
Calculate how many calories you need to consume per day. Should You Eat the Same Number of Calories?

This calorie calculator allows you to calculate the recommended daily amount of calories (kilocalories) needed to maintain a constant weight, lose weight (weight loss) and also for weight gain. This calculator will help you lose weight and reduce weight with the correct calculation of calories consumed. In order to reduce weight by 454 grams per week - reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day. Reducing daily calorie intake below 1200, as well as reducing weight by more than 900 grams per week, is not recommended. For more balanced weight loss, cut your daily calorie intake by 250 calories and increase your exercise to increase your calorie expenditure by 250 calories per day. This approach will help prevent a decrease in the metabolism (metabolism) of the body and increase muscle mass.

Diet 1200 calories or 1200 kilocalories per day?
The energy value of food is indicated in kilocalories (designation: kcal). However, for convenience, kilocalories are also referred to as "calories". Thus: 1200 calories = 1200 kilocalories (1:1). This rule is true for food products both in Russia and abroad, where kilocalories stand for Calories or Cal.

What foods to eat when losing weight (weight loss)?

What foods to cut or replace when you are on a weight loss diet:

First of all, reduce the consumption of sugar (chocolate, sweets) and fats (primarily margarine and solid fats - butter, lard, fats in meat products). Eat low-fat dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Swap whole milk for low fat or full fat milk. Replace fatty cottage cheese with low-fat. Reduce your consumption of starch and starchy foods: potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals.

What foods are good for weight loss:
Increase your intake of non-starchy vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, radishes, beets).
Increase fluid intake - drink fruit tea, compote, tomato juice, plum juice, apple juice.
Maintain your normal intake of meat (no fat), poultry and fish (about 200g per day).
Fish oil capsules - 2 grams of fish oil contains healthy omega fats, enough for 1 day.
Multivitamins can be very helpful in dieting as they help maintain the body's resistance to stress caused by reduced calorie intake.
Calcium is essential for maintaining the health of your bones and teeth. If you can't meet your daily intake of about 1,000 mg of calcium per day (adults 19 to 50 years old), take calcium tablets. For reference: 1000 mg of calcium is found in approximately 750 grams of milk.

Recommendations for weight loss, weight loss.

Weigh portions on a kitchen scale (desirable error is not more than 1 gram).
- Weigh yourself daily and record your weight.
- Do not eat foods with unknown calorie content. If you were forced to use, write down the estimated amount (the most accurate in your experience).
- Carry calorie-calculated foods (lunches) with you to work, to the institute.
- Maintain or increase your daily physical activity (sports, walking, shopping, etc.)
- Don't believe in miracle diets and weight loss pills. To date, a diet with a daily calorie count is the safest method of weight loss (weight loss). The Kremlin diet (the Kremlin diet is called the Russian version of the Atkins diet - Atkins diet) based on the maximum reduction in carbohydrates is potentially dangerous for your body.
- Consider the calories in alcohol. It is best to stop or reduce your alcohol intake while you are on a weight loss/weight loss diet.
- Try to eat at least 3 times a day. 4 times or more is even better.
- Avoid margarine (hydrogenated fats). Margarine contains trans fats, which your body doesn't need at all. Trans fats are one of the factors in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Write down your daily calories on a piece of paper and keep it with you when you leave the house.

An example of recording portions for a diet with counting daily calories (kilocalories):

Yoghurt (100 g, 1 pack) 50
Tea (1 teaspoon sugar) 15
Skimmed milk (250 g) 90
Apple (170 g, 0.65 cal/g) 110
Beef (57 g, 1.93 cal/g) 110
Potato (152 g, 0.82 cal/g) 124
Mushrooms (115 g, 0.21 cal/g) 24

Please note that counting your kilocalories consumed per day is necessary for the correct use of this daily calorie requirement calculator. Remember that the main secret of proper weight loss and weight loss is a reasonable reduction in the number of calories consumed, do not resort to extreme restriction of your daily calories, designed to reduce your weight by more than 900 grams per week.

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The only correct and effective way to lose weight is sports and a balanced diet. The rate of weight loss depends on the physiological characteristics of each person, the level of physical activity (training), existing diseases, etc. If you want to lose weight, a woman needs to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake for more effective and faster weight loss and subcutaneous fat.

Why Calculate Calories?

A calorie is the energy weight of a food that is released by the body when food is digested. The balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the caloric content of the dish are associated with working capacity and activity, health status.

With insufficient intake of energy in the body, weakness, apathy, deterioration of the skin, teeth, and hair are observed.

With an excess of caloric intake, fat accumulation in the body and an increase in body weight occur.

For healthy and safe weight loss, it is important to gradually reduce the calorie intake to the desired level. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the rate of individual calorie intake by the body, keep a food diary, which reflects all the foods and dishes eaten per day.

How to calculate daily calorie intake

The World Health Organization has recognized universal calorie norm data: for women, calorie content per day is 2000 kcal, for men 2500 kcal. However, these data do not take into account a number of factors that directly affect the daily calorie intake, such as gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity, etc.

The daily calorie intake for a woman when losing weight is calculated using special formulas.

The calculation consists of several stages:

The result is the metabolic rate (metabolic rate).

Multiplying this figure by the coefficient of the corresponding level of activity, we get the required calorie intake per day to keep the weight at a stable level.

To lose weight, a woman needs to reduce the resulting figure by 500 kcal. That is, if in the calculations the required daily calorie content turned out to be 1800 kcal, then in order to reduce weight, it is necessary to limit yourself to 1300 kcal.

To speed up weight loss, you can increase the number of workouts.

Calculation of ideal weight and minimum calorie intake for weight loss

Then multiply the result by:

For example:

Woman 28 years old, height 170 cm, normosthenic build with moderate physical activity. Ideal weight: 170 * 360 = 61.200 kg.

The norm of calories to maintain weight at a normal level: 61 * 33 \u003d 2013, i.e. 2000 kcal.

Mifflin-Saint-Geora Method

This calculation is the most optimal way when compiling a diet.

The disadvantage of the method is the lack of consideration of the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, because. the level of muscle mass affects the rate of metabolic processes.

For example:

Daily calorie intake for a woman 35 years old, 160 cm tall and weighing 78 kg with moderately intense CFA: 78 * 10 + (6.25 * height in cm) - 5 * age (full years) - 161 \u003d 1444 kcal

1444 * 1.550 = 2238 kcal - daily requirement.

To lose weight, a woman needs to receive energy in the amount of 2238 kcal with food, but gradually reduce the rate to 2000 kcal.

Harris-Benedict Method

This method was developed in 1919. At present, the method is somewhat incorrect and has a calculation error of +/- 5%.

The daily calorie intake for men and women according to this method is calculated as follows:

For example:

A 33-year-old woman, weighing 65 kg and 173 cm tall, will need to maintain her normal weight:

655.1 + (9.563 * 65) + (1.85 * 173) - (4.676 * 33) = 1442.43 kcal.

Method of the World Health Organization (WHO)

According to this method, the calculation of the daily calorie intake is made taking into account CFA:

For example:

A 25-year-old girl weighing 55 kg with intensive CFA per day requires: (0.062 * 55 + 2.036) * 240 * 1.5 = 1960.56 kcal.

Ketch-McArdle Method

Calculations using this method allow taking into account the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue in the body. The disadvantage of the technique is the lack of consideration of gender, age and height in the calculations, which increases the likelihood of errors in the calculations.

According to the Ketch-McArdle method, daily requirement = 370 + (21.6 * weight in kg, excluding adipose tissue).

For example:

A woman weighing 60 kg per day needs: 370 + (21.6 * 56) = 1579.6 kcal.

By adhering to the rules of a healthy balanced diet, taking into account the required caloric content, a woman can keep her weight at a normal level. If a woman wants to lose weight, then 500 calories should be subtracted from the received calorie intake, but at the same time, the CFA level should be taken into account. A sharp decrease in the caloric intake for the fastest weight loss and an increase in physical activity contribute to the development of serious complications and diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive systems, slow metabolism, and reduce immunity.

Features of calculating the daily caloric intake

The daily intake of calories in the body for men and women is different. Men need more energy. For an accurate and most indicative result, the following individual features should be taken into account in the calculations:

  • age,
  • height,
  • body type,
  • lifestyle, level of physical activity,
  • type of employment (mental labor, hard physical labor).

When taking into account the level of physical activity, one should take into account the performance of household work (washing floors, dishes, washing, ironing clothes), walking up stairs or riding an elevator, the degree of movement in everyday life, the level of stress resistance.

So, a woman with hard physical work needs more calories to maintain strength than a woman with the same parameters, but working in the office.

Calorie intake during pregnancy

A woman during pregnancy is strictly forbidden to diet, lose weight. Overeating "for two" is also not recommended. Given the interesting situation, a woman needs to calculate the daily calorie intake to maintain the body's natural processes for the development of an unborn child.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the caloric intake with increasing gestational age from 2500 kcal in the first trimester to 3500 kcal in the third trimester. Gaining the required calories should be from plant foods, lean beef and chicken, fatty sea fish, nuts, fruits, whole grains and bread.

The Importance of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates in Calorie Counting

When calculating calories, it is important to consider what calories are derived from. The state of the body, the process of losing weight or increasing body weight directly depends on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food.

So, for example, the 2000 kcal necessary for the body, obtained from “heavy” food, will not benefit the body. But the same 2000 kcal, obtained from fresh vegetables, whole grains, protein products, nuts, will help maintain balance in the body and, if necessary, lose weight.

Specialists use the universal ratio formula in the diet B (1): W (1): Y (4). However, when losing weight, you should increase the amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, and fats should be vegetable, polyunsaturated. It is also recommended to take foods high in potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and strength in the body. When losing weight, you need the intake of complex carbohydrates, which are digested longer by the body and give a feeling of fullness.

The intake of carbohydrates should be from the following sources:

  • oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat, corn grits, bulgur, couscous,
  • legumes: lentils, beans, peas, corn,
  • whole wheat bread.

When losing weight for a woman, it is important to take into account the amount of complex carbohydrates, protein foods and fats in the daily calorie intake.

Possible errors when calculating calories

The main errors in calculating daily caloric content:

  1. Physiological features.
  2. Hormonal changes and disorders. So, hypothyroidism contributes to a slowdown in metabolism, causes a violation of the water-salt balance in the body (which is reflected in the form of swelling).
  3. Fluid retention in the body. Due to the use of a large amount of salt, smoked meats, hot spices, water retention occurs, swelling of the body appears. When losing weight, weighing will be incorrect, because due to excess fluid in the body, body weight will be greater than it actually is.
  4. CFA in the calculations are approximate. It is impossible to determine the exact number of calories burned during sports.

To avoid possible errors in the calculations, it is recommended to keep a food diary, which will reflect all the foods eaten during the day. So, observing the diet for 3-4 weeks, you can identify excess and high-calorie foods that interfere with weight loss.

A qualified specialist (nutritionist, trainer) will help you correctly calculate the daily calorie intake. Taking into account individual characteristics, gender, age, height and CFA level, a specialist will be able to more accurately calculate how many calories the body needs to consume and perform physiological functions.

Calculating and applying the rate of calorie intake per day is a useful practice that allows you to lead a familiar lifestyle and at the same time noticeably lose weight. Knowing how many calories are in each particular product, you can calculate the rate of consumption of BJU.

Calories are the energy that our body spends for its full functioning. How many calories you need to consume per day is determined by criteria such as gender and age, the presence or absence of physical activity in everyday life, and lifestyle.

This is due to the fact that a young body needs more energy for development and growth, the daily calorie intake for men and women differs, and different amounts of calories are spent on different types of activity.

In order to determine, first find out how many of them are required in the norm for an ordinary person. Especially for those who are not going to lose weight.

How many calories to consume per day is normal for men?

With a sedentary lifestyle in which there is no sport, men over the age of fifty need only two thousand calories per day.

With the same lifestyle, a man from thirty to fifty will need 2200 kcal per day.

If the same men lead a moderately active lifestyle, for example, do daily exercises and walk on foot for an hour a day, then they should add another 200 to 400 calories per day to the above figures.

With an active, athletic lifestyle, men from eighteen to thirty years old should adhere to a daily allowance of three thousand calories. Men over thirty can reduce this figure by 100 to 200 calories. And the representatives of the stronger sex after fifty, which are recommended to consume from 2500 to 2800 calories.

Calories per day in foods that should normally be consumed by women

With a sedentary lifestyle, ladies after fifty need no more than 1600 calories per day. Women in the age category from 26 to 50 need 1800 kcal, and girls under 26 need two thousand.

With a moderate active lifestyle, the same indicators need to be increased by 200 units.

And with full activity, the average daily caloric intake for women under thirty is 2400 kcal, for ladies from 30 to 60 - 2200, and for women from sixty and above - two thousand calories.

The number of calories per day for weight loss, of course, will be less than the usual norm. And if a person wants to get better, then vice versa.

In addition to the above factors, the calculation of calories per day should also be based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the food consumed. These are key trace elements that provide strength and energy to the body.

A Brief Overview of Trace Elements

When you lose weight, you need to strive not only to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but also to ensure that these calories are properly distributed and bring maximum benefit to the body.

First microelement

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. And they should make up 60% of the calories consumed per day.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex, or in another way - harmful and useful. A person who wants to lose weight should eat only complex ones, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and products from them. Chocolate, buns, ice cream, pasta and potatoes (especially fried ones) should be completely excluded from the diet. What is their difference? Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, this leads to a sharp rise in blood pressure, but it also falls sharply, after which the person begins to feel severe hunger and fatigue. processed by the body longer, besides, they are more nutritious, that is, satiety remains for a longer time. When they are assimilated, blood sugar remains at a normal level, which does not cause fluctuations in mood and well-being.

Second microelement

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Human nails and hair, organs and muscles are made up of protein.

Its daily rate should be 15%. When compiling a menu in calories for the day, make sure that at least 200 of them are from protein.

Proteins are of animal and vegetable origin. Which one to choose depends on your preference. In the so-called "animal" products, this trace element is contained in greater quantities. But at the same time, plant foods can be eaten more in volume without exceeding the maximum number of calories per day for weight loss.

Third microelement

Fats are the main component for activating the protective function of the body. Also, these trace elements are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Fat should be in the daily diet of 25-30%. For example, out of 1000 calories per day, 250 should be allocated specifically to fats. However, more than half of them must be unsaturated. They are also called "healthy". They are found in milk and dairy products, in fish and nuts, in olive oil. The amount should be reduced as much as possible in the diet. They are not only harmful to the figure, but also contribute to the acquisition of various heart diseases.

Count calories and lose weight

If you want to always stay in shape, you need to learn how to calculate calories per day. To do this, you need to find out the number corresponding to your main exchange.

For men, it is one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. For the weaker sex, this is 0.9 calories per kilogram per hour.

If you are a woman and you weigh 70 kg, then the basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

0.9 calories x 70 kilograms x 24 hours. This will be 1701.6 calories, round up and get 1702 calories per day.

In order to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss to the desired result, you need to replace the existing weight in the formula with the one you want to get.

For example, you want to weigh 60 kilograms.

0.9 calories x 60 kilograms x 24 hours = 1296 calories. This is your daily allowance to lose weight.

However, these calculations are true for people with an inactive lifestyle. At the same time, if you go in for sports and you are a man, then 400 - 500 should be added to the figure obtained. If you go in for sports and you are a woman, then add another 250 - 350 kcal.

Take care of the safety of losing weight

If you really have problems with weight, then lose weight only under the supervision of a doctor. If you just decided to drop a few pounds, for example, by the beach season, then it will be enough to exclude simple carbohydrates and saturated fats from the daily menu and add more physical activity to your daily routine.

Weight loss should promote health and beauty, not harm them.

With very rapid weight loss, the liver suffers greatly. After all, the fats we hate are not burned anywhere and do not disappear from the body, as is commonly believed, they are simply processed into other chemical elements. The first sign of excessively rapid weight loss is the appearance of fatty acids in the blood plasma in large quantities. This is poison for her, and the liver rushes to the rescue and begins to purify the blood. These fats are already accumulating in it, but in a different form. This may well lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and it is known to die from it.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to starve or take any special drugs. It hasn't done anyone any good yet. You should not trust advertising about miracle remedies, thanks to which you can eat as much as you like, whatever you want and at the same time lose weight. This doesn't happen. You can't fool the body. You just need to control yourself in order to spend more calories daily than you consume. From debilitating diets, among other things, hair falls out, nails deteriorate. Starvation adversely affects the heart and muscle function.

In addition to maintaining the balance of trace elements, you also need to consume the required amount of fiber and fluid per day. It is advisable to eat at the same time every day. For people who are losing weight, three meals a day are ideal, with the last meal three to three and a half hours before bedtime. Before compiling the menu, study in advance the ratio of the necessary trace elements in them. Cook tasty, healthy, balanced and beautiful food.

Remember that losing weight should be safe and bring joy and ease.

Calories is a word that not only people who want to lose weight should know, but everyone without exception. After all, this is not just an indicator that regulates how much we need to eat in order not to get better, our health, performance, well-being and mood directly depend on the number of calories consumed.

Minimum number of calories per day

Calories are needed for the direct process of the life of the human body: breathing, the work of internal organs, pumping blood, exercise, sleep, etc. It is calories that provide nutrition to our cells and organs. Therefore, in no case should you reduce the caloric content of the diet to a minimum. Remember how long a person can live without food, which is the source of calories. The minimum limit of how many calories a person needs per day is 1200 kcal for women and 1500 units for men. If you fall below this norm regularly, the body will simply have nowhere to take energy for its own life support, which over time will lead to dystrophy and the consequences that appear due to it. Therefore, if you have looked after a diet based on the use of a super-low number of calories (below 1000 kcal), think about whether you really need to lose weight at the cost of health and beauty?

Meanwhile, nutritionists have proven that the most effective and healthy method of losing weight is precisely counting calories. And there is no contradiction in this: you just need to know how many kcal a person needs per day, and if necessary, gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. The fact is that the indicators of 1200 and 1500 kcal for women and men, respectively, are highly averaged, and display a minimum that cannot be crossed. But how many calories a person needs to consume per day for the normal functioning of the body is determined individually. Especially for this, nutritionists have developed several formulas for calculating the required calorie intake for each person. This rate is easily calculated using special formulas. Here is one of them.

How to determine how many calories you need per day

First you need to calculate the basic metabolism (how many calories a person needs per day at rest).

For women:

9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age - 161

For men:

9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height - 4.92 x age (years) + 5

Then we multiply the resulting basal metabolic rate by a coefficient that depends on the physical activity of a particular person.

This ratio is equal to:

  • With a sedentary lifestyle 1.2
  • With little activity (sport once a week) 1,375
  • Average physical activity (sports at least 3 times a week) 1.54
  • Active lifestyle (daily sports) 1,725
  • Very high level of physical activity (hard physical work, heavy loads in the gym) 1.9

Of course, not always a high or low level of activity is expressed exclusively by training in the gym. It can be active housework, brisk walking, a certain level of professional physical activity, etc.

By counting the numbers using this formula, we will get the answer to the question of how many calories are required per day. Here you can find out. If you stick to the calorie content of the diet, calculated according to the above formula, your weight will be stable: you will not lose weight and will not get better. This figure is necessary for your body to maintain its normal vitality, for the proper functioning of organs, for your well-being. If you consume more calories than you get according to the formula, you can get better over time. Indeed, with insufficient consumption of energy received from food, nutrients will turn into fat.

Average daily calorie intake

Many people know the phrase that a woman needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day. In fact, this figure should be slightly lower: approximately 1800 kilocalories. In general, when calculating the caloric intake, it is necessary to take into account not only gender, weight, profession, physical activity, but also age. For example, in adolescence, the body needs more calories, because during the period of growth, the human body consumes much more energy than in adulthood, when the body is already fully formed. To maintain the body in a normal state, 1 kilocalorie per 1 kilogram of human weight per hour is needed.

What are calories spent on?

Calories are burned on the thermal effect of digestion. Approximately one third of the calories burned per day is spent, oddly enough, on the process of digesting food. The body uses more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest fats and carbohydrates. About 15% of calories are burned during exercise and in general any physical activity. It can be a workout at the gym, professional classes, a run to the bus, etc. But on the main exchange (energy consumption at rest) burns 70% of calories!

Electronic assistants for calculating caloric intake

If you want to most accurately calculate how many calories you need to consume per day, get yourself electronic assistants. These can be: pedometer, heart rate monitor, calorie counter. For example, with the help of a pedometer, you will find out how many steps you take per day, and the calorie content of your diet depends a lot on this. After all, as we said above, the more you move, the more calories you need to consume. And, if you find that you are moving less than normal, you will need to reduce the calorie content of the diet. Such electronic health gadgets will help you get to the required rate of daily mobility. After all, every time you look at the display of the pedometer, you will want to break your own "record", take more steps than yesterday or the day before yesterday. This will motivate for greater mobility, which will have a great effect on health, mood and appearance.

For many people today, the dream of losing weight is one of the most important. At the same time, there are enough of those who just want to maintain the achieved weight. And to achieve their goal, they try a variety of weight loss methods. One of them is the calorie-based diet. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is highly effective. Determining how many calories a person should receive per day is not so difficult. To do this, you need to use one of the available formulas.

We count in thousands

It does not hurt to first refresh your knowledge of what a calorie is. It is commonly understood as a unit of heat, which is necessary to heat one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere. 1 gram of carbohydrates and proteins equals 4 calories, and the same amount of fat - 9 calories. Quite a long time ago, a unit of measurement of thermal energy, the joule, was introduced in physics. But this was not enough, and therefore it was decided to add a new unit - calories. Due to the fact that calories have a very small dimension, they are usually counted in thousands. And when it comes to calories, it is usually kilocalories that are meant.

Calorie is, first of all, a unit of energy that each product has. The calorie content of food can be defined as the amount of energy that is produced when food is broken down. If a person is accustomed to consuming foods that have a large number of calories, then he will regularly notice the appearance of excess fat in himself. Therefore, you need to be careful with them. If too much of them enters your body, they will accumulate in the form of fat deposits on the body.

Today, many nutritionists have come to a consensus: only the method of counting calories will help a person most effectively cope with excess weight. Nutrition is necessary for every person, because it is a source of energy. But the law of conservation of energy always works. Therefore, if the body received a certain number of calories that were not spent, then they will accumulate elsewhere. The following fact is scientifically proven: if the body receives 100 kilocalories more than it needs every day, then in a year its weight will increase by 5 kg.

How to determine the daily number of calories?

You can find out how many calories the body should receive for weight loss using various methods, but among them there are those that are recommended for use by experts.

Marfin-Jeor formula

Its creator came up with the idea of ​​​​the formula more than 20 years ago and today it is very popular, as it gives fairly accurate results. The first thing to do is to calculate the main exchange. It is understood as the number of calories, without which the human body cannot work normally in conditions of complete rest.

To define TOE the following formula is used:

  • calculation scheme for women: 9.99 * weight (in kg) + 6.25 * height (in cm) - 4.92 * age (years) - 161;
  • calculation scheme for men: 9.99 * weight (in kg) + 6.25 * height (in cm) - 4.92 * age (years) + 5.

Next, you will have to calculate the number of calories that the human body needs every day. But during the calculations it is necessary to focus on the way of life of a person. You can find this out by multiplying the ROI with one of the following coefficients:

It is believed that a woman who has set herself the goal of maintaining her achieved weight should consume no more than 2000 kilocalories of food per day. If you use this formula to determine the optimal number of calories for a woman at the age of 30, working in an office with a weight of 70 kg and a height of 160 cm, then the final figure will be 1669 kilocalories. In other words, if you consume 2000 kcal of food every day, then the woman will gradually get better. If you take a closer look at this formula, it becomes clear that the number of calories is depending on the weight and age of the person. Therefore, as age increases and weight decreases, the number of calories a person needs each day will decrease.

Another formula

It is very popular among fitness trainers who recommend using it to their wards.

The formula looks like this:

number of calories per day = individual weight times 28.

Say, for a person whose mass is 70 kg, it is necessary to consume food for 1960 kcal. If you make sure that this indicator is not exceeded, then you will be able to maintain the achieved weight for a long time.

This formula can be used by people who do not have the opportunity or desire to play sports.

How to determine the number of calories that a person needs per day who has set himself the goal of acquiring a slim figure? Everything is pretty simple here.

  • We take the ideal weight and multiply it by a factor of 28. If you want to lose weight up to 65 kg, then the calorie content of meals should be no more than 1820 kcal per day.
  • If you decide to stick to this diet, then follow the recommendations of nutritionists and continue to eat your usual tasty things. Let's say it can be three cookies. Surely this diet will appeal to anyone. In this case, it will be easier for you to master it.

How many calories should you get per day to lose weight?

If you follow the logic, then for weight loss a person must cut calories obtained by the above formula. How to determine how much it is necessary to reduce the energy value of dishes? If you follow the recommendations of healthy nutrition experts, it is ideal if the number of calories is reduced by 20%. To determine the optimal number of calories so that you can start losing weight, the result calculated in the previous step is multiplied by a factor of 0.8.

But do not expect rapid weight loss. The effect will show up over time. What is more important to you is that it will not harm your health. In principle, this should not be surprising, because you gained kilograms for several weeks, or even months. This technique will be even more effective if you can reduce calories even further.

It is very important to determine how much you will reduce it. Here it is necessary to strike a balance between safety for health and the speed of losing weight. Sometimes after reducing calories to 200 in humans had hunger pangs. Therefore, if you do not want to bring yourself to such a state, you need to ensure that the energy value of the dishes that you will eat is at least 1200 kilocalories per day, choosing dishes according to the table.


In recent years, the calorie-based diet has gained a lot of popularity. Its main principle is to count calories and limit them if their number exceeds the optimal. Many people like it because there are no restrictions, so you can eat your favorite food as much as you want. A person who wants to lose weight in this way can continue to eat their favorite foods. True, we will have to reconsider their number. As a rule, it is very difficult for an unprepared person to do this.

Therefore, you must clearly determine for yourself whether you are ready to lose weight at all costs. This diet assumes the full determination of a person to change his diet. Otherwise, this method of losing weight will be useless for him. Then you can not torture yourself in vain, but choose other alternative methods.
