
What is cornmeal for? Composition and properties of corn flour

Cornmeal is made from yellow corn kernels. This product is not as nutritious as wheat flour, but this does not mean that it does not deserve attention. One of the main advantages is the presence of dietary properties. The chemical composition is represented by macro- and microelements, vitamins, amino acids. Together, they can have a positive effect on the body. Vegetable proteins, fatty acids, fiber also take part in this.

What are the benefits of cornmeal?

Interesting! The described product has never been very popular, and the point is not that it is somehow tasteless or dangerous.

As for the advantages of cornmeal, these include the ability to quickly and permanently saturate, the ability not to spoil for a long time, the content of vegetable proteins in large quantities. For these qualities, bread baked from such raw materials was especially highly valued by those who often go on long trips.

Diet and cornmeal

corn flour pancakes

The benefits and harms of cornmeal for weight loss– what do you need to know? The product is considered low-calorie, but at the same time quickly and for a long time saturates. It is recommended to eat it in order to unload the body, for example, after a plentiful feast. Practice shows that this is an excellent tool that allows you to deal with extra centimeters. When it comes to baking, in order for it to be dietary, you need to use a minimum of eggs, powdered sugar, butter. Even despite the minimum content of these components, the finished baking is crumbly, good in taste.

The effect of cornmeal on the digestive tract

The benefits and harms of cornmeal bread for the digestive tract:"Raw materials" do not contain gluten, therefore, do not cause allergic reactions from the body. Among the positive aspects is the presence of fiber, which ensures the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive system. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the appearance of constipation, get rid of them, and normalize the wave-like contractions of the walls of hollow organs.

Important! Research by scientists has made it possible to establish that the beneficial properties of the described product are still manifested in the ability to provide prevention of oncological diseases involving the colon. Still manages to avoid the development of hemorrhoids.

Corn flour and cholesterol levels

If we talk about the brain, then the content of vitamin B1 is useful for it, without which normal blood circulation is impossible. The same applies to metabolic processes, brain and nervous activity. Continuing the theme the benefits and harms of cornmeal and how to take her, I would like to note that in itself it is saturated with iron, which promotes hematopoiesis, relieving anemia. The condition of the blood vessels improves, they are cleansed and strengthened. They lower cholesterol levels, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle.

Cornmeal is good for the skin

cornmeal mask

Flour is also good for the skin. Eating dishes from it, you can see how the color and texture of the integument changes for the better. The process of cell renewal starts, the elements of the structure are nourished from the inside. Harm or benefit of cornmeal- it depends on what you are using prescription home cosmetics. From it you can make a scrub, a mask. Through caring procedures, you can get rid of impurities on the skin, make it softer, more elastic, and look younger.

This is not the whole list of positive properties of the described product, but it's time to talk about the negative properties. Knowing about them, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

What harm can be done to the body?

The food product in question can cause blood clots, so its use is contraindicated in people prone to thrombosis, as well as after operations. This also includes children whose body reacts painfully to wheat flour, prone to diathesis.

cornmeal bread

At the end of the topic the benefits and harms of cornmeal churek I would like to say that it prevents weight gain, which means that it is not recommended for people who are too thin to eat it. Contraindications include diseases of the gallbladder, liver. If present, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Cornmeal is famous for its ability to make baked goods tender and fluffy. Mistresses prefer it for its amazing taste, as well as valuable properties. Few people know that what is familiar in the culinary world benefits the body, strengthens the immune system and improves heart function. But let's not be unfounded, let's talk about everything in order.

Composition and properties of corn flour

  1. The composition contains many valuable substances that are important for the human body. We are talking about magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, etc. Retinol, tocopherol, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin and thiamine are isolated from vitamins.
  2. For the correct functioning of the most important systems, it is important that amino acids enter the body. They are abundant in corn raw materials, and many are irreplaceable.
  3. Bread made with cornmeal has a longer shelf life than a similar product made from wheat. Accordingly, all valuable substances are stored for much longer.
  4. The man fell in love with the composition for the ability to quickly saturate and prolong this feeling for a long time. Travelers love this type of pastry because you can eat little, but feel full for a long time.
  5. Flour prolongs physical endurance, which is appreciated by athletes, those who lose weight and those who lead an active lifestyle. It is drunk, diluted with water, in order to fill the stomach and lose weight.
  6. Useful qualities apply to patients who have celiac disease. This disease is based on gluten intolerance, and cornmeal does not contain it.
  7. On the basis of the discussed raw materials, dishes with a relatively low calorie content are made. Baking is welcomed in the diet of adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The product does not allow you to gain excess weight, but on the contrary, it starts metabolic processes.
  8. After a heavy feast, flour will help unload the stomach, cleanse the esophagus of congestion, eliminate the effects of intoxication with alcohol and tobacco.
  9. In order to fully enjoy all the most valuable qualities, experts recommend carefully studying the “Composition” column on the back of the package. Flour should not contain harmful impurities that increase calorie content.
  10. The most valuable properties of the discussed raw materials include the fight against anemia (iron deficiency). It contains a lot of iron, which increases hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia.

The benefits and effects of flour on the body

There are many useful properties of this product. Therefore, the impact on the human body is difficult to overestimate.

  1. Thanks to the systematic intake of incoming mineral compounds and vitamins, they help fight urolithiasis, strengthen teeth, and improve the condition of hair and nails.
  2. Flour perfectly forms bone tissue, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and thus prevents a serious disease in the form of atherosclerosis.
  3. It is used in diabetes to lower the concentration of glucose in the blood. The product is especially popular with diabetes mellitus of the second category.
  4. A positive effect can be attributed to the ability to relieve inflammation in the bladder, if urination is accompanied by discomfort and pain.
  5. The impact is truly multifaceted. The raw material is used to form muscle tissue, which is useful for children and athletes. Incoming antioxidants affect youth, prolonging it and preventing early tissue aging.
  6. It is enough to include the product in the basic diet and consume it regularly to improve complexion, hair condition, strength of teeth and nail plates. The effect includes the ability to regenerate skin cells.
  7. Flour of this variety has a positive effect on the entire body. It is prescribed for reception instead of wheat for people who have difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract and the entire esophagus as a whole. The composition contains fiber, which cleanses the intestinal tract from congestion and thereby prevents constipation.
  8. There is an opinion that this kind of product helps to prevent oncological changes in the body, namely in the colon. This is possible because the flour stops the unfortunate cancer cells and blocks the blood flow to them.
  9. Also, the product is suitable for people with susceptibility to hemorrhoids. It is also worth mentioning that flour has the ability to remove bile, which is why it is so often prescribed for use in therapeutic diets for the gallbladder and liver.
  10. The composition contains various vitamins belonging to the B group. Thiamine is considered especially valuable, which controls brain activity and improves the most important cognitive functions for a person.

  1. Undoubtedly, the product has a lot of positive qualities, but, like any other raw material, there are contraindications. Corn flour can cause increased blood density. Therefore, it is not recommended to include the composition in the diet with a tendency to form blood clots. The same applies to people who have recently undergone surgery.
  2. It has been noted that the product prevents rapid weight gain. Undoubtedly, this quality is good for those people who are struggling with extra pounds. Flour can harm those who, on the contrary, have problems with underweight. Also, do not include the composition in the diet with poor appetite and anorexia.
  3. It is not recommended to include in the diet products that include cornmeal if you suffer from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in an acute form. It is also worth knowing that the composition provokes the release of bile. Therefore, strictly control the consumption of cornmeal in diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  4. In some cases, the product can have a positive effect on health. Do not take risks and consult your doctor in advance. It is not recommended to include corn flour in the diet for children who suffer from diathesis. Check with your pediatrician.
  5. It is important to note that genetically modified corn is most often found on store shelves. Almost everyone knows what negative impact such products have on a person. Therefore, when buying ready-made flour, pay attention to the mark that the raw materials were used unchanged.

Rules for the consumption of cornmeal

  1. Corn flour is sold in any grocery supermarket. Also, the powder can be easily prepared independently. The disadvantage of the latter method is that some of the nutrients will be irretrievably lost. There are many variations in the preparation of dishes from such flour.
  2. In order not to bother much, it is enough to cook porridge based on raw materials. This dish is perfect as a breakfast on fasting days. At the same time, porridge must be cooked in water and without the addition of any harmful sweeteners or salt.
  3. To prepare more appetizing dishes, you should consider a few recipes. To prepare delicious cakes, enter in 400 gr. cornmeal 10 gr. baking powder, 230 ml. kefir and salt to taste. Stir the mixture thoroughly to avoid clumping the composition. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, enter the grated zest of 1 lemon. Next, form cakes and fry them in a pan in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  4. In addition to tortillas, you can cook tortillas. It's basically the same thing, just thinner. Mexican pancakes are pretty easy to make. Mix 700 gr. flour with 10 gr. salt and 12 gr. baking powder. Enter into the composition of 30 ml. vegetable oil. Gradually add hot water. Knead the dough by hand. Form into a ball and leave in the cup for 12 minutes. cover with a towel. Cut the composition into several pieces and roll up thin pancakes. Fry without oil in a pan.

Cornmeal is a real find in the field of cooking. It has a low calorie content, but at the same time it saturates well and promotes weight loss. The effect on the body is multifaceted, which encourages people to increasingly cook pastries based on corn.

Video: beneficial properties of corn grits

Flour is a universally recognized food product. It is obtained by grinding grains. Consumers associate flour with the processing of wheat and rye. But it's not right. This product is obtained from various cereals. Each plant has certain properties. It can be beneficial or harmful. Corn is no exception. What are the benefits and harms of cornmeal?

How and what is corn flour made from?

The grains are removed from the plant and dried. Dried grains are ground in impact or grinding machines. When grinding whole grains, a wholemeal flour is obtained, which contains various fractions. Its properties have found application in bakery products. Fine grinding requires separation of fractions to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Its properties are indispensable in the confectionery industry.

Chemical composition of cornmeal

The plant contains more than twenty useful substances. It includes vital organic compounds:

  • retinol (A);
  • carotenes;
  • a number of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • choline is a vitamin-like formation;
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • vitamins of groups K;
  • nicotinic acid (PP).

Nutritional value and calorie content of cornmeal

Corn flour is high in calories. Its calorie content per 100 grams of the product is 331 kcal. It is 56.3% carbohydrates. 22% are dietary fiber. The share of beks is 8.78%. 2.31% is fat. And only 0.55% is water.

Benefits of cornmeal

The beneficial properties of cornmeal have been known for a long time. Due to its lower calorie content, corn flour is healthier than wheat flour. It improves bowel function, reduces fermentation. Strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic. Counteracts the accumulation of cholesterol. Strengthens the immune system. Iron stimulates the reproduction of blood cells and the delivery of oxygen to them. The fluorine contained in the plant strengthens the bones. Teeth become stronger. Magnesium improves memory. Vitamins rejuvenate skin cells. Protein maintains muscle tone.

Advice! Despite the variety of composition, no single product can contain all the useful substances. Food should be varied.

For adults

Cornmeal is a healthy food for people involved in sports. The benefit of this diet is muscle growth. One of the properties of cereal is the removal of harmful substances from the body. Benefits for women in slowing down aging, improving skin condition, stimulating hair growth.

For the elderly

The cereal is good for the health of the elderly. It stimulates digestion. Some trace elements prevent the manifestations of dementia - senile dementia.

For children

The property of cornmeal to strengthen bones is known. Children who love corn have healthy and strong teeth. Magnesium contributes to the proper development of the psyche. In baby food, complementary foods from corn play an important role. He is appointed from six months. The porridge is soft. Feeding it is possible even in the absence of teeth.

Attention! Cereal does not contain gluten. It is hypoallergenic and good for toddlers.

For pregnant and lactating women

It is better to eat yesterday's cakes. Freshly cooked more moisture, which contributes to the swelling of the product and swelling of the intestines.

For nursing mothers, the benefits of cereal in increasing the volume of milk. The product enhances lactation.

The benefits and harms of cornmeal for weight loss

Grains contain anthocyanins. These substances have the ability to destroy fat cells. Corn flour when losing weight stabilizes the metabolism. It is used to prevent excess weight. The plant normalizes stool and digestion, reduces sugar. Fiber fills the stomach and makes you feel full. By suppressing hunger, cereal eliminates the need to eat other foods. It has a lot of starch. This carbohydrate is digested in the large intestine, so it is not stored as fat.

For people with poor blood clotting problems, the plant will be harmful. The properties of cereal can be harmful in some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Daily intake of cornmeal

There is no rule regulating the consumption of corn dishes. You can eat them as much as you like.

Attention! Products should be distributed in equal portions for several meals.

Is cornmeal good for diabetes and pancreatitis?

For the digestion of coarse dietary fiber, enzymes are needed that are absent in diseases of the pancreas. Assimilation of starch creates an extra burden, so food from corn is harmful. Between attacks, liquid corn porridge cooked in water is acceptable.

Cornmeal for diabetes is a healthy food. It provides a low-calorie diet and coarse fiber that controls the increase in sugar. Fiber curbs the feeling of hunger, preventing overeating. For diabetic patients, this property is very useful.

Medicines based on cornmeal

The benefits of cornmeal for the body are great. Culinary recipes from it are present in the cuisines of various nations. Useful properties of cereal are widely used in folk healing.

From high blood pressure

Many people suffer from hypertension. It leads to constant stress, physical inactivity, excesses in nutrition. Early signs of high blood pressure do not attract attention. Fatigue is a natural state towards the end of the day. Heaviness in the head is correlated with changes in weather conditions. "Flies" in the eyes are explained by a lack of oxygen. When these symptoms are found, pressure cornmeal is a good remedy. With its constant intake for 2-3 months, all negative phenomena disappear without a trace.

Attention! If at least the first degree of hypertension is diagnosed, then folk remedies for treatment are not enough.

Traditional medicine has a preventive and auxiliary direction. Taking medications prescribed by a therapist is mandatory.

From sand in the kidneys

The benefits of cornmeal for kidney diseases are great. It is most relevant for the accumulation of sand in the urinary organs. Its use prevents the crystallization of sand and the formation of stones. Possessing a diuretic effect, the product cleanses the kidneys, removes sand, relieves inflammation.

Inflammation of the liver and gallbladder

The choleretic effect and anti-inflammatory effect are long-known properties of this cereal, which have been used in medicine. The use of cornmeal products stimulates digestion, relieves inflammation, and improves the outflow of bile. You can take it like this:

  • pour 1 tbsp. l. product 200 ml hot water;
  • stir the contents well;
  • cool for breakfast instead of eating.

After 30 days, the condition will improve significantly.

With inflammation of the bladder

Corn flour is a healthy food for cystitis. Its use is based on a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The grains of the plant promote blood clotting. Food with its addition is harmful to people suffering from this disease.

The use of cornmeal in cosmetology

The properties of cornmeal are known for their benefits in cosmetology. Milled grains are used in the form of masks for hair and face. Masks nourish the skin, make it soft and smooth. In terms of effect, they are superior to industrial cosmetic preparations. This is not surprising - they do not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors.

Attention! Home cosmetics are not stored. They should be used immediately after preparation.

Rejuvenating face mask

Beat the white of one egg with 2 tbsp. l. plant seed powder. Add 10 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on a washed and steamed face. Keep until dry. Wash off with warm boiled water. The result will be smoothing, freshness and velvety of the face.

Moisturizing face and neck mask

Mix 5 grams of honey with 10 drops of olive oil. Warm up the mixture a little. Add one egg yolk to the composition and beat with a mixer, gradually adding 10 drops of lime juice. In the resulting mass add 1 tsp. l. corn powder. Bring the composition to a state of homogeneous mass and spread evenly on a clean face. Do not rinse for half an hour. Remove with boiled water. The skin will become clean. The feeling of tightness will disappear.

Acne cornmeal mask

This mask removes comedones and unclogs pores.

Mix 15 g of flour and the same amount of cosmetic blue clay thoroughly. Prepare a decoction of 15 g of lemon balm and 100 grams of boiling water. Pour the broth over the clay with flour and mix. Apply to a clean face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Corn mask for oily hair

The simplest remedy for oily hair is a mask with lemon juice. Heat a glass of lemon juice and stir with the same amount of flour. Using a comb, evenly apply the resulting mixture to freshly washed curls, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a warm towel. Keep for half an hour, then rinse. Lemon juice degreases curls. Vitamins restore their structure.

How to make cornmeal at home

You can get flour at home. Scroll dried corn kernels in a powerful coffee grinder. You will get a wonderful homemade product.

What can be made from cornmeal

Different peoples of the world have long been preparing dishes from corn. In Moldova, they love hominy. Italians love polenta. In Russia, corn pancakes, pancakes, and tortillas are prepared. Meat, vegetables, fish are baked in corn dough. The result is very original dishes. Corn cookies are crumbly and tender, and waffles are crispy.

Benefits of baking with cornmeal

Bread is made from cornmeal. The goods are rare in stores. It has a sweet taste and bright yellow color. Cornbread is good and bad at the same time. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Benefit:

  • few calories;
  • many useful substances;
  • positive effect on digestion;
  • regulation of metabolism.

Cornbread is bad for underweight people. It will harm in case of exacerbation of gastritis, cholecystitis, intestinal ulcer. This is a harmful product for liver failure. It stimulates strong bile secretion.

Cornbread is a delicious dessert. It is soft and crumbly. The benefits of corn cookies are low in calories. It is recommended for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight.

Harm of cornmeal and contraindications

Cornmeal is a strong harm in diseases associated with increased blood clotting. It will make it thicker even more. It is unacceptable to use this product with exacerbation of diseases of the intestines and stomach. If the disease is in an acute period, then it is necessary to exclude food with corn from the diet.


The benefits and harms of cornmeal are determined only by the state of a particular organism. Healthy people only benefit from corn. For some health problems, such products are harmful.

Fans of corn and dishes from this cereal should focus on their health. This is the main criterion for useful properties and possible harm.

The generation that lived in the distant 50s remembers well that corn was grown in all fields of the Soviet Union. In those days, it was one of the main dishes on the tables of the Soviet people. Today, the culture is used in a variety of dishes, and the cornmeal diet is one of the ways that nutritionists advise to turn to if you want to lose a few extra pounds.

Benefits of cornmeal

Corn flour for weight loss contains calcium and potassium, magnesium and iron, phosphorus and B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, which are important for the human body. Moreover, for the proper organization of digestion, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is important, to maintain which irreplaceable vitamin K enters the body from corn. It is a condition for effective protein synthesis in the diet and is known as a fat-soluble substance.

Interestingly, cornmeal has quite high calorie values ​​in the diet, but this product does not lead to the accumulation of unnecessary kilograms. 100 g of the product corresponds to 300 kcal.

Unsaturated acids, capable of regulating cholesterol levels in the blood, are about 80% of the composition of the corn product. The carbohydrates included in the agricultural crop nourish nerve cells, and in the process of normalizing weight, it removes radionuclides and toxins from the body, and its fiber cleanses the intestines and stomach.

In addition, the substances contained in cornmeal increase the body's resistance to diseases and maintain the balance necessary for the body, improve the condition of the skin.

Folic acid and manganese help the body recover, and anthocyanins effectively fight fat deposits, stabilizing metabolic processes. Corn fibers increase the efficiency of the intestinal tract, relieving colitis and freeing the body from digestive waste.

How to lose weight on cornmeal

Very often, in the process of losing weight with a diet, nutritionists set a goal for patients to count calories and correctly develop a menu so that the protein, fat and carbohydrate components effectively harmonize with each other, saturating the body and at the same time starting weight loss processes. By the way, corn is one of the components in the well-known diet of Dr. Dukan.

Corn flour in weight loss is no exception. Due to its composition, it is able to provide all the vitamins and minerals, vegetable protein and fiber, while not provoking the body to accumulate extra pounds. At the same time, you can lose weight on cornmeal by counting calories when preparing a variety of pastries and second courses from it.

The digestibility of cornmeal averages over 90%.

In order for a product to be useful in losing weight, it must be from fine grinding. From it you can cook cakes, pies and casseroles. The contained fiber is able to saturate the body and for a long time does not cause a feeling of hunger. Due to its high percentage of content, the calorie content of corn dishes in similar volumes of other foods is much lower. Carbohydrates in the form of starch during digestion consume body fat reserves, reducing weight.

Diet Contraindications

Almost everyone can lose weight on cornmeal without any restrictions, but there are still contraindications.

  • Cornmeal and dishes made from it are not suitable for those whose body tends to react to insulin. In this case, nutritionists do not completely exclude the use of the product from the diet, but they advise diluting the flour by mixing it with bran.
  • It is forbidden to eat products made from cornmeal during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.
  • Gently replacing ordinary baked goods and cereals with products that used cornmeal should be for those people who have found increased blood clotting.
  • Very rarely, patients who have chosen a cornmeal diet as a diet note allergic reactions to this crop.

In all other cases, corn flour and dishes from it are an excellent dietary product.

Corn flour recipes for weight loss

To control weight and lose a few kilograms unnecessary for the body, you can make a menu of dishes based on cornmeal.


It is called corn porridge "mamaliga" and it is cooked in a cast-iron with thick walls. To prepare porridge from cornmeal, you only need water, salt and a coarsely ground dietary product. The dish is cooked thick, because a cylinder is subsequently formed from the boiled hominy, which, when served, is cut like bread. Greens and vegetables can be served with corn mamalyga. For 2 st. flour will need about 6 tbsp. water.


A dish popular in Italy is prepared using carrots (2 pieces), spinach and parsley (200 g each), celery (2 stalks) and onions (2 heads). All main ingredients are crushed and stewed with 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, adding garlic and salt and pepper to taste. After 5 minutes, cornmeal dissolved in 750 ml of hot water is poured into them. After 20 minutes, the thickened polenta is laid out in a rectangular mold and covered with a film. The cooled dish is cut into slices and sprinkled with parmesan.

How I lose weight 2015. Dinner at 250 kcal. Corn porridge with feta cheese.

Corn Diet! Is it possible to quickly lose weight on corn | #edblack

Corn flour benefits and harms

What is corn flour

Cornmeal is a product obtained by grinding dried corn kernels. It is widely used in the preparation of various kinds of pastries (corn bread, pies, cookies, muffins, cakes, etc.).

One cup (125 grams) of yellow cornmeal has 416 calories and 4.4 grams of fat (virtually no saturated fat). It contains 11 g of protein and 89 g of total carbohydrates, including 75 g of starches. This amount of flour carries 7.3 grams of dietary fiber, which may help reduce the risk of constipation. Cornmeal contains no cholesterol and is a good source of phytonutrients and antioxidants called .

So what are the benefits of cornmeal?

Health benefits of cornmeal

Is cornmeal healthy? Cornmeal is beneficial for the body due to its composition, which includes the following substances:


Cornmeal is naturally low in sodium—one cup (125 grams) of cornmeal contains 6 milligrams of sodium. A diet low in sodium can help prevent high blood pressure or help lower blood pressure if you already have hypertension. Adults are recommended to consume no more than 2300 milligrams of sodium, and for those with hypertension - up to 1500 milligrams per day.


Yellow cornmeal is a source of zinc, an essential mineral for enzymatic function. activates enzymes that regulate the activity of genes in your cells, boost your immune system, and help turn food into energy. It also forms part of your cell membranes and activates an antioxidant enzyme that helps prevent damage to these membranes as well as to your DNA and proteins. A glass of yellow cornmeal provides your body with 2 milligrams of zinc. This provides 25% of the recommended daily intake for women and 18% for men, as recommended by Institute of Medicine.


The beneficial properties of cornmeal are also due to the presence of iron in it. According to Institute of Medicine Each cup of yellow cornmeal contains 2.8 milligrams of iron, which is 35% of the daily iron requirements for men and 16% for women. The iron you get from food is incorporated into the hemoglobin found in your red blood cells and promotes healthy oxygen circulation. Iron also allows your cells to produce energy and helps your white blood cells (a component of your immune system) fight infection.

Carotenoids and Vitamin A

The golden hue of yellow cornmeal is due to the carotenoids found in corn. Carotenoids are yellow-orange pigments that promote tissue function and fight disease. Lutein and zeaxnathnin (two carotenoids in yellow cornmeal) filter light as it enters the eyes, promote healthy vision and prevent age-related eye diseases. Other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, are converted to vitamin A and support your immune system, aid cell growth, and increase red blood cell production. Thanks to its carotenoid content, each cup of yellow cornmeal provides 250 IU of vitamin A, providing 11% of the daily intake for women and 8% for men, as recommended. Institute of Medicine.

Cellulose (dietary fiber)

Fiber helps your body respond properly to insulin and control blood sugar levels, and it also helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Fiber also contributes to your long-term health, fights cardiovascular disease, and lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes. A glass of yellow cornmeal contains 8.5 grams of fiber, which is 34% of the daily recommended fiber intake for women and 22% for men.

Other nutrients

Risk of developing pellagra

Corn is a staple food for many people. If you consume corn and cornmeal in large quantities, there is a possibility of developing a disease such as pellagra. Pellagra is nothing but a vitamin deficiency, especially niacin (vitamin B3) in the body. Corn lacks the amino acids (and tryptophan) and niacin that help protect the body from pellagra. If corn is a major part of your diet, make sure you supplement your diet with vitamin-rich foods to avoid developing pellagra.

Bloating and flatulence

Corn contains a high percentage of starch. When you consume corn, it breaks down in your colon and produces a lot of gas. Therefore, if one consumes corn and cornmeal products in large quantities, it can cause bloating and flatulence.

Stomach upset

Corn is a good source of fiber and other vital nutrients that help detoxify the body. But an overdose of these dietary fibers can cause side effects such as indigestion and cramps! So, keep track of how much corn you are consuming, in whatever form.

Tooth decay

Corn and cornmeal are high in sugar, so this can lead to cavities in some people. This is one of the rare side effects of corn, but not one to be taken lightly! Make sure you follow good oral hygiene and brush your teeth after eating cornmeal products.

Causes osteoporosis

People who eat a lot of corn-based foods may suffer from osteoporosis because corn contains very little calcium. But this only matters if the corn is not supplemented with an appropriate calcium-rich diet.

Increases weight

As mentioned earlier, corn is high in sugar and carbohydrates. Excessive consumption of corn can certainly lead to weight gain. People on a diet should avoid consuming cornmeal products.

Causes lethargy

Corn contains a sufficient amount of starch. Starch can cause drowsiness and lead to lethargy.

The harm of corn flour in most cases can be minimized simply by diversifying your diet and eating products based on it in moderation.
