years old. You can give 10–20 g per day (this is about 1–2 tablespoons of berries). Children under 3 years old should not be given raw cranberries. The best option would be to prepare a fruit drink, compote or jelly, after dousing the berries with boiling water. During a cold, you can increase the dose by 3-4 times.

Children over 3 years old. For healthy children over the age of 3, cranberries can be given raw, made into sugared cranberries, made into drinks, mousses or smoothies, and brewed into tea from the leaves. To preserve vitamins as much as possible, you should try to use cranberries without heat treatment in cooking. If a child is happy to eat cranberries and everything that is prepared from it, while not having ailments from the list of contraindications, you should not limit him in quantity - let him eat for health.

Recipes for jelly and cranberry juice

1. Cooking jelly

For one serving: 2 tbsp. l. berries, 1 glass of water, 1 tsp. starch and 3 tsp. Sahara. Cranberries should be washed, if necessary, pour boiling water over and mash with a spoon. To boil water. Cool a quarter and dilute the starch in it, pour the berries with the remaining water, bring the result to a boil and strain. Add sugar to this broth and pour diluted starch, put on fire. Whisking constantly, bring to a boil; when thickened, remove from heat.

2. Cranberry juice

Wash the berries. Squeeze out the juice from them and set it aside. Pour the pomace with 8 glasses of water and put on fire, boil. Pour no more than a glass of sugar into the resulting broth, boil, strain and cool and add pre-squeezed juice.

Sometimes people do not think and at the first opportunity they start using medications. It is necessary to teach from childhood to love and eat products created for health by nature itself. After all, cranberries are not only surprisingly healthy, they have an incredibly bright and juicy taste, which can not but please even the most .

About the properties of cranberries and its benefits for children and adults in the program "Live healthy!":

How to give a child a drink, when to start drinking a baby, what drinks require caution, and how to prepare them - FAQ new mothers. There are several popular variations of baby drinking, among which are not the last berry fruit drinks, for example, lingonberry juice for a child. When you can start offering these berries, how to introduce a new drink into the baby's diet and how to do it correctly - we will answer these questions today.

Any product affects the entire body as a whole. However, the first system we should think about when choosing a diet is the gastrointestinal tract.

The digestive system is an amazing complex of organs in the human body! They not only allow us to live by processing and assimilating food, but also are the foundation of immunity. Up to 70% potential immune protection originates in the intestine.

Therefore, you should carefully treat the stomach and intestines of the child. This is especially true for the first year of a baby's life, when immunity is only being formed for fully prepared to meet the threats of the macrocosm.

The classic view of breastfeeding drinking is: “In the first months of life, a newborn should not be given anything other than breast milk". Recommendations for artificial feeding are directly opposite: "It is necessary to offer the child to drink, at least clean drinking water."

An exception for a natural baby may be a period of illness, special recommendations from a pediatrician, or your personal desire to “drink it up”.

However, in this case, it is better to stop at the most neutral drink, which has been tested by many generations. And again - pure drinking water, as well as raisin water (from light raisins, low concentration) and dill water with gaziki.

If lingonberries grow in your area of ​​​​residence, and you are eager to introduce something new to your baby, a small amount of weak fruit drink (50 ml) can be timed to coincide with the start of complementary foods - about 2-3 weeks before the introduction of the first solid food.

In the absence of an allergic reaction, use fruit drink 2 times a week, alternating with water and compote of 1-2 ingredients. Then one year old child it will be possible to cook already more concentrated lingonberry juice, taking advantage of all the benefits of wild berries.

Like all berries, the key nutrient of lingonberries is vitamin C, folic acid and provitamin A.

At the same time, there are serious contraindications to the use of this berry from the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Gastritis with high acidity, tendency to diarrhea, urolithiasis.

And if gastritis and stones in the kidneys and urinary tract are not frequent diseases for one year old baby, then the tendency to diarrhea happens in the first year of life all the time. That's why diligently trying lingonberries in a first year's diet is a controversial tactic for toddlers prone to fluctuating bowels.

In addition, in the formation of a children's diet, there always remains topical issue allergic reactions. Lingonberries belong to the group of medium-intense allergens, along with raspberries and blackcurrant. When offering lingonberry juice to an allergic child, the potential benefit is unlikely to outweigh the risk of increased sensitization.

For a child without an allergic background with a stable stool best time the beginning of drinking lingonberry juice becomes a wide range - from 5-6 months a couple of weeks before the start of complementary foods and before the first anniversary in life. And saturated lingonberry dishes, even completely healthy children, should not be introduced up to 1.5 years.

How to make lingonberry juice for a child


  • Cowberry berries - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Water is clean, drinking, without gas - 1 l
  • Sugar syrup - 3-5 tsp. or Fructose - no more than 4 teaspoons


  1. We wash the berries under running water using a colander;
  2. Bring water to a boil, use an enamel pan;
  3. Add lingonberries to boiled water and cook under a lid over medium heat for 5 minutes;
  4. We filter the finished hot fruit drink through a sieve, mashing the berries well;
  5. Adding sugar syrup(or fructose), let cool and use as directed;

We store juice in the refrigerator, a maximum of a day.

If we are preparing lingonberry juice for a child of one year or older, it can be more saturated and additionally include 1-2 sweet fruits, which will allow us to reduce sugar in the recipe.

When choosing a drink for a baby, you should not treat the issue superficially, because the allergic effect of the components does not depend much on the form of food taken. Cowberry juice for a child - another challenge for our sense of proportion in an effort to improve children's nutrition. Try to find a harmonious solution in your situation, and let all the dishes and drinks from mother's hands bring to your children great benefit and fun!

Glory about healing properties cranberry extends far beyond the limits of its growth. And although this berry is found mainly in northern latitudes with a harsh climate, almost everyone knows about them. Cranberry is known as an excellent preventive and remedy. At what age can children eat cranberries? Under what diseases should it be excluded from the diet of babies? Read the answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Cranberry: composition

Cranberries contain a lot ascorbic acid. That's why she's so popular with northern peoples. In terms of the amount of this vitamin, the berry competes with garden strawberries and citrus fruits: lemon and grapefruit, as well as orange. There are other useful substances in cranberries:

  • B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems, promote hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - protects cell membranes from oxidation. It improves digestion, increases the absorption of vitamin A, prevents the occurrence of anemia, supplies oxygen to tissues, and maintains muscle cells in a normal state.
  • Vitamin PP - plays a key role in redox processes, improves the activity of the higher nervous system, strengthens the heart. Affects the production of the most important hormones: insulin, thyroxine, and many others.
  • Acids, most of all - citric, are also present ursolic, oleanolic, malic, benzoic and others. IN minimum quantity cranberries contain amber and oxalic.
  • Sugar - fructose and glucose are supplemented with a small amount of sucrose.
  • pectin substances. Regulate bowel activity.

In addition, cranberries contain bioflavonoids, betaine and such useful elements like potassium, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, tin, zinc, barium and many, many more. The calorie content of this berry is low: 100 g contains only 28 kcal, so it is permissible to offer it to children prone to obesity.

What is useful cranberry?

The main value of cranberries is its ability to resist viral pathogens. This means that it is effective against influenza and other diseases that conventional antibiotics are powerless to combat. Due high content vitamin C cranberry boosts immunity. Other useful properties:

  • Effective against Helicobacter pylori. It is a bacterium that causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. And if these diseases already exist, it exacerbates. So here it is acidic environment, which is formed when eating cranberries, completely destroys Helicobacter pylori.
  • Antibacterial action - due to the presence of phenol in cranberries. Its use is indicated for diseases genitourinary system, as well as other ailments caused by pathogenic bacteria.
  • Normalization of metabolism. It does this by scavenging free radicals. For this reason, it is especially important to consume cranberries for children who live in large cities, where the environment is more polluted than in the provinces.
  • Cranberries help with diseases oral cavity, including with stomatitis, which so often happens in babies. It is useful in periodontitis. In addition, the berry creates a special environment in the mouth that is not tolerated by bacteria that provoke the formation of caries.

Cranberry is especially important as a prophylactic. Yes, with her regular use the composition of urine becomes different - pathogenic flora cannot develop in it. Also, this berry increases the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries. For diseases digestive system cranberries are recommended to be consumed after heat treatment.

If the baby has a poor appetite, you should not force-feed him, it is enough to give a few cranberries. And it is also used as a prophylactic - to avoid the appearance of kidney stones. In many cases, it can successfully replace drugs:

  • when it is necessary to remove the heat - due to profuse sweating;
  • in combination with honey, cranberry juice has an expectorant effect - this mixture is useful for bronchitis;
  • cranberry juice will help with sore throat - thanks to the antiseptic effect;
  • will help with inflammatory diseases urinary tract, which means that cranberries can be used for nephritis, cystitis and similar ailments;
  • this berry removes from the body not only toxins, but also radioactive substances, as well as heavy metal ions - because of this property, it is recommended to give it to children living in industrial cities;
  • helps with gastritis (only with low acidity), pancreatitis, it is an indispensable tool for combating dysbacteriosis.

Cranberry juice will help in the treatment of first degree burns, with dermatitis. And to get rid of prickly heat, it must be mixed with petroleum jelly. Due to the astringent effect, cranberries are useful for diarrhea.

Introduction of cranberries to the diet of babies

Decided to introduce cranberries into the child's menu? Don't forget to consult your pediatrician before doing this. You can give this berry to babies from 6 months. At first - a little bit, just a few drops of cranberry juice. Gradually, the portion can be increased and brought up to 30 g. You will notice how after a few days the crumbs will improve their appetite.

Stop adding cranberries to your baby's diet at the first sign of skin irritation, diarrhea, or other symptoms of discomfort. Please note that even if he is not allergic to the fruits of this shrub, it is possible that an excessively large portion of berries could have caused a sharp reaction in the body.

  • Cranberry puree can be added to vegetable or fruit puree.
  • In the period from 6 to 9 months, the baby can be given 60-90 ml of juice per day, no more than 2 times a week.
  • If the baby is prone to allergies, it is better not to take risks, but to postpone acquaintance with cranberries until the age of one.
  • The optimal portion for children from one to three years old is 15–20 g.

And yet, the child's body better perceives cranberries that have passed heat treatment. Cook your child jelly or fruit drink, not too saturated compote will do. During periods of increased risk of getting sick viral disease the portion can be increased - this will protect the child from infections.

Who can't have cranberries?

In some diseases, cranberries can only do harm. It is not possible in such cases:

  • with gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers - due to the acids contained in cranberries, the disease can worsen;
  • with some liver diseases - if your baby has problems, be sure to check with the doctor if it is permissible to offer cranberries to your daughter or son;
  • problem tooth enamel - in this case, cranberry juice should be drunk through a straw;
  • individual intolerance.

An allergic reaction to cranberries is not common, but still be extremely careful! If the child is breastfed, it is better to introduce this berry later - at 7-8 months.


And now we will tell you how to cook the most popular dishes for kids from cranberries.

Cranberry mousse with semolina

For 150 g of berries, you need 1 cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of semolina and water. Prepare cranberry juice, put it in the refrigerator, and send the pulp to a saucepan, add water to it and boil for 5 minutes, then strain through a sieve. Pour the resulting broth back into the saucepan and bring to a boil. Gradually throw semolina there - gently, in a thin stream. Cook for no more than 15 minutes, at the very end add sugar, wait until it dissolves. Cool the cooked porridge, then add chilled cranberry juice to it. Beat until the dish doubles in size. To facilitate whipping, use an "ice" bath. The container with mousse must be put on ice, as an option - in a pan with very cold water. The final stage is to decompose into bowls and cool for 35-40 minutes.

Cranberry Smoothie

You will need 200 g cranberries, banana, 400 ml cold water, flakes fast food- not necessarily oatmeal, you can and others. For sweetening - honey or sugar, the amount is arbitrary, depending on taste preferences. Place all components in a suitable container, then beat thoroughly with a blender.

Cranberry juice

For one and a half glasses of berries you need: 250-300 ml of water, 100 g of sugar. Mash the fruits, then squeeze the juice out of them and cool it. Place the cake in a saucepan, pour water, add sugar there and boil - no more than 10 minutes. Strain, add juice to the resulting broth. If you prefer to prepare juice with honey, then you need to add it at the end, when the drink has cooled down a bit - this is necessary to avoid the destruction of vitamins.

The choice of drink for the child, especially in early age, is a tricky business. Any parents would like to know what drinks that are healthy for an adult are absolutely contraindicated for children.

Let's try to figure out what drinks and at what age can be given to children.

0–1 year

Boiled water, bottled

Coffee drinks are based on barley, oats, wheat, rye, chestnuts. They do not contain caffeine, contain trace elements and vitamins, are prepared with milk or with the addition of milk (preferably condensed), have incredible taste which kids love so much. Positively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. You can talk about chicory separately and for a long time, it useful qualities for a child are limitless.

Boiled tap water

It is also clear to the child that tap water does not have desired composition minerals, but if the parents nevertheless decided to give just such water to the baby, then it must be boiled, then allowed to cool and settle, and then drained upper layer to avoid sediment.

Birch juice

It is not more useful than juice from fruits and berries, but compared to plain water there is an advantage. It is allowed to drink after a year for all babies, even for allergy sufferers, unless, of course, an allergy to birch pollen is found.
A categorical ban for children under 3 years old is carbonated drinks, coffee, kvass.

From 3–6 years old

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea should not be abused by either adults or children. It is quite allergenic, has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and is contraindicated in urolithiasis.

It is an allergen, so it is not recommended for children to use often. It is forbidden to drink to children who have gastritis or an ulcer, a tendency to urolithiasis. Due to its acidity, hibiscus tea destroys tooth enamel. Even an adult has a limit on this tea: no more than 3 cups a day, therefore better for a child brew any other delicious tea.


After 3 years, the child is allowed to give not only juices intended for baby food. You can pamper your baby with coconut milk.

Carbonated drinks. Kvass bottled

From the age of 3, it is already possible for a child to sometimes allow carbonated drinks - be it kvass, lemonade or fanta, but only sometimes and no more than one glass a day. These drinks contain nutritional supplements, "identical to natural", dyes, aromatic substances, carbon dioxide, benzene, acids. Sugary drinks contain a lot of sugar, and thanks to the gas, this sugar penetrates the body faster, which increases the immediate load on the pancreas, and this can adversely affect health, cause allergies and tooth decay.

These drinks do not quench thirst, but on the contrary, add desire to drink more and more. Some manufacturers, in order to reduce the calorie content of the drink, instead of sugar began to add substitutes to it: xylitol, sorbitol and saccharin. Xylitol contributes to the formation of kidney stones, sorbitol gradually reduces visual acuity, and saccharin is a carcinogen. Gas complicates the work of the intestines, causes belching, bloating, and contributes to the appearance of gastritis. From plastic bottles penetrate into the drink harmful substances. Kvass from barrels, which are sold on the street, is contraindicated for children, because the barrels stand all day in the sun, heat up to high temperatures, and it is not known who, when and with what washes them.

Oxygen cocktail

Suitable for tired children, because a drunk glass of this drink can be compared with a walk on fresh air. It is suitable for children with chronic diseases, children involved in sports, living in the northern regions. By-effect: flatulence.

Kissel from packages


1-2 times a week milkshakes can be given to children of this age. The limitation in quantity is due to the large amount of sugar and fat in milkshakes.

Interesting to know! Scientists from the National Institutes of Health in the United States conducted an experiment with schoolchildren in which children drank milk chocolate shakes. It has been shown that this type milkshake It affects the pleasure center in the brain in such a way that it can develop an addiction similar to a drug one.

Black and green tea

Whatever the tea - green, white, black, yellow - it contains caffeine, which does not benefit children. Exciting nervous system, it leads to insomnia, nightmares, fatigue. But this is not a reason to abandon it altogether. It is better to give tea in the morning, not concentrated.

Tea has a diuretic effect, so in large quantities can flush out minerals from the body. Do not use packaged, with the addition of fruits and flowers, flavorings, of little use and in instant tea. Cook the kids loose loose leaf tea. Milk added to tea will reduce the effect of caffeine on the body.

Honey drinks

Honey is valuable and useful product which strengthens immune system calms the nervous. But he often calls allergic reactions, therefore, from 3 to 6 years old, it is better to add a spoonful of honey to tea, and drinks containing honey can be drunk after the age of 6 years and with a cold or during the SARS season.

Mineral water

Choose a dining room mineral water, because therapeutic is prescribed by a doctor for certain diseases. In carbonated water, you can remove gas bubbles by putting it on fire for a few minutes or leaving the bottle uncapped for several hours.

spring water

It is worth giving preference to water from proven springs. After 3 years, water is allowed to drink without boiling.

Cucumber pickle

If the child likes such a drink, let him try, but not much, because it contains a lot of salt, and this will cause thirst, side effects such a drink - sometimes light laxative effect, flatulence (as with any fresh vegetables).

Hot chocolate

Allowed from 5-6 years. Chocolate is more likely to cause allergies than cocoa, so its intake has been postponed.

Interesting to know! Russian pediatricians have compiled a list of drinks that are most beneficial for children under the age of 6.

  • On the 1st place, of course, milk. American scientists (McMaster University) believe that all children need to drink at least a glass of milk a day, it will help fill the need for the necessary micro and macro elements, help in stressful situations and adapt the child's body to environmental conditions.
  • On the 2nd - freshly squeezed pomegranate juice and cranberry juice. Pomegranate juice rich in vitamins, minerals, increases hemoglobin levels. Before use, it is recommended to dilute with boiled water or other less sour juice. Cranberry juice, in addition to vitamins and minerals, contains pectins, which remove unnecessary substances from the body, has bactericidal properties, and protects teeth from caries. Increases mental and physical performance.
  • 3rd place - kefir and others fermented milk drinks. Useful for children due to the content of calcium, which is so necessary for the teeth and bones of a growing organism. Products normalize the intestinal microflora, which heals both the digestive system and the immune system.

On a note! In Western countries, one person consumes from 15 to 30 kg of yogurt per year, while in Russia it is only 2.5 kg per person.

6–18 years old


Coffee is allowed to be given to children only occasionally, for a change, and always in the morning.

Not recommended for children. Main reason - rich content caffeine. Caffeine does not benefit the young body, it excites the nervous system, leads to fatigue, exhaustion, overload of the heart system. Coffee is better to give in school age sometimes for a change in taste in the morning, daily use of coffee is not recommended until the age of 18.

Coffee 3 in 1

This drink is even less useful than just coffee, because the combination of milk proteins with tannin from coffee is very difficult to digest, and it has also been proven that oncological diseases of the digestive system are more likely to develop in lovers of coffee with milk than in those who drink them separately.

Homemade bread kvass

Not recommended for children. Despite great amount useful properties, kvass is not suitable for a child's body: any kvass contains at least small amounts of alcohol, and gas has a bad effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Energetic drinks

Not recommended for children. Beyond caffeine energetic drinks contain stimulants such as guarana and aminoethanesulfonic acid, strong dyes and other harmful substances, subsequently the use of these drinks can lead to serious cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics believe that energy drinks, like other caffeinated sugary drinks, should be completely excluded from the diet of children, even adolescence.

Alcoholic drinks

It is forbidden to use for children. Of course, the use of alcohol is out of the question when talking about children, but in modern world there is hardly a teenager who, somewhere in the company or at some holiday, has not tasted the taste of alcohol.

It would be better if the parents, under their supervision, offer the child to try a low-alcohol cocktail or dry wine: this should suppress the desire to try them in secret from the parents, or simply cause disgust for these drinks. To avoid problems with alcohol, tell your child in advance, starting from the age of 15, about the dangers of alcohol: that the child’s body is more sensitive to the action of toxic substances, that female body it is no longer possible to cure, give as an example of acquaintances who, due to the use of alcohol, could not realize themselves in life.

Remember: it is not so much important that a child can drink, and what is not recommended, because even the most useful fruit juice or milk in large quantities can harm the body, while 70 ml of kvass or coffee diluted with milk once a week in a cozy children's cafe will not harm your child in any way.

Eating everything in reasonable quantities, at the right time of the day, giving preference healthy drinks and knowing the taste of bad ones, the child himself will understand what is not useful, and will begin to appreciate the taste of healthy natural products.

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