
Char fish for the second course. Char fish - a bright dish from the northern latitudes

One of the most delicious and healthy fish available for sale in domestic stores, of course, is char. Recipes for cooking dishes from it are very diverse. After all, this fish can be baked, and fried, and salted, and boiled. Today we decided to bring to your attention several recipes for delicious dishes from this product.

Description of char fish

This red fish is a close relative of the salmon family. However, unlike them, char meat is not as fatty. In this regard, when cooking in the oven, it is important not to overdo it so that the fish does not become dry. On sale, there are mainly small chars, which makes the process of their preparation convenient. The skin of this fish is devoid of scales, so after cooking it becomes crispy and very tasty. When asked how tasty char is, most chefs recommend baking or frying it. Moreover, you can cook not only whole carcasses, but also fillets or steaks.

for a person

Char meat contains many vitamins and minerals (omega-3, E, B6, B12, magnesium, iron, niacin and calcium). Moreover, during the thermal treatment, all the nutrients in the fish are preserved. Thus, char dishes are not only very tasty and appetizing, but also very useful for our body.

char in the oven with rice

For this recipe, we need the following ingredients: 500-700 grams of fish, a glass of rice, two onions, two carrots, two tablespoons of sour cream, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, butter, lemon juice and ketchup to taste.

We cut the washed char carcass into pieces, salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Boil the washed rice until tender. Put the pieces of fish in a greased baking dish, which are covered with a layer of rice on top. The onion is cut into half rings, and the carrots are grated. Add ketchup and mayonnaise to vegetables and mix. The resulting mass is laid out in a form on top of rice. Add a few small pieces of butter on top. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 30-35 minutes, a delicious dish is ready to serve.

Recipe for baked char in sour cream with wine

To prepare this delicious and fragrant dish, we need the following ingredients: 1 kilogram of fish, 50 grams of melted butter, 100 ml of dry wine (grape wine is best), 100 ml of sour cream, and salt and pepper.

Now we go directly to the description of how to cook charr fish. We gut the carcasses, rinse thoroughly, rub inside and out with salt and pepper. We put the whole fish in a baking dish, pour it with oil and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, pour the char with wine. After another 20 minutes, add sour cream and bake for another 5-7 minutes, after which the dish is ready to serve.

Baked char in the oven goes well with vegetables, potatoes and rice. Moreover, wine is not an obligatory ingredient in this dish; it can be replaced with lemon juice or even vinegar. However, it is this that gives the fish its unique flavor.

Char fish baked with champignons

How to cook another delicious dish from this product? Very simple: bake it with cheese and champignons! To implement this recipe, we need the following ingredients: two medium-sized loaches, 150 grams of cream cheese, 200 grams of fresh mushrooms, 10 grams of vegetable oil, 50 ml of cream, lemon, a bunch of dill, as well as salt and spices to taste.

We clean the fish carcasses from scales, remove the gills and fins. Then we make a small incision and carefully remove the insides. You can cut off the head and tail, but this is not necessary. We wash the cleaned fish well and dry it a little. We coat the carcass with pepper, and also sprinkle with lemon juice. It will help to neutralize the specific fishy smell and give the meat firmness, so that it does not fall apart during the baking process. After these manipulations, we put the char in a suitable container, close the lid and put it away for 30-40 minutes in a cool place. It is necessary to salt the fish immediately before stuffing, otherwise the meat will become too dry.

We continue to figure out how to cook char fish, and move on to the filling. Wash the mushrooms and cut them lengthwise into small pieces. We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms for 7-10 minutes, until all the juice comes out of them. Finely chop the dill, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. We combine the fried champignons, dill and cheese together, add cream to them. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is placed in a culinary bag.

We stuff the char with the resulting mixture through an incision in the abdomen. We wrap the stuffed carcasses in foil, put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. After that, unfold the foil, sprinkle the char with vegetable oil and cook for another 5-7 minutes. This is done so that the fish acquires a tender and appetizing crust. So, the baked char in the oven is ready! Serve it preferably with chopped lemon wedges. Moreover, this dish is very tasty not only hot, but also cold.

If there is char in your refrigerator, recipes for its preparation should not be limited solely to baking in the oven. After all, it can also be fried or salted. In addition, the ear from this fish is very tasty.

fried char

To prepare this dish, you need to stock up on the following ingredients: one medium-sized fish carcass, two heads of red onion, one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of 0.5 teaspoon of red ground pepper, 100 grams of water, one tablespoon of sunflower oil and lemon pepper taste.

We gut the char, wash and remove the backbone. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and sprinkle with lemon pepper. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the fillet pieces for three minutes on each side. Then add 50 grams of water, close the lid and leave to stew for five minutes, after which we put the fish on a plate. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. We put them in the pan, where the loach was fried before. In a separate bowl, mix honey, vinegar, 50 grams of water and red pepper. Add this mass to the onion and simmer with the lid closed for 5 minutes. After that, you can serve the fish fillet with onions on the table.

Today we talked about several options for how to cook char fish. We sincerely hope that you will like all our recipes. Bon appetit!

And you are literally prescribed red fish? Love this variety, but don't dare to shell out? Yes, given the endless rise in price, this delicacy is beyond the reach of many. Meanwhile, there is a fish that adequately represents this class. Char! He owes its origin to salmon . Meanwhile, the quality is not inferior to its expensive counterparts. That's just for the price. But she pleasantly surprises everyone who accidentally pays attention to this modest exhibit in the window. In a plate with salad, fried char is unique and terribly tasty!

What kind of animal is this? Most likely, it is this question that may now arise for many who are now reading these lines. Meanwhile, we are talking about a relative of salmon, which is found in lakes, rivers and even streams. By the way, its color also depends on where the char lives. Although, no matter where our hero comes from, he is always without scales . Isn't it a pleasant circumstance that promises us saving time and effort, because you don't have to scrape the fish with a knife? Fried in fragrant crackers, it will be simply incomparable. What is one pleasantly crispy crust. And what a delicious sight!

As a rule, the store sells small specimens of red fish. Here comes one thing for two. Char - a variety of fish that are not so fatty like, say, salmon. But it's not dry fish either. Therefore, when preparing it (frying, stewing, baking, steaming), it is advisable to monitor the temperature.

What else is nice for this meal, which will surely delight anyone? You don't need to use a lot of ingredients to prepare this dish. In addition to fish, we will buy crackers, spices, garlic. If there is a ready-made salad mix, everything will be ready in twenty minutes!

Cooking method

Step 1

Let's start with the processing of the char. Since the fish is without scales, so we just have to remove all the insides, cut off the fins, tail and head.

By the way, the carcass is very good and easy to cut, because its bones are very tender.

Step 2

Everything except the innards of the fish can later be used to make a delicious fish soup. Char is incomparable in boiled form. Therefore, cutting off the head and fins, we leave a little fish around the edges.

So, we will wash the carcass under running water and cut into portions. They will make 4-5 pieces.

Step 3

Before you fry the pieces of fish, you need to decide on the breading. In flour? Trite. Therefore, we will come up with an original breading. Everyone has their own preference for spiciness. We will offer this option.

Crackers (and this can be white bread, and gray, and black) will need to be mixed with spices. But for this we must grate crackers. Let's take a big one. Why? Because if we take a small one, we get something like flour, and we need a crispy crust. That's why three is big.

Step 4

Now let's look around and choose the spices. Too easy - take something like black ground pepper. Therefore, finely rub. Pour your favorite spices into the croutons (Italian herbs will look great here!), some dried fragrant herbs such as dill and parsley.

If there is not enough spiciness, sprinkle everything with ground black pepper. Beauty! The flavors are already amazing...

At this point, salt the pieces of fish. Then, without regret, roll them in breadcrumbs.

Step 6

The oil has already warmed up, but we do not reduce the fire. After all, we want the fish to turn out crispy?

So we fry it for 5 minutes, turning over once. We make sure that the pieces do not burn.

Step 7

Aromas around the apartment went on a serious spree! The family came running to see what it is you are cooking there? Don't refuse them! After all, you probably care not only about your athlete, do you? Therefore, you just have to add to the plate.

Homemade, and especially one of them who monitors their muscle mass and protein content, will thank you for a new, tasty and healthy dish!

  • The salt content should be minimal, therefore, the fish and the mix can not be salted - the spices will fix everything.
  • The mix can be poured with vegetable (ideally olive) oil, yogurt (for those members of the athlete's family who follow the figure) and sour cream (of course, this is for someone who cares so much about proteins!).
  • Do not overheat the oil in the pan.
  • Do not overdo it with spices, because everything needs a measure.
  • Don't overcook the char in oil - as soon as you fry the fish, immediately place it in a colander to drain the excess oil and the fish will not absorb the oil.
  • Do not overcook the char, otherwise it will be dry.

Spicy salted char

Arctic char belongs to the species of salmon fish and has a tasty reddish fatty meat. The meat of this fish is tender and very tasty, and a great variety of dishes can be prepared from it. However, any fish connoisseur will tell you that the most delicious Arctic char is spicy salted.

And this delicious dish is quite easy to prepare. This will require 1 kg of steamed char fillet, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, and spices, ground black pepper, allspice, 3-4 bay leaves, nutmeg, ginger, coriander or dill grains.

If you do not have a fillet, but a whole fish, then the carcass needs to be cleaned of scales, remove the insides and cut off the head, tail and fins. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the fish. With a thin, wide and sharp knife, the meat is separated from the ridge on both sides. The small bones remaining in the meat are carefully removed.

Next, the fillet is rubbed on both sides with salt and sprinkled with sugar, and then comes the turn of spices, which are also covered with char meat. Next, the fish is placed in a specially prepared dish (glass or enamel saucepan). On top of the fish, you can put a film of food cellophane, on which oppression lies. It can be an ordinary stone weighing 0.5-0.7 kg. Dishes with fish are installed for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. During this time, you need to get and turn the fish daily.

The same must be done if you initially purchased an already peeled fillet. That is, there is practically no difference in the ambassador. After the fish has been salted for 3-4 days and with a knife scrape off all the spices from the salted fillet or half of the fish carcasses. If you prefer saltier fish, then you can keep it in a dry marinade for another extra day.

The fish can be further stored in the refrigerator, cut off from it as much as necessary or cut into pieces. Also, after salting, the fillet can be lubricated with vegetable oil, this will give it a more appetizing look and some piquancy in taste, and the shelf life of the fish will also increase. But the oil should not be fragrant, so as not to interrupt the aroma of the fish. Even gourmets say that char meat is even tastier than trout or salmon meat.

Char with aromatic stuffing

This loach dish is very refined and very aromatic. It was created for those who love natural food and real gourmets. Moreover, according to this recipe, the fish is baked, not fried. We all know that fried foods are unhealthy. But char with fragrant stuffing is not only a tasty dish, but also very healthy.

In addition, even at the present time, when the prices for salmon fish have soared to sky-high heights, char is two and a half times cheaper than trout or salmon. And its taste qualities are in no way inferior to these valuable types of fish, and, according to many connoisseurs, they even surpass them to some extent.

For this dish you will need the following components: a char carcass weighing about 1 kg, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, preferably apple, spices, ground black pepper, wig, salt, 50 grams of olive oil, green dill, onion and parsley, Italian or Provence herbs.

Rinse the fish with cool water, after removing the insides, do not cut off the head, cut off the tail and fins. Next, dry the carcass a little and sprinkle salt on top and inside. Next, lay the carcass on a wire rack, after putting food foil on it.

Next, the fish can be sprinkled with Italian or Provence herbs (you can not sprinkle). Then we proceed to the preparation of the sauce, from seasonings, vinegar, olive oil and herbs. To do this, coarsely chop the greens, dill, onion and parsley. In a shallow plate, you need to mix olive oil, a pinch of ground black pepper, apple cider vinegar, a mixture of Provence or Italian herbs 2 pinches. Then mix everything thoroughly with a fork and knead the greens well so that it starts up the juice.

We coat the char carcass with this sauce, and then wrap it in prepared food foil. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 C 0 for 20-25 minutes. The dish should be allowed to cool slightly, and then an incredibly fragrant dish should be served at the table. As a side dish, it is best to use rice with soy sauce or french fries.

Grilled char with lemon zest

To prepare such a dish, you will need 4 char carcasses weighing 250-300 grams, 2 teaspoons of lemon zest, white pepper and salt to taste, allspice 8-10 peas, 25 grams of butter.

Gut the carcasses of the fish, cut off the tails, heads and fins, rinse, dry slightly with a paper towel. Salt all the carcasses inside and outside and sprinkle with white pepper in the abdomen, put 2-3 peas of sweet pepper. Wash the lemon, and then grate the zest 2 teaspoons on a fine grater. Then mix the butter with the zest and knead everything with a fork.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable or butter, place the char carcasses in it, and put pieces of butter with lemon zest on top. Cover the form with food foil and put in an oven preheated to 190 C 0. Bake there for about 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and put the fish under the grill for about 5-6 minutes. Milk the finished dish in portions together and serve with vegetables to the table.

Roulettes with arctic char

A hearty and very tasty Arctic char dish that can be prepared in half an hour.

To prepare such a dish, you will need 4 loach fillets, 15 g, butter, dry white wine 100 g, fish broth 120 grams, tomatoes 3 pieces, ground black pepper 1 teaspoon, 4 long slices of ham, 3 cloves of garlic (grind), teaspoon salt, 50 g, vegetable oil for frying, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 25 g, chopped olive, 200 g, fennel, 3-4 sprigs of basil, 1 tablespoon finely chopped coriander, finely chopped onion, chervil, finely chopped 1 tablespoon, black pepper 1 teaspoon. Butter 3-4 tablespoons, salt 1 teaspoon, olive oil 70 g,

Salt and pepper the loach fillet, then coat with oil on both sides, put basil leaves on the fillet and wrap with slices of ham. Fry in a pan until the ham is crispy. Approximately 1-1.5 minutes on each side. Put chopped garlic and onion in a saucepan and add white wine and fish broth. Simmer for a while and then add olive oil. Before serving the char on the table, it should be sprinkled with lemon juice. Cut the tomato into cubes, mix the fennel into thin strips, add to the prepared wine sauce.

Char fish belongs to the salmon category. This species of fish lives in northern fresh water bodies: it is found in rivers and lakes.

The char received its name for its specific appearance. His scales are so small that he seems "naked". Char fish is the main ingredient in many culinary recipes.

Charr fish: benefits

  • The small size of the carcass (up to 1 kg) allows you to cook portioned dishes from whole fish.
  • Red char meat is very tender and not as fatty as other types of salmon fish.
  • The absence of scales allows you to easily get a crispy appetizing crust during the cooking process.
  • Regardless of the recipe, during cooking, the char practically does not decrease in size.
  • Char fillet is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B6, B12, magnesium, iron, calcium, contains the daily requirement of vitamin E necessary for a person.
  • Char fish is used for baking, frying, cooking fish soup. There are recipes for stuffed fish char, smoked and lightly salted.

Char fish: recipes for every day

Simple: char ear


  • 4 char
  • 4-6 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • 4-5 black peppercorns
  • salt, spices, parsley root to taste

Gut the fish, cut off the heads and fins, rinse thoroughly under running water. Remove gills from heads. Cut the fish into large pieces.

Peeled carrots, onions and potatoes, cut into slices, pour 2.5 liters of water. Put on medium fire. A few minutes before the potatoes are ready, put the fish, parsley root and bay leaf into the pan. Bring the ear to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.

After readiness, take out the bay leaf, parsley, carrots and onions, salt, add seasonings and herbs. Let it brew for 5 minutes and serve.

Sytno: char with potatoes


  • 800 g char
  • 1 st. cream
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 2 tbsp french mustard
  • 1 bunch of green parsley
  • salt, black pepper to taste

Peel potatoes, cut into slices. Salt, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil and put in a baking dish.

Gut the fish, cut off the head and fins, rinse. Cut the char into bite-sized pieces. Salt a little and put on potatoes.

Add chopped parsley and mustard to the cream, mix well. Pour the mustard mixture over the fish. Place the mold in a preheated oven over medium heat. After 30 minutes, the char dish will be ready.

Char fish: holiday recipes

Exquisite: char with cheese and almonds


  • 1600 g of char (2 carcasses of 800 g each)
  • 1 bunch of chervil
  • 150 g cream cheese
  • 2 slices of white bread
  • 2 tbsp chopped almonds
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 2 tsp mustard
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 20 ml dry white wine
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • salt, pepper to taste

Sprinkle the gutted and washed fish (with the head) inside and out with lemon juice, rub with a mixture of salt and pepper.

Cut white bread without crust into small cubes. In a bowl, mix bread, grated cheese, 2 tbsp. finely chopped chervil, almonds. Add mustard and 3 tbsp. sour cream. Mix everything. Stuff the fish with this mass, fasten the bellies with wooden toothpicks.

Place fish on a greased baking sheet. Add butter, pour in dry wine. Place in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, remove the fish from the pan and put in a warm place. Drain the remaining juice, dilute it with a glass of water, pour in the remaining sour cream. Boil the sauce, add chopped onion rings, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with the remaining chervil. When serving, pour sauce over fish.

Romantic: char in wine with Provence herbs


  • 1 kg of char
  • 100 ml dry white wine
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • 50 g melted butter
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • Provence herbs (fresh or dried)

Rinse gutted fish, pat dry with paper towels. Grate with salt and pepper. Put in a heat-resistant form, pour with melted ghee. Put in a preheated oven. After 20 minutes, pour wine over. After another 20 minutes, pour a mixture of sour cream and finely chopped greens. Remove from oven after 5-7 minutes and serve.

Do you want juicy fish? Prepare a delicious char baked in the oven with spices and vegetables. The meat after cooking is tender and has a lower fat content than, for example, salmon. The char can be salted, baked, fried and the ear is excellently obtained from it. And smoked char among gourmets is considered a delicacy. When cooking, do not get carried away with spices and additional additives to improve the taste. The meat of this fish, when baked without additional additives, turns out to be tasty and tender. Try it, I recommend it, your loved ones will be delighted. Cooking loach fish in the oven, see below.


  • Char - 0.7 kg;
  • Bulb onion - 1 pc. (more than average);
  • Lemon - 1 Piece;
  • Celery root - 300 g;
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (medium);
  • Butter - 30 g;
  • Kefir - 100 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - To taste;
  • Seasoning for fish - To taste;
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - To taste.


  1. We thoroughly wash the fish, clean it from the inside from the insides, cut off the gills. Salt the carcass, pour soy sauce, do not forget about spices as well. Leave the grated fish to stand for 0.5 hours.
  2. Let's take care of vegetables: cut the onion into half rings, and peel the celery and carrots and rub on a medium grater. Heat the butter in a frying pan, fry the prepared vegetables on it until soft. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Now we put the prepared vegetables inside the fish, as well as around it in the form in which the dish will be prepared. I like to fill the places where the fish had gills with lemon slices. Top everything with kefir.
  4. We cover the form with fish and vegetables with a lid and put in an oven preheated to 200 * C for 0.5 hours. That's all, the charr fish is ready, serve it to the table!

Bon appetit!

Watch the video below for more delicious fish recipes.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following: char fish - 4 pcs; 4 bulbs; lemon; salt, pepper, thyme - to taste; vegetable oil.

Happy cooking friends!
