
How to make homemade wine from candied jam. Homemade wine from jam: a step by step recipe with a photo

Every housewife knows that over time, the jam is candied, and if stored improperly, it can ferment. But do not throw it away, because it is an excellent raw material for making wine. Home wine very tasty and fragrant, and you can also be sure of the naturalness of the finished product. It is done quite simply and quickly.

Sourdough recipe for jam wine

To prepare any berry wine you will need sourdough, which is best done in advance. It is thanks to her that the fermentation process begins, which is important for cooking. There are three recipes. For the first option you will need:

  • Fresh raspberries - 0.2 kg
  • White sugar - 0.1 kg
  • Drinking water

To make sourdough at home, raspberries need to be rubbed with sugar and slightly diluted with water, then left in a dark place for 4 days.

Option two:

This starter is made from raisins, and you need to take 100 g of dried fruits for every 3 liters of must, which is prepared after. It is made at home in the same way as the previous version.

Third recipe:

To make this starter at home, you need 1.5 cups of vodka. You can also use alcohol. It must be mixed with 300 g of jam, the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, corked and insisted for two days. Then add to must.

The technology of making wine from jam at home

You will need:

  • Jam - 1 l
  • Purified water - 1 l
  • Leaven
  • Clean dishes (3 l jar, bottles for finished wine)
  • Sterile medical glove

Homemade wine can be made from almost any jam: apple, cherry, strawberry,
currant and so on. The principle of cooking at home is the same everywhere:

  1. First prepare the starter as described above. After that comes the stage of preparation of the wort. For convenience, take 1 liter of jam as a basis, then you will need 1 liter of water.
  2. Water must be boiled, you can take spring water. It needs to be cooled down room temperature. The dishes should be thoroughly boiled to prevent bacteria from entering.
  3. You need to mix the jam with water, and then add half a glass of sugar and a pre-prepared sourdough to the resulting mixture. Then all this should be closed with a nylon lid and put in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. After the homemade wine ferments, you need to get it out and remove all the pulp that has risen to the surface. Then the wort should be filtered and poured into a clean jar.
  5. Now the main thing: you need to put on a rubber glove on the lid, and then put the jar in a dark place. It is important to wait until the glove is inflated and then lowered again. It usually takes 40-60 days. After that, you can be sure that all the necessary processes have gone through and you get really tasty homemade wine.
  6. Make sure that the color is transparent - this is another indicator that the drink is ready. After all the manipulations, it should be poured into clean bottles. This must be done carefully, making sure that the sediment from the bottom of the jar does not get into them. After that, the wine can be consumed.

It is advisable to use finished product quickly, as it is stored no more than 2 months. When the bottles are opened, the wine foams a lot.

If you have a lot of jam left at home, then you can use a large 19-liter bottle to make large quantity drink. It holds 5 liters of jam and the same amount of water. Stir the must with a wooden stick. The berries float up and begin to ferment. The whole process takes on average a couple of months. After that, all the berries should be at the bottom, and the liquid should become transparent. She should
pour into a clean container, you can use a rubber hose - so there will be less chance of sediment getting into it.

A few secrets of jam wine recipes

Raisins and raspberries do not need to be washed for sourdough, as they act as yeast due to the microorganisms contained on the surface in order for the wine to ferment. This is very convenient, since real yeast is extremely difficult to find at home.

In the process of making wine at home, it is important to monitor the smell and color of the wine, as high temperature indoors or a small amount of sugar, it can turn into vinegar.

If you decide to make homemade wine, in no case do not use moldy jam, because the mold will not allow the wine to ferment normally and become a fragrant and tasty drink.

To achieve a richer taste and aroma, you can add a little honey to the jam.

On the eve of the next berry season, you should not dispose of sweet stocks, which for some reason remained dormant in the cellar.

Even if your favorite twist is very old, you can try yourself as a home winemaker and cook delicious wine from fermented raspberry jam. As a result minimum effort and costs, we will get a magnificent intoxicating drink, in which all the vitamin riches of the main garden berry will be preserved!

Winemaking from jam: the main principles

Favorite wine from many ladies raspberry jam It will turn out tasty and healthy from almost any raw material. Yes, in home winemaking useful raw materials and expired - one or even two years ago!

  • Raspberries, grated with sugar, which did not stand the test of time and fermented, will also fit. Experienced home winemakers claim that wine from sour raspberry jam turns out no worse than from fresh berries.
  • If even minimal hints of mold appear on the jam, it must be disposed of without regret and immediately. Working with such risky raw materials is a thankless job that may not be crowned with success. In addition, mold is dangerous to health, so it's not worth the risk.
  • All utensils and tools that we will use to make homemade wine from fermented or sour raspberry syrup must be sterile.
  • In the absence of professional water seals, it is quite possible to use rubber medical gloves to control the fermentation process, but only necessarily new ones.
  • To make wine from raspberry jam tasty and healthy, you need to strictly adhere to the temperature recommendations. But the amount of sugar suggested in the recipes can be varied based on your own taste preferences.

Raspberry is a rather sweet berry, so to get a dry variety of homemade wine drink, a little more can be added to the must at the fermentation stage. sour jam, for example - cherry or currant.

We get an incredible aroma and a very pleasant unsweetened taste!

In home winemaking, any utensils are used, except for metal ones, since they are prone to oxidation.

Raspberry Jam Wine: A Step-by-Step Recipe


  • old raspberry jam- 1 kg + -
  • — 1 l + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Unwashed raisins - a handful + -

How to make wine from fermented raspberry jam

  1. First, mix the jam and water at room temperature, then add raisins there (you can’t wash it - the natural yeast will wash off).
  2. The next step is to add half the serving of sugar. It is completely soluble.
  3. Having filled the glass container by 2/3 of its volume, we put on a medical glove on top. We make a small hole in one of the fingers - gases will escape through it during fermentation.
  4. We place the wine bottle in heat (average temperature - 25 ° C) away from direct sunlight. The location of the mash in a secluded place is several weeks. When the top fermentation is over (we will know this by dropping the glove and raising berry base on the surface of the mash), proceed to the next step.
  5. Strain the fermented wort through cheesecloth, taste it and, if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar.
  6. After sweetening the drink for the second time and pouring it into a clean bottle, we put on a glove and again place the semi-finished wine from raspberry fermented jam in heat.
  7. When the stage of the bottom fermentation is completed, and we will know this by the appearance of a thick sediment at the bottom of the bottle and the clarification of the drink, it will be necessary to pour the drink into portion containers of a smaller volume using a flexible tube.
  8. We tightly cork the bottles filled almost to the top and this time we send them to a cool dark place for ripening.
  9. Periodic precipitation is completely normal. As soon as he appears, almost ready drink will need to be poured into clean containers and placed again in a dark cool.
  10. The maturation period of homemade wine obtained from fermented raspberry jam is an average of 2-3 months. Its duration depends on the sweetness of the drink, the quality of berry raw materials, adherence to technology and many other factors.

An indicator of the readiness of homemade raspberry wine is the absence of sediment, transparency, rich taste with a strength of around 10%.

Wine from jam with wine yeast


  • Jam from raspberries and currants - 1.5 l.
  • Boiled warm water - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups.
  • Homemade wine yeast - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Raisins dark unwashed - 1 handful.
  • Pure water - 1 glass.
  1. First, let's "grow" homemade yeast. To do this, we slightly heat up half of the water, dissolve sugar in it, cool it, add the rest of the water.
  2. Pour unwashed raisins into a sterile bottle with a wide mouth, pour sweet water. The total volume of the mass should not exceed 2/3 of the capacity of the vessel.
  3. After corking the bottle with something that allows air to pass through well, let's stir the container in a fairly warm place. You can put it on a sunlit window sill (in summer) or closer to the battery (in winter).
  4. During the day, the contents of the jar need to be shaken - so the floating raisins will always be moist and not moldy. After 4-5 days violent fermentation finished - the yeast is ready. You can store the unused part for no more than 10 days and only in the cold.
  5. And now let's make wine on raspberry jam. Mix water at room temperature and jam, add half the sugar. When the grains dissolve, put the yeast, stir. We cover the bottle with gauze and send it to heat for a couple of weeks.
  6. When bubbles stop forming in the container and the smell of the mash disappears, and the pulp (berry pulp) rises, you can filter the semi-finished drink.
  7. We taste it and add, if necessary, more sugar, dissolving in part of the expressed liquid, and then pour it back.
  8. We put on a glove and send it to the heat for another wander. The glove is blown off - fermentation is over.

We bottle the almost ready homemade wine into bottles, leaving the sediment in a large container, close it - and ripen in the dark and cool! In the process, we will periodically drain the wine from the sediment into fresh, clean containers.

The strength of the finished wine can be increased by adding alcohol to it in an amount of 2 to 15% of the total volume of liquid.

The drink is fixed before it is sent for aging. It should be borne in mind that the more alcohol in the wine, the tougher its taste will be.

Any handmade product usually turns out not only tasty, but also healthy. The same can be said about raspberry jam wine if you know how to cook it at home and store it properly.

With his unsurpassed taste And delicate aroma No shop-bought drink compares! So do not rush to pour out the old twists - they may still come in handy ...

Soon the season of new preparations, and on the shelves - a lot of jars of unused jam. You don't have to throw anything away! Delicious wine is obtained from the delicacy, which will become an original addition. holiday dinner. Homemade jam wine is strong, fragrant and everyone likes it.

Wine recipes

Modern technologies industrial production wine drink from various raw materials cannot be reproduced at home due to the high complexity. But you can adapt.

Compliance with the recipe for making wine, the raw material for which is last year's, fermented, forgotten on the shelves of jam, guarantees a quality product.

It is possible to prepare a drink from one variety of jam, you can mix varieties, add fresh fruits and fruits - it depends on the taste. But many housewives have verified that mixing varieties of jam leads to a loss in the qualities of wine. It is best to use raspberry, currant, Strawberry jam- it will have good flavor and color. Great taste and the color of wine made from apple, plum or blueberry jam. Cherry jam drink keeps it strong, pleasant aroma.

Simplified cooking method

The technology for making wine from jam does not depend on the type of berries or fruits from which it is made, only the methods for preparing the must will differ. How to make wine from jam at home in a simple way? For this you need:

  1. ok without using detergents(can be used baking soda), wash the jar (3 liters), pour over boiling water.
  2. Boil water, set aside to cool to 25-30 degrees Celsius.
  3. In the bowl where the wine will ferment (prepared jar), mix jam, water of the desired temperature.
  4. Place raisins in a vessel (do not wash).
  5. Plug the vessel tight lid, rearrange in a warm (up to 25 degrees) place for two weeks.
  6. After 14 days, open, strain the cleared liquid into a new, cleanly washed container.
  7. Close the neck of the vessel, put on a surgical glove.
  8. It is necessary to fix it additionally by tying it with twine.
  9. Install a water seal - make a hole in one of the fingers of the glove, insert a flexible rubber tube, lower its end into a container of water. This will allow the fermentation process to proceed faster.
  10. The container is moved to a dark place for at least 45 days, the readiness of the wine is indicated by the stoppage of fermentation and the fall of the glove.
  11. When the liquid becomes clear, it is carefully drained without shaking.
  12. It is filtered through a watering can with an additional filter (cloth, gauze), poured into bottles washed with soda, tightly closed and removed for ripening for 60-90 days in a cool place.

Created according to this recipe, the wine will contain 9-11 degrees of alcohol.

Drink recipes from blanks

From raspberry jam

Recipe #1

To prepare a drink from raspberry jam, you will need:

  • 2.5 l. heated water;
  • 1 l. blanks;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • 3 liter glass container.

To make wine according to this recipe, the already described technology of making wine at home is used.

Recipe #2:

To make wine, prepare:

  • 3 kg of raspberry jam (jam, grated raspberries with sugar);
  • 2 kg frozen or fresh berries;
  • wine sourdough;
  • 10 l. heated water;
  • bottle with a capacity of 20 liters.

Cooking technology:

  1. All the ingredients for wine are mixed in a container, the temperature of the must should be about 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. The filled vessel is left in a warm place (at least 20 degrees Celsius), stirred regularly until signs of fermentation appear.
  3. As soon as the wort begins to ferment, it is poured into a vessel,
  4. Install a water seal to prevent air from entering the container.
  5. When the fermentation process is over, the liquid is carefully poured, without shaking, into a clarification container.
  6. After 72 hours, the drink will clear, then syrup is added to it, distributed into prepared bottles or jars.
  7. Corked wine is taken out to a dark, cool place for ripening.

The wine according to the recipe is very fragrant, rich in taste and color, can compete in taste with grape wines.

From strawberry jam

Recipe number 1.

To make a drink you need:

  • 1 l. strawberry jam;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • 2.5 l. water (heated to 25 degrees Celsius).

We mix the components of the future wine, pour 2/3 of the volume into a suitable thoroughly washed container and prepare the drink according to the usual technology. Some lovers note a special taste of wine made from a mixture of strawberry and currant jams.

Recipe number 2.

When preparing a drink at home in autumn, winter or spring, for flavoring, a tincture of fresh berries in alcohol is suitable, which is added after fermentation, before aging.

In order to make wine, you need to take:

  • 1 l. jams;
  • 2 kg fresh (or frozen) strawberries;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • pre-made sourdough (25 g);
  1. Grind the berry, combine with jam, dilute warm water.
  2. Introduce the starter into the liquid, place the container in a warm place to ferment the wort.
  3. After the appearance of signs of active fermentation, pour the wort into a large container.
  4. Arrange a shutter, leave until the end of the process.
  5. Separate the finished wine from the sediment and leave for additional purification for 72 hours.
  6. Add perfume, syrup (50 g) to the drained liquid, pour into containers and put on aging for 60-90 days.

Apple jam wine with rice

  • one liter of jam;
  • 1 st. raw rice;
  • 20 g of special wine yeast (you can use regular yeast, but this will worsen the taste);
  • warm water (at least 25 degrees Celsius).

How to put wine using yeast and rice? Its preparation does not differ from the traditional one, with the addition of raisins to the must. Pieces are added for flavoring lemon peel, syrup for taste (20 g per 1 liter of finished drink).

Wine from currant jam

The recipe assigns the role of sourdough to unwashed rice, you can use traditional wine sourdough, unwashed raisins.

To make currant wine at home, we take:

  • 1 liter of jam from any variety of currant;
  • 1 glass of crushed grape berries;
  • 250 g of rice;
  • two liters warm water;
  • glass jar 5 liters.

Ferment homemade wine like this:

  1. Prepare a container, wash with soda and hot water, scalded with boiling water.
  2. Mix ingredients with unwashed rice.
  3. The neck is sealed with a medical glove and additionally strengthened.
  4. Through a small hole in the finger of the glove, a rubber tube is connected and a water seal is placed.
  5. The jar is removed for fermentation in a warm place, protected from light, for 20 days.
  6. After the end of fermentation (opal glove), carefully drain the liquid from the sediment into a clean, prepared jar.
  7. Close the lid and put on clarification (additional purification of wine) in a dark place for 72 hours;
  8. Wine, after clarification, with the help of a rubber tube, is carefully poured into clean and scalded bottles, corked and put to ripen for 60-90 days.

Cherry jam wine

To set the wort you will need:

  • one liter jar jam
  • liter jar of heated water;
  • up to 150 g of raisins;
  • 3 liter container.

The technology for making wine is conventional, it is advisable to place the container during fermentation in a dark place at room temperature.

The wine has a strong aroma and a beautiful golden color.

Making wine from old or fermented jam

Stocks of last year's candied jam are an excellent stock for making wine at home. How to use old jam for this?

Recipe for homemade wine from candied jam:

  • one liter of old billet;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • liter of heated water;
  • 3 liter glass jar.

To make a drink you need:

  1. Prepare a jar, wash well with soda, scald with boiling water.
  2. Mix the ingredients, pour into a jar.
  3. Cork with a lid, take it to a warm place without access to light for fermentation.
  4. After 10 days, the pulp is removed from the surface, drained from the sediment and poured into a clean jar washed with hot water.
  5. The neck of the jar is closed with a medical rubber glove.
  6. The glove is additionally reinforced with twine or elastic cord.
  7. A rubber tube is passed through a hole in the finger of the glove and a water seal is arranged.
  8. Harvested for 6 weeks for fermentation.
  9. After fermentation, they are removed from the sediment with a rubber tube, poured into containers and taken out to ripen for 90 days.

Homemade wine after aging turns out to be similar to champagne, so you need to uncork the bottles with care.

What can be made from fermented jam? To make homemade wine from a sour billet, you should take:

  • one liter of blank;
  • a liter jar of water heated to 40 Celsius;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. raisins with a slide
  • glass jar 5 liters.

To set the wine you need to do the following:

  • Cooking dishes, washing, scalding.
  • We mix the components, pour into a container.
  • Seal the neck with a glove.
  • We remove the container in a warm place for fermentation.
  • After 2 weeks, drain the liquid into a prepared jar.
  • Add 50 g of sugar, cork plastic lid and take it to ripen for 90 days in a dark warm place.
  • Wine from jam is carefully poured into bottles, trying not to shake the settled thick.

This technology will allow you to make delicious wine at home from sour jam that has begun to ferment.

Beverage preparation technology

How to make the “right” wine from jam? When making an intoxicating drink from fresh raw materials, the first step is to prepare berries and fruits (they are peeled and crushed).

Jam is already prepared, purified raw material.

The second step is the preparation of the basis for fermentation (wort).

If fresh raw materials are used, the crushed mass (pulp) is mixed with sugar and water. The amount of sweetener (sugar or honey) is determined by the sweetness of the raw material and ranges from 150 to 300 g per liter of liquid.

Sugar is added to the jam during production, the hostess usually knows how much it is contained in a liter of product. If too sweet, increase the amount of water to get a wort of the same concentration as when using fresh fruit. Compliance desired sweetness extremely important - in an acidic environment:

  • the yeast necessary for fermentation will not multiply;
  • the appearance of mold colonies is possible;
  • development of putrefactive processes begins.

Excess sugar is unacceptable - in this case, the fermentation will slow down (sugar has the properties of a preservative).

The third step in making homemade wine will be the introduction of yeast into the wort (the jam was boilable, does not contain microorganisms that can “start” the fermentation process). They can be added to the must (wine is used, not regular yeast). The addition of ammonium chloride enables the yeast to multiply actively (the compound is used in industrial winemaking to improve the taste of wine during blending).

You can make sourdough using only natural ingredients(recipe):

  • for 500 g of warm water, 50 g of sugar and 250 g of raisins are used (no need to wash, the necessary yeast cultures are on the skin of the berries). The container with the mixture is closed with a piece of gauze folded in several layers or a dense cloth, kept warm for up to 5 days, controlling the process all the time, stirring the contents. The readiness of the sourdough is determined by active fermentation and specific odour.
  • for berry sourdough for 200 g of sweet berries or fruits (strawberries, raspberries, mulberries) use 75-100 g of sugar., 300 g of water. Crushed unwashed fruits are placed in a container, combined with water and sugar. The vessel with the leaven is placed in a warm place for fermentation.

Leaven is introduced into the wort at the rate of 25 g per liter of liquid.

important in wine drink is not only taste, but also smell. Wine made from fresh fruits retains their aroma, jam, with the exception of some varieties, pronounced odor does not have.

To improve the aroma of the drink, you can:

  • use similar fruits, adding to the wort;
  • apply lemon zest;
  • flavor wine pre-cooked alcohol tincture from aromatic herbs and fruits at the final stages of product ripening.

The fourth step is setting the must for fermentation and installing a water seal so that air does not get into the future wine. After purification of the liquid (suspension from the yeast should settle to the bottom), the liquid can be drained from the sediment.

This is necessary to remove impurities, develop a rich taste and High Quality guilt.

To reveal the taste of wine, it must ripen - the longer it is stored in a cool, dark room, the better. Storage bottles or other containers should be washed thoroughly, preferably without the use of synthetic detergents.

Fermentation wort can be poured into a container made of any material (except metal) - ceramics, glass, wood for 2/3 of the volume. Help improve taste oak sawdust, bark in dense linen bag dipped into the wort before fermentation.

How to make wine from old jam correctly? Do not use a product with mold colonies that is obviously spoiled - homemade wine get an unpleasant taste.

For a sweeter, dessert drink, syrup is added to the must - up to 250 g of sugar for the entire volume of wine. In the liquid before fermentation, to flavor the drink from raspberry jam, different varieties currants, you can add honey, spices.

There are many recipes for homemade wine from unused jam, each housewife has her own tricks and tricks. Knowledge of the main stages of technology will allow you to delight your loved ones with delicious, fragrant drink.

Attention, only TODAY!

It's time to prepare the jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, however, does the presence of last year's unused product stop you? There is a way out: start making wine from jam. So you will free the container and, with a clear conscience, proceed to new preparations. It is time to prepare jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, however, does the presence of last year's unused product stop you? There is a way out: start making wine from jam. So you free the container and, with a clear conscience, proceed to new blanks.

This recipe for homemade jam wine is simple, does not require additional costs. If you want the wine to be delicious, you just need to be patient and follow the recipe exactly. You will see - everything will turn out!

Basic terms and fixtures

Sometimes the terms of winemakers seem incomprehensible to an uninitiated person, and the process itself is very complicated. However, it is very easy to make wine from jam at home, and a simple recipe will be a great help for this. If you carefully understand, then there is nothing complicated or confusing.

So, first things first, let's look at the basic terms and deal with the devices.

The whole process of wine formation is divided into several stages:

  1. The formation of pulp, while all the ingredients are mixed and the container is left for several days in a warm place under a lid or without it, but covered with a cloth on top (third-party particles should not get into the must). The time of this stage is up to 10 days.
  2. Fermentation. During this period you will need special device(water lock) and a fermentation room - a dark room with stable temperature 22-24 C. This period will take about 50 days.
  3. Wine maturation. This length of time depends on how strong your exposure is. The longer the young wine stays in the cold, the tastier it will be. On average, this process takes from 2 to 3 months, and the room temperature should not exceed +16 C.

Between the main stages there will be several intermediate ones, which in different recipes jam wines are different, they will be discussed separately.

Now about fixtures

To prepare a drink, you will need a container for jam wine; it is better to use glass jars or bottles. They allow you to control the fermentation process and do not give extraneous odors.

You can use barrels or enamelware(but here, when fermenting, it will be problematic to arrange a water seal).

You can not take for these purposes plastic or aluminum cookware- the wine will have an additional smell and taste (not always pleasant), and in some cases ethanol will react with plastic and substances harmful to humans are formed (you can simply get poisoned).

Before making homemade wine from jam, make sure that there is no mold in the jam containers.

How to arrange a water seal? For this you can take thin tube from the drip system (new) and insert one end into nylon cover. The other must be lowered into a glass of water (filled ½). Such a shutter is good for ordinary glass jars, here the straw is disposable, and the lid can be used many times, only by changing the tubes.

You can buy a special factory-made shutter, usually it is suitable for bottles and cans, it all depends on the crust.

If all this is too complicated, then take an ordinary medical glove and pierce a hole in it with a gypsy needle in your finger, and then put it on a jar. Under the influence of gases, the glove will inflate and act as a water seal. It can only be used once.

Important Rules

Be sure to sterilize all containers and fixtures

Before making wine from jam at home, you will need to carefully rinse with soda and sterilize (boil, steam) all the containers and fixtures that will be used. So the wine will not receive unwanted or foreign odors.

Banks or other containers for fermentation are filled no more than 4/5 of the volume. It is even better to leave 2/5 of the container empty. And this is so that there is a place for foam and bubbles, otherwise they will rise too high and clog the water seal.

Cooking technology

Before you make wine from old jam, carefully study the technology and think about where each stage of creation will take place delicious drink. It is also important to stock up on the necessary containers and fixtures or make them.

1st stage

Mixing ingredients and wort formation

This is the mixing of the ingredients and the formation of the wort. For wort, water must be boiled, and then cooled to a warm state (+ 25C).

This process can be organized in an ordinary enamel pan or in a 3-liter jar. It is better to store the container not in the apartment, but in the pantry or on the balcony, but to start the process, you need a temperature of + 18–25. The container is covered with cotton cloth or gauze so that insects do not get in.

First, mix all the ingredients very well. In the process of fermentation, the jam will rise up and begin to make noise, it needs to be mixed 2 times a day for better distribution of the yeast.

When the pulp begins to rise, it is filtered through gauze (preferably in 2-3 layers), squeezed well and the cake is thrown away.

2nd stage

Formation of young wine. The resulting liquid is poured into sterile glass containers and closed with a water seal, filling them as described above.

The containers can withstand from 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the recipe, making wine from jam in a darkened room (necessarily without direct sun rays) at a temperature not higher than +23C.

The fermentation process is considered complete when the glove falls off or bubbles cease to stand out from the water in the glass.

If after 50 days the process is still intense, then you need to remove the water seal and pour the contents into a clean container without affecting the sediment. A new container is closed with a clean water seal and the wine is allowed to ferment, otherwise it will be bitter.

3rd stage

Excerpt. It is necessary for the wine to get its characteristic taste and aroma. When the fermentation process is completed, the wine is drained from the sediment (3-4 layers of gauze) into a clean container. With a large draft, the procedure is performed several times with an interval (3-4 days).

After the sediment is removed, the young wine is placed in a dark, cool (+16) room for 1.5–3 months. Then it can be served at the table.

The strength of such a drink is about 10 0.
It should be served slightly chilled, it is great for dessert.

You can also use yeast or ethyl alcohol, then you get a stronger drink.

simple recipes

If you are making homemade wine from jam for the first time, you need to choose a simple recipe. Here are some recipes from different varieties jam.

Tip: To make the wine tasty, combine sweet fruits and sour fruits, such as raspberries and gooseberries.

Wine from jam is prepared in a 1:1 ratio of water and jam, raisins are added for each liter of jam (it cannot be washed so as not to remove the yeast). Raisins play the role of yeast.

If you make homemade wine from jam, then you can even use sour, spoiled one, but you can’t take jam with mold (the wine will have an unpleasant aftertaste).


  • Apple blank - 1.5 kg;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 handful;
  • Granulated sugar - 0.2 kg.

The easiest to prepare. It turns out moderately sweet and fragrant.
For the recipe, you need to take equally water and jam, as well as a handful of raisins. To these ingredients you need to add ½ cup of granulated sugar and mix everything well.

Leave the mixture for the preparation of the wort for 5-6 days in heat, stirring 2 times a day. When the jam rises and begins to make noise (it may be a little earlier if it is warm), the pulp is drained, and the wort is poured into glass containers, add another 100 g of sugar and close with a water seal.

Then you need to put the containers for fermentation in heat, when the bubbles cease to stand out, the young wine is ready. It remains to drain it through 3-4 layers of gauze (do not touch the sediment), and then place it for ripening in a cold place for at least 2 months.


  • Raspberry blank - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 2.5 l;
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg.

This is where all the sugar is added when the wort is made. Keep this wine in the cold for at least one and a half months.

Easily converted into a great liquor. To do this, after the young wine is removed from the water seal and drained from the sediment, add another 100–150 g of sugar for each liter of water (if you want a very sweet liquor), less sugar will make the liquor less sweet.


  • Currant billet - 1.5 kg;
  • Cherry leaves - 5-7 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • Raisins - 60 g.

The original taste is obtained from currant wine, this is due to cherry leaves.

We prepare the wort from the proposed ingredients. It can be closed with a lid and only stirred for 7-10 days, 2 times a day.

Then it strains the pulp through gauze, and leaves a sediment at the bottom. We arrange the shutter in a container filled with ¾ wort.

After the process is completed, the young wine will be clarified (it will take up to 40 days), it can be drained from the sediment and put on aging (at least 1.5 months).

Wine from currant jam is perfectly stored in cool place the longer it sits, the richer the taste and aroma will be. It can be stored for 2-3 years.


If it suddenly turned out that the jam prepared by you for the winter has fermented, it does not matter. Because of such a trifle, you do not need to be upset and immediately throw it away. There is a way to put it to good use! This raw material will make excellent homemade wine of excellent quality. "Homemade wine from fermented jam" recipe quite simple and does not require any additional, complex ingredients.

cook homemade wine from fermented jam very easy. For this you will need:
- 1.5 kg of fermented or old jam;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 1 tbsp raisins.
By the way, jam can be absolutely anything; but still, "winemakers" prefer apple, blueberry, cherry, raspberry, plum, blackberry, etc. Whatever you choose, the taste of the wine will not suffer from it! The main thing is that there is no mold on the surface of the jam, otherwise your wine will be spoiled.

The sequence of making wine at home:
The selected (spoiled or old) jam is mixed with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. After that, raisins and half a glass of sugar are added to it. The raisins in the recipe are needed in order to support fermentation due to the presence of wine bacteria on the surface of the raisins. A glass bottle with a volume of 5 liters or more is ideal as a container for making wine. Also can be used three-liter jars, but in this case, portions will have to be divided into parts, since the banks are filled with no more than two-thirds of their volume.

A rubber glove is put on the neck of the container in which it is located (one of the fingers of which has a hole for venting gas) or a water seal is placed. A mixture of jam and other ingredients is left to ferment in a warm place for a couple of weeks.

When the wine has already fermented enough (this can be understood by a deflated glove or the water seal stops gurgling), it must be filtered with cheesecloth and half a glass of sugar added to it. The filtered "young" wine is left in a dark place to infuse for 2-3 months, after which the aged wine is poured through a straw into prepared bottles. Sediment should remain at the bottom.

Bottles of homemade wine are carefully sealed with corks. The drink is ready. By the way, for the recipe How to make homemade wine from fermented jam"You can use not only jam, but also canned fruit, the shelf life of which is already coming to an end. The technology is the same, only 3 liters of compote without water, a few raisins and 250-300 g of sugar are mixed in a fermentation tank. The rest of the procedure is repeated as described above.

As you can see, thanks to this recipe, you can recycle old compote or fermented fruit jam. Jams can be combined by choosing the best combination fragrances. And as a result, you will get excellent quality homemade wine, the taste of which will delight you with interesting notes and shades. In addition, making such wine is very simple!
