
How to make delicious marmalade from jam - recipes for homemade marmalade. Marmalade with gelatin at home

Marmalade is a delicious, healthy fruit dessert and fragrant oriental sweetness. In the east and in the Mediterranean, sweetness was prepared from fruit purees, boiled heavily and dried in the sun. In Portugal, sheet marmalade was boiled from quince fruit and cut with a knife. In Germany, this is the name of any fruit jam. The true connoisseurs of marmalade are the British.

Marmalade is a low-calorie product, it does not contain fat. If you are on a diet, you can cook sugar-free diet marmalade - fruits contain the required amount of fructose. The sweetness is rolled in sugar to reduce the moisture content of the finished product, and so that it does not stick together during storage.

Marmalade at home can be prepared from any fruit, juice or compote, from jam or fruit puree.

Fruit platter marmalade with pectin

To prepare marmalade-fruit platter, you will need silicone molds with cutouts in the form of slices, but you can use ordinary shallow containers, and then cut the finished marmalade into cubes.

Pectin is a natural thickener of vegetable origin. It is produced in the form of a grayish-white powder. It is activated during heat treatment, therefore, when making marmalade on pectin, the solution should be heated. It can be bought at any store.

In the human body, pectin works as a soft sorbent, normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The thicker the fruit puree, the less time it takes to warm it up.

Cooking time - 1 hour + 2 hours for solidification.


  • fresh oranges - 2 pcs;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs;
  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) - 400 gr;
  • sugar - 9-10 tbsp;
  • pectin - 5-6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the oranges, squeeze out the juice, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of pectin. Stir so that there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the orange mixture into the heated saucepan. Stirring, heat until thick for 15 minutes, but do not boil. Cool down.
  3. Peel and chop the kiwi in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of pectin to the resulting mass. Heat the resulting mass in a separate saucepan, stirring constantly, until thick, 10 minutes.
  4. Strawberries mash with a fork or in a blender until smooth, add 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of pectin. Prepare strawberry puree like orange puree.
  5. You should get three containers of warm fruit puree with the consistency of thick sour cream. Lubricate molds for marmalade with butter, silicone molds do not need to be lubricated. Pour the marmalade mass into molds and place in a cold place to harden for 2-4 hours.
  6. When the marmalade hardens, remove it from the molds and roll in sugar. Put on a flat dish and serve.


  • cherry juice - 300 ml;
  • regular gelatin - 30 gr.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. + for sprinkling 2 tablespoons;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in 150 ml. cherry juice at room temperature, stir and leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour the sugar with the remaining cherry juice, bring to a boil, stirring. Cool the syrup a little, and add lemon juice to it.
  3. Pour the gelatin into the syrup, mix until smooth.
  4. Fill the molds with liquid marmalade and place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours to harden.
  5. Remove the finished marmalade from the molds and sprinkle with sugar.

Fruit marmalade with agar-agar

Agar-agar is obtained from seaweed. Produce it in the form of a yellowish powder or plates.

The gelling ability of agar-agar is higher than that of gelatin, as is the melting point. Dishes cooked on agar-agar will thicken faster and will not melt at room temperature.

Cooking time - 30 minutes + freezing time 1 hour.


  • agar-agar - 2 tsp;
  • water - 125 gr;
  • fruit puree - 180-200 gr;
  • sugar - 100-120 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour agar-agar with water, mix and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Pour the agar-agar into a heavy bottomed saucepan, place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. As soon as the agar-agar boils, pour sugar into it. Boil over low heat for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and add the fruit puree to the agar-agar, stirring the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps, cool slightly.
  5. Pour the finished marmalade into silicone molds of different sizes, leave to harden at room temperature or refrigerate for 1 hour.
  6. Marmalade is ready. Cut it randomly or in different shapes, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Sheet marmalade from apples or quince

The composition of this dish does not include gelling agents, since natural pectin is found in apples and quince in sufficient quantities.


  • apples and quince - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 250-350 g;
  • parchment paper.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse apples and quince, cut into slices and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the apples in a deep saucepan, add water and cook, stirring, until softened.
  3. Cool and chop the apples with a blender or rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree and cook again, stirring, over low heat for 30 minutes. Cook the puree in several batches until thick.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, spread a thin layer of applesauce on it and place in the oven.
  5. Dry the marmalade for 2 hours at a temperature of 100°C, turn off the oven and leave the marmalade overnight. Do this procedure again.
  6. Cut the finished layer of marmalade into strips, wrap with parchment paper and store in the refrigerator.

Marmalade sweets "Summer"

For such sweets, any fresh berries are suitable, if desired, can be prepared from frozen fruits.

For sweets, any shape is suitable, like silicone, plastic, and ceramic.

Cooking time - 30 minutes + 1 hour for freezing.


  • any seasonal berries - 500 gr;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • agar-agar - 2-3 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the berries, mash with a fork or chop in a blender, add sugar and mix.
  2. Pour agar-agar into a saucepan, cover with cold water, let stand for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Place the pot of agar-agar over low heat, stirring, bring to a boil, and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Mix berry puree with agar-agar, cool slightly and pour into molds.
  5. Leave the sweets to harden at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

We hope you, the kids and your guests enjoy these treats.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 1. Marmalade at home from raspberries with pectin


Raspberries (fresh or frozen) 0.5 kg

Pectin 50 g

Honey (unsweetened) 90 g


Rub the berries through a sieve: you should get 300 ml of juice. It is important to achieve its transparency, so it is advisable to pass the juice through a filter made of several layers of gauze and a cotton pad. Heat the juice to 50-60ºϹ, add pectin to it and bring to a boil after half an hour. Boil for five minutes. Cool to 30-35ºϹ and add honey, stir until honey is completely dissolved. At temperatures above 40ºϹ, the beneficial properties of honey are significantly reduced, so it is important to add this product to warm juice.

Pour the uncured juice into molds and refrigerate to set.

Raspberry marmalade with honey, without the use of sugar, can be used as a remedy for colds, even for those who are contraindicated in the use of sugar.

Recipe 2. Marmalade at home from plums


Plums 1.0 kg

Water 300 ml

Sugar 350 g

Pectin (powder) 50 g


Natural clarified juice from plums is extremely difficult to obtain without adding water. The best plum variety for juice is Hungarian. Sort ripe berries, remove seeds. Plums should be steamed. Grind the boiled pulp until mashed, and hang it in gauze over a container into which the juice will drain. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, cover with water and boil a second time. Combine both parts of the resulting juice, add sugar combined with pectin. When the juice boils, hold on low heat for 10 minutes, and pour into molds while warm.

You can use molds for lollipops, cookies. To make marmalade very beautiful and bright, take, in addition to Hungarian, yellow plums and make a two-layer dessert. To do this, first fill the form halfway with red plum marmalade, and when it hardens, add yellow marmalade. In this case, start cooking marmalade from yellow plums 3-4 hours later, so that the first layer has time to harden in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Marmalade at home from quince


Quince 1.5 kg

Molasses 300 g

Coconut flakes 100 g


The fruits must be washed and baked in the oven until soft. When they have cooled down to a temperature that is convenient to work with them further, rub through a sieve to get a pitted and skinless puree. In the resulting puree, add molasses or sugar syrup, or honey, mix the mass thoroughly, cook until thickened. During the cooking process, stir continuously and do not forget that for the preparation of marmalade it is better to use the same dishes that are usually used for cooking jam or jam.

Put the cooled mass into molds and sprinkle with coconut flakes, which will not only decorate homemade marmalade, but also give an interesting taste. If you don't like the taste of coconuts, use sugar.

Recipe 4. Unsweetened marmalade at home, for snack dishes

Sometimes marmalade is unsweetened and can be served with different dishes, and not just as a dessert. If you need to arrange a festive snack, jelly or aspic, prepare marmalade from vegetables.


Beetroot 0.300 g

Carrot 250 g

Spinach 0.5 kg

Salt, pepper, sugar


Blanch the spinach and puree it with a blender. Add spices if needed. Wrap the washed root crops in foil and bake in the oven until tender. Mash them when cool and season with spices if necessary. Add 10 g of agar to each puree, if necessary, add a little water (for a very thick puree) and let each mass boil. You only need to cook until the agar dissolves.

Prepare dishes to spread the puree in a thin layer. You can lay out each type of puree separately, or make a three-layer mass. When the unsweetened marmalade hardens, cut out the figures of the desired shape to decorate the dishes.

The use of agar is remarkable in that after cutting out the figures, the remaining pieces of marmalade can be collected and heated again until a liquid mass is obtained, and then shaped into the desired shape.

Recipe 5. Fruit marmalade at home from gooseberries and currants


Berries of red currant and gooseberry - 1 kg each;

Sugar 0.5 kg


Sort the berries, removing dry inflorescences and stalks, wash them. Do not mix the berries, both masses must be prepared separately. Divide the sugar into two equal parts and add each part to heat-resistant containers with berries. Mash the berries slightly and place the containers in an oven preheated to 180ºϹ for 25-30 minutes. When the berry masses thicken, remove them and cool to rub through a sieve and remove the cake. Add 100 ml of boiling water to each container, stir and pour the berry puree into separate, uniformly sized molds. The form must first be lined with parchment. Put it back in the oven, but already at a temperature of 100-120ºϹ, in order to evaporate the water. When the juice becomes viscous, turn off the oven and open the door a little, but do not remove the molds until completely cooled. If necessary, to dry the marmalade, preheat the oven to 50-60ºϹ two or three times. When the marmalade is ready, sprinkle its surface with water or syrup. Transfer the marmalade from one mold on top of another layer, moisten the parchment and remove it. Sprinkle with sugar and let dry. After that, turn the mold over, remove the parchment from the bottom layer in the same way, sprinkle sugar on the wet surface of the back layer again. Cut the finished marmalade into pieces and place in a storage box lined with parchment. You need to store such marmalade in cool conditions, avoiding high humidity.

Recipe 6. Marmalade at home from orange juice on gelatin


Red orange juice 1.0 l

Fructose 150 g

Gelatin 50 g


If you use ready-made, pasteurized juice, then it only needs to be heated to dissolve the fructose. Pour about 200 ml of the juice taken into a separate bowl, add gelatin to it and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the total mass of juice in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Pour the gelled juice into molds and refrigerate to set.

Gelatin-based marmalade is best prepared in small quantities so that it can be consumed immediately. Keep it cold, remembering that even at room temperature, gelatin begins to “melt”, and the gelled mass spreads and it is almost impossible to restore the properties of gelatin.

Recipe 7. Marmalade at home "Rainbow"



Coconut milk

Sea ​​buckthorn

Red grapes

Sugar syrup (or molasses)

agar agar


For multi-colored marmalade, use the juice of fruits of different colors, in the same amount. Add syrup or molasses to each of the juices in a ratio of 1:1. Use agar-agar in proportion: for 100 ml of juice - 10 g of agar. We prepare the masses for a colored dessert separately, in turn: we combine the juice with agar, add the syrup, bring to a boil and pour into a rectangular mold with a high rim. Agar hardens quickly, so you can immediately start preparing the next layer of marmalade. We prepare it in exactly the same way and pour it onto the frozen, first layer. We alternate the juices in any order: it is important that the layers are bright and contrasting in relation to each other.

You can use more coconut milk to make such marmalade (or replace it with cream), and alternate each layer of fruit marmalade with white marmalade. At the end of the work, cut the frozen layer into pieces.

Marmalade at home - tips and tricks

Marmalade is a delicious dessert. It can also be a healthy dessert if you avoid too much sugar during the cooking process. The main thing to remember is that sugar does not affect the stability of the dense, gelled marmalade structure. A dense consistency is formed by pectin, agar or gelatin, the amount of which can be changed in the recipe, depending on the desired effect.

To make marmalade an absolutely dietary product, replace sugar with honey. This is easy to make in any recipe. But for this, one nuance must be taken into account: if you do not like a very sweet dessert, then the ratio of sugar and honey is approximately 2: 1, that is, honey must be used half as much as sugar. This is explained simply: honey contains free fructose molecules, which affect the taste.

It happens that some of the sweet preparations are not eaten by the beginning of the new season. Jam, jam and fruit-berries grated with sugar can be used in other ways. Which? Make marmalade out of them! It's delicious, and fast, and very unusual. After this culinary experiment, your household will look at these blanks with different eyes and all last year's stocks will instantly evaporate.

There is only one answer to this question - any! It can be a dessert with whole or grated berries, and you can also use jam syrup to make marmalade.

If you do not want to meet pieces of berries in the finished dish, then the jam is first slightly diluted with water, and then pierced with a blender until smooth.

How to make marmalade

Based on gelatin with lemon

20 grams of edible gelatin is poured into a glass of chilled boiled water, mixed well and set aside for 40 minutes.

While the gelatin swells, juice is squeezed from half a medium-sized lemon. To make the juice as clean as possible, it is filtered through cheesecloth.

Two two-hundred-gram glasses of any jam are laid out in a saucepan with a thick bottom. If jam with berries, then it is first pureed with a blender. The stove is set to minimum heat and cooking begins. The jam should boil. After a five-minute seething, swollen gelatin is placed in the jam, and with constant stirring, the sweet mass is heated until the gelatin grains are completely dissolved. It is impossible to boil jam with gelatin thickener!

At the very end of cooking, lemon juice is poured into the marmalade mass. The jam is mixed and poured into molds. If the molds are silicone, then they can not be lubricated. If the molds are made of plastic or metal, then they are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in refined vegetable oil.

The blank with marmalade is sent to the refrigerator for 4 hours. When the mass is well strengthened, the marmalade is removed from the molds. It is better not to sprinkle such marmalade with sugar, since gelatin can leak, and the appearance of the finished dish will not be aesthetic.

On agar-agar

Half a liter of any jam is crushed until smooth with a blender. The mass is placed in a saucepan and boiled. After 4-5 minutes of active bubbling, 2 teaspoons of agar-agar mixed with the same amount of sugar are added to the jam. This is done so that the gelling powder is evenly distributed in the puree mass.

Jam with agar-agar is boiled over a minimum heat for 5 minutes, and then laid out in prepared molds. Marmalade can not be placed in the refrigerator. Agar-agar "freezes" perfectly at room temperature.

Ready marmalades are taken out of the molds and rolled in sugar or powdered sugar. That's all! Delicious dessert is ready!

In the microwave on gelatin

30 grams of gelatin is poured into a glass of water at room temperature. It is desirable that the water be boiled. The mass is left for half an hour so that the powder swells well.

A glass of jam is ground through a sieve or whipped with a blender. If necessary, water is added to make the mass liquidish. The blank for marmalade is transferred to a container suitable for use in a microwave oven, and put it in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. The power of the unit is set at 800 watts.

Then gelatin is added to the heated mass, mixed well, and returned to the microwave for another 1 minute.

The last time they take out the marmalade mass, mix it, make sure that the gelatin is well dispersed, and turn on the unit for another 1.5 minutes.

Hot jam is laid out on a flat tray lined with cling film. To make marmalade stronger, it is placed in the main compartment of the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Ready dense marmalade is freed from the film and cut into portions.

Marmalade from jam syrup

This recipe allows you to get a transparent marmalade. Liquid jam is poured through a sieve, freeing it from berries. The resulting syrup is heated on fire, and then mixed with swollen gelatin. The blank is poured into molds and allowed to cool and get stronger in the refrigerator.

About how to make marmalade from gelatin-based strawberry syrup, tell the channel "Cooking - Just delicious!"

Marmalade is a delicacy that can be prepared from almost any berries and fruits. Some types of vegetables, as well as ready-made syrups and juices, can also be used. Marmalade from juice is prepared extremely simply and quickly. Using packaged store juice makes the task much easier. If you prefer to control the process of creating the most delicate dessert from start to finish, then you can make the juice yourself from fresh fruits.

So, let's start our conversation today with the choice of gelling agent. To make homemade marmalade, you can use agar-agar, pectin, or commonly available gelatin. It is quite difficult to find agar-agar and pectin in free sale, but their use makes the dish as elastic as possible. For example, agar-agar has ten times the gelling properties of gelatin.

Juice - the basis of marmalade

To prepare the base, you can use juice prepared yourself from fresh or frozen berries. To slightly reduce the concentration, it is slightly diluted with water. You can not do this if the too rich taste of marmalade does not bother you.

Less troublesome is the preparation of a dessert from packaged store juice. The taste of marmalade can be varied at your discretion by mixing different types of drinks.

How to make gelatin marmalade from juice

This recipe is extremely simple. The active cooking time of marmalade will take only 10 - 15 minutes.

We take the ingredients based on 1 liter of juice:

  • juice (any) - 1 liter;
  • gelatin - 5 tablespoons (with a small slide);
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

You can vary the amount of sugar as you wish. Natural juices require more granulated sugar to drown out the sour taste.

Pour gelatin with about 200 milliliters of juice and leave for 5 - 7 minutes. If, according to the instructions, more time is required for the preliminary swelling of gelatin, then follow its instructions.

Dilute sugar in the remaining 800 milliliters. We put a bowl of food on the fire, and with constant stirring we achieve complete dissolution of the crystals.

Add gelatin to the syrup and mix everything until smooth. An important point: gelatin cannot be boiled! If you see that the liquid is about to boil, remove the bowl from the heat.

Pour the slightly cooled mass into molds. It can be both a large form and small portion molds. We line a large container with baking paper or cling film. This will allow you to extract ready-made marmalade from it with less nervous loss. Portion forms I advise you to grease with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

I suggest watching a video from the "Culinary Video Recipes" channel about making marmalade from freshly squeezed orange and lime juice on gelatin

Dense marmalade with agar-agar

  • packaged juice - 500 milliliters;
  • agar-agar - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 2.5 tablespoons.

This recipe is even easier to prepare and less time consuming. We combine all the ingredients in one bowl and put on the stove. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add heat and boil the liquid for 5 minutes.

After that, the mass is poured into molds. Marmalade on agar-agar perfectly “freezes” even at a temperature of +20 C °, but to speed up the process, the forms can be put in the refrigerator. Ready dessert can be enjoyed after half an hour of being in the cold.

Useful marmalade on pectin

Apple pectin is very useful for the body, so marmalade prepared with its use also has a beneficial effect.

  • juice - 500 milliliters;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • pectin - 3 tablespoons.

Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with pectin. The rest is poured into the juice. We put the container with the liquid on the fire and boil until the sugar dissolves. Then add pectin. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let stand for 15 minutes so that the powder swells. After that, return to the stove and cook for 5 - 7 minutes.

Pouring marmalade into molds should be in a slightly cooled state.

Ready marmalade can be sprinkled with sugar.

Marmalade is a wonderful light delicacy made from fresh fruits and berries, which is ideal for tea in the summer heat. But marmalade, which is sold in stores, is saturated with harmful chemical additives, which, not only for a child, but for an adult, are scared to eat! Isn't it better to make homemade marmalade from natural ingredients that will taste just as good as store-bought?

Classic marmalade is made on the basis of pectin - not gelatin and not even agar, but pectin. Unfortunately, pectin is not so easy to find in stores - but for the sake of homemade marmalade, you can try!

So, to make homemade marmalade, you will need:

500 g berry or fruit puree (no sugar),

400 g sugar

A mixture of pectin and sugar (12 g pectin + 50 g sugar),

100 g glucose syrup,

50-70 ml lemon juice (or citric acid),

Vanilla, aromatic herbs, zest to taste.

To weld homemade marmalade, take a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the puree mixed with sugar there and bring it to a boil, stirring gently. When the puree begins to boil, add the sugar-pectin mixture and boil everything for about 2-3 minutes. Leave the saucepan on low heat - and while the mixture is still warm, mix it with the glucose syrup.

Stirring frequently, simmer the mixture over low heat until it thickens - and add the lemon juice (or citric acid).

Remove the future homemade marmalade from the heat and put it in a suitable form, lined with baking paper or cling film. Gently spread the resulting mass so that it is even. After the mass has cooled, take it out of its forms and, wrapping it with film or paper, put it on the board to “ripen”. After a day, turn the marmalade over and leave it to ripen again.

After another day, remove the film or paper from homemade marmalade, cut it, roll in sugar and leave for two days. Store homemade marmalade in an airtight container.

Bon appetit!

It is believed that homemade marmalade prepared using gelatin melts quickly, does not hold its shape well, and generally bears little resemblance to marmalade. We offer you two recipes, which result in an excellent delicacy that is not inferior to marmalade made on the basis of pectin.

1. Homemade marmalade with soda

This is the easiest gelatin marmalade recipe ever. In order to prepare it, you will need:

1 st. lemonade (with gas),

1 st. orange juice

50 g gelatin,

Sugar and citric acid to taste.

Pour the gelatin with soda and wait until the gelatin swells. Pour in the orange juice, sugar and citric acid and place the mixture over medium heat. Cook, stirring, 20 minutes.

When the mass thickens, pour it into molds or molds and let it cool. It is better if the marmalade will cool in a cool place. cooled down homemade marmalade remove from molds, cut if necessary - and roll in sugar.

Bon appetit!

2. Homemade strawberry marmalade

To prepare such marmalade on gelatin, you will need:

300 g fresh selected strawberries,

250 g powdered sugar,

250 ml of water

20 g gelatin,

Half tsp citric acid.

Rinse and clean strawberries - and choose only the most ripe and high-quality berries. Grind the berries in a blender along with powdered sugar and citric acid.

Soak gelatin in cold water and leave it to swell for about half an hour. After that, bring the gelatin to a boil over medium heat, remove and pour the strawberry puree into the gelatin. Mix the mass well, pour into molds or pour into a mold. Leave the homemade marmalade in the refrigerator until completely set, and then cut it into portions.

Bon appetit!

This is probably the easiest homemade marmalade recipe ever. It is not surprising - in fact, marmalade is made by itself, you just follow the process and slightly regulate it.

In order to prepare such a delicacy, you will need:

500 g plums (ideal if they are wild sloe-type plums),

500 g apples (Antonovka type),

400 g sugar.

Wash and cut plums and apples. Remove the pits from the plums and remove the skins from the apples. Put everything in a bowl, add sugar and start to simmer for about 30-40 minutes. You should get a homogeneous mass. Taste the future marmalade - if it seems sour to you, add more sugar and continue cooking. When the mass thickens strongly and begins to stick on a spoon, remove homemade marmalade from the fire and put it in a plastic mold covered with polyethylene.

After a day, marmalade can be gently shaken out of the mold, rolled in sugar, slapped, cut and served.

Bon appetit!

Cook homemade marmalade and treat your children to it. They will love this tasty and healthy treat!
