
Daily calorie intake for men for weight loss. How to calculate your calorie consumption: basic and additional

For the full functioning of the body, you need to consume a certain amount of calories. The energy consumption of each person is individual and is determined by his age, gender and physical activity.

You can get the energy you need from food. Normal functioning of all systems human body without them is simply impossible. Each food product has its own calorie content - the amount of energy that a person receives after digesting it. Energy is spent on various processes occurring inside a person. Unused calories turn into body fat and are stored for different parts body.

Daily calorie intake for men

Basal metabolism is the energy that the body spends at complete rest only to maintain life: breathing, blood circulation, metabolic processes.

The table below shows the average numerical basal metabolic rate for men, depending on their age and body weight.

Table 1 - Basic metabolism for men, depending on age and body weight.

Body mass 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 75 kg 80 kg 85 kg 90 kg and above
18-29 years old 1450 1520 1590 1660 1750 1820 1920 2000 2100
30-39 years old 1350 1420 1500 1570 1650 1730 1820 1900 2000
40-59 years old 1270 1350 1400 1470 1550 1620 1700 1790 1880
from 60 years old 1190 1250 1300 1370 1450 1510 1560 1650 1730

These indicators are calculated taking into account the characteristics of physical development and physical activity. Based on this, it is customary to distinguish 5 groups of men with different coefficients of physical activity (CFA).

Table 2 - Various coefficients of physical activity.

Group CFA Who belongs here
1 1,4 Knowledge workers (government and tax officials, teachers and students, doctors and nurses, programmers, architects, librarians, brokers, dealers, sales managers, engineers and other similar activities)
2 1,6 Light laborers (drivers, conveyor operators, packers, machinists, salesmen, catering workers, hairdressers, guides, restorers, inspectors, photographers, etc.)
3 1,9 labor workers moderate(locksmiths, drilling rig workers, heavy equipment drivers, machine operators, gardeners, greenhouse and fish farm workers, etc.)
4 2,2 People engaged in hard work (loaders, builders, forestry workers, road repairmen, metallurgists, woodworkers, etc.)
5 2,5 Workers in professions with a very high level of physical activity (athletes, machine operators, miners, concrete workers, miners, masons, reindeer herders, etc.)

For determining daily allowance calories, basal metabolic rate is multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity.

Daily calorie intake = basal metabolic rate * CFA

For more exact values The following calculation formulas are used:

  1. For men aged 18-29: (body weight * 0.063 + 2.9) * 240 * CFA.
  2. For men aged 30-59: (body weight * 0.05 + 3.65) * 240 * CFA.
  3. For men over 60: (body weight * 0.063 + 2.46) * 240 * CFA.

For men living and working in the Far North, energy consumption increases by about 15%. Therefore, for normal life they need a little more energy. The same applies to men who prefer to lead active image life. On average, an adult male should consume 2000-2500 kcal.

How many calories do you need to lose weight?

There are several ways to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss. It should be noted that sometimes it is necessary to introduce corrections into the data obtained during the calculation based on the results. practical application. After all, each organism has individual characteristics and needs.

For weight loss to be effective, it is enough to approximately adhere to the results obtained. There is another way to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss. From the daily calorie intake calculated earlier, you need to remove 20%. For example, the norm is 1800 kcal. This means that in order to lose weight, you need to consume 1800-20% \u003d 1440 kcal.

Guaranteed weight loss comes with regular physical activity. In addition, men who want to lose extra pounds should include in daily diet more protein. Such nutrition contributes to the breakdown of fat reserves and build-up muscle mass.

Proper nutrition involves the use of products from whole grain. They are rich in slow carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time. Vegetables and fruits are a must dietary intake nutrition.

Men differ from women not only in appearance and gender. In the body of men, many processes occur in a completely different way. This also applies to metabolism.

If we consider a man and a woman of the same height, with the same body weight and a similar lifestyle, then male body You need more calories to function properly. This is due to the fact that the metabolic processes in the representatives of the strong half of humanity occur at a faster rate.

Also, the male body has a greater amount of muscle mass, which requires additional calories to maintain the performance.

In the male body, even fat is deposited differently than in women. In men, it is loose and quickly burns out after training. Fat accumulation in the upper abdomen.

On daily requirement Many factors influence calories. Experts make calculations taking into account all the individual characteristics of a man:

  • height, weight and age. The body needs to expend a certain amount of calories to ensure vital processes. The greater the height or weight, the higher the need for calories. The age of a person also affects the rate of consumption. Men experience the greatest need for energy at the age of 18-20 years. It is during this period that the phase of rapid growth and development of the muscles falls; in subsequent years of life, the energy demand decreases;
  • individual metabolic rate. It is the metabolism that big influence on the number of calories you get. The faster metabolic processes occur, the more energy a man needs for normal performance;
  • the body's ability to digest food also affects the overall weight of a man. The more nutrients from the products will be obtained, the more calories will enter the body;
  • physical activity man A.

The average 30-year-old man leading a moderate lifestyle needs between 1,800 and 2,500 calories per day to maintain a normal weight.

Modern men began to move less. They spend a lot of time in the office, driving a car, watching TV, near the computer, which, combined with alcohol abuse and environmental degradation, has led to an increase in obesity among men.

How can a man lose weight up to 70 kg (80 kg)

Each person has their own value of normal weight. Before deciding to lose weight, you should find out how many kilograms will be the norm for your height e. To do this, you can use the individual body weight calculator.

If excess weight is really present, then a properly designed diet and training will help to reset it. It is best to seek the help of a professional nutritionist and trainer. But you can plan daily ration on one's own.

When compiling the menu for the day, it is important to understand that weight loss will occur if the calorie expenditure is greater than their consumption.

To achieve this, either reduce the amount of fatty foods, or increase physical activity through sports activities. The greatest success can be achieved by combining a balanced diet and exercise in the gym.

Using the body fat calculator, you can calculate the weight of adipose tissue. This program takes into account all important indicators, as well as the gender of a person. Knowing the amount of fat that needs to be eliminated, it is easy to calculate the number of calories that make up the daily diet of a losing weight man.

One kilogram of fat contains 9000 kcal.

That is, to lose 15 kilograms, you need to burn 135,000 kcal. Dividing the number of calories received by the days for which weight loss is planned, we get the daily consumption.

To achieve the desired result in a year, you need to consume 400 kcal less than consumed per day.

That is, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, and consume only 2000 kcal, you will have to start playing sports. In this case, the body will begin to burn extra calories.

Under no circumstances should you go hungry. In critical situations in the body, muscle tissues are the first to be destroyed, and fat cells are stored as a reserve. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you must eat.

But you need to eat right.

If your work is associated with heavy physical exertion, and weight loss does not occur, then you will have to reconsider the daily diet.

Nutrition must be made less high-calorie and more balanced, daily intake should not exceed 2500 kcal.

Before starting sports activities, you should consult a doctor.

In some cases, excess weight may indicate a violation in the functioning of the body. For certain diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, intense training is contraindicated.

Only moderate sports activities are possible, which are carried out under the strict guidance of a coach.

How to eat to gain weight up to 90-100 kg

To gain weight, you must also adhere to the basic calculations described above. Only in this case it is necessary not to reduce the calorie content of food consumed, but to increase it.

IN daily menu should be included protein food animal origin. This is lean veal, poultry, eggs, dairy products. Also, don't forget the fish. legumes, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

From these products, the body receives protein, which is the main building material for the human body. If the body does not receive enough protein with food, then it will be impossible to gain the necessary weight.

Carbohydrates provide energy to the body. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, which in large quantities found in various cereals and vegetables. These compounds are absorbed by the body longer, while simple carbohydrates are quickly processed and converted into fat.


A balanced diet must include vitamins and useful minerals that ensure the normal functioning of the main body systems. Fats must also be supplied with food; without them, the assimilation of certain vitamins and other fat-soluble substances is impossible. Preference should be given fish oil And vegetable oils. Useful for our body fat, which is contained in dairy products.

It is possible to raise the calorie content of food consumed per day up to 3000 kcal by including bananas in the menu, various cereals, you can treat yourself to bitter chocolate.

Do not neglect sports.

If reduced body weight is associated with exhaustion or some serious illness, then all training should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist and only after consulting a doctor. You need to start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load.

To gain weight, as well as to reduce it, it is very important to stick to a diet.

If the body lacks energy, then it begins to destroy muscle tissue. Fat reserves are used up last.

Buy beautiful body within the power of every man. To do this, you need to exercise and monitor your diet.

For the daily active life of a person, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the consumption of a certain number of calories per day. After all, every perfect action requires energy costs. The more intense the load the body receives, the more calories it will need. Calorie intake per day for each person individually, it is determined by such factors: gender and age, activity level during the day and lifestyle.

It is believed that the number of calories consumed by a man's body is an order of magnitude higher than the female daily norm, and from the point of view of the age factor, a young body needs much more calories that are spent on development and growth than an elderly one. The more active a person leads, the more calories he will need. The calculation of daily calories is made individually and for each calorie norm is different, however, there are certain patterns. Consider the average calorie intake per day for a man and a woman and their differences.

How many calories per day do men need?

Dietitians with experts proper nutrition concluded that the number of calories needed for the life of a man depends on the level of his activity. Consider the approximate daily calorie intake depending on lifestyle and age.

With a sedentary lifestyle of men aged 19-30 years, the number required calories per day is about 2400 kcal, for men aged 31-50 years, 2200 kcal will be required, and for those who are 51 and over, only 2000 kcal will be needed. As for a moderate lifestyle, for men of the mentioned age categories, 2600-2800, 2400-2600 and 2200-2400 kcal, respectively, will be required. Calorie intake per day for men who lead an active lifestyle will be much higher: 3000 kcal for those who are 19-30 years old; 2800-3000 kcal for men aged 31-50 and 2800-2400 kcal for those 51 and older.

Thus, we see that the number of calories men need for a full life depends on their individual needs, especially if it is necessary to adjust their weight or maintain it at the same level. In order to accurately determine how many calories the body will need, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of daily calories, taking into account all parameters: weight, height, level of exercise and the desired weight that you would like to have as a result. With this calculation, one can sample menu, knowing the calorie content of all dishes and foods in your diet. We figured out the men, and now let's talk about women.

As for women, the picture is about the same. However, women, as a rule, are more scrupulous and responsible in their approach to appearance, care more about the figure, so they are used to counting every calorie eaten. Just for such cases, an accurate calculation of daily calories is made, taking into account all the above parameters. For those who do not like calculations, for whom it is not so important to know the exact number of calories needed during the day, we will give average data, depending on the lifestyle and age of the woman.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then a 19-25 year old girl will need about 2000 kcal per day; the number of calories for a 26-50 year old woman will be about 1800 kcal, and for those over 51, about 1600 kcal will be enough. With a moderate lifestyle for women of these age categories, the amount of calories consumed per day will be 2200, 2000 and 1800 kcal, respectively. And if a woman leads an active lifestyle, then even more calories will be required, namely: 2400, 2200 and 2000 kcal.

It is very important that when calculating daily calories, you take into account not only individual parameters, but also the desired indicators. It should be noted that if you want to lose weight, then you need to use fewer calories and cut daily allowance calories exactly to the amount that you need to achieve the result. If you need to gain weight, then in the diet you need to include additional products and the ingredients that will allow you to do this by adding a certain amount of calories to the daily allowance. To maintain weight at the same level, you can use the above standard indicators, or those that you individually calculate for yourself.

How to calculate how many calories per day we need?

IN modern world in order to find out the individual need for calories, just use the online calculator daily consumption calories by setting all the necessary parameters. However, if you do not have one, you can easily do it yourself. Let's make a calculation using the Harris-Benedict formula, named after its creator.

This formula was compiled back in 1919, and now it is widely used to determine the value of the human basal metabolic rate (VOCH), for the implementation of which calories are spent. In other words, it shows the basic intake of calories per day that the body needs to carry out all vital functions.

For women, the SREF is calculated as follows:

VOOC \u003d 655.1 + 9.6 * weight (kg) + 1.85 * height (cm) - 4.68 * age (years)

Each person is individual, and each formula may have an error. You need to choose the formula that will work for you.

Start with the average, or a formula that approximates the average. If the results are not as effective as expected, try the following value: for weight loss - a lower value, for weight gain - a higher value.

Harris-Benedict equation

Basal metabolic rate according to the Harris-Benedict formula is determined taking into account gender, age and body size. The equation was first published in 1918. The formula is suitable for men and women over 18 years of age.

This formula has a rather large error - according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 90% coincidence of results with real data was recorded only in 60% of cases. That is, in 40% of situations, the equation can show incorrect data, and, mainly, upwards. That is, as a result of the calculation, it may turn out that the need for calories is overestimated and a person begins to consume more calories than he actually needs.

The New Harris-Benedict Equation

Due to shortcomings in the basic Harris-Benedict formula, an updated equation was published in 1984. Rosa and Shizgal conducted a study on a larger group, with data taken from the research papers of Harris and Benedict in 1928-1935.

This formula already takes into account the features that in the old formula led to excess calories and therefore this formula was more often used to determine the basic metabolic rate until 1990.

Mifflin Formula - San Jeora

Over time, the way of life of people also changes, new products appear, the schedule of food, physical activity changes. A new formula has been developed, it does not take into account the muscle mass of the body, and is also calculated based on height, weight and age. This equation is used clinically to determine calories based on basal metabolic rate.

According to research by the American Dietetic Association, the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula turned out to be the most accurate. considered in other sources. what is this formula more precisely formulas Harris-Benedict by 5%, but can still spread +-10%. But this equation has only been tested on patients in the Caucasian group and therefore may not be accurate for other groups.

Ketch-McArdle Formula

The formula was not derived on the basis of weight, but on the basis of lean muscle mass. Thus, this formula ignores the energy devoted to maintaining fat and its accuracy for fat people lower than for people of athletic build.

If you are in good physical shape, the result of this equation will be accurate enough for you. If you have just stepped on the path of improving your figure, use the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula.

WHO Formula

The World Health Organization formula is based on the Schofield formula (sex, age, weight) adjusted for height and is currently in use. Previously used in dietary recommendations USA. Based on basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, physical activity and thermoregulation.

Based on body area

The formula is suitable for people over 20 years of age. Energy expenditure (or metabolic rate) at rest is proportional to body surface area, usually expressed as kcal per square meter of body surface area per hour (kcal/m2/m). Body surface area can be calculated from your height and body weight

Calorie calculation

Why is it necessary to calculate the number of calories per day?

The answer is simple - to keep, gain or lose weight, you need to know how many calories your body consumes. If you want to lose weight, you need to spend more calories than you consume. You only get calories if you eat or drink something. And you have to spend calories constantly - for the work of the body itself, for physical and mental stress.

Average number of calories per day

Generally, women need 1500-2000 calories to maintain their weight. For men, this value is greater - 2000-2500 calories.

How many calories are required to lose weight or gain mass

By using online calculator you can calculate the calorie requirement you need for existence, and calculate the number of calories for losing weight, gaining or maintaining weight. Calories are calculated by weight, height, age and activity. Based on the data and your desired weight, the calculator will calculate the number of calories you need to consume per day to lose, gain or maintain weight. As a rule, calculations are made by several methods that will show an approximate range. This is done to minimize the error of each individual calculation method.

Minimum calories per day for weight loss

The calculation of the number of calories is shown in the "Weight Loss" column. "Extreme Weight Loss" will show you the minimum possible calorie values ​​for reference, but it is not recommended to use them. If you reduce the amount of calorie intake below the minimum, then the body will begin to burn not only fat, but also muscle to get energy. The metabolic rate will drop and even a slight excess of calories will be stored by the body. In addition, muscles consume several times more energy than fat cells. Therefore, burning muscles does not lead to positive results.

Zigzag calories

The results of the calculation include a table for calculating calories by day, the so-called "zigzag". It is believed that top scores are obtained by slightly varying the daily calorie content, observing the average value.

How to count kilocalories

A kilocalorie is a thousand calories. One calorie is how much energy it takes to heat 1 ml of water by 1 degree. But there is also food or dietary calorie equal to a kilocalorie. On product packages, the calorie content of products can be indicated both "kkak" and "cal", and this will denote kilocalories.

Calorie Calculation Example

Anna, office worker, two children. Does household chores when not at work. He goes in for sports three times a week. Height 163 cm, weight 65 kg, age 35 years. Wants to reduce weight to 57 kg. According to the Mifflin-San Zheor formula, the daily calorie intake will be 1833 kcal, with an average of 1918. To lose weight, Anna needs to reduce her daily calorie intake by about 500 calories per day, that is, consume 1400 kcal.

Should You Eat the Same Number of Calories?

You can stick the same amount calories per day, or you can move 200-500 calories to the previous or next day from the day of training. Also, if the weight has suddenly stopped (weight plateau), then eating calories according to the Zigzag scheme will help move it off the ground.

Can you lose weight on a diet alone?

You can lose weight, but with a decrease daily calories diet, a person loses not only fat, but also muscle. Try to lead a more active lifestyle, do exercises, add small physical exercise

Weight loss rate

Weight gain rate

Ideal for increasing muscle mass is 1 kg per month for men and 0.5 kg per month for women. A large increase will lead to an increase not only in muscle, but also in fat.

Should you drink water?

Use clean water essential for weight loss.


All calculations are based on mathematical and statistical formulas. But only a doctor can give an accurate assessment and recommendations. Please consult your doctor before starting a diet or changing your exercise level.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Subject to certain rules, making figures slimmer is real. At the same time, you should intensively engage in physical exercises, regulate the diet, adhere to correct mode day.

Calculation of the calorie content of products, taking into account your own weight, height, age and other parameters also contributes to weight loss.

What is meant by calorie counting

According to nutritionists, one should adhere to the rule - to consume fewer calories than those consumed per day. In order not to cause harm to health, you can reduce calories by 20% per day. To calculate you need:

  1. calculate possible calories, which are consumed per day (using a calculator or formulas);
  2. calculate how much to reduce kcal.

If you want to learn about the diet recommended by nutritionists, read this article.

Norm per day

This is a superficial calculation, since each organism has its own characteristics. To achieve the result, take them into account when calculating.

The calculation of the daily calorie intake is done taking into account:

  • how physically active the person is;
  • age values;
  • height;
  • weight indicators;
  • metabolic features.

Calorie calculation for women

For women, a smaller amount is required, since there is a difference in how physiological processes proceed in organisms. The activity of the sexes also differs.

The average is 2000 kcal. With aging, the body no longer requires such a saturated energy food therefore, older ladies require less.

Woman with extra pounds to lose weight you need to eat about 1800 kcal.

However, lifestyle is taken into account. If women move little, do not play sports, then the following calorie norms are suitable:

  • from 18 to 25 years old - 2000 calories;
  • from 26 to 45 - the same amount;
  • from 45 - 1800 kcal.

With active life, the calculation changes:

  • from 18 to 25 years old - 2400;
  • from 26 to 45 - 2200 kcal;
  • from 45 - 2000.

How many calories do men need

For young people, it is enough to consume 2400 - 2600 calories throughout the day. Older people, aged 30 to 50 - 2200 kcal, the elderly - no more than 2000. These are approximate data without taking into account physical activity.

To get the actual number of calories needed for weight loss for a man, use a simple formula. Weight is taken and multiplied by 20, the result will be normal calorie intake, if you do not take into account physical activity.

When playing sports, 5 kcal per minute of load is added to the resulting number, if strength training was carried out, then 10 kcal is added.

The main rule to lose weight

The main thing is the use of more of the energy than that which came from food. Calorie balance calculation is not complicated. To find out how many calories you need per day to lose weight, you need to multiply your weight by 20 and reduce by 200 or 300. You get the amount of calories your body needs to lose weight properly.

However, these indicators change, it depends on how actively a person spends the day. To calculate, you need to multiply the result by the activity indicator:

  • 1.5 - with daily training;
  • 1.4 - if sports are given at least three times a week;
  • 1.3 - this applies to office workers;
  • 1.2 - recommended for those who are inactive.

Even if you know how many calories you need per day to lose weight, sports are important, only the combination of these programs will help in getting rid of excess weight.
