
Unsurpassed taste and benefits in one glass: learning how to make apple juice. Apple juice in a juicer for the winter: benefits and harms

During the harvest season, apples are the most accessible fruit. Let's face it: for many summer residents and gardeners, the harvest is lost. Yes, and those who do not have their own apple orchard, miss the juicy fruits in winter, which were lying under their feet in the fall or were sold at the market for nothing. After all, apples are not only juicy and tasty, but also very healthy. Their balanced mineral and vitamin composition makes them almost invaluable in the fight against anemia and beriberi, which lie in wait for us on cloudy days. Therefore, it would be very unwise to miss the opportunity to prepare apple juice for the winter. It is tasty and healthy on its own, and if apples are supplemented with other berries, fruits or even vegetables, the benefits of the drink will increase significantly, and its taste will acquire other notes. We have collected for our readers the 7 best apple juice recipes for the winter, from classic to extraordinary.

Culinary Secrets

The easiest way to prepare apple juice for the winter is to use a pressure cooker. However, this method can hardly be called ideal. He has two shortcomings. Firstly, apples in this case are subjected to prolonged heat treatment, due to which the drink loses some of the useful elements. Secondly, it is difficult to process a large number of apples in this way. For this reason, we recommend that you still use a juicer suitable for a large number of apples. If there is no opportunity to purchase such an assistant, you can use a meat grinder, although with its help you will process the crop much longer.

  • After the juice from apples is squeezed out, it can be filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Then you get juice without pulp, more transparent.
  • Apple juice can be clarified with citrus juice. Most often, lemon is used for this. For a liter of apple juice, it is enough to take a tablespoon of lemon. In this case, we strongly advise you to sweeten the drink by adding 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter of drink.
  • Apples of autumn varieties are more suitable for harvesting juice for the winter. The most famous of them is Antonovka.
  • Most often, autumn apples are sour, so sugar is added to the juice made from them. It is needed mainly in order to improve the taste of the drink, so if you wish, you can make juice without sugar - this is a matter of taste.
  • If you put unpeeled apples in the juicer, the grate of the unit will often become clogged. For this reason, it is better to spend time on the primary processing of fruits.
  • If you are preparing juice in a juicer, add spices, in which case you will get a very fragrant drink. Usually add zest, cinnamon, mint, nutmeg.
  • Try not to subject the apple drink to prolonged heat treatment. Strictly speaking, it cannot be boiled at all, as vitamin C is destroyed at high temperatures. For this reason, the juice is boiled at a temperature of 85-90 degrees, not allowing it to boil, and then sterilized in jars. If you want to do without sterilization, you will have to boil the drink for 5 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam along the way.

Freshly squeezed apple juice can be mixed with sugar and evaporated to a thick consistency. In this case, you will get apple jam or jam for the winter. This product is not as useful as juice, but takes up much less storage space.

Classic apple juice recipe for the winter

What do you need:

  • apple juice (freshly squeezed, with or without pulp) - how much was squeezed;
  • sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Mix juice with sugar and put on the stove.
  2. Bring to a boil over low heat, but do not boil.
  3. Pour into pre-sterilized jars.
  4. Lay a cloth on the bottom of the pan, put jars on it. It is important that they are approximately the same size.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan. It should reach the shoulders of the cans.
  6. Light the burner, bring the thief in a saucepan to a boil over low heat and sterilize the jars in it for at least 20 minutes (if they are liter). Increase the sterilization time by 5 minutes for every half liter of jar volume.
  7. Carefully (preferably using special tongs) remove the jars and roll them up.
  8. Put the jars upside down, cover with warm clothes and leave for a day.
  9. After the specified time, remove the juice for storage in the pantry.

If you want to avoid sterilization, boil the juice before placing it in the jar for 5 minutes. At this time, foam will appear on its surface, it should be removed.

No matter what recipe you decide to make apple juice with, it will keep well at normal temperature, but placing it in a cool place will increase the shelf life significantly.

Apple-carrot juice

What do you need:

  • apple juice with or without pulp - how much was squeezed out;
  • carrot juice - the same amount.

How to cook:

  1. Grate or otherwise chop raw carrots.
  2. Squeeze juice out of it. To facilitate its separation, carrots can be steamed a little or sprinkled with a little sugar.
  3. Stir ingredients, bring to a boil.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, pour the juice into jars, sterilize for 20-40 minutes.

Apple-carrot juice is not only healthier than just apple juice, but also tastier: thanks to carrots, the drink turns out to be more tender and sweet, and acquires a pleasant orange tint.

Apple-pumpkin juice

What do you need(for 2 l):

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • apple juice - 1 l;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l.

How to cook:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes, boil for a couple or in a small amount of water. Puree with a blender.
  2. Wash oranges and lemon, cut in half. Use a citrus juicer to extract the juice from them.
  3. Grate the zest: a teaspoon of lemon and a tablespoon of orange.
  4. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Heat the juice to a temperature of about 90 degrees, pour into jars and sterilize.

After the juice has cooled, you can store it for the winter in the pantry. If you have children in your family, then you should try this recipe. After all, they do not eat healthy pumpkin as willingly as oranges, and the drink according to the above recipe turns out to be very similar to orange nectar.

Apple-chokeberry juice (recipe for a juicer)

What do you need:

  • chokeberry - 1 part;
  • apples - 5-6 parts;
  • sugar - at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of fruit pulp.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the apples, cut out the seed boxes from them.
  2. Sort the berries, wash, dry.
  3. Put the berry in the juicer, sprinkle with sugar, put the apples on top.
  4. Fill with water the part of the juice cooker reserved for this purpose, check that the tube extending from the juice receiver is blocked. Put on fire and wait until the fruit gives up its juice.
  5. Close the juice in jars and put away for the winter.

Chokeberries do not give their juice well, so the juicer is best suited for making a drink from it. Juice prepared for the winter with this device does not need additional processing.

Apple pear juice

What do you need:

  • pear juice - 1 part:
  • apple juice - 1 part;
  • sugar - 50 g per 1 liter of juice mixture.

How to cook:

  1. Mix ingredients, bring to a boil.
  2. Divide into jars, sterilize in them.
  3. Seal blanks hermetically. Leave to cool by placing on lids and wrapping.

Juice from apples and pears can also be prepared in a juicer. It is important to remember that sugar must be added to this drink: despite the fact that pears taste sweeter than apples, they have less sugar content.

apple-grape juice

What do you need:

  • juice from Isabella grapes or similar - 1 part;
  • apple juice without pulp - 1 part;
  • juice from light grapes - 3-4 parts.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the juices, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  2. Strain and boil again.
  3. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up immediately.

Apple-grape juice according to this recipe is concentrated, before serving it must be diluted with water, it can be mineral.

Apple-tomato juice (no juicer)

What do you need:

  • juicy apples - 1 kg;
  • ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut apples into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze applesauce juice through 3 layers of cheesecloth.
  3. Wrap the spices in gauze, put on the bottom of the pan in which you plan to boil the juice for the winter.
  4. Pour boiling water over tomatoes or blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water. Cool and clean. Rub the pulp through a sieve.
  5. Mix tomato juice with apple juice, add sacchari salt to taste.
  6. Pour into a saucepan with spices, heat well, not boiling.
  7. Fill sterilized jars with juice.
  8. Sterilize the drink in the saucepan for 20-40 minutes.
  9. Roll up, turn over, wrap in something warm. Leave until the morning.

At first glance, the drink may seem specific, but once you try it, it becomes clear: it does not differ much from the tomato juice that we are used to, but has a slightly more pronounced sourness. This extraordinary recipe should be noted by the hostess, who loves to surprise guests and households with unusual culinary creations.

Apple juice for the winter can be made according to different recipes and in different ways. And in fact, this process is not very complex. Not being too lazy in autumn, you can drink apple juice all winter, which is not inferior in taste and benefits to freshly squeezed. Store-bought drinks are no match for him.

If the harvest of apples from your personal plot was so successful that you do not know where to put them, then the right decision is to buy a juicer. This device will allow you to easily prepare a huge amount of juice for the winter.

In addition, the remaining cake can be used in the preparation of some desserts.

Many housewives limit themselves to making juice with a juicer. Unfortunately, using the device is not always profitable. The juice cooker is ahead of him in its pluses by several points at once. This is especially true when you need to process a lot of apples.

Benefits of a juicer:

  • Ease of juicing - when preparing fresh juices with a juicer, you need to spend much more effort. You can simply put raw materials into the juice cooker, put it on fire, close the lid and go to do other household chores.
  • The quality of the drink - the received period is immediately ready for use. Also, it does not need to be boiled down to roll up for the winter.
  • Waste-free production - when making juice in a juicer, unnecessary pieces of fruits and berries are formed. They can then be turned into puree for filling pies and buns. Steamed apples are used for marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.
  • Juice cooker: how to cook apple juice?

    Juice from berries and fruits can be obtained by 2 methods - due to physical impact (squeezing) and steam. The juicer works on the 2nd principle. The device resembles a large saucepan, consisting of 3 parts. The lower wide bowl has a small height. Thanks to it, in fact, steam is formed. Above it is a container with a hole through which it passes to the raw material. The apples themselves are placed in the last part of the juicer.

    How to cook apples in a juicer? Prepare, first of all, the required amount of fruit. Varieties can be anything, but not too acidic. Do not select fruits by their appearance. Bad spots can always be cut off. The main thing is that there are no rotten apples.

    Pour water into the bottom bowl of the juicer. Approximately 2/3 of its volume. If necessary, the liquid is added during the distillation of juice. Insert the middle part into the juicer. We put the device on the stove on medium heat.

    While the water boils, we return to the apples. Cut them into medium pieces. Too big will not let the steam through - accordingly, there will be little juice. And the small ones will soften and clog all the holes in the upper container. As a result, the passage of juice will be disrupted. The top skin of the fruit can be left, but the seeds can be removed. There is an opinion that they accumulate not so much vitamins as various harmful substances.

    When the water in the lower bowl of the juicer boils, pour the apples into the upper container, put it in the device. We close the sealed lid and detect 1.5-2 hours. The fire must be reduced for this time. Sometimes you can check the presence of water in the lower tank.

    After cooking 1 more pan. We substitute it to the faucet of the juicer and open it so that the juice drains. The resulting liquid is poured into sterilized jars and closed with metal lids.

    Juice cooker: apple juice recipes

    sweet juice


    • Apples - 3 kg
    • Sugar - 400 g


  • Pour water into the lower bowl of the juicer so that it is above the middle level. Place the appliance with the upper container previously pulled out on medium heat.
  • While the water is heating, take the apples. Usually more juice comes out of juicy varieties (not winter ones). Cut off all rotten places. Cut fruit into slices. Place them in a perforated bowl.
  • When the water boils, put this container in the juicer. Top the apples with sugar.
  • Cover the device with a lid and let the juice cook for 50 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid through a special tap-hose into another container.
  • You can immediately drink the juice, letting it cool or roll it up hot for the winter.
  • spicy juice


    • Apples
    • Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar - to taste


  • Pour water into the juicer and put it on fire.
  • Cut apples into medium pieces. We put them in a container with holes. Put spices on top.
  • When the water in the juicer boils, put a bowl of fruit in it. Sprinkle them with sugar on top. The more sour the apples, the more it should be. For 1 kg of fruit, about 70 g of sugar is consumed.
  • Steam the apples for about an hour. Then pour the juice into a clean container.
  • A good housewife, of course, has a question: where to put the rest of the apple pomace? Unlike raw materials that are produced in a juicer, it can be used to make a range of desserts.

    Apple marmalade - apples contain pectin. Therefore, marmalade from them turns out to be very tasty. First you need to get the pieces of fruit softened by steam. Then the peel is removed from them. The pulp in a separate pan is kneaded with a spatula. Then a small amount of sugar is added to it. This mixture is put on the stove and heated, stirring occasionally. Otherwise it will burn. When the mixture becomes watery, the right amount (according to the instructions on the package) of agar-agar is poured into it. Of course, you can take gelatin, but it gives desserts a flavor. Agar-agar is more neutral. The resulting mixture is poured into silicone molds.

    Marshmallow - Russia has long been famous for Belev's marshmallow. Unlike modern versions of this sweet, it was made from pure apples. Therefore, the cake left after the juice can be used in the preparation of this natural dish. As with marmalade, apples are peeled. Then they are laid out in a pan and crushed with a spoon. Then a small amount of sugar is added to the mixture and boiled over low heat. Keep the apples on the stove until the mass thickens. At the end, it is smeared with a layer 1.5 cm thick on baking paper or cling film. You can eat marshmallow only after it dries.

    Filling for baking - every housewife knows how difficult it is to bake pies with jam so that the filling does not leak out. The apple mixture left after boiling the juice in the juicer will help correct the situation. Apples should be peeled, mashed with a spoon in a deep plate. Then some sugar and cinnamon are added to them. You can also experiment with other ingredients - ginger, raisins, nuts. A similar filling is used in yeast buns, rolls and pies.

    Marshmallow - also always prepared on the basis of applesauce. According to the recipe, fruits are pre-baked in the oven. You can skip this step by using steamed apple pomace.

    Apple juice in a juicer can be prepared in just an hour. To begin with, water is poured into the lower container. It is thanks to its boiling that steam is formed, which will help to expel the juice. Fruit should be placed in the top bowl with holes. After the time has elapsed, the juice is drained from the average capacity of the device using the built-in hose. It should be prepared for the winter immediately.

    If you use sweet and sour apples, then it is better to add sugar, but not more than 100 grams per liter of juice.

    Depending on the capacity of the juicer, you need a different number of apples. As a rule, from 2.5 kilograms of prepared apples, about 1.5 liters of juice is obtained.

    To prepare a delicious and aromatic drink, we need the products on the list. The weight is already peeled and chopped fruit.

    Cooking time - 80 minutes.


    • apples - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
    • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
    • cloves - 1-2 pcs.;
    • water - 2 liters.

    How to make apple juice in a juicer for the winter

    In the lower compartment of the juicer, the pan, pour water based on its capacity, but, as a rule, about 2 liters are enough. We put it on the stove so that by the time the apples are ready, the water has already boiled. If you are not sure that you can process all the apples during this time, heat the pan a little later.

    Wash apples very carefully. The juice will not be subjected to additional sterilization, so the apples must be perfectly washed.

    We cut small fruits into 4 parts, large ones into 6-8. Be sure to cut out the core with seeds, if this is not done, then the juice may be bitter. If the apples are litter, then we cut off all the crumpled, spoiled and wormy places. The skin does not need to be removed.

    Fill the top bowl of the juicer with chopped apples, sprinkle with sugar.

    Place half a cinnamon stick and one or two cloves on top. When the water boils, put on it a compartment for collecting juice and a bowl of apples. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 60-70 minutes. The hose at this time must be necessarily blocked either by a tap or a clamp.

    During this time, prepare jars and lids - thoroughly wash and sterilize.

    To check the readiness of the juice, you can open the lid with fruit, the apples should settle and turn into almost puree.

    We put sterilized jars under the hose, open and drain the juice to the very top of the jar.

    We cover jars with apple juice with lids and roll them up with a key. Then we turn it over on the lid and wrap it with a blanket or blanket. The slower the juice cools, the longer the product is sterilized. We clean the cooled cans for storage in a dark, dry place.

    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    Summer autumn. A great time to pamper your family and friends with fruits. One of the most common gifts of nature are apples. Mass of different colors of red, yellow, green, with ruddy barrels and just spotty. Apples are also rich in taste. There are fairy tales and legends about the beneficial properties of apples. Since childhood, we have heard stories about the filling and rejuvenating apple. These tales are not far from were. The anti-aging effect of apples has been proven. Good masks for the skin of the face and décolleté. The benefits of apples in dietary nutrition are great. They help prevent the formation of cancer cells, regulate the water-salt balance, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, nourish the heart muscle, and are good antioxidants. Apple seeds replenish our body with a daily dose of iodine. These are the apples I propose to prepare for the winter in two versions. It will be apple juice and applesauce in a double boiler, i.e. kept as natural as possible.

    For cooking, we need two hours, the amount of juice - 1.5 liters and puree - 1 liter.

    - apples - 4 kilograms;
    - crystalline sugar - 200 grams;
    - purified water for a double boiler - 3 liters.

    Recipe with photo step by step:

    We buy apples on the market, you can have different varieties, then our juice will be more fragrant.

    We thoroughly wash the apples under running water, peel, cut into four parts and remove the core.

    We put the prepared apples in a double boiler, after pouring water into it. Since the juice is boiled with boiling water, the water must be of improved quality.

    We turn on the double boiler and cook the apples for ten minutes, then add sugar and cook for another hour.

    During the cooking process, periodically drain the juice. Then bring it to a boil and pour into steamed jars.

    An excellent dietary apple puree remains in the double boiler.

    Cool the puree a little, wipe it through a sieve, steam it a little in the oven and put it in steamed jars.

    We roll up ready-made jars with sterilized lids.

    Ready apple juice and puree can be stored in a cool place for a year. These two products can be used as independent dishes or in combination with other ingredients. You can prepare a drink, an excellent dessert, an addition to cottage cheese and cereals, stuffing and much more. Most importantly, these are very healthy and tasty products.
    Bon appetit!!!

    If the household has a juicer, then you can easily prepare natural apple juice and applesauce without sugar for the winter. Homemade juices without chemicals and preservatives are so healthy and tasty!

    The principle of operation of the juicer is very simple: the water boils in the lower pan, fruits or berries are processed by rising steam, under the influence of which the juice is released. The juice flows into the middle pan, and from it into the prepared container.

    Apple juice in a juicer: a recipe at home

    We need ripe apples, about 6-7 kg. Apples for juice are better to take well ripened, sweet, juicy. Wash fruits thoroughly.

    For quartered fruits, cut out the seed chamber (unless, of course, you plan to make puree from the remains of apples). Otherwise, the seeds can be left.

    Pour hot water into the bottom saucepan of the juicer. There must be plenty of water. When juicing, make sure that the water does not boil away.

    On it, install a juice collector with a rubber hose to output the juice.

    And finally, the upper perforated pan, in which put the apples cut into thin slices. From finely chopped fruits, juice will stand out faster and easier. Close it with a lid. If the apples are small, then it will be enough to cut them into four parts.

    Put the juicer on the stove and prepare a pan into which the finished juice will merge. When the water in the lower pot boils, turn the heat down to medium. After opening the lid after half an hour, you will see that the apples have begun to darken and become softer.

    Gently stir the apples every 20-25 minutes. This will speed up the separation of the juice.

    After 40-50 minutes, depending on the ripeness and size of the apples, apple juice will begin to form.

    While the juice is secreted, continue to collect it. A small pile of "apple waste" remained from a full pot of apples. Use them to make applesauce.

    Rinse jars or bottles, caps for them thoroughly using soda. Sterilize in a convenient way. Stir the juice in a saucepan and bottle. Cover with lids.

    Then you need to sterilize the juice in bottles. To do this, pour water into a suitable saucepan, put a napkin or a small towel on the bottom and place the bottles in it. Close the pan with a lid and sterilize, from the moment of boiling, 15-18 minutes.

    Take the bottles out of the pot with a towel and screw the lids on tightly. Place the bottles in a jacket or blanket, wrap them up and leave to cool completely.

    Make a puree without sugar from the leftovers. Transfer the apples from the juicer to another saucepan.

    Pass through a metal sieve or blend with an immersion blender until smooth.

    Transfer the applesauce to a heavy-bottomed cauldron or saucepan. If the apples are not sweet, then you can add sugar if you wish.

    Bring the product to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and boil the puree for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn to the bottom.

    Rinse with soda, sterilize and dry small jars. Spread boiling puree in them, quickly close the lids.

    Put the jars in the juice, cover them with a blanket and leave to cool.

    Completely natural products - juice and puree, tasty and healthy, will saturate you with vitamins and give you a good mood!
