
Noble nut for good health. Chestnuts and their benefits and harm to the human body, areas of application and culinary recipes

We learned about the edible chestnut from French films.

At home, it is a favorite delicacy, but for us it remains an unprecedented curiosity, although now this overseas delicacy is available and on sale.

Let's talk about the beneficial properties and dangers of fruits today.

This is a tall tree of the Beech family with unusual pyramid-shaped inflorescences, as well as edible fruits.

The cut fruit is a creamy or yellowish nut.

The territory of its distribution is the south of Europe (the Balkans, Greece, etc.), Asia and America, in the post-Soviet space - the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast.

Outwardly, this nut is similar to the horse chestnut growing in our latitudes, but, unlike it, it is not poisonous, although both plants have medicinal properties.

Chemical composition, calorie content and nutritional value of chestnut

The fetus contains: ascorbic and folic acids, B vitamins, retinol, riboflavin and niacin, and in addition, copper and iron, potassium and calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Energy value of nuts- 166 kcal fresh, 182 kcal fried per hundred grams of product.

Unlike other nuts, the fruit contains more carbohydrates and proteins than fats. It is also high in starch, fiber and sugars.

Spiders do not like this tree and do not weave webs on its branches. Perhaps that is why chestnut wood was used in most European castle buildings.

Chestnut is often used for metabolic problems., walnut with its beneficial properties helps to normalize metabolism, stimulates the production of the necessary enzymes, regulates the water-salt and acid-base balance. It regulates fat metabolism, which reduces the risk of liver disease.

Edible chestnut has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, beneficial properties support the endocrine system, normalize blood flow.

Moderate but regular consumption of fruits in food is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, venous congestion and varicose veins.

The benefits of chestnuts for men

Horse chestnuts are most useful for men who have problems with the reproductive system. Most potency problems are related to poor circulation in the genitals. Fruit-based preparations help to solve this problem, as well as cure prostatitis. Of particular value is that such a medicine does not harm other organs.

Chestnut trees have been around since the prehistoric period, they can live for more than half a century. Written evidence dating back to 378 BC has survived about the baking of bread from chestnut flour by the ancient Romans.

The benefits of chestnuts for women

Roasted nuts, if consumed during critical days, greatly facilitate the well-being of a woman.

They are useful in menopause: they improve the hormonal background of women during this period. In gynecology, preparations based on fruits are used for uterine bleeding and edema, with stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

It is interesting how edible chestnuts are useful for women who prefer to walk in heels: how to cook them for strained foot joints and not only - a detailed description is below.

The use of chestnuts

Are chestnuts useful - of course, their use is not limited only to cooking, the fruits are used in medicine (folk and traditional), in cosmetology. It is even harvested for future use in order to have raw materials for the preparation of medicines or dishes.

In folk medicine

What is the health benefit of chestnut from a medical point of view? Traditional medicine uses tinctures, decoctions and ointments based on this nut.

For the treatment of joints, prepare a tincture of fruits, make compresses, rubbing, in the absence of contraindications, taken orally. For preparation, take 70 g of flowers, 10 g of crushed fruits and 0.5 l of vodka; insist a week. Inside take 20 drops before meals. This tincture is useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arthrosis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It is advisable to specify the dosage in consultation with your doctor.

A similar tincture, except for the flowers in the composition, Helps with hypertension when taken orally. For diseased joints, an ointment is also prepared from nuts ground into flour, adding vegetable oil.

In pharmacology, horse chestnut is part of medicines for various diseases (gynecology, urology, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory tract).

In cosmetology

Chestnut, due to its properties, benefits and is used in skin, nail and hair care. Many cosmetic products: tonics, scrubs, creams and milk contain these fruits.

Walnut in cosmetology exhibits the following properties:

  • stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • reduces pigmentation;
  • relieves swelling and smoothes scars and scars;
  • normalizes thyroid function, which positively affects the general condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • slows down the aging of the body.

What is useful chestnut nut for the skin? It is an effective antioxidant, in addition, products based on it regenerate and nourish, as well as moisturize the skin and cleanse pores.

In cooking. How to cook chestnuts

From the point of view of cooking, this is a multifaceted product: it is baked, boiled, fried, dried, ground into flour. Desserts (mousses, soufflés), salads are prepared from fruits, they are added to main courses, to meat, seafood, and added to pastries.

How are chestnuts useful for the body, and how are they eaten? Vegetarians make up for their missing protein.

Since there is little fat in the product, it is valuable in terms of diets and rehabilitation measures after illness or surgery, and in addition, for weight loss.

The easiest diet salad is made from these nuts, any fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes) and herbs, seasoned with olive oil.

When frying or baking fruits, the skin covering them must be pierced, otherwise they will explode. So that the fruits are not too hard, it is important not to overexpose them.

Harmful properties and contraindications for use

The fetus has contraindications for pregnant women: you should not eat them and use drugs based on them. You can not use the product during lactation, it will cause bloating in the baby.

It is forbidden to use the product and medicines with it for the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • hypotension;
  • liver disease.

Frequent use in large quantities can lead to gastrointestinal problems: bloating, diarrhea.

How to fry chestnuts at home, see the video:

As soon as overseas fruits appeared in our stores and restaurants, many questions arose about the benefits of chestnuts, what kind of fruit. It turns out that this is not only an interesting dish, but also a medicinal and dietary product.

Chestnuts come from the Balkan Peninsula, and now their luxurious green crowns are known on different continents. Ripened fruits of edible varieties bring maximum benefits to our health. How to distinguish types of edible chestnut nuts from inedible ones - later in the article.

What chestnuts do you eat

Chestnut trees grow in different latitudes, so each species has its own differences. Nutritionists and culinary specialists distinguish three species with edible fruits among three dozen chestnut trees and bushes:

  • European sowing;
  • crenate;
  • Chinese (it has the softest fruits).

The fruits of other chestnut varieties are not safe to eat. In comparison with the horse species, edible fruits are inferior in size to the core, reminiscent of a walnut in volume, and in edible species, there are usually several fruits in the nut, their peel is brown (in contrast to the green shell of horses).
Trees also have differences in the shape of the crown and leaves, as well as in the shape of inflorescences. The only thing that edible and inedible varieties have in common is smooth, shiny dark brown fruits.

What are edible chestnuts rich in?

Cooked for a meal, the kernels of edible varieties of chestnuts resemble the taste of baked potatoes. Compared to other types of nuts, the composition of chestnut fruits is distinguished by their energy value and at the same time low fat content.

Did you know? On Easter, the inhabitants of Corsica consecrate in the church not the usual Easter cakes for us and not even eggs, but chestnuts.


Chestnut kernels contain a large amount of starch (2.5-3%), glucose and vitamins (, and).
The concentration of minerals - up to 3%. In the presented product, the optimal content is , and . The composition of the substances in the kernels directly depends on the variety of chestnut trees and the climatic conditions at the planting site.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Prepared meals are especially revered by vegetarians. . 100 g of fresh chestnut nuts contain - 166 kcal, fried - 182 kcal. Steamed chestnuts are considered the least caloric - three times fewer calories than raw. Fruits are not rich in fats, but they are dominated by carbohydrates (more than 60%).

Not only edible - about the benefits

Healing decoctions are prepared from chestnut leaves to treat internal bleeding and eliminate respiratory problems. They will contain such useful substances as glycosides, tannins,.

Fleshy kidneys of edible varieties are rich in starch, sucrose and proteins. Also in the cotyledons there are organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Young chestnut nuts are a real storehouse of vitamin C (up to 1500 mg per 100 g of product). Immature nuclei are cured of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of acute and chronic forms.

In the bark, wood, buds and leaves, tannins make up about 10-16%. From these components, you can prepare an effective anti-burn astringent ointment. Decoctions of them will help cleanse the skin of boils.

Can chestnuts

The fair sex during pregnancy and lactation should especially monitor their diet so as not to harm the baby. Proper preparation of chestnut dishes and the distribution of portions will help saturate the body with useful substances to strengthen the immune system.

Did you know? Every third Tuesday in October, France celebrates Chestnut Day, and on Christmas holidays they serve them in a candied form, a dish called marron glace (“ice chestnut”).


Women carrying a child are faced with hormonal changes in the body. This often leads to stress and depression. Eating chestnuts in your daily diet will help improve your mood. Also, the product lowers high blood pressure, improves blood circulation and saturates the body of the expectant mother with substances that serve as an "antidote" to fatigue.

Other benefits of eating chestnuts for pregnant women:

  • strengthening bones and teeth with well-absorbed phosphorus of natural origin;
  • exclusion of insomnia due to the presence of tryptophan;
  • eye health with vitamin B2;
  • aid digestion due to fiber.

The only negative is that the abuse of chestnut dishes is fraught with obesity with a tendency to be overweight.

When breastfeeding

Often women use chestnut-based supplements for weight loss. The use of chestnut for medicinal purposes is not recommended for nursing mothers. During lactation, the product can cause certain health risks for the baby, because the baby's immunity is not yet sufficiently formed, so the small body is completely dependent on the mother's body, her diet and lifestyle.

Dishes and preparations based on chestnuts contain caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, which can provide an excessive burst of energy even at night. It is advisable for a young mother to sleep soundly and rest regularly during breastfeeding. Excessive excitability can be transmitted to the baby with breast milk.

Medicinal properties of edible chestnut

Medical studies have proven the benefits of chestnut for the body. An alcohol extract from the edible fruits of the plant is an effective anti-inflammatory and decongestant.
The use of tincture strengthens the capillary walls, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the level of cholesterol and lecithin in the blood, protects against the formation of fatty plaques in the aortic zone. The extract constricts blood vessels and has a pronounced analgesic effect.

Recipe for cough decoction from chestnut leaves. 2 tsp leaves of the seed variety are poured with 240 ml of water. The future medicinal drug is brought to a boil and then boiled on the stove for 5 minutes. After removing the dishes from the fire, the contents are filtered. A decoction will cure a severe cough or whooping cough when taken systematically in a sip during the day.

General strengthening tincture. For the medicine you will need 2 tbsp. l. crushed fruits and 500 ml of vodka. Chestnuts fall asleep in an ordinary glass jar and pour vodka. The mixture for internal use is insisted for three weeks. Method of application: 1 tsp. tincture, diluted with water (1 to 2), half an hour before meals.

Briefly about the use in cosmetics

The healing properties of chestnut extract made it possible to use it in cosmetology. Cosmetic creams for the care of normal and oily skin, anti-cellulite masks, shampoos and bath foams are very popular. Chestnut-based foot creams actively fight excessive swelling, treat sprains and dislocations, which is why they are popular among athletes.

Chestnut sunscreen cosmetics are resistant to the negative effects of UV rays. Extracts in the form of oils are used in the care of withered skin. Many women note a noticeable lifting effect after rubbing with a decoction of the fruit.

Edible chestnuts in cooking

Raw chestnuts are roasted and baked. Of these, cooks get excellent additives in flour for baking and confectionery. Nuts are very tasty, especially roasted or candied. Sometimes chestnuts are even used to make original coffee drinks.

How to roast chestnuts

To prepare a fried delicacy, you will need a frying pan with a lid, a kitchen board, a knife, a spatula or a large spoon. Sunflower oil is not required for frying.

Chestnut nuts are not salted during the frying process and do not add water. The step-by-step cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. The fruits are pre-washed under running water.
  2. For each nut, a convex side in the middle is cut with a sharp knife to avoid burning.
  3. The frying pan is placed on the largest burner of the gas stove (a large area for heating the frying zone is required).
  4. Lay the chestnuts flat on the bottom of the pan. Fry for five minutes under the lid.
  5. Then the half-open fruits in the incision zone are turned over to the other side and the fire is gradually reduced (fry on a small burner for 10 minutes.)

Important! Chestnuts burn quickly during heat treatment. For this reason, old frying pans are chosen for frying the product. The brown skin of the fruit dots the frying surface with brown spots that cannot be cleaned even with aggressive dishwashing detergents.

The total cooking time is about half an hour. To clean the finished fruits from the fried shells, it is advisable to wait until they cool down after frying. Real gourmets consider such a simple and at the same time unusual dish to be an ideal hot appetizer for wine.

Light chestnut cream soup is an amazing idea for an unusual culinary treat for a homemade dinner. The main ingredient can be bought at specialty grocery stores.

Ingredients for the first course:

  • vegetable broth (0.5 l);
  • leek (1 pc.);
  • peeled chestnuts (150 g);
  • butter (50 g);
  • sour cream (33%) (100 g).

Cut the leek into half rings and fry for three minutes in butter. Then the finished vegetable broth is added and peeled chestnut nuts are added. The contents of the saucepan are boiled for about half an hour. The finished mixture is crushed with a blender, sour cream is added and the mass is brought to a boil.

Possible harm and contraindications

In addition to benefits, the fruits of the plant can also harm human health. Some people note individual intolerance to this dietary product - after eating, nausea and vomiting appear.

Therefore, before directly using chestnuts in your daily diet, you should consult with a nutritionist or personal therapist who knows the characteristics of your body. The product is dangerous for people with heart and kidney problems, for diabetics.

Important! It is undesirable to be treated with chestnut on your own - it dilutes the blood very much.

If chestnut kernels do not cause side effects, you should still not abuse the amount eaten. Often, due to overeating chestnuts, the intestines suffer from excessive gas formation, constipation or loose stools. The product is not combined with oak bark in cosmetic procedures - this is fraught with withering even the most oily skin type.

If there are contraindications to chestnut nuts, they can be replaced with cashews or pine nuts. They are not similar in taste, but they are united by a wealth of useful vitamins and minerals.

Nutty apple seeds have a delicate and slightly oily flavor. The high cost of these curved nuts is due to manual shelling. Between the upper shell and the kernel of the nut there is a burning oil that causes skin burns.

Experienced people extract this poison by special heat treatment. The product is ideal for people on a diet - the fat content in cashews is much less than in walnuts, almonds and peanuts.
Delicacy is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of nuts in small quantities saturates the body with useful, important for hair growth and strengthening nails.

– suppliers of high-quality protein of natural origin, completely absorbed by the body. The rough fibrous structure of the fetus improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gently cleanses the intestinal walls from perennial toxins and toxins. In folk medicine, in addition to nuts, they use cedar cake, squeezed oil and shells of peeled fruits.

Cooks most often use pine nuts for desserts. The kernels go well with fish or meat due to their creamy nutty flavor.
Edible chestnuts appeared on our market relatively recently, but many gourmets have already fallen in love with this delicacy product. In addition, they do not require strong heat treatment or complex manipulations - it is enough to fry the fruits in a pan or bake in the oven. The main thing is not to use the fruits of inedible species for culinary purposes.

In our country, people rarely think about the benefits and harms of edible chestnuts. Painfully exotic food. However, for those people who want to know more about the beneficial properties of various products and contraindications for their use, information about chestnuts will not be superfluous.

What it is?

Trees of the genus are called chestnuts. Castanea, growing in a warm temperate climate and having edible fruits.

There are many varieties Castanea. In the Caucasus, you can easily find Sowing Chestnut ( Castanea sativa). If you purchase imported nuts, then these are most likely the fruits of European or American Chestnut.

In addition to trees that have edible fruits, chestnuts are sometimes called other types of plants whose fruits cannot be eaten.

How to distinguish edible chestnuts from inedible ones?

In our latitudes, one must be able to distinguish trees of the genus Castanea with edible fruits from horse chestnut ( Aesculus), the fruits of which are poisonous.

Learning to distinguish edible options from inedible is easy - just look at the photo.

The trees on which the fruits ripen have completely different leaves. Horse chestnut leaves are complex palmate, the tree whose nuts can be eaten has single leaves.

The fruits themselves are different.

In an edible chestnut, nuts are collected together in 2-4 pieces, surrounded by branched spines on the outside. Those nuts that cannot be eaten are solitary. They do not have spines on top.


Chestnuts are nuts. However, their composition is fundamentally different from the composition of other fruits belonging to this class.

Nuts are high in fat, protein, and fat-soluble vitamins. But carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins, soluble in water, they are much less. Chestnuts are different. In their composition, they are close to vegetables such as potatoes or corn: they are rich in starch, fiber, vitamin C.

So, 100 grams of fried fruits contains:

  • 245 kcal;
  • 53 grams of carbohydrates, of which 5 are fiber, which is about 20% of the daily requirement;
  • 2.2 g of fat, including saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules;
  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 59% of the daily dose of manganese;
  • 43% vitamin C;
  • 25% vitamin B6 and copper;
  • 17% folate and potassium;
  • 16% thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 10% vitamins B2 and K;
  • 8% magnesium;
  • 7% niacin;
  • 6% pantothenic acid;
  • 5% iron;
  • 4% zinc.

The given data may differ slightly depending on the type Castanea.

Please note that the data on the composition of these nuts is always given per 100 grams of the fried product, since it is inedible when raw.

The benefits of chestnuts are also explained by the presence of compounds with antioxidant activity in them. This is not only vitamin C, which is the strongest antioxidant, but also some other substances, such as polyphenols.

The antioxidant activity of nuts is in many ways similar to. Like the autumn orange berry, chestnuts provide the body with significant amounts of copper and manganese, which provide enzymes that are natural internal antioxidants for humans.

Another useful property of chestnuts is the absence of gluten in them with a high content of starch. This makes it possible to prepare flour from nuts, which can be used for baking by people who suffer.

Medicinal properties

  1. Improved digestion: Supports the beneficial intestinal microflora and eliminates chronic constipation.
  2. Strengthening immunity. Strengthening of bone tissue, prevention of osteoporosis.
  3. Help in the normalization of blood pressure in hypertension.
  4. Prevention of atherosclerosis.
  5. Improving brain function: enhancing cognitive abilities, preventing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.
  6. Protection against cancer and premature aging.

How do they work for weight loss?

The calorie content of chestnuts per 100 grams is 245 kcal. Their glycemic index is not high - 54. This makes these nuts a product that can be included in the menu for losing weight people. Moreover, the explanation of why chestnuts are useful for weight loss is more extensive than just a moderate calorie content and a low GI. This:

  • support for beneficial intestinal microflora (overweight people always have a pathological change in the composition of the intestinal microflora);
  • anti-inflammatory activity (according to current scientific information, the rapid accumulation of body fat is associated with the presence of latent inflammatory activity in the body);
  • fast satiety for a long time, providing a decrease in the total number of calories consumed during the day without the pangs of hunger;
  • slowing down the absorption of food, which guarantees the prevention of a massive release of insulin after eating, which leads to the rapid formation of body fat;
  • a general improvement in metabolism and an increase in energy potential due to the activation of various enzymatic systems.

However, despite all its benefits, chestnuts are not the kind of product that you can lose weight on. Yes, it is allowed to be included in the menu of proper nutrition when losing weight. But do not lean on these nuts. Since their glycemic load is quite high. And the unconditional benefit for weight loss is only that food that does not load the body with a significant amount of carbohydrates.

chestnut soup

Yes, you can make real soup from these nuts. To do this, they must first be fried or boiled.

Ragout with pumpkin

, which can be multiplied if you combine it with chestnuts.

How to do this, you can see.

baked chicken

In many countries, chickens or turkeys baked with chestnuts are popular holiday dishes for New Year and Christmas.

Here is one of those recipes.

You can cook nuts with meat. It will turn out delicious and very satisfying.

We have only listed chestnut recipes that are easy to make at home and are healthy. There are also many sweet dishes with this ingredient.

Of course, you should not deny yourself a lifetime of sweet desserts. You just need to clearly understand the following. If you wanted to know the health benefits of chestnuts, and having found that they have quite a lot of medicinal qualities, you decided to include these nuts in your diet for their benefits, you should not mix them with sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates.

In a sweet form, they no longer carry any benefit to the body, since sugar not only causes harm to health in itself, but also negates the healing effect of other food components.

What is the possible harm?

  1. A strict contraindication for the use of chestnuts is an allergy, which is less common than other types of nuts. It usually manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin and severe itching.
  2. It is also necessary to remember that the fruits Castanea edible only when cooked. The harm of unheated chestnut is due to the fact that it contains a lot of tannic acids, the consumption of which can lead to unpleasant side effects.
  3. In a nut that has been subjected to heating, the amount of these compounds is minimal. However, chestnuts are not recommended to be eaten at the same time as taking medications, as tannic acid residues in them can reduce the activity of drugs.
  4. We must not forget about the glycemic load, which is quite high. By the amount of carbohydrates and their chemical structure, this type of nuts resembles potatoes. Therefore, it is a conditionally permitted product for both diabetics and those who are losing weight. Especially those who are trying to lose weight on a low-carb diet.

Is it possible to eat chestnuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If no allergy to these nuts has been previously identified, then during pregnancy they can be included in the diet. But if you did not try them before conception, then you should not start using them during the period of bearing a child.

Breastfeeding women are advised to include nuts, including chestnuts, in their menu, as this reduces the likelihood of developing a nut allergy in a child in the future. However, some babies may already be allergic. Therefore, after a chestnut meal, it is imperative to monitor the child's well-being: observe whether he has a rash, whether nausea and abdominal pain have occurred.

The benefits and harms of edible chestnuts: conclusions

The fruits of trees of the genus Castanea are unusual nuts.

By their chemical composition, they are more reminiscent of vegetables, such as potatoes, than nuts. They are high in starch, fiber, and vitamin C. Low in fat, protein, and fat-soluble vitamins.

Chestnuts have a good effect on blood pressure, perfectly saturate, help boost immunity and contribute to the improvement of intestinal microflora.

In moderation, they can be eaten by pregnant women, nursing mothers and those who want to lose weight.

At home, chestnuts can be prepared in a variety of ways. But whatever the recipe, nuts must be fried, baked or boiled before being put into practice, since they are inedible when raw.

The Chinese consume more than 50% of the world's chestnut crop, the French celebrate a real chestnut festival and fry the fruits, going to the central squares, in huge pans.

In Russia, chestnuts are not grown, so European treats can only be found in supermarkets.

There are 2 types of chestnuts:

1) Horse chestnut - poisonous, unsuitable for food, but is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

2) Noble ("real")- Its fruits are edible.

We will talk about the fruits of the edible chestnut. How useful and what harm can they bring to our health?

Edible chestnut: composition, how to use

Outwardly, chestnuts are easily confused with hazelnuts - brown, rounded, with a strong shell. Its consistency is similar to mashed potatoes, and the taste is somewhat reminiscent of potatoes or corn. Pleasant and sweet in taste, the composition of the chestnut is rich in healthy substances.

The composition of chestnuts is as follows:

Minerals (carbohydrates, starch)




Vitamins A, B, C

beta carotene

Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.

Edible chestnut: what are the benefits for the body?

Useful for vegetarians property of chestnut - a huge content of vegetable protein in it. Therefore, it will serve as an excellent substitute for animal protein in the human body.

Chestnut is medicine! Not only chestnut fruits bring benefits to human health, but also bark, leaves and buds. A decoction of chestnut is perfect for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and dilated veins of the nasopharynx. It increases vascular tone, reduces capillary fragility, and blood flow is accelerated.

A decoction of chestnut refreshes the skin remarkably. It is enough to take two tablespoons of crushed chestnut and pour a glass of boiling water. Ready! We wipe the face every 2-3 days. A month later, the skin ceases to be dry, inflammation and redness disappear, fine wrinkles are eliminated.

Chestnut is an energy bar! Yes, yes, it's hard to believe, but only 2-3 chestnuts for dinner saturate our body, and there will be no feeling of hunger. The ideal option is to freeze the worm and moderate the appetite that wakes up at night. Chestnut also helps to get rid of malaise and fatigue.

There is an interesting fact that direct contact with a chestnut can charge you with vigor, strength and good mood. Go to Southern France, Spain or Italy, where chestnut fruits are grown, and be sure to check the veracity of the statement.

Chestnut is an assistant in the diet! It contains a small amount of fat, so this product must be added to the list of the first when compiling a vegetarian diet, because it promotes weight loss. It is almost impossible to recover even from a large number of chestnuts eaten. Chestnut is also useful for athletes before and after training.

Chestnuts - garnish for roast. The French consider chestnuts indispensable assistants in the preparation of their culinary masterpieces. Chestnuts are baked, boiled, fried until golden brown. Add to salads, cereals and even wine. Getting into the same container with meat, they give it an excellent aroma and unusual taste. Chestnut is a favorite product of kitchen masters. At the same time, chestnuts baked in the oven can also be an independent dish.

Chestnut is the perfect dessert for ice cream! To prepare it, you need only 4 ingredients: 500 g of chestnuts, 80 ml of cognac or wine, 3 tablespoons of butter, 2 teaspoons of sugar. Chestnut nuts are pre-boiled for 5 minutes in boiling water, then cleaned and put into a mold with butter and sugar. The form is sent to the oven and baked for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Cooked fruits should be sprinkled with cognac and served with ice cream.

Chestnut is a panacea for many diseases. Doctors often talk about the incredible healing energy of chestnuts, which not only act as a preventive measure, but also treat diseases such as mastitis and mastopathy. The fruits of this plant are also used in massage of the mammary glands. However, self-medication is not worth it, any therapy must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor.

In order to cope with cellulite, it is enough to do a simple chestnut scrub: mix olive oil, basil or other herbs, essential oil and the chestnut itself, previously ground.

Health benefits for people with back pain. Enough for sciatica sleep on chestnut trees. The body will receive a natural massage that will strengthen the nerve roots, and the pain will begin to subside. With diseased joints, you can make a bracelet from dried chestnuts and wear it on your hands. There are enough 6-7 pieces in the bracelet.

Rheumatism is considered one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of mankind. For rheumatism, a good prevention is the constant sorting of chestnuts with your fingers. By making the hands work, the motor skills of the fingers improve, and the bones are strengthened.

Chestnut cleanses the body, removes harmful substances and promotes the proper functioning of the internal system of the body. Chestnut tincture can be used as a diuretic and anti-edema agent. Tannins in chestnuts help with furunculosis. Chestnut-based products treat wounds and burns.

Supporters of traditional medicine advise carrying a chestnut in your pockets to protect yourself from illnesses, protect yourself from life's troubles and health problems.

Another useful property of chestnut for sensitive people prone to depression and stress is that a few pieces of chestnut a day charge with tone and strengthen the body from the inside.

Calorie chestnut

Chestnuts are a great alternative to high-calorie nuts, chocolate bars, and seeds. Chestnut is a very low calorie product - 166 kcal per 100 g product. Roasted chestnuts, of course, are more nutritious. Their energy value rises to 202 kcal.

Edible chestnut: what is the harm to health?

When introducing chestnuts into the diet, be sure to consult a specialist so as not to harm your health. Since chestnut fruits have a large number of contraindications. If in doubt, it is better to refuse the product so as not to harm your body.

Individual intolerance


kidney failure

Pregnancy and during lactation

Menstrual irregularities

stomach bleeding


stomach ulcer

As in everything, you need to observe the measure when eating chestnuts. Excessive consumption of them can lead to cramps and problems with the digestive system: constipation, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and bloating.

Be careful when buying chestnuts. After all, there is a second kind: horse chestnut. Being poisonous, it should not be eaten. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish them, but there is one small clue: the edible chestnut has a pointed end, which contains the cotyledon. Eating a poisonous chestnut can cause poisoning, so buy chestnuts only from trusted stores, carefully examining the packaging.

Eating chestnuts can harm people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Due to the high content of carbohydrates and starch in them (almost 60%), the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

Chestnut reduces blood pressure. Therefore, hypotensive patients should refrain from using it.

Chestnut is a heavy food to digest. Poorly fried fruits can harm the intestines and cause diarrhea. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not eat chestnuts in any form.

A chestnut-based scrub can dry out the skin, so it's important not to overdo it and avoid aggressive lotions and creams before applying the scrub.

Edible chestnut for children: good or bad

Is it possible to give chestnuts to children? And in what form?

Unfortunately, there are no official recommendations regarding the introduction of chestnuts into the diet of children. Whether it will benefit or harm is not fully known. However, experts are inclined to believe that the child's stomach is able to perceive this kind of food only starting from 4-5 years. Being a difficult product to digest, chestnuts are poorly digested and harm the baby's digestive tract. There may be problems with the liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is best to cook for children a homogeneous mass of pre-cooked chestnuts and add, for example, to mashed potatoes or soups. Chestnuts can cause bloating and constipation in your baby, so be sure to check with your pediatrician to avoid harm to your growing body.

How to clean chestnuts?

There are a few tips that will make cleaning chestnuts much easier:

1) First you need to cut the top of the chestnut, put in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes.

2) Put them in the freezer of the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, then dip them in boiling water and put them under a stream of cold water.

The positive and negative properties of chestnuts are not fully understood. As can be seen from the article, the benefits of chestnuts are significant, and the harm is almost minimal. Chestnut is a delicious sweetness, an effective medicine and a fruit with beneficial properties. Eat chestnut fruits and be healthy!

Chestnut is a beautiful tree during flowering and a wonderful craft material for children. But not only this plant from the genus of the Beech family is famous for this, the benefits of chestnut for the body are also known. Chestnut is very fond of warmth, and can not stand drought or overly moist soils. Therefore, it grows in the wild where it is comfortable for it to grow. There are hundreds of plant species, the fruits of chestnuts for some people are not at all a tasty morsel, but in vain. There are a lot of useful substances in the fruits, which we hasten to tell you about.

What is the use of chestnuts, how many calories and vitamins does it contain, in what form should chestnuts be eaten and how to properly prepare the fruits? All the health benefits of chestnuts and possible harm in our material right now.

Where did the chestnut come from and where does it grow?

The chestnut during flowering is very beautiful, its inflorescences are white-pink candles, and the leaves are somewhat reminiscent of an open palm. A very powerful wood in a tree (reminiscent of oak bark in properties), it is valuable and is used for making furniture, as well as a source of tannin in tanning leather products.

No less attractive are the seeds (fruits) - the nuts, called chestnuts, hidden inside the prickly shell, have a brown color and a smooth surface. Just do not rush to eat raw chestnuts, it is dangerous to health. They must first be properly prepared, and of course you need to know which type is more useful.

It is believed that France is the birthplace of trees, because the French cannot imagine their diet without baked and roasted chestnuts. And according to legend, the Greeks brought it to Russia. But nevertheless, chestnut grows in many parts of the world: the Mediterranean, East Asia, the Atlantic coast of the USA, in some regions of Russia, Ukraine. In Ukraine (it was once imported from Hungary) it is mostly an ornament of the capital, but it also grows in other cities. The horse chestnut leaf has long been the coat of arms of the capital of the country, and still flaunts on the packaging of the delicious "Kyiv Cake".

The culture gives fruits from September to March, the most fruitful month for chestnuts is December. The most common species in Europe are horse chestnut (stomach) and sowing (Castanea) or real. It is the latter that is eaten, although horse chestnuts, the benefits and harms of which in their raw form are debatable, hostesses have adapted to close them in jars for the winter. It turns out a very tasty delicacy, useful in every sense. In the process of canning, the fruits give up their poisons, and the beneficial substances in them are preserved.

And the most expensive nuts are grown in Sicily - sweet chestnuts. Also in France and Spain. Unfortunately, black soil is not entirely suitable for growing real chestnut, but it can be purchased in stores. Horse chestnut as an external remedy has found application in traditional and folk medicine.

The benefits of chestnut, composition and calorie content

The beneficial properties of chestnuts are innumerable, and nutritional value is due to the presence of protein (about 4 g per 100 grams), carbohydrates (42 grams) and fats. The last in them is the smallest amount of only 2 grams, when compared with nuts (50 grams less). Therefore, they are used in the diet of vegetarians, the presence of protein and carbohydrates make it an indispensable product for athletes.

Edible chestnuts, the benefits of which are great, are famous for the presence of starch - 60% of the entire composition of the fruit, and the same amount of liquid in it. Sometimes people like to compare these special fruits with potatoes and rice, because a serving of chestnuts can energize you for the whole day. In addition, chestnuts help with fluid loss due to their electrolytic abilities. 100 grams of dried or fried fruits contain from 200 to 300 kcal, in stewed fruits, only 130 per 100 grams.

The fruits are rich in phosphorus, vitamin C (43 mg), lecithin. The US Institute of Medicine found that chestnut "nuts" are good for the thyroid gland and the whole body, because they contain 15% folic acid, 27% vitamin B6 and 48% "ascorbic acid".

Edible chestnuts are an excellent remedy for the treatment of asthenia in the elderly or children weakened after physical and intellectual stress. The main thing in the process of consumption is to observe moderation and possible contraindications (at the end of the article). For medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used, but also bark, flowers, leaves. Chestnut is a source of fiber ((8 g), satisfies the needs of a person for a day by 20%), calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper.

And chestnut is one of the few products that, during processing (thermal), retains all its minerals and vitamins in the same composition.

Application in cooking

In the culinary field, the chestnut is called differently both as a “vegetable” and a delicacy, but few people know that in ancient times it was the product of poor people. Now they have learned to cook chestnuts in any way: boil in sugar, bake separately and with meat dishes, fry with mushrooms, grill, combine with legumes. Their taste is especially appreciated in China, Japan, Korea, the Mediterranean.

Traditionally in France, pieces of Banon cheese are wrapped in chestnut leaves, essential oils and tannins give a special piquant taste and aroma to the desired product. Roasted chestnuts are often cooked on coals, the benefits of which are also great. They also make chestnut honey, which has a bittersweet taste, and dry fruits are used as a coffee substitute. In Korea, they like to serve a sweet Yaksik dish for the New Year, which is made from rice, chestnuts, pine nuts, honey, and sesame oil.

Roasted chestnuts are also processed, and they make excellent flour as an ingredient for making bread, rolls and other flour products. The high-energy product is highly valued and contains a lot of carbohydrates and protein. So boldly diversify your diet and go into the details of cooking chestnuts, because it is so tasty and healthy!

The benefits of "horse" chestnut and edible (real)

Edible, sowing or real chestnut, which is basically the same thing - an excellent invigorating agent and a product that literally relieves depression and fatigue. It should be remembered that horse chestnut and edible trees are cultivated throughout the world and often grow in close proximity to each other. Therefore, you need to be careful if you find a fruit under a tree and eat it raw. You can get poisoned, and even die, especially for children who tend to pick up interesting objects and put them in their mouths to try. Chestnuts are considered energy drinks, so the people have long made beads and bracelets from them, protecting from the evil eye, relieving human fatigue.

Fights cancers

The presence of vitamin C in large quantities in the "nut" makes the latter the champion in the production of antioxidants in the body. It is these elements that cleanse the human body of free radicals, toxins that can cause cancer. Chestnuts are a kind of detox for your body, cleansing from poisons, and a chestnut diet at the same time helps to increase immunity and completely cleanse yourself of "garbage".

Benefits of chestnut fruit for bones

The health of our teeth and bones depends on the correct ratio of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in the body. The last two elements are the most basic, and magnesium forms a special protective film on the teeth - hard enamel. Teeth are the strongest bones in the body and it is chestnuts that can improve their condition. For example, using a mixture of honey, chestnut puree and cheese can not only strengthen the enamel, but also your immunity.

Chestnut - tonic for muscles and veins

It is called a venotonic because it “knows how” to thin the blood, that is, it will help people with blood clots and rapid clotting to establish hematopoietic processes and reduce blood clotting. Chestnut will also help people suffering from varicose veins, hemorrhoids. It is enough to eat gruel from chestnut pulp and honey, mixed in equal parts, before breakfast and dinner.

Rubbing with chestnut or its decoction can be used externally, therapeutic massage, combined with the useful composition of the fruit, relieves fatigue from the legs, and also helps to soothe pain in rheumatic manifestations, arthritis and arthrosis.

Strengthens blood vessels and heart

Chestnut fruits are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and B12. It is these vitamins that can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, relieve heart ailments and reduce the risk of strokes.

Components such as folic acid, linoleic and potassium increase blood flow to the brain, which improves memory, strengthens the nervous system. Chestnuts are also recommended to be consumed in moderation by pregnant women to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus.

Diarrhea remedy

Michael Murray, in his book Encyclopedia of Healing, wrote about the presence of healthy fats in chestnuts, or rather the minimum amount. The 12% fat content of "nuts" makes them a low-fat product containing beneficial fatty acids, including linoleic .

In addition, eating chestnuts or taking a decoction, you can get rid of diarrhea. Since the product contains tannin, which literally has an astringent effect, the same thing will happen in the intestines. You will get rid of diarrhea as soon as possible if you drink about 2 glasses a day of this infusion, no more.

It is known that it can alleviate the condition even with dysentery, but you should be wary of experimenting on children, since the decoction can also have a toxic effect on the baby's fragile body.

Promotes weight loss

Since the fruits contain half of the daily fiber intake per day, the conclusion is clear: chestnut nuts are good and bad for digestion. Chestnuts improve digestion (if not overeating) of food most correctly without causing diarrhea. Such a fibrous diet will lower blood cholesterol levels by limiting absorption by the intestines.

Usually, fiber cannot help the body if there is not enough fluid in it. But the chestnut also wins in this, there is just enough liquid in it to remove all toxins, while removing inflammation in the intestines and not contributing to the appearance of various disorders.

The advantage of consuming chestnuts is that, like hazelnuts and almonds, they contain a record low amount of gluten, which means that the product does not contain gluten and can be safely used in gluten-free diets with wheat allergies. The low glycemic index allows chestnuts to be used in the fight against diabetes.

People who should not consume excessive amounts of sweet and fatty will definitely appreciate a properly prepared dish of edible chestnuts. Scientists from the University of Missouri have found that chestnuts, the benefits and harms of which have been studied enough, can help lower blood sugar levels or slowly increase them without affecting health and well-being.

Horse chestnuts - benefits and harms

Horse chestnut extract is part of many ointments and creams, lotions and tonics. In its raw form, it cannot be consumed, it is poisonous, for some the dose of toxins can be safe and pass without consequences, for others it can be fatal. It is used for external purposes for the prevention of varicose veins, the formation of blood clots, as a rub for pain (when the joints “ache” when the weather changes).

And tinctures or drops, which include the extract, are used to treat heart disease, strengthen blood vessels, with spasms, atherosclerosis, hypertension, with increased blood clotting (reduces viscosity). Now chestnut has found application in orthopedic procedures as a massage tool. You can build a rug on which to lay or stick chestnut kernels and walk barefoot on it - an excellent prevention of foot disorders in children.

Chestnuts - benefits and harms to the body

As well as the benefits of chestnuts, you can also get harm to your own health. First of all, chestnuts should not be consumed in kilograms. But a moderate dosage will promote health. D For people without any special health problems, a dose of up to 500 grams per day, divided into two times, is allowed.

Chestnuts can have the most dangerous consequences on a child's body or people with individual intolerance to chestnuts. Chestnut can be the strongest allergen, so before you start eating fruits and enjoying dishes from them, consult your doctor. In any case, you need to start with a small dose, checking how the body reacts to the new taste. You should also be careful about the consumption of chestnuts if a person suffers from:

  • kidney failure
  • Asthma and allergic manifestations
  • Children and the elderly who have never eaten chestnuts before

Remember, if you suffer from allergies or rashes on the body, you can always replace the chestnut with another nut, don't push your luck and be healthy!
