
The benefits of vegetable, fruit and berry juices. Juice Basics: Vegetables

Use a straw and take small sips - so the juice will be better absorbed

Vitamins are what the human body needs all year round. But if in the warm season we can indulge ourselves with fresh products from the garden, then in the cold period, which is often associated with colds and suppression of the immune system, difficulties are possible. Of course, pharmaceutical companies that produce miracle pill complexes can offer an alternative to natural vitamins. Also popular are "100%" juices in bags "without preservatives", languishing on long store shelves.

But isn't it better to pay attention to fresh juices - fresh juices rich in unique substances? In addition, vegetable juices, which are a valuable product for maintaining youth and health, are difficult to find in stores (except perhaps tomato, pumpkin and carrot in various variations). Apparently, the taste and benefits are poorly preserved in industrial containers.

How to make juice from vegetables?

You can prepare freshly squeezed juice at home using a blender or juicer with a centrifuge. All vegetables should be thoroughly washed and dried before use. Fruits must be fresh, ripe, free from damage and wormholes. If there is any doubt about the origin of the vegetable, it is better to remove the thicker layer of the peel - this is where harmful toxins accumulate.
It is better to use the prepared juice immediately (10-15 minutes), without leaving spare portions, as it tends to deteriorate quickly. Only beetroot (2-3 hours) and cabbage (12 hours) juices are recommended to defend. They must be kept in the refrigerator in an open container to neutralize the harmful substances that make up the fresh juice.

Tip: it is not recommended to add salt, sugar, ground pepper, as their useful qualities are reduced. But a small amount of garlic, herbs will improve the taste and enrich the valuable composition of trace elements in the drink. By adding a little pure water, you can make the juice less saturated.

Vegetable juices: benefits and harms

In order to get the most out of taking live vitamins, you need to remember some important rules that take into account the benefits and harms of vegetable juices:

  • It is better to take freshly squeezed juices as a prevention of vitamin deficiency at a time when there is a diverse assortment of the freshest vegetables on sale - from May to November.
  • Vegetables must be local, grown in season on the ground.
  • It is better to start taking juices before lunch with small doses - 50 ml, gradually increasing the volume of the drink to the recommended one, depending on how you feel (it is enough for a healthy person to drink 0.6 liters per day in 3-4 doses). This approach will allow the body to get used to and learn to cope with the shock dose of vitamins that come with the juice.
  • You should drink juice either half an hour before meals, or 1.5 hours after the main meal, so as not to get heartburn or bloating. It is better not to empty the glass in one gulp, but to use a straw.

Some contraindications

All fresh juices contain bioactive substances in a concentrated form, so the treatment of some diseases may be accompanied by an exacerbation of others, various side effects. For example, treatment with potato juice, indicated for gastritis and pancreatitis, should be carried out with caution - tooth enamel may suffer. In addition, some juices are not recommended to be consumed undiluted - it is better to mix with others (cabbage, beetroot).

Juices should be taken with care by those who suffer from diabetes (due to the high content of absorbable carbohydrates in some types of juice) and are prone to allergies.

The healing power of juices

Almost all juices from vegetables have healing properties. Treatment with vegetable juices is a separate interesting topic, but if you are hoping to get rid of a certain ailment by taking juices, then it is better to discuss the concept of juice therapy with a medical specialist. Let us note only the main properties of the most popular vegetable juices, which can be taken into account in the treatment of certain diseases.

VegetablesUseful properties of juiceContraindications
Carrotgood for vision, heals the skin and hair, strengthens the immune system.exacerbation of peptic ulcer, enteritis; indigestion.
Potatoreduces the increased acidity of the stomach; treats peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis.sensitive teeth; decreased stomach acid.
Celerypromotes the process of hematopoiesis; helps with nervous diseases.varicose veins; kidney disease.
Beetpromotes the process of hematopoiesis; cleanses the kidneys, gallbladder; treats hemorrhoids, constipation.peptic ulcer of the stomach; stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.
Cabbagetreats diseases of the liver and intestines, gastritis, stomach ulcers; general strengthening effect.acute gastritis, gastroduodenitis; kidney disease.
tomatoesprevention of atherosclerosis and cancer; helps to cope with hypertension and fatigue; relieves swelling;exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis; mild poisoning.
Pumpkinparticipates in the process of hematopoiesis; heals the skin and hair; general strengthening effect.individual intolerance.
Leaves and roots of parsleyuseful for vision; strengthens the walls of blood vessels; treats kidney diseases.urolithiasis; pregnancy; gout.

For effective prevention of hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to take a mixture of freshly squeezed juices 50 ml three times a day for 30-40 minutes. before meals.

Here are some popular vegetable juice recipes:

  • carrots, celery and beets in a ratio of 1:1:1;
  • carrots, green peppers, cabbage, spinach (3:3:1:1);
  • carrots, celery, apple, beets with leaves, parsley (3:2:2:1:1);
  • carrots, celery, parsley (4:2:1);
  • cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, green peppers (1:4:1:1);
  • tomato, cabbage, celery (1:2:2);
  • pumpkin, carrot, apple (1:1:1).

Drinking vegetable juice for weight loss

During juice diets, the body regulates the balance of alkalis and acids, removes toxins, activates enzymes, and improves digestion.

  • emphasis should be placed on the cleansing and laxative properties of some vegetable juices for weight loss, as well as use juice mixtures consisting of several complementary components;
  • it is useful to use juices from vegetables both directly during the diet period and for fasting days.

Tomato juice can quickly reduce appetite, and thanks to the diuretic effect, it helps to cleanse the body and “burn” fats (take up to a liter per day).

Juice cocktails will saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, help cleanse toxins, improve metabolism, and reduce weight due to the content of natural analogs of enzymes and antioxidants.

Here are popular recipes for weight loss using freshly squeezed vegetable juices:

  • cabbage, carrots (1:2);
  • carrots and spinach in a ratio of 5: 3;
  • carrots, beets, celery root, pumpkin (2:1:1:1);
  • carrots, parsley, spinach, celery (5:5:3:1);
  • carrots, beets and cucumbers (10:3:3);
  • cucumber, tomatoes, celery (1:3:2);
  • bunch of dill, cucumber, tomatoes (1:2:3);
  • beets, carrots, cucumber (1:3:1);
  • beets, carrots, lime (5:6:1);
  • tomatoes, spinach, parsley (6:1:1).

As a result of the regular consumption of vegetable juices, the body will receive a “shock dose” of healing substances necessary for healing and maintaining oneself in good shape, and the problem of excess weight will be solved. Undoubtedly, the appearance will also improve - the skin will shine with natural freshness and a sparkle will appear in the eyes, because health is vital energy!

For those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, nutritionists recommend consuming at least 2 glasses of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice daily. Indeed, in a polluted environment, surrounded by junk food and stressful situations, it is difficult for a person to stay healthy without a source of vitamins, which is plant food.

Cleansing juices saturate the body with vitamins, help the intestines, reduce appetite, help fight stress and extra pounds.

Freshly squeezed juices are the shortest way to deliver beneficial vitamins and minerals. Vegetable products not only improve the functioning of internal organs, but also burn fat and remove toxins.

Instead of exhausting diets, you can add juices to your diet and allow yourself to lose weight without harmful consequences for the body.

  • They contain vitamins, pectins, fruit acids and essential oils. Substances contribute to the work of the intestines, tone up the body, burn fats and remove toxins;
  • Vegetable - contain minerals and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and due to the low sugar content they contribute to weight loss and are well suited for people who want to lose weight.

How to drink?

Despite the obvious benefits of freshly squeezed juices for the body, they should be drunk carefully, strictly controlling the dosage. Excessive consumption of even the most useful products can harm the body. For example, some fruit acids tend to corrode tooth enamel. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right fruits and vegetables that will be used to prepare the drink.

  • Drink no more than three glasses a day;
  • Do not store freshly squeezed juice for more than 20 minutes. A significant amount of useful substances is destroyed upon contact with light and air;
  • Drink them 20 minutes before meals or 40 minutes later. after;
  • If it is necessary to dilute with water, use only mineral (non-carbonated) or purified boiled water;
  • Make sure you are not allergic to the fruit or vegetable you are using;
  • If you have any diseases, before you start drinking juices, consult your doctor;
  • If possible, diversify the “menu”, do not constantly use only one or two types of fruits / vegetables;
  • After "sour" juices, rinse your mouth thoroughly, fruit acid destroys the enamel.

Juice Properties

Consider what useful vitamins and minerals vegetable and fruit juices have. Let us take products that are peculiar to our locality or those that can be easily bought. Exotic fruits are expensive, they are difficult to find on store shelves. In addition, exotic foods can cause an allergic reaction.



The main advantages of orange juice are a large amount of vitamin C and low calorie content - this is an excellent prevention of beriberi and colds, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, burns fats and tones the body


Like orange juice, lemon juice is high in vitamin C, but also contains quite a lot of potassium. You can’t drink it on an empty stomach, but half a glass, after a hearty and fatty meal, will not allow the body to stock up on excess fat. Lemon juice is contraindicated in people with high acidity, ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.


Carrot juice is rich in carotene, various minerals and vitamin E. It is very useful, improves the hematopoietic function of the body, strengthens eyesight, promotes hair and nail growth. It is recommended for use by both adults and children, especially in combination with apple juice or fats.


The composition of tomato juice includes a large number of various minerals and vitamins, fiber. It has a pleasant taste, removes toxins from the body and promotes the breakdown of fats. Tomato is versatile, so it mixes easily with any vegetable juice.


Pumpkin juice is very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because. is a good choleretic agent improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Contains a large number of trace elements.


Cabbage juice contains a very large amount of minerals, especially a lot of iodine, sulfur and chlorine, as well as vitamins C and U. It promotes fat burning, it is good to use for weight loss. It does not cause allergic reactions, is available throughout the year and does not require large material investments. To improve the taste, you can add lemon or carrot juice, or a little honey.


Beetroot - one of the most useful vegetable juices, contains many minerals (manganese, iodine, iron), amino acids and vitamins. Strengthens the nervous system, cleanses blood vessels, improves the general condition of the body. Unlike other freshly squeezed juices, beetroot must be allowed to infuse for an hour, and not drink immediately. In addition, it must be diluted with some other juice; you cannot drink it in its pure form.

13 easy recipes

Fruit juices have a pleasant taste and you can drink them with pleasure, both by mixing various fruits, and in their pure form, which cannot be said about vegetable ones. Not all vegetables are mixed into digestible cocktails, the taste can be specific.

Recipes for every day:

  • Apple (1pc) + carrot (3pcs, medium size) + half;
  • Cabbage + carrots in a ratio of one to one;
  • Cabbage + lemon in a ratio of one to four + 1/2 tsp. honey;
  • Orange + pumpkin in a ratio of one to three;
  • Apple + pumpkin in a ratio of one to two;
  • Apple + pear + in a ratio of one to one;
  • Carrots (200 g) + cream (50 g).

Recipes with herbs:

  • Mint (a couple of sprigs) + lemon + celery (2 stalks) + cucumber + 2 apples;
  • Beets + carrots + apple + spinach (bunch) + celery (2 stalks);
  • Grapefruit + 2 apples + celery (3 stalks) + 1/3 beets + cucumber + (small piece);
  • Spinach (1 bunch) + 2 apples + cucumber +

Our health and to a large extent depends on the quality of food. The popularity of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices is growing every year, most people use them in their daily diet.

Their effectiveness lies in the fact that by separating the mineral elements and distilled water in fiber food, this liquid is digested within a few minutes and quickly absorbed with minimal effort and stress on the part of the digestive system.

The popularity of combined juices

In order to restore and maintain the proper balance of health, most of our food must contain living, vital, organic elements. These elements are found in fresh raw fruits and vegetables.

Fruit juices have a cleansing effect on the human body.

Vegetable juices are body builders. They contain all the minerals, salts, enzymes and vitamins needed by the human body, provided that the vegetables are used raw.

Combining fruit and vegetable juices, our body receives not only tasty, but also very useful substances.

Juice Recipes

Using a juicer, you can mix fruit and vegetable juices

Fruit juices are rich in sugar, iron, calcium, while vegetable juices contain many mineral salts and tannins and essential oils. Juices are ideally combined and provide a healing effect.

In the UK and Australia, mixed strawberry and banana juices with tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes are practiced.

Peach and mango juices pair perfectly with yellow tomato and zucchini juices.

Fruits and vegetables can be combined and combined juices can be made, which are very healthy.

Depending on your preferences, the options for vegetable and fruit juices may vary.

The idea to combine any vegetable and fruit juices is more and more relevant in our time. Everyone reacts differently to different juice combinations, but fruit and vegetable juice compatibility doesn't hurt anyone.

Vary your fruit and vegetable choices to get the most health benefits.

A drink made from strawberries, apples, carrots and beets has a very pronounced sweet taste with a slight smell. This combined juice will pleasantly surprise you. You will discover a unique taste and aroma.

You can mix two or three fruit juices together. You can mix two or three vegetable juices. Or you can mix fruit and vegetable juices. As you prefer. An ideal combination is the juice of carrots and apples. Carrots mixed with a fruit drink are a great addition, and apples tend to sweeten the drink.

Mixing juices is really up to you and your creativity. The richness and taste of juices depends on your preferences.

Some juices can be very sweet, so diluting them with a little water is recommended. Mixed juices oxidize 12 hours after making them, so it's best to prepare a single serving to retain all the nutrients. The nutritional value of fruit and vegetable juices is lost even when they are stored in the refrigerator.

Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits is a unique and healthy drink that is ideal for children and adults. Such juices are full of minerals and vitamins and have no preservatives.

Combined fruit juices and vegetable juices perfectly complement each other and have a preventive and curative effect on all human organs.

Many are convinced that fruit juices should be consumed regularly, as they are a real storehouse of vitamins, while fresh vegetable juices are reserved exclusively for athletes and fanatical fans of a healthy lifestyle. This approach is fundamentally erroneous, although juices from vegetables and fruits do have different effects on human health and the body as a whole.

So, fruit juices really help cleanse the body, help speed up the metabolism, and also help relieve stress. That is why they are very useful for people who constantly experience emotional and psychological overload. Vegetable juices contain more nutrients, vitamins, and.

Therefore, they help relieve fatigue, restore strength after physical exertion, provide energy.

The use of vegetable juices can be recommended for people weakened by long-term illnesses, as well as for children and adolescents. In addition, vegetable drinks are an order of magnitude smaller, and therefore they are allowed even for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Vegetable juices: to drink or not to drink

All vegetable fresh juices boast an excellent chemical composition. In this case, we are talking not only about vitamins, macro- and microelements, but also phytoncides - the so-called "natural antibiotics" that kill bacteria and can help in the treatment of many serious diseases. We should not forget about dietary fiber, which works as a natural scrub for the body, binding and naturally removing toxins.

So, only 150 g of freshly squeezed contains the daily norm. Fresh juices that were made from green vegetables (,) boast a high content. In its composition, it is identical to one of the elements of blood - hemoglobin, and therefore, firstly, it is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, it is useful for people suffering from anemia. Also, juices from green vegetables help cleanse the liver and help prevent cancer.

Do not drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices with or immediately after meals. Fresh is a product with a high concentration of active substances. Reacting with food, it provokes fermentation. This is fraught with bloating, heartburn, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that people with low acidity drink fresh juices an hour before meals, and those with high acidity - an hour after it.

Some juices in a "pure" form are strictly not recommended to drink. This is, first of all, beetroot fresh, which is recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1:3. Juices from, and onions can only be added to other fresh juices in extremely small quantities.

Do not drink juice in one gulp. Fresh juice should be drunk slowly, in small sips. Vegetable juices are better absorbed if they have time to mix with saliva.
Do not keep the juice in your mouth - it has a devastating effect on tooth enamel. For the same reason, it is better to use fresh juices through a plastic straw.
The dose at which you should start drinking vegetable juices is 50 ml. Gradually it can be increased. But it’s still not worth starting to absorb vegetable fresh liters immediately, without prior preparation, if you don’t want to get an allergic reaction and digestive problems. At the same time, it is advisable to drink juices in the first half of the day, since they are energy drinks that can provoke insomnia when consumed in the evening.

How to cook vegetable juice at home

As noted above, home-made juices have a greater health potential than industrially prepared drinks. However, in order for homemade fresh juices to be as healthy and tasty as possible, they should be prepared correctly.

  1. Choose only fresh vegetables, without external flaws or damage.
  2. Before preparing fresh juice, thoroughly rinse the vegetables in running water, if necessary, cut off the peel. Please note that peeled vegetables should be washed again, under cold water and very quickly.
  3. The best option is to squeeze fresh vegetable juices manually or using an electric cold press juicer. Juices prepared in this way retain the entire complex of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, traditional centrifuge-type juicers, chopping fruits and vegetables, heat them up, as a result of which some useful substances break down. This applies not only to vitamins, but also to enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Every woman dreams of being graceful and slim. Today, there are many options for diets designed to help get rid of extra pounds. However, some vegetable juices also help to burn "social savings" - however, for this it is necessary to use them in very substantial quantities and strictly following the scheme.

Why vegetable juices help to lose weight? There are several reasons.

  1. Vegetable juices have a mild laxative effect. They help the body naturally get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins, remove decay products from the intestines. As a result, the stomach will “subside”, and the complexion will improve.
  2. Vegetable juices have a diuretic effect. They effectively remove excess fluid from the body, as a result of which you will forget about swelling and unaesthetic "bags" under the eyes.
  3. Many vegetable juices work as effective appetite suppressants. After drinking a glass of juice, the feeling of hunger disappears for a while. You also supply your body with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning.

The next aspect to consider is which vegetable juices are best for shedding extra pounds? There are several such fries.

It has a weak diuretic effect, helping the body to "dump" excess fluid. In addition, fresh celery normalizes metabolism, effectively reduces the level of "harmful" in the blood and increases the body's resistance due to carotene and an impressive list of vitamins in the composition. At the same time, it can be combined with other fresh juices, for example, with carrot, made from asparagus or parsley. Fans of a more savory taste can add honey or celery juice to celery juice. It should be remembered that it is contraindicated in those suffering from high acidity of gastric juice, thrombophlebitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beet juice. The active ingredients in its composition boost metabolism, normalize bowel function, helping to remove toxins from the body. The beneficial effect of beetroot juice on the thyroid gland also allows you to normalize weight. At the same time, one should not forget that it can be consumed only in minimal doses, mixing with other juices. For people suffering from urolithiasis, hypotension, patients who have been diagnosed with kidney disease and diabetes, it is better to refuse beetroot juice altogether.

It effectively improves digestion, helps to cleanse the body of toxins. At the same time, note that when using cabbage juice, cleansing enemas should be done at least every other day. The thing is that the active components of cabbage contribute to the decomposition of decay products accumulated in the intestines, which causes gas formation. To remove toxins, carry out cleansing procedures. However, if you have problems with the pancreas, it is better to refuse to use fresh cabbage. It should also be used with caution in kidney disease.

A product that effectively removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it promotes digestion, reducing the burden on the digestive tract. It also removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, helps to normalize blood pressure and is a natural diuretic and laxative. And yet, with gastritis, it is better to refrain from using it.

Tomato juice. It boosts immunity, helps boost metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it reduces appetite and removes excess fluid from the body. At the same time, it is better to refrain from using it in the presence of gallstones, hypertension, high acidity and gastritis.

Eggplant juice is a drink that will help "deceive" the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. It is recommended for digestive disorders and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. It is noteworthy that eggplant juice is prepared from a vegetable, which is first poured with water for two hours, then boiled for fifteen minutes and crushed in a blender. It can not be used with increased acidity and with enterocolitis.

How to prepare vegetable juices for the winter

Summer is a period when vegetables and fruits are in abundance. However, it is in winter, during the period of beriberi, colds and reduced immunity, that we need vitamin “injections” more than ever to spur the body on. Therefore, in order not to have to be content with commercially produced juices purchased at the supermarket, it makes sense to prepare vegetable juices for the winter in advance.

Provided that all the subtleties of the technological process are carefully observed, you will be able to enjoy natural juices without preservatives and other chemicals throughout the year. Vegetable mixes, which are a mixture of different juices, have proven themselves best.

So, for example, you can make juice "Multi-vegetable". Ingredients you will need: tomatoes, bell pepper, carrots, salt and sugar. Please note that there are no clear proportions of each type of vegetable - you can experiment to your taste.

Prepare all vegetables: sort, rinse, remove overripe or wilted. Cut the raw material into pieces that should easily pass into the neck of the juicer. Pass the vegetables through a juicer, drain the juice into a saucepan and put on low heat.

Add a teaspoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. Bring juice to a boil over low heat. Boil for five minutes. Pour the juice into pre-washed, dried and sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids.

Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave for a day. After that, set the jars with the lids up and watch for a week to see if fermentation occurs. If the juice does not ferment, you can put them in the pantry for long-term storage.

Summer and autumn are the time when the juicer should take its permanent place in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen. Include juices from fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries in your family's daily diet so that the taste of natural vitamins will replace the usual taste of ready-made juices from the store.

Vegetable juices - healthy, but tasteless?

Yes, often they do not even look very appetizing. And in its pure form, not too tasty. But! Vegetable juices can be successfully mixed. Try adding kefir, natural yogurt, yogurt to them and season with spices to taste. The taste of tomato juice can be enriched with celery, beetroot, lemon, lettuce juice. Carrot juice goes well with orange and apple juice. Pumpkin - with apple and apricot.

Right now!

The healthiest juice is obtained from the fruits of the new crop, ripened on a tree branch, and not in a packing box on the way to the supermarket. Therefore, buy domestic fruits “for juice”. If you want to preserve juice, now is the time. After a few months, freshly squeezed juice will contain significantly less nutrients.

With pulp or without?

From fruits rich in fiber, it is better to squeeze juices with pulp in order to preserve pectin, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. From some fruits, such as banana, avocado, it will not be possible to make juice at all. It makes no sense to squeeze juice from those fruits and berries, during the processing of which less juice is obtained than waste: from strawberries, cherries, nectarines, peaches.

Try smoothies

From fruits rich in fiber, as well as from most berries, you can make a thick and nutritious drink - a smoothie, which is made with a blender, with the addition of ice, honey, juice, yogurt, nuts. By the way, instead of ice, you can use berries frozen in summer in it.

Should sugar be added?

Nutritionists do not recommend doing this. To improve the taste, it is better to sweeten with honey. Too concentrated juice, such as pomegranate, can be slightly diluted with water. Drink juice immediately after pressing - after a while it loses most of the nutrients.

Can you make juice from watermelon?

Yes! Pink juice with a wonderful fresh aroma quenches thirst well. Watermelon juice can be frozen in the form of ice cubes for a cocktail.

Our recipes:

Mango, banana and orange smoothie Peel the mango, remove the pit, and place it in a blender with the peeled banana to puree. Squeeze juice from 1 orange, mix with fruit puree and serve.

Tomato juice with celery and cucumber Pass ½ large cucumber through the juicer, then 3 tomatoes and finally 2 celery sticks. Stir with a celery stick and serve.

Spinach and Carrot Juice with Nutmeg Pass 5-6 spinach leaves and 3 peeled carrots through a juicer, mix the juices, if desired, add a little lemon juice and a pinch of nutmeg.

Juice with melon and orange Peel oranges, divide into slices. Cut the pulp of the melon into cubes. Run everything through a juicer and serve with ice cubes.
