
What does Ivan tea treat? The action of Ivan tea, recipes and how to take.

How pleasant it is to quench your thirst with cool tea kvass prepared at home in the summer heat! The living creature Medusomycete, named after the jellyfish, floats on the surface and converts the nutrient solution into a healing compound used in the treatment of various diseases. The beneficial properties of kombucha help to cure, lower blood pressure, reduce body weight, and cope with. Informally, the medusomycete is called the Japanese sponge, tea jellyfish, as well as the Japanese, Manchurian, Indian, marine, and Fanga mushrooms.

What is useful Kombucha

A healthy drink is produced as a result of the joint activity of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. From above, the yellow-brown colony is shiny and dense; from below, filiform processes extend.

It's no secret that there are almost no live lactic acid bacteria left in dairy products from a city store after processing. In turn, a certain supply of acid is useful for the property of dissolving. Otherwise, the tissues become fragile, prone to hemorrhages. Safe acids, enzymes, and vinegar necessary for the body are formed during the fermentation of kombucha.

Yeast fungi from sugar dissolved in water produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Acetic acid bacteria convert alcohol into acetic acid. As a result of the activity of microorganisms, a slightly carbonated sweet and sour drink is formed.

Kombucha owes its healing properties to vitamins C, PP, D, group B, organic acids - gluconic, lactic, acetic, oxalic, malic, citric.

Gluconic acid increases muscle performance, activates. Excess salts, combining with gluconic acid, can form crystals at the bottom of the container.

Jellyfish also synthesizes the enzymes protease, catalase, amylase, which accelerate metabolic reactions. In addition, kombucha benefits due to its naturally occurring antibiotic properties.

How to grow kombucha at home. Recipe

Medusa forms several layers. About once a month, a thin, delicate film separates. It can be used for reproduction.

To grow kombucha, a clean three-liter jar is filled with a weak infusion of tea at room temperature. Sugar is dissolved at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter, so the finished product has a maximum of useful properties. The jar is covered with gauze, placed in a shaded warm place. The optimum infusion temperature is +24C. A week later, the first portion of tea kvass is ready.

Pour half of the drink, filtering through several layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator, using a healthy product within 3-4 days.

Fill the jar to the top with sweetened tea infusion. Drain the finished drink every 4-7 days.

How to care for kombucha so that it does not darken

The nutrient solution must be updated regularly, otherwise the jellyfish will die. Any high-quality black or without aromatic additives is suitable for cooking.

When caring for kombucha, it is forbidden to put granulated sugar on the surface so that the jellyfish does not receive. Sugar must be dissolved in tea infusion.

If the mushroom began to darken, it is necessary to completely change the infusion. Pour out the overstayed kvass, it will sizzle and foam like soda.

At least once every two weeks, the mushroom is washed with warm boiled water.

A healthy fungal organism is near the surface. If he sank to the bottom, the drink should not be drunk.

Medicinal uses of kombucha

Experiments on animals have shown that even with critical blood levels, drinking a drink saves from inevitable death.

Kombucha is useful property to have a calming effect, helps to cope with insomnia.

For the treatment of alcoholism, take up to 1 liter of drink 4-6 times a day at least one hour before meals for three months. When the craving for alcohol decreases, the beneficial properties of kombucha will help to consolidate the achieved result. For prevention, the drink is taken in the morning and evening.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

The medicinal properties of kombucha normalize digestion, help to cope with constipation, especially in the elderly. The drink is used for diseases of the bile ducts, aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle.

Drinking the drink normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, suppresses putrefactive microflora, and helps to get rid of harmful substances accumulated in the intestines.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, take a 7-day infusion of Kombucha 1/2 cup an hour before meals. In case of diseases of the gallbladder after taking lie down for an hour on the right side.

Help with a cold

The medicinal properties of kombucha are useful in case of a cold,. The drink has an antimicrobial effect, helps eliminate inflammation. In the case of ulcerative stomatitis, it is used for gargling, taken as a general tonic.

For colds, take 1/2 cup three times a day for a 7-day infusion of kombucha. During this time, a natural antibiotic is formed in the drink.

Kombucha treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis

Regular consumption of 1/2 cup of the drink 3-4 times a day can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood. The pains of the head and heart decrease or disappear, sleep normalizes.

The combination of kombucha with infusion of seeds helps to cope with. Useful composition stimulates the activity of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle. Blood vessels expand, blood pressure normalizes, in the evening it is possible to fall asleep faster.

Kombucha is useful property to treat atherosclerosis. The wellness course continues in two stages with a one-month break:

  • For the first week, take a drink of half a glass at night, do not drink other liquids until morning.
  • For the next three weeks, increase the evening dose to 1 cup. Alternatively, take half a glass one hour before breakfast.

Repeat the treatment in a month.

Treatment of anemia

Kombucha is beneficial for anemia. The drink is used as part of the following vegetable menu:

  • Eat every morning on an empty stomach a salad with vegetable oil from 100g of grated carrots.
  • An hour before lunch, drink a glass of kombucha. An hour later, take vegetable juice from carrots (3 parts), (1 part) and cucumbers (1 part).
  • Drink a glass of a healthy drink an hour before bedtime.

weight loss

The therapeutic composition produced by medusomycete contains enzymes that speed up metabolic processes, which is why fatty deposits gradually disappear.

In order for the beneficial properties of kombucha to contribute to weight loss, drink a glass of drink 15-20 minutes before a meal. During this time, the gastric juice washed off by the liquid will have time to stand out in the stomach, which will allow the incoming food to be assimilated.

Of course, you need sufficient physical activity, reasonable dietary restrictions. Otherwise, the efforts made to reduce weight will be in vain.

Hair strengthening

To give hair silkiness and shine, eliminate gray hair and rinse hair with infusion of kombucha. In the case of dry curls, the drink is rubbed into the scalp shortly after washing.

Recipe 1. Infuse a glass of drink for a month, dilute with 2 liters of warm water. After shampooing, rinse your hair, which makes it soft, shiny and combed wonderfully.

Recipe 2. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes: iodine. After a couple of days, repeat the treatment.

As a rule, 3-4 sessions are enough.

Treatment of skin lesions, cellulite

The beneficial properties of kombucha drink are used to treat various skin lesions: wounds, abrasions, burns, suppuration.

If the medusomycete has stood and the nutrient solution has turned into acetic acid, the resulting therapeutic agent is removed, brown spots on the skin.

To enhance the beneficial properties of kombucha in the treatment of cellulite, withstand the infusion for 10 days. Pass through a meat grinder two, a couple of leaves, brew a mixture of one and a half glasses of a warmed drink, leave for 45 minutes.

After a hot bath or bath, place the composition in gauze, apply a compress to problem areas, wrap with polyethylene and a terry towel.

Harm and contraindications

The drink, which has a number of useful properties, has practically no contraindications. However, kombucha should not be taken:

  • when ;
  • with and duodenal ulcer;
  • with low blood pressure.

In the presence of a systemic fungal disease, the drink can increase the number of yeast-like bacteria.

Excessively saturated acid composition is harmful to tooth enamel.

Modified: 02/16/2019

Man has always sought means of getting rid of ailments. Since ancient times, herbs and fruits have been not only food, but also medicine. They were prepared, insisted, steamed - this is how medicinal tea was obtained.

In principle, tea is any drink in which prepared plant mass is brewed. And tea becomes medicinal when it begins to help the body expel all unnecessary. It removes toxins, toxins, unnecessary acids.

According to the principle of impact on the body, medicinal teas are divided into diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic, tonic and wound healing.

For the preparation of medicinal tea, a mixture of several herbs is used, strictly following the recipe. However, no matter how good traditional medicine is, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment with herbal preparations.

No less important is such a detail as the concentration of infusion or decoction. Sometimes, medicinal teas are infused for up to an hour. They drink useful infusions half an hour before meals and almost never store them. Starting to take medicinal preparations, strictly follow the recipe and method of preparation, then the benefits of tea are guaranteed!

In my distant childhood, I never drank purchased tea from the store. I spent the summer with my grandmother in the Belgorod region. And there, instead of traditional tea, they drank only herbal teas from linden flowers, St. John's wort, oregano. To tell the truth, what is this oregano, I learned quite recently. Grannies, with their Khokhlyatsky pronunciation, have a flower called a mother.

Almost every plant is attributed to all the healing action. For example, St. John's wort is popularly called a cure for ninety-nine sores. In China, ginseng is considered the elixir of immortality.

Our beautiful chamomile helps with inflammation in the mouth, eye diseases, headaches and even as a hair rinse. Fresh herbs help heal wounds and ulcers.

The northern beauty lingonberry sharpens eyesight, is used as a diuretic, and helps with gout and rheumatism.

Raw materials for future tea should be of high quality, have a pleasant smell. In no case should you brew old, moldy herbs.

To make tea, the teapot must be hot. Remember how they rinse a small teapot with boiling water - the technology for making medicinal teas is the same.

Recipes for diaphoretic and rheumatic teas

Elder flower tea

To prepare this drink, you need to take:

  • Elder flowers - one tablespoon
  • Linden blossom - one tablespoon
  • St. John's wort - one tablespoon

Herbs need to be crushed and mixed well, the resulting mixture is the medicinal collection.

In a well-heated kettle, put one tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse tea for half an hour, additionally covering the teapot with a towel.

Ledum Root Tea

recipe 1

This drink lowers blood pressure and promotes profuse sweating.
Preparing tea is quite simple, you need to put a tablespoon of crushed wild rosemary roots in a heated teapot.

Pour the raw material with boiling water in the amount of one glass, brew and leave for fifteen minutes.

recipe 2

For cooking you need:

  • Ledum roots - one tablespoon
  • Birch leaves - two tablespoons
  • Water 250 grams

Grind the roots and leaves well, mix. Put the components in an enamel pot or teapot. Put on fire and boil for one or two minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for about 15 minutes.

If desired, you can replace birch leaves with linden ones.

Recipes for tonic and wound healing teas

recipe 1

To make tea you will need:

  • Rose hips - eight tablespoons
  • Blueberry leaves - two tablespoons
  • A string - two tablespoons
  • Bone leaves - two tablespoons
  • Thyme - one tablespoon
  • St. John's wort - half a tablespoon

Herbs and berries need to be chopped, mixed. Pour boiling water into a hot kettle at the rate of 3/4 volume.

Depending on the volume of the kettle, add the prepared mixture. One and a half tablespoons of the collection should be taken per liter of water.

This tea heals wounds well, helps in regulating metabolism, it is very useful to drink it after a bath.

recipe 2

To prepare fragrant and tasty tea you will need:

  • Strawberry leaf - three tablespoons
  • Blackberry leaf - two tablespoons
  • Blueberry leaf - two tablespoons
  • Wheatgrass roots - two tablespoons
  • Knotweed grass - two tablespoons
  • Currant leaf - one tablespoon
  • Thyme - one tablespoon

Grind herbs, mix evenly. One and a half tablespoons of the collection should be taken per liter of boiling water. Warm up the kettle, pour 3/4 of the volume with boiling water and add the medicinal collection.

This tea helps in the fight against any inflammation, tones and regulates metabolism.

recipe 3

Blueberry leaf tea helps relieve fatigue, restores strength, increases the body's resistance to infections and diseases. Plus it's delicious and delicious!

To make tea you need:

  • Blueberry leaf - one tablespoon
  • Blackcurrant leaf - one tablespoon
  • Fireweed leaf (Ivan-tea) - one tablespoon
  • Thyme - half a tablespoon

Grind herbs, mix. Pour 3/4 boiling water into a heated teapot, and add the medicinal collection at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per liter of water.

Recipes for universal teas from rose hips

Rosehip in folk medicine heals ailments from time immemorial. Literally everything is useful in rose hips: fruits, roots, branches, flower petals.

Rosehip is a natural concentrate of vitamins - ascorbic acid, carotene, provitamin A, vitamins of groups B, E, K, PP live here. There is no shortage of sugar, pectin, organic acids (malic and citric). Rose hips contain cobalt, copper, iron and manganese. That's where the storehouse of useful substances! Is it true?! 🙂

recipe 1

Dry the twigs and leaves of the wild rose, chop. Take a pinch of herbs and put in a heated kettle, pour boiling water. Infuse future healing tea by covering the teapot with a towel.

When the infusion has cooled down to about 30 degrees, add two teaspoons of honey to the teapot and after five minutes you can drink healthy medicinal tea.

recipe 2

For this recipe you will need:

Chop herbs and mix. Take a tablespoon of the finished dry mixture, put it in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of water. Put on a small fire and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, tea should cool down and infuse for about half an hour.

Rosehip tea is universal, very pleasant in taste, its color and aroma are beautiful. After a good bath, it is useful to drink medicinal teas, they will enhance and consolidate the healing, positive effect of bath procedures. In a word, the benefits of the bath are guaranteed! Medicinal teas cleanse and fortify our body.

Happy and delicious tea drinking!

Everyone knows such concepts as baking or drinking soda, which means a powder used as a cleaning agent in everyday life, as a baking powder in cooking, as a healing substance used in cosmetology and traditional medicine, and what does the term tea soda mean and in what areas whether this component is practiced is a very interesting question.

The concept of tea soda

In fact, tea soda is just another name for soda powder, often found in our speech. And sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate - all these are the names of the same substance, which is a lot of small white crystals with a faint odor.

Over the years, tea soda has attracted the attention of scientists who conducted experiments with its participation in order to study the nature of the substance and the mechanism of its action on the human body. As a result of research, it was found that sodium bicarbonate is one of the components that make up the plasma and lymphoplasm of our blood. First of all, this suggested that soda, being an acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid, nourishes lymphocytes, which are of great responsibility for human immunity. In addition, one of the central functions of tea soda is to neutralize acids and thereby regulate the acid-base level. So, normally, blood acidity is determined by an indicator of 7.35-7.47, but if the pH drops below these values, the phenomenon of acidosis occurs - acidification of the blood, which causes the development of many diseases. It is in this situation that, according to many experts, the use of a soda solution inside can play a huge role, as a result of which the alkali content will increase, and the blood will become more liquid, that is, it will acquire a normal consistency.

Such discoveries formed the basis of the idea that a substance such as tea soda can and even should be actively used not only in everyday life to clean tiles or bake magnificent pies, but also to strengthen the body, as well as improve overall health.

Tea soda on an empty stomach: benefits and harms

One of the brightest supporters of soda therapy is Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor who has written more than 60 books on treatment with traditional medicine recipes. It was this person who developed his own method of alkalizing the body, the main essence of which is to take a solution of tea soda on an empty stomach. Many people, including the doctor himself, directly tested the treatment in this way, after which they confirmed its effectiveness.

The fundamental decision was the idea that alkali, which by its nature is tea soda, when ingested creates extremely unfavorable conditions in the body for the development and further spread of various infections, viruses, fungi and even cancer cells. After all, it is known that any pathogenic processes occur exclusively in an acidified environment.

So, according to the theory of Professor Neumyvakin, taking a solution of sodium bicarbonate has the following beneficial effects:

  • improvement of biochemical reactions: removal of toxins and toxins, blood thinning - all this occurs due to the decomposition of water molecules into positive hydrogen ions under the influence of sodium bicarbonate;
  • regulation of the process of oxygen supply to blood vessels and tissues;
  • cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol, accumulations of which are the root cause of a heart attack or stroke, headaches, loss of vision and hearing;
  • strengthening the lymphatic system;
  • destruction of stones formed in the kidneys and their removal from the body in a natural way;
  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • getting rid of excess weight, as well as addictions such as drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • destruction of malignant cells.

At the same time, the professor notes that excessive consumption of soda on an empty stomach can cause unwanted symptoms: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness and headaches, feelings of increased thirst, bloating and gas formation in the abdomen. In addition, non-compliance with the rules of such soda therapy can cause more significant harm to health and lead to the occurrence of gastritis or, for example, an ulcer.

To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow the existing recommendations:

  • drink soda solution half an hour before meals: sodium bicarbonate should not take part in the process of digestion of food;
  • dilute tea soda exclusively in hot water so that a chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by hissing, thanks to which the substance is better absorbed by the body;
  • use the solution in a slightly cooled form;
  • introduce soda gradually: start with a quarter teaspoon (per 250 ml of water) and increase the dosage of the powder every 3 days, bringing the volume to 7 g;
  • take a solution of sodium bicarbonate either in courses or constantly, but not every day, but only 1 time per week.

Only with these points in mind, you can count on the positive effect of soda therapy without the occurrence of adverse reactions.

A teaspoon of soda in grams

Another important condition for proper treatment is the exact dosage of the substance used, and in this case soda. Any deviation from the optimal volume provided for by a particular scheme can lead to far from the best consequences. The task is greatly simplified if the house has an electronic kitchen scale, but what to do in a situation where there are none, and it is extremely necessary to measure the right amount of powder - the answer is simple: look at the table containing all the numerical correspondences.

Since sodium bicarbonate, both in cooking and in traditional medicine, is measured in teaspoons, the dose of the powder must be correlated with its capacity.

  • 10 g of the substance is equivalent to one teaspoon with a small slide;
  • 5 g is two-thirds of a spoon;
  • 3 g corresponds to one third;
  • 2 g is the minimum dosage, which is only a quarter of a teaspoon.

In order not to forget these data, they can be recorded in a notebook or diary - this will help to avoid excessive alkalization of the body.

Treatment with sodium bicarbonate

Tea soda is a versatile powder that can provide significant assistance in the treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the huge storehouse of positive properties that it possesses, the substance can rightfully be given a place of honor in the home first aid kit. However, this is not the only advantage: sodium bicarbonate has established itself as a relatively safe remedy, which is important when it comes to treating, for example, children. In addition, a significant advantage of tea soda is its availability and low cost - this allows you to save money and not spend it on expensive drugs.

The list of diseases that sodium bicarbonate helps to cope with is quite large, to name just a few of them.

  1. Viruses of the respiratory tract, as well as colds, the characteristic companions of which are a runny nose, cough, itching and sore throat. You can reduce such manifestations by rinsing with a soda solution, for the preparation of which you need to dissolve 7 g of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water. You can replace this type of procedure by drinking a milk-soda cocktail: 7 g of powder must be added to 250 ml of boiling milk, mixed thoroughly and drunk, usually done at night. A variant of inhalation using soda is also known, all that is needed is a liter of water and 20 g of the product. After adding baking soda to boiling water, breathe over a saucepan with therapeutic steam for 5 minutes. With a runny nose, a solution of soda can be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops are enough in each nasal passage.
  2. Soda solution can be used to rinse the mouth in order to reduce such an inflammatory process as flux or stomatitis. The solution is prepared according to the above scheme.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate is allowed to be used in the form of lotions or baths to relieve swelling and eliminate pus in panaritium. All that is required is to make a solution of 250 ml of water and 7 g of soda, and then dip the inflamed finger into it for 15-20 minutes, or wrap it with a gauze bandage soaked in this liquid.
  4. Tea soda is indispensable for poisoning or rotovirus infections, which are often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In fact, these symptoms are very dangerous, because they can cause an extremely critical condition - dehydration. The use of a soda-salt solution will help replenish the lost fluid, the preparation of which requires a liter of water, 4 g of soda and about 7 g of edible salt.
  5. A single application of a sodium bicarbonate solution is recommended for arrhythmia or hypertension - 7 g dissolved in 250 ml of water is enough.
  6. It is known that tea soda helps to relieve itching and burning of the skin, so it is logical to use it as a substance added to the bath for urticaria or psoriasis. The required amount of powder in this case is 400 g. You can additionally add 500 g of sea salt, while reducing the volume of soda to 200 g - the therapeutic effect in this situation will only increase.
  7. Since this ingredient has a destructive effect on various kinds of fungi, it can be used in the form of a solution for washing with thrush, as well as for performing baths for onychomycosis - toenail fungus. Both options for the procedures involve 10-15 g of soda powder per 1 liter of water.
  8. Inflammation of the prostate gland can also be treated with tea soda, for this it is necessary to perform lotions based on this remedy. The solution is prepared as follows: 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and 5 ml of iodine are dissolved in a liter of water.

In addition, tea soda is used in the treatment of diseases of the joints, as well as to cleanse the blood vessels. It is worth considering this point in more detail.

Help soda with clogged vessels

Probably, many have heard such a word as "cholesterol", but not everyone knows the essence of this substance. In fact, cholesterol is an important cellular component, since it plays an important role in the process of digestion, the synthesis of male and female sex hormones, and vitamin D. Lowering cholesterol inevitably leads to a weakening of the immune system, but its excessive increase is also not good. It is known that the body produces about 75% of this substance on its own, but every day a person receives the lion's share of cholesterol with food, since this component is part of many products.

As a result, cholesterol accumulates in the blood, so-called plaques are formed, which settle on the walls of blood vessels, clogging them and interfering with the process of normal blood circulation. As a result, the brain begins to suffer: it begins to receive less oxygen and various nutrients. In addition, frequent headaches occur, vision falls, hearing is lost, but the most serious danger lies in the fact that a person with high cholesterol levels significantly increases the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

All this makes us think about the importance of regular cleansing of the circulatory system. And in this situation, tea soda can be of great help, namely, a solution with its addition. This will not only strengthen the vessels and increase their elasticity, but also generally improve the activity of the heart and the entire vascular system.

It is necessary to use soda solution strictly 30 minutes before meals or a few hours after it 2 or 3 times a day for one month. It is recommended to start taking tea soda with a small dose of the substance - about a fifth of a small spoon, but every 3 days this volume should be gradually increased - this tactic will help the body adapt to the solution without side effects. There is an alternative method of such treatment - sodium bicarbonate for preventive purposes can be taken regularly, but in this case, you need to drink the solution not every day, but only 1 time per week.

Joint treatment

Severe joint pain can be the cause of the onset of the process of cartilage destruction, usually such phenomena are characteristic of diseases such as gout, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. If timely measures are not taken to eliminate one of these pathologies, complications may arise, consisting in limiting motor activity. In this situation, you can use the drugs that the attending physician will recommend, but do not forget about more accessible methods of therapy, for example, about tea soda.

In the treatment of joint pathologies, sodium bicarbonate helps in the following ways:

  • reduces the localized inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain syndrome;
  • helps to reduce swelling;
  • improves metabolic processes in the joints;
  • restores cartilage.

This situation provides for several options for soda therapy: the use of a solution made on the basis of tea soda inside, as well as the implementation of baths and compresses using this powder. Preparing a drink is quite simple: approximately 4 g of sodium bicarbonate must be added to 250 ml of hot water, then mix the ingredients thoroughly and cool the liquid. The dosage of the substance should be gradually increased, gradually bringing it up to a volume of 7 g. The soda solution should be consumed in the traditional way: half an hour before meals twice a day. The optimal course is a month.

A more complex technique is characterized by compresses, which involve a mixture of not only water and tea soda, but also some other components. So, according to the first recipe, it is necessary to combine sodium bicarbonate, honey, dry mustard and sea salt in equal proportions. A similar gruel should be applied to sore spots, and then wrap these areas with cling film and a warm cloth.

An excellent alternative is gruel obtained by mixing soda, kerosene and honey (1: 10: 10). This tool should also lubricate the most painful areas and hold for at least 30 minutes. Both versions of the compress involve a course of sessions for 14 days.

And finally, the easiest way to help sore joints is to take a bath with the addition of 400 g of sodium bicarbonate. For such a procedure, only 20 minutes are enough, but such baths should be performed for at least a month.

Soda for potency

You can often find the opinion that sodium bicarbonate acts on the male body as an aphrodisiac, but such a conclusion is nothing but a delusion: tea soda is not an stimulant, but, due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, it can eliminate the causes that lead to potency disorders. Such a healing effect is achieved due to certain properties of the powder: sodium bicarbonate strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins, improves blood circulation, eliminates the phenomenon of prostatitis, as well as prostate adenoma.

There are several ways to use tea soda to restore erectile function.

  1. Soda baths, which are recommended to be taken for 20-30 minutes immediately before bedtime. It is not difficult to prepare a solution for their implementation: it is necessary to dilute 500 g of powder in 3 liters of hot water, and then, after the disappearance of all the crystals, pour the resulting liquid into a pre-prepared bath. A cool shower at the end of such a procedure will have a tonic effect on the body and improve blood circulation.
  2. Microclysters with a solution of sodium bicarbonate can also help in the return of male power. An important condition for fulfillment is the use of exclusively boiled water, to which approximately 10 g of the substance must be added. Such procedures should be carried out using Esmarch's mug, but this therapy should not be carried out too often, as this can lead to washing out of beneficial microflora.
  3. The use of soda solution - this method is more suitable for preventive purposes. Pour soda (4 g) into 250 ml of warm milk, but you need to take such a cocktail once a day half an hour before meals, while 10 days will be enough.

To enhance the positive effect, the treatment can be performed in a complex way, that is, to combine the intake of sodium bicarbonate solution with baths and microclysters.

tea soda and cucumber

Those who wish to lose weight may find it useful to know another method - combining a soda solution consumed on an empty stomach with a cucumber diet. The use of this particular product is quite understandable: just like sodium bicarbonate, cucumbers remove toxins, excess fluid and “bad” cholesterol, they are able to normalize bowel function, enrich the body with vitamins B, C and PP and strengthen immunity in general.

The main essence of the diet is to use 2 kg of cucumbers and a liter of kefir with a low percentage of fat content for 1-5 days. It is known that such abstinence from food relieves up to 7 kg of excess weight. If you approach the issue of acquiring a slender figure in a complex way, that is, take water with the addition of sodium bicarbonate, perform soda wraps or baths, you can achieve much better results.

The benefits of tea soda for human health are undeniable, its healing properties help strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of many diseases, and also get rid of them. However, despite the relative safety of the substance, you should not overdo it with this powder: excessive consumption of soda solution can cause a negative reaction of the body, the logical consequence of which will be the emergence of new ailments.

Hello, our dear readers. We have already considered in previous articles what kind of plant it is - willow-herb (angut-leaved fireweed), its benefits for humans, and its unique chemical composition. Today we have prepared for you a more detailed article about what Ivan tea treats and its effect in the treatment of various diseases and, of course, how to take it and how to prepare it.

The properties of Ivan-tea are very well known for those people who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the stomach and digestion. The mucus, tannins and other substances contained in its composition cope very well with the foci of inflammation of the stomach and intestines and envelop the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is prescribed as an effective adjuvant for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis. Taking drinks from Ivan-tea (fireweed), they have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion processes, fight constipation, flatulence, and diarrhea.

Ivan-tea recipe for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

You will need:

  • fireweed leaves finely chopped - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.


To prepare a drink recipe that has a good astringent effect, you need to mix two cups of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fireweed leaves and leave them to brew in a thermos for 6 hours.

How to use:

In this case of treatment, such herbal tea should be taken 1/4 cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe for the treatment of Ivan-tea gastritis, ulcers and their prevention

You need to take:

  • mashed Ivan tea - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

How to brew and take:

For the treatment of symptoms of peptic ulcer and gastritis, a decoction of willow-tea should be taken. Prepared 3 tablespoons of grated dry tea is poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled for 15 minutes, filtered and so much water is added to make the initial volume of the drink. 2 tablespoons of the resulting product should be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening right during meals. By the way, the same remedy can be used to treat headaches, gargle with acute tonsillitis and heal wounds on the skin (in this case, compresses are made).

The effect of fireweed on the nervous system

For its good ability to have a calming effect on people with increased nervousness and excitability, fireweed is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment for various kinds of neurosis and even mental illness. In stressful situations, Ivan-tea will help to cope with a nervous state and normalize sleep. This is facilitated by the presence of protein in it and a large amount of vitamins and minerals, the action of which has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.

Recipe for the treatment of the nervous system with Ivan-tea

Have to take:

  • boiled hot water - 1 glass;
  • dry crushed willow tea - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to prepare and take a decoction:

If you feel constant fatigue, irritation and lack of healthy sleep for a long time, try drinking a decoction made from 1 glass of hot boiled water and 1 tablespoon of chopped willow-tea for 1 month. The drink must be infused for half an hour, then strain and consume 1/3 cup daily before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ivan-tea in the treatment of the genitourinary system

The same protein, as well as the presence of such elements necessary for a person as iron, calcium, potassium, boron, sodium and others, makes Ivan tea (fireweed) an indispensable healer of diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. For the stronger sex, it helps to fight prostatitis and prostate adenoma, significantly improves potency and restores male strength. The beautiful half of humanity is recommended to use Ivan-tea if they have problems with the regularity of menstruation, there are negative side effects with PMS and menopause. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is an excellent remedy for treating cystitis and diseases caused by harmful bacteria.

Treatment of prostatitis with Ivan tea - recipe:

Required for the recipe:

  • fireweed dry - 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 cups boiling water.

How to prepare and take:

To prepare a healing composition that can save a man from prostatitis, you will need the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of dry fireweed, 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be insisted for 10-15 minutes, then passed through a fine sieve or gauze and put in a cool place. It should be taken twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening half an hour before going to bed.

Another recipe for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs. One tablespoon of dry leaves is taken, poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for two hours and filtered. The doctor also determines the doses and the scheme of use.

Treatment of Ivan-tea ENT diseases, eye diseases

Since Ivan tea is famous for its effective antiseptic effect on inflamed organs, therapy with its use is also prescribed for patients with diseases of the respiratory system, with common colds and SARS, diseases of the ears, throat and even eyes. Drinks prepared from this plant are used as an antipyretic at high temperatures. Rinses with the same compositions can significantly improve the condition of the oral cavity, prevent the appearance of caries and periodontal disease, and also have a healing effect in case of stomatitis.

Sinusitis Treatment


  • dried Ivan tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled water - 1 glass.

How to use Ivan-tea in the treatment of sinusitis:

For the treatment of sinusitis, the following remedy is used: 1 tablespoon of dried willow tea is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

With the same composition, you can wash your eyes with conjunctivitis. For inflammation of the middle ear, it is recommended to take only a warm infusion, as it is used to moisten cotton swabs that are placed in the ears.

The positive effect of Ivan-tea on the circulatory system

Thanks to the unique combination of vitamins and minerals, fireweed successfully copes with diseases such as anemia and anemia. Regular intake of Ivan-tea drinks helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, normalize the functioning of all systems as a whole, improves immunity and fills the body with vigor and strength. The increased content of antioxidants makes it an active fighter against free radicals, able to prevent the harmful effects of these particles on cells and protect them from premature aging. Its positive effect is manifested in how quickly Ivan-tea (fireweed) cleanses the vessels and other body systems of toxins, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Ivan tea recipe for anemia treatment

Have to take:

  • Ivan tea dry or fresh - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled water - 1 glass.

Prepare and receive:

The recipe for a decoction used for anemia is also easy to prepare, as above: 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh fireweed is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, passed through gauze and placed in the refrigerator. This mixture should be taken 1 tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The duration of the course is best discussed with your doctor.

Skin diseases, their treatment with Ivan-tea

Being an excellent antiseptic, Ivan tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It helps in the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis and eczema, regardless of the nature of their origin. Also, fireweed drinks are recommended for patients with psoriasis, as it greatly facilitates the course of the disease and the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

In addition to decoctions and infusions, preparations are made from it for external use, which are used to wash open wounds, scratches and abrasions. Such compresses not only accelerate healing, but also rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. The beneficial substances contained in this plant are able to accelerate the synthesis of collagen, due to which the skin becomes less susceptible to age-related changes and retains a young and attractive appearance longer.

Ivan tea in the treatment of oncology

One of the most important properties of willow tea is the ability to fight cancerous tumors. It is usually included in collections of several herbs and used for the prevention and treatment of cancer (usually as an additional remedy for medical preparations). Although some adherents of traditional medicine claim that fireweed successfully fights malignant tumors on its own, without the addition of other ingredients.

Recipe for the treatment of cancer with Ivan tea


  • fresh Ivan-tea - 10 gr;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to prepare and take:

Even many doctors suggest that patients with such a diagnosis take the following decoction 3 times a day shortly before meals: pour 10 grams of fresh herbs of Ivan-tea with 1 glass of warm water, bring the mixture to a boil, hold it on low heat for another 15 minutes, then insist in for 1 hour and strain. The recommended dose is 1 tablespoon of the drink at one time.

More useful and healing Ivan-tea recipes

Treatment of purely male diseases. To prepare a healing drink, you need 15 g of dry tea and 200 ml of boiling water. The composition filled with water is infused for one hour, then filtered and taken one tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Treatment of otitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. In this case, 2 tablespoons of tea are poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water, left to infuse for 6 hours, filtered and taken according to the doctor's prescription.

Preparation of an analgesic and soothing infusion. 1 tablespoon of ready-made dry tea is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 45 minutes, passed through cheesecloth and taken 1 tablespoon three times a day. This remedy is especially effective for insomnia and nervous disorders.

Preparing an infusion for a steam bath before a cosmetic massage. 1 tablespoon of fireweed flowers is poured into a glass of hot water and used immediately, until the mixture has cooled.

Making an anti-inflammatory mask. To do this, you must first insist 10 ml of fireweed flowers on alcohol or vodka, then add half a small spoon of salt and oatmeal to them. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed to the state of liquidish sour cream and applied to the face for about 10 minutes.

When else is it good to use Ivan tea

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are usually not recommended to get involved in herbal preparations, as they can have a negative impact on the health of the baby, but these prohibitions do not apply to Ivan tea. Studies have shown that with its moderate use, no side effects have been identified. In addition, due to the universal combination of useful components, it is able to have a beneficial effect on the health of mother and child, increase the production of breast milk and alleviate the condition of babies during teething.
Anyone who wants to always be cheerful and full of energy is recommended to use Koporye tea twice a day, which is prepared according to a very simple recipe: 1 teaspoon of dry fireweed is poured into 1 cup of boiling water in an ordinary teapot and infused in the same way as regular black tea. The positive effect of taking this drink is felt within a few days after you start using the decoction.

Why was tea called “a cure for the darkness of diseases” in ancient times?
Nowadays, tea, along with coffee and cocoa, is the top three most popular drinks. But while coffee and cocoa can have adverse side effects, tea, when followed by a few simple rules, is good for everyone, young and old. There is not much caffeine in tea, but it is enough to keep the spirit cheerful and the head fresh. Tea contains vitamins C, P, B1, B2. Tea dissolves fats well and therefore promotes digestion, theophylline improves the patency of the coronary artery, strengthens the heart and gives tea a diuretic effect.
These and other properties make tea an excellent health drink. In ancient times, it was treated as a miraculous medicine. The "Book of the Sui Dynasty (VI-VII centuries AD)" tells the story of the Sui emperor Wen-di, whose suffering could not be alleviated by any medicine. In the end, the emperor resorts to tea and is completely cured. Chen Cangqi, a physician in the Tang Dynasty (7th-9th centuries AD), praises tea as "a cure for a host of diseases." He writes: tea “... quenches thirst and banishes diseases. How valuable tea is! ... Each medicine is for its own disease, and tea is a medicine for the darkness of diseases.
According to legend, in China, the homeland of tea, it was used as a medicine four thousand years ago, when tea was still a wild plant. Subsequently, people began to "prepare decoction drinks", and tea gradually began to turn from a medicine into a healing drink. Gradually, the art of cultivating the tea bush, or, as they say in China, the tea tree, was improved, and knowledge was accumulated about the beneficial effects of tea on the body. Gu Yuan-qing, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 centuries AD) in his "Register of Teas" describes in detail: "can quench thirst, digest food and eliminate inflammation, reduce sleep and open the way for urine, clarify vision and beneficially for thinking, eliminates nervousness and banishes boredom. Modern scientists confirm the multifaceted preventive and therapeutic effects of tea on the body. In Japan, tea is generally referred to as "cinnabar of spirituality and the medicine of wisdom", which heals diseases and prolongs life.

What does tea heal?
In addition to being easy to prepare, economical and hygienic, tea removes radioactive elements from the body and is rich in many nutrients that prolong life. Scientists estimate that tea leaves contain about three hundred ingredients, including proteins, fats, more than 10 types of vitamins, as well as tea phenol, theine and lipid sugars. Therefore, tea nourishes the body, regulates physiological processes and has a general healing effect. Tea is especially useful for middle-aged and elderly people.
Vitamins C, E, D, nicotinic acid and iodine owe tea its reputation as a drink of longevity. The phenols contained in tea leaves absorb radioactive substances, removing even strontium-90 deposited in the bones from the body. According to studies, 1-3% of tannin in the stomach is excreted from the body along with feces 30-40% of strontium. Therefore, tea is indispensable in the difficult ecological situation of our time.
Theine dilates blood vessels, activates oxygen metabolism and improves muscle tone without an increase in heart rate and pressure. Tea also has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, stimulates the kidneys, strengthens the heart and stomach, and helps to eliminate toxins. Theine in combination with tea phenol prevents an increase in cholesterol levels in the body and therefore tea can be used to prevent myocardial infarction. Tea phenol, like vitamin D, also contributes to good vascular patency.
Thanks to the above action, tea has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic function, strengthens muscles and bones, and supports thyroid function. The healing effect of tea is especially pronounced in middle age, when a person often, as they say, “becomes kinder”. Being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, while theine and other tea ingredients serve as a good preventive measure for these diseases. In addition, tea invigorates, removes fatigue and has a bactericidal effect, so it is recommended to increase tea consumption in middle age.
The beneficial effects of tea are summarized in the following 15 positions:

  • Tea invigorates the spirit, increases brain activity, improves memory.
  • Tea relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive system.
  • Tea effectively prevents tooth decay. According to the results of studies conducted in England, in children who regularly drink tea, the incidence of caries is reduced by 60%.
  • Tea is rich in beneficial trace elements.
  • Tea inhibits the growth of malignant tumors, and significantly reduces the risk of cell transformation into cancerous ones.
  • Tea contains zinc, which is necessary for pregnant women.
  • Tea slows down the aging process of cells and therefore promotes longevity. Tea leaves give a rejuvenation effect that is 18 times greater than that of vitamin E.
  • Tea slows down the formation of fatty deposits on the inner surface of blood vessels, thus reducing the likelihood of sclerosis, hypertension and cerebral clots.
  • Tea stimulates the central nervous system and increases joint mobility.
  • Tea well reduces weight and improves skin condition. A particularly noticeable effect is given by pu-erh and oolong teas (Black Dragon).
  • Tea can be used to prevent cataracts.
  • Tea tannin kills many bacteria and therefore prevents stomatitis, tonsillitis, enteritis and other intestinal infections.
  • Tea supports the hematopoietic function of the body. In addition, tea contains substances that neutralize harmful radiation, so drinking tea in front of the TV on protects against radiation and preserves vision.
  • Tea maintains the acid-base balance of the blood due to the content of such alkaloids as caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. In the body, tea is quickly absorbed, resulting in the formation of substances in a concentration sufficient for the timely neutralization of acid waste that enters the bloodstream.
  • Tea has a cooling effect. A few minutes after a cup of hot tea, the skin temperature drops by 1-2°C, which gives a feeling of coolness and freshness. With cold tea, this effect is not observed.

How many varieties and types of tea are there in China? How do they affect health?
China is often referred to as the "king of tea". As a result of the long cultivation of tea, more than 350 types of tea bushes have been bred, and the number of varieties of tea currently produced already exceeds a thousand.
According to the processing method, Chinese teas can be divided into the following categories:

  • fermented tea.
  • Semi-fermented tea.
  • Fairly well stored due to low moisture content.
  • Unfermented tea.
  • Teas made from loose leaves and young buds.
  • Tender tips and full buds are harvested from the bushes in early spring, when the temperature is still low, and dried outdoors in a cool breeze.
  • Teas softened by steam and then pressed.
  • They are produced from rough hard leaves with steam heating and pressed. Designed mainly for ease of transportation to remote areas, designed for long-term storage.
  • Teas with the addition of natural fragrant flowers.

This classification helps to understand a little in the sea of ​​​​teas, but only if you do not forget that it is often used in conjunction with other classifications:

  • according to the type of tea bush: Gua-pian (Melon slice), Da-fan (Big square), Mao-jian (Hairy tips), Mao-feng (Hairy peaks);
  • according to the final form of tea leaves: Chan-chao-qing (Young, dried long), Yuan-chao (Dried round), Pian-chao-qing (Young, dried flat), Zhu cha (Pearls);
  • at the place of production: Xi-hu Lung-jing (Dragon Well of Lake Xi-hu), Du-jun Mao-jian (Dujun Fuzzy Tips), Wu-i-yan cha (Wu-i Cliff Tea);

Teas of different varieties vary greatly in composition and, as a result, in their effects on the body. So in lu cha (green tea) the content of vitamin C and tea phenol is much higher than in hong cha (red tea), and due to this, green tea has a much more pronounced antibacterial, anti-radiation and anti-sclerotic effect, it effectively lowers blood sugar and improves blood composition. Since flower teas (hua cha) are made on the basis of green teas, they have the same medicinal properties as green tea. But for older people, especially those suffering from constipation, strong green tea can be harmful, as it has a fixing effect. On the other hand, red tea strengthens the stomach and is a good diuretic. Therefore, red tea is indispensable in old age.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the choice of teas should be approached individually. In general, experts recommend that children and adolescents drink weakly brewed tea, as well as rinse their mouths with tea. In the period of growing up, green tea is especially useful, and red tea should never be brewed hard. At this time, teenagers have a very unstable psyche, and therefore flower tea suits them well. It cleanses the liver and removes toxins, thereby normalizing physiological processes, and also helps to establish a regular menstrual cycle in young girls. Flower tea is also useful for men suffering from prostatitis. Women after childbirth benefit from red tea with yellow sugar. Mint tea is good for people with stomach problems, and flower tea is good for people suffering from liver diseases. Those who do manual labor should drink red tea, and knowledge workers should drink green tea. For those who want to lose weight, oolong and pu-erh are ideal. The Japanese generally call oolong tea "the magic medicine of beauty and health." French women call Yunnan pu-erh "the enemy of fat", "tea for weight loss". Pu-erh does not irritate the gastric mucosa, and oolong tea, in addition, has a diuretic effect. Since the caffeine content in these teas is low, they are not contraindicated for anyone.

What explains the anti-cancer effect of tea? What teas are best for cancer prevention?
Among modern centenarians and elderly people with good health, there are many passionate tea lovers. This group, among other things, is characterized by a high proportion of men and a low risk of cancer. Lifestyle studies of fifty-sixty-year-old people have shown that tea is an effective means of preventing cancer. Research on this topic is being actively conducted in China, Japan, America, England, France, Russia, Canada, Turkey, and South Korea.
It has recently been found that green, pressed, flower, oolong and red teas prevent the formation and neutralize the action of nitroso compounds, which are powerful carcinogens. For tea stored for about a year, this ability is reduced by only 10%. At room temperature, this ability drops significantly in the first three hours after brewing, and in the next 24 hours it decreases only by 15-34%. Medical studies show that 1 gram of tea, poured three times with portions of water of 150 grams, gives a partial interfering effect, and 3-5 grams completely neutralize nitroso compounds. In animal experiments, a significant slowdown in the growth of tumors in the alimentary tract of rats was noted, especially pronounced for Fujian tea, Tie Guanyin tea, Hainan green tea, Hong-sui cha and Chao-qing tea from Hangzhou.
And yet, the championship in this area, according to scientists, holds green tea. Since 1986, the Chinese Medical Institute of Prevention and the Research Institute of Food and Hygiene have been researching the anti-cancer properties of various types of tea. The average coefficient of resistance to the formation of nitroso compounds is 65%, but if for red tea it is 43%, then for green tea it reaches an average of 82%, and for some varieties of green tea it exceeds 85%.
Green tea generally occupies one of the first places among foods with anti-cancer properties. In a study conducted by the Chinese Medical Research Institute of Oncology on the anti-cancer properties of 108 different products, it was green tea that showed the most pronounced effect, leaving behind red tea, tree mushrooms xiang-gu, hou-tou and ling-zhi, and golden beans.
What explains the pronounced anti-cancer effect of tea? Most experts point to a high content of tea phenol, reaching 20%, the main components of which are various theins. Theine slows down the process of oxidation and thus can prevent the formation of carcinogens in the body, kill cancer cells and inhibit their growth. In addition to tea phenol, tea contains many vitamins C and E, lipid sugars, it also contains a small amount of zinc and selenium. Apparently, the anti-cancer properties of tea are generated by the combination of all these substances with tea phenol. According to recent studies, green tea, especially elite varieties, gives the best results. Recommended 3 grams for two pours of 150 grams of water, some time after a meal. This amount of tea contains the optimal daily dose of tea phenol - 500 milligrams.

Does tea promote longevity?
It is reported that during the reign of Da-zhong "The Great Middle" of the Tang Dynasty (7th-9th centuries AD), a 130-year-old monk arrived from the eastern capital, Lo-yang. Emperor Xuanzong, seeing the vigor and strength of the monk, asked: “What kind of miraculous medicine allows you to enjoy life for so long?” The monk, laughing, answered: “I am from a poor family, and never took medicine in my childhood. I just love tea." Xuanzong then gave him the Buddhist name Cha-wu-shih-jin "50 jing of tea" and settled him in the Monastery of Longevity.
The revolutionary of the old generation Zhu De, having tasted Yun-wu “cloud curtain” tea in the Lu-shan mountains, immediately took up a pen at the table and wrote a poem with the following lines: “Cloud curtain tea from the Lu-shan mountains / with a thick taste and life-giving action - / is like a drink of immortality. / In it is a way to gain long years of life. Zhu De lived to be 90 years old. Tea brought him health and longevity.
Tea prevents the development of many chronic diseases, since regular consumption of tea maintains a stable level of amino acids and vitamins, which is especially important in old age. Tea is rich in minerals and just those that are not often found in other foods: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, and the elderly often lack these minerals. We should not forget about such medicinal components as caffeine, tannin, vitamin P. Caffeine is an excellent vasodilator, it speeds up breathing and increases muscle mobility without speeding up the heart rate and without increasing blood pressure. The combined action of caffeine and tannin prevents the increase in cholesterol levels and due to this tea prevents the development of diseases of the heart and coronary arteries. In addition, tea improves the protective functions of cells, has a pronounced anti-cancer effect, prevents the formation of fat clots, and can increase the temperature of T-shaped lymph cells. Caffeine and catechin have a strong antioxidant effect, while tannin is responsible for astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.
The Chinese News of Hygiene published the results of experiments carried out by a small research group of a specialized institute of air force medicine. During these experiments, the effect of commercially available red, flower and green teas on the lifespan of experimental animals was studied. All of these teas not only halved the mortality rate and prolonged the life of the animals, but also greatly increased the activity level of the old animals. At the same time, red tea gave the best results.
Japanese researchers have found that the tannin contained in tea leaves slows down tissue aging much more effectively than vitamin E. An extract of cells from the liver of a white rat was placed in a solution that promotes oxidation. When added to one liter of a solution of 5 milligrams of vitamin E, fat oxidation decreased by 4%, and 5 milligrams of tannin slowed down the oxidation process by 74%, that is, more than 18 times compared to vitamin E.
So, regular consumption (but not abuse) of tea undoubtedly delays the onset of old age. If you add other health-promoting agents to tea, you can achieve even more amazing results. Many such recipes, in which tea is combined with various medicinal substances, have been developed throughout the long history of Chinese medicine. Most of them add strengthening and nourishing substances of a sweet taste and neutral nature to tea, which have a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, blood and qi, regulate the balance of yin-yang, preserve the seed and nourish the spirit, and increase the intellect. When translated into the language of modern medicine, the above effects correspond to an increase in the production of antibodies and an improvement in the functioning of the immune system, and this is directly related to slowing down the aging process.

How did tea spread around the world?
It is generally accepted that they began to drink tea in the territory of the modern Chinese province of Sichuan (Four Streams). According to historians, the tradition of drinking tea goes back more than two thousand years. Mentions of tea are found starting from the era of Springs and Autumns (VIII-V centuries BC), but works dedicated to tea and the art of tea appear much later: "Ode to Tea" refers to the IV century. AD, and the famous "Canon of Tea" was already written under the Tanakh (VII-IX centuries AD). The author of the last treatise, Lu Yu, discusses many issues related to the use of tea. Its main principles are: “Transparent and weak - good, in moderation - beautiful; after eating, drink less, before going to bed - do not drink at all; brewing, drinking, drinking, brewing, etc.
Tibetans consider tea along with ghee and tsamba (barley flour) as three staple foods. They have long understood that tea not only helps digestion, but also significantly reduces the risk of exposure to the skin of intense ultraviolet radiation, characteristic of the high plateaus of Tibet. Tibetans like to say that without milk you can live for three days, but without tea you won't last even one.
For a long time, by sea and by land, tea was exported from China in various directions. According to historical sources, at first the main direction of export was western. The famous Silk Road began in the modern province of Shaanxi, passed along the corridor to the west of the Yellow River, through Xinjiang led to Central and Western Asia, Afghanistan, Persia, and further to Rome.
Approximately from the 5th century. AD the Chinese began an active tea trade on the Mongolian borders with Turkish merchants. Judging by Japanese records, during the Sui and Tang dynasties (VI-IX centuries AD), the culture of tea drinking begins to penetrate Japan: a certain high-ranking monk founded a monastery in which tea bushes were bred. In the VI-VII centuries. AD The custom of tea drinking has reached the Koreans. And soon Korea turned to a powerful neighbor with a request to send the seeds of a tea bush to cultivate tea at home. In Europe, tea is mentioned for the first time in Mark Polo's Travel Notes. Approximately in the XVII century. began regular imports of Chinese tea to Europe and America. The first tea house was opened in London. And since that time, tea has gradually become one of the most popular drinks in the world.

How is the tradition of tea drinking changing today?
First of all, the range has expanded. On the one hand, instant teas and tea bags appeared, on the other hand, refreshing iced teas, flavored teas, medicinal teas appeared, tea-based drinks and food products, such as carbonated tea water, tea sparkling wines, tea ice cream, tea mutton soup, tea biscuits, tea syrup.
A new trend is gaining momentum in Japan. Instead of "drinking tea", people prefer to "eat tea". Oolong, red and green teas are used as additives to various foods from noodles to chocolate. The first tea products of this kind were released to the Japanese market in 1953, and since then their range has been constantly expanding. In Tokyo, for example, a French restaurant is very popular, where traditional French cuisine is prepared with the addition of tea crumbs.
Not only does tea crumble serve as a wonderful natural coloring agent, but it also imparts a unique nostalgic flavor to food products, giving the impression of freshness and sophistication. In addition, adding green tea crumbs to food can increase vitamin intake and prevent bad breath.

Is it good for children to drink tea?
It is generally accepted that tea is harmful to children, as it has a too pronounced stimulating effect. Parents are also afraid that tea can damage the spleen and stomach, which are very tender in childhood. In fact, there are no grounds for these fears.
Tea contains phenolic derivatives, caffeine, vitamins, protein, sugars, aromatic compounds, as well as zinc and fluorine, necessary for the development of the child's body. Therefore, tea, subject to moderation, is undoubtedly useful for children. In general, you should not give children more than 2-3 small cups a day, do not brew tea strongly, and even more so give it to drink in the evening. Also, tea should be warm, not hot or cold.
Young children often have an increased appetite and overeat easily. In this case, tea will help, as it dissolves fats, improves intestinal motility and increases the separation of digestive secretions. The vitamins and methionine contained in tea effectively regulate fat metabolism and reduce the feeling of discomfort after fatty meat meals. Tea also removes the "fire", from the excess of which children often suffer. The symptom of fire (according to traditional Chinese medicine) is dryness of the feces, which leads to difficult defecation. To get rid of this problem, some try to give honey and bananas to children, but this only gives a one-time effect. The best way to eliminate "fire" is to regularly consume tea, which according to traditional Chinese medicine is "bitter and cold", and therefore removes fire and heat. The people describe the effect of tea on the body as follows: “at the top it clears the head and eyesight, in the middle it improves the digestion of food, and at the bottom it improves urination and defecation,” and these words undoubtedly have a basis. In addition, as you know, microelements are necessary for the growth of bones, teeth, hair, nails, and the fluorine content in tea, especially in green tea, is much higher than in other plants. Therefore, the consumption of tea not only strengthens the bones, but also prevents tooth decay.
Of course, children, especially toddlers, should not drink a lot of tea, and strong or iced tea should also be avoided. A large amount of tea increases the water content in the body, thereby increasing the load on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea stimulates the child's central nervous system, increases the heart rate, increases the urge to urinate, and can cause insomnia. In a growing child, all body systems are not yet mature, and therefore regular overexcitation, and even more so insomnia, leads to an overuse of nutrients and negatively affects the growth process. Do not infuse tea for too long, as this will release too much tannin into the solution, and tea with a high concentration of tannin can lead to compression of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Combining with food proteins, tannin gives tannic acid protein, which, precipitating, suppresses appetite, negatively affects digestion and assimilation of food. In addition, the stronger the tea is brewed, the less vitamin B1 it contains, and the worse, therefore, iron is absorbed.
So, a little weak tea will benefit children, but strong tea, and even in large quantities, will only do harm.

When is tea bad?
Tea is good for health, but not for everyone, not always and not in any quantities. Some categories of people should drink less tea or eliminate it from their diet altogether.
Pregnant women - Tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which, by stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development. We often hear that since there is less caffeine in red tea, it is not harmful to pregnant women. But, in reality, red and green tea do not differ much in this indicator. According to Japanese researchers, five cups of strong tea drunk per day contains such an amount of caffeine that can lead to underweight in an infant. In addition, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and increases urination, which increases the burden on the heart and kidneys, and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.
Ulcer sufferers—Although tea aids in digestion, those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers and acidity in the stomach should be moderate. A healthy stomach contains a compound of phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of gastric acid in the cells of the stomach wall, but theophylline found in tea can suppress the function of this compound, resulting in excess stomach acid, and increased stomach acid prevents ulcers from healing. Therefore, it makes sense for ulcers to limit tea consumption and in no case drink strong tea. It is better for them to drink tea with milk and sugar, as well as Pu-erh, as this partly removes the stimulation of gastric acid secretion characteristic of tea.
Suffering from atherosclerosis and severe hypertension - Patients with a similar diagnosis should also drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation, stop drinking red and strongly brewed tea. This is due to the fact that tea contains theophylline and caffeine, which have an exciting effect on the central nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex becomes excited, the brain's blood vessels constrict, which is dangerous for those suffering from atherosclerosis and can cause blood clots in the brain.
Insomniacs - Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but regardless of its causes, you should not drink tea shortly before going to bed - due to the stimulating effect of caffeine and aromatic substances. A cup of strong tea before going to bed brings the central nervous system and brain into a state of excitement, the pulse quickens, the blood flow accelerates, it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep.
Patients with High Fever—Fever is accompanied by dilatation of superficial blood vessels and increased perspiration, so high temperature leads to excess consumption of water, dielectrics, and nutrients, which causes thirst. It is generally accepted that strong hot tea quenches thirst well, and therefore is useful at elevated temperatures. But this is far from reality. Recently, British pharmacologists have found that strong tea not only does not benefit those suffering from fever, but, on the contrary, the theophylline contained in tea raises body temperature. Theophylline also has a diuretic effect, and therefore it makes any antipyretic drugs ineffective or ineffective.

What kind of tea should not be drunk?
Do not drink tea with a burnt taste, as well as moldy tea. When the temperature regime is not maintained during the drying of tea leaves, the leaves burn or acquire a smoky smell. If too much charcoal smoke is released during the drying process, benzene group carcinogens settle on the tea leaves. Such teas are harmful to health.
If tea is stored improperly, especially at high temperatures, tea absorbs a large amount of moisture. Already at 8.8% water in tea leaves, the processes of formation of toxic substances become possible, and at 12%, if the temperature allows, the process of reproduction of mold fungi proceeds very quickly. Moldy tea contains a wide variety of toxic fungal growths. Such tea can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, and in serious cases, even diseases of the internal organs.
You can not drink tea hotter than 70 ° - this leads to cancer of the esophagus and throat. Let's cool the tea, this is serious!!

How much tea to drink?
No matter how useful tea is, do not forget about moderation. Excessive consumption of tea means increased stress on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea leads to excitation of the brain, rapid heartbeat, frequent urination, insomnia. Caffeine in high doses has been shown by recent medical studies to contribute to certain diseases. Therefore, with tea you should know when to stop.
On average, 4-5 cups of not very strong tea during the day are beneficial, especially for a middle-aged person. Some cannot do without strong tea, because otherwise they do not feel the taste. In this case, you should limit yourself to 2-3 cups, at the rate of 3 grams of tea leaves per cup, so 5-10 grams of tea comes out per day. Tea is better to drink a little, but often and always freshly brewed. Of course, you should not drink tea at bedtime. It is useful for older people to drink simply boiled water in the evening, it is best to boil it shortly before and then cool it to room temperature.

How to drink tea according to the seasons
The effect of tea varies greatly depending on the time of year, so for the best result, you should choose tea according to the season.
In spring, it is useful to drink fragrant flower teas with a thick aroma. They eliminate the harmful cold accumulated during the winter and stimulate the yang qi “energy”.
Green tea is useful in summer. On hot days, a clear, pure infusion with green leaves gives a feeling of freshness and coolness, and due to the strong astringent effect and high content of amino acids, green tea helps to endure the heat more easily.
Oolong or Tsing-cha is ideal for autumn. By its properties, it occupies a middle position between green and red tea, that is, by nature it is neither cold nor hot. Therefore, it eliminates excess heat from the body and restores various secretions. You can also brew a mixture of green and red teas to get a similar effect.
In winter, it is best to drink red tea. With a sweet taste and warm nature, red tea nourishes the yang energies of the body. The reddish infusion and dark leaves give a warming sensation. Red tea pairs well with milk and sugar, which increase body heat, and the high protein and sugar content is beneficial for digestion and fat absorption.

What is fresh tea? Old tea? What is the best tea?
Usually, tea produced in the current year is called fresh, but consumers are accustomed to considering spring tea, which goes on sale in April-May, as fresh. Old tea is tea that has been stored for more than a year. The proverb says: “The older the wine, the more aromatic; the older the tea, the worse it is.”
Fresh tea, which has just gone on sale, has a pure color, it is transparent and rich, fragrant and pleasant in taste, drinking it is a real pleasure. It is quite understandable why the Chinese prefer to drink fresh tea. But fresh tea in large quantities can be "intoxicating", as freshly harvested and processed tea leaves contain a high content of such active substances as tannin, caffeine, and alkaloids. Theine and aromatic compounds of fresh, strongly brewed tea easily bring the human nervous system into a state of excitement, similar to intoxication - with accelerated blood circulation, a rapid heart rate, and a rapid change of emotions. In addition, fresh tea alkaloids are highly active and have a strong effect on human physiology. Their accumulation in the body leads to intoxication with symptoms such as fever, dizziness, impotence, profuse cold sweat, insomnia and even trembling. In addition, in freshly picked tea, phenols, aldehydes and alcohols are still quite aggressive and stimulate the stomach and intestinal mucosa too much, easily causing stomach pain and swelling of the abdomen in people with impaired bowel function and with chronic gastric diseases. Such people should consume tea harvested at least 15 days ago. During this time, the aggressiveness of biologically active substances in tea leaves decreases and it is this tea that has ideal properties.

Which tea is better to drink - strong or weak?
From the point of view of maintaining health and preventing various diseases, it is better to drink weak tea. Weakly brewed tea invigorates, restores mental and physical strength, but does not excite and does not affect sleep.
A high concentration of caffeine in strong tea leads to overexcitation and can cause disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. For people with weak nerves, the habit of drinking strong tea in the evening threatens with a chronic sleep disorder.
The use of strongly brewed tea, among other things, can cause the tannin contained in the tea leaves to react with protein from foods, the resulting combination of tannin and protein will harden and precipitate, which adversely affects appetite and digestion, reduces the digestibility of food and leads to constipation. In addition, strong tea speeds up the heart rate and causes increased secretion of gastric acid, which is detrimental to those suffering from palpitations, patients with coronary heart disease, with stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Since theine raises body temperature, strong tea can greatly weaken or completely suppress the effect of antipyretics.
Therefore, in the "couplets about tea" popular among the people, there are lines: Dan cha wen yin / Zui yang ren, "Warm, weak tea is best supported." And others: He cha guo noon / fan cha ying, "Drink too strong tea - you become a tea drinker"
One glass of strong tea contains approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine, which is approximately the amount used in medical practice. About 10% of tea drinkers drink more than two cups of strong tea a day (i.e. 200 milligrams of caffeine). Such an amount of caffeine is fraught with hypersensitivity, increased anxiety, irritability. Among those who drink 10 cups a day (1000 milligrams of caffeine), 10% suffer from tinnitus, delirium, sparks in the eyes, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension, uncontrollable trembling.
The lethal dose of caffeine is 10 grams, which is 200 cups of strong tea in a few minutes. It is almost impossible to die this way, but caffeine is addictive and about half of tea drinkers can fall into a vicious circle of ever-increasing caffeine cravings, which is hard on health.
On the other hand, strong tea can be very effective when used for medicinal purposes, for example, in case of poisoning, when the activity of the central nervous system is suppressed, the heartbeat and breathing are greatly slowed down. And compresses from strong tea are good for sunburn. So, it is better to leave strong tea to the doctors, and at the usual time, tea is rather weakly brewed.

Is tea good for alcohol? Does tea help you sober up?
Some resort to tea in order to quickly sober up. According to Chinese medicine, according to the doctrine of yin-yang, alcohol has a sharp taste, which first of all goes to the lungs, the lungs correspond to the skin and interact with the large intestine. As for tea, it promotes the rise of yang energy and stimulates blood circulation, it tastes bitter and belongs to yang. When tea is drunk after alcoholic drinks, it has a stimulating effect on the kidneys, the kidneys govern water, water gives rise to warmth, as a result of which cold stasis occurs, which leads to cloudy urine, excessive dryness of the feces, and impotence. In the well-known treatise of Li Shi-zhen, "Ben-cao gan-mu" it is written: "Tea after wine harms the kidneys, the lower back and hips are filled with heaviness, the bladder becomes cold and sore, and in addition, phlegm accumulates, and swelling appears from the drunk liquid" .
Modern medicine offers a slightly different description. First, the alcohol contained in alcohol has a strong stimulating effect on the heart and blood vessels, and strong tea has a similar effect. Therefore, when the action of tea is added to the action of alcohol, the heart receives even stronger stimulation, which does not bode well for people with weakened heart function.
Secondly, tea after alcohol negatively affects the kidneys. So most of the alcohol is converted first in the liver into acetaldehyde, then into acetic acid, which, decomposing into carbon dioxide and water, is then excreted through the kidneys from the body. Theophylline found in tea speeds up the process of urine production in the kidneys, which leads to the fact that not yet broken down acetaldehyde can get into them, which has a highly stimulating, harmful effect on the kidneys, in some cases life-threatening.
Therefore, alcoholic beverages should not be mixed with tea, and especially with strong tea. It is best to eat fruits - sweet tangerines, pears, apples or, even better, drink watermelon juice. In a pinch, fruit juice or sweetened water will help. Chinese pharmacology also recommends a decoction of kudzu liana flowers or a decoction of kudzu root and mung beans for quick sobering up. If intoxication is characterized by such alarming symptoms as slow breathing, unconsciousness, weakening of the pulse, cold sweat on the skin, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Is it correct to brew tea with boiling water?
It is believed that vitamin C easily decomposes at high temperatures, therefore, they say, tea should not be brewed with boiling water. Japanese researchers have shown that boiling water destroys vitamin C slightly: in the first 15 minutes in brewed tea at a constantly maintained temperature of 100 ° C, 30% of vitamin C decomposes, and only in 60 minutes it will decompose almost completely. But vitamin C, dissolved in ordinary water with a temperature of 100 ° C, decomposes by 83% in 10 minutes. That is, when brewing tea with boiling water, the content of vitamin C in it does not drop so much. This is because tea phenol interacts with iron and copper ions, which accelerate the breakdown of vitamin C, thus tea phenol slows down the rate of vitamin C breakdown.
Brewing tea with boiling water significantly increases the solubility coefficient of beneficial substances contained in tea leaves. In addition to the fact that more valuable substances are released into the liquid, tea also gives a more pronounced aroma and taste. Corresponding experiments showed that in the same time in tea brewed with boiling water, almost three times more valuable substances come out of the leaves into the solution than in tea drenched in water of a lower temperature.
Tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars are important components that affect the quality of tea leaves and the taste of tea. Experiments conducted by Chinese scientists have shown that with an increase in temperature in the tea solution, the content of tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars increases. All these substances, except for sugars, give the highest solubility coefficient at temperatures from 90°C to 100°C. Thus, the use of boiling water for brewing tea increases the content of valuable biological substances in the drink and makes the tea stronger.

What water is best for brewing tea?
In ancient times, people who knew a lot about tea attached great importance to the water on which tea was prepared. We have received many comments on this subject. For example: “Mountain water is the best, river water is average, well water is the worst.” It also happened that a variety of tea was associated with a particular source. For example, in Hangzhou, Long-jing tea on the water from the Hu-pao "Tiger Run" spring is called shuang-jue - "an exceptional couple."
Recent studies confirm the estimates of the ancients. Spring and spring water, filtered through rocks and sand, becomes transparent, and the content of minerals and oxides in it is significantly reduced, which makes it soft. Tea brewed with such water has a perfect color, aroma and smell.
Rain, tap, lake or river water is hard, that is, it contains a lot of calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate. But since when boiling, most of the impurities contained in it decompose or settle, forming scale, the water also becomes soft. Such water, at least, will not ruin good tea leaves.
However, in cities, tap water after cleaning and disinfection often contains a large amount of chlorine ions, smells like bleach or has other unpleasant odors. Therefore, if you use tap water to brew tea, it is better to defend it for one day so that chlorine is removed from it or use a filter to purify the water.
Well water, especially water from deep wells, is not suitable for brewing tea, as it contains many minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and oxides. When brewing, a thin film forms on the surface of the tea, which spoils both the color and taste of the tea.

What is the best container for brewing tea?
In China, the range of tea utensils - teapots, glasses, cups - is immense. Already in ancient times, tea utensils were distinguished by their diversity. The most common were metal utensils - made of gold, silver, copper, tin, alloys - and ceramic - black, white or purple sandy clay. In addition, tea utensils were made from lacquer, jasper, rock crystal, agate and other materials.
In the period from the Tang Dynasty (7th-9th centuries AD) to the Song Dynasty (X-XIII centuries AD), tea was brewed, and therefore teapots were made mainly of metal, and gold and silver teapots were considered the best . Subsequently, along with the custom of brewing tea, ceramic teapots became widespread, which were used separately from the dishes for boiling water. Until now, preference is given to ceramic tea utensils.
Some, especially in winter, brew tea directly in a thermos, believing that this prevents the tea from cooling down. But from the constant high temperature, the color, aroma and taste of tea deteriorate. Some people brew tea in enamelware, believing that this way it can be warmed up whenever they want, or kept on low heat. However, enamel does not allow air to pass through well, which affects the taste of tea, and tea, when boiled, releases too much tannin, which, when absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract, can react with food proteins and, in the end, settles in the digestive tract, suppressing appetite and negatively affecting digestion, up to constipation.
It is best to brew tea in cinnabar (red clay) teapots, as cinnabar is very breathable, so in cold weather such a teapot retains heat, and in hot weather it protects tea from sourness. Over time, the teapot becomes more and more smooth and acquires the grace of antiquity, and the aroma of the brewed tea becomes more pronounced and refined over time, to the point that even empty boiling water poured into the teapot acquires a delicate, faint smell. Today, most tea drinkers prefer purple clay teapots, which are famous for being completely anti-toxic. By itself, the use of teapots made of clay of this variety prolongs the life, so they have always been highly valued among tea lovers. Faience, porcelain, glass do not differ in special advantages, but they do not spoil the taste of tea, therefore they are quite common in everyday life.

What is "tea intoxication"? What to do in case of tea intoxication?
"Tea intoxication" can be caused by strong tea in large quantities or improperly prepared tea. It is also harmful to the human body, like strong alcohol intoxication. Tea on an empty stomach, strong tea on a full stomach, a shock dose of strong tea for an unaccustomed body can lead to intoxication with symptoms such as restlessness, dizziness, impotence in the limbs, discomfort in the stomach, unsteady standing, hunger. Since these symptoms are not as pronounced as in alcohol intoxication, they are usually not paid much attention. As for the different varieties and ways of drinking tea, the greatest danger is strong tea on an empty stomach, as well as the misuse of Gong Fu tea, which is much stronger than other teas. The most susceptible to tea intoxication are weakened people with emptiness in the kidneys. When the described symptoms appear, you should immediately eat something - either a ready-made dish, or sweets, or fruits.

How to choose tea?
First of all, you need to learn to distinguish fresh tea from old tea and real tea from fake tea. Fresh tea leaves give the impression of freshness, they are bright in color, well shaped and form a fairly dense texture. In old tea, the leaves are dull, of different shapes, and hard. Fresh tea is soft and lively to the touch when rubbed in the fingers or rubbed in the palm of the hand, and usually does not color easily. Old tea is dry and easily powdered.
When brewed, fresh tea quickly gives a pronounced pure aroma, the leaves unfold, the tea solution is transparent; at first, the pure color of transparent jade slowly turns into a yellowish hue. Fresh tea has a mild taste. The smell of old tea is muffled, the leaves are sluggish, the liquid is cloudy. Freshly brewed old tea has a dull yellow tint. In real tea, the leaves have a serrated edge, at the fake edge of the leaf they do not have a specific shape. In addition, theine and essential oils give real tea a characteristic flavor that fake tea does not have.
If you are still not sure about the tea, try the following method: Take a pinch of questionable tea and a pinch of real tea, brew both twice, infusing both samples for 10 minutes. After that, put the leaves on a white plate with clean water and consider the shape of the leaves, veins, cloves. In real tea, the veins form a bright pattern, similar to a network, the main vein goes exactly to the top of the leaf, the side veins diverge to the sides for about two-thirds of their length, and then bend upward in an arcuate manner and connect with the branches going up, the reverse side of the leaf of some varieties of tea is covered white fluff, teeth along the edges of the sheet are pronounced, at the bottom of the sheet the teeth are more rare. In counterfeit tea, the veins do not protrude distinctly, the side veins usually go straight to the edges, the teeth along the edge are either not distinct or too rough.

How to store tea?
Since tea easily absorbs odors and moisture, even the best tea quickly loses its quality and taste if stored improperly. There are a lot of factors affecting the safety of tea. Temperature, humidity, specific odors, lighting, air, microbes - all this can have a negative impact. Tea very much absorbs moisture and environmental odors, it is easily stale, and it is possible to properly store tea leaves only by taking into account these features.
The tea leaf has a rather sparse structure, in addition, it contains substances - "friends of water", which intensively absorb water. And when the water content in the tea leaf exceeds 12%, the processes of toxic rebirth begin. Therefore, tea leaves should be stored in a dry, ventilated place.
In any case, tea does not keep for a long time. It is best to drink tea within one month after purchase, as aromatic substances evaporate during long-term storage, chlorophyll and tannin gradually oxidize, and along with them, taste, aroma and transparency gradually disappear.
In order for tea not to stale, it should be stored in a hermetically sealed container without access to light. The tea leaf contains terpenes, porous substances that easily absorb any odors. Therefore, keep tea away from soap, kerosene, alcohol, spices, and other odorous substances. In addition, it makes sense to store teas of different varieties and qualities separately. It is best to keep a commonly used variety separate from one you currently drink infrequently. In this way, the tea will be less exposed to the air. To avoid loss of aroma, it is best to pour a small amount of tea into a small separate jar and fill it as needed. Tin containers are best suited for storing tea, try not to store tea in iron and wooden utensils.
