
Blueberry jam recipe five minutes. Quick blueberry jam five minutes

In the age of constant lack of time, it is not possible to cook jam for a long time, and vitamins are a pity. How can one not recall the famous blueberry jam - a five-minute cooking method that allows the berries to retain their shape, natural taste and aroma. We are waiting for the beginning of the wild berry picking season to prepare a delicious dessert in a big way. I want to do everything quickly, without errors. Keep a step by step recipe for a delicious treat.

Blueberry jam - a five-minute recipe for the winter (step by step with a photo)

The best and easiest recipe for winter harvesting. We will not cook in several approaches, which will save all the vitamins that are possible.

You will need:

  • Wild berries - kilogram.
  • Sugar - 700 gr.

Step by step preparation:

Remove debris from the berries, rinse and dry a little, spreading on a towel.

Sprinkle with sugar, let stand for several hours until a good amount of juice is released.

Put on the stove. It is important to start cooking with a minimum fire, slowly warming up the blueberries.

After the appearance of signs of boiling, cook for exactly 5 minutes and remove from the burner. Be sure to remove the foam.

Pour without waiting to cool, twist and let cool. Store in a cool place.

How to cook a delicious blueberry five-minute

  • There is something magical in the process of cooking when you conjure at a bowl of brew and stir with a spoon. By the way, a wooden spoon is always used for cooking blueberries, since the berry is not friendly with metal.
  • Blueberries love enamelware or stainless steel.
  • If the dessert turned out to be too liquid, put it back on the stove and add gelatin. After a couple of minutes, you can roll up. Another way to make the jam thicker is to add sugar, let it boil and roll up.
  • To give the jam a twist, add some lemon zest or juice. Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon look good - diversify the preparation for the winter, and you will be happy.
  • If you want to increase the shelf life of the workpiece and protect it from rapid fermentation, place it in sterile jars. Don't forget to boil the lids.

Video recipe with a recipe for a simple five-minute blueberry jam

Good luck with your preparation!

A simple recipe for making five-minute blueberries

This is a basic recipe that tells you how to quickly, simply and easily make five-minute blueberry jam. The result is wonderful - it tastes good, the consistency is thick, but not too thick. It can be consumed with tea or used as a pastry filling. Having mastered the basic recipe, you can already try to make your additions and changes.


Take blueberries and sugar equally by weight, nothing else is needed
Cooking method

Rinse blueberries thoroughly, weigh, pour into a container for cooking.

Weigh an equal portion of sugar there.

Mix and put on a small fire.

Stir occasionally, watch the sugar melt without burning.

When all the sugar has dissolved, you can add a little fire if the jam is not boiling yet.

As soon as the first good "bulks" appear, note the time.

Cook for no more than five minutes at an active, but not excessive boil.

Stir. After the time has elapsed, remove the jam from the heat and pour into prepared jars.

Five-minute blueberry with lemon flavor

Often, blueberries get to the hostess in a too sweet form. This happens when the berry is very overripe. The jam from it turns out too sugary. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the amount of sugar and add lemon juice. And if you enrich the mixture with lemon zest, a dessert will come out with a pleasant additional touch of taste and aroma.


Very ripe blueberries - about a kilogram

Sugar is taken a little less - approximately 800 grams, but sweet tooth can take a whole kilogram

Large lemon or two small ones

100 ml water

Cooking method

Combine water and sugar in a container for jam and put on a small fire to make syrup. Heat, stirring, until boiling.

Grate the zest from the lemon, the more the better.

After that, squeeze out the juice, also the maximum amount.

Rinse the blueberries well, drain the water and load into the boiling syrup.

Stir, add lemon zest and cook for no more than five minutes.

Pour the lemon juice into the jam, stir thoroughly and remove the container from the heat.

Can be poured into jars or, after cooling, serve.

Five-minute blueberry jelly

To get blueberry jelly, you need to boil the berries for about forty minutes. Of course, many vitamins are lost with this method. However, there is a recipe for making five-minute blueberry jelly. Here you can not do without helpers - gelling additives. It can be agar-agar, gelatin, pectin, gelfix. They must be used according to the instructions on the package.


About a kilo of ripe blueberries

Half a kilo of granulated sugar

Gelfix package 1:2

Cooking method
Sort blueberries, rinse, hold in a colander to glass water.

Gelfix mixed with sugar.

Combine sugar and blueberries, put on fire.

When heated, the sugar in the mixture will melt, and the blueberries will release juice. You need to make sure that the sugar is saturated with juice and does not burn.

When the jam begins to boil while stirring, note the time.

Remove from heat after four minutes. Let stand for a quarter of an hour or a little less.

A blender is good to go through the blueberry jam. He will grind the berries into a puree. If desired, you can puree the entire mixture or leave some of the berries whole.

Put the mixture back on the fire and bring to a good boil.

Remove, pour into banks. If you plan not to store the dessert, but to use it in the near future, you can not boil the mixture a second time.

Thicker and thicker: a five-minute triple-hardened blueberry

The traditional five-minute is not too thick, you can choose berries from it, and put the syrup on a fruit drink. However, many people like thicker jam. Especially if you plan to use it for baking stuffing. How to make thick jam without long cooking?


A kilogram of blueberries

A kilogram of sugar - more or less depending on the sweetness of the berry and the desired result

Cooking method
Wash blueberries, remove excess water, pour into a bowl for cooking jam.

Add sugar, mix well, pressing lightly with a spoon.

Let stand for a couple of hours to release more juice. Stir occasionally.

Place over medium heat, making sure it doesn't burn.

Bring to a boil and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

Remove from heat, let cool completely. Jam should stand for at least 12 hours.

Then again put on medium heat, let it boil for a couple of minutes, remove for 12 hours.

After the third such “hardening”, the jam will be thick, viscous. Pour into jars and remove after cooling for storage.

Blueberry five-minute "Fragrant"

Filling wild blueberry jam with the aromas of the forest, nature, fragrant herbs is an original idea! Anyone who loves herbal teas and various mixes should try it. The main thing is to find suitable plants. However, there is no solid recipe here, the composition of additives can be varied. If there is no way to pick them, you can buy at the pharmacy!


Approximately two kilograms of blueberries

You need one and a half - two times less sugar, such jam should not be too sugary

A small bunch or bunch of currant leaves, strawberries, sprigs of mint, lemon balm, thyme, oregano and other herbs as desired.

Half glass of water

Cooking method

Prepare the berries in the usual way - choose the garbage, rinse well.

Combine water and sugar in a container for cooking, put on fire, let it boil a little.

Herbs - dry or fresh - put together and tie in gauze, you can wrap it well with a piece of bandage, the main thing is that the threads do not separate and the herbs are well fixed.

Put the berries in the syrup and boil for five minutes.

If the herbs are dried, dip them into the jam immediately at the beginning of the boil. If the plants are picked fresh, they are more tender and boiling will kill the flavors. A bunch of fresh herbs should be added to the jam at the last minute, before removing from heat.

The peculiarity of such a jam is that it must cool in a large container - in which it was boiled or poured into another, but always with herbs. When completely cool, the herbs can be pulled out.

Five-minute blueberry and strawberry

Combine a few wild berries together, add sugar and cook a little - you will get a wonderful jam full of vitamins, tastes and smells. For this jam, it is better not to take garden strawberries. Fragrant wild strawberries are perfect, as well as field strawberries that grow in meadows and in the steppe.


Half a kilo of blueberries

Half a kilogram of strawberries - you can choose other proportions

A kilogram of sugar - the amount varies depending on the sweetness of the berries and your tastes

Bunch of strawberry leaves

Cooking method

Wash the berries. Tear off the “tails” of strawberries - sepals.

Put the berries together and cover with sugar. Juice will appear in about an hour.

Put the container with berries and sugar on the fire and stir so that the sugar dissolves well.

When the jam begins to boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for five minutes.

Before turning off, put a tightly tied bunch of leaves for more flavor.

Let stand after removing from heat for about five minutes and pour into jars, remove the leaves or put in one of the jars - it will be the most fragrant.

If the jam is very liquid, cool and boil again. Add the leaves to the last boil.

Tricks and tips for making 5-minute blueberries

It is necessary to cook jam in an enamel bowl.
Mixing five minutes is best with a wooden spoon or spatula.
The amount of sugar in a five-minute is not important, especially if it is a rolled up jar. Safety depends on tightness and sterility. And sugar in the jam is put to taste.
In order for the berries with sugar to release more juice, they can be placed in a warm place.
Blueberries will lose less of their nutrients if cooked at a light simmer rather than a strong bubbling. To do this, the fire must be medium.
If the berries are slightly unripe, it is better to cook for five minutes in several stages. This also achieves a thicker consistency of jam.

What can you say about blueberries? Only that in the summer you need to eat enough of it and be sure to make blueberry jam for the winter.

What is blueberry jam in winter weather and autumn slush? This is the best medicine not only for colds, but also for boredom and blues. This is both a relaxing tea party and an addition to homemade cakes and desserts.

But these are only superficial epithets for jam from healthy and tasty berries. You can realize and appreciate all its charms only on personal experience, having a jar in stock - another elixir of health and youth.

Let's ensure a painless winter for ourselves - replenish the bins with jam prepared in a variety of ways.

You can also cook no less tasty and healthy jams:

Fairy tale jam. These are the thoughts that come to mind when you try a whole berry with a forest aroma. And pies with them are just delicious!

What do we need to do in order to get just such a jam, as they say, a berry from a berry.

  1. Select the right material. Berries should be selected, slightly unripe.
  2. Choose the right cooking utensils. It is better to use a pan with a wide bottom and low sides. On a larger area, the berries will feel freer, not crush each other. Be sure to consider this nuance.
  3. Do not close a large number of berries at once. A kilogram of blueberries, well, two on the strength - just right. In a large mass, there is also a considerable risk of crushing the berries.
  4. Be sure to sort through the collected material, get rid of spoiled berries.
  5. Thoroughly wash blueberries from forest debris. To do this, fill it with plenty of water, drain the debris that has floated to the surface. Do the procedure several times.
  6. Dry the washed berries. In small batches, send to a colander to make a glass of water, and then carefully pour onto a clean and dry towel. It will quickly absorb moisture, and fresh air will dry it from above.
  7. Prepare jars ahead of time. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. It is advisable to pour blueberry jam hot.

Cooking Ingredients

  • Blueberries - 1 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 750 gr
  • Water - 150 ml (use purified)
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

We cook jam

When the jars are completely cool, they can be transferred to a storage location.

For the first time, we provided ourselves with vitamins. Now you can make the preparation for the winter varied using other recipes.

A traditional recipe for making blueberry jam for the winter

The peculiarity and attraction of this recipe is that whole berries are basking in a jelly-like blueberry mass. And you can enjoy a whole berry, and spread yummy on a soft bun. What else do you need for a pleasant tea party?

Cooking Ingredients

  • Two kilograms of fresh blueberries
  • Seven hundred grams of sugar
  • Half a glass of water (st. 200 ml)
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking process

Blueberry masterpiece is ready! This is truly heavenly delight!

How to make blueberry jam for the winter without heat treatment

We need

  • Kilogram of blueberries
  • Two kilograms of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

  1. We sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water and get rid of debris.
  3. Dry blueberries thoroughly. First with a colander, then with a clean and dry towel.
  4. We twist the berries with a meat grinder or interrupt with a blender.
  5. Mix with sugar. The mass must be mixed well to obtain an even distribution of sugar.
  6. Arrange the jam in prepared sterile jars, close with a nylon lid. It is better to store it in the refrigerator.

With each taken spoonful of such jam, you will feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy.

The easiest blueberry jam recipe for the winter

Many housewives do not reinvent the wheel and make jam in a simple, tried and tested way. Also a good option. Blueberries are hard to mess up. And the jam turns out well - tasty and fragrant!

For this you will need

  • A kilogram of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of sugar.

How to make jam

  1. Sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water, remove the floating specks. Repeat the process several times.
  3. Dry the fruits well.
  4. Determine the berries in a convenient saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, set aside until the blueberries release juice. To speed up the process, the mass can be gently mixed several times.
  5. Put the pot on low heat, let it boil. At the same time, mix and remove the foam.
  6. Boil for 20 - 30 minutes.
  7. Pour hot jam into sterile jars, cover with lids.
  8. Now they will need to be sterilized a little. This procedure is necessary so that the jam is guaranteed to stand until the moment when we want to try it. Don't neglect this moment.
  9. Put jars in a large pot of hot water, let the water boil. From now on, count down 10 minutes. Exactly so much jam should be sterilized. Don't forget to put a towel on the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, glass jars may burst.
  10. After the required time has elapsed, carefully remove the jars and roll them up.
  11. Let cool at room temperature and store in pantry.

Trying this jam in the winter, we will once again be convinced that everything ingenious is so simple.

How to make blueberry jam for the winter in 5 minutes

An ideal option for women who are always in a hurry somewhere. Simple and fast, and the result is magnificent - jars with excellent jam flaunt on the shelves, and are pleasing to the eye.

We need

  • Blueberries - one kilogram
  • Sugar - one kilogram and two hundred grams.

How to make blueberry jam in five minutes

  1. Prepare the berries - sort, wash, dry. It is recommended to wash in plenty of water, so it is easier to get rid of forest debris and spoiled berries. And you can dry the berries with a colander.
  2. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, mix.
  3. Place the saucepan over a very low heat. Stir constantly until a syrup is formed.
  4. When all the sugar has dissolved, make the fire a little stronger and let the jam boil.
  5. It should boil for those same 5 minutes.
  6. Distribute the jam in prepared sterile jars, roll up.
  7. Cover jars with warm clothes until completely cool.
  8. Store in a cool place.

This is how you can prepare a fortified supply in a short time and not be afraid of bad weather.

By the way, a slow cooker will help to reduce the cooking time of blueberry jam to record times. What do I need to do:

  1. Lay in the bowl the same proportions - 1 kg. berries and 1.2 kg of sugar.
  2. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  3. Then hold the jam in the “Steaming” mode for 2-3 minutes.

All! It remains only to distribute the jam in jars and roll up. So if there is such a wonderful helper in the kitchen - use it and save your precious time.

Do not deprive your body of the care of a wonderful doctor - blueberry jam. Cook, enjoy and be healthy!

The ideal option to quickly process berries is to cook blueberry jam for five minutes, make this multivitamin preparation for the winter according to the simplest recipe. Of course, you still have to work hard, the sorting of berries is somewhat laborious. But at least you will be sure that you will prepare a really healthy blueberry jam, with a natural taste and aroma of wild berries, quite thick in texture and beautiful in color. It is cooked in one step - as soon as it boils for five minutes, we pour it into jars, cool it and send it to storage in the pantry.

Blueberry jam recipe for five minutes for the winter


  • Blueberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g.

How to make five-minute blueberry jam

Even dry berries picked in the forest with one's own hand must be sorted out, freed from leaves and twigs that fell into the basket during collection. Fill with water, leave for a few minutes. All impurities will either settle to the bottom or float.

Carefully collect the blueberries, place in a colander and pour over a gentle stream of cold water. After 5-10 minutes, the water will drain, you can cook jam.

Pour blueberries into a saucepan or basin, add sugar. If you cook a large portion of jam at once, pour it in layers, so the juice will appear faster and the sugar will melt.

To speed up the dissolution of sugar, gently shake the pan. Sugar will mix with berries and juice, it will begin to melt. But in any case, the workpiece will need to be left for 5-6 hours or until the morning.

This is what blueberries look like before cooking five minutes: there is a lot of syrup in the pan, there is not a trace of sugar left. Just in case, gently mix with a spoon - perhaps a certain amount of crystals have not dissolved.

Put on low heat, heat gradually and bring to a boil. As a rule, when cooking five-minute blueberry jam, there is almost no foam, but even a small amount of it must be collected with a spoon, trying not to pry the berries. Start boiling for five minutes. Stir the blueberries in the syrup twice, skim off the foam. Boil exactly five minutes, no longer.

Prepare the jars before the start of cooking the jam, then it will not be up to them. Scald with boiling water, rinse with soda, heat over steam, or prepare in another way convenient for you. Also wash the lids in a soda solution and boil. Fill clean containers with boiling jam, tighten the lids.

So that five-minute blueberry jam can be stored in the pantry, and not in the cellar, wrap the jars with a woolen blanket or scarf, hide in a blanket or pillows and let them cool slowly. After a day, when they become room temperature, rearrange them in the pantry.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and quickly done. The most time-consuming work can be done by the whole family - a kilo of blueberries is moved into several hands in just ten minutes. The reward for diligence will be delicious five-minute blueberry jam, a healthy and completely natural product made from selected berries. Good luck preparing for the winter!

From chic July blueberries you get quite a decent jam for the winter. Blueberries are an exceptional berry! It is a well-known fact that blueberries are very good for vision, good for metabolism and recommended for strengthening the immune system. It is also not news that soft juicy blueberries have a pleasant delicate taste. It is important that blueberries do not have such annoying stone jam lovers as, for example, raspberries or even strawberries. I use the simplest and fastest recipe for the winter. Five-minute blueberry jam will turn out to be quite successful in consistency and very beautiful in color. Such a jam on frosty winter days will surely remind you of summer and will be a good addition as a sweet sauce to pancakes and pancakes, to hot toast and milk porridge. We will cook the jam in one step, five-minute cooking and ... in jars.

Ingredients for a half liter jar:

  • 300 g blueberries
  • 300 g granulated sugar

How to make five-minute blueberry jam for the winter

Choose high-quality berries, pay attention that the blueberries you take are not crushed, not dried up, as clean and dry as possible. We will wash the blueberries as follows: place them in a deep bowl and pour in plenty of water. What will happen? All twigs and leaves will float and you can easily pick them up with your hands, and sand and small debris will settle to the bottom. Carefully remove the blueberries in a colander, being careful not to touch the sediment at the bottom. Relatively clean berries can now be rinsed with a gentle stream of running water. Leave blueberries for a couple of minutes to glass the maximum amount of water.

Now put the blueberries in the pan where the jam will be cooked.

Sprinkle clean berries with granulated sugar. Shake a little, sugar will penetrate between the berries.

And leave the blueberries with sugar for a few hours, maybe overnight, so that the berries let the juice out.

On a small fire, we begin to heat the future blueberry jam. When the mass is about to boil, reduce the heat and boil the berries in the syrup for exactly five minutes (we have five minutes). During cooking, prepare clean beautiful jars with lids. Ready hot jam should be put into jars or put into a jar if it is suitable in volume.

Jars of blueberry jam should be wrapped in a warm blanket or scarf and left there for a day until they reach room temperature. Now the jam can be stored in the pantry, in the closet or in the cellar until winter.

It is worth considering that blueberries themselves and jam from them leave hard-to-remove stains on kitchen textiles and clothes, so you should remove valuable tablecloths and napkins, especially if there are children at the table or you can cover the table with oilcloth.
